It was that stupid women that Trump appointed that tanked it.... when will conservatives learn? Stop electing/appointing women to these critical positions that require a steel spine.
Women are better than men at a lot of things, but they are not fighters and they crumble under pressure.
I think she’s compromised.
After they marched on her house and Kavanaugh‘s house during the RvW reversal… Ever since she’s voted a majority with the Left.
Schumer knew what he was doing when he told people to insurrect at Scotus homes.
Wrong ruling based on jurisdiction. But correct -ish outcome since the pay was for work already performed (supposedly).
The right solution at a high level - is to stop the corrupt payment. The party where work was performed would sue in the correct jurisdiction and loosely prove they did the work/service. Then they would get paid.
pretty much
“The Internet is just a world passing around notes in a classroom.”
both houses of congress have dem and repube the past 25 years.
got corrupt and sloppy.
but - maybe we have some fiscal hope???
- el KKM
get back to zero based budgeting.
I think we need z-based every decade, time it with the census. Can't do every year, but every decade would be good. Should be required.
a little short term pain ain't gonna hurt nobody but the grifters.........
They certainly have a lot more to lose than most of us do!
Unfortunately the foreign interest grifters or the grifters at the Pentagon wont be touched
Disagree, there are a lot of good middle class people that have invested their life serving their country hurt by this. My niece was laid off from IRS, she did nothing but graduate and do her job. She is 32 with 3 kids married to a Pastor. Not much grift there. Know several engineers with USDOT forced to resign. These are normal people. Not high level grifters making a killing or not working. Those engineers fought to make cars safer. That was their big crime. So, this chainsaw act is hurting normal people.
Just a little fact, it is not just new hires that have a probationary period. Any promotion required 6 month probationary period. We are losing alot of capabilities. But that is good, right. Elon says so.
Just so we're clear, the "act" is something nearly every business goes through.
Leaders frequently have to cut with a broad swath.
Anyone of us could be impacted directly or indirectly by cuts elsewhere. I'm sorry for the people involved, but it doesn't make it evil or wrong.
We are spending more than we take in, you can't micro-cut and hope to make a difference. Our government spending needs to be restructured and prioritized. That sucks for many, doesn't change that we need to do it.
And our benevolent government has done it to the private sector numerous times via legislation, acts and deals.
If u have a job which is doubtful.. I hope and ur ilk get indescribably fired with no due process.
You're just not smart. Due process, lol.
"indescribably" ... indubitably, lol
indescribablely was autocorrect. Indiscriminately ...yes, there is due process in firing people in corporations and govt. guess you have never had a mgt position, even at McDonalds if you don't know that, clown.
Just so we're clear, the "act" is something nearly every business goes through.
Leaders frequently have to cut with a broad swath.
Anyone of us could be impacted directly or indirectly by cuts elsewhere. I'm sorry for the people involved, but it doesn't make it evil or wrong.
We are spending more than we take in, you can't micro-cut and hope to make a difference. Our government spending needs to be restructured and prioritized. That sucks for many, doesn't change that we need to do it.
And our benevolent government has done it to the private sector numerous times via legislation, acts and deals.
If u have a job which is doubtful.. I hope and ur ilk get indescribably fired with no due process.
You're just not smart. Due process, lol.
"indescribably" ... indubitably, lol
JR is just a little irritable these days.
He's always the first one eliminated in all the dick measuring contests...
thanks, captain pervert with no job feeding at the govt trough.
both houses of congress have dem and repube the past 25 years.
got corrupt and sloppy.
but - maybe we have some fiscal hope???
- el KKM
get back to zero based budgeting.
I think we need z-based every decade, time it with the census. Can't do every year, but every decade would be good. Should be required.
a little short term pain ain't gonna hurt nobody but the grifters.........
They certainly have a lot more to lose than most of us do!
Unfortunately the foreign interest grifters or the grifters at the Pentagon wont be touched
Disagree, there are a lot of good middle class people that have invested their life serving their country hurt by this. My niece was laid off from IRS, she did nothing but graduate and do her job. She is 32 with 3 kids married to a Pastor. Not much grift there. Know several engineers with USDOT forced to resign. These are normal people. Not high level grifters making a killing or not working. Those engineers fought to make cars safer. That was their big crime. So, this chainsaw act is hurting normal people.
Just a little fact, it is not just new hires that have a probationary period. Any promotion required 6 month probationary period. We are losing alot of capabilities. But that is good, right. Elon says so.
Just so we're clear, the "act" is something nearly every business goes through.
Leaders frequently have to cut with a broad swath.
