On this day in history...

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February 27:

425: Theodosius established the Pandidakterion, a precursor to a university in Constantinople.

1531: German Protestants formed the League of Schmalkalden to resist the emperor's power.

1807: Birthday of Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, American poet

1827: New Orleans students celebrated the first Mardi Gras.

1844: The Dominican Republic declared its independence.

1860: Matthew Brady took photographs of Pres. Lincoln.

1864: The first Union prisoners of war arrived at the infamous Andersonville Prison in Georgia.

1886: Birthday of Hugo Black, U.S. Supreme Court Justice

1897: Birthday of Marian Anderson, American singer

1902: Birthday of John Steinbeck, American novelist

1905: During the Russo-Japanese War the Japanese pushed the Russians back in Manchuria.

1908: Oklahoma was admitted as the 46thstate.

1917: Birthday of John Connally, Texas Governor wounded during the Kennedy assassination

1930: Birthday of Joanne Woodward, American actress

1932: Birthday of Elizabeth Taylor, American actress

1933: The Reichstag building in Berlin was burned down, providing the Nazis with a pretext to cease more power and reduce civil liberties.

1934: Birthday of Ralph Nader, consumer advocate

1973: The American Indian Movement began their occupation of Wounded Knee.

1988: Debi Thomas became the first African American to win a medal at the Winter Olympics.

1991: Coalition forces liberated Kuwait after 7 months of occupation by the Iraqi army.
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February 28:

1066: Westminster Abbey opens its doors.

1533: Birthday of Michel de Montaigne, French moralist

1784: John Wesley chartered the first Methodist Church in the US.

1861: Congress created the Colorado Territory.

1901: Birthday of Linus Pauling, Nobel Prize winning American chemist

1916: Haiti became the first U.S. protectorate.

1926: Birthday of Svetlana Stalin, daughter of Soviet dictator and famous defector

1953: James Watson and Francis Crick discovered the chemical structure of DNA.

1953: Greece, Turkey, & Yugoslavia signed a defensive pact.

1967: In Mississippi, 19 people were indicted in the murders of three civil rights workers.

1969: A Los Angeles court refused the request of Sirhan Sirhan, who assassinated Robert F. Kennedy, that he be executed.

1971: Male voters in Lichtenstein refused to grant suffrage to women.

1983: Final Episode of the popular TV series M*A*S*Haired.

1987: Soviet Premier Mikhail Gorbachev announced his willingness to negotiate a nuclear arms treaty. This would result in the INF Treaty, the first successful nuclear arms treaty, later that year.

1993: The ATF raided the compound of the Branch Davidian cultists in Mt Carmel, outside Waco.

1994: NATO took its first military action to deal with the genocide in the Balkans.

2013: Pope Benedict resigned.
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February 29: It's not a leap year, but here it is anyway:

45: The first leap day was recognized by a proclamation of Julius Caesar

1692: Three women, two young girls and a slave woman named Tituba, were accused of witchcraft in Salem Village in the Massachusetts Bay Colony, thus beginning the witchcraft craze that would claim the lives of 19 people from convictions using questionable evidence.

1792: Birthday of Gioacchino Rossini, Italian opera composer

1856: Cessation of hostilities in the Russo-Turkish War.

1868: Prime Minister Benjamin Disraeli formed his first cabinet.

1904: Birthday of Jimmy Dorsey, orchestra leader

1916: During WWI, the British armed merchant vessel Alcantara clashed with the German raider Grief resulting in both ships being sunk.

1930: Birthday of Fran Tarkenton, NFL quarterback

1940: Hattie McDaniel was the first black to win an Oscar for her role in Gone With the Wind.

1956: Pres. Dwight D. Eisenhower announced he would seek reelection.

1968: The Beatles won a Grammy Award for their album Sergeant Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band.

1988: The discovery of a Nazi document implicated Austrian Pres. Kurt Waldheim in deportations of Jews to death camps during the Holocaust.
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March 1:

1780: Pennsylvania became the first U.S. state to abolish slavery.

1781: Maryland finally ratified the Articles of Confederation, the last state to do so. The Articles would serve as the basis for the US government until the Constitution was ratified several years later.

1803: Ohio became the 17thstate.

