The Real Economy isn't Booming

43,581 Views | 436 Replies | Last: 5 yr ago by Waco1947
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B ass kid said "I see. You think people are put in prison because of the color of their skin. All those racists judges and lawyers out there secretly trying to lock away black people because they hate them.

If you believe this, there is no helping you (oh, and also, if it were true, there would be no way to fix it, unless you think racism is an exclusively white trait. Of course, that opinion would be . . . wait for it . . .racist.) Because more black judges and lawyers would ostensibly be prone to the same prejudices in the other direction.

OR, just maybe, the reality is that there are more black people in prison than their population ratio would suggest because they simply commit more crime pro rata. Pretty simple, even though your wokeness desperately doesn't want it to be true. I would argue that this due to largely socio-economic reasons (and to a lesser degree cultural) which makes sense, but you think it's because white people have a conspiracy to lock up black people. Because, of course, white people are inherently evil yada yada. That tin foil hat doesn't fit me, so go on thinking whatever you'd like."
Let's break it down
"I see. You think people are put in prison because of the color of their skin. All those racists judges and lawyers out there secretly trying to lock away black people because they hate them."
False assumptions. Hyperbole? 'Hate them?' That's simply stupid

"If you believe this, there is no helping you (oh, and also, if it were true, there would be no way to fix it, unless you think racism is an exclusively white trait. Of course, that opinion would be . . . wait for it . . .racist.) Because more black judges and lawyers would ostensibly be prone to the same prejudices in the other direction."
NO, it's not in the other direction on racism. Racism is the power over a race - judicial, economically, politically, culturally. Blacks do not have that power

"OR, just maybe, the reality is that there are more black people in prison than their population ratio would suggest because they simply commit more crime pro rata. Pretty simple, even though your wokeness desperately doesn't want it to be true. I would argue that this due to largely socio-economic reasons (and to a lesser degree cultural) which makes sense, but you think it's because white people have a conspiracy to lock up black people. Because, of course, white people are inherently evil yada yada. That tin foil hat doesn't fit me, so go on thinking whatever you'd like."
Conspiracy is a stupid word. It's systemic not conspiracy. You really need an education on Black history b
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Waco needs a conscience.

A real one, not a political contrivance as he uses now.
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Waco1947 said:

B ass kid said "I see. You think people are put in prison because of the color of their skin. All those racists judges and lawyers out there secretly trying to lock away black people because they hate them.

If you believe this, there is no helping you (oh, and also, if it were true, there would be no way to fix it, unless you think racism is an exclusively white trait. Of course, that opinion would be . . . wait for it . . .racist.) Because more black judges and lawyers would ostensibly be prone to the same prejudices in the other direction.

OR, just maybe, the reality is that there are more black people in prison than their population ratio would suggest because they simply commit more crime pro rata. Pretty simple, even though your wokeness desperately doesn't want it to be true. I would argue that this due to largely socio-economic reasons (and to a lesser degree cultural) which makes sense, but you think it's because white people have a conspiracy to lock up black people. Because, of course, white people are inherently evil yada yada. That tin foil hat doesn't fit me, so go on thinking whatever you'd like."
Let's break it down
"I see. You think people are put in prison because of the color of their skin. All those racists judges and lawyers out there secretly trying to lock away black people because they hate them."
False assumptions. Hyperbole? 'Hate them?' That's simply stupid

"If you believe this, there is no helping you (oh, and also, if it were true, there would be no way to fix it, unless you think racism is an exclusively white trait. Of course, that opinion would be . . . wait for it . . .racist.) Because more black judges and lawyers would ostensibly be prone to the same prejudices in the other direction."
NO, it's not in the other direction on racism. Racism is the power over a race - judicial, economically, politically, culturally. Blacks do not have that power

"OR, just maybe, the reality is that there are more black people in prison than their population ratio would suggest because they simply commit more crime pro rata. Pretty simple, even though your wokeness desperately doesn't want it to be true. I would argue that this due to largely socio-economic reasons (and to a lesser degree cultural) which makes sense, but you think it's because white people have a conspiracy to lock up black people. Because, of course, white people are inherently evil yada yada. That tin foil hat doesn't fit me, so go on thinking whatever you'd like."
Conspiracy is a stupid word. It's systemic not conspiracy. You really need an education on Black history b

Bare Ass? Your response?
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bearassnekkid said:

BrooksBearLives said:

bearassnekkid said:

BrooksBearLives said:

Doc Holliday said:

BrooksBearLives said:


BBL said Color IS a factor, though. Are we REALLY trying to argue it isn't? Look at incarceration rates alone. Race plays a role. Especially when you consider how incarceration's effects cascade through families (and has since Jim Crow).

Regarding incarceration rates, is it race or is it income level that plays the more important role?

