Trump Shot

90,833 Views | 1064 Replies | Last: 3 days ago by Redbrickbear
Adriacus Peratuun
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Porteroso said:

Adriacus Peratuun said:

Porteroso said:

Adriacus Peratuun said:

Why are people purposefully getting lost in the weeds?

1) a gunman tried to assassinate a former President who is a major party candidate for President.

2) he came very close to succeeding.

3) an innocent bystander was killed.

4) within 24 hour two of the three legacy networks have already begun a Blame the Victim campaign.

The gunman's ability, divine intervention, etc. are simply meaningless sideshows.
Claiming a candidate is God's chosen is not meaningless, it really works. Spinning this for max effect is all these political nutjobs know.

So only one side has nut jobs? Seems like both sides are well supplied.
Where did I mention one side?

Your quoted comment literally gives one example for one side of the political divide.
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Porteroso said:

Wangchung said:

Porteroso said:

Wangchung said:

Stefano DiMera said:

Yes...they were . Did you not read or understand my post... what do those have to do with this...

This incel was a registered Republican with a Stop the Steal emblem on his T-shirt.

It doesn't get more mentally ill than that.
He voted in republican primaries and donated to democrat groups. Hardly the Republican you wish him to be. Yes, every shooting involving politicians is political. That's why they get politicized. This is just another left wing zealot.
Dems are not wearing Stop the Steal shirts, are they?
They aren't wearing the opposite sex's clothing, either. So what? This guy was wearing a shirt from a YouTube content creator that likes to blow things up. You fell for a lie...again.
What lie? I'll be honest I'm not following this as closely as you, I wasn't aware that the creator of the tshirt had such an effect on his politics. Are you saying the guy was a Democrat? Independent? It seems he was a Republican, no? Or is that the lie?
You lied whe you claimed he had a stop the steal shirt on. He donated to democrats and he tried to assassinate Trump. That's a democrat. All day.
Our vibrations were getting nasty. But why? I was puzzled, frustrated... Had we deteriorated to the level of dumb beasts?

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I wouldn't call the kid an expert but I'm sure he knows his way around a firearm. I reckon he had Trump lined up, missed, then started spraying and praying thus hitting the bystanders.

He probably knew he would only have a couple seconds left to live after firing his first shot so I bet he had crazy adrenaline after he missed

Someone with formal training would be able to keep their cool after their first shot, like Oswald
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FLBear5630 said:

Fre3dombear said:

Oldbear83 said:

Clarity there.

The presumptive nominee for the GOP candidate for President, as well as the man who has led the polls all year, avoids death by the happy accident of turning his head.

Even President Biden, Senator Schumer and other leading Democrats express thanks that Trump survived and further observe that political violence has no moral place in the United States.

Meanwhile, J.R. channels his 'inner host of The View' and goes off on a rant attacking Trump.

If there was any doubt that J.R. has moral rot in his heart, that last post from him made his malicious character undeniable.

God saved him by him turning to the right

We all witnessed a miracle. How does a 78 year old man survive a barrage aid bullets from the rifle of an expert marksman. Only our savior Jesus Christ

He works in mysterious ways

Anyone notice what trump said leading up to and as the bullet hit him in the head?
Where are you guys seeing expert marksman? Nothing I see on line, says he was anything but.

In addition, would an expert or skilled shooter (especially a hunter) use an AR?

Didn't need to be an expert .

The shooter magically had the INTEL of the security parameter to get within 130 yards of an ex president and the Republican nominee with a RIFLE. Not a concealed pistol but a rifle.

The shooter was in PLAIN SIGHT of several witnesses who pointed him out to law enforcement BEFORE he opened fire.

Yet nothing done until he opened fire. Killing at least one man.

Shooter had assistance.
Mitch Blood Green
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Oldbear83 said:

Aliceinbubbleland said:

Strange response. You said Jesus protecrted Trump. I inquired why he didn't do the same for the victim.
If I believed you were a Christian, I'd suggest you ask Jesus about His decisions.

