Can We Have a Serious, Objective Discussion About Kamala Harris?

23,827 Views | 454 Replies | Last: 5 days ago by 4th and Inches
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parch said:

KaiBear said:

parch said:

KaiBear said:

parch said:

Doc Holliday said:

parch said:

Doc Holliday said:

parch said:

The whole point of this thread was subjective assessment. Mayorkas was, is, and will continue to be the actual border czar, and even that is a misnomer because he doesn't have that broad of authority. It was never Harris, ever. Mayorkas oversees the country's main three immigration agencies, including Customs and Border Protection. If you want an actual border czar, look up Roberta Jacobson - and her role hasn't existed in three years.

If you read it off a page, Harris' actual tasking was convincing companies to invest in Central America and promoting democracy and development there through diplomacy. Whether she did that well is up for debate, but that's just the reality. She never had a role at the border because she wasn't given one.
Subjectively she's part of the Biden administration who hasn't done anything to protect the border and I can only conclude she will do the same based on her own public statements on the topic.

We're supposed to believe she will get a handle on the border based on what?
I have no idea if she'll reverse trends on actual on-the-border issues. She may be awful at it. She may be surprisingly adept. I'm not the one pre-judging. The point is that, subjectively, she's never had an actual crack at it in the first place. Those decisions were not on her desk or anywhere near it.
Yes you do. You have every idea that based on what she's said, her party's stance and that if she was tough on the border it would be political suicide.
I think this is outdated thinking and a result of Biden's weakness rather than party ideology. Democrat establishment types have already lost this battle. Polling indicates the majority (overwhelmingly in some places) of Democrat voters disapprove of Biden's job at the border and want stronger policies. Whether they go far enough is up for debate, but I don't believe Harris will be immediately cowed into inaction by lily-white Democrats because they're hearing it from their constituency right now, and they want to keep their seats.

If she wins, I will judge her based on her actions and not this phony "border czar" title she's been given by hard right repubs.

Harris has zero accountability for these 5-12 million illegals in our country ?

As if she was a mere post office clerk somewhere in South Dakota these last 3 years ?

That's not the argument Vance and others behind and around him are making. The campaign critique is that Biden assigned her to the border as the czar, which means she had overall control of everything that happened there. That's a complete and utter falsehood.

She was diplomatically assigned to raise money and support for Central American governments to help stem the tide of immigration at the point of embarkation, to which end she raised $5 billion in investment, money that won't see effects come to fruition for many years.

Harris was awkward and a diplomatic pawn, per VP duties, during her public visits and statements on the matter, but the policies were Biden's. If she extends them verbatim (she won't), we can talk then.

No offense, but your explanation is obviously partisan and a simplistic point of view.

As a significant member of Biden's cabinet and administration Harris is accountable for the choices of the administration.

And the same Dem power brokers that destroyed Bernie Sanders 2020 campaign , only to later destroy Biden's 2024 campaign are not going to allow their most current selection to dramatically alter their immigration / cultural agenda .

The only one who is guaranteed to stop this southern invasion is Donald Trump. Unfortunately. As I wish there was another alternative….but there is not.
My response is to an insane lie the Trump camp has perpetuated, and way too many gullible sycophants have parroted, that it was somehow Harris' job to police the border and the sieve it has become is somehow down to her failed policies. That's a wild, dangerous lie with zero basis in fact. The VP does not get to devise or implement domestic or foreign policy. This is the crux of Vance's argument, and it's wrong.

If you want to blame her for the border, you go ahead, but that mess is not a result of any decision or action she's made unless you can somehow prove otherwise.
Whether it was actually her job or not, that is what was reported. And when the number of illegal entries more than doubled under your watch, that is an albatross not even a partisan Democrat can overcome.

Perception - in this case perception perpetuated by the Biden admin - is reality.
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Harrison Bergeron said:

parch said:

Harrison Bergeron said:

parch said:

Doc Holliday said:

Lets look at her background:

- She sucked her way up the ladder of power.
- Put people in prison for no reason.
- She's not well spoken or personable.
- She was supposed to be a border czar and allowed 12+ million illegals to enter.
- She's a champion of identity politics.

She's more coherent than Joe and doesn't have Parkinson's. She will use her younger age against Trump...despite media circling wagons to say Joe's age wasn't an issue.

In polling aggregate she's lower than Joe, even at his worst. The "excitement" behind her is being astroturfed.

If elected, we'd get an onslaught of idpol agendas, no border control, continued economic struggles and I don't see her handling war issues well.
I thought this was supposed to be objective.

She's never been a "border czar."

"Put people in prison for no reason" is an interesting way to put it. As the ranking state attorney, she didn't put anyone anywhere. She made several bad calls on follow-up investigations, which she has been (and should be) held to account for, but to paint it as if she was some rogue attorney throwing innocent people behind bars willy nilly is not accurate and not even her role. There are four mistaken innocence cases I'm aware of that she fumbled.

The rest is subjective, including how she handles wars, border control and economic agenda. There is no way to know any of that based on fact. And the gross ladder of power comment does not deserve rebuttal or serious thought.

Harris, like all candidates, is imperfect and has political skeletons. I would say on balance in relation to past (and present) candidates, her skeletons are relatively minute, which is what has Trump's corner scrambling for talking points at the moment.
The gaslighting begins ... "fact check" would make Orwell blush.

VP Kamala Harris

Vice President Kamala Harris, named "border czar" three months ago, is making her first trip to the southwest border. El Paso State Senator Cesar Blanco is excited about the visit to his district today. It's unclear if the Vice President will meet with Governor Abbott, who issued a disaster declaration to combat the surge in illegal immigrants and drug trafficking."