Being white doesn't buy good legal representation. Money does that.

I've not looked at any stats. I'm just spit-ballin' . But, the question still stands.

Oh. It's race that most strongly correlates with incarceration rates.

Here's a pretty interesting article from the Pew Research Center showing that African Americans, while only making 12% of the adult population of America, makes up 33% of the prison population of American prisons.

Economic status plays into it as well. But if it was a stronger indicator, the gap wouldn't be so ridiculously large.

Good news, the gap IS shrinking. So it's a start. But SOOOOO long to go.

Incarceration rates are one of the most stark examples of institutionalized racism. Things like huge differences in minimum sentences for crack vs cocaine (those drugs were incredibly split along racial lines). Examples of this go back to Jim Crow -which has had a legacy across generations.

Things will never be perfect. But we can work on it.

One interesting option is to remove race altogether from sentencing practices. Prosecutors would literally enter race-blind before deciding on the case.
Here we go again.

You think in static terms. We live in a dynamic world.

Black culture acts differently than white culture. That is a fact. Are you willing to discuss?
What am I supposed to say to that word-salad of a response? Who is saying the world is static? I'm talking about facts. These are facts right now.

Here's how discussion among serious adults work: someone will state an opinion and usually back it up with some sort of reliable source material to show it wasn't something they just made up. It shows why they believe what they believe.

Then another serious adult will respond in kind. Either agreeing, disagreeing, or asking questions about the first adult's methodology.

Notice how I didn't put space in there for insults, aspersions and snippy remarks?

Static? Did you hear a new word you're trying to work into your vernacular? Are you disagreeing with the FACT that African Americans make up 12% of the adult population but 33% of the prison population?

And please, don't start talking about "black culture." Stay in your lane.
Stop being disingenuous. It belittles everyone in the conversation. Do you believe that blacks are disproportionately incarcerated because they are black? That is what you're insinuating, so make your case.

The alternate position would be that blacks are disproportionately incarcerated because they commit a disproportionate percentage of the crimes. You seem to reject that position, so state why.
I have to ask. Are you seriously questioning whether or not our prison/judicial system is systemically racist?

I ask because this is sincerely one of the most well-documented examples of systemic racism in our entire society. There's a reason why prison-reform is a bi-partisan issue.

Stop-and-frisk is a prime example

But there is also a huge discrepancy -not just in arrests and use of force- but also in the sentences handed out. Even after one corrects for other factors in their histories (such as repeat offenses, etc) Blacks are given longer prison sentences and for longer.

Using quantile regressions, we estimate the size of racial disparity across the conditional sentencing distribution. We find that the majority of the disparity between black and white sentences can be explained by differences in legally permitted characteristics, in particular, the arrest offense and the defendant's criminal history. Black arrestees are also disproportionately concentrated in federal districts that have higher sentences in general. Yet even after we control for these and other prior characteristics, an unexplained black-white sentence disparity of approximately 9 percent remains in our main sample. The disparity is nearly 13 percent in a broader sample that includes drug cases. Estimates of the conditional effect of being black on sentences are robust, fairly stable across the deciles, and economically significant. There are approximately 95,000 black men in federal prisons. Eliminating the "black premium" that we identify would reduce the steady-state level of black men in federal prison by 8,00011,000 men and save $230$320 million per year in direct costs
And there's a reason why it's a problem with bi-partisan support towards fixing, it's stupid-expensive and bleeding states dry. Even so-called progressive states like California.

Even Trump supports it, though for different reasons.

But one of the most BASIC examples of how our justice system is a pure example of institutionalized racism is the difference in how cocaine is treated. Crack cocaine possession and distribution is MUCH more harshly treated than powder cocaine. The difference?

Guess which is cheaper and more likely to be abused by minorities than the other?

And before you try to make the point about it being biased against poor people and not just Blacks, there is another incredible example of disparate treatment: the difference in how the nation has responded to the Opioid crisis (which has ravaged primarily rural midwestern and primarily white parts of the country -80% of the deaths are white) vs the response to the crack epidemic (which primarily affected urban black areas 84% of arrests were Black).

I'm not trying to blow up anyone's spot, but our prison system is absolutely a PRIME example of institutionalized racism. How laws can have what the Supreme Court has deemed "disparate impact." On its face, the laws may be nondiscriminatory, but the impact is absolutely discriminatory.
I see. You think people are put in prison because of the color of their skin. All those racists judges and lawyers out there secretly trying to lock away black people because they hate them.

If you believe this, there is no helping you (oh, and also, if it were true, there would be no way to fix it, unless you think racism is an exclusively white trait. Of course, that opinion would be . . . wait for it . . .racist.) Because more black judges and lawyers would ostensibly be prone to the same prejudices in the other direction.

