Why is this little snot in the man's face?

23,307 Views | 269 Replies | Last: 5 yr ago by cinque
Forest Bueller
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Jack Bauer said:

Nathan Phillips: totally false observations.

"It looked like these young men were going to attack these guys. They were going to hurt them. They were going to hurt them because they didn't like the color of their skin."

"here are American youth who are ready to, look like, lynch these guys. To be honest, they looked like they were going to lynch them."

"I felt like I denied them their prey. I felt like I denied them their prey and so they were going to take it out on me."

"I'm the one whose all that anger and all that wanting to have the freedom to just rip me apart, that was scary."

That dude is so full of **** it's a joke. He put these poor kids lives in danger by his sorry careless actions.
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Old man Phillips should have gone ahead and challenged those kids to a good fashioned throwdown. Make all this drama worth it
Doc Holliday
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Nothing the institutional or professionally political-left does is organic. Everything is pre-planned, pre-scripted and pre-organized.

This was manufactured: They saw a clip and created a narrative.

The manufacturing was/is also specifically purposeful:

Why the focus on "Catholic" disparagement in the Covington fiasco?


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robby44 said:

Old man Phillips should have gone ahead and challenged those kids to a good fashioned throwdown. Make all this drama worth it

They should have bought him a bottle of aquanet and let him drink himself to death.
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Jinx 2 said:

The appropriate response was to walk away as a group.

You can't seem to follow your own advice on this thread. You should know even better than teenage boys.

Why do you blame "teenage boys" rather than "teenagers"? You are such a misandrist. Always blaming and hating men.
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Jinx 2 said:

We try teenagers as adults on some charges and even give them the death penalty in this country. Expecting teens, especially kids who go to a Catholic school where respecting your elders and being polite even when others are not are probably values taught (they were at the Catholic school my daugthers attended) to behave better than they did is entirely reasonable.

Given the kids' use of phones to videotape and take photos, as a parent whose child was involved in this sorry, over-covered little incident, I'd confiscate the phone, and the kid wouldn't get another until he could pay for the device and the plan. And I'd help him find some public service projects dealing with both minority communities, since the Hebrew Isrealites are no more representative of the black community as a whole than incels are represntative of young men in general, or conservative men on this site who tell people to STFU or make crude sexual innuendos are representative of typical Christians.

You have a habit of conflating issues which are not analogous.

Also, it seems you believe private schools should be had to higher standards than public schools. It's another reason we should all support school choice. Opposing school choice is racist at its core.
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Jinx 2 said:

Nathan Phillips intervened, and I honestly think he was well-intentioned--try to get between the kids and the Hebrew Israelites, who represented the real danger.

I don't think Nick Sandmann understood what Phillips was trying to do, but his behavior strikes me as rude.

it's interesting how people on the right criticize him for beating a drum and singing a chant--not exactly aggressive conduct, given the name-calling that was going on. Weird, yes, but certainly not criminal or aggressive.

Well intentioned Phillips tried to disrupt church service Saturday. Security had to lock the doors of the church for the protection of the parishioners. Does Phillips behavior strike you as aggressive and rude?

Nathan Phillips rally attempted to disrupt Mass at DC's National Shrine

Washington D.C., Jan 22, 2019 / 03:58 pm (CNA).- While chanting and playing ceremonial drums, a group of Native American rights activists reportedly led by Nathan Phillips attempted Jan. 19 to enter Washington, D.C.'s Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception during a Saturday evening Mass.
The group of 20 demonstrators was stopped by shrine security as it tried to enter the church during its 5:15 pm Vigil Mass, according to a shrine security guard on duty during the Mass.
"It was really upsetting," the guard told CNA.
"There were about twenty people trying to get in, we had to lock the doors and everything."
The guard said the incident was a disappointment during a busy and joyful weekend for the shrine.

"We had hundreds and hundreds of people from all over the country come here to celebrate life, to celebrate each other together. That a protest tried to come inside during Mass was really the worst."
The guard told CNA the situation was "tense."
"I'm just really grateful that nothing too bad happened, they were really angry."
A source close to the shrine's leadership corroborated the security guard's account, telling CNA that during the Mass, Phillips and the group tried to enter the church while playing drums and chanting, and were prohibited from entering the building by security personnel, who locked the main basilica doors with the congregation still inside.
The shrine's spokeswoman would not confirm or deny that the group attempted to enter the Mass. She told CNA that "a group did assemble on Saturday evening outside the the shrine" and that they "left without incident."
Philips was the subject of national media attention on Saturday, after video went viral on social media depicting parts of a Jan. 18 incident involving him and several teenagers, some of whom were students from Covington Catholic High School in Kentucky. The incident has become the subject of intense national debate, and Phillips has been accused by some of instigating an encounter with the students, and subsequently altering his initial account of events.
Covington Catholic High School was closed Jan. 22, following threats against students and staff in the wake of media coverage of Friday's incident.
The Canadian Broadcasting Corporation reported that about 60 people gathered outside the shrine in support of Phillips on Saturday night, though it did not mention reports that Phillips and some supporters attempted to disrupt the evening Mass.

