On this day in history...

182,183 Views | 1897 Replies | Last: 5 mo ago by LIB,MR BEARS
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On a regular basis, many of them prove that they do not--or that they do & don't care to learn from the mistakes of others. I hate to say it, but too often it is their own arrogance & superiority complex that leads them to believe that they can do better when usually they don't have half the intelligence or integrity of our greatest leaders from the past.
“Incline my heart to your testimonies, and not to selfish gain!”
Psalm 119:36
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January 16:

1547: Ivan IV crowned himself the new Tsar of Russia.

1605: Miguel de Cervante's Don Quixote was published.

1786: The Council of Virginia guaranteed religious freedom.

1847: John C. Fremont, the "Pathfinder", was appointed governor of California

1861: The Senate killed the Crittendon Compromise which some hoped would avert the Civil War. It was doomed from the beginning as southerners demanded that Pres. Lincoln acquiesce in the one thing he said he would never do: allow slavery to expand into western territories.

1865: After devastating Georgia, Gen. William T. Sherman began his march through the Carolinas.

1909: One of Ernest Shackleton's polar exploration teams reached the magnetic South Pole.

1909: Birthday of Ethel Merman, American singer and actress

1919: Congress ratified Prohibition.

1920: First meeting of the League of Nations in Paris.

1920: The Allies lifted their blockade on trade with Russia.

1938: Benny Goodmanjazz concert at Carnegie Hall.

1942: Japanese forces began their advance into Burma.

1944: Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower assumed supreme command of the Allied Expeditionary Force in Europe.

1945: The American First & Third armies effectively ended the Battle of the Bulge.

1945: Hitler went into his bunker in central Berlin where he would remain until his suicide on April 30.

1956: The Egyptian government made Islam the state religion.

1979: The Shah of Iranfled the country.

1991: Beginning of Persian Gulf War. The UN deadline for Iraqi withdrawal from Kuwait expired and the allied forces began the military effort to remove them by force.

1997: Bill Cosby's son was murdered.
“Incline my heart to your testimonies, and not to selfish gain!”
Psalm 119:36
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historian said:

January 16:
1991: Beginning of Persian Gulf War. The UN deadline for Iraqi withdrawal from Kuwait expired and the allied forces began the military effort to remove them by force.

the air attack began shortly after midnight baghdad time, which coincided with the start of the CBS Evening News. News coverage preempted regular programming that evening, forcing the delay by one week of the premiere of a new show called The Seinfeld Chronicles.
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January 17:

1706: Birthday of Benjamin Franklin, American scientist, inventor & statesman

1746: Charles Edward Stuart, the young pretender ("Bonnie Prince Charlie"), won a victory over government forces in the Battle of Falkirk in Scotland.

1773: Capt. James Cook became the first person to cross the Antarctic Circle.

1781: Battle of Cowpens in South Carolina, an important victory of American Patriot forces against The British Army aided by Loyalists.

1819: Simon Bolivar, the "liberator", proclaimed Columbia a republic.

1820: Birthday of Anne Bronte, British writer

1860: Birthday of Anton Chekhov, Russian playwright and short story writer

1863: Birthday of David Lloyd George, British Prime Minister during and after WWI

1893: Queen Liliuokalani, the Queen of Hawaii, was overthrown by a group of American sugar planters.

1899: Birthday of Al Capone, American crime lord

1922: Birthday of Betty White, American actress

1939: The Third Reich forbade Jewish dentists, veterinarians, & chemists from practicing their professions.

1942: Birthday of Muhammad Ali (born Cassius Clay), American boxer, the only 3 time heavyweight champion

1945: Soviet Red Army captured Warsaw.

1950: The famous Brink's robbery in Boston as 11 men stole $11 million ($29 million today).

1961: Pres. Dwight D. Eisenhowe rdelivered his Farewell Address, warning America of the military-industrial complex.

1963: Soviet dictatorNikita Khrushchev visited the new Berlin Wall.