1810: Birthday of Frederic Chopin, composer and pianist

1815: Napoleon landed in Cannes, France after escaping from exile in Elba and began his march on Paris.

1871: German troops entered Paris during the Franco-Prussian War.

1872: Pres. Ulysses S. Grant singed a bill establishing Yellowstone National Park.

1875: Congress passed the Civil Rights Act of 1875. It was invalidated by the Supreme Court in 1883.

1904: Birthday of Glenn Miller, big band leader

1914: Birthday of Ralph Ellison, African-American writer

1917: The Zimmerman Telegram was published in the US.

1932: The infant son of Charles Lindbergh was kidnapped from his home in New Jersey. The family paid the ransom but the child was never returned with his body found within a mile. Bruno Hauptmann was arrested, convicted, and executed for the crime.

1935: Germany officially established the Luftwaffe.

1941: Bulgaria joined the Axis powers as German forces occupied Sofia.

1960: 1,000 black students prayed and sang the national anthem on the steps of the first Confederate Capitol in Montgomery, Alabama.

1961: Pres. John F. Kennedy established the Peace Corps.

1966: The Soviets probe sent to the planet Venus, the first manmade object sent to another planet, crashed on the surface.

1968: Secretary of Defense Robert M. McNamara was replaced by Clark Clifford.

1969: Mickey Mantle retired from professional baseball.

1974: A grand jury indicted seven of Pres. Richard Nixon's aides for conspiracy related to the Watergate break-in.
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March 2:

1776: Gen. George Washington's Continental Army began the siege of Boston.

1781: Maryland became the last state to ratify the Articles of Confederation, the basis for American government before the Constitution.

1793: Birthday of Sam Houston, commander of Texas forces during the War for Independence against Mexico, first & third president of the Republic of Texas, U.S. Senator, & governor of Texas (the only man to be senator from 2 states & governor of 2 stateshe held both offices in Tennessee before moving to Texas)

1797: The British government authorized war vessels to board and seize neutral vessels, especially American ones.

1807: Congress abolished the African slave trade as authorized by the Constitution.

1910: Birthday of Pope Leo XIII

1836: Texas declared independence from Mexico at Washington-on-the-Brazos.

1865: Pres. Abraham Lincoln rejected Confederate Gen. Robert E. Lee's plea for peace talks, instead demanding an unconditional surrender.

1867: Congress passed the first Reconstruction Act.

1877: Rutherford B. Hayes was declared president by one vote in the House of Representatives the day before inauguration.

1889: Congress passed the Indian Appropriations Bill, proclaiming unassigned lands to be in the public domain. This was the first step toward the Oklahoma Land Rush.

1900: Birthday of Kurt Weill, German composer of The Threepenny Opera

1901: Congress passed the Platt Amendment, limiting Cuban autonomy as a condition for withdrawing U.S. forces after liberating the island during the Spanish-American War.

1904: Birthday of Theodor Geisel (aka Dr. Seuss)

1908: Gabriel Lippman introduced three-dimensional color photography at the Academy of Sciences.

1917: Congress passed the Jones Act making Puerto Rico a territory of the U.S. and inhabitants U.S. citizens.

1923: Italian dictator Benito Mussolini admitted women had the right to vote but also declared that the time was not right.

1930: Novelist D.H. Lawrence died of tuberculosis in a sanitorium in France at the age of 45.

1931: Birthday of Mikhail Gorbachev, last dictator of the Soviet Union

1943: The Royal Air Force bombed downtown Berlin with 900 tons of bombs dropped in 30 minutes.

1945: American forces under Gen. Douglas MacArthur raised the U.S. flag on Corregidor at the entrance to Manila Bay in the Philippines.

1946: Ho Chi Minh was elected president of the Democratic Republic of Vietnam.

1951: The U.S. Navy launched the K-1, the first modern submarine designed to hunt enemy submarines.

1955: Claudette Colvin refused to give up her seat on a bus in Montgomery, Alabama, nine months before Rosa Parks famous arrest for the same reason.

1956: France granted independence to Morocco.

1962: Wilt Chamberlain scored 100 points against the New York Knicks.

1966: Ford Motor Co. produced the one millionth Mustang.

1967: Robert F. Kennedy proposed a plan to end the war in Vietnam.