You're quoting "East Texas Radio" as a source here? If you want to dispute PolitiFact's sourced, factual assessments, please do. I'll be waiting.

Harris was tasked with exploring and addressing factors that lead to mass northward migration in the first place at the root, one of the many useless errand-boy tasks VPs are set to to make it seem like they're busy. It was a diplomatic branch offered to El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras. She had no role in border enforcement, border policy, or any border issues at all. Biden kept those isolated within Homeland Security's remit, where they always are.

One of Biden's many mistakes, which Obama did not make when he issued VP Biden with a similar task, was outlining her actual KPIs in this. When Biden was given this task as VP, he secured a $700 million funding package intended to beef up Central American border security, law enforcement, prison reform and support. The outcome of that is a discussion point, but there was an outcome.

Harris was not given any similar task. She was just sent on a diplomatic mission to Central America in summer 2021, told migrants not to come to the US and left. She had no authority or tasking to do anything else. I think that's a failure of Biden's, but to somehow pin this inane "border czar" tag on Harris is disingenuous in the extreme and just a nonsense political football.
PoliticFact is a well known source of Orwellian disinformation.
You made the assertion. Prove it.
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parch said:

Harrison Bergeron said:

parch said:

Doc Holliday said:

parch said:

The whole point of this thread was subjective assessment. Mayorkas was, is, and will continue to be the actual border czar, and even that is a misnomer because he doesn't have that broad of authority. It was never Harris, ever. Mayorkas oversees the country's main three immigration agencies, including Customs and Border Protection. If you want an actual border czar, look up Roberta Jacobson - and her role hasn't existed in three years.

If you read it off a page, Harris' actual tasking was convincing companies to invest in Central America and promoting democracy and development there through diplomacy. Whether she did that well is up for debate, but that's just the reality. She never had a role at the border because she wasn't given one.
Subjectively she's part of the Biden administration who hasn't done anything to protect the border and I can only conclude she will do the same based on her own public statements on the topic.

We're supposed to believe she will get a handle on the border based on what?
I have no idea if she'll reverse trends on actual on-the-border issues. She may be awful at it. She may be surprisingly adept. I'm not the one pre-judging. The point is that, subjectively, she's never had an actual crack at it in the first place. Those decisions were not on her desk or anywhere near it.
She oversaw the largest human trafficking, drug smuggling, terrorist infiltrating period in U.S. history.

The only thing that is a lie is the gaslighting and trying to rewrite history.
Biden's border policy was drawn out before Harris was even tapped as the VP, so I don't know how you figure she "oversaw" anything. She was assigned one task on immigration, to carry out the Root Cause Strategy targeted at infrastructure fundraising for the Northern Triangle outlined in Biden's campaign planks, and she did that. That was it. She had no hand in policy development or implementation on the border. No VP ever has or ever will. It's just as stupid a campaign attack as people who came after Pence for Trump's shortcomings. VP's are extensions of presidential policy and senatorial tiebreakers and nothing more.
She was publicly tasked with addressing the border crisis. The most she did was babble about root causes and she resolved exactly zero problems at the border. Stop lying.
Our vibrations were getting nasty. But why? I was puzzled, frustrated... Had we deteriorated to the level of dumb beasts?
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Funny how the same cretins who lied about Biden being healthy despite what we can see right in front of us are now gaslighting about Kamala never being tasked with addressing the border crisis.
Our vibrations were getting nasty. But why? I was puzzled, frustrated... Had we deteriorated to the level of dumb beasts?
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Wangchung said:

parch said:

Forest Bueller_bf said:

Jack Bauer said:

Doc Holliday said:

Jack Bauer said:

The talking points are out..

Vice President Kamala Harris will lead response to migrant issue as numbers rise at border

What pisses me off is that bill would have still allowed millions of illegal crossings and that would be precedent.

Democrats are the absolute worst.
oh look, the word is out..just like "Joe Biden is the sharpest man alive!"

I put the actual news conference where Biden put Harris in charge of the border on here. If it meant nothing and she was just a figurehead trying to prop up her street cred, then the news conference never should have happened.

But, yet it did.

I would recommend everybody listen to every word of it, so they will make actual informed comments. The MSM will not tell the truth about this.
Direct quote from that press conference:

"She has agreed to lead our diplomatic effort and work with those nations to accept the returnees and enhance migration enforcement at their borders. Their borders."

He literally repeats "their borders" for added emphasis. There is nothing in that press conference that says she was ever tasked with implementing Biden's policies at the American-Mexican border. It was a diplomatic mission to the nexus of the migration in Central America and she raised $5 billion toward it from when she was tasked with it in 2021 until March, when the last $1 billion private sector investment came through. And the important part is that it was limited in scope to diplomacy and fundraising. She was not given the option to do anything else. She was awkward at the diplomacy (she told migrants to stop coming in Guatemala) and successful at the fundraising, so draw your own conclusions.

It is a lie. Period.
You're simply repeating the newest lie you've been fed. Kamala was 100 percent publicly put in charge of the border crisis. There was a press conference to announce it. Find some integrity within yourself.
I literally just quoted the press conference. She was assigned a task to fundraise for Northern Triangle nations to help them police their borders. He literally says "their borders" twice in a row. They talked about this many times.

The policy was broken, of course, because they focused on the push factors and not on the pull factors, to the point that by 2024 almost 60% of migrants captured at the border were from countries other than Mexico and the target of the policy. But it wasn't Harris' job to choose the policy - she was literally assigned it. Biden says so in that very press conference.

