Reopen the Economy???

22,274 Views | 273 Replies | Last: 4 yr ago by jupiter
ATL Bear
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PartyBear said:

The economy has shut itself down at the beginning of March in reaction to bad decisions by govt over the previous 2 months that lead to this thing to spread quickly without a response. No one shut Baylor down but Baylor, no one shut the NCAA down but the NCAA. No one shut the NBA down but the NBA. This list goes on through everything in the economy. No one shut anything down but individual businesses themselves. Then came the state and local shelter in place orders across the country.

Let's look at Florida. It has done nothing to close anything . But by taking this approach it's tourism industry decided to shut down. Disney is still not opening up for example. They infact have delayed reopening to some vague "later in the month of April maybe" timeline. If anything the Governor's having done nothing there is the cause of Disney's saying hell no, not in these conditions to reopening. Florida is about a week away from being in NY's condition btw. Now today or yesterday Orange County Florida did its own local shelter in place like many localities in Texas started a couple of weeks ago. But the lack of action against the virus is what is killing the economy. Sometimes laissez faire means business decides it doesn't want to do business. Case in point to this Florida example. Getting the pandemic under control is the best thing for business is what the economy is saying it wants.
Why are you pointing out Florida? It's more populated than New York yet isn't even close to the outcomes we're seeing there. New York that took all this action ahead of other states is ground zero for the virus in this country.
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Because some of you act like someone flipped a switch and turned the economy off and all they have to do is flip it back on. No one did that. I used Florida as an example. Florida has done nothing to close anything down and it's tourism industry shut down 2 weeks and has even announced it isn't coming back as soon as it had previously said.
ATL Bear
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PartyBear said:

Because some of you act like someone flipped a switch and turned the economy off and all they have to do is flip it back on. No one did that. I used Florida as an example. Florida has done nothing to close anything down and it's tourism industry shut down 2 weeks and has even announced it isn't coming back as soon as it had previously said.
So private entities are capable of making the best decision for themselves without government mandate? What a novel idea...

BTW, most beaches aren't closed. They have policies they are setting for use. I'll be at a Florida beach house in a week and on the beach.
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bearassnekkid said:

bear2be2 said:

Kyle said:

Jack Bauer said:

We went from 3.5% unemployment to 5.5% in one week.
"Ends justifies the means." Any outcome, the progressives win:
1. Blame President Trump
2. Damage the economy, which hurts incumbent
3. Expand Dependency
So the entire world is in cahoots with the Democrats? Most other affected countries are taking more drastic measures than we have/are, doing the exact same damage to their own economies. As much as partisans on both sides want to make it one, this isn't a political issue. It's a global pandemic the likes of which we've never seen in our lifetimes.
Well, actually, the number of cases and deaths would both still need to increase by over 10x their current levels . . . just to equal a pandemic from this year. And last year. And the year before that.

Give it a couple of weeks. This will age about as well as all the "There are only ____ cases/deaths, what's the big deal?" posts that we were setting two weeks ago.

This virus' transmission rate is insane and we're only in the first wave. By the fall, the case number will be staggering.
ATL Bear
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bear2be2 said:

bearassnekkid said:

bear2be2 said:

Kyle said:

Jack Bauer said:

We went from 3.5% unemployment to 5.5% in one week.
"Ends justifies the means." Any outcome, the progressives win:
1. Blame President Trump
2. Damage the economy, which hurts incumbent
3. Expand Dependency
So the entire world is in cahoots with the Democrats? Most other affected countries are taking more drastic measures than we have/are, doing the exact same damage to their own economies. As much as partisans on both sides want to make it one, this isn't a political issue. It's a global pandemic the likes of which we've never seen in our lifetimes.
Well, actually, the number of cases and deaths would both still need to increase by over 10x their current levels . . . just to equal a pandemic from this year. And last year. And the year before that.

Give it a couple of weeks. This will age about as well as all the "There are only ____ cases/deaths, what's the but deal?" posts that we were setting two weeks ago.

This virus' transmission rate is insane and we're only in the first wave. By the fall, the case number will be staggering.
Staggering compared to what?
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Has anyone else here thought about the inflationary effect we are likely to see later this year?

Consider that the $2 Trillion deal just signed is only one of several actions planned by Congress. We could see as much as $10 Trillion in spending to address this crisis.

It's going to take a while for surviving businesses to get back up to speed, and the ones which closed may not come back at all. That suggests we may have a lot of government money out there with a limited amount of product/service to buy, which by definition would drive inflation up, maybe a sharp rise, especially for items we have seen in short supply.

Aside from the debt load, I worry these feel-good actions by politicians may have some very bad side effects.
That which does not kill me, will try again and get nastier
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ATL Bear said:

PartyBear said:

Because some of you act like someone flipped a switch and turned the economy off and all they have to do is flip it back on. No one did that. I used Florida as an example. Florida has done nothing to close anything down and it's tourism industry shut down 2 weeks and has even announced it isn't coming back as soon as it had previously said.
So private entities are capable of making the best decision for themselves without government mandate? What a novel idea...

