Netanyahu said "we are at war,"

572,267 Views | 6935 Replies | Last: 1 mo ago by TinFoilHatPreacherBear
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Bear8084 said:

KaiBear said:

FLBear5630 said:

KaiBear said:

EatMoreSalmon said:

boognish_bear said:

"We overreached on this and we are making noise to feign support for our puppets, and we really don't want you to do what it looks like you are going to do. Now stop it, or we will taunt you a second time."

Maybe Iran is bluffing; maybe not.

Iran loses a lot of 'face' within the Muslin world if Israel successfully invades the Gaza Strip.

All depends on how much support Iran can get from enemies of the US.

They are going to flatten Gaza and rebuild it as a secure Israeli city. Gaza is about to be wiped clean by the wrath of God..

Don't know about that.

Israel just announced another delay on their attack due to 'weather'.

Possibly Israel is having 2nd thoughts on the wisdom of trusting the US too much.

Or they need more time continue to move heavy material, logistics, and troops to the border for one of largest mobilization and urban operation in their history.

They are going. They know what they are doing. They are working diplomatically, logistically and strategically. They may be moving troops north. Moving pieces on the board. They are going, to them they have to...
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Realitybites said:

Elsewhere I have said that I believe that our threshold to go to war and the commitment to the fight when we do should both be raised. I stand by that statement.

Israel should fight its own war.

We need to butt out of the internal affairs of other nations.

America should be known as (1) A peace loving nation, (2) A friend to all, (3) A model for others to emulate, (4) A nation that will go full freaking Ghengis Khan on you if crossed.

That's how you maintain peace.
That is just not the real world.
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historian said:

J.R. said:

historian said:

That makes no sense. Biden had been a disaster in EVERYTHING. He is by far the worst president we have ever had: worse than Obama, Carter, Buchanan, etc. I challenge to name one who was worse.

I get it. You hate Trump. At least his policies made for a growing economy (despite covid), the border was far more secure, the nation was more secure, etc. He made his share of mistakes but he's one of the better candidates running and you might as well accept the fact that he will probably win. The only the Leftists pro-Hamas crowd can prevent that is to steal the election with more fraud than they perpetrated in 2016 or 2020. Unfortunately, that is possible.
you are insane. Carter was way worse. I guess you are too young to live it. 18% interest rates. Gasoline rationing and gouging. Great man, terrible pres. I'm not a fan of Biden's tax or green polices. I think Biden has done a reasonable job with this Israel/Palastinian disaster.

Totally sane here. I was a child but I do remember the terrible economy under Carter. I also understand the economic & historical implications.

Biden has not done ANYTHING reasonably well. He has been an unmitigated disaster. I'm looking at the big picture, not just the economy. Biden still has over a year to make the economy as bad as what Carter did, which he seems to be trying to do. Also, Carter was the culmination of a decade of terrible economic policies. Nixon ("We're all Keynesian's now!") was in office with the first oil crisis of the 1970s (which he did not cause but did help end) and gave us price controls and continued the terrible spending policies of his predecessors, which have only grown dramatically in the 50 years since.

Carter appointed Paul Volcker to the Fed and he was the one who eventually brought inflation under control.

Under Biden the deficit has doubled & is about $2 trillion!!! That is insane.
Doubled under Trump also. Trump is still spending. He ain't no fiscal conservative. Never was.
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Realitybites said:

BearN said:

Realitybites said:

Does a Jew (Orthodox, Reform, or Conservative) who dies in 2023 go to heaven or hell?

No argument about Matthew 24, it describes the second coming not pre or mid tribulation rapture.
Do all who call themself a Christian (Protestant, Catholic, Reformed, Orthodox) who die in 2023 go to heaven or hell?

That wasn't the question. The question is if practicing Judaism in the current age can get the practioner to heaven. It should be an easy question to answer.