There are enough actual things to press Harris on that the Trump campaign wasting their time on campaign lies like these is baffling to me.
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parch said:

Harrison Bergeron said:

parch said:

Doc Holliday said:

parch said:

The whole point of this thread was subjective assessment. Mayorkas was, is, and will continue to be the actual border czar, and even that is a misnomer because he doesn't have that broad of authority. It was never Harris, ever. Mayorkas oversees the country's main three immigration agencies, including Customs and Border Protection. If you want an actual border czar, look up Roberta Jacobson - and her role hasn't existed in three years.

If you read it off a page, Harris' actual tasking was convincing companies to invest in Central America and promoting democracy and development there through diplomacy. Whether she did that well is up for debate, but that's just the reality. She never had a role at the border because she wasn't given one.
Subjectively she's part of the Biden administration who hasn't done anything to protect the border and I can only conclude she will do the same based on her own public statements on the topic.

We're supposed to believe she will get a handle on the border based on what?
I have no idea if she'll reverse trends on actual on-the-border issues. She may be awful at it. She may be surprisingly adept. I'm not the one pre-judging. The point is that, subjectively, she's never had an actual crack at it in the first place. Those decisions were not on her desk or anywhere near it.
She oversaw the largest human trafficking, drug smuggling, terrorist infiltrating period in U.S. history.

The only thing that is a lie is the gaslighting and trying to rewrite history.
Biden's border policy was drawn out before Harris was even tapped as the VP, so I don't know how you figure she "oversaw" anything. She was assigned one task on immigration, to carry out the Root Cause Strategy targeted at infrastructure fundraising for the Northern Triangle outlined in Biden's campaign planks, and she did that. That was it. She had no hand in policy development or implementation on the border. No VP ever has or ever will. It's just as stupid a campaign attack as people who came after Pence for Trump's shortcomings. VP's are extensions of presidential policy and senatorial tiebreakers and nothing more.
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parch said:

Wangchung said:

parch said:

Forest Bueller_bf said:

Jack Bauer said:

Doc Holliday said:

Jack Bauer said:

The talking points are out..

Vice President Kamala Harris will lead response to migrant issue as numbers rise at border

What pisses me off is that bill would have still allowed millions of illegal crossings and that would be precedent.

Democrats are the absolute worst.
oh look, the word is out..just like "Joe Biden is the sharpest man alive!"

I put the actual news conference where Biden put Harris in charge of the border on here. If it meant nothing and she was just a figurehead trying to prop up her street cred, then the news conference never should have happened.

But, yet it did.

I would recommend everybody listen to every word of it, so they will make actual informed comments. The MSM will not tell the truth about this.
Direct quote from that press conference:

"She has agreed to lead our diplomatic effort and work with those nations to accept the returnees and enhance migration enforcement at their borders. Their borders."

He literally repeats "their borders" for added emphasis. There is nothing in that press conference that says she was ever tasked with implementing Biden's policies at the American-Mexican border. It was a diplomatic mission to the nexus of the migration in Central America and she raised $5 billion toward it from when she was tasked with it in 2021 until March, when the last $1 billion private sector investment came through. And the important part is that it was limited in scope to diplomacy and fundraising. She was not given the option to do anything else. She was awkward at the diplomacy (she told migrants to stop coming in Guatemala) and successful at the fundraising, so draw your own conclusions.

It is a lie. Period.
You're simply repeating the newest lie you've been fed. Kamala was 100 percent publicly put in charge of the border crisis. There was a press conference to announce it. Find some integrity within yourself.
I literally just quoted the press conference. She was assigned a task to fundraise for Northern Triangle nations to help them police their borders. He literally says "their borders" twice in a row. They talked about this many times.

The policy was broken, of course, because they focused on the push factors and not on the pull factors, to the point that by 2024 almost 60% of migrants captured at the border were from countries other than Mexico and the target of the policy. But it wasn't Harris' job to choose the policy - she was literally assigned it. Biden says so in that very press conference.

There are enough actual things to press Harris on that the Trump campaign wasting their time on campaign lies like these is baffling to me.
Yes, I read your previous lie. She was tasked with addressing the border crisis, not merely fundraising. Her claims of looking for "Root causes" is not merely fundraising to help pay for their border patrols. Not by a long shot.
Our vibrations were getting nasty. But why? I was puzzled, frustrated... Had we deteriorated to the level of dumb beasts?
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I don't think Harris will sway anyone, the real issue is who she will motivate to vote. A lot of recent elections come down to groups who don't normally show up to vote, showing up in record numbers.

Harris will motivate a black and left vote, but to what extent? Let's be honest, she will also motivate racists and misogynists to vote in record numbers, though polls won't be able to capture that.

My main curiosity is with independents. As I have said before, she will lose independents the more she has to field questions or debate Trump. So maybe they don't go that route. In prescripted monologues she sounds very Presidential, I think. They have flooded America with these ads the past few days, and they can win by simply continuing.

I think she should field random questions once or twice before the general, and go to 0 debates with Trump, and imo she is setting herself up to do just this. I heard a YouTube ad that began with "Americans have a choice between freedom and chaos." I skipped it after that, but why would she need to debate chaos? A guy who is an existential threat to democracy?

Trump has handed her this win if she can just stick to the script. Really, I think 25% of Americans could beat Trump in this election by sticking to a good script. It is her election to lose, but boy could she still lose it.
Forest Bueller_bf
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parch said:

Forest Bueller_bf said:

Jack Bauer said:

Doc Holliday said:

Jack Bauer said:

The talking points are out..