OR, just maybe, the reality is that there are more black people in prison than their population ratio would suggest because they simply commit more crime pro rata. Pretty simple, even though your wokeness desperately doesn't want it to be true. I would argue that this due to largely socio-economic reasons (and to a lesser degree cultural) which makes sense, but you think it's because white people have a conspiracy to lock up black people. Because, of course, white people are inherently evil yada yada. That tin foil hat doesn't fit me, so go on thinking whatever you'd like.

You didn't read a single source, did you? You didn't even read my post. You just kept on believing what you think is right, despite ANY evidence given to you to the contrary.


That is you, in a nutshell.
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By the way. Just today, the Conservative Supreme Court just overturned the conviction of a black man held ON DEATH ROW 7-2 because "racial bias on behalf of the prosecutor" according to Brett Kavenaugh, who wrote the majority opinion.

But hey, Bearassed says there's no racism anymore!

The dude was tried 6 times by the same prosecutor for the same crime, striking down all but 1 of the black jurors assigned to hear the case (and he only allowed that one because he had used up all of his juror strikes). 3 times, the STATE SUPREME COURT OF ALABAMA threw out the convictions due to prosecutorial misconduct. ***?!?!?

Bruce Leroy
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BrooksBearLives said:

By the way. Just today, the Conservative Supreme Court just overturned the conviction of a black man held ON DEATH ROW 7-2 because "racial bias on behalf of the prosecutor" according to Brett Kavenaugh, who wrote the majority opinion.

But hey, Bearassed says there's no racism anymore!

The dude was tried 6 times by the same prosecutor for the same crime, striking down all but 1 of the black jurors assigned to hear the case (and he only allowed that one because he had used up all of his juror strikes). 3 times, the STATE SUPREME COURT OF ALABAMA threw out the convictions due to prosecutorial misconduct. ***?!?!?

By the way. Justice Clarence Thomas, had the minority opinion, which was joined in part by Justice Neil Gorsuch.

"The majority's opinion is so manifestly incorrect that I must proceed to the merits," Thomas wrote. "Flowers presented no evidence whatsoever of purposeful race discrimination by the State in selecting the jury during the trial below."

His opinion is a interesting read.
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Bruce Leroy said:

BrooksBearLives said:

By the way. Just today, the Conservative Supreme Court just overturned the conviction of a black man held ON DEATH ROW 7-2 because "racial bias on behalf of the prosecutor" according to Brett Kavenaugh, who wrote the majority opinion.

But hey, Bearassed says there's no racism anymore!

The dude was tried 6 times by the same prosecutor for the same crime, striking down all but 1 of the black jurors assigned to hear the case (and he only allowed that one because he had used up all of his juror strikes). 3 times, the STATE SUPREME COURT OF ALABAMA threw out the convictions due to prosecutorial misconduct. ***?!?!?

By the way. Justice Clarence Thomas, had the minority opinion, which was joined in part by Justice Neil Gorsuch.

"The majority's opinion is so manifestly incorrect that I must proceed to the merits," Thomas wrote. "Flowers presented no evidence whatsoever of purposeful race discrimination by the State in selecting the jury during the trial below."

His opinion is a interesting read.
I actually read it. But Thomas... he's not great at his job. There's a reason he's the one Supreme Court Justice that even Scalia didn't like. Scalia was a total turd, but he was brilliant. He didn't think much of Thomas's intellect.

I don't know how anyone could read the facts of this case and come to a straight-faced conclusion that there wasn't racial bias. Even Kavanaugh essentially said it was beyond question.
Bruce Leroy
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BrooksBearLives said:

Bruce Leroy said:

BrooksBearLives said:

By the way. Just today, the Conservative Supreme Court just overturned the conviction of a black man held ON DEATH ROW 7-2 because "racial bias on behalf of the prosecutor" according to Brett Kavenaugh, who wrote the majority opinion.

But hey, Bearassed says there's no racism anymore!

The dude was tried 6 times by the same prosecutor for the same crime, striking down all but 1 of the black jurors assigned to hear the case (and he only allowed that one because he had used up all of his juror strikes). 3 times, the STATE SUPREME COURT OF ALABAMA threw out the convictions due to prosecutorial misconduct. ***?!?!?

By the way. Justice Clarence Thomas, had the minority opinion, which was joined in part by Justice Neil Gorsuch.

"The majority's opinion is so manifestly incorrect that I must proceed to the merits," Thomas wrote. "Flowers presented no evidence whatsoever of purposeful race discrimination by the State in selecting the jury during the trial below."

His opinion is a interesting read.
I actually read it. But Thomas... he's not great at his job. There's a reason he's the one Supreme Court Justice that even Scalia didn't like. Scalia was a total turd, but he was brilliant. He didn't think much of Thomas's intellect.