Anyone of us could be impacted directly or indirectly by cuts elsewhere. I'm sorry for the people involved, but it doesn't make it evil or wrong.
We are spending more than we take in, you can't micro-cut and hope to make a difference. Our government spending needs to be restructured and prioritized. That sucks for many, doesn't change that we need to do it.
And our benevolent government has done it to the private sector numerous times via legislation, acts and deals.
If u have a job which is doubtful.. I hope and ur ilk get indescribably fired with no due process.
You're just not smart. Due process, lol.
"indescribably" ... indubitably, lol
indescribablely was autocorrect. Indiscriminately ...yes, there is due process in firing people in corporations and govt. guess you have never had a mgt position, even at McDonalds if you don't know that, clown.
Due process, lol
Thee tinfoil hat couch-potato prognosticator, not a bible school preacher.
Chuck may want to look at these polls about how Americans received the speech before he starts trying to dog pile on it
.@SenSchumer: Last night Donald Trump subjected the American people to a deluge of falsehoods, misrepresentations and outright lies. What Americans heard last night was easily the nastiest, most divisive, most partisan and most dishonest presidential address in American history.
both houses of congress have dem and repube the past 25 years.
got corrupt and sloppy.
but - maybe we have some fiscal hope???
- el KKM
get back to zero based budgeting.
I think we need z-based every decade, time it with the census. Can't do every year, but every decade would be good. Should be required.
a little short term pain ain't gonna hurt nobody but the grifters.........
They certainly have a lot more to lose than most of us do!
Unfortunately the foreign interest grifters or the grifters at the Pentagon wont be touched
Disagree, there are a lot of good middle class people that have invested their life serving their country hurt by this. My niece was laid off from IRS, she did nothing but graduate and do her job. She is 32 with 3 kids married to a Pastor. Not much grift there. Know several engineers with USDOT forced to resign. These are normal people. Not high level grifters making a killing or not working. Those engineers fought to make cars safer. That was their big crime. So, this chainsaw act is hurting normal people.
Just a little fact, it is not just new hires that have a probationary period. Any promotion required 6 month probationary period. We are losing alot of capabilities. But that is good, right. Elon says so.
Just so we're clear, the "act" is something nearly every business goes through.
Leaders frequently have to cut with a broad swath.
Anyone of us could be impacted directly or indirectly by cuts elsewhere. I'm sorry for the people involved, but it doesn't make it evil or wrong.
We are spending more than we take in, you can't micro-cut and hope to make a difference. Our government spending needs to be restructured and prioritized. That sucks for many, doesn't change that we need to do it.
And our benevolent government has done it to the private sector numerous times via legislation, acts and deals.
If u have a job which is doubtful.. I hope and ur ilk get indescribably fired with no due process.
You're just not smart. Due process, lol.
"indescribably" ... indubitably, lol
indescribablely was autocorrect. Indiscriminately ...yes, there is due process in firing people in corporations and govt. guess you have never had a mgt position, even at McDonalds if you don't know that, clown.
Due process, lol
what do you call it mr. seasoned business guy? You ever had management roles in any significant organization?
‼ WILL BE REMOVED ‼: The nation’s capital city will remove the large painting of the words “Black Lives Matter” on a street one block from the White House. 👉
“I’ve decided to begin strategic discussions on protecting our allies on the European continent with our French nuclear weapons”
"The future of Europe cannot be decided in Moscow or Washington."
French President Emmanuel Macron speaks to his nation in a televised address, adding: "I want to believe that the US will stand by our side, but we have to be ready for that not to be the case."
“I’ve decided to begin strategic discussions on protecting our allies on the European continent with our French nuclear weapons”
"The future of Europe cannot be decided in Moscow or Washington."
French President Emmanuel Macron speaks to his nation in a televised address, adding: "I want to believe that the US will stand by our side, but we have to be ready for that not to be the case."
But he was dead wrong about amnesty for millions of 3rd worlders and was wrong about the de-industrialization of the USA
A USA without powerful manufacturing and production capabilities could never have defeated the communists in the USSR
And if America is going to defeat the communists in China it has to change course from the failed orthodoxies of the past few decades
Sending 50,000 factories and millions of jobs overseas does not in fact make us stronger
Honestly, that was back when normal people thought "free trade" was actually going to be some semblance of free trade. It was a much different time. We know a bit more now and we have evidence of how it worked out for middle America. The new mantra should absolutely be fair free trade. When it's fair free trade, like minded economies can leverage each others economic strengths. If that's not possible, use tariffs as the bully stick.