Given your posts over the last day, well sir I believe you are on the other team, so naturally you would only bring up Christ in order to mock the notion that God had plans in the matter.

What if God saw the election was going to be a tie and with one bullet tipped the election in Biden's favor?
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Thats how many children have been murdered by their mothers since Roe v Wade. And the left has convinced them and some of the rest of the country that it's okay... instead of telling them to stop having unprotected sex unless you want to keep you child.

Who are the lunatic fringe?
Facebook Groups at; Memories of: Dallas, Texas, Football in Texas, Texas Music, Through a Texas Lens and also Dallas History Guild. Come visit!
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Adriacus Peratuun said:

Why are people purposefully getting lost in the weeds?

1) a gunman tried to assassinate a former President who is a major party candidate for President.

2) he came very close to succeeding.

3) an innocent bystander was killed.

4) within 24 hour two of the three legacy networks have already begun a Blame the Victim campaign.

The gunman's ability, divine intervention, etc. are simply meaningless sideshows.
Every post and conversation does not have to be earth shattering on the future of the Nation.

As for the Gunman's ability, it most definitely is worth talking about. A one off, whack job that went and got his Dad's gun is much different than a pro that has organizational support. That all plays into what you are talking about. This does not look like a "inside" job, there are questions to be asked for how that building was not occupied, but based on the shooter it looks like someone got lazy and complacent.
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Mitch Blood Green said:

Oldbear83 said:

Aliceinbubbleland said:

Strange response. You said Jesus protecrted Trump. I inquired why he didn't do the same for the victim.
If I believed you were a Christian, I'd suggest you ask Jesus about His decisions.

Given your posts over the last day, well sir I believe you are on the other team, so naturally you would only bring up Christ in order to mock the notion that God had plans in the matter.

What if God saw the election was going to be a tie and with one bullet tipped the election in Biden's favor?

What if God decides to give you bone cancer ?
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KaiBear said:

FLBear5630 said:

Fre3dombear said:

Oldbear83 said:

Clarity there.

The presumptive nominee for the GOP candidate for President, as well as the man who has led the polls all year, avoids death by the happy accident of turning his head.

Even President Biden, Senator Schumer and other leading Democrats express thanks that Trump survived and further observe that political violence has no moral place in the United States.

Meanwhile, J.R. channels his 'inner host of The View' and goes off on a rant attacking Trump.

If there was any doubt that J.R. has moral rot in his heart, that last post from him made his malicious character undeniable.

God saved him by him turning to the right

We all witnessed a miracle. How does a 78 year old man survive a barrage aid bullets from the rifle of an expert marksman. Only our savior Jesus Christ

He works in mysterious ways

Anyone notice what trump said leading up to and as the bullet hit him in the head?
Where are you guys seeing expert marksman? Nothing I see on line, says he was anything but.

In addition, would an expert or skilled shooter (especially a hunter) use an AR?

Didn't need to be an expert .

The shooter magically had the INTEL of the security parameter to get within 130 yards of an ex president and the Republican nominee with a RIFLE. Not a concealed pistol but a rifle.

The shooter was in PLAIN SIGHT of several witnesses who pointed him out to law enforcement BEFORE he opened fire.

Yet nothing done until he opened fire. Killing at least one man.

Shooter had assistance.

You make good points. May see a local Police arrest or security arrest in coming days.
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Porteroso said:

BearWithMe said:

I'm just genuinely heartbroken at the current state of our society. As someone who has no political home, I consistently feel in isolation as I watch these two parties constantly elevate the tension.

What makes me so sad is that I believe that the vast majority of this country is mostly moderate people who lean more left or right, but overall want similar things, just with different routes to get there.

However, the media (specifically the National News channels and Social Media) has made Democrats believe that all Republicans are idiot gun toting Fascists, Christian Nationalists, who want women back in the kitchen. Similarly they have made Republicans believe all Democrats are Marxist baby murders who want to take away all guns, open the borders up, and let society as we know it crumble. Do these people exist? Of course, but they live on the margins.