1969: The armed forces of the Soviet Union and the People's Republic of China (the communists) clashed along their mutual border.

1972: The U.S. launched Pioneer 10, the first outer planetary probe.

1973: Federal forces surrounded Wounded Knee, South Dakota which was occupied by members of the militant American Indian Movement and holding hostages.

1978: Czech pilot Vladimir Remek became the first person, neither Russian nor American, in space.
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March 3:

1803: The first impeachment trial of a U.S. Judge began. John Pickering was removed for mental deterioration.

1815: Congress authorized the use of force against Algiers, one of the Barbary states, to end piracy against American ships in the Mediterranean.

1817: The first commercial steamboat route opened from Louisville to New Orleans.

1820: Congress passed the Missouri Compromise whereby Missouri entered the United States as a slave state (Maine became a free state) and a scheme was created to determine the slave status of future territories becoming states. This resolved a dangerous crisis sparked a year earlier by a political play proposing the territory become a free state.

1831: Birthday of George M. Pullman, inventor of the railway sleeping car

1845: Congress overrode a presidential veto for the first time.

1845: Florida was admitted as the 27thstate.

1847: Birthday of Alexander Graham Bell, inventor of the telephone

1861: Tsar Alexander II emancipated Russia's serfs, the central policy in a series of reforms designed to westernize the backwards country.

1863: Pres. Abraham Lincoln signed the Conscription Act requiring citizens to report for duty in the Civil War unless the could buy an exemption for $300.

1875: First indoor ice hockey game in Montreal

1877: Rutherford B. Hayes was inaugurated as president in a private ceremony after a highly disputed election resulted in the Compromise of 1877 that ended Reconstruction and paved the way for Jim Crow laws throughout the south.

1887: Anne Sullivan began teaching the young Helen Keller.

1895: Birthday of Matthew Ridgeway, U.S. Army commander in WWII & Korea

1905: Tsar Nicholas IIagreed to create an elected assembly, which would be called the Duma, after the revolution of that year backed him into a corner. He would spend the next 9 years limiting its powers.

1918: Treaty of Brest Litovsk: Leon Trotsky signed a separate peace with Germany pulling Russia out of WWI and surrendering a huge swath of territory in central Europe. The Bolsheviks focused their attention on the Civil War.

1919: Boeing flew the first U.S. international airmail from Vancouver, British Columbia to Seattle, Washington.

1923: Henry R. Luce, fresh out of Yale, published the first issue of Timemagazine as its editor.

1931: The"Star Spangled Banner" became the U.S. national anthem by an act of Congress signed into law by Pres. Hoover.

1991: Rodney King was pulled over by LA Police then beaten when he resisted arrest. This was caught on video resulting in riots.

1999: Former White House intern Monica Lewinsky appeared on national television to explain her affair with Pres. Bill Clinton. He responded by lying to the American people.
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March 4:

1152: Frederick Barbarossa was chosen as emperor of the Holy Roman Empire uniting two factions that had emerged after the death of Henry V.

1394: Birthday of Prince Henry the Navigator, sponsor of early Portuguese voyages of discovery

1461: Henry VI was deposed and the Duke of York was proclaimed King Edward IV.

1678: Birthday of Antonio Vivaldi, Italian composer and violinist

1747: Birthday of Casimir Pulaski, American Revolutionary War general

1766: Britain's Parliament repealed the Stamp Act after American colonists vehement opposition through protests and boycotts.

1789: The U.S. Congress met in New York and began operating under the Constitution.

1791: Vermont was admitted as the 14thstate, the first after the 13 original colonies

1793: Inauguration of Pres. George Washington's second term.

1797: Inauguration of Pres. John Adams

1801: Thomas Jefferson became the first president inaugurated in Washington, D.C.

1813: Russian forces fighting Napoleon's army reached Berlin. The French garrison left the city without a fight.

1829: Newly inaugurated president Andrew Jackson, a "man of the people," opened the White House to a public celebration and the mob trashed the place.

1861: The Confederate States adopted the "Stars and Bars" flag.

1888: Birthday of Knute Rockne, football player and coach for Notre Dame

1901: Pres. William McKinley was inaugurated with Theodore Roosevelt as his vice president.

1904: Russian troops retreated from Korea towards Manchuria in the face of 100,000 advancing Japanese soldiers.