BTW, most beaches aren't closed. They have policies they are setting for use. I'll be at a Florida beach house in a week and on the beach.

It appears to be a novel view here since some of you think someone flipped a switch to make it this way and when they flip the switch back next week or Easter it will all be the way it was before the switch was flipped off.

Seriously good luck in Florida.
Whiskey Pete
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PartyBear said:

ATL Bear said:

PartyBear said:

Because some of you act like someone flipped a switch and turned the economy off and all they have to do is flip it back on. No one did that. I used Florida as an example. Florida has done nothing to close anything down and it's tourism industry shut down 2 weeks and has even announced it isn't coming back as soon as it had previously said.
So private entities are capable of making the best decision for themselves without government mandate? What a novel idea...

BTW, most beaches aren't closed. They have policies they are setting for use. I'll be at a Florida beach house in a week and on the beach.

It appears to be a novel view here since some of you think someone flipped a switch to make it this way and when they flip the switch back next week or Easter it will all be the way it was before the switch was flipped off.

Seriously good luck in Florida.
Likewise, it's funny that some of you think that Trump could have flipped a switch in February and the USA would've had no cases of C-19. Yeah, I know... no one specifically said it, but y'all sure as hell act like it.

Oh wait, he did flip one switch and y'all called him racist.

Seriously, good luck in November
ATL Bear
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PartyBear said:

ATL Bear said:

PartyBear said:

Because some of you act like someone flipped a switch and turned the economy off and all they have to do is flip it back on. No one did that. I used Florida as an example. Florida has done nothing to close anything down and it's tourism industry shut down 2 weeks and has even announced it isn't coming back as soon as it had previously said.
So private entities are capable of making the best decision for themselves without government mandate? What a novel idea...

BTW, most beaches aren't closed. They have policies they are setting for use. I'll be at a Florida beach house in a week and on the beach.

It appears to be a novel view here since some of you think someone flipped a switch to make it this way and when they flip the switch back next week or Easter it will all be the way it was before the switch was flipped off.

Seriously good luck in Florida.
I think the question/issue for me isn't so much a general "switch", but that government proclamations are removed and the individual entities can decide to flip their switch as they assess their situation.

I won't be cavorting in large crowds in Florida. In fact the area we are, you are advised to stay within the confines/width of your beach house area down to the water and no beach walking. I'm a good soldier and me and the fam will comply, although I'm claiming the boundaries of the empty lots on either side of us. Only seems fair.
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I'm curious where you are going. Our granddaughter and her family went to Destin over a week ago and they closed the beaches while they were vacationing. She said it really wasn't a problem with crowds as the beaches were not crowded at all. In fact they had a large area to themselves just before the ban.
ATL Bear
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Aliceinbubbleland said:

I'm curious where you are going. Our granddaughter and her family went to Destin over a week ago and they closed the beaches while they were vacationing. She said it really wasn't a problem with crowds as the beaches were not crowded at all. In fact they had a large area to themselves just before the ban.
St. George Island.
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Here in Charleston the beaches are closed except to residents so if you have a beach house you can go to the beach. They did it bc all of the high school and college kids were going to the beach bc of nothing else to do. If you have a boat then you can do whatever the hell you want and there are some beaches that are only accessible by boat to go to. This whole town will be on the water or in their backyard pools tomorrow bc it's going to be 85 and perfect.

I am solidly in the camp of reopening businesses and letting those of us who want to continue on with life to do so. I don't see how i'm any more at risk going to the grocery store or costco than I am going to have a burger at a restaurant. I think quarantine is for the sick and when you do it to healthy people its called tyranny.
D. C. Bear
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Kyle said:

D. C. Bear said:

Kyle said:

Aliceinbubbleland said:

Kyle said:

PartyBear said:

If the restaurants come back and people still have jobs and money. You assume when it comes back everyone and everything will come back just as everything was a month ago. I have a feeling if it opened up even next week, going out out to eat, booking a cruise for the summer, booking a flight to Orlando and week at WDW are going to be at the bottom of almost everyone's priorities.
You think restaurants are the only things affected? Which grievance study did you major in?
The shelf life of most restaurants, even in metro areas like Houston, are short lived. They come and go frequently.
No doubt. Restaurants will not recover, but it is so much more. This grievance study snowflakes that think a government check will solve everything are severely misguided. That works for some but not the overall economy. The problem with this overacting hysteria is than no one can connect the dots or play chess (they play checkers).

The economy will claw its way back, just like it has with other shocks.
You seriously think this is a shock? We literally have stopped the economy for months. You don't unwind that with a $1,000 check. No one has thought this through. We're not talking about another Great Depression but whether it will be worse than the original.

Yes, this is a shock. A big one.
D. C. Bear
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muddybrazos said:

Here in Charleston the beaches are closed except to residents so if you have a beach house you can go to the beach. They did it bc all of the high school and college kids were going to the beach bc of nothing else to do. If you have a boat then you can do whatever the hell you want and there are some beaches that are only accessible by boat to go to. This whole town will be on the water or in their backyard pools tomorrow bc it's going to be 85 and perfect.