Vice President Kamala Harris will lead response to migrant issue as numbers rise at border

What pisses me off is that bill would have still allowed millions of illegal crossings and that would be precedent.

Democrats are the absolute worst.
oh look, the word is out..just like "Joe Biden is the sharpest man alive!"

I put the actual news conference where Biden put Harris in charge of the border on here. If it meant nothing and she was just a figurehead trying to prop up her street cred, then the news conference never should have happened.

But, yet it did.

I would recommend everybody listen to every word of it, so they will make actual informed comments. The MSM will not tell the truth about this.
Direct quote from that press conference:

"She has agreed to lead our diplomatic effort and work with those nations to accept the returnees and enhance migration enforcement at their borders. Their borders."

He literally repeats "their borders" for added emphasis. There is nothing in that press conference that says she was ever tasked with implementing Biden's policies at the American-Mexican border. It was a diplomatic mission to the nexus of the migration in Central America and she raised $5 billion toward it from when she was tasked with it in 2021 until March, when the last $1 billion private sector investment came through. And the important part is that it was limited in scope to diplomacy and fundraising. She was not given the option to do anything else. She was awkward at the diplomacy (she told migrants to stop coming in Guatemala) and successful at the fundraising, so draw your own conclusions.

It is a lie. Period.
He said word for word that she would "stem the migration from the southern border."

You are just duplicitous with your mis-representation. She even told people " not to come" to the southern border, then did literally nothing about it.

If Trump had done the same exact thing your ilk would run him through the coles and say he was totally ineffective and did nothing. The dems are in full "recreate" Harris mode. More than likely the average person is stupid enough to take it hook line and sinker.
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Forest Bueller_bf said:

parch said:

Forest Bueller_bf said:

Jack Bauer said:

Doc Holliday said:

Jack Bauer said:

The talking points are out..

Vice President Kamala Harris will lead response to migrant issue as numbers rise at border

What pisses me off is that bill would have still allowed millions of illegal crossings and that would be precedent.

Democrats are the absolute worst.
oh look, the word is out..just like "Joe Biden is the sharpest man alive!"

I put the actual news conference where Biden put Harris in charge of the border on here. If it meant nothing and she was just a figurehead trying to prop up her street cred, then the news conference never should have happened.

But, yet it did.

I would recommend everybody listen to every word of it, so they will make actual informed comments. The MSM will not tell the truth about this.
Direct quote from that press conference:

"She has agreed to lead our diplomatic effort and work with those nations to accept the returnees and enhance migration enforcement at their borders. Their borders."

He literally repeats "their borders" for added emphasis. There is nothing in that press conference that says she was ever tasked with implementing Biden's policies at the American-Mexican border. It was a diplomatic mission to the nexus of the migration in Central America and she raised $5 billion toward it from when she was tasked with it in 2021 until March, when the last $1 billion private sector investment came through. And the important part is that it was limited in scope to diplomacy and fundraising. She was not given the option to do anything else. She was awkward at the diplomacy (she told migrants to stop coming in Guatemala) and successful at the fundraising, so draw your own conclusions.

It is a lie. Period.
He said word for word that she would "stem the migration from the southern border."

You are just duplicitous with your mis-representation. She even told people " not to come" to the southern border, then did literally nothing about it.

If Trump had done the same exact thing your ilk would run him through the coles and say he was totally ineffective and did nothing. The dems are in full "recreate" Harris mode. More than likely the average person is stupid enough to take it hook line and sinker.

Just like Repubs will try to excuse away Trump's missteps. It is normal. Trump is the one that says it out loud, it's all about winning.
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parch said:

Harrison Bergeron said:

parch said:

Doc Holliday said:

parch said:

The whole point of this thread was subjective assessment. Mayorkas was, is, and will continue to be the actual border czar, and even that is a misnomer because he doesn't have that broad of authority. It was never Harris, ever. Mayorkas oversees the country's main three immigration agencies, including Customs and Border Protection. If you want an actual border czar, look up Roberta Jacobson - and her role hasn't existed in three years.

If you read it off a page, Harris' actual tasking was convincing companies to invest in Central America and promoting democracy and development there through diplomacy. Whether she did that well is up for debate, but that's just the reality. She never had a role at the border because she wasn't given one.
Subjectively she's part of the Biden administration who hasn't done anything to protect the border and I can only conclude she will do the same based on her own public statements on the topic.

We're supposed to believe she will get a handle on the border based on what?
I have no idea if she'll reverse trends on actual on-the-border issues. She may be awful at it. She may be surprisingly adept. I'm not the one pre-judging. The point is that, subjectively, she's never had an actual crack at it in the first place. Those decisions were not on her desk or anywhere near it.
She oversaw the largest human trafficking, drug smuggling, terrorist infiltrating period in U.S. history.

The only thing that is a lie is the gaslighting and trying to rewrite history.
Biden's border policy was drawn out before Harris was even tapped as the VP, so I don't know how you figure she "oversaw" anything. She was assigned one task on immigration, to carry out the Root Cause Strategy targeted at infrastructure fundraising for the Northern Triangle outlined in Biden's campaign planks, and she did that. That was it. She had no hand in policy development or implementation on the border. No VP ever has or ever will. It's just as stupid a campaign attack as people who came after Pence for Trump's shortcomings. VP's are extensions of presidential policy and senatorial tiebreakers and nothing more.
You are clearly describing her role on the border issue but the right leaning swarm here are bent on finding new angles to beat a dead horse.
Frank Galvin
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Harrison Bergeron said:

Frank Galvin said:

As VP how was Kamala supposed to stop the flow of illegal/undocumented?