Video footage showed one supporter saying that the group had gathered at the shrine to listen to Phillips, and to hold the Catholic Church "accountable" for the alleged actions of the Covington Catholic students and for the "colonial violence that the Catholic Church reproduces every day."
A photograph attached to the post shows Phillips addressing the group outside the shrine.
The security guard told CNA that the incident was especially distressing given that Mass was underway.
"It's a house of worship, a place of prayer where people come to celebrate. All this anger is so against what we are all about here."
He told CNA that he'd never witnessed anything like it during his whole time of employment at the basilica.
"I don't know the details of what happened on Friday [after the March for Life], I wish I did. All I know is it's a shame, and it's got nothing to do with why people were here."
"And this all happened on our biggest event of the year. I hope we never see it again."

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Nice thread Cinque. LOL.
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ScottS said:

Nice thread Cinque. LOL.
It's nothing that the rest of the country hasn't noticed.
Make Racism Wrong Again
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Cinque and Jinx are making fools of themselves on this thread. And I am someone who, even though J am Republican, is disgusted with Trump.
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Jinx 2 said:

Edmond Bear said:

Jinx 2 said:

fadskier said:

Jinx 2 said:

fadskier said:

Jinx 2 said:

Canada2017 said:

Jinx 2 said:

Nick Sandmann's family hired a PR firm:



So what ?

Oh wait.....forgot.....kid wore a MAGA hat so the rest of his life is forfeit.

Said life to be put under a relentless social media microscope and attacked.

Carry on.
The P.R. firm did what a good lawyer would have done: Help Nick Sandmann tell his story in a way that made him look good. That's called spin.

I don't think the videos--any of them--support his being scared or confused, as the statement suggests. It looks to me--emphasis on "to me" (this is a weird version of Rashomon)-- like he's showing off for his friends.

IMO, Nick behaved a little bit like a jerk. It wasn't his best moment. He didn't deserve death threats for it, but neither does he deserve to be hailed as a right-wing hero, which is what's now happening.

I wish a parent or school official would step forward and be more honest about this incident, but it appears that isn't going to happen because, if they do what I believe is the right thing and acknowledge Nick and the other students were part of the problem and not part of the solution, they're afraid of being attacked.

But promoting Nick Sandmann as a hero fosters the sort of entitlement that enables thoughtless abuse of poor, elderly and minority populations by adults who were taught to limit their empathy strictly to people like themselves.
Do you read your posts before you hit "post?" You are actually blaming teenagers instead of grown adults saying homophobic and racial slurs at them. You are actually blaming teenage boys for standing there and singing, etc instead of the lying man who walked up to them beating a drum...who now has changed his story several times.

Those boys did absolutely nothing wrong, except behave like teenage boys. You have become and promote a society that is quick to judge, quick to be offended, and full of hate for anyone you don't agree with.

You, ma'am, are an idiot.
We try teenagers as adults on some charges and even give them the death penalty in this country. Expecting teens, especially kids who go to a Catholic school where respecting your elders and being polite even when others are not are probably values taught (they were at the Catholic school my daugthers attended) to behave better than they did is entirely reasonable.

Given the kids' use of phones to videotape and take photos, as a parent whose child was involved in this sorry, over-covered little incident, I'd confiscate the phone, and the kid wouldn't get another until he could pay for the device and the plan. And I'd help him find some public service projects dealing with both minority communities, since the Hebrew Isrealites are no more representative of the black community as a whole than incels are represntative of young men in general, or conservative men on this site who tell people to STFU or make crude sexual innuendos are representative of typical Christians.
These kids DID NOT commit a crime. Do you have any sense at all or are you just full of hate for Trump that you spew this crap out?!? They were not misbehaving. If your read/listen to what they said, they thought that they guy was coming to up join their chanting and signing with his drum. I've watched the video numerous times and have yet to find anything those KIDS did wrong. Funny how you find no fault with the adults in this video. You seemingly excuse the Black Hebrews for calling the kids ***g**ts, Nigg**s, and calling out teh black catholic kid. Why are you bringing up who people represent? This is about grown adults hurling insults and teenagers and a Native American man lying about what happened.
You haven't read my posts if you think I excuse the Hebrew Israelites. They were clearly the agitators--and I'd have considered them a danger if I'd been chaparoning those boys and hustled the kids away from them ASAP. They were also grown-ups, so they don't have the excuse of youth for their behavior, their crude comments, and the things they yelled at the boys.

The boys responded predictably, but not admirably. They weren't, as someone suggested, just sitting there waiting for the bus. They responded like typical teenage boys. Is "Turn the other cheek" still considered a Christian virtue? How about "A soft answer turneth away wrath." Old Testament, but a valid strategy in dangerous situations like this.

Nathan Phillips intervened, and I honestly think he was well-intentioned--try to get between the kids and the Hebrew Israelites, who represented the real danger.

I don't think Nick Sandmann understood what Phillips was trying to do, but his behavior strikes me as rude.

it's interesting how people on the right criticize him for beating a drum and singing a chant--not exactly aggressive conduct, given the name-calling that was going on. Weird, yes, but certainly not criminal or aggressive.

These videos are like Rashomon--everybody seems to see something different.

And no, I don't like Trump, but this had nothing to do with him, other than that several boys were wearing MAGA hats, which probably attracted the attention of the Hebrews Israelites. Trump might also be one reason why we can't have a civil conversation about what's acceptable and what's not in terms of public behavior without it devolving into screaming at each other.

But I'm not screaming, nor have I attacked you personally because we disagree about whether these boys deserve some censure for their part in this sorry little scene.

So, what about Nick's behavior was rude?

And, Phillips walked close enough to Nick to stand toe to toe with him. You don't think this is aggressive?

I think Phillips was trying to herd the boys away from the Hebrew Israelites to de-escalate--and also get between the boys and the HIs--a good idea, IMO, and not something for which he deserves criticism.