I don't know how anyone could read the facts of this case and come to a straight-faced conclusion that there wasn't racial bias. Even Kavanaugh essentially said it was beyond question.
"Scalia was a total turd, but he was brilliant. He didn't think much of Thomas's intellect."

Dated article (2014)...

In 280 signed decisions SCJ Scalia agreed with SCJ Thomas 91% of the time.

"I don't know how anyone could read the facts of this case and come to a straight-faced conclusion that there wasn't racial bias. Even Kavanaugh essentially said it was beyond question."

"Justice Clarence Thomas, had the minority opinion, which was joined in part by Justice Neil Gorsuch."
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Yeah. 3,6 percent unemployment SUCKS! This is totally unacceptable. Where are Jimmy Carter and Barack Obama when we need them?

Hey, 3.6% is the only number I've ever seen lower than your vote percentage.
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cinque said:

But blacks and Browns are doing great. Just ask 'em.
You are a bigot. Plain and simple. You represent everything that is currently broken about this country. It is a shame that an individual such as you is allowed to be an American. You are an embarrassment. You do not deserve to be an American. We should trade you for a militant Muslim terrorist. The end result would be positive.

Judge Ward - you are the idiot. You are the embarrassment. You got 7.4% of the vote for County Judge in our home county? The folks who know us best here in Guadalupe County voted 92% against you? You have no shame. And for you to tell someone else they aren't American is like the Ayatollah telling a Sunni Muslim that he isn't as good a Muslim as a Shiite Muslim. Neither one of you possess any credibility!!! Shame on you.
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BrooksBearLives said:


Yeah. 3,6 percent unemployment SUCKS! This is totally unacceptable. Where are Jimmy Carter and Barack Obama when we need them?

Nobody said 3.6% unemployment sucks.

The economy has been improving for 10 years -and that's a really good thing.

But it's not perfect. Right now, many people are fully "employed" and still poor. That's not right.

There have been employed, poor people in every society since the beginning of humanity. Seriously - get over the utopia crap. Give where you can and show love and charity to your less fortunate neighbors. You'll be a much happier, more mature person.
Jack and DP
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BrooksBearLives said:

By the way. Just today, the Conservative Supreme Court just overturned the conviction of a black man held ON DEATH ROW 7-2 because "racial bias on behalf of the prosecutor" according to Brett Kavenaugh, who wrote the majority opinion.

But hey, Bearassed says there's no racism anymore!

The dude was tried 6 times by the same prosecutor for the same crime, striking down all but 1 of the black jurors assigned to hear the case (and he only allowed that one because he had used up all of his juror strikes). 3 times, the STATE SUPREME COURT OF ALABAMA threw out the convictions due to prosecutorial misconduct. ***?!?!?


What jurisdiction did the State Supreme Court Of Alabama have over a trial in a Mississippi county?
Sam Lowry
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CutTheTVoff said:

BrooksBearLives said:


Yeah. 3,6 percent unemployment SUCKS! This is totally unacceptable. Where are Jimmy Carter and Barack Obama when we need them?

Nobody said 3.6% unemployment sucks.

The economy has been improving for 10 years -and that's a really good thing.

But it's not perfect. Right now, many people are fully "employed" and still poor. That's not right.

There have been employed, poor people in every society since the beginning of humanity. Seriously - get over the utopia crap. Give where you can and show love and charity to your less fortunate neighbors. You'll be a much happier, more mature person.
Societies based on Judaism and Christianity aren't like every other society. We're supposed to be concerned with economic justice.
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Bruce Leroy said:

BrooksBearLives said:

Bruce Leroy said:

BrooksBearLives said:

By the way. Just today, the Conservative Supreme Court just overturned the conviction of a black man held ON DEATH ROW 7-2 because "racial bias on behalf of the prosecutor" according to Brett Kavenaugh, who wrote the majority opinion.

But hey, Bearassed says there's no racism anymore!

The dude was tried 6 times by the same prosecutor for the same crime, striking down all but 1 of the black jurors assigned to hear the case (and he only allowed that one because he had used up all of his juror strikes). 3 times, the STATE SUPREME COURT OF ALABAMA threw out the convictions due to prosecutorial misconduct. ***?!?!?

By the way. Justice Clarence Thomas, had the minority opinion, which was joined in part by Justice Neil Gorsuch.

"The majority's opinion is so manifestly incorrect that I must proceed to the merits," Thomas wrote. "Flowers presented no evidence whatsoever of purposeful race discrimination by the State in selecting the jury during the trial below."

His opinion is a interesting read.
I actually read it. But Thomas... he's not great at his job. There's a reason he's the one Supreme Court Justice that even Scalia didn't like. Scalia was a total turd, but he was brilliant. He didn't think much of Thomas's intellect.