She failed to accomplish an impossible task.
Thank you for agreeing she's unfit for office.

Between failing to accomplish an impossible task and not defending the Capitol while it is being overrun, I know who I am going to pick as unfit
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Frank Galvin said:

Harrison Bergeron said:

Frank Galvin said:

As VP how was Kamala supposed to stop the flow of illegal/undocumented?

She failed to accomplish an impossible task.
Thank you for agreeing she's unfit for office.

Between failing to accomplish an impossible task and not defending the Capitol while it is being overrun, I know who I am going to pick as unfit
Ah yes, of course it's an impossible task to people who tell themselves that walls don't work.
Our vibrations were getting nasty. But why? I was puzzled, frustrated... Had we deteriorated to the level of dumb beasts?
Frank Galvin
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Waco1947 said:

parch said:

Harrison Bergeron said:

parch said:

Doc Holliday said:

parch said:

The whole point of this thread was subjective assessment. Mayorkas was, is, and will continue to be the actual border czar, and even that is a misnomer because he doesn't have that broad of authority. It was never Harris, ever. Mayorkas oversees the country's main three immigration agencies, including Customs and Border Protection. If you want an actual border czar, look up Roberta Jacobson - and her role hasn't existed in three years.

If you read it off a page, Harris' actual tasking was convincing companies to invest in Central America and promoting democracy and development there through diplomacy. Whether she did that well is up for debate, but that's just the reality. She never had a role at the border because she wasn't given one.
Subjectively she's part of the Biden administration who hasn't done anything to protect the border and I can only conclude she will do the same based on her own public statements on the topic.

We're supposed to believe she will get a handle on the border based on what?
I have no idea if she'll reverse trends on actual on-the-border issues. She may be awful at it. She may be surprisingly adept. I'm not the one pre-judging. The point is that, subjectively, she's never had an actual crack at it in the first place. Those decisions were not on her desk or anywhere near it.
She oversaw the largest human trafficking, drug smuggling, terrorist infiltrating period in U.S. history.

The only thing that is a lie is the gaslighting and trying to rewrite history.
Biden's border policy was drawn out before Harris was even tapped as the VP, so I don't know how you figure she "oversaw" anything. She was assigned one task on immigration, to carry out the Root Cause Strategy targeted at infrastructure fundraising for the Northern Triangle outlined in Biden's campaign planks, and she did that. That was it. She had no hand in policy development or implementation on the border. No VP ever has or ever will. It's just as stupid a campaign attack as people who came after Pence for Trump's shortcomings. VP's are extensions of presidential policy and senatorial tiebreakers and nothing more.
You are clearly describing her role on the border issue but the right leaning swarm here are bent on finding new angles to beat a dead horse.

Because they are terrified that the Dems got rid of their highly flawed nominee and the GOP is stuck with its highly flawed nominee.
Frank Galvin
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Wangchung said:

Frank Galvin said:

Harrison Bergeron said:

Frank Galvin said:

As VP how was Kamala supposed to stop the flow of illegal/undocumented?

She failed to accomplish an impossible task.
Thank you for agreeing she's unfit for office.

Between failing to accomplish an impossible task and not defending the Capitol while it is being overrun, I know who I am going to pick as unfit
Ah yes, of course it's an impossible task to people who tell themselves that walls don't work.

Vice Presidents do not make that decision. They are probably not even in the room when that decision is made.
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Wangchung said:

Frank Galvin said:

Harrison Bergeron said:

Frank Galvin said:

As VP how was Kamala supposed to stop the flow of illegal/undocumented?

She failed to accomplish an impossible task.
Thank you for agreeing she's unfit for office.

Between failing to accomplish an impossible task and not defending the Capitol while it is being overrun, I know who I am going to pick as unfit
Ah yes, of course it's an impossible task to people who tell themselves that walls don't work.

We all know even had Mexico paid for a border length wall to have been erected, it would not have stopped illegal immigration.

First you'd need to get Canada to pay for a wall too, then routinely detonate likely spots for underground tunnels along the length of the border, then kill anyone who still crosses, then institute far more restrictive policies on shipping and what is allowed into ports, then start executing all customs officers that accept bribes, and by that point, I bet you'd have very little illegal immigration.

Trump will do this or similar, right? Cuz if not, no need to compare his record on immigration to Harris', both would fail spectacularly and already have 4 years of failed spectacularly.
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Porteroso said:

Wangchung said:

Frank Galvin said:

Harrison Bergeron said:

Frank Galvin said:

As VP how was Kamala supposed to stop the flow of illegal/undocumented?

She failed to accomplish an impossible task.
Thank you for agreeing she's unfit for office.

Between failing to accomplish an impossible task and not defending the Capitol while it is being overrun, I know who I am going to pick as unfit
Ah yes, of course it's an impossible task to people who tell themselves that walls don't work.

We all know even had Mexico paid for a border length wall to have been erected, it would not have stopped illegal immigration.

First you'd need to get Canada to pay for a wall too, then routinely detonate likely spots for underground tunnels along the length of the border, then kill anyone who still crosses, then institute far more restrictive policies on shipping and what is allowed into ports, then start executing all customs officers that accept bribes, and by that point, I bet you'd have very little illegal immigration.