I don't think Nick understood what Phillips was doing. But the polite thing for Nick to do would have been to give way. The situation would have de-escalated. It didn't help that Nick's classmates can clearly be seen yelling, laughing and egging him on. So I also think he was showing off for his buddies.

None of this should be national news. And it wouldn't be, if chaparones had done their jobs and gotten some distance between those kids and the Hebrew Israelites. For the kids' safety.
I agree it shouldn't be national news. But again, you blame innocent people for it being national news. The only people in the wrong were the Hebrew Israelites and the media and most people on the left aren't blaming them whatsoever. And the reason the media won't is because people like you don't demand truth and accountability from your news sources, and you blame chapparones, when you should be placing all of the blame on the racist radical left group. I wish I could say I was shocked, but I'm not.
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Jinx 2 said:

fadskier said:

Jinx 2 said:

fadskier said:

Jinx 2 said:

Canada2017 said:

Jinx 2 said:

Nick Sandmann's family hired a PR firm:



So what ?

Oh wait.....forgot.....kid wore a MAGA hat so the rest of his life is forfeit.

Said life to be put under a relentless social media microscope and attacked.

Carry on.
The P.R. firm did what a good lawyer would have done: Help Nick Sandmann tell his story in a way that made him look good. That's called spin.

I don't think the videos--any of them--support his being scared or confused, as the statement suggests. It looks to me--emphasis on "to me" (this is a weird version of Rashomon)-- like he's showing off for his friends.

IMO, Nick behaved a little bit like a jerk. It wasn't his best moment. He didn't deserve death threats for it, but neither does he deserve to be hailed as a right-wing hero, which is what's now happening.

I wish a parent or school official would step forward and be more honest about this incident, but it appears that isn't going to happen because, if they do what I believe is the right thing and acknowledge Nick and the other students were part of the problem and not part of the solution, they're afraid of being attacked.

But promoting Nick Sandmann as a hero fosters the sort of entitlement that enables thoughtless abuse of poor, elderly and minority populations by adults who were taught to limit their empathy strictly to people like themselves.
Do you read your posts before you hit "post?" You are actually blaming teenagers instead of grown adults saying homophobic and racial slurs at them. You are actually blaming teenage boys for standing there and singing, etc instead of the lying man who walked up to them beating a drum...who now has changed his story several times.

Those boys did absolutely nothing wrong, except behave like teenage boys. You have become and promote a society that is quick to judge, quick to be offended, and full of hate for anyone you don't agree with.

You, ma'am, are an idiot.
We try teenagers as adults on some charges and even give them the death penalty in this country. Expecting teens, especially kids who go to a Catholic school where respecting your elders and being polite even when others are not are probably values taught (they were at the Catholic school my daugthers attended) to behave better than they did is entirely reasonable.

Given the kids' use of phones to videotape and take photos, as a parent whose child was involved in this sorry, over-covered little incident, I'd confiscate the phone, and the kid wouldn't get another until he could pay for the device and the plan. And I'd help him find some public service projects dealing with both minority communities, since the Hebrew Isrealites are no more representative of the black community as a whole than incels are represntative of young men in general, or conservative men on this site who tell people to STFU or make crude sexual innuendos are representative of typical Christians.
These kids DID NOT commit a crime. Do you have any sense at all or are you just full of hate for Trump that you spew this crap out?!? They were not misbehaving. If your read/listen to what they said, they thought that they guy was coming to up join their chanting and signing with his drum. I've watched the video numerous times and have yet to find anything those KIDS did wrong. Funny how you find no fault with the adults in this video. You seemingly excuse the Black Hebrews for calling the kids ***g**ts, Nigg**s, and calling out teh black catholic kid. Why are you bringing up who people represent? This is about grown adults hurling insults and teenagers and a Native American man lying about what happened.
You haven't read my posts if you think I excuse the Hebrew Israelites. They were clearly the agitators--and I'd have considered them a danger if I'd been chaparoning those boys and hustled the kids away from them ASAP. They were also grown-ups, so they don't have the excuse of youth for their behavior, their crude comments, and the things they yelled at the boys.

The boys responded predictably, but not admirably. They weren't, as someone suggested, just sitting there waiting for the bus. They responded like typical teenage boys. Is "Turn the other cheek" still considered a Christian virtue? How about "A soft answer turneth away wrath." Old Testament, but a valid strategy in dangerous situations like this.

Nathan Phillips intervened, and I honestly think he was well-intentioned--try to get between the kids and the Hebrew Israelites, who represented the real danger.

I don't think Nick Sandmann understood what Phillips was trying to do, but his behavior strikes me as rude.

it's interesting how people on the right criticize him for beating a drum and singing a chant--not exactly aggressive conduct, given the name-calling that was going on. Weird, yes, but certainly not criminal or aggressive.

These videos are like Rashomon--everybody seems to see something different.

And no, I don't like Trump, but this had nothing to do with him, other than that several boys were wearing MAGA hats, which probably attracted the attention of the Hebrews Israelites. Trump might also be one reason why we can't have a civil conversation about what's acceptable and what's not in terms of public behavior without it devolving into screaming at each other.

But I'm not screaming, nor have I attacked you personally because we disagree about whether these boys deserve some censure for their part in this sorry little scene.
Aggressive conduct? He approached a stranger within inches of his face. Also, have you read about Phillips? Trump is not the reason we can't have civil discourse. He has empowered conservatives to fight back against crap like this...liberals being "tolerant" by name-calling and violence.