I don't know how anyone could read the facts of this case and come to a straight-faced conclusion that there wasn't racial bias. Even Kavanaugh essentially said it was beyond question.
"Scalia was a total turd, but he was brilliant. He didn't think much of Thomas's intellect."

Dated article (2014)...

In 280 signed decisions SCJ Scalia agreed with SCJ Thomas 91% of the time.

"I don't know how anyone could read the facts of this case and come to a straight-faced conclusion that there wasn't racial bias. Even Kavanaugh essentially said it was beyond question."

"Justice Clarence Thomas, had the minority opinion, which was joined in part by Justice Neil Gorsuch."

Lol. Yeah? You seem to be someone who really struggles with nuance.

Neil Gorsuch is a POS. The fact he agreed with this doesn't say much. Scalia and Thomas voted the same on cases, doesn't mean they liked each other much.
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CutTheTVoff said:

BrooksBearLives said:


Yeah. 3,6 percent unemployment SUCKS! This is totally unacceptable. Where are Jimmy Carter and Barack Obama when we need them?

Nobody said 3.6% unemployment sucks.

The economy has been improving for 10 years -and that's a really good thing.

But it's not perfect. Right now, many people are fully "employed" and still poor. That's not right.

There have been employed, poor people in every society since the beginning of humanity. Seriously - get over the utopia crap. Give where you can and show love and charity to your less fortunate neighbors. You'll be a much happier, more mature person.

Hello, person who just started reading the thread row days ago (and it shows).

Please point to where I said the world should be a utopia. While doing your research, you'll probably see where I said the opposite.

I just think we should insist on a society that TRIES.

People like you who argue that everyone should give up are the reason we have what we do.
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Jack and DP said:

BrooksBearLives said:

By the way. Just today, the Conservative Supreme Court just overturned the conviction of a black man held ON DEATH ROW 7-2 because "racial bias on behalf of the prosecutor" according to Brett Kavenaugh, who wrote the majority opinion.

But hey, Bearassed says there's no racism anymore!

The dude was tried 6 times by the same prosecutor for the same crime, striking down all but 1 of the black jurors assigned to hear the case (and he only allowed that one because he had used up all of his juror strikes). 3 times, the STATE SUPREME COURT OF ALABAMA threw out the convictions due to prosecutorial misconduct. ***?!?!?


What jurisdiction did the State Supreme Court Of Alabama have over a trial in a Mississippi county?

Whoops! My bad. I was reading about Alabama in the same time and typed it wrong.

You got me.
Jack and DP
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Maybe Super Steve could help them with fair trials in Holmes County after he gets done with the potholes.

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Sam Lowry said:

CutTheTVoff said:

BrooksBearLives said:


Yeah. 3,6 percent unemployment SUCKS! This is totally unacceptable. Where are Jimmy Carter and Barack Obama when we need them?

Nobody said 3.6% unemployment sucks.

The economy has been improving for 10 years -and that's a really good thing.

But it's not perfect. Right now, many people are fully "employed" and still poor. That's not right.

There have been employed, poor people in every society since the beginning of humanity. Seriously - get over the utopia crap. Give where you can and show love and charity to your less fortunate neighbors. You'll be a much happier, more mature person.
Societies based on Judaism and Christianity aren't like every other society. We're supposed to be concerned with economic justice.

Not sure if serious.
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BrooksBearLives said:

Jack and DP said:

BrooksBearLives said:

By the way. Just today, the Conservative Supreme Court just overturned the conviction of a black man held ON DEATH ROW 7-2 because "racial bias on behalf of the prosecutor" according to Brett Kavenaugh, who wrote the majority opinion.

But hey, Bearassed says there's no racism anymore!

The dude was tried 6 times by the same prosecutor for the same crime, striking down all but 1 of the black jurors assigned to hear the case (and he only allowed that one because he had used up all of his juror strikes). 3 times, the STATE SUPREME COURT OF ALABAMA threw out the convictions due to prosecutorial misconduct. ***?!?!?


What jurisdiction did the State Supreme Court Of Alabama have over a trial in a Mississippi county?

Whoops! My bad. I was reading about Alabama in the same time and typed it wrong.

You got me.

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BrooksBearLives said:

CutTheTVoff said:

BrooksBearLives said:


Yeah. 3,6 percent unemployment SUCKS! This is totally unacceptable. Where are Jimmy Carter and Barack Obama when we need them?

Nobody said 3.6% unemployment sucks.

The economy has been improving for 10 years -and that's a really good thing.

But it's not perfect. Right now, many people are fully "employed" and still poor. That's not right.

There have been employed, poor people in every society since the beginning of humanity. Seriously - get over the utopia crap. Give where you can and show love and charity to your less fortunate neighbors. You'll be a much happier, more mature person.