Trump will do this or similar, right? Cuz if not, no need to compare his record on immigration to Harris', both would fail spectacularly and already have 4 years of failed spectacularly.
That's stupid. Do you have to kill people outside your home in order for your front door to be an effective deterrent to burglars? No. And Trump clearly stated that Mexico would pay for the wall through tariffs but you leftists cannot refrain from parsing his words to make the dumbest claims possible. "Trump said all Mexicans are rapists! Trump called war heroes losers! Trump said Nazis were fine people!" It's lie after lie after lie. "Biden is fine, republicans made cheap fake videos to make him seem feeble!" Then after Trump absolutely destroys Joe in the debate, "Biden has Covid so he is stepping down from his campaign!" Now we get "Kamala was never tasked with the border crisis!" despite video and documented evidence to the contrary and "Saying Kamala was a DEI hire is RaCiSt!!!" despite Joe Biden outright celebrating her as the top DEI hire in his administration. At some point honest people have to reflect on the fact that democrats can only lie to get votes because their actual political record is abysmal.
Our vibrations were getting nasty. But why? I was puzzled, frustrated... Had we deteriorated to the level of dumb beasts?
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Frank Galvin said:

Wangchung said:

Frank Galvin said:

Harrison Bergeron said:

Frank Galvin said:

As VP how was Kamala supposed to stop the flow of illegal/undocumented?

She failed to accomplish an impossible task.
Thank you for agreeing she's unfit for office.

Between failing to accomplish an impossible task and not defending the Capitol while it is being overrun, I know who I am going to pick as unfit
Ah yes, of course it's an impossible task to people who tell themselves that walls don't work.

Vice Presidents do not make that decision. They are probably not even in the room when that decision is made.
Oh we know for sure Biden and Kamala were never in the room when the big decisions were made. That's not news.
Our vibrations were getting nasty. But why? I was puzzled, frustrated... Had we deteriorated to the level of dumb beasts?
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Frank Galvin said:

As VP how was Kamala supposed to stop the flow of illegal/undocumented?

She failed to accomplish an impossible task.
Mister, she failed to even try.

Remember how often she flustered when asked if she had even been to the border?
That which does not kill me, will try again and get nastier
Jack Bauer
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Exclusive | Obama doesn't believe Kamala Harris can beat Trump: sources (
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Frank Galvin said:

Harrison Bergeron said:

Frank Galvin said:

As VP how was Kamala supposed to stop the flow of illegal/undocumented?

She failed to accomplish an impossible task.
Thank you for agreeing she's unfit for office.

Between failing to accomplish an impossible task and not defending the Capitol while it is being overrun, I know who I am going to pick as unfit

You insist on repeating a lie.

Enforcing existing Federal immigration laws is not an 'impossible task '.

Both Obama and Trump succeeded.

Frank Galvin
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KaiBear said:

Frank Galvin said:

Harrison Bergeron said:

Frank Galvin said:

As VP how was Kamala supposed to stop the flow of illegal/undocumented?

She failed to accomplish an impossible task.
Thank you for agreeing she's unfit for office.

Between failing to accomplish an impossible task and not defending the Capitol while it is being overrun, I know who I am going to pick as unfit

You insist on repeating a lie.

Enforcing existing Federal immigration laws is not an 'impossible task '.

Both Obama and Trump succeeded.

It is impossible for the Vice President. She has no authority and no bargaining chips. John Garner said it best: no statement is more repeated than John Nance Garner's observation that the office "is not worth a bucket of warm spit."

She may or may not be a good candidate or a good president. But judging her by what she did as VP is just stupid.
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Frank Galvin said:

As VP how was Kamala supposed to stop the flow of illegal/undocumented?

She failed to accomplish an impossible task.
Yes, so impossible, that Trump accomplished it reasonably well. And his policies were stopped by Biden's administration, in which Kamala Harris was fully complicit.

No one asked them to stop the flow of illegals completely. But what we certainly didn't ask them to do, was invite them to rush in while we hold the door open.
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Frank Galvin said:

KaiBear said:

Frank Galvin said:

Harrison Bergeron said:

Frank Galvin said:

As VP how was Kamala supposed to stop the flow of illegal/undocumented?

She failed to accomplish an impossible task.
Thank you for agreeing she's unfit for office.

Between failing to accomplish an impossible task and not defending the Capitol while it is being overrun, I know who I am going to pick as unfit

You insist on repeating a lie.

Enforcing existing Federal immigration laws is not an 'impossible task '.

Both Obama and Trump succeeded.

It is impossible for the Vice President. She has no authority and no bargaining chips. John Garner said it best: no statement is more repeated than John Nance Garner's observation that the office "is not worth a bucket of warm spit."

She may or may not be a good candidate or a good president. But judging her by what she did as VP is just stupid.
That's hilarious. Never mind the fact Biden publicly picked her to head up the border crisis, right? So Biden was just lying when he chose her to deal with the problem? That's your stance? At this point it is clear that lying and stating the latest talking point is all that matters to democrats no matter how obvious the lie.
Our vibrations were getting nasty. But why? I was puzzled, frustrated... Had we deteriorated to the level of dumb beasts?
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Frank Galvin said:

KaiBear said:

Frank Galvin said:

Harrison Bergeron said:

Frank Galvin said:

As VP how was Kamala supposed to stop the flow of illegal/undocumented?

She failed to accomplish an impossible task.
Thank you for agreeing she's unfit for office.

Between failing to accomplish an impossible task and not defending the Capitol while it is being overrun, I know who I am going to pick as unfit

You insist on repeating a lie.

Enforcing existing Federal immigration laws is not an 'impossible task '.

Both Obama and Trump succeeded.

It is impossible for the Vice President. She has no authority and no bargaining chips. John Garner said it best: no statement is more repeated than John Nance Garner's observation that the office "is not worth a bucket of warm spit."