I am solidly in the camp of reopening businesses and letting those of us who want to continue on with life to do so. I don't see how i'm any more at risk going to the grocery store or costco than I am going to have a burger at a restaurant. I think quarantine is for the sick and when you do it to healthy people its called tyranny.

Prove to me that you aren't carrying and spreading the virus first.
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D. C. Bear said:

muddybrazos said:

Here in Charleston the beaches are closed except to residents so if you have a beach house you can go to the beach. They did it bc all of the high school and college kids were going to the beach bc of nothing else to do. If you have a boat then you can do whatever the hell you want and there are some beaches that are only accessible by boat to go to. This whole town will be on the water or in their backyard pools tomorrow bc it's going to be 85 and perfect.

I am solidly in the camp of reopening businesses and letting those of us who want to continue on with life to do so. I don't see how i'm any more at risk going to the grocery store or costco than I am going to have a burger at a restaurant. I think quarantine is for the sick and when you do it to healthy people its called tyranny.

Prove to me that you aren't carrying and spreading the virus first.
sorry but I have HIPAA protection so i won't be proving jack sheeeit to you but you are free to sit in your house until you are ready to come outside.
D. C. Bear
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muddybrazos said:

D. C. Bear said:

muddybrazos said:

Here in Charleston the beaches are closed except to residents so if you have a beach house you can go to the beach. They did it bc all of the high school and college kids were going to the beach bc of nothing else to do. If you have a boat then you can do whatever the hell you want and there are some beaches that are only accessible by boat to go to. This whole town will be on the water or in their backyard pools tomorrow bc it's going to be 85 and perfect.

I am solidly in the camp of reopening businesses and letting those of us who want to continue on with life to do so. I don't see how i'm any more at risk going to the grocery store or costco than I am going to have a burger at a restaurant. I think quarantine is for the sick and when you do it to healthy people its called tyranny.

Prove to me that you aren't carrying and spreading the virus first.
sorry but I have HIPAA protection so i won't be proving jack sheeeit to you but you are free to sit in your house until you are ready to come outside.

My point isn't you personally but "you" generally. We need to slow the virus down. Continuing normal activities and quarantine for those exhibiting symptoms doesn't work because you can have it and spread it without symptoms. You (and everyone else) is at greater risk sitting close together at a restaurant as opposed to being spread out at the grocery store.
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muddybrazos said:

D. C. Bear said:

muddybrazos said:

Here in Charleston the beaches are closed except to residents so if you have a beach house you can go to the beach. They did it bc all of the high school and college kids were going to the beach bc of nothing else to do. If you have a boat then you can do whatever the hell you want and there are some beaches that are only accessible by boat to go to. This whole town will be on the water or in their backyard pools tomorrow bc it's going to be 85 and perfect.

I am solidly in the camp of reopening businesses and letting those of us who want to continue on with life to do so. I don't see how i'm any more at risk going to the grocery store or costco than I am going to have a burger at a restaurant. I think quarantine is for the sick and when you do it to healthy people its called tyranny.

Prove to me that you aren't carrying and spreading the virus first.
sorry but I have HIPAA protection so i won't be proving jack sheeeit to you but you are free to sit in your house until you are ready to come outside.
and you are part of the problem HIPPAA and all.
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J.R. said:

muddybrazos said:

D. C. Bear said:

muddybrazos said:

Here in Charleston the beaches are closed except to residents so if you have a beach house you can go to the beach. They did it bc all of the high school and college kids were going to the beach bc of nothing else to do. If you have a boat then you can do whatever the hell you want and there are some beaches that are only accessible by boat to go to. This whole town will be on the water or in their backyard pools tomorrow bc it's going to be 85 and perfect.

I am solidly in the camp of reopening businesses and letting those of us who want to continue on with life to do so. I don't see how i'm any more at risk going to the grocery store or costco than I am going to have a burger at a restaurant. I think quarantine is for the sick and when you do it to healthy people its called tyranny.

Prove to me that you aren't carrying and spreading the virus first.
sorry but I have HIPAA protection so i won't be proving jack sheeeit to you but you are free to sit in your house until you are ready to come outside.
and you are part of the problem HIPPAA and all.
or maybe I am part of the solution. The sooner this thing burns through the population the sooner it goes away like most viruses do. We don't even know how long this thing has been going on here bc i tend to think it has been here since December and was just thought to be flu.
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Probably based on if the fatality rates were as high as originally estimated, which hopefully and likely are not.

Still food for thought

Does Social Distancing Matter?

This paper estimates and monetizes the impact of moderate social distancing on deaths due to COVID-19 in the United States. Using the Imperial College simulation model of COVID-19's spread and mortality impacts (Ferguson et al. 2020), we project that moderate social distancing would save 1.7 million lives between March 1 and October 1, with 630,000 due to avoided overwhelming of hospital intensive care units. Using the projected age-specific reductions in death and age-varying estimates of the value of a statistical life (VSL), we find that the mortality benefits of social distancing are over $8 trillion or $60,000 per US household. About 90% of the monetized benefits are projected to accrue to people age 50 or older. Overall, the analysis suggests that social distancing initiatives and policies in response to the COVID-19 epidemic have substantial economic benefits.
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D. C. Bear said:

muddybrazos said:

D. C. Bear said:

muddybrazos said:

Here in Charleston the beaches are closed except to residents so if you have a beach house you can go to the beach. They did it bc all of the high school and college kids were going to the beach bc of nothing else to do. If you have a boat then you can do whatever the hell you want and there are some beaches that are only accessible by boat to go to. This whole town will be on the water or in their backyard pools tomorrow bc it's going to be 85 and perfect.

