I think. Know what you are talking about. Guy just has a camper trailer or something parked there and a smoker set up outside?
Also anyone ever try that Mama and Papa Bs place. Old building in about 10th and webster. Been there foreever in the old SWC days had an few school logos like the horns next to brisket and hogs next to pork painted in menu which was painted in the building. Said something like "If the Bears kill it we cook it" painted on the building in green and gold back in the early 80s or so.
Also anyone ever try that Mama and Papa Bs place. Old building in about 10th and webster. Been there foreever in the old SWC days had an few school logos like the horns next to brisket and hogs next to pork painted in menu which was painted in the building. Said something like "If the Bears kill it we cook it" painted on the building in green and gold back in the early 80s or so.