Our government has failed us. Both parties no longer have those they represent in mind when making policy. Those in power ($$$) want us to hate eachother and fight among ourselves so that we do not hold them accountable.

How can we move forward from this? I do not know - I don't even have a remote idea. Hold your family close during this time, love on your friends and neighbors, and break bread with those who have differences in opinions.
We will either one day have a leader who both sides can respect, or we will just devolve from here. It is a shame the voters are voting for devolve, but this is a weird election. Very few times in our history has a 1 term unseated President run again with this much support. One day Trump will just be a social media account to give money to, and we will see where America wants to go. I can't wait. Until then, lots of popcorn. No point in being depressed or apathetic about the state of politics, that won't make you happy. Enjoy what can be enjoyed.

This will be impossible until the democrats reign in their propaganda which is 98% of the media.

If one can't see that, again eyes but cannot see.

It's hard for sane people to imagine a world where Desantis is a racist nut job per the media, mitt Romney is a womanizing rape enabling nut job per the media, George bush is the dumbest man in America and Hillary the smartest woman ever per the Democrat media, Donald trump is Hitler that will enslave blacks (yet blacks love him in numbers never seen before as I can attest to) put Jews in ovens and end American democracy per the media

Your fantasy can't exist when that is the Democrat talking points and media reality and just peep the headlines last night and the talking points that were leaked and how Biden can't even admit trump was attempted to be assassinated by the left

But I agree. If you can help your side fix that, it starts to approach a starting point.

Never. Gonna. Happen.
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Porteroso said:

Fre3dombear said:

Wangchung said:

Porteroso said:

Wangchung said:

Stefano DiMera said:

Yes...they were . Did you not read or understand my post... what do those have to do with this...

This incel was a registered Republican with a Stop the Steal emblem on his T-shirt.

It doesn't get more mentally ill than that.
He voted in republican primaries and donated to democrat groups. Hardly the Republican you wish him to be. Yes, every shooting involving politicians is political. That's why they get politicized. This is just another left wing zealot.
Dems are not wearing Stop the Steal shirts, are they?
They aren't wearing the opposite sex's clothing, either. So what? This guy was wearing a shirt from a YouTube content creator that likes to blow things up. You fell for a lie...again.

We anxiously await all the links where the leftys here posted that their leaders in the media should dial it back or someone is going to get hurt. They've had 9 years to do it for trump and Desantis most recently and whoever the next opposition candidate is. It's always the same thing. Every time.

Nut jobs on both sides. One side tends to get very violent very quickly if they don't get their way. Then they wonder how to make 2.5 weeks of paycheck stretch Into 4 weeks of month and blame who the tv tells them to blame. Vicious circle
Your selective memory is working overtime if you don't remember lefties talking about tamping down the rhetoric in this country.

Were still awaiting an example where you or lefty's here said that. Would love to see it. There's been 9 years of opportunities 24/7 to do so.
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Redbrickbear said:

NYSlimes, a clown paper
Mitch Blood Green
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KaiBear said:

Mitch Blood Green said:

Oldbear83 said:

Aliceinbubbleland said:

Strange response. You said Jesus protecrted Trump. I inquired why he didn't do the same for the victim.
If I believed you were a Christian, I'd suggest you ask Jesus about His decisions.

Given your posts over the last day, well sir I believe you are on the other team, so naturally you would only bring up Christ in order to mock the notion that God had plans in the matter.

What if God saw the election was going to be a tie and with one bullet tipped the election in Biden's favor?

What if God decides to give you bone cancer ?

He's done worse.
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Oldbear83 said:

ATL Bear said:

Fre3dombear said:

Oldbear83 said:

Fre3dombear said:

FLBear5630 said:

ATL Bear said:

Fre3dombear said:

FLBear5630 said:

Fre3dombear said:

Oldbear83 said:

Clarity there.

The presumptive nominee for the GOP candidate for President, as well as the man who has led the polls all year, avoids death by the happy accident of turning his head.