We disagree because you are wrong to focus on teenage kids instead of the adults that caused this. Nathan Phillips did not try to intervene. He's lied twice about why he walked over to the group of boys...and YOU still see him as credible.
Salute the Marines - Joe Biden
Jack Bauer
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Congresswoman doesn't disappoint...

Jack Bauer
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MSM doesn't disappoint...

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Jack Bauer said:

Congresswoman doesn't disappoint...

Somalian light bulb head
Jack Bauer
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1984...here we are.


It was terribly dangerous to let your thoughts wander when you were in any public place or within range of a telescreen. The smallest thing could give you away. A nervous tic, an unconscious look of anxiety, a habit of muttering to yourself -- anything that carried with it the suggestion of abnormality, of having something to hide. In any case, to wear an improper expression on your face (to look incredulous when a victory was announced, for example) was itself a punishable offence. There was even a word for it in Newspeak: facecrime, it was called.

-- George Orwell, 1984

Forest Bueller
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cinque said:

ScottS said:

Nice thread Cinque. LOL.
It's nothing that the rest of the country hasn't noticed.
What that you and other like you are pre-disposed to running to assumptions without checking out the fact the real perpetrator was as old man looking for trouble.
Forest Bueller
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contrario said:

Jinx 2 said:

Edmond Bear said:

Jinx 2 said:

fadskier said:

Jinx 2 said:

fadskier said:

Jinx 2 said:

Canada2017 said:

Jinx 2 said:

Nick Sandmann's family hired a PR firm:



So what ?

Oh wait.....forgot.....kid wore a MAGA hat so the rest of his life is forfeit.

Said life to be put under a relentless social media microscope and attacked.

Carry on.
The P.R. firm did what a good lawyer would have done: Help Nick Sandmann tell his story in a way that made him look good. That's called spin.

I don't think the videos--any of them--support his being scared or confused, as the statement suggests. It looks to me--emphasis on "to me" (this is a weird version of Rashomon)-- like he's showing off for his friends.

IMO, Nick behaved a little bit like a jerk. It wasn't his best moment. He didn't deserve death threats for it, but neither does he deserve to be hailed as a right-wing hero, which is what's now happening.

I wish a parent or school official would step forward and be more honest about this incident, but it appears that isn't going to happen because, if they do what I believe is the right thing and acknowledge Nick and the other students were part of the problem and not part of the solution, they're afraid of being attacked.

But promoting Nick Sandmann as a hero fosters the sort of entitlement that enables thoughtless abuse of poor, elderly and minority populations by adults who were taught to limit their empathy strictly to people like themselves.
Do you read your posts before you hit "post?" You are actually blaming teenagers instead of grown adults saying homophobic and racial slurs at them. You are actually blaming teenage boys for standing there and singing, etc instead of the lying man who walked up to them beating a drum...who now has changed his story several times.

Those boys did absolutely nothing wrong, except behave like teenage boys. You have become and promote a society that is quick to judge, quick to be offended, and full of hate for anyone you don't agree with.

You, ma'am, are an idiot.
We try teenagers as adults on some charges and even give them the death penalty in this country. Expecting teens, especially kids who go to a Catholic school where respecting your elders and being polite even when others are not are probably values taught (they were at the Catholic school my daugthers attended) to behave better than they did is entirely reasonable.

Given the kids' use of phones to videotape and take photos, as a parent whose child was involved in this sorry, over-covered little incident, I'd confiscate the phone, and the kid wouldn't get another until he could pay for the device and the plan. And I'd help him find some public service projects dealing with both minority communities, since the Hebrew Isrealites are no more representative of the black community as a whole than incels are represntative of young men in general, or conservative men on this site who tell people to STFU or make crude sexual innuendos are representative of typical Christians.
These kids DID NOT commit a crime. Do you have any sense at all or are you just full of hate for Trump that you spew this crap out?!? They were not misbehaving. If your read/listen to what they said, they thought that they guy was coming to up join their chanting and signing with his drum. I've watched the video numerous times and have yet to find anything those KIDS did wrong. Funny how you find no fault with the adults in this video. You seemingly excuse the Black Hebrews for calling the kids ***g**ts, Nigg**s, and calling out teh black catholic kid. Why are you bringing up who people represent? This is about grown adults hurling insults and teenagers and a Native American man lying about what happened.
You haven't read my posts if you think I excuse the Hebrew Israelites. They were clearly the agitators--and I'd have considered them a danger if I'd been chaparoning those boys and hustled the kids away from them ASAP. They were also grown-ups, so they don't have the excuse of youth for their behavior, their crude comments, and the things they yelled at the boys.

The boys responded predictably, but not admirably. They weren't, as someone suggested, just sitting there waiting for the bus. They responded like typical teenage boys. Is "Turn the other cheek" still considered a Christian virtue? How about "A soft answer turneth away wrath." Old Testament, but a valid strategy in dangerous situations like this.

Nathan Phillips intervened, and I honestly think he was well-intentioned--try to get between the kids and the Hebrew Israelites, who represented the real danger.

I don't think Nick Sandmann understood what Phillips was trying to do, but his behavior strikes me as rude.

it's interesting how people on the right criticize him for beating a drum and singing a chant--not exactly aggressive conduct, given the name-calling that was going on. Weird, yes, but certainly not criminal or aggressive.

These videos are like Rashomon--everybody seems to see something different.

