FLBear5630 said:
Assassin said:
Death toll to 24, but they saved the fish...
This is criminal. Geez, they need a Special Prosecutor on this mess. Santa Anna's are not a rare event, they occur every year. What is done to plan for this contingency? Wasn't it the power grid last year? Fires this year. This is a pattern of leadership incompetence. This is not a spending issue or a personnel issue, it is a Leadership failure. How do the hydrants not work? How are the reservoirs not connected? Those Leaders need to be held accountable.
Newsome "allocated" $24 billion to fight homelessness. What was the end result? Homelessness in California went up. Doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out where the money went. The politicians, especially in California, realize there will be no accountability or consequences. California has literally morphed into the Wild West.
First, with any program, private or public, there has to be accountability build into the evaluation metrics for performance.
Second, the fact that we are talking "fighting homelessness" and DEI in the same conversation as Fire Services, Fire Fighting Infrastructure Maintenance and connectivity and training shows that there is something very wrong. Operations and Maintenance is literally the first call on money, the second being debt service, anything left can go to programs or capital investments. This is basic stuff, most Junior staff get this after a year or two of experience.
I find the whole thing unreal.
They are desperate enough to be using seawater. That is the last resort, must not have faith anything is changing on the freshwater side.