Osodecentx said:
Redbrickbear said:
Realitybites said:
Osodecentx said:
Russia Has Suffered Staggeringly High Losses, U.S. Report Says
I've got some oceanfront property in Arizona to sell you.
At the start of the war the Russian army stood at 360,000 troops. Russia has lost 315,000 of those troops
Nobody believes this outside the beltway.
I mean we have no reason to think the U.S. intelligence community would lie to the American people…right?

This was a sorry and embarrassing episode. Each of the people pictured lost credibility and should be ashamed.
That said, what number of Russian soldiers do you think have been killed or wounded? Who is your source? Please cite. Is it more credible than US intel?
I would try to find a sources that does not have a 100% interest in rooting on either side.
People say good things about the DPCR at Uppsala University in Sweden
[Ukrainian estimates of Russian military losses tended to be high, while Russian estimates of their own losses tended to be low. Combat deaths can be inferred from a variety of sources, including
satellite imagery and video image of military actions. According to a researcher at the
Department of Peace and Conflict Research at Uppsala University in Sweden
, regarding Russian military losses
, Ukraine engaged in a misinformation campaign to boost morale and Western media were generally happy to accept its claims, while Russia was downplaying its own casualties.]https://www.uu.se/en/news/archive/2023-06-13-number-of-deaths-in-armed-conflicts-has-doubled[Together, the wars in Ethiopia and Ukraine
resulted in at least 180,000 battle-related deaths in 2022. This is a low estimate as information from these conflicts is scarce and subject to extensive propaganda. The numbers are likely to be significantly revised as more information becomes available. Even so, the data shows that more people died in those two conflicts in 2022 than in the whole world the year before.]