1914: Doctor Fillatre of Paris successfully separated Siamese twins.

1933: Inauguration of Pres. Franklin D. Roosevelt

1944: American forces bombed Berlin for the first time.

1952: Ronald Reagan married Nancy Davis.

1960: Divorce of Lucille Ball & Desi Arnaz

1975: Queen Elizabeth II knighted Charlie Chaplin.

1987: Pres. Ronald Reagan took full responsibility for the Iran-Contra affair on national television.
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March 5:

1133: Birthday of Henry II, King of England

1766: The first Spanish governor of Louisiana arrived in New Orleans.

1770: Boston Massacre: a street brawl between angry American colonists and a British soldier turned deadline as a group of soldiers fired on the crowd killing five.

1905: Russian forces began their retreat from Mukden in Manchuria.

1918: The Soviets moved their capital from St. Petersburg to Moscow.

1928: The National Socialist German Worker's Party (Nazis) won a majority in Bavarian elections.

1933: In the last free election in Germany until after WWII, Hitler's National Socialists along with Nationalist allies won a majority in the Reichstag.

1933: Newly inaugurated Pres. Franklin D. Roosevelt declared a bank holiday and halted the trading of gold.

1946: Former British Prime Minister Winston Churchill delivered his famous "Iron Curtain" speech while visiting the U.S. This defined the Cold War from the beginning.

1953: Death of Joseph Stalin, a murderous dictator with a record worse than Hitler's.

1984: The Supreme Court ruled that cities had the right to include a Nativity scene in their Christmas displays.
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historian said:

March 5:

1953: Death of Joseph Stalin, a murderous dictator with a record worse than Hitler's.

Stalin's death was truly a comedy of errors and the movie "The Death of Stalin" is hilariously funny.


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Funny yes, but definitely dark humor.
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March 6:

1475: Birthday of Michelangelo Buonarroti, painter, sculptor, architect

1521: Ferdinand Magellan discovered Guam.

1806: Birthday of Elizabeth Barret Browning, poet

1820: Pres. James Madison signed the Missouri Compromise into law.

1831: Birthday of Philip Henry Sheridan, Union army general during the Civil War

1836: Fall of the Alamo: Santa Anna's army of apx. 5,000 assaulted the Alamo, killing all defenders.

1853: Premiere of Giuseppe Verdi's opera La Traviata in Venice.

1857: The Supreme Court issued its ruling in the infamous Dred Scott case, declaring that blacks had no rights.

1862: The USS Monitorleft New York.

1884: Over 100 suffragettes led by Susan B. Anthony demanded Pres. Chester A. Arthur support their cause.

1888: Louisa May Alcott died hours after burying her father.

1899: Bayer patented aspirin.

1901: Kaiser Wilhelm II survived an assassination attempt in Bremen, Germany.

1908: Birthday of Lou Costello, American comedian

1916: During the Battle of Verdun the Allies recaptured Fort Douaumont in France.

1944: Birthday of Dame Kiri Te Kanawa, operatic soprano

1945: Gen. Courtney Hodges First Army captured Cologne, Germany.

1951: Beginning of the espionage trial of Ethel & Julius Rosenberg. They both would be convicted and executed for selling America's atomic secrets to the Soviets.

1953: After the death of Stalin, Georgi Malenkov was named Soviet premier.

1960: Swtizerland granted women the right to vote in municipal elections.

1967: Pres. Lyndon Johnson announced his plans to establish a draft lottery.

1973: Pres. Richard Nixon imposed price controls on oil and gas.

1981: Pres. Ronald Reagan announced plans to cut 37,000 federal jobs.

1983: Helmut Kohl was elected chancellor of West Germany.

1996: Birthday of Andrew Billings
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March 7:

322 BC: Death of Greek philosopher Aristotle.

161: Upon the death of Antoninus at Lorium, Marcus Aurelius became Roman Emperor.

1774: The British closed the port of Boston to all commerce in retaliation for the Boston Tea Party.

1799: Napoleon captured Jaffa in Palestine.

1838: Debut of soprano Jenny Lind, also known as "the Swedish Nightingale", in Weber's Der Freishtz.

1847: Gen. Winfield Scott occupied Vera Cruz during the Mexican-American War.