Even President Biden, Senator Schumer and other leading Democrats express thanks that Trump survived and further observe that political violence has no moral place in the United States.

Meanwhile, J.R. channels his 'inner host of The View' and goes off on a rant attacking Trump.

If there was any doubt that J.R. has moral rot in his heart, that last post from him made his malicious character undeniable.

God saved him by him turning to the right

We all witnessed a miracle. How does a 78 year old man survive a barrage aid bullets from the rifle of an expert marksman. Only our savior Jesus Christ

He works in mysterious ways

Anyone notice what trump said leading up to and as the bullet hit him in the head?
Where are you guys seeing expert marksman? Nothing I see on line, says he was anything but.

In addition, would an expert or skilled shooter (especially a hunter) use an AR?

Huh? A guy under pressure from 500 feet away aiming at a moving target if but for Trump turning his head at just the right moment by Divine intervention his head would have exploded like a Gallagher watermelon

You're average gun owner could pull that off in your mind apparently.

Some y'all have eyes but cannot see.
Doesn't make him an expert marksman. Maybe a marksman or someone who's practiced shooting, but not an expert. It's fortunate he wasn't one because Trump would likely be deceased.
Thank you. If that kid had any formal training, we would be talking a totally different situation. He did not have any formal military or LEO training.

Trump would be dead had he not turned his head mere microseconds before the shot was squeezed off.

But yeah, he was just a recreational shooter I'm sure.
7 or more shots, only one of which found Trump. The rest found bystanders or the seats.

I still maintain Trump was very lucky and I believe the shooter practiced his shots, but there is nothing to indicate this 20-year-old with no military training or shooting background was an expert.

Skilled, maybe. Thank God not as good as he imagined himself to be.

I dunno About any military training. Wouldn't go that far. His first shot is the one that hit trump In the ear. After that chaos ensues

I hope y'all are wrong or any ginned up lefty with a gun they hate is available to their enemies could easily assassinate trump next time from 3 football fields away.

If youve ever tried it under no duress or adrenaline, you probably know.

Regardless the left laid bare yet again for the whole world to see.

Total scum for enabling this.

Prayed thanks to God all night last night he let us witness this miracle and saved Trump from the left's assassination attempt and for the family they helped destroy of the man shot in the head protecting his young family
His first shot was the easiest as he had time to focus his aim. Follow up shots are much more difficult due to recoil recovery, target movement, etc. Once he fired initially it almost turned into a spray. Clearly not an expert by any stretch.

And not to nitpick, but it's just as possible he turned into the shot and got grazed. Ballistics investigation will determine any "miracle turn". Could have just as much been a "miracle" wind gust or shooter twitch.

I doubt any of us would have the stones to stand there and trust the shooter would miss vital organs...

Knowing now how easy it is for anyone under duress to Position in seconds after running around a building and scaling a ladder 20 feet and squeeze off a shot from 400 feet, I definitely wouldn't. Even worse if this person had any training or practice apparently.
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Redbrickbear said:

Yeah I laughed at that image and headline this morning. Sick leftist media.
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Assassin said:


Thats how many children have been murdered by their mothers since Roe v Wade. And the left has convinced them and some of the rest of the country that it's okay... instead of telling them to stop having unprotected sex unless you want to keep you child.

Who are the lunatic fringe?

They brand it as "women reproductive rights", which translates to "I wanna have sex with whoever and how ever many people I want without consequences".

Unfortunately this is the new trend, many young people are leaving the faith simply because they want to be free of God's rules. Ironically, life is more free when you accept the Lord into your heart. We need to pray that our nation's youth come back to Christ
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Mitch Blood Green said:

Oldbear83 said:

Aliceinbubbleland said:

Strange response. You said Jesus protecrted Trump. I inquired why he didn't do the same for the victim.
If I believed you were a Christian, I'd suggest you ask Jesus about His decisions.

Given your posts over the last day, well sir I believe you are on the other team, so naturally you would only bring up Christ in order to mock the notion that God had plans in the matter.

What if God saw the election was going to be a tie and with one bullet tipped the election in Biden's favor?

