The new data is suggesting these gender surgeries and hormone altering treatments arent solving the issues.
You ask me to trust the AMA and other expert groups but they continually push outdated models that dont match up to the latest data.
Diabetic treatment model is outdated by almost 20 years compared to the data. Insulin shots make people have more issues than they solve long term.
Dietary changes that keep insulin low works much better than insulin shots for long term diabetic health
We are still telling people red meat and saturated fat will cause issues but the Minnesota Coranary Study proved this false. This was done 30 years ago yet we still are told this by medical doctors and its in the text books.
The AMA, the ADA, the AHA seem to be the mouth piece for big Pharm and Big Farm.
The APA seems to be a mouth piece for greedy doctors who are taking advantage of the latest fad"
False equivalencies with diabetes, straw men for my position. Read your Horace Signature