I am solidly in the camp of reopening businesses and letting those of us who want to continue on with life to do so. I don't see how i'm any more at risk going to the grocery store or costco than I am going to have a burger at a restaurant. I think quarantine is for the sick and when you do it to healthy people its called tyranny.

Prove to me that you aren't carrying and spreading the virus first.
sorry but I have HIPAA protection so i won't be proving jack sheeeit to you but you are free to sit in your house until you are ready to come outside.

My point isn't you personally but "you" generally. We need to slow the virus down. Continuing normal activities and quarantine for those exhibiting symptoms doesn't work because you can have it and spread it without symptoms. You (and everyone else) is at greater risk sitting close together at a restaurant as opposed to being spread out at the grocery store.

You are 100% correct of course .

For those with the ' burn thru philosophy'....

the BBC is reporting that Italy had over 900 C19 related deaths within the last 24 hours .

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Canada2017 said:

D. C. Bear said:

muddybrazos said:

D. C. Bear said:

muddybrazos said:

Here in Charleston the beaches are closed except to residents so if you have a beach house you can go to the beach. They did it bc all of the high school and college kids were going to the beach bc of nothing else to do. If you have a boat then you can do whatever the hell you want and there are some beaches that are only accessible by boat to go to. This whole town will be on the water or in their backyard pools tomorrow bc it's going to be 85 and perfect.

I am solidly in the camp of reopening businesses and letting those of us who want to continue on with life to do so. I don't see how i'm any more at risk going to the grocery store or costco than I am going to have a burger at a restaurant. I think quarantine is for the sick and when you do it to healthy people its called tyranny.

Prove to me that you aren't carrying and spreading the virus first.
sorry but I have HIPAA protection so i won't be proving jack sheeeit to you but you are free to sit in your house until you are ready to come outside.

My point isn't you personally but "you" generally. We need to slow the virus down. Continuing normal activities and quarantine for those exhibiting symptoms doesn't work because you can have it and spread it without symptoms. You (and everyone else) is at greater risk sitting close together at a restaurant as opposed to being spread out at the grocery store
You are 100% correct of course .

For those with the ' burn thru philosophy'....

the BBC is reporting that Italy had over 900 C19 related deaths within the last 24 hours .
The "burn through" crowd simply has not done the research on what that philosophy would actually mean.

Boris Johnson, who previously held that view and ironically now has COVID-19, had it done for him. He changed his tune in less than a week.
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bear2be2 said:

Canada2017 said:

D. C. Bear said:

muddybrazos said:

D. C. Bear said:

muddybrazos said:

Here in Charleston the beaches are closed except to residents so if you have a beach house you can go to the beach. They did it bc all of the high school and college kids were going to the beach bc of nothing else to do. If you have a boat then you can do whatever the hell you want and there are some beaches that are only accessible by boat to go to. This whole town will be on the water or in their backyard pools tomorrow bc it's going to be 85 and perfect.

I am solidly in the camp of reopening businesses and letting those of us who want to continue on with life to do so. I don't see how i'm any more at risk going to the grocery store or costco than I am going to have a burger at a restaurant. I think quarantine is for the sick and when you do it to healthy people its called tyranny.

Prove to me that you aren't carrying and spreading the virus first.
sorry but I have HIPAA protection so i won't be proving jack sheeeit to you but you are free to sit in your house until you are ready to come outside.

My point isn't you personally but "you" generally. We need to slow the virus down. Continuing normal activities and quarantine for those exhibiting symptoms doesn't work because you can have it and spread it without symptoms. You (and everyone else) is at greater risk sitting close together at a restaurant as opposed to being spread out at the grocery store
You are 100% correct of course .

For those with the ' burn thru philosophy'....

the BBC is reporting that Italy had over 900 C19 related deaths within the last 24 hours .
The "burn through" crowd simply has not done the research on what that philosophy would actually mean.

Boris Johnson, who previously held that view and ironically now has COVID-19, had it done for him. He changed his tune in less than a week.

The latest information here in Colorado are 1734 confirmed cases of Coronavirus

239 people have been hospitalized

31 have died

No way in the world should anyone relax the quarantine restrictions by Easter . I doubt anyone will be that stupid ...but who knows ?

For all this talk about ventilators is unlikely we will be able to build them quick enough . No ones fault . The numbers involved will simply be staggering within the next 3 weeks .

For those who want to point fingers of blame's a fruitless, meaningless, self serving gesture .

Nothing short of closing our borders to all international travel would have stood any chance of succeeding in keeping the virus out .

And with thousands of cases of illegal entry into our country every month ....even such a closure may not have worked .

Stock up while you can friends's only going to get much worse .