Here is an easy answer: there is only one way anyone can get to heaven:

"Jesus said to him, 'I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.'" John 14:6

That does not mean Jews cannot be saved. Many have been and John prophesied that many would be saved during the end times. See the Book of Revelation.
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whiterock said:

KaiBear said:

A. Yes a 2nd carrier group is an important part of a deterrent.
B. However Ukraine has already proven how missiles and drones can successfully destroy naval units.
C. Can Israel really count on the US to go to war with Iran if Iran attacks them. If you were Israel would you really trust an 80 year old dementia case to follow through ?
D. And if the US goes to war with Iran what will Russia, Syria, Egypt and especially Turkey do ?

This could very easily escalate into a regional war.

However unlike the Ukrainian nightmare the US did not manipulate this problem involving Hamas.

Iran did.

Hope our Navy is on a war time status. They better be.

If Israel goes into the Gaza Strip, Hamas will sacrifice their civilians to bring on the biggest war in the Middle East since the Iraqi - Iran blood fest .
That part in bold is a valid concern, and I cannot speak to it terribly authoritatively. The Navy is aware of the drone threat and has been developing its own swarms, above and under the water. I would assume that much of what Ukraine has done in the Black Sea was with our help. Presumably, if we are building such capabilities ourselves, we are aware of the nature of the threats and have some counter-measures. Most of all, though, remember that Hamas was focused on Israel. It's maritime operations were aimed primarily at infiltration and disruption of Israeli patrols. They could not afford, given their situation, to devote a lot of resources to attacking the US Navy over the horizon. Same dynamic would be at play for HIzballah, except that they have been on the receiving end of US Naval bombardment (after USMC barracks bombing in Lebanon), so may very well have some kind of limited capabilities. But again, they are kitted up primarily for Israel, so they will not have deep inventory to launch at our ships.

one reason the US is so powerful is that our institutions can operate effectively without intervention of the sovereign. That said, I would expect Biden to short-arm the problem, but Israel cannot be worried about that. Pretty sure their perspective goes like this - "we are in this. Any help we get matters. If it's less than what we'd like...well, we are in this and have to win anyway."

Frankly, Israel could handle a two front war. Our support will likely be limited to air and missile strikes against Hizballah bases in Lebanon/Syria. We've done that before, so it's not much of an escalation. Such would substantially degrade Hizballah capablities and relieve pressure on Israeli ordnance supply. So the real question is, will Biden treat it as a simple retaliatory strike, or will he treat it as an opportunity to destroy Hizballah force structure in Lebanon and Syria. He should do the latter, but I'm prepared to see him short-arm it withe former. at the end of the day, there is benefit to both. Degrading Hizballah is a win. And just thumping them to send a message to stand down is also a win, just not as effective over time nor broadly satisfying.

Turkey will not mind us taking out Iranian and HIzballah assets, as they are both terror threats and regional rivals to Turkey.

Turkey also sees the Saudi/Israel cooperative as a threat both economically and geo-political. So I wouldn't count on Turkey working with the US in this matter.
I'm not saying that Turkey will join the fight, but I wouldn't count on them opening up their airspace for the US to help Israel.

Our only reliable ally in this situation is Israel.... assuming that Biden will actually count them as an ally.

I still believe that the end result of our Carrier Groups in the Med, will be to use them to force Israel to back down. We will support them initially, but eventually we will force them to stop short.

Also, there is a high probability that our carriers will be used to evacuate hundreds of thousands of Palestinians, and transport them to the US.

History has taught us one thing for sure... never under estimate Bidens ability to **** up an international situation to the detriment of the United States.
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whiterock said:

historian said:

BearN said:

boognish_bear said:

First of all, he went in to quite a bit of detail explaining that Iran provides the primary financial support for Hamas and Hezbollah and that no more evidence on that is needed. All parties have provided substantial evidence and testimony that is true. I 100% agree with that. So Graham's answer was ultimately affirmative. However, the tweet and the quote "Yeah" is completely misleading. He was not being glib, as that poster is trying to show. I don't know if the tweeter is stupid, or trying to be intellectually dishonest, but the "yeah" was clearly a filler word, acknowledging the question, while he was gathering his thought to give the full answer.