That's Satan's plan, not God. The desire to excuse murder as a tool not an evil, not to mention all the genuine evils done by Biden's lackeys like that kangaroo court in Manhattan.

Your side lost yesterday, not God.
That which does not kill me, will try again and get nastier
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Mitch Blood Green said:

KaiBear said:

Mitch Blood Green said:

Oldbear83 said:

Aliceinbubbleland said:

Strange response. You said Jesus protecrted Trump. I inquired why he didn't do the same for the victim.
If I believed you were a Christian, I'd suggest you ask Jesus about His decisions.

Given your posts over the last day, well sir I believe you are on the other team, so naturally you would only bring up Christ in order to mock the notion that God had plans in the matter.

What if God saw the election was going to be a tie and with one bullet tipped the election in Biden's favor?

What if God decides to give you bone cancer ?

He's done worse.

Doubt it.

You have trust fund kid written all over you.
ATL Bear
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Oldbear83 said:

ATL Bear said:

Fre3dombear said:

Oldbear83 said:

Fre3dombear said:

FLBear5630 said:

ATL Bear said:

Fre3dombear said:

FLBear5630 said:

Fre3dombear said:

Oldbear83 said:

Clarity there.

The presumptive nominee for the GOP candidate for President, as well as the man who has led the polls all year, avoids death by the happy accident of turning his head.

Even President Biden, Senator Schumer and other leading Democrats express thanks that Trump survived and further observe that political violence has no moral place in the United States.

Meanwhile, J.R. channels his 'inner host of The View' and goes off on a rant attacking Trump.

If there was any doubt that J.R. has moral rot in his heart, that last post from him made his malicious character undeniable.

God saved him by him turning to the right

We all witnessed a miracle. How does a 78 year old man survive a barrage aid bullets from the rifle of an expert marksman. Only our savior Jesus Christ

He works in mysterious ways

Anyone notice what trump said leading up to and as the bullet hit him in the head?
Where are you guys seeing expert marksman? Nothing I see on line, says he was anything but.

In addition, would an expert or skilled shooter (especially a hunter) use an AR?

Huh? A guy under pressure from 500 feet away aiming at a moving target if but for Trump turning his head at just the right moment by Divine intervention his head would have exploded like a Gallagher watermelon

You're average gun owner could pull that off in your mind apparently.

Some y'all have eyes but cannot see.
Doesn't make him an expert marksman. Maybe a marksman or someone who's practiced shooting, but not an expert. It's fortunate he wasn't one because Trump would likely be deceased.
Thank you. If that kid had any formal training, we would be talking a totally different situation. He did not have any formal military or LEO training.

Trump would be dead had he not turned his head mere microseconds before the shot was squeezed off.

But yeah, he was just a recreational shooter I'm sure.
7 or more shots, only one of which found Trump. The rest found bystanders or the seats.

I still maintain Trump was very lucky and I believe the shooter practiced his shots, but there is nothing to indicate this 20-year-old with no military training or shooting background was an expert.

Skilled, maybe. Thank God not as good as he imagined himself to be.

I dunno About any military training. Wouldn't go that far. His first shot is the one that hit trump In the ear. After that chaos ensues

I hope y'all are wrong or any ginned up lefty with a gun they hate is available to their enemies could easily assassinate trump next time from 3 football fields away.

If youve ever tried it under no duress or adrenaline, you probably know.

Regardless the left laid bare yet again for the whole world to see.

Total scum for enabling this.

Prayed thanks to God all night last night he let us witness this miracle and saved Trump from the left's assassination attempt and for the family they helped destroy of the man shot in the head protecting his young family
His first shot was the easiest as he had time to focus his aim. Follow up shots are much more difficult due to recoil recovery, target movement, etc. Once he fired initially it almost turned into a spray. Clearly not an expert by any stretch.

And not to nitpick, but it's just as possible he turned into the shot and got grazed. Ballistics investigation will determine any "miracle turn". Could have just as much been a "miracle" wind gust or shooter twitch.