Hello, person who just started reading the thread row days ago (and it shows).

Please point to where I said the world should be a utopia. While doing your research, you'll probably see where I said the opposite.

I just think we should insist on a society that TRIES.

People like you who argue that everyone should give up are the reason we have what we do.

A society that TRIES what?
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Tries to remove systemic obstacles.
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Since 1989, The Top 1% Gained $21T In Wealth. The Bottom 50% Lost $900M

This is NOT sustainable. And it WILL lead too an economic breakdown or revolt if we don't start trying to remove obstacles keeping hard work and intelligence from being enough.

If you're willing to work, it should pay off. If it doesn't, the American Dream collapses as people give up.

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CutTheTVoff said:

BrooksBearLives said:

CutTheTVoff said:

BrooksBearLives said:


Yeah. 3,6 percent unemployment SUCKS! This is totally unacceptable. Where are Jimmy Carter and Barack Obama when we need them?

Nobody said 3.6% unemployment sucks.

The economy has been improving for 10 years -and that's a really good thing.

But it's not perfect. Right now, many people are fully "employed" and still poor. That's not right.

There have been employed, poor people in every society since the beginning of humanity. Seriously - get over the utopia crap. Give where you can and show love and charity to your less fortunate neighbors. You'll be a much happier, more mature person.

Hello, person who just started reading the thread row days ago (and it shows).

Please point to where I said the world should be a utopia. While doing your research, you'll probably see where I said the opposite.

I just think we should insist on a society that TRIES.

People like you who argue that everyone should give up are the reason we have what we do.

A society that TRIES what?
Here's my solution.

What the world needs now is love, sweet love
It's the only thing that there's just too little of
What the world needs now is love, sweet love
No, not just for some but for everyone
Lord, we don't need another mountain
There are mountains and hillsides enough to climb
There are oceans and rivers enough to cross
Enough to last 'till the end of time
What the world needs now is love, sweet love
It's the only thing that there's just too little of
What the world needs now is love, sweet love
No, not just for some but for everyone
Lord, we don't need another meadow
There are cornfields and wheat fields enough to grow
There are sunbeams and moonbeams enough to shine
Oh, listen, lord, if you want to know
What the world needs now is love, sweet love
It's the only thing that there's just too little of
What the world needs now is love, sweet love
No, not just for some, oh, but just for ever, every, everyone
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BrooksBearLives said:

Since 1989, The Top 1% Gained $21T In Wealth. The Bottom 50% Lost $900M

This is NOT sustainable. And it WILL lead too an economic breakdown or revolt if we don't start trying to remove obstacles keeping hard work and intelligence from being enough.

If you're willing to work, it should pay off. If it doesn't, the American Dream collapses as people give up.

Though I'm dubious about tariffs, this is what I think President Trump is trying to do. Bring back manufacturing and a middle class can thrive once again....i.e. MAGA.
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So your solution is more Oldies Pop radio stations ...
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CutTheTVoff said:

BrooksBearLives said:


Yeah. 3,6 percent unemployment SUCKS! This is totally unacceptable. Where are Jimmy Carter and Barack Obama when we need them?

Nobody said 3.6% unemployment sucks.

The economy has been improving for 10 years -and that's a really good thing.

But it's not perfect. Right now, many people are fully "employed" and still poor. That's not right.

There have been employed, poor people in every society since the beginning of humanity. Seriously - get over the utopia crap. Give where you can and show love and charity to your less fortunate neighbors. You'll be a much happier, more mature person.
You left off justice.
Labor unions wanted justice. The recent teacher strikes wanted justice. The poor want justice. The uneducated want justice. The sick want justice.
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Waco1947 said:

Waco1947 said:

B ass kid said "I see. You think people are put in prison because of the color of their skin. All those racists judges and lawyers out there secretly trying to lock away black people because they hate them.

If you believe this, there is no helping you (oh, and also, if it were true, there would be no way to fix it, unless you think racism is an exclusively white trait. Of course, that opinion would be . . . wait for it . . .racist.) Because more black judges and lawyers would ostensibly be prone to the same prejudices in the other direction.