All par for the course with CNN & other Leftist propaganda outlets but Graham is wrong. He seems to think the solution to every foreign policy issue is for the U.S. to bomb somebody into the Stone Age and invade. That's insanity and one reason so much of the world hates us.
FIFY. Bombing them into the stone age will usually suffice.

Not if your goal is to defeat the enemy. Compare the outcomes of WWI & WWII. Which Germany became our ally?
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BearN said:

J.R. said:

historian said:

That makes no sense. Biden had been a disaster in EVERYTHING. He is by far the worst president we have ever had: worse than Obama, Carter, Buchanan, etc. I challenge to name one who was worse.

I get it. You hate Trump. At least his policies made for a growing economy (despite covid), the border was far more secure, the nation was more secure, etc. He made his share of mistakes but he's one of the better candidates running and you might as well accept the fact that he will probably win. The only the Leftists pro-Hamas crowd can prevent that is to steal the election with more fraud than they perpetrated in 2016 or 2020. Unfortunately, that is possible.
you are insane. Carter was way worse. I guess you are too young to live it. 18% interest rates. Gasoline rationing and gouging. Great man, terrible pres. I'm not a fan of Biden's tax or green polices. I think Biden has done a reasonable job with this Israel/Palastinian disaster.

That's a narrow analysis. Inflation and gas rationing. Those are a pretty easy fix if debt isn't out of control. And those things were fixed within 2-3 years after Carter got the boot.

What was the national debt when Carter was President and what is it now? How long is that going to take to fix? It won't be 2 - 3 years.

Who owns our debt now? China.

How many millions of illegals were pouring across our borders when Carter was President and how many millions are coming now? How long is that going to take to fix? It won't be 2-3 years.

When Carter was President, how many cities were filled with homeless encampments with drugs being used and sold out in plain site, with children walking by, and police ordered not to do a thing about it? How many cities are there like that now?

The list goes on.

Is it possible that you can't admit Biden is the worst because you helped put him there …. Because of your hate for Trump?…..

Splitting hairs between Biden and Carter. For the record, I have no time for Biden. Many of his policies are just terrible. On a very selfish note, Im in the O&G business and he's great for us. Dems always try to run us out of business and it alway blows up in their face. You will see Oil over $100 and gasoline at $4-$5 depending on where you live. Thanks, Ole. Joe!
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whiterock said:

nein51 said:

At best we are headed to a Christian vs Muslim holy war at some point. That's wildly problematic because Muslims are much more devout in their beliefs (on the whole).
It's not about "devout." It's about "beliefs."

islam teaches that infidels, by refusing to adopt islam, are at war with Allah.

Muslims are genuinely sincere when they say "islam is a religion of peace," but that statement does not mean what the western mind hears. It means, muslims are at peace with Allah (and everyone else is at war with Allah). Remember, the Arabic word "islam" means "submission." It's a very manichean context - one must submit to Allah, or you are at war with him.

And to their credit, muslims are sincere about accepting converts as equals, no matter race, creed, language, etc... It's a very egalitarian faith in that regard. But never forget this - islam does not accept infidels as equals. They are not equal to Muslims in the eyes of Allah, nor in the eyes of the Ummah, nor in the eyes of Shariah. Infidels are essentially sub-human. "Peoples of the Book" (Jews, Christians) get special consideration, but "polytheists" are hated with an intensity that is hard to covey.

My Jordanian diplomat friend used the words "bugs or dogs" in explaining that to me.

That's a pretty accurate description of Islam. But Muslims are also wrong because they think Jesus was only a prophet and much of their teaching contradicts those of God. Their Allah is more of a pagan god than many of the pagans they hate. I believe that the great ***** Babylon in the Book of Revelation might very well be Islam.
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FLBear5630 said:

Bear8084 said:

KaiBear said:

FLBear5630 said:

KaiBear said:

EatMoreSalmon said:

boognish_bear said:

"We overreached on this and we are making noise to feign support for our puppets, and we really don't want you to do what it looks like you are going to do. Now stop it, or we will taunt you a second time."