I doubt any of us would have the stones to stand there and trust the shooter would miss vital organs...
Not sure what you're implying, and of course I wouldn't stand still while getting shot at, but I doubt Trump realized what was happening to him for a few seconds vs he was intentionally standing there watching bullets. I give him credit for being smarter than that. Trump's real fortitude was shown at how calm and resolved he was when on the ground, and then insisting on engaging his supporters and the public. An epically iconic moment in our long political history.
Jack Bauer
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Just said on the news that the shooter was on the rifle team.
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Jack Bauer said:

New York congressman with a net worth of over 250 million dollars.
Jacques Strap
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Not having a pair of officers on top of that building is inexplicable. Not necessary to have counter snipers on all the rooftops but assigning a pair of officers with radios to patrol all the high ground is just common sense.

Adriacus Peratuun
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FLBear5630 said:

Adriacus Peratuun said:

Why are people purposefully getting lost in the weeds?

1) a gunman tried to assassinate a former President who is a major party candidate for President.

2) he came very close to succeeding.

3) an innocent bystander was killed.

4) within 24 hour two of the three legacy networks have already begun a Blame the Victim campaign.

The gunman's ability, divine intervention, etc. are simply meaningless sideshows.
Every post and conversation does not have to be earth shattering on the future of the Nation.

As for the Gunman's ability, it most definitely is worth talking about. A one off, whack job that went and got his Dad's gun is much different than a pro that has organizational support. That all plays into what you are talking about. This does not look like a "inside" job, there are questions to be asked for how that building was not occupied, but based on the shooter it looks like someone got lazy and complacent.
Talking about obvious items such as gaps in security or failure of the protection task is one matter, pure speculation about divine intervention or "a pro with organizational support" is another matter.

It isn't about setting an "earth shattering" standard for discourse. It is about sticking to facts and supported conjecture and not venturing off into the absurd which does nothing but support liberals claims about right wing nutjobs spouting conspiracy theories.

Rule #1: Do No Harm.

Every random crazy theory does nothing but undermine every solid critique.

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VaeBear said:

Just said on the news that the shooter was on the rifle team.

This is one of those events where we are gonna hear lots of conflicting info I'm sure

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Oldbear83 said:

Aliceinbubbleland said:

Strange response. You said Jesus protecrted Trump. I inquired why he didn't do the same for the victim.
If I believed you were a Christian, I'd suggest you ask Jesus about His decisions.

Given your posts over the last day, well sir I believe you are on the other team, so naturally you would only bring up Christ in order to mock the notion that God had plans in the matter.

I'm not the one who brought up the ridiculous post
Astros in Home Stretch Geaux Texans
Jacques Strap
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Good read if you are interested...

Former Navy Seal and Blackwater founder Erik Prince gave a detailed assessment of yesterday's Secret Service debacle in the wake of a failed assassination attempt on former President Trump.


The rooftop used by Crooks was a mere 140 yards away from the event with a clear line of sight to the right of Trump. Those familiar with precision shooting know that any shot within 300 yards is considered easy for a moderately trained rifleman. With the right caliber an expert can hit a torso sized target consistently at 1000 yards or more. At 140 yards any amateur should be able to hit a pie plate-sized target with little difficulty, even without a magnified optic.

The Secret Service is supposed to secure all obvious "sniper perches" well before the arrival of a protectee - Meaning, nearby rooftops and buildings are supposed to have a security presence in place along with drone surveillance. In the case of Butler, PA, this was apparently not done. SS snipers were only present on the building right behind the venue stage.

When looking at the circumstances in favor of Thomas Matthew Crooks, the identified alleged suspect in the attempted assassination of Donald Trump in Butler, PA, it's hard to see how the guy failed. Almost every Secret Service security protocol seems to have been ignored, allowing Crooks easy access to a perfect shooting position and plenty of time to acquire a bead on Trump's podium.