1964: Birthday of Michelle Obama, former First Lady

1994: Paula Jones accused Pres. Bill Clinton of sexual harassment.

1994: Los Angeles earthquake
“Incline my heart to your testimonies, and not to selfish gain!”
Psalm 119:36
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January 18:

1486: Henry VII of England married Elizabeth of York

1701: Frederick III, elector of Brandenburg, became King of Prussia

1778: Capt. James Cook discovered the Hawaii Islands and renamed them the Sandwich Islands.

1782: Birthday of Daniel Webster, Massachusetts senator & secretary of state, famed American orator

1803: Pres. Thomas Jefferson requested funding from Congress for the Corps of Discovery, the voyage of exploration by Lewis & Clark of the newly purchased Louisiana Territory.

1813: Birthday of Joseph Glidden, inventor of barbed wire

1836: Jim Bowie arrived at the Alamo to assist the defenders.

1858: Birthday of Daniel Hale Williams, physician who performed the first open heart surgery

1904: Birthday of Cary Grant, American actor

1910: Aviator Eugene Ely performed the first successful takeoff and landing from a ship in San Francisco.

1912: Robert Scott reached the South Pole

1919: Beginning of Paris Peace Conference to end WWI.

1942: Gen. MacArthur's forces repelled the Japanese in Bataan.

1948: Gandhi broke a 121-hour fast after halting Muslim-Hindu riots.

1964: Plans for the World Trade Center were made public.

1990: Mayor of Washington, D.C. Marion Berry was arrested on drug charges.

1991: Iraq began firing Scud missiles at Israeli cities.
“Incline my heart to your testimonies, and not to selfish gain!”
Psalm 119:36
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January 19:

1523: Ulrich Zwingli published his 67 Articles in Switzerland, the beginning of the Zurich Reformation attacking the authority of the pope.

1736: Birthday of James Watt, Scottish inventor

1783: William Pitt became the youngest Prime Minister of England at age 24.

1807: Birthday of Robert E. Lee

1809: Birthday of Edgar Allen Poe

1839: Birthday of Paul Czanne, French post-Impressionist painter

1847: The governor of New Mexico was murdered by Pueblo Indians in Taos.

1861: Georgia seceded from the Union.

1915: The first German air raids on Great Britain resulted in only minor casualties.

1937: Howard Hughes flew from Los Angeles to New York in 7 hours and 22 minutes.

1945: The Red Army captured Lodz, Krakow, and Tarnow in Poland.

1949: The Nationalist government of Chiang Kai-shek moved the capital of China to Canton.

1966: Indira Gandhi became Prime Minister of India.

1981: The U.S. signed an agreement with Iran in Algiers for the release of American hostages.
“Incline my heart to your testimonies, and not to selfish gain!”
Psalm 119:36
Fat Daddy
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To add to January 18 in future years --

1/18/2021 : Historian yells "Get the ball, Baylor" about 5,000 times as the #2 Baylor Bears defeated the #9 Kansas Jayhawks. And the Bears did!
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I did not count them but I'm glad it worked!!
“Incline my heart to your testimonies, and not to selfish gain!”
Psalm 119:36
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January 20:

1327: Edward II of England was deposed by his eldest son who became Edward III

1732: Birthday of Richard Henry Lee, American Revolutionary leader and signer of the Declaration of Independence

1760: Birthday of Charles III of Spain

1783: The British signed a peace agreement with France & Spain who had fought against them during the American War for Independence (France as an ally).

1841: The Chinese ceded Hong Kong to the British.

1893: Birthday of Bessy Colman, first black aviator

1896: Birthday of George Burns, American comedian and actor

1930: Charles Lindbergh arrived in New York after setting a 14.75 hour cross country flying record.

1930: Birthday of Dr. Edwin "Buzz" Aldrin, second man to walk on the moon

1942: Wannsee Conference: top Nazi officials both in and out of government met in a Berlin suburb to plan out methodically the Final Solution, aka the Holocaust.

