historian said:
Assassin said:
That's crazy. The U.S.-Canadian border has been firmly established since the 1840s and the most stable in the world.
he's trying to shake Canadian leaders loose from the notion that they are our equal, to force them to realize that Canada has no reason to exist without the USA, that there are consequences of it's economy being as enmeshed with ours as though it was "the 51st state." Canadian military spending as a percentage of GOP is among the lowest in Nato = they are counting on us to defend them, separate from any Nato committment. They know we would have to do it no matter what, regardless of any Nato angles.. Yet, they do not bother to reciprocate by doing enough to stop migrants and fentanyl from entering their country (thence flowing to USA). And in spite of all that, they run a trade surplus with us. They are not some third world country with real cost advantages over us in labor. Nope. They are basically us, only with a lower percapita GDP and larger welfare state (which they could not easily afford if they had to pick up the true costs of all the stuff we do for them).
Canada, as structured today is not a viable business model (separate from the USA).
They exist as a function of our largesse.
Trump is reminding them of that.
For a purpose.
And it is an election year in Canada, ya know. Beating up on the globalists in power in Ottawa will tend to drive up nationalism, which tends to favor conservatives more than liberals......