And no, I don't like Trump, but this had nothing to do with him, other than that several boys were wearing MAGA hats, which probably attracted the attention of the Hebrews Israelites. Trump might also be one reason why we can't have a civil conversation about what's acceptable and what's not in terms of public behavior without it devolving into screaming at each other.

But I'm not screaming, nor have I attacked you personally because we disagree about whether these boys deserve some censure for their part in this sorry little scene.

So, what about Nick's behavior was rude?

And, Phillips walked close enough to Nick to stand toe to toe with him. You don't think this is aggressive?

I think Phillips was trying to herd the boys away from the Hebrew Israelites to de-escalate--and also get between the boys and the HIs--a good idea, IMO, and not something for which he deserves criticism.

I don't think Nick understood what Phillips was doing. But the polite thing for Nick to do would have been to give way. The situation would have de-escalated. It didn't help that Nick's classmates can clearly be seen yelling, laughing and egging him on. So I also think he was showing off for his buddies.

None of this should be national news. And it wouldn't be, if chaparones had done their jobs and gotten some distance between those kids and the Hebrew Israelites. For the kids' safety.
I agree it shouldn't be national news. But again, you blame innocent people for it being national news. The only people in the wrong were the Hebrew Israelites and the media and most people on the left aren't blaming them whatsoever. And the reason the media won't is because people like you don't demand truth and accountability from your news sources, and you blame chapparones, when you should be placing all of the blame on the racist radical left group. I wish I could say I was shocked, but I'm not.

The Hebrew group aren't the only ones at fault.


Nathan Phillips is a Native American who attended the Indigenous Peoples March in Washington last Friday. He told the Washington Post that he was there to beat his drum while urging participants to "be strong" against colonialism.

According to Phillips, a throng of young, mostly white teenage boys, several wearing "Make America Great Again" caps, swarmed around him and began to chant, "Build that wall, build that wall." One of them "blocked my way and wouldn't allow me to retreat," Phillips said.

He told the Detroit Free Press a different story. This time, he said that the students became upset by a group of Black Israelites. "They were in the process of attacking these four black individuals," he said. So, "I put myself between beast and prey. These young men were beastly and these old black individuals was their prey."

Phillips stated that the students had a "mob mentality" that was "ugly, what these kids were involved in. It was racism. It was hatred. It was scary."

Video of the event went viral. News outlets around the country condemned the students. One image of a student with a Make America Great Again cap smiling at Phillips became an icon for the event. Filmmaker Michael Green tweeted: "A face like that never changes. This image will define his life. No one need ever forgive him."

Now we know the rest of the story.

Bottom of the swamp pond scum is what that Phillips dude is. Lying his ass off about everything, making up *****
Jack Bauer
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And one of Phillips "buddies" told the group of teens to go back to Europe. Sounds so peaceful to me.

But back to blaming teenagers for being teenagers.
Forest Bueller
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Best-selling author Reza Aslan tweeted that the high school junior had a "punchable face." Former Democratic Party chief Howard Dean opined that Covington Catholic is "a hate factory." GQ's Nathaniel Friedman urged people to "Doxx 'em all," i.e., make their personal information public.

More absolute bottom of the river scum. The far left has lost their moorings. They no longer deal in reality.
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Jinx 2 said:

Doc Holliday said:

Jinx 2 said:

Doc Holliday said:

Jinx 2 said:

Edmond Bear said:

Jinx 2 said:

fadskier said:

Jinx 2 said:

fadskier said:

Jinx 2 said:

Canada2017 said:

Jinx 2 said:

Nick Sandmann's family hired a PR firm:



So what ?

Oh wait.....forgot.....kid wore a MAGA hat so the rest of his life is forfeit.

Said life to be put under a relentless social media microscope and attacked.

Carry on.
The P.R. firm did what a good lawyer would have done: Help Nick Sandmann tell his story in a way that made him look good. That's called spin.

I don't think the videos--any of them--support his being scared or confused, as the statement suggests. It looks to me--emphasis on "to me" (this is a weird version of Rashomon)-- like he's showing off for his friends.

IMO, Nick behaved a little bit like a jerk. It wasn't his best moment. He didn't deserve death threats for it, but neither does he deserve to be hailed as a right-wing hero, which is what's now happening.

I wish a parent or school official would step forward and be more honest about this incident, but it appears that isn't going to happen because, if they do what I believe is the right thing and acknowledge Nick and the other students were part of the problem and not part of the solution, they're afraid of being attacked.

But promoting Nick Sandmann as a hero fosters the sort of entitlement that enables thoughtless abuse of poor, elderly and minority populations by adults who were taught to limit their empathy strictly to people like themselves.
Do you read your posts before you hit "post?" You are actually blaming teenagers instead of grown adults saying homophobic and racial slurs at them. You are actually blaming teenage boys for standing there and singing, etc instead of the lying man who walked up to them beating a drum...who now has changed his story several times.

Those boys did absolutely nothing wrong, except behave like teenage boys. You have become and promote a society that is quick to judge, quick to be offended, and full of hate for anyone you don't agree with.

You, ma'am, are an idiot.
We try teenagers as adults on some charges and even give them the death penalty in this country. Expecting teens, especially kids who go to a Catholic school where respecting your elders and being polite even when others are not are probably values taught (they were at the Catholic school my daugthers attended) to behave better than they did is entirely reasonable.