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ATL Bear said:

Oldbear83 said:

ATL Bear said:

Fre3dombear said:

Oldbear83 said:

Fre3dombear said:

FLBear5630 said:

ATL Bear said:

Fre3dombear said:

FLBear5630 said:

Fre3dombear said:

Oldbear83 said:

Clarity there.

The presumptive nominee for the GOP candidate for President, as well as the man who has led the polls all year, avoids death by the happy accident of turning his head.

Even President Biden, Senator Schumer and other leading Democrats express thanks that Trump survived and further observe that political violence has no moral place in the United States.

Meanwhile, J.R. channels his 'inner host of The View' and goes off on a rant attacking Trump.

If there was any doubt that J.R. has moral rot in his heart, that last post from him made his malicious character undeniable.

God saved him by him turning to the right

We all witnessed a miracle. How does a 78 year old man survive a barrage aid bullets from the rifle of an expert marksman. Only our savior Jesus Christ

He works in mysterious ways

Anyone notice what trump said leading up to and as the bullet hit him in the head?
Where are you guys seeing expert marksman? Nothing I see on line, says he was anything but.

In addition, would an expert or skilled shooter (especially a hunter) use an AR?

Huh? A guy under pressure from 500 feet away aiming at a moving target if but for Trump turning his head at just the right moment by Divine intervention his head would have exploded like a Gallagher watermelon

You're average gun owner could pull that off in your mind apparently.

Some y'all have eyes but cannot see.
Doesn't make him an expert marksman. Maybe a marksman or someone who's practiced shooting, but not an expert. It's fortunate he wasn't one because Trump would likely be deceased.
Thank you. If that kid had any formal training, we would be talking a totally different situation. He did not have any formal military or LEO training.

Trump would be dead had he not turned his head mere microseconds before the shot was squeezed off.

But yeah, he was just a recreational shooter I'm sure.
7 or more shots, only one of which found Trump. The rest found bystanders or the seats.

I still maintain Trump was very lucky and I believe the shooter practiced his shots, but there is nothing to indicate this 20-year-old with no military training or shooting background was an expert.

Skilled, maybe. Thank God not as good as he imagined himself to be.

I dunno About any military training. Wouldn't go that far. His first shot is the one that hit trump In the ear. After that chaos ensues

I hope y'all are wrong or any ginned up lefty with a gun they hate is available to their enemies could easily assassinate trump next time from 3 football fields away.

If youve ever tried it under no duress or adrenaline, you probably know.

Regardless the left laid bare yet again for the whole world to see.

Total scum for enabling this.

Prayed thanks to God all night last night he let us witness this miracle and saved Trump from the left's assassination attempt and for the family they helped destroy of the man shot in the head protecting his young family
His first shot was the easiest as he had time to focus his aim. Follow up shots are much more difficult due to recoil recovery, target movement, etc. Once he fired initially it almost turned into a spray. Clearly not an expert by any stretch.

And not to nitpick, but it's just as possible he turned into the shot and got grazed. Ballistics investigation will determine any "miracle turn". Could have just as much been a "miracle" wind gust or shooter twitch.

I doubt any of us would have the stones to stand there and trust the shooter would miss vital organs...
Not sure what you're implying, and of course I wouldn't stand still while getting shot at, but I doubt Trump realized what was happening to him for a few seconds vs he was intentionally standing there watching bullets. I give him credit for being smarter than that. Trump's real fortitude was shown at how calm and resolved he was when on the ground, and then insisting on engaging his supporters and the public. An epically iconic moment in our long political history.
That is what I think will resonate out of this, as we are facing off with Putin and Xi. Trump didn't back down under duress, he was pissed and he stood firm. We need that right now with the World situation Biden has allowed to occur.
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FLBear5630 said:

Fre3dombear said:

FLBear5630 said:

ATL Bear said:

Fre3dombear said:

FLBear5630 said:

Fre3dombear said:

Oldbear83 said:

Clarity there.

The presumptive nominee for the GOP candidate for President, as well as the man who has led the polls all year, avoids death by the happy accident of turning his head.

