Realitybites said:
BusyTarpDuster2017 said:
You aren't fully trusting in Jesus for your salvation, if you're also trusting in your works in addition to your faith.
Absolutely correct (that is, someone who trusts in works and faith for salvation, not saying that I do this).
Good fruits are what true believers wil produce if given the time and opportunity, but it is not what saves them.
Man walks the aisle, prays the sinners prayer, and goes on to live a secular life. Not an overtly evil one, just a secular one. Doesn't pray, doesn't fast, doesn't go to church or goes occasionally at best. He says he is Christian, but in fact his practiced religion is moralistic, therapeutic, deism.
Is such a person saved because he walked the aisle, prayed a prayer, and believes he is saved? He sincerely believes he is saved because a preacher told him Romans 10:9 once.
Ummmmm you do Realize that even the act of saying "I believe" is a work right? How do you know you're believing enough? You have no way to measure and no way to know how God measures. So even then you still have to trust in God's grace and then show him through the actions of your faith, not just mumbling a couple of words and you good.
You believe in the 10 commandments no? How can you follow those commands without doing works? It's impossible. You can't. Completely neuters the believe of I just say I believe". Why? Cuz you gotta do that works that are explicitly written. I jotted down several of them earlier in the thread to try to help out.
You can't honor your father and mother without an action. Impossible. And yet you're saying proudly "all I have to do is have faith and believe!"
Even you would disagree with yourself. It's very simple. But pride gets in the way.
So go ahead and have faith alone, don't honor your father and mother or any of the other commandments and see how confidently you think that gets you where you think it does.
Don't over complicate it but know many are called and few are chosen, the path is wide and very very few follow the narrow. It's hard. It's not as simple as just "sprinkle" and I believe.