She may or may not be a good candidate or a good president. But judging her by what she did as VP is just stupid.

Such bull*****

She was part of the cabinet. Was involved in every meeting evaluating every policy.

You clowns want voters to think Harris was totally outside of decision making loop.

Which is ridiculous.
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Frank Galvin said:

KaiBear said:

Frank Galvin said:

Harrison Bergeron said:

Frank Galvin said:

As VP how was Kamala supposed to stop the flow of illegal/undocumented?

She failed to accomplish an impossible task.
Thank you for agreeing she's unfit for office.

Between failing to accomplish an impossible task and not defending the Capitol while it is being overrun, I know who I am going to pick as unfit

You insist on repeating a lie.

Enforcing existing Federal immigration laws is not an 'impossible task '.

Both Obama and Trump succeeded.

It is impossible for the Vice President. She has no authority and no bargaining chips. John Garner said it best: no statement is more repeated than John Nance Garner's observation that the office "is not worth a bucket of warm spit."

She may or may not be a good candidate or a good president. But judging her by what she did as VP is just stupid.

If there ever was a VP who was familiar with a bucket of warm spit, it's the current occupant.

Unless she swallows instead.
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Wangchung said:

Porteroso said:

Wangchung said:

Frank Galvin said:

Harrison Bergeron said:

Frank Galvin said:

As VP how was Kamala supposed to stop the flow of illegal/undocumented?

She failed to accomplish an impossible task.
Thank you for agreeing she's unfit for office.

Between failing to accomplish an impossible task and not defending the Capitol while it is being overrun, I know who I am going to pick as unfit
Ah yes, of course it's an impossible task to people who tell themselves that walls don't work.

We all know even had Mexico paid for a border length wall to have been erected, it would not have stopped illegal immigration.

First you'd need to get Canada to pay for a wall too, then routinely detonate likely spots for underground tunnels along the length of the border, then kill anyone who still crosses, then institute far more restrictive policies on shipping and what is allowed into ports, then start executing all customs officers that accept bribes, and by that point, I bet you'd have very little illegal immigration.

Trump will do this or similar, right? Cuz if not, no need to compare his record on immigration to Harris', both would fail spectacularly and already have 4 years of failed spectacularly.
That's stupid. Do you have to kill people outside your home in order for your front door to be an effective deterrent to burglars? No. And Trump clearly stated that Mexico would pay for the wall through tariffs but you leftists cannot refrain from parsing his words to make the dumbest claims possible. "Trump said all Mexicans are rapists! Trump called war heroes losers! Trump said Nazis were fine people!" It's lie after lie after lie. "Biden is fine, republicans made cheap fake videos to make him seem feeble!" Then after Trump absolutely destroys Joe in the debate, "Biden has Covid so he is stepping down from his campaign!" Now we get "Kamala was never tasked with the border crisis!" despite video and documented evidence to the contrary and "Saying Kamala was a DEI hire is RaCiSt!!!" despite Joe Biden outright celebrating her as the top DEI hire in his administration. At some point honest people have to reflect on the fact that democrats can only lie to get votes because their actual political record is abysmal.

People don't want into my home all that badly. They do want into America badly. Your analogy is stupid. The Southern Border is more like an episode of Walking Dead than my house.
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I believe there are literally millions of people who aren't paying attention to the news the last 3 years and would believe an ad depicting Kamala as a pleasant, smart and fun lady who loves the USA. And they will vote for her based on that ad.
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Porteroso said:

Wangchung said:

Porteroso said:

Wangchung said:

Frank Galvin said:

Harrison Bergeron said:

Frank Galvin said:

As VP how was Kamala supposed to stop the flow of illegal/undocumented?

She failed to accomplish an impossible task.
Thank you for agreeing she's unfit for office.

Between failing to accomplish an impossible task and not defending the Capitol while it is being overrun, I know who I am going to pick as unfit
Ah yes, of course it's an impossible task to people who tell themselves that walls don't work.

We all know even had Mexico paid for a border length wall to have been erected, it would not have stopped illegal immigration.

First you'd need to get Canada to pay for a wall too, then routinely detonate likely spots for underground tunnels along the length of the border, then kill anyone who still crosses, then institute far more restrictive policies on shipping and what is allowed into ports, then start executing all customs officers that accept bribes, and by that point, I bet you'd have very little illegal immigration.

Trump will do this or similar, right? Cuz if not, no need to compare his record on immigration to Harris', both would fail spectacularly and already have 4 years of failed spectacularly.
That's stupid. Do you have to kill people outside your home in order for your front door to be an effective deterrent to burglars? No. And Trump clearly stated that Mexico would pay for the wall through tariffs but you leftists cannot refrain from parsing his words to make the dumbest claims possible. "Trump said all Mexicans are rapists! Trump called war heroes losers! Trump said Nazis were fine people!" It's lie after lie after lie. "Biden is fine, republicans made cheap fake videos to make him seem feeble!" Then after Trump absolutely destroys Joe in the debate, "Biden has Covid so he is stepping down from his campaign!" Now we get "Kamala was never tasked with the border crisis!" despite video and documented evidence to the contrary and "Saying Kamala was a DEI hire is RaCiSt!!!" despite Joe Biden outright celebrating her as the top DEI hire in his administration. At some point honest people have to reflect on the fact that democrats can only lie to get votes because their actual political record is abysmal.