Given the kids' use of phones to videotape and take photos, as a parent whose child was involved in this sorry, over-covered little incident, I'd confiscate the phone, and the kid wouldn't get another until he could pay for the device and the plan. And I'd help him find some public service projects dealing with both minority communities, since the Hebrew Isrealites are no more representative of the black community as a whole than incels are represntative of young men in general, or conservative men on this site who tell people to STFU or make crude sexual innuendos are representative of typical Christians.
These kids DID NOT commit a crime. Do you have any sense at all or are you just full of hate for Trump that you spew this crap out?!? They were not misbehaving. If your read/listen to what they said, they thought that they guy was coming to up join their chanting and signing with his drum. I've watched the video numerous times and have yet to find anything those KIDS did wrong. Funny how you find no fault with the adults in this video. You seemingly excuse the Black Hebrews for calling the kids ***g**ts, Nigg**s, and calling out teh black catholic kid. Why are you bringing up who people represent? This is about grown adults hurling insults and teenagers and a Native American man lying about what happened.
You haven't read my posts if you think I excuse the Hebrew Israelites. They were clearly the agitators--and I'd have considered them a danger if I'd been chaparoning those boys and hustled the kids away from them ASAP. They were also grown-ups, so they don't have the excuse of youth for their behavior, their crude comments, and the things they yelled at the boys.

The boys responded predictably, but not admirably. They weren't, as someone suggested, just sitting there waiting for the bus. They responded like typical teenage boys. Is "Turn the other cheek" still considered a Christian virtue? How about "A soft answer turneth away wrath." Old Testament, but a valid strategy in dangerous situations like this.

Nathan Phillips intervened, and I honestly think he was well-intentioned--try to get between the kids and the Hebrew Israelites, who represented the real danger.

I don't think Nick Sandmann understood what Phillips was trying to do, but his behavior strikes me as rude.

it's interesting how people on the right criticize him for beating a drum and singing a chant--not exactly aggressive conduct, given the name-calling that was going on. Weird, yes, but certainly not criminal or aggressive.

These videos are like Rashomon--everybody seems to see something different.

And no, I don't like Trump, but this had nothing to do with him, other than that several boys were wearing MAGA hats, which probably attracted the attention of the Hebrews Israelites. Trump might also be one reason why we can't have a civil conversation about what's acceptable and what's not in terms of public behavior without it devolving into screaming at each other.

But I'm not screaming, nor have I attacked you personally because we disagree about whether these boys deserve some censure for their part in this sorry little scene.

So, what about Nick's behavior was rude?

And, Phillips walked close enough to Nick to stand toe to toe with him. You don't think this is aggressive?

I think Phillips was trying to herd the boys away from the Hebrew Israelites to de-escalate--and also get between the boys and the HIs--a good idea, IMO, and not something for which he deserves criticism.

I don't think Nick understand what he was doing. But the polite thing for Nick to do would have been to give way. The situation would have de-escalated. It didn't help that Nick's classmates can clearly be seen yelling, laughing and egging him on. So I also think he was showing off for his buddies.

None of this should be national news. And it wouldn't be, if chaparones had done their jobs and gotten some distance between those kids and the Hebrew Israelites. For the kids' safety.
You want these kids to be horrible racists and they aren't. This disappoints you because you can't use it to fuel your political agenda.

The people on this board are too smart not to see through this.

Move on.
Indeed, I don't. I want them to have adult supervision when they are being cursed at by a group of grown men.
You wrote the following:


Mr. Phillips thought he could diffuse the tension by singing his peace song and getting in between the 2 groups
This is not what happened. He got in their faces and banged a drum loudly to piss them off because he didn't like what they're wearing on their heads.

You need to understand what actually happened first before you jump to conclusions.
That's what you think happened.

I think Nathan Phillips got between the boys and the Hebrew Israelites intending to calm things down. It didn't work, in part because Nick wouldn't back off.
I'm glad we have parody accounts on Sicem.

If that was the case then Phillips would have started banging his drum at the racists throwing insults to teenagers literally doing nothing but standing there enjoying our nation's capital.

Please don't tell me he was trying to calm things down by going up to some innocent 15yr old banging a drum in inches from his face. WTH?
Jack and DP
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The drumming sucked.
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Forest Bueller said:


Best-selling author Reza Aslan tweeted that the high school junior had a "punchable face." Former Democratic Party chief Howard Dean opined that Covington Catholic is "a hate factory." GQ's Nathaniel Friedman urged people to "Doxx 'em all," i.e., make their personal information public.

More absolute bottom of the river scum. The far left has lost their moorings. They no longer deal in reality.
Really? It's a tu Quoque argument but go the Ocasio-Cortez page and see the sexism and misogyny of the right.
Waco1947 ,la
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Jack and DP said:

The drumming sucked.
Neil Peart was not impressed.

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Jinx 2 said:

Doc Holliday said:

Jinx 2 said:

Doc Holliday said:

Jinx 2 said:

Edmond Bear said:

Jinx 2 said:

fadskier said:

Jinx 2 said:

fadskier said:

Jinx 2 said:

Canada2017 said:

Jinx 2 said:

Nick Sandmann's family hired a PR firm:



So what ?

Oh wait.....forgot.....kid wore a MAGA hat so the rest of his life is forfeit.

Said life to be put under a relentless social media microscope and attacked.

Carry on.
The P.R. firm did what a good lawyer would have done: Help Nick Sandmann tell his story in a way that made him look good. That's called spin.

I don't think the videos--any of them--support his being scared or confused, as the statement suggests. It looks to me--emphasis on "to me" (this is a weird version of Rashomon)-- like he's showing off for his friends.