ATL Bear
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Canada2017 said:

D. C. Bear said:

muddybrazos said:

D. C. Bear said:

muddybrazos said:

Here in Charleston the beaches are closed except to residents so if you have a beach house you can go to the beach. They did it bc all of the high school and college kids were going to the beach bc of nothing else to do. If you have a boat then you can do whatever the hell you want and there are some beaches that are only accessible by boat to go to. This whole town will be on the water or in their backyard pools tomorrow bc it's going to be 85 and perfect.

I am solidly in the camp of reopening businesses and letting those of us who want to continue on with life to do so. I don't see how i'm any more at risk going to the grocery store or costco than I am going to have a burger at a restaurant. I think quarantine is for the sick and when you do it to healthy people its called tyranny.

Prove to me that you aren't carrying and spreading the virus first.
sorry but I have HIPAA protection so i won't be proving jack sheeeit to you but you are free to sit in your house until you are ready to come outside.

My point isn't you personally but "you" generally. We need to slow the virus down. Continuing normal activities and quarantine for those exhibiting symptoms doesn't work because you can have it and spread it without symptoms. You (and everyone else) is at greater risk sitting close together at a restaurant as opposed to being spread out at the grocery store.

You are 100% correct of course .

For those with the ' burn thru philosophy'....

the BBC is reporting that Italy had over 900 C19 related deaths within the last 24 hours .

Italy's problems with a 3rd of the number of new cases as the US. There's something systemic going on in Italy that is killing off their elderly. Spain is not too far behind and France is showing some bad trends as well in mortality. Germany on the other hand seems to be holding well and the U.K. seems to be somewhat in control.
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I suspect Italy's death rate is higher because their medical system is overwhelmed......and our medical system hasn't been overwhelmed....yet .
D. C. Bear
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Canada2017 said:

bear2be2 said:

Canada2017 said:

D. C. Bear said:

muddybrazos said:

D. C. Bear said:

muddybrazos said:

Here in Charleston the beaches are closed except to residents so if you have a beach house you can go to the beach. They did it bc all of the high school and college kids were going to the beach bc of nothing else to do. If you have a boat then you can do whatever the hell you want and there are some beaches that are only accessible by boat to go to. This whole town will be on the water or in their backyard pools tomorrow bc it's going to be 85 and perfect.

I am solidly in the camp of reopening businesses and letting those of us who want to continue on with life to do so. I don't see how i'm any more at risk going to the grocery store or costco than I am going to have a burger at a restaurant. I think quarantine is for the sick and when you do it to healthy people its called tyranny.

Prove to me that you aren't carrying and spreading the virus first.
sorry but I have HIPAA protection so i won't be proving jack sheeeit to you but you are free to sit in your house until you are ready to come outside.

My point isn't you personally but "you" generally. We need to slow the virus down. Continuing normal activities and quarantine for those exhibiting symptoms doesn't work because you can have it and spread it without symptoms. You (and everyone else) is at greater risk sitting close together at a restaurant as opposed to being spread out at the grocery store
You are 100% correct of course .

For those with the ' burn thru philosophy'....

the BBC is reporting that Italy had over 900 C19 related deaths within the last 24 hours .
The "burn through" crowd simply has not done the research on what that philosophy would actually mean.

Boris Johnson, who previously held that view and ironically now has COVID-19, had it done for him. He changed his tune in less than a week.

The latest information here in Colorado are 1734 confirmed cases of Coronavirus

239 people have been hospitalized

31 have died

No way in the world should anyone relax the quarantine restrictions by Easter . I doubt anyone will be that stupid ...but who knows ?

For all this talk about ventilators is unlikely we will be able to build them quick enough . No ones fault . The numbers involved will simply be staggering within the next 3 weeks .

For those who want to point fingers of blame's a fruitless, meaningless, self serving gesture .

Nothing short of closing our borders to all international travel would have stood any chance of succeeding in keeping the virus out .

And with thousands of cases of illegal entry into our country every month ....even such a closure may not have worked .

Stock up while you can friends's only going to get much worse .

We need a more basic ventilator that can be quickly mass produced.
ATL Bear
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It's something more. Now their medical system may be rationing according to a harsh policy. But looking at the stats it appears their serious cases are dying at like a 75% clip.
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D. C. Bear said:

Canada2017 said:

bear2be2 said:

Canada2017 said:

D. C. Bear said:

muddybrazos said:

D. C. Bear said:

muddybrazos said:

Here in Charleston the beaches are closed except to residents so if you have a beach house you can go to the beach. They did it bc all of the high school and college kids were going to the beach bc of nothing else to do. If you have a boat then you can do whatever the hell you want and there are some beaches that are only accessible by boat to go to. This whole town will be on the water or in their backyard pools tomorrow bc it's going to be 85 and perfect.

I am solidly in the camp of reopening businesses and letting those of us who want to continue on with life to do so. I don't see how i'm any more at risk going to the grocery store or costco than I am going to have a burger at a restaurant. I think quarantine is for the sick and when you do it to healthy people its called tyranny.