1945: The Allies arranged a truce with the Hungarians.

1946: Charles DeGaulle resigned his position.

1954: In Korea, over 22,000 anti-communist prisoners were handed over to the UN.

1981: End of Iran Hostage Crisis as American hostages were released.

1996: Yasar Arafat was elected leader of the Palestinians.
“Incline my heart to your testimonies, and not to selfish gain!”
Psalm 119:36
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January 21:

1189: Philip II "Augustus" of France, Henry II of England, and Frederick Barbarossa of Holy Roman Empire assembled their forces to begin the Third Crusade. Henry would die and be replaced by his son & heir, Richard I "the Lionhearted."

1738: Birthday of Ethan Allen, American Patriot & hero of the War for Independence.

1790: Dr. Joseph Guillotine proposed a more humane of execution that would behead the condemned as quickly and painlessly as possible.

1793: King Louis XVI executed by guillotine in the Place de las Revolution in Paris.

1824: Birthday of Thomas "Stonewall" Jackson, Confederate general

1921: John D. Rockefeller pledged $1 million to relief efforts in Europe.

1924: Death of Vladimir Lenin

1941: The U.S. lifted the ban on selling weapons to the Soviet Union.

1942: Gen. Erwin Rommel, the "Desert Fox", launched a German offensive against the British in North Africa.

1950: Alger Hiss convicted of perjury for lying about being a Soviet spy.

1951: The communist forces of China & North Korea forced the UN forces to evacuate Inchon.

1976: Leonid Brezhnev and Henry Kissinger met to discuss the Strategic Arms Limitation Treaty (SALT I).

1976: The first Concorde airplanes took off from London's Heathrow Airport & Paris's Orly Airport.

1977: Pres. Carter pardoned Vietnam War draft dodgers such as Bill Clinton.

1977: Pres. Carter suggested that Americans should set their thermostats no higher than 65 to heat their homes in the winter as a means of easing the energy crisis.

2009: Toyota passed GM as largest automobile manufacturer.
“Incline my heart to your testimonies, and not to selfish gain!”
Psalm 119:36
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2020: first reported case of Covid-19 in United States. Thanks China, you slant-eyed *******s!
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BellCountyBear said:

2020: first reported case of Covid-19 in United States. Thanks China, you slant-eyed *******s!
F U china
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January 22:

1440: Birthday of Ivan III, grand prince of Russia

1561: Birthday of Sir Francis Bacon, English philosopher & statesman

1689: Glorious Revolution: Parliament invited William & Mary to become king & queen of England. Mary was the eldest daughter of the deposed James II (& a Protestant) and William of Orange was the leading Protestant on the Continent.

1788: Birthday of George Gordon, Lord Byron

1807: Pres. Thomas Jefferson exposed the Burr Conspiracy, a plot by his vice president to form an independent republic out of American territories in the southwest.

1813: During the War of 1812, British forces defeated Americans at Fort Detroit.

1824: A British force was wiped out by an Asante Army on the African Gold Coast, the first defeat of a colonial power.

1840: British colonists arrived in New Zealand.

1879: 82 British soldiers held off attacks by 4,000 Zulu warriors in the Battle of Rorke's Drift in South Africa.

1901: Death of Queen Victoria

1905: "Bloody Sunday": the tsar's soldiers opened fire on a large crowd of peaceful protestors, killing and wounding hundreds. After the massacre, the incompetent monarch was forced to make reforms.

1927: The Immortal 10 (Baylor's MBB team) were killed when a train struck the team bus in Round Rock on their way to a game in Austin.

1932: Government forces crushed a communist uprising in northern Spain.

1932: Franklin D. Roosevelt officially announced his candidacy for president.

1939: The Nazis destroyed the old officer corps caste system of the German Army, making it connected to the Party.

1944: American forces under Maj. Gen. John P. Lucas made an amphibious landing behind German lines at Anzio, Italy.

1950: Jerusalem became the official capital of Israel.

1971: Communist forces shelled Phnom Penh, Cambodia for the first time.