People don't want into my home all that badly. They do want into America badly. Your analogy is stupid. The Southern Border is more like an episode of Walking Dead than my house.
Walls work. Front doors work. Are they 100% impenetrable? No. Only an idiot would think that was the goal. But they work exponentially better at dissuading invaders than open border/open entrances. Your front door can easily be kicked in but I would bet any amount of money that you routinely lock your front door at night and when you're away.
Our vibrations were getting nasty. But why? I was puzzled, frustrated... Had we deteriorated to the level of dumb beasts?
Jack and DP
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Harris is a terrible candidate. Anti-fracking and gun control won't play well in Pennsylvania, a state she desperately needs. Defund the Police won't play well in any of the other states she needs to capture.
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Frank Galvin said:

KaiBear said:

Frank Galvin said:

Harrison Bergeron said:

Frank Galvin said:

As VP how was Kamala supposed to stop the flow of illegal/undocumented?

She failed to accomplish an impossible task.
Thank you for agreeing she's unfit for office.

Between failing to accomplish an impossible task and not defending the Capitol while it is being overrun, I know who I am going to pick as unfit

You insist on repeating a lie.

Enforcing existing Federal immigration laws is not an 'impossible task '.

Both Obama and Trump succeeded.

It is impossible for the Vice President. She has no authority and no bargaining chips. John Garner said it best: no statement is more repeated than John Nance Garner's observation that the office "is not worth a bucket of warm spit."

She may or may not be a good candidate or a good president. But judging her by what she did as VP is just stupid.
If you can't judge her by what she did as VP or for what Biden's administration did, then neither can you credit her for anything she touts as an accomplishment of the Biden administration during her time as VP. You can't have it both ways. So anytime one of you dems tries to make the case for Harris this way, I'm gonna refer them to your comment.
Forest Bueller
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Jack and DP said:

Harris is a terrible candidate. Anti-fracking and gun control won't play well in Pennsylvania, a state she desperately needs. Defund the Police won't play well in any of the other states she needs to capture.

She will lie about it, even though it's on record.
Forest Bueller
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fubar said:

Democrats nominating Harris isn't about some nefarious "machine" that will do anything to win. It's classic realpolitik.

First, there simply isn't enough time to contest the nomination. We're less than four months from election day, and less than four weeks to the convention. It takes time to build support and, for that matter, simple name recognition. It also takes time to ...

,,, raise money. Biden/Harris 2024 was doing quite well on that front until the debate. Harris now controls those $$$ (she's the only one outside of Joe who could), giving her a huge head start over any other contender.

Given the time and money problems, any Dem with an eye to the White House would do best to keep her/his powder dry until the next go-round. Harris is the party's best chance to win now, but let's get real: She ain't winning in November. If you're a Dem the next four years are going to suck, but there's nothing a prospective candidate can do now to avoid that. And you won't have to wait eight years while Harris campaigns for re-election.


Why would the next 4 suck for dems.

Lower consumer interest rates.
Lower gas priced
Lower food priced
Lower fed interest rates
Lower illegal immigration rates

They may hate Trump I'll grant that, but things will
be better for the working class.

For the wealthy it doesn't much matter either way
They are fine.

For the 72 percent living paycheck to paycheck things will gradually improve.

Democrats do have a very well organized political organisations. This has been in the works since the debate. Very likely before that just in case .

Frank Galvin
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BusyTarpDuster2017 said:

Frank Galvin said:

KaiBear said:

Frank Galvin said:

Harrison Bergeron said:

Frank Galvin said:

As VP how was Kamala supposed to stop the flow of illegal/undocumented?

She failed to accomplish an impossible task.
Thank you for agreeing she's unfit for office.

Between failing to accomplish an impossible task and not defending the Capitol while it is being overrun, I know who I am going to pick as unfit

You insist on repeating a lie.

Enforcing existing Federal immigration laws is not an 'impossible task '.

Both Obama and Trump succeeded.

It is impossible for the Vice President. She has no authority and no bargaining chips. John Garner said it best: no statement is more repeated than John Nance Garner's observation that the office "is not worth a bucket of warm spit."

She may or may not be a good candidate or a good president. But judging her by what she did as VP is just stupid.
If you can't judge her by what she did as VP or for what Biden's administration did, then neither can you credit her for anything she touts as an accomplishment of the Biden administration during her time as VP. You can't have it both ways. So anytime one of you dems tries to make the case for Harris this way, I'm gonna refer them to your comment.

I am not trying to have it both ways. Why do you assume I am? I specifically said she may be a good or bad candidate and president (if she wins). I gave her no credit for Biden's successes.
Frank Galvin
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KaiBear said:

Frank Galvin said:

KaiBear said:

Frank Galvin said:

Harrison Bergeron said:

Frank Galvin said:

As VP how was Kamala supposed to stop the flow of illegal/undocumented?

She failed to accomplish an impossible task.
Thank you for agreeing she's unfit for office.

Between failing to accomplish an impossible task and not defending the Capitol while it is being overrun, I know who I am going to pick as unfit

You insist on repeating a lie.

Enforcing existing Federal immigration laws is not an 'impossible task '.

Both Obama and Trump succeeded.

It is impossible for the Vice President. She has no authority and no bargaining chips. John Garner said it best: no statement is more repeated than John Nance Garner's observation that the office "is not worth a bucket of warm spit."

She may or may not be a good candidate or a good president. But judging her by what she did as VP is just stupid.

Such bull*****

She was part of the cabinet. Was involved in every meeting evaluating every policy.

You clowns want voters to think Harris was totally outside of decision making loop.

Which is ridiculous.

You dint read much history. If VPs are so tied to their boss, I assume Trumpworld would love a Mike Pence election.
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