Waco1947 said:
Oldbear83 said:
Waco1947 said:
KingHendy said:
Love the women. It is the first and greatest commandment and the second too.
Not even close.
Seriously Waco, have you completely abandoned Scripture?
Loving Women and their personhood and souls is abandoning scripture? That's a strange concept.
An even more alien concept is how you take so many things from scripture so literally, and then bend the most basic concepts of Christ's teachings to fit your perverted, sadistic, farcical interpretations. I'm quite confident I could defend and honor our religion in a much more humane, logical, and theological manner with my personally less literal take on much of the biblical stories but better understanding of the beautiful, spiritual, Godly metaphorical nature of the teachings.
That's to read that I do believe in Christ as Lord and Saviour, the Great Teacher, the Son of God. I believe in the sanctity of God, but not the sanctity of man. There is no sanctity of man. The Amount of translation error is sad. The newer translations are 'progressively' worse, imagine that.
I could write a thesis on that and argue it right now, and I'm not a seminarian. But your successively *******ized adjustments to focus are purely evident in the newer and newer translations. Just like in the ancient oral histories of the Bible, the story changes all the time. It gets framed to fit a narrative.
I wish I could read fully in the original Greek/Aramaic/Hebrew. But you keep being you. Keep misinterpreting things and selectively acknowledging things to prop up this histrionic world view you and your ilk have created. You should be so proud.