1849: The Austrian Reichstag was dissolved.

1875: Birthday of Maurice Ravel, French composer

1876: Alexander Graham Bell patented the telephone.

1904: The Japanese bombed Vladivostok during the Russo-Japanese War.

1904: Birthday of Reinhard Heydrich, German SS officer and architect of the "Final Solution"

1906: Finland became the third country to grant women the right to vote.

1918: Finland signed a treaty of alliance with Germany.

1923: Robert Frost published the poem, "Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening."

1925: The Soviet Red Army occupied Outer Mongolia.

1927: The U.S. Supreme Court ruled unconstitutional a Texas law banning blacks from voting.

1933: Premiere of the film King Kong in New York.

1933: Invention of the board game Monopoly.

1936: In violation of the Treaty of Versailles, Hitler's Germany remilitarized the Rhineland (along the border with France, Belgium, Luxembourg, & the Netherlands).

1942: Japanese forces landed on New Guinea.

1965: "Bloody Sunday": During the Selma March, Martin Luther King, Jr & 600 other peaceful civil rights protestors were attacked by state troopers with bloody results.

1968: The Battle of Saigon began the day the Tet Offensive ended.

1971: A thousand U.S. planes bombed Cambodia and Laos targeting the Ho Chi Minh Trail used by the North Vietnamese to supply the Viet Cong.

1979: Voyager Ireached Jupiter.
“Incline my heart to your testimonies, and not to selfish gain!”
Psalm 119:36
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“Incline my heart to your testimonies, and not to selfish gain!”
Psalm 119:36
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“Incline my heart to your testimonies, and not to selfish gain!”
Psalm 119:36
Nguyen One Soon
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"1904--The Japanese bombed Vladivostok during the Russo-Japanese War"

I'm guessing that was by naval shelling, since the first bombing of any kind from aircraft wasn't until 1911.
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historian said:

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Good point. I should have chosen my words more carefully.
“Incline my heart to your testimonies, and not to selfish gain!”
Psalm 119:36
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March 8:

1618: Johannes Kepler discovered the third Law of Planetary Motion.

1669: Eruption of Mt. Etna, an active volcano on the island of Sicily, killed 20,000 people.

1702: Queen Anne became Queen of England upon the death of William III, her brother-in-law.

1790: Pres. George Washington delivered the first State of the Union address.

1841: Birthday of Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr., U.S. Supreme Court Justice

1853: The first bronze statue of Andrew Jackson was unveiled in Washington, D.C.

1862: The Confederates launched the ironclad CSS Virginia (formerly USS Merrimack).

1904: Germany's Bundestag lifted the ban on the Jesuit order.

1908: Britain's House of Commons rejected the women's suffrage bill.

1909: The pope lifted the church ban on interfaith marriage.

1910: Baroness de Laroche became the first woman to obtain a pilot's license in France.

1917: Russia's February Revolution (they were still on the Julian Calendar) began with mass protests in St. Petersburg. Eventually Tsar Nicholas II would be forced to abdicate, a provisional government would be established, and the Bolsheviks would seize power later in the year.

1921: French troops occupied Dussedorf.

1921: Spanish Premier Eduardo Dato was assassinated in Madrid while leaving Parliament.

1923: Birthday of Cyd Charisse, American dancer and actress

1941: Martial law was established in Holland to stop all anti-Nazi protests.

1942: Japanese forces captured Rangoon, Burma.

1945: Phyllis Mae Daley received a commission in the US Navy Nurse Corps, the first black nurse to serve in WWII.

1948: The U.S. Supreme Court ruled that religious instruction in public schools was unconstitutional.

1954: Talks between France and Vietnam opened in Paris for a treaty to create the independent state of Indochina.

1961: Max Conrad circled the globe in a record time of 8 days, 18 hours, 49 minutes in a Piper Aztec.

1965: The first U.S. combat troops arrived in Vietnam: over 4,000 Marines landing at Da Nang.

1971: "Fight of the Century" between Muhammad Ali & Joe Frazier in Madison Square Garden, NYC.

1973: Two bombs exploded near Trafalgar Square in London injuring 234 people.

1983: Pres. Ronald Reagan referred to the Soviet Union as the "evil empire" for a second time, this time speaking at a convention for the National Association of Evangelicals.