1973: Death of Lyndon B. Johnson, former president of the U.S.

1973: The Supreme Court decided to allow abortions in the infamous Roe v Wade decision, thus beginning the American Holocaust.

1979: Abu Hassan, thought to have planned the terrorist attack on the Israeli team during the 1972 Munich Olympics, was killed by a bomb in Beirut.

1980: Soviet authorities arrested physicist and dissident Andrei Sakharov for his criticism of the regime.

1984: Apple's "1984" ad to introduce the Macintosh aired during the Super Bowl. It only aired the one time.

1998: Ted Kaczynski, aka the "Unibomber", pled guilty to the bombings.

2008: Heath Ledger died of an accidental overdose of prescription medicine.
“Incline my heart to your testimonies, and not to selfish gain!”
Psalm 119:36
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historian said:

January 22:

1440: Birthday of Ivan III, grand prince of Russia

1561: Birthday of Sir Francis Bacon, English philosopher & statesman

1689: Glorious Revolution: Parliament invited William & Mary to become king & queen of England. Mary was the eldest daughter of the deposed James II (& a Protestant) and William of Orange was the leading Protestant on the Continent.

1788: Birthday of George Gordon, Lord Byron

1807: Pres. Thomas Jefferson exposed the Burr Conspiracy, a plot by his vice president to form an independent republic out of American territories in the southwest.

1813: During the War of 1812, British forces defeated Americans at Fort Detroit.

1824: A British force was wiped out by an Asante Army on the African Gold Coast, the first defeat of a colonial power.

1840: British colonists arrived in New Zealand.

1879: 82 British soldiers held off attacks by 4,000 Zulu warriors in the Battle of Rorke's Drift in South Africa.

1901: Death of Queen Victoria

1905: "Bloody Sunday": the tsar's soldiers opened fire on a large crowd of peaceful protestors, killing and wounding hundreds. After the massacre, the incompetent monarch was forced to make reforms.

1927: The Immortal 10 (Baylor's MBB team) were killed when a train struck the team bus in Round Rock on their way to a game in Austin.

1932: Government forces crushed a communist uprising in northern Spain.

1932: Franklin D. Roosevelt officially announced his candidacy for president.

1939: The Nazis destroyed the old officer corps caste system of the German Army, making it connected to the Party.

1944: American forces under Maj. Gen. John P. Lucas made an amphibious landing behind German lines at Anzio, Italy.

1950: Jerusalem became the official capital of Israel.

1971: Communist forces shelled Phnom Penh, Cambodia for the first time.

1973: Death of Lyndon B. Johnson, former president of the U.S.

1973: The Supreme Court decided to allow abortions in the infamous Roe v Wade decision, thus beginning the American Holocaust.

1979: Abu Hassan, thought to have planned the terrorist attack on the Israeli team during the 1972 Munich Olympics, was killed by a bomb in Beirut.

1980: Soviet authorities arrested physicist and dissident Andrei Sakharov for his criticism of the regime.

1984: Apple's "1984" ad to introduce the Macintosh aired during the Super Bowl. It only aired the one time.

1998: Ted Kaczynski, aka the "Unibomber", pled guilty to the bombings.

2008: Heath Ledger died of an accidental overdose of prescription medicine.
Also 1973: Paris Peace Accord signed, "ending" the Vietnam War (until the commies overran the South 2 years later).
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January 23:

1556: Deadliest earthquake in history: in Shaanxi, China a devastating earthquake killed apx. 830,000.

1832: Birthday of Edouard Manet, French impressionist painter

1849: Elizabeth Blackwell became the first woman to receive a medical degree.

1899: Birthday of Humphrey Bogart, American actor

1901: A great fire raged through Montreal resulting in substantial property loss

1913: Rebellion of the "Young Turks" angered by the direction of the London peace talks.

1919: Birthday of Ernie Kovacs, American comedian

1920: The Netherlands refused to extradite the former German Kaiser to the Allies. He spent the rest of his life in exile there.