Maybe Iran is bluffing; maybe not.

Iran loses a lot of 'face' within the Muslin world if Israel successfully invades the Gaza Strip.

All depends on how much support Iran can get from enemies of the US.

They are going to flatten Gaza and rebuild it as a secure Israeli city. Gaza is about to be wiped clean by the wrath of God..

Don't know about that.

Israel just announced another delay on their attack due to 'weather'.

Possibly Israel is having 2nd thoughts on the wisdom of trusting the US too much.

Or they need more time continue to move heavy material, logistics, and troops to the border for one of largest mobilization and urban operation in their history.

They are going. They know what they are doing. They are working diplomatically, logistically and strategically. They may be moving troops north. Moving pieces on the board. They are going, to them they have to...

Oh I don't doubt this at all.
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KaiBear said:

A. Yes a 2nd carrier group is an important part of a deterrent.
B. However Ukraine has already proven how missiles and drones can successfully destroy naval units.
C. Can Israel really count on the US to go to war with Iran if Iran attacks them. If you were Israel would you really trust an 80 year old dementia case to follow through ?
D. And if the US goes to war with Iran what will Russia, Syria, Egypt and especially Turkey do ?

This could very easily escalate into a regional war.

However unlike the Ukrainian nightmare the US did not manipulate this problem involving Hamas.

Iran did.

Hope our Navy is on a war time status. They better be.

If Israel goes into the Gaza Strip, Hamas will sacrifice their civilians to bring on the biggest war in the Middle East since the Iraqi - Iran blood fest .

What will Europe do in this scenario?

This could easily escalate into WWIII if the world leaders are not careful to avoid that. Our "dementia case president" is completely incompetent & has proven repeatedly for 3 years he is not interested in what is best for the country.

That's what makes all of this particularly dangerous. This is especially true if Obama really is the power behind the scenes pulling Biden's strings because he's an antisemite. Remember how he tried to manipulate the Israeli elections to prevent Netanyahu from winning? Remember how he gave billions to the Iranians? (Biden's recent gift of cash is a repeat). Remember how Obama's administration didn't even want to use the word "terrorist" to describe actual terrorists? He reserved that term for his domestic opponents, the way Biden's FBI (aka the Gestapo) is doing now.
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Israel definitely can handle a two front war (or more): they have done so multiple times in their history: 1948, 1967, 1973.

Your analysis is pretty sound but also has multiple assumptions that might prove incorrect. For example, I'm not so sure about Turkey. They are not a reliable ally and have become more radicalized under Erdogan.
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True. To be fair, though, he had to deal with covid and no one had any clear lead idea about that at the time. Well, maybe the ChiComs who created it in their lab (with money from Fauci) did.
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ShooterTX said:

whiterock said:

KaiBear said:

A. Yes a 2nd carrier group is an important part of a deterrent.
B. However Ukraine has already proven how missiles and drones can successfully destroy naval units.
C. Can Israel really count on the US to go to war with Iran if Iran attacks them. If you were Israel would you really trust an 80 year old dementia case to follow through ?
D. And if the US goes to war with Iran what will Russia, Syria, Egypt and especially Turkey do ?

This could very easily escalate into a regional war.

However unlike the Ukrainian nightmare the US did not manipulate this problem involving Hamas.

Iran did.

Hope our Navy is on a war time status. They better be.