2014: Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 disappeared with 200+ people on board.
“Incline my heart to your testimonies, and not to selfish gain!”
Psalm 119:36
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March 9:

1451: Birthday of Amerigo Vespucci, Italian navigator and namesake of the Americas

1734: The Russians took Gdansk in Poland.

1788: Connecticut became the 5thstate.

1796: Napoleon Bonaparte married Josephine de Beauharnais in Paris, France.

1820: Congress passed the Land Act paving the way for westward expansion.

1824: Birthday of Leland Stanford, railroad tycoon and founder of Stanford University

1839: The French Academy of Science announced the Daguerreotype photo process.

1841: The Supreme Court ruled in the Amistad case that the African slaves that had seized control of the Spanish slave ship had been forced into slavery illegally and where therefore free under U.S. law.

1862: Famous battle between two early ironclads, USS Monitor vs CSS Virginia.

1864: Gen. Ulysses S. Grant was appointed commander-in-chief of Union forces during the Civil War.

1890: Birthday of Vyacheslav Molotov, former Soviet Prime Minister

1910: Birthday of Samuel Barber, American composer

1916: Pancho Villa attacked Columbus, NM killing 17 American soldiers and civilians.

1917: The Bolsheviks renamed themselves the Communist Party.

1918: Birthday of Frank Morrison Spillane (Mickey Spillane), American crime writer

1932: Eamon De Valera was elected president of the Irish Free State.

1934: Birthday of Yuri Gagarin, Russian cosmonaut, first human to orbit the Earth

1936: The German press warned that all Jews who voted in the upcoming elections would be arrested.

1943: Birthday of Bobby Fischer, first American world chess champion

1945: American air forces began the firebombing of Tokyo. This would last 48 hours, incinerate close to 16 square miles, and kill 80,000 or more.

1959: The Barbie doll was unveiled at a toy fair in New York City.

1964: The first Ford Mustang rolled off the assembly line.

1967: Joseph Stalin's daughter, Svetlana Alliluyeva, defected to the U.S.

1986: Navy divers found the crew compartment of the space shuttle Challengerwreckage along with the remains of the astronauts killed in the tragedy.

1996: ComedianGeorge Burns died at age 100.
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March 10:

515 B.C.: Construction of the Second Temple in Jerusalem was completed during the reign of Persian Emperor Darius the Great. See the Book of Ezrafor details on God's plan in this construction.

241 B.C.: Battle of the Aegates (Aegusa): In this naval battle among the Aegates Islands near Sicily during the First Punic War, the Roman fleet decisively defeated the Charthiginian fleet. The resulting peace meant that Rome ruled the western Mediterranean, gaining Sicily and sizable reparations as well.

49 B.C.: Julius Caesar crossed the Rubicon with his army, invading Italy and signaling the beginning of the Roman Civil War which he would eventually win.

1503: Birthday of Ferdinand I, Holy Roman Emperor

1656: In the Virginia colony, suffrage was extended to all free men regardless of religion.

1785: Thomas Jefferson was appointed U.S. minister to France.

1806: The Dutch in Cape Town, South Africa surrendered to the British.

1845: Birthday of Alexander III, Russian czar

1864: Pres. Abraham Lincoln promoted Maj.-Gen. Ulysses S. Grant to Lt.-Gen. and gave him command of the Army of the Potomac.

1876: Alexander Graham Bell made the first telephone call to Thomas Watson saying, "Watson, come here. I need you."

1893: New Mexico State University cancelled its first graduation ceremony because the only graduate was robbed and murdered the night before.

1910: China abolished slavery.

1927: Prussia lifted its ban of the Nazis, allowing Adolf Hitler to speak in public.

1943: Adolf Hitler recalled Field Marshall Ewin Rommel from Tunisia in North Africa.

1945: American B-29 bombers attacked Tokyo, killing 100,000 people.

1947: The Big Four met in Moscow to discuss the future of Germany. This meeting of foreign ministers lasted for weeks and was later continued in London. They could not agree on peace treaties with Germany and Austria.

1948: Author Zelda Fitzgerald, wife of novelist F. Scott Fitzgerald, died in a fire at Highland Hospital.

1953: North Korean gunners fired on the USS Missouriwhich responded by firing 998 rounds at the enemy position.