1932: Franklin D. Roosevelt officially announced his candidacy for president.

1941: Charles Lindbergh, aviator hero, went before Congress urging the U.S. to negotiate with Hitler.

1949: Chinese communist forces advanced on Nanking.

1977: Alex Haley's Roots began its record-breaking 8 night broadcast on TV.
“Incline my heart to your testimonies, and not to selfish gain!”
Psalm 119:36
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January 24:

41: Emperor Caligulawas assassinated by two Praetorian tribunes.

1639: Representatives from three towns in Connecticut worked together to draft the Fundamental Orders, the first constitution in the New World.

1712: Birthday of Frederick II, the Great King of Prussia

1722: Tsar Peter the Greatcapped off his reforms in Russia with the "Table of Rank" in which a commoner could advance to the highest positions through merit.

1732: Birthday of Pierre de Beaumarchais, French playwright who wrote The Barber of Sevilleand The Marriage of Figaro immortalized in opera form by Rossini and Mozart

1781: Francis Marion, the "Swamp Fox", raided a British position in Georgetown, South Carolina. Marion was a partial inspiration for Mel Gibson's character in The Patriot.

1848: Gold was discovered at Sutter's sawmill in northern California beginning the gold rush.

1903: The U.S. and the British began negotiations to establish the borders of Alaska.

1908: Robert Baden-Powell published the first installment of Scouting for Boys in England, beginning the Boy Scouts movement.

1935: First canned beer sold

1946: The United Nations established the International Atomic Energy Commission.

1956: Emmett Till's murderers confessed in Look magazine.

1965: Death of Winston Churchill at the age of 90.

2011: Chechen terrorists bombed Moscow's airport.
“Incline my heart to your testimonies, and not to selfish gain!”
Psalm 119:36
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January 25:

1533: Henry VIII of England married Anne Boleyn. He had started the English Reformation by breaking with Rome so that he could divorce his first wife because he was obsessed with having a male heir. Anne's only child would by a daughter named Elizabeth, eventually costing Anne her life.

1759: Birthday of Robert Burns, Scottish poet

1787: Shays's Rebellion: farmers in western Massachusetts attempted unsuccessfully to take the federal armory in Springfield. Because Congress could not fund a federal force to put down the rebellion, the task was left to the state militia who would eventually do so.

1846: The British Parliament repealed the Corn Laws which had raised tariffs on oats, wheat, & barley to the benefit of wealthy landowners but at the expense of the poor.

1882: Birthday of Virginia Woolf, English author

1904: An explosion in a Pennsylvania mine left 200 miners trapped.

1918: Germany and Austria-Hungary rejected American peace proposals.

1919: The Allies adopted the League of Nations plan of Pres. Woodrow Wilson.

1924: First Winter Olympics

1930: The New York police routed a communist rally at the Town Hall.

1933: Birthday of Corazon Aquino, president of the Philippines

1943: The Red Army captured the last German airfield in Stalingrad.

1951: The U.S. 8th Army launched Operation Thunderbolt, a counterattack to push the Chinese Army north of the Han River.

1955: Scientists at Columbia University developed an atomic clock that is accurate to within a second in 300 years.

1959: America Airlines began the first coast to coast flight service on a Boeing 707.

1961: Pres. John F. Kennedy held the first live TV press conference.

1971: Charles Manson& his followers were convicted of murder.

1972: Shirley Chisholm, the first black woman elected to Congress, announced her candidacy for president of the U.S.
“Incline my heart to your testimonies, and not to selfish gain!”
Psalm 119:36
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January 26:

1500: Vicente Yanez Pinzon was the first European explorer to reach Brazil

1699: The Treaty of Karlowitz ended war between Austria and the Ottoman Turks. The Austrians had repulsed a siege of Vienna a second time (the first a century earlier) and decisively defeated them in battle, ending their advances into eastern Europe.

1788: The British established a penal colony in Australia: 11 ships with 736 convicts landed at Botany Bay.