IMO, Nick behaved a little bit like a jerk. It wasn't his best moment. He didn't deserve death threats for it, but neither does he deserve to be hailed as a right-wing hero, which is what's now happening.

I wish a parent or school official would step forward and be more honest about this incident, but it appears that isn't going to happen because, if they do what I believe is the right thing and acknowledge Nick and the other students were part of the problem and not part of the solution, they're afraid of being attacked.

But promoting Nick Sandmann as a hero fosters the sort of entitlement that enables thoughtless abuse of poor, elderly and minority populations by adults who were taught to limit their empathy strictly to people like themselves.
Do you read your posts before you hit "post?" You are actually blaming teenagers instead of grown adults saying homophobic and racial slurs at them. You are actually blaming teenage boys for standing there and singing, etc instead of the lying man who walked up to them beating a drum...who now has changed his story several times.

Those boys did absolutely nothing wrong, except behave like teenage boys. You have become and promote a society that is quick to judge, quick to be offended, and full of hate for anyone you don't agree with.

You, ma'am, are an idiot.
We try teenagers as adults on some charges and even give them the death penalty in this country. Expecting teens, especially kids who go to a Catholic school where respecting your elders and being polite even when others are not are probably values taught (they were at the Catholic school my daugthers attended) to behave better than they did is entirely reasonable.

Given the kids' use of phones to videotape and take photos, as a parent whose child was involved in this sorry, over-covered little incident, I'd confiscate the phone, and the kid wouldn't get another until he could pay for the device and the plan. And I'd help him find some public service projects dealing with both minority communities, since the Hebrew Isrealites are no more representative of the black community as a whole than incels are represntative of young men in general, or conservative men on this site who tell people to STFU or make crude sexual innuendos are representative of typical Christians.
These kids DID NOT commit a crime. Do you have any sense at all or are you just full of hate for Trump that you spew this crap out?!? They were not misbehaving. If your read/listen to what they said, they thought that they guy was coming to up join their chanting and signing with his drum. I've watched the video numerous times and have yet to find anything those KIDS did wrong. Funny how you find no fault with the adults in this video. You seemingly excuse the Black Hebrews for calling the kids ***g**ts, Nigg**s, and calling out teh black catholic kid. Why are you bringing up who people represent? This is about grown adults hurling insults and teenagers and a Native American man lying about what happened.
You haven't read my posts if you think I excuse the Hebrew Israelites. They were clearly the agitators--and I'd have considered them a danger if I'd been chaparoning those boys and hustled the kids away from them ASAP. They were also grown-ups, so they don't have the excuse of youth for their behavior, their crude comments, and the things they yelled at the boys.

The boys responded predictably, but not admirably. They weren't, as someone suggested, just sitting there waiting for the bus. They responded like typical teenage boys. Is "Turn the other cheek" still considered a Christian virtue? How about "A soft answer turneth away wrath." Old Testament, but a valid strategy in dangerous situations like this.

Nathan Phillips intervened, and I honestly think he was well-intentioned--try to get between the kids and the Hebrew Israelites, who represented the real danger.

I don't think Nick Sandmann understood what Phillips was trying to do, but his behavior strikes me as rude.

it's interesting how people on the right criticize him for beating a drum and singing a chant--not exactly aggressive conduct, given the name-calling that was going on. Weird, yes, but certainly not criminal or aggressive.

These videos are like Rashomon--everybody seems to see something different.

And no, I don't like Trump, but this had nothing to do with him, other than that several boys were wearing MAGA hats, which probably attracted the attention of the Hebrews Israelites. Trump might also be one reason why we can't have a civil conversation about what's acceptable and what's not in terms of public behavior without it devolving into screaming at each other.

But I'm not screaming, nor have I attacked you personally because we disagree about whether these boys deserve some censure for their part in this sorry little scene.

So, what about Nick's behavior was rude?

And, Phillips walked close enough to Nick to stand toe to toe with him. You don't think this is aggressive?

I think Phillips was trying to herd the boys away from the Hebrew Israelites to de-escalate--and also get between the boys and the HIs--a good idea, IMO, and not something for which he deserves criticism.

I don't think Nick understand what he was doing. But the polite thing for Nick to do would have been to give way. The situation would have de-escalated. It didn't help that Nick's classmates can clearly be seen yelling, laughing and egging him on. So I also think he was showing off for his buddies.

None of this should be national news. And it wouldn't be, if chaparones had done their jobs and gotten some distance between those kids and the Hebrew Israelites. For the kids' safety.
You want these kids to be horrible racists and they aren't. This disappoints you because you can't use it to fuel your political agenda.

The people on this board are too smart not to see through this.

Move on.
Indeed, I don't. I want them to have adult supervision when they are being cursed at by a group of grown men.
You wrote the following:


Mr. Phillips thought he could diffuse the tension by singing his peace song and getting in between the 2 groups
This is not what happened. He got in their faces and banged a drum loudly to piss them off because he didn't like what they're wearing on their heads.

You need to understand what actually happened first before you jump to conclusions.
That's what you think happened.

I think Nathan Phillips got between the boys and the Hebrew Israelites intending to calm things down. It didn't work, in part because Nick wouldn't back off.
If you really think that, then there's no hope for you. Sorry for your loss of the ability to reason.
Forest Bueller
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Waco1947 said:

Forest Bueller said:


Best-selling author Reza Aslan tweeted that the high school junior had a "punchable face." Former Democratic Party chief Howard Dean opined that Covington Catholic is "a hate factory." GQ's Nathaniel Friedman urged people to "Doxx 'em all," i.e., make their personal information public.

