FLBear5630 said:
TinFoilHatPreacherBear said:
The_barBEARian said:
FLBear5630 said:
The_barBEARian said:
FLBear5630 said:
The_barBEARian said:
Guy Noir said:
boognish_bear said:
Inflation will now be on the rise. Unemployment is on the rise too. Is there a recession on the horizon?
It was going to happen sooner or later.
We are a bankrupt country and on track for our interest on debt to double GDP a decade from now... too many years of boomers kicking the can down the road.
This all should have been dealt with in 2008.
Trump is trying to raise additional funds from tariffs to off-set tax cuts.
This is not Trump's fault.
It is partly Trump's fault...
8.4 Trillion is Trump's fault.
$3.6 trillion came from COVID relief laws & EOs
$2.5 trillion from tax cut laws,and
$2.3 trillion from spending increases
This cut, cut, cut only came about after Jan 6th and Biden lawsuits. DOGE is a great way to go after your enemies and have people cheer you.
Renewing the tax cuts needs to happen.
We are already way overtaxed and our society needs to stop penalizing the productive members of society who are keeping things running and should start squeezing the welfare class who live off free housing, food stamps, and Medicaid.
The spending increases came during Biden's Presidency. Prior to Biden the Federal government was spending around $3-4 trillion a year... during Biden is went up to $5-6 trillion, a 50% increase.
I agree with you on COVID as I already mentioned in my previous post.
This is why I always debate you on all these global wars... America is broke and cant afford them!
I do agree with you if we are going to have this tariff policy and cozy up to Russia and China. To help on military side only to stab on trade makes no sense. Bring it home and protect our borders, we are going to need it. Trump has alienated most of our allies.
Has to be done.
We need to get our own house in order and not be worrying about the welfare of countries like Ukraine while ours is falling apart.
I know they're our allies but they only care about looking out for themselves and don't want to look out for us.
America can transform its communities and quality of life if it can resist the globalists complete sell out and control.
And no that doesn't mean isolationist or avoiding global trade.
But will they avoid us and isolate us? It is a two way street. Hubris is a *****
I don't disagree with you. His approach is a double-edged sword. On one side, it's great for making sure that they don't mess around and that they take you seriously, and on the other, he makes them want to act out of spite.
Unfortunately, in this regard, he is what he is. No other politician would have been elected and have been strong enough to do what he's trying to do. I'm willing to give him some leeway because his ideas are long term good for America. But sure, I wish he'd at least act a bit more cordial though and not so readily denigrate our frenemies.
I'll also add, that they may not be able to afford to isolate us. Sure they'll react, but my gut tells me that they will work to restore good trading relations. At the end of the day, we'll still be allies and their greatest hope for peace.
Thee tinfoil hat couch-potato prognosticator, not a bible school preacher.