1838: Tennessee passed the nation's first prohibition law.

1861: Louisiana seceded from the Union

1863: Pres. Lincoln named Gen. Joseph Hooker to replace Ambrose Burnside as commander of the Army of the Potomac.

1875: Pinkerton agents hunting Jesse James killed his half-brother and seriously injured his mother with a bomb.

1880: Birthday of Douglas MacArthur, U.S. general in both world wars & Korea

1885: Gen. Gordon was killed on the palace steps in Khartoum by Sudanese Mahdists.

1893: Birthday of Bessie Coleman, pioneer aviator

1924: Petrograd was renamed Leningrad.

1926: Scottish inventor John Logie Baird provided the first public demonstration of a television system in London.

1934: Germany signed a non-aggression pact with Poland, undermining France's alliance system with the countries of eastern Europe.

1939: During the Spanish Civil War, Nationalist forces under Gen. Francisco Franco captured Barcelona, Republican capital.

1943: The first OSS agent parachuted behind Japanese lines in Burma.

1945: Highly decorated American soldier Audie Murphy was wounded while fighting the Germans in France.

1950: Birth of the Republic of India

2005: Pres. George W. Bush appointed Condoleeza Rice as Secretary of State.
“Incline my heart to your testimonies, and not to selfish gain!”
Psalm 119:36
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January 27:

1302: Dante Alligheri was exiled from Florence.

1695: Mustafa II became the Ottoman sultan in Istanbul after the death of Amhed II.

1756: Birthday of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, musical genius and composer of The Marriage of Figaro, Don Giovanni, andThe Magic Flute

1850: Birthday of Samuel Gompers, first president of the American Federation of Labor

1859: Birthday of Kaiser Wilhelm II, German emperor during WWI

1862: Pres. Lincoln ordered Union forces to advance, signaling his impatience with their inaction.

1888: Founding of the National Geographic Society.

1900: Birthday of Hyman Rickover, American admiral considered the "Father of the Atomic Submarine"

1918: Communists attempted to seize control of Finland.

1924: Lenin's body was laid in a marble tomb on Red Square near the Kremlin.

1943: Americans bombed Germany for the first time at Wilhelmshaven and Emden.

1944: Forces from the Red Army lifted the siege on Leningrad.

1945: Auschwitz was liberated by soldiers from the Red Army.

1959: NASA selected 110 candidates for the first American space flight.

1967: A launch pad fire during tests killed three American astronauts.

1973: TheParis Peace Accords were signed, seemingly ending the Vietnam War.

1978: The state Supreme Court ruled that Nazis could display the Swastika in a march in Skokie, Illinois.

1994: Seth Russell's birthday
“Incline my heart to your testimonies, and not to selfish gain!”
Psalm 119:36
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historian said:

January 27:

1302: Dante Alligheri was exiled from Florence.

1695: Mustafa II became the Ottoman sultan in Istanbul after the death of Amhed II.

1756: Birthday of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, musical genius and composer of The Marriage of Figaro, Don Giovanni, andThe Magic Flute

1850: Birthday of Samuel Gompers, first president of the American Federation of Labor

1859: Birthday of Kaiser Wilhelm II, German emperor during WWI

1862: Pres. Lincoln ordered Union forces to advance, signaling his impatience with their inaction.

1888: Founding of the National Geographic Society.

1900: Birthday of Hyman Rickover, American admiral considered the "Father of the Atomic Submarine"

1918: Communists attempted to seize control of Finland.

1924: Lenin's body was laid in a marble tomb on Red Square near the Kremlin.

1943: Americans bombed Germany for the first time at Wilhelmshaven and Emden.

1944: Forces from the Red Army lifted the siege on Leningrad.

1945: Auschwitz was liberated by soldiers from the Red Army.

1959: NASA selected 110 candidates for the first American space flight.

1967: A launch pad fire during tests killed three American astronauts.

1973: TheParis Peace Accords were signed, seemingly ending the Vietnam War.