More absolute bottom of the river scum. The far left has lost their moorings. They no longer deal in reality.
Really? It's a tu Quoque argument but go the Ocasio-Cortez page and see the sexism and misogyny of the right.

Are there sexist, yes of course, are there some misogyonist, yes of course. I work for a major corporation though, well educated solid business women are catered to as if gold.

And it isn't from just the right, left guys are just as bad, check out the #metoo cretins.

There are also misandrist out the gazoo right now, and it is a popular market. These poor HS kids got a major beat down from the blatant, and unhinged misandry that is occupying the minds of so many leftist women and even men today. A kind of self loathing thing going among a subsection of men.

Please no lectures today, just listen for once.

Jack Bauer
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Go home, NBC, you're drunk.

Jack Bauer
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If Nick Sandmann, the student from Covington Catholic High School in Kentucky who was part of the key face-to-face "confrontation" in front the of the Lincoln Memorial, had not been wearing a red MAGA hat, the original video would get a few thousand social media views. If Sandmann was not wearing the hat, and also was not a white male, it's unlikely anyone would even bother to post the episode online.

If Nathan Phillips, the adult male who stepped into Sandmann's space while beating his drum, was not a Native American who reminded liberals of the majestic Indian who shed a tear in those famous anti-pollution commercials from the 1970s, the video would never go viral and news outlets would never feel compelled to cover this non-event. If the Covington Catholic kids were not pro-life and from Kentucky, there would be no gasoline poured on the original brushfire of what looked like something no more dramatic than the prelude to a Florida/Florida State football game (I vividly remember covering an execution at San Quentin over a decade ago and being accosted by professional liberal protestors while doing my talk show in a way that was far more outrageous than anything the Covington kids did. The mainstream news media there responded by literally laughing at me).

In a rational world, none of these factors would have been particularly relevant to determining what really happened during those heated couple of minutes, but of course we no longer live in such a place. We exist in a realm where biography is nearly everything, and people see all events through the prism of their own biases about what one's profile means for instance, being a pro-life, MAGA-hat-wearing, white male from rural Kentucky.

Edmond Bear
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Jack Bauer said:

Go home, NBC, you're drunk.

WTH? NBC is supposed to be MAINSTREAM MEDIA....is there not even a second of fact checking before posting a lie? How in the world did MSM get so low that they constantly step on their own yangs trying to knock down one side? That seems like bald-faced hate to me.
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Jack Bauer said:


If Nick Sandmann, the student from Covington Catholic High School in Kentucky who was part of the key face-to-face "confrontation" in front the of the Lincoln Memorial, had not been wearing a red MAGA hat, the original video would get a few thousand social media views. If Sandmann was not wearing the hat, and also was not a white male, it's unlikely anyone would even bother to post the episode online.

If Nathan Phillips, the adult male who stepped into Sandmann's space while beating his drum, was not a Native American who reminded liberals of the majestic Indian who shed a tear in those famous anti-pollution commercials from the 1970s, the video would never go viral and news outlets would never feel compelled to cover this non-event. If the Covington Catholic kids were not pro-life and from Kentucky, there would be no gasoline poured on the original brushfire of what looked like something no more dramatic than the prelude to a Florida/Florida State football game (I vividly remember covering an execution at San Quentin over a decade ago and being accosted by professional liberal protestors while doing my talk show in a way that was far more outrageous than anything the Covington kids did. The mainstream news media there responded by literally laughing at me).

In a rational world, none of these factors would have been particularly relevant to determining what really happened during those heated couple of minutes, but of course we no longer live in such a place. We exist in a realm where biography is nearly everything, and people see all events through the prism of their own biases about what one's profile means for instance, being a pro-life, MAGA-hat-wearing, white male from rural Kentucky.

Oscar de Corti (the Italian guy from New Orleans better known as Iron Eyes Cody) is a more authentic Indian than ol' Nathan.
Johnny Bear
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Edmond Bear said:

Jack Bauer said:

Go home, NBC, you're drunk.

WTH? NBC is supposed to be MAINSTREAM MEDIA....is there not even a second of fact checking before posting a lie? How in the world did MSM get so low that they constantly step on their own yangs trying to knock down one side? That seems like bald-faced hate to me.
Probably seems that way because it IS bald-faced hate.

As someone old enough to remember the latter half of the 60's when the left was all about "peace" and "love" (or at least strongly claimed to be about those things), it's incredible to see how that's clearly morphed into being all about violence and hate - 24/7. And no, Trump is in no way responsible for it.
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Have any of these types of stories ever proven to be true? It seems like we always find out in the days following the initial jump to judgement by the left that there is always more to the story and it is almost always proven that the initial story narrative was completely wrong. Why can't the media and people on the left help themselves? I heard someone say that we all need to count to 10 before we start reacting to these types of stories. I doubt Cinque or jinx have that much self-control.
Forest Bueller
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Jack Bauer said:

Go home, NBC, you're drunk.

Dang, the MSM sucks today.

1) The Catholic diocese has the right.

2) They didn't even get the right school right

Once again, fake news.

Jack Bauer
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Forest Bueller said:

Jack Bauer said:

Go home, NBC, you're drunk.

Dang, the MSM sucks today.

1) The Catholic diocese has the right.

2) They didn't even get the right school right

Once again, fake news.

Message to MSM

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