Thee tinfoil hat couch-potato prognosticator, not a bible school preacher.
But he was dead wrong about amnesty for millions of 3rd worlders and was wrong about the de-industrialization of the USA
A USA without powerful manufacturing and production capabilities could never have defeated the communists in the USSR
And if America is going to defeat the communists in China it has to change course from the failed orthodoxies of the past few decades
Sending 50,000 factories and millions of jobs overseas does not in fact make us stronger
Just a question. Are we stronger today than we were when Reagan was President? Militarily? Economically? Is life a multitude easier than it was in 1986? Technology not outsourcing has been the killer of the manufacturing worker, and the driver of our innovation that has propelled us. It's in a constant pursuit of minimizing human necessity in repeatable process tasks, and as AI progresses it's going much more complex.
Where you and others are lost is what Reagan and others like Milton Friedman understood. Trade, even if on unequal terms, pushes companies to innovate around it. Where we failed was being unwilling to actually deregulate to the level necessary to compete. We continue to hang onto labor value perspectives that are becoming obsolescent. Our auto industry still languishes in these historical burdens. We don't need more metal press operators, we need engineers. That's where China, India, Europe and elsewhere beat our butts. And now we want to limit our labor supply shortage through Visa limits.
We've gone next level in complaining about our lot ( which is pretty damn good comparatively), but we have a long way to go in actually trying to make the necessary changes if we want to get back to the low ends of the supply chain. Take mining for example. We don't need to buy Greenland to get into rare earth minerals again. We just need the fortitude to change our laws. Are we ready? Words are cheap and easy, actions not so much.
But he was dead wrong about amnesty for millions of 3rd worlders and was wrong about the de-industrialization of the USA
A USA without powerful manufacturing and production capabilities could never have defeated the communists in the USSR
And if America is going to defeat the communists in China it has to change course from the failed orthodoxies of the past few decades
Sending 50,000 factories and millions of jobs overseas does not in fact make us stronger
Honestly, that was back when normal people thought "free trade" was actually going to be some semblance of free trade. It was a much different time. We know a bit more now and we have evidence of how it worked out for middle America. The new mantra should absolutely be fair free trade. When it's fair free trade, like minded economies can leverage each others economic strengths. If that's not possible, use tariffs as the bully stick.
Just note that we were complaining about flat wages, declining middle class, and the loss of manufacturing back then. We even did direct company bailouts to help.
But he was dead wrong about amnesty for millions of 3rd worlders and was wrong about the de-industrialization of the USA
A USA without powerful manufacturing and production capabilities could never have defeated the communists in the USSR
And if America is going to defeat the communists in China it has to change course from the failed orthodoxies of the past few decades
Sending 50,000 factories and millions of jobs overseas does not in fact make us stronger
Just a question. Are we stronger today than we were when Reagan was President? Militarily? Economically? Is life a multitude easier than it was in 1986? Technology not outsourcing has been the killer of the manufacturing worker, and the driver of our innovation that has propelled us. It's in a constant pursuit of minimizing human necessity in repeatable process tasks, and as AI progresses it's going much more complex.
Where you and others are lost is what Reagan and others like Milton Friedman understood. Trade, even if on unequal terms, pushes companies to innovate around it. Where we failed was being unwilling to actually deregulate to the level necessary to compete. We continue to hang onto labor value perspectives that are becoming obsolescent. Our auto industry still languishes in these historical burdens. We don't need more metal press operators, we need engineers. That's where China, India, Europe and elsewhere beat our butts. And now we want to limit our labor supply shortage through Visa limits.
We've gone next level in complaining about our lot ( which is pretty damn good comparatively), but we have a long way to go in actually trying to make the necessary changes if we want to get back to the low ends of the supply chain. Take mining for example. We don't need to buy Greenland to get into rare earth minerals again. We just need the fortitude to change our laws. Are we ready? Words are cheap and easy, actions not so much.
faulty premise there in the first paragraph.
Technology did not create the Rust Belt. Post-WWII US trade policy did. Textbook.
What we're seeing now is the dying of Post-WWII order. Finally. It worked splendidly. It was correct policy, well implemented, and it delivered victory in the Cold War. But it no longer serves the common good. So it's going away.
If you take over a building and force other students who want to study in the library to leave, is that illegal?
President Trump said on Tuesday that his administration would cut federal funding from any college that allowed “illegal protests” to persist.
— The Chronicle of Higher Education (@chronicle) March 5, 2025
If these students were a bunch of Nazis blaring bullhorns and shouting into megaphones you can believe they would be rounded up within the hour. But because they are communists, they get an extended free pass.