Prove to me that you aren't carrying and spreading the virus first.
sorry but I have HIPAA protection so i won't be proving jack sheeeit to you but you are free to sit in your house until you are ready to come outside.

My point isn't you personally but "you" generally. We need to slow the virus down. Continuing normal activities and quarantine for those exhibiting symptoms doesn't work because you can have it and spread it without symptoms. You (and everyone else) is at greater risk sitting close together at a restaurant as opposed to being spread out at the grocery store
You are 100% correct of course .

For those with the ' burn thru philosophy'....

the BBC is reporting that Italy had over 900 C19 related deaths within the last 24 hours .
The "burn through" crowd simply has not done the research on what that philosophy would actually mean.

Boris Johnson, who previously held that view and ironically now has COVID-19, had it done for him. He changed his tune in less than a week.

The latest information here in Colorado are 1734 confirmed cases of Coronavirus

239 people have been hospitalized

31 have died

No way in the world should anyone relax the quarantine restrictions by Easter . I doubt anyone will be that stupid ...but who knows ?

For all this talk about ventilators is unlikely we will be able to build them quick enough . No ones fault . The numbers involved will simply be staggering within the next 3 weeks .

For those who want to point fingers of blame's a fruitless, meaningless, self serving gesture .

Nothing short of closing our borders to all international travel would have stood any chance of succeeding in keeping the virus out .

And with thousands of cases of illegal entry into our country every month ....even such a closure may not have worked .

Stock up while you can friends's only going to get much worse .

We need a more basic ventilator that can be quickly mass produced.
not possible
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You also need to look at the numerous stories of young, healthy people in the US losing their life in the ER due to the virus. The worst thing that could have been done was to greatly publicize that the elderly were the most vulnerable. It led people to believe that young and middle adults had not much to worry about. Because of this, many more have been exposed that otherwise might have not. The young will either spread it or die.

This is not an elderly problem. It is a human problem, and the burn-thru crowd has been dead wrong as the medical experts warned. Wonder how many of those that have already died fell into that camp?

I guess burn-thru is OK, unless you are one of the ones that gets burned.
D. C. Bear
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J.R. said:

D. C. Bear said:

Canada2017 said:

bear2be2 said:

Canada2017 said:

D. C. Bear said:

muddybrazos said:

D. C. Bear said:

muddybrazos said:

Here in Charleston the beaches are closed except to residents so if you have a beach house you can go to the beach. They did it bc all of the high school and college kids were going to the beach bc of nothing else to do. If you have a boat then you can do whatever the hell you want and there are some beaches that are only accessible by boat to go to. This whole town will be on the water or in their backyard pools tomorrow bc it's going to be 85 and perfect.

I am solidly in the camp of reopening businesses and letting those of us who want to continue on with life to do so. I don't see how i'm any more at risk going to the grocery store or costco than I am going to have a burger at a restaurant. I think quarantine is for the sick and when you do it to healthy people its called tyranny.

Prove to me that you aren't carrying and spreading the virus first.
sorry but I have HIPAA protection so i won't be proving jack sheeeit to you but you are free to sit in your house until you are ready to come outside.

My point isn't you personally but "you" generally. We need to slow the virus down. Continuing normal activities and quarantine for those exhibiting symptoms doesn't work because you can have it and spread it without symptoms. You (and everyone else) is at greater risk sitting close together at a restaurant as opposed to being spread out at the grocery store
You are 100% correct of course .

For those with the ' burn thru philosophy'....

the BBC is reporting that Italy had over 900 C19 related deaths within the last 24 hours .
The "burn through" crowd simply has not done the research on what that philosophy would actually mean.

Boris Johnson, who previously held that view and ironically now has COVID-19, had it done for him. He changed his tune in less than a week.

The latest information here in Colorado are 1734 confirmed cases of Coronavirus

239 people have been hospitalized

31 have died

No way in the world should anyone relax the quarantine restrictions by Easter . I doubt anyone will be that stupid ...but who knows ?

For all this talk about ventilators is unlikely we will be able to build them quick enough . No ones fault . The numbers involved will simply be staggering within the next 3 weeks .

For those who want to point fingers of blame's a fruitless, meaningless, self serving gesture .

Nothing short of closing our borders to all international travel would have stood any chance of succeeding in keeping the virus out .

And with thousands of cases of illegal entry into our country every month ....even such a closure may not have worked .

Stock up while you can friends's only going to get much worse .

We need a more basic ventilator that can be quickly mass produced.
not possible

Nothing is possible until someone does it.
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D. C. Bear said:

J.R. said:

D. C. Bear said:

Canada2017 said:

bear2be2 said:

Canada2017 said:

D. C. Bear said:

muddybrazos said:

D. C. Bear said:

muddybrazos said:

Here in Charleston the beaches are closed except to residents so if you have a beach house you can go to the beach. They did it bc all of the high school and college kids were going to the beach bc of nothing else to do. If you have a boat then you can do whatever the hell you want and there are some beaches that are only accessible by boat to go to. This whole town will be on the water or in their backyard pools tomorrow bc it's going to be 85 and perfect.