If Israel goes into the Gaza Strip, Hamas will sacrifice their civilians to bring on the biggest war in the Middle East since the Iraqi - Iran blood fest .
That part in bold is a valid concern, and I cannot speak to it terribly authoritatively. The Navy is aware of the drone threat and has been developing its own swarms, above and under the water. I would assume that much of what Ukraine has done in the Black Sea was with our help. Presumably, if we are building such capabilities ourselves, we are aware of the nature of the threats and have some counter-measures. Most of all, though, remember that Hamas was focused on Israel. It's maritime operations were aimed primarily at infiltration and disruption of Israeli patrols. They could not afford, given their situation, to devote a lot of resources to attacking the US Navy over the horizon. Same dynamic would be at play for HIzballah, except that they have been on the receiving end of US Naval bombardment (after USMC barracks bombing in Lebanon), so may very well have some kind of limited capabilities. But again, they are kitted up primarily for Israel, so they will not have deep inventory to launch at our ships.

one reason the US is so powerful is that our institutions can operate effectively without intervention of the sovereign. That said, I would expect Biden to short-arm the problem, but Israel cannot be worried about that. Pretty sure their perspective goes like this - "we are in this. Any help we get matters. If it's less than what we'd like...well, we are in this and have to win anyway."

Frankly, Israel could handle a two front war. Our support will likely be limited to air and missile strikes against Hizballah bases in Lebanon/Syria. We've done that before, so it's not much of an escalation. Such would substantially degrade Hizballah capablities and relieve pressure on Israeli ordnance supply. So the real question is, will Biden treat it as a simple retaliatory strike, or will he treat it as an opportunity to destroy Hizballah force structure in Lebanon and Syria. He should do the latter, but I'm prepared to see him short-arm it withe former. at the end of the day, there is benefit to both. Degrading Hizballah is a win. And just thumping them to send a message to stand down is also a win, just not as effective over time nor broadly satisfying.

Turkey will not mind us taking out Iranian and HIzballah assets, as they are both terror threats and regional rivals to Turkey.

Turkey also sees the Saudi/Israel cooperative as a threat both economically and geo-political. So I wouldn't count on Turkey working with the US in this matter.
I'm not saying that Turkey will join the fight, but I wouldn't count on them opening up their airspace for the US to help Israel.

Our only reliable ally in this situation is Israel.... assuming that Biden will actually count them as an ally.

I still believe that the end result of our Carrier Groups in the Med, will be to use them to force Israel to back down. We will support them initially, but eventually we will force them to stop short.

Also, there is a high probability that our carriers will be used to evacuate hundreds of thousands of Palestinians, and transport them to the US.

History has taught us one thing for sure... never under estimate Bidens ability to **** up an international situation to the detriment of the United States.

Sadly, too much truth there. No one can trust Biden to do anything correctly. No one.
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Get ready for a little Palestine somewhere in the Midwest similar to little Somalia in Minn
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BearFan33 said:

Get ready for a little Palestine somewhere in the Midwest similar to little Somalia in Minn

Detroit already has a head start on one. That's how we got the camel jockey Squad member Tlaib.
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whitetrash said:

BearFan33 said:

Get ready for a little Palestine somewhere in the Midwest similar to little Somalia in Minn

Detroit already has a head start on one. That's how we got the camel jockey Squad member Tlaib.

Lots and lots of Iraqis in Detroit. Some excellent food.

And in 2023 should we still be using terms like "camel jockey"?
Wrecks Quan Dough
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nein51 said:

whitetrash said:

BearFan33 said:

Get ready for a little Palestine somewhere in the Midwest similar to little Somalia in Minn

Detroit already has a head start on one. That's how we got the camel jockey Squad member Tlaib.

Lots and lots of Iraqis in Detroit. Some excellent food.

And in 2023 should we still be using terms like "camel jockey"?

Sharif doesn't like it.
Rock the Casbah
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Wrecks Quan Dough said:

nein51 said:

whitetrash said:

BearFan33 said:

Get ready for a little Palestine somewhere in the Midwest similar to little Somalia in Minn

Detroit already has a head start on one. That's how we got the camel jockey Squad member Tlaib.

Lots and lots of Iraqis in Detroit. Some excellent food.

And in 2023 should we still be using terms like "camel jockey"?