Even President Biden, Senator Schumer and other leading Democrats express thanks that Trump survived and further observe that political violence has no moral place in the United States.

Meanwhile, J.R. channels his 'inner host of The View' and goes off on a rant attacking Trump.

If there was any doubt that J.R. has moral rot in his heart, that last post from him made his malicious character undeniable.

God saved him by him turning to the right

We all witnessed a miracle. How does a 78 year old man survive a barrage aid bullets from the rifle of an expert marksman. Only our savior Jesus Christ

He works in mysterious ways

Anyone notice what trump said leading up to and as the bullet hit him in the head?
Where are you guys seeing expert marksman? Nothing I see on line, says he was anything but.

In addition, would an expert or skilled shooter (especially a hunter) use an AR?

Huh? A guy under pressure from 500 feet away aiming at a moving target if but for Trump turning his head at just the right moment by Divine intervention his head would have exploded like a Gallagher watermelon

You're average gun owner could pull that off in your mind apparently.

Some y'all have eyes but cannot see.
Doesn't make him an expert marksman. Maybe a marksman or someone who's practiced shooting, but not an expert. It's fortunate he wasn't one because Trump would likely be deceased.
Thank you. If that kid had any formal training, we would be talking a totally different situation. He did not have any formal military or LEO training.

Trump would be dead had he not turned his head mere microseconds before the shot was squeezed off.

But yeah, he was just a recreational shooter I'm sure.
We agree on this. If he went center mass, we are talking a whole different situation with a 5.56 at 160...

Curious, they were reporting earlier that is was a.22???? That didn't make sense to me at all, but I am not a big .22 guy.
I, too, wondered why the shooter didn't go for center mass.
I thought it was a 22. If you've shot an AR calibrated for 223 or 556 the report is very loud. If it was a 223/556 the gun was suppressed. But I can't believe a 22 would cause the level of injuries to the people behind the target.
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Adriacus Peratuun said:

FLBear5630 said:

Adriacus Peratuun said:

Why are people purposefully getting lost in the weeds?

1) a gunman tried to assassinate a former President who is a major party candidate for President.

2) he came very close to succeeding.

3) an innocent bystander was killed.

4) within 24 hour two of the three legacy networks have already begun a Blame the Victim campaign.

The gunman's ability, divine intervention, etc. are simply meaningless sideshows.
Every post and conversation does not have to be earth shattering on the future of the Nation.

As for the Gunman's ability, it most definitely is worth talking about. A one off, whack job that went and got his Dad's gun is much different than a pro that has organizational support. That all plays into what you are talking about. This does not look like a "inside" job, there are questions to be asked for how that building was not occupied, but based on the shooter it looks like someone got lazy and complacent.
Talking about obvious items such as gaps in security or failure of the protection task is one matter, pure speculation about divine intervention or "a pro with organizational support" is another matter.

It isn't about setting an "earth shattering" standard for discourse. It is about sticking to facts and supported conjecture and not venturing off into the absurd which does nothing but support liberals claims about right wing nutjobs spouting conspiracy theories.

Rule #1: Do No Harm.

Every random crazy theory does nothing but undermine every solid critique.

I am not in the devine intervention camp by a long shot. Blind luck he turned his head. All I have said is the guy was not trained and it is not a difficult shot for a "marksman". I do also think there is some inside knowledge of the facility he shot from, I wouldn't be surprised if he was familiar with it.

As for Do No Harm, we are on a Baylor poltical message board... I don't think we are influencing much besides a bunch of well to do college grads that like to spout off.
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Aliceinbubbleland said:

Oldbear83 said:

Aliceinbubbleland said:

Strange response. You said Jesus protecrted Trump. I inquired why he didn't do the same for the victim.
If I believed you were a Christian, I'd suggest you ask Jesus about His decisions.

Given your posts over the last day, well sir I believe you are on the other team, so naturally you would only bring up Christ in order to mock the notion that God had plans in the matter.

I'm not the one who brought up the ridiculous post

You just popped off an asinine post.
That which does not kill me, will try again and get nastier
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