I am solidly in the camp of reopening businesses and letting those of us who want to continue on with life to do so. I don't see how i'm any more at risk going to the grocery store or costco than I am going to have a burger at a restaurant. I think quarantine is for the sick and when you do it to healthy people its called tyranny.

Prove to me that you aren't carrying and spreading the virus first.
sorry but I have HIPAA protection so i won't be proving jack sheeeit to you but you are free to sit in your house until you are ready to come outside.

My point isn't you personally but "you" generally. We need to slow the virus down. Continuing normal activities and quarantine for those exhibiting symptoms doesn't work because you can have it and spread it without symptoms. You (and everyone else) is at greater risk sitting close together at a restaurant as opposed to being spread out at the grocery store
You are 100% correct of course .

For those with the ' burn thru philosophy'....

the BBC is reporting that Italy had over 900 C19 related deaths within the last 24 hours .
The "burn through" crowd simply has not done the research on what that philosophy would actually mean.

Boris Johnson, who previously held that view and ironically now has COVID-19, had it done for him. He changed his tune in less than a week.

The latest information here in Colorado are 1734 confirmed cases of Coronavirus

239 people have been hospitalized

31 have died

No way in the world should anyone relax the quarantine restrictions by Easter . I doubt anyone will be that stupid ...but who knows ?

For all this talk about ventilators is unlikely we will be able to build them quick enough . No ones fault . The numbers involved will simply be staggering within the next 3 weeks .

For those who want to point fingers of blame's a fruitless, meaningless, self serving gesture .

Nothing short of closing our borders to all international travel would have stood any chance of succeeding in keeping the virus out .

And with thousands of cases of illegal entry into our country every month ....even such a closure may not have worked .

Stock up while you can friends's only going to get much worse .

We need a more basic ventilator that can be quickly mass produced.
not possible

Nothing is possible until someone does it.
really, let me know your expertise in manufacturing? what do you do?
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J.R. said:

D. C. Bear said:

Canada2017 said:

bear2be2 said:

Canada2017 said:

D. C. Bear said:

muddybrazos said:

D. C. Bear said:

muddybrazos said:

Here in Charleston the beaches are closed except to residents so if you have a beach house you can go to the beach. They did it bc all of the high school and college kids were going to the beach bc of nothing else to do. If you have a boat then you can do whatever the hell you want and there are some beaches that are only accessible by boat to go to. This whole town will be on the water or in their backyard pools tomorrow bc it's going to be 85 and perfect.

I am solidly in the camp of reopening businesses and letting those of us who want to continue on with life to do so. I don't see how i'm any more at risk going to the grocery store or costco than I am going to have a burger at a restaurant. I think quarantine is for the sick and when you do it to healthy people its called tyranny.

Prove to me that you aren't carrying and spreading the virus first.
sorry but I have HIPAA protection so i won't be proving jack sheeeit to you but you are free to sit in your house until you are ready to come outside.

My point isn't you personally but "you" generally. We need to slow the virus down. Continuing normal activities and quarantine for those exhibiting symptoms doesn't work because you can have it and spread it without symptoms. You (and everyone else) is at greater risk sitting close together at a restaurant as opposed to being spread out at the grocery store
You are 100% correct of course .

For those with the ' burn thru philosophy'....

the BBC is reporting that Italy had over 900 C19 related deaths within the last 24 hours .
The "burn through" crowd simply has not done the research on what that philosophy would actually mean.

Boris Johnson, who previously held that view and ironically now has COVID-19, had it done for him. He changed his tune in less than a week.

The latest information here in Colorado are 1734 confirmed cases of Coronavirus

239 people have been hospitalized

31 have died

No way in the world should anyone relax the quarantine restrictions by Easter . I doubt anyone will be that stupid ...but who knows ?

For all this talk about ventilators is unlikely we will be able to build them quick enough . No ones fault . The numbers involved will simply be staggering within the next 3 weeks .

For those who want to point fingers of blame's a fruitless, meaningless, self serving gesture .

Nothing short of closing our borders to all international travel would have stood any chance of succeeding in keeping the virus out .

And with thousands of cases of illegal entry into our country every month ....even such a closure may not have worked .

Stock up while you can friends's only going to get much worse .

We need a more basic ventilator that can be quickly mass produced.
not possible

That which does not kill me, will try again and get nastier
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Oldbear83 said:

J.R. said:

D. C. Bear said:

Canada2017 said:

bear2be2 said:

Canada2017 said:

D. C. Bear said:

muddybrazos said:

D. C. Bear said:

muddybrazos said:

Here in Charleston the beaches are closed except to residents so if you have a beach house you can go to the beach. They did it bc all of the high school and college kids were going to the beach bc of nothing else to do. If you have a boat then you can do whatever the hell you want and there are some beaches that are only accessible by boat to go to. This whole town will be on the water or in their backyard pools tomorrow bc it's going to be 85 and perfect.

I am solidly in the camp of reopening businesses and letting those of us who want to continue on with life to do so. I don't see how i'm any more at risk going to the grocery store or costco than I am going to have a burger at a restaurant. I think quarantine is for the sick and when you do it to healthy people its called tyranny.