1978: The state Supreme Court ruled that Nazis could display the Swastika in a march in Skokie, Illinois.

1994: Seth Russell's birthday

I wonder how many from the younger generations are fully aware of what happened at Auschwitz and how it came about being.
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Unfortunately too many of our generation do not know enough about it.
“Incline my heart to your testimonies, and not to selfish gain!”
Psalm 119:36
Keyser Soze
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Stupid youth are better than the Iranians who claim the holocaust never happened
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There are too many Americans of all ages who claim it never happened or at least try to minimize the importance of the Holocaust.
“Incline my heart to your testimonies, and not to selfish gain!”
Psalm 119:36
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“Incline my heart to your testimonies, and not to selfish gain!”
Psalm 119:36
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January 28:

28: Roman Emperor Nerva named Trajan, an army general, as his successor.

1547: Death of Henry VIII of England, succeeded by his 9 year old son, Edward VI. He was survived by Catherine Howard, his sixth wife.

1871: Surrounded by Prussian forces and without food, the French army in Paris surrendered.

1912: Birthday of Jackson Pollack, American artist

1915: The U.S. Coast Guard was founded to fight contraband trade and aid distressed vessels at sea.

1917: The U.S. ended their search for Pancho Villa after months of failure.

1921: Albert Einstein suggested that it might be possible to measure the universe.

1932: The Japanese attacked Shanghai, China and declared martial law.

1986: Space shuttle Challenger exploded shortly after launch.
“Incline my heart to your testimonies, and not to selfish gain!”
Psalm 119:36
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January 29:

1737: Birthday of Thomas Paine, American Patriot and political theorist, author of Common Sense, and The Rights of Man

1813: Publication of Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice

1820: Death of King George III

1843: Birthday of Pres. William McKinley

1845: Publication of Edgar Allen Poe's classic poem, The Raven

1861: Kansas became the 34th state

1942: German and Italian troops took Benghazi in North Africa

1944: Launching of the Missouri, the world's greatest warship.

1950: Riots broke out in Johannesburg, South Africa to protest Apartheid.

1979: Pres. Jimmy Carter commuted the sentence of Patty Hearst.

2002: George W. Bush's "Axis of Evil" speech.
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January 30:

1649: King Charles I of England was beheaded for treason.

1835: Assassination attempt on Pres. Andrew Jackson

1844: Richard Theodore Greener was the first black to graduate from Harvard University.

1862: Launching of the USS Monitor.

1882: Birthday of Franklin D. Roosevelt

1912: The British House of Lords rejected home rule for Ireland, which had been passed by the House of Commons.

1912: Birthday of Barbara Tuchman, American historian and author of The Guns of August

1933: Adolf Hitler was named Chancellor of Germany--the beginning of the Third Reich.

1943: Field Marshal Friedrich von Paulus surrendered himself and his staff to the Red Army at Stalingrad.

1948: Mohandas Ghandi was assassinated.

1956: White supremacist terrorist bombed the home of Martin Luther King, Jr.

1968: Tet Offensive in Vietnam

1972: "Bloody Sunday": 13 peaceful protestors were shot dead by paratroopers of the British Royal Army.
Fat Daddy
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Something historic on this day happened in 1969 in London.... on a rooftop...

The last "public" performance by the Beatles...
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Fat Daddy said:

Something historic on this day happened in 1969 in London.... on a rooftop...

The last "public" performance by the Beatles...
Good call

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January 31:

1606: Guy ****es, central figure in the Gunpowder Plot to blow up the British government, jumped to his death before the authorities could hang, draw, and quarter him. It was a much less gruesome death.

1788: Death of Charles Edward Stuart, aka the Young Pretender

1797: Birthday of Franz Schubert, Austrian composer

1835: Attempted assassination of Pres. Andrew Jackson: the man with two pistols misfired and Jackson was unharmed.

1865: The House of Representatives passed the 13th amendmentto outlaw slavery.

