cowboycwr said:
Wangchung said:
FLBear5630 said:
historian said:
cowboycwr said:
STxBear81 said:
Sounds like a lot but his take home
Pay is only 100k
It is a lot when that is not a full year salary but for several months of work
It's more than most Americans make in a year.
What world do you live?
Take a look at what this guy is responsible for doing. The scale and different interdisciplinary areas requiring control. Czar means the responsibility rests with him to get 100,000 displaced people's infrastructure (roads, water, sanitation), housing, work, shops back operational. This is third world nation or post-WW2 level stuff. You have any idea of the complexity from a technical and human impact perspective. If this guy manages a quarter of it well, he is working cheap.
Any of you guys ever worked on this type of stuff or seen it first hand? This is not financial advising, teaching or even developing property. Anyone work on Katrina? Andrew? This make Harvey look like childs play. Look at the pictures and analysis of what those fires did.
Agreed. $100k in California for that job is cheap.
Which is why he is getting 500k.
But to me it isn't the amount I take issue to. He will have a lot of responsibility.
To me the issue is that the amount is for 3 months. There is NO WAY that the recovery will be done in 3 months. Not even half way. Not even done with planning in 3 months.
That is my issue. The time limit on which he gets so much but he won't even finish the job.
I am curious about that as well. I have several questions.
They said he will pocket 100k, does that mean his budget is 500K to get these people from displaced to on the road to recovery?
Is he working on the hard engineering or the soft human support side, they said charity so the soft stuff makes sense to supplement the hard.
He talked about sales offers and holding, is he there to help protect the property owners? In that case, he is bringing legal services which as never cheap for 100k people. Those guys get $500 an hour. There are alot of wealthy, but there are also alot of elderly and generational where that property is their biggest asset.
There are alot of questions. He may be overpaid, but he may not. I just can't stand when people react to a new blip without having answers. Then attacking those that ask. We are probably not far off at the end of the day, if we can get to the end of the day!