Prove to me that you aren't carrying and spreading the virus first.
sorry but I have HIPAA protection so i won't be proving jack sheeeit to you but you are free to sit in your house until you are ready to come outside.

My point isn't you personally but "you" generally. We need to slow the virus down. Continuing normal activities and quarantine for those exhibiting symptoms doesn't work because you can have it and spread it without symptoms. You (and everyone else) is at greater risk sitting close together at a restaurant as opposed to being spread out at the grocery store
You are 100% correct of course .

For those with the ' burn thru philosophy'....

the BBC is reporting that Italy had over 900 C19 related deaths within the last 24 hours .
The "burn through" crowd simply has not done the research on what that philosophy would actually mean.

Boris Johnson, who previously held that view and ironically now has COVID-19, had it done for him. He changed his tune in less than a week.

The latest information here in Colorado are 1734 confirmed cases of Coronavirus

239 people have been hospitalized

31 have died

No way in the world should anyone relax the quarantine restrictions by Easter . I doubt anyone will be that stupid ...but who knows ?

For all this talk about ventilators is unlikely we will be able to build them quick enough . No ones fault . The numbers involved will simply be staggering within the next 3 weeks .

For those who want to point fingers of blame's a fruitless, meaningless, self serving gesture .

Nothing short of closing our borders to all international travel would have stood any chance of succeeding in keeping the virus out .

And with thousands of cases of illegal entry into our country every month ....even such a closure may not have worked .

Stock up while you can friends's only going to get much worse .

We need a more basic ventilator that can be quickly mass produced.
not possible

no, that tells me nothing...
How long do you want to ignore this user?
That certainly would help DC....but I expect the c19 task force will buy a significant number of ventilators from overseas .

Regardless , these machines do not save everyone . Many patients still die anyway .
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How long do you want to ignore this user?
Canada2017 said:

bear2be2 said:

Canada2017 said:

D. C. Bear said:

muddybrazos said:

D. C. Bear said:

muddybrazos said:

Here in Charleston the beaches are closed except to residents so if you have a beach house you can go to the beach. They did it bc all of the high school and college kids were going to the beach bc of nothing else to do. If you have a boat then you can do whatever the hell you want and there are some beaches that are only accessible by boat to go to. This whole town will be on the water or in their backyard pools tomorrow bc it's going to be 85 and perfect.

I am solidly in the camp of reopening businesses and letting those of us who want to continue on with life to do so. I don't see how i'm any more at risk going to the grocery store or costco than I am going to have a burger at a restaurant. I think quarantine is for the sick and when you do it to healthy people its called tyranny.

Prove to me that you aren't carrying and spreading the virus first.
sorry but I have HIPAA protection so i won't be proving jack sheeeit to you but you are free to sit in your house until you are ready to come outside.

My point isn't you personally but "you" generally. We need to slow the virus down. Continuing normal activities and quarantine for those exhibiting symptoms doesn't work because you can have it and spread it without symptoms. You (and everyone else) is at greater risk sitting close together at a restaurant as opposed to being spread out at the grocery store
You are 100% correct of course .

For those with the ' burn thru philosophy'....

the BBC is reporting that Italy had over 900 C19 related deaths within the last 24 hours .
The "burn through" crowd simply has not done the research on what that philosophy would actually mean.

Boris Johnson, who previously held that view and ironically now has COVID-19, had it done for him. He changed his tune in less than a week.

The latest information here in Colorado are 1734 confirmed cases of Coronavirus

239 people have been hospitalized

31 have died

No way in the world should anyone relax the quarantine restrictions by Easter . I doubt anyone will be that stupid ...but who knows ?

For all this talk about ventilators is unlikely we will be able to build them quick enough . No ones fault . The numbers involved will simply be staggering within the next 3 weeks .

For those who want to point fingers of blame's a fruitless, meaningless, self serving gesture .

Nothing short of closing our borders to all international travel would have stood any chance of succeeding in keeping the virus out .

And with thousands of cases of illegal entry into our country every month ....even such a closure may not have worked .

Stock up while you can friends's only going to get much worse .
I have tried to be careful not to assess blame because a global pandemic is no one's fault and everyone (with the exceptions of South Korea and Germany) was caught flat-footed by this coronavirus outbreak.

The only thing I really blame Trump for is messaging. I think he did some serious damage by downplaying this virus at its early stages and has done further damage by being inconsistent since. I think he bears much of the responsibility for the science denial we've seen from Republican partisans throughout this process. He planted some seeds early that have taken root too deeply to weed in a lot of cases, and that's to the detriment of our containment efforts and the country in general.

With a few minor exceptions, I think he's done the right things procedurally. I wish he'd have done some of them quicker, but again that makes him the rule, not the exception, globally. And I do appreciate that he fought for a stimulus package that many in his party disagreed with. I think Americans need help and hope right now, and that bill provides some, whether it turns out to be a great thing in the long run or not.

I just wish he wasn't such a narcissistic ******* and was capable of telling the truth, even when it's a hard truth to tell. This episode has shined a massive spotlight on his guiding principle, which is so clearly brand building over truth. It makes it hard to respect the decisions of a man you don't respect.
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