1917: The Germans announced the resumption of unrestricted submarine warfare during WWI. This would lead to the U.S. declaration of war and ultimately, German defeat.

1919: Birthday of Jackie Robinson, first black baseball player in the modern major leagues

1944: The invasion of France (D-Day) was postponed until June.

1945: Pvt. Slovik was executed for desertion, the only such execution of WWII.

1950: Pres. Truman announced the development of the hydrogen bomb.

1990: The first McDonald's opened in the Soviet Union.
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February 1:

1327: Coronation of Edward III as King of England.

1587: Queen Elizabeth I of England signed the death warrant for her cousin, Mary Queen of Scots.

1792: The French National Convention voted unanimously to declare war on Britain.

1793: France declared war on Britain and the Netherlands.

1845: The Republic of Texas chartered Baylor University.

1861: Texas seceded from the Union. The legislature had to depose Governor Sam Houston to do so.

1884: Debut of Oxford English Dictionary the most comprehensive dictionary of the English language.

1896: Premiere of Giacomo Puccini's La bohemein Turin.

1901: Birthday of Clark Gable, American actor who starred in Mutiny on the Bountyand Gone With the Wind

1909: American troops left Cuba after installing a president to U.S. liking.

1931: Birthday of Boris Yeltsin, first president of the Republic of Russia and prime minister of the Russian Federation

1942: Planes of the U.S. Pacific fleet attacked Japanese bases in the Marshall and Gilbert Islands.

1943: Japanese forces began the evacuation of Guadalcanal.

1945: U.S. Army Rangers and Filipino guerrillas rescued 513 American survivors of the Bataan Death March.

1960: Four black students staged a sit-in at the segregated lunch counter of the Woolworth's in Greensboro, N.C. They would become legendary as the Greensboro Four.

1964: Pres. Lyndon B. Johnson rejected Charles de Gaulle's plan for a neutral Vietnam.

1968: Richard Nixon announced his candidacy for president of the U.S.

1979: TheAyatollah Khomeini returned to Iran in triumph after 15 years of exile. The Iranian Revolution grew out of this as the shah & his family fled the country, Khomeini took over the government, and then student radicals stormed the U.S. embassy to seize dozens of hostages in a standoff that would last 444 days.

2003: Space shuttle Columbia broke up as it entered the atmosphere over Texas killing everyone on board.
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historian said:

February 1:

1845: The Republic of Texas chartered Baylor University.
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February 2:

962: Otto Iinvaded Italy and was crowned Holy Roman Emperor

1494: Christopher Columbus began the practice of enslaving Native Americans. He was the first European to do so although the Natives had enslaved one another.

1571: All 8 members of a Jesuit mission in Virginia were murdered by Indians who pretended to be friends.

1626: Charles Iwas crowned King of England. His reign would be characterized by bitter struggles with Parliament, the English Civil War, and his beheading for treason.

1754: Birthday of Charles Maurice de Talleyrand-Perigord, minister of foreign affairs for Napoleon

1848: Signing of the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo ending the Mexican-American War.

1876: The National Baseball League was founded with 8 teams.

1882: Birthday of James Joyce, Irish novelist and poet

1895: Birthday of George Halas, co-founder of the National Football League

1913: Grand Central Terminal opened in New York City.

1921: Airmail's First Day: Airmail service began between New York and San Francisco.

1934: Alfred Rosenberg was named philosophical chief of the Nazi Party.

1943: End of the Battle of Stalingrad.

1944: The Germans stopped an Allied attack at Anzio, Italy.

1945: Apx. 1200 Royal Air Force planes bomb Wiesbaden and Karlsruhe.

1959: Arlington and Norfolk, Virginia peacefully desegregated their public schools.

1960: The U.S. Senate approved the 23rdamendment to the Constitution banning the poll tax which had been used to deny blacks their right to vote.

1968: Iconic photo taken of Vietcong officer executed, shot in the head.

1987: End of the largest steel strike in American history which had lasted 5 months..
Fat Daddy
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