OR, just maybe, the reality is that there are more black people in prison than their population ratio would suggest because they simply commit more crime pro rata. Pretty simple, even though your wokeness desperately doesn't want it to be true. I would argue that this due to largely socio-economic reasons (and to a lesser degree cultural) which makes sense, but you think it's because white people have a conspiracy to lock up black people. Because, of course, white people are inherently evil yada yada. That tin foil hat doesn't fit me, so go on thinking whatever you'd like."
Let's break it down
"I see. You think people are put in prison because of the color of their skin. All those racists judges and lawyers out there secretly trying to lock away black people because they hate them."
False assumptions. Hyperbole? 'Hate them?' That's simply stupid

"If you believe this, there is no helping you (oh, and also, if it were true, there would be no way to fix it, unless you think racism is an exclusively white trait. Of course, that opinion would be . . . wait for it . . .racist.) Because more black judges and lawyers would ostensibly be prone to the same prejudices in the other direction."
NO, it's not in the other direction on racism. Racism is the power over a race - judicial, economically, politically, culturally. Blacks do not have that power

"OR, just maybe, the reality is that there are more black people in prison than their population ratio would suggest because they simply commit more crime pro rata. Pretty simple, even though your wokeness desperately doesn't want it to be true. I would argue that this due to largely socio-economic reasons (and to a lesser degree cultural) which makes sense, but you think it's because white people have a conspiracy to lock up black people. Because, of course, white people are inherently evil yada yada. That tin foil hat doesn't fit me, so go on thinking whatever you'd like."
Conspiracy is a stupid word. It's systemic not conspiracy. You really need an education on Black history b

Bare Ass? Your response?
Sure, I'll respond. Been away from Sicem for a few days.

First, for the love everything holy, learn how to use the Quote function on this site. It's not that hard. There's a quote bubble icon in the toolbar. Play around with it and figure it out. Your posts are almost unreadable.

As to your comments: I don't know what you mean by false assumptions. The assertion is that white judges and lawyers are out there putting black people in jail simply because they're black . . . and I think that claim is stupid on its face, at least so far as it asserts systemic racism or agenda.

And, yes, flipping the script would result in the same alleged systemic racism in the other direction (according to your idea) unless you don't believe black people are equally racist to whites. (If you believe that, by the way, you are, by definition, a horrific racist). Also, your definition of Racism meaning power over another race is weird and made up. It is NOT "power over another race." Try a dictionary:


prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against someone of a different race based on the belief that one's own race is superior.[/ol]

Lastly, I summarily reject the notion that there is systemic racism of any kind in any institution (beyond whatever level of natural preferences exist in all of human nature). I don't believe entire industries or segments of society are "out to get" members of a particular race and stack the deck against those members systemically.

If whites are evil and racist, and out to stick it to members of minority races, why aren't there disproportionate percentages of Asians incarcerated as compared to their percentage of the population? It's not about racism, it's about percentage of crimes committed. The problem may be socio-economic, and I'm all ears for solutions on that front, but if you say it's that blacks are targeted because of their skin color , on a systemic level, then it's kind of a non-starter.
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Waco1947 said:

CutTheTVoff said:

BrooksBearLives said:


Yeah. 3,6 percent unemployment SUCKS! This is totally unacceptable. Where are Jimmy Carter and Barack Obama when we need them?

Nobody said 3.6% unemployment sucks.

The economy has been improving for 10 years -and that's a really good thing.

But it's not perfect. Right now, many people are fully "employed" and still poor. That's not right.

There have been employed, poor people in every society since the beginning of humanity. Seriously - get over the utopia crap. Give where you can and show love and charity to your less fortunate neighbors. You'll be a much happier, more mature person.
You left off justice.
Labor unions wanted justice. The recent teacher strikes wanted justice. The poor want justice. The uneducated want justice. The sick want justice.

Translation for everyone: They want your $$$$$.
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BrooksBearLives said:

Bruce Leroy said:

BrooksBearLives said:

Bruce Leroy said:

BrooksBearLives said:

By the way. Just today, the Conservative Supreme Court just overturned the conviction of a black man held ON DEATH ROW 7-2 because "racial bias on behalf of the prosecutor" according to Brett Kavenaugh, who wrote the majority opinion.

But hey, Bearassed says there's no racism anymore!

The dude was tried 6 times by the same prosecutor for the same crime, striking down all but 1 of the black jurors assigned to hear the case (and he only allowed that one because he had used up all of his juror strikes). 3 times, the STATE SUPREME COURT OF ALABAMA threw out the convictions due to prosecutorial misconduct. ***?!?!?

By the way. Justice Clarence Thomas, had the minority opinion, which was joined in part by Justice Neil Gorsuch.

"The majority's opinion is so manifestly incorrect that I must proceed to the merits," Thomas wrote. "Flowers presented no evidence whatsoever of purposeful race discrimination by the State in selecting the jury during the trial below."

His opinion is a interesting read.
I actually read it. But Thomas... he's not great at his job. There's a reason he's the one Supreme Court Justice that even Scalia didn't like. Scalia was a total turd, but he was brilliant. He didn't think much of Thomas's intellect.

I don't know how anyone could read the facts of this case and come to a straight-faced conclusion that there wasn't racial bias. Even Kavanaugh essentially said it was beyond question.
"Scalia was a total turd, but he was brilliant. He didn't think much of Thomas's intellect."

Dated article (2014)...