Sharif doesn't like it.
Rock the Casbah

The King called up his jet fighters
He said you better earn your pay
Drop your bombs between the Minarets
Down the Casbah way
As soon as the Sharif was chauffeured outta there
The jet pilots tuned to the cockpit radio blare
As soon as the Sharif was outta their hair
The jet pilots wailed
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boognish_bear said:

DARPA is pissed, China now knows we have it...

Take that back, either Hunter sold it already or Fang Fang stole it while Swalewell was sleeping.
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Cobretti said:

So Hamas or Hezbollah launches a few rockets into Iran, they blame Israel and the attack begins.
Our vibrations were getting nasty. But why? I was puzzled, frustrated... Had we deteriorated to the level of dumb beasts?

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Hamas or Hezbollah launches a few rockets into Iran, they blame Israel and the attack begins.

As bad as that would be, it would be infinitely worse to have the Ford or Eisenhower get the USS Liberty treatment.

The world is at as dangerous a crossroads as I have ever seen.
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Realitybites said:


Hamas or Hezbollah launches a few rockets into Iran, they blame Israel and the attack begins.

As bad as that would be, it would be infinitely worse to have the Ford or Eisenhower get the USS Liberty treatment.

The world is at as dangerous a crossroads as I have ever seen.
These days we're releasing $6,000,000,000 to Iran so I'd expect them to play the role of bad guy to get things kicked off.
Our vibrations were getting nasty. But why? I was puzzled, frustrated... Had we deteriorated to the level of dumb beasts?

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Cobretti said:

I saw a report yesterday that the IDF liberated a base near Gaza capturing a few dozen Hamas terrorists and rescuing 250 hostages. That's huge.
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FLBear5630 said:

boognish_bear said:

DARPA is pissed, China now knows we have it...

Take that back, either Hunter sold it already or Fang Fang stole it while Swalewell was sleeping.

It might have been the "big guy" who provided the info. That's why they pay him the big bucks!
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boognish_bear said:

This could be a psy-ops campaign to scare Americans into backing down. Unfortunately, it is somewhat feasible since Biden has our border side open and we have no idea how many terrorists were able to get in.
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Too bad we don't have real leaders concerned about American security & safety. Instead they are more interested in pronoun stupidity and trying to see how perverted they can make our military.
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historian said:

Cobretti said:

I saw a report yesterday that the IDF liberated a base near Gaza capturing a few dozen Hamas terrorists and rescuing 250 hostages. That's huge.

There was a rescue on Day 1 a week ago of 250 hostages being rescued when the IDF recaptured a base, but I can't find anything from the last couple of days.

Is it possible that is what you saw? I sure hope they've gotten more freed since then

Here's a video covering the 250 rescued from last Saturday

Wrecks Quan Dough
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Nobody said the second carrier group was stopping in the eastern Mediterranean. It may be headed to the Persian Gulf for all anyone knows.

Chekov: Can you show me how to get to the nuclear wessels?
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That was probably it. I too hope that they have rescued more. Hopefully they will get them all. The Israelis take that seriously. Remember Entebbe in the 1970s. Netanyahu's brother was one of the heroes in that one and I think the only casualty.
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historian said:

boognish_bear said:

This could be a psy-ops campaign to scare Americans into backing down. Unfortunately, it is somewhat feasible since Biden has our border side open and we have no idea how many terrorists were able to get in.

I think the answer to that last question is "a lot". The evil has taken root here to an extent that many don't realize. It's a little known fact that when the 9-11 terrorists first flew to the US, that they were met in the airport by a Saudi "foreign student" who took them to his home. When questioned by the FBI, he told them this was a chance meeting and the keystone cops accepted the explanation and didn't investigate it any further.

The situation over the past 20 years has deteriorated dramatically. I would be surprised if there weren't strike teams already positioned to carry out multiple terrorist attacks, a mass casualty attack, or (my biggest concern) multiple decentralized attacks in multiple states that takes down the power grid for an extended period of time.
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