In 280 signed decisions SCJ Scalia agreed with SCJ Thomas 91% of the time.

"I don't know how anyone could read the facts of this case and come to a straight-faced conclusion that there wasn't racial bias. Even Kavanaugh essentially said it was beyond question."

"Justice Clarence Thomas, had the minority opinion, which was joined in part by Justice Neil Gorsuch."

Lol. Yeah? You seem to be someone who really struggles with nuance.

Neil Gorsuch is a POS. The fact he agreed with this doesn't say much. Scalia and Thomas voted the same on cases, doesn't mean they liked each other much.
Lol. Translation: "The only opinions from the Supreme Court that have any value are the ones that align with what I want. Justices that feel otherwise are bad at their jobs or POS."

Double LOL at the whole "Clarence Thomas isn't good at his job" stuff. Didn't realize you were an expert in Constitutional Law, but please, share your qualifications. Thomas is only a member of the freaking US SUPREME COURT, but I'm sure your experience in college admin gives you insight into Thomas' job performance that the rest of us should take seriously.
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BrooksBearLives said:

Since 1989, The Top 1% Gained $21T In Wealth. The Bottom 50% Lost $900M

This is NOT sustainable. And it WILL lead too an economic breakdown or revolt if we don't start trying to remove obstacles keeping hard work and intelligence from being enough.

If you're willing to work, it should pay off. If it doesn't, the American Dream collapses as people give up.

I suspect the root causes of income inequality have more to do with factors relating to globalization and technology driven change. It isn't clear to me how (or, if) the modern nation state should deal with this. The left screams about it, but offers no real solutions that avoid ultimately screwing up everyone further down the economic ladder, in my opinion. It's just another hammer to use in their drive for total control cradle-to-grave. After all, their elites know better than we deplorables.
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Oldbear83 said:

So your solution is more Oldies Pop radio stations ...
Mine are a substantive as Bbl's and will do as much good.
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YoakDaddy said:

Waco1947 said:

CutTheTVoff said:

BrooksBearLives said:


Yeah. 3,6 percent unemployment SUCKS! This is totally unacceptable. Where are Jimmy Carter and Barack Obama when we need them?

Nobody said 3.6% unemployment sucks.

The economy has been improving for 10 years -and that's a really good thing.

But it's not perfect. Right now, many people are fully "employed" and still poor. That's not right.

There have been employed, poor people in every society since the beginning of humanity. Seriously - get over the utopia crap. Give where you can and show love and charity to your less fortunate neighbors. You'll be a much happier, more mature person.
You left off justice.
Labor unions wanted justice. The recent teacher strikes wanted justice. The poor want justice. The uneducated want justice. The sick want justice.

Translation for everyone: They want your $$$$$.

A poor translation

How does one dialogue with such dismissiveness?
Is your intent to shut one up, to continue dialogue or to prove a person wrong or to brag to your friends that you " owned or destroyed a liberal."
Maybe another choice?
But you did not succeed.
Or is it that you really have no rational thoughts based on dialogue, wisdom, fact, or logic?
Waco1947 ,la
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Osodecentx said:

Oldbear83 said:

So your solution is more Oldies Pop radio stations ...
Mine are a substantive as Bbl's and will do as much good.
Perhaps more so, yours will create good feelings among at least some people.
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Waco1947 said:

YoakDaddy said:

Waco1947 said:

CutTheTVoff said:

BrooksBearLives said:


Yeah. 3,6 percent unemployment SUCKS! This is totally unacceptable. Where are Jimmy Carter and Barack Obama when we need them?

Nobody said 3.6% unemployment sucks.

The economy has been improving for 10 years -and that's a really good thing.

But it's not perfect. Right now, many people are fully "employed" and still poor. That's not right.

There have been employed, poor people in every society since the beginning of humanity. Seriously - get over the utopia crap. Give where you can and show love and charity to your less fortunate neighbors. You'll be a much happier, more mature person.
You left off justice.
Labor unions wanted justice. The recent teacher strikes wanted justice. The poor want justice. The uneducated want justice. The sick want justice.

Translation for everyone: They want your $$$$$.

A poor translation

How does one dialogue with such dismissiveness?
Is your intent to shut one up, to continue dialogue or to prove a person wrong or to brag to your friends that you " owned or destroyed a liberal."
Maybe another choice?
But you did not succeed.
Or is it that you really have no rational thoughts based on dialogue, wisdom, fact, or logic?

How does one dialogue with such idiocy?
Is your intent to shut one up, to continue verbal diarrhea or to prove your lack of intelligence or to brag to your friends that you "opened your mouth and confirmed your stupidity".
Maybe another choice?
But you did not succeed.
Or is it that you really have no rational thoughts based on dialogue, wisdom, fact, or logic?
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