1954: Pres. Dwight D. Eisenhower criticized Sen. Joseph McCarthy as a peril to the Republican Party.

1959: Tibetans rebelled against Chinese occupation. Needless to say, the rebellion failed and Tibet is under Chinese control.

1969: James Earl Raypled guilty to the murder of Martin Luther King, Jr.and was sentenced to 99 years in jail.

1971: The Senate approved a constitutional amendment to lower the voting age to 18.

1980: Ayatollah Khomeini, the leader of Iran, expressed his support to militants holding American hostages in the U.S. embassy in Tehran.

1987: The Vatican condemned surrogate parenting and test-tube and artificial insemination.
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March 11:

537: The Goths laid siege to Rome.

1665: A new legal code was approved for Dutch and English towns guaranteeing religious observances unhindered.

1810: The Emperor Napoleon Bonaparte married the Archduchess Marie Louise by proxy. She was the daughter of the Austrian emperor and he had divorced his wife so he could marry into an established royal family.

1811: Ned Ludd led a group of workers in a destructive protest against mechanization. These Luddites feared they would lose their livelihoods so they destroyed the machines.

1861: A convention in Montgomery, Alabama adopted the Confederate constitution.

1863: Gen. Ulysses S. Grant's forces gave up their plans to take Vicksburg in a direct assault. They would soon begin a siege that would last until July.

1905: Official inauguration of the Paris subway.

1907: Pres. Theodore Roosevelt convinced California to revoke its anti-Japanese legislation.

1908: Birthday of Lawrence Welk, orchestra leader

1918: First cases of the Spanish flu were reported. This would become a pandemic killing more than WWI which was in its last year.

1930: Pres. William H. Taft became the first U.S. president to be buried in the National Cemetary in Arlington, Virginia.

1941: Pres. Franklin D. Roosevelt enacted the Lend-Lease Act, paving the way for the U.S. to provide the Allies with much needed supplies during WWII. The greatest economy on the planet became the "arsenal of democracy."

1942: Under orders from Pres. Franklin D. Roosevelt, Gen. Douglas MacArthur evacuated Corregidor in the Philippines to avoid capture by the advancing Japanese forces.

1952: Birthday of Douglas Adams, British writer

1966: Three men were convicted for the murder of Malcolm X (born Malcolm Little).

1985: The Soviet leadership chose Mikhail Gorbachev to succeed the recently deceased Konstantin Chernenko.

1990: Lithuania declared its independence from the Soviet Union.

1997: Paul McCartney was knighted.

2004: Islamofascist terrorists exploded 10 bombs on four trains in Madrid area train stations during rush hour.

2011: A 9.0 undersea earthquake struck off the coast of Japan, the most powerful recorded quake in Japanese history, moving Honshu, Japan's largest island, 8 feet to the east. This caused powerful tsunami waves, some of which may have been as high as 133 feet. The death toll may have been as high as 18,000. In addition, the tsunami caused meltdowns at 3 reactors in the ***ushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant.
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March 12:

1496: Jews were expelled from Syria.

1609: Bermuda became an English colony.

1789: Establishment of the U.S. Post Office.

1862: Birthday of Jane Delano nurse, teacher, & founder of the Red Cross

1879: Beginning of the British Zulu War.

1884: Mississippi established the first U.S. state college for women.

1890: Birthday of Vaslav Nijinsky, Russian ballet dancer, danced the premier of Stravinsky's Rite of Spring in Paris which caused a riot

1894: Coca-Cola was sold in bottles for the first time.

1903: Tsar Nicholas II of Russia issued a decree providing for nominal religious freedom throughout the country.

1912: Juliet Low founded the Girl Scouts in Savannah, Georgia.

1917: Russian troops mutinied starting the February Revolution (Russia was still on the Julian calendar).

1930: Mohandas Ghandi Salt March--an act of civil disobedience in defiance of the British authorities and their salt monopoly that tyrannized the people of India.

1933: Pres. Franklin D. Roosevelt broadcast the first fireside chat, on the banking crisis.

1933: Pres. Paul von Hindenburg dropped the flag of the German Republic and ordered the swastika and empire banner be flown side by side.

1938: The Ancshlu: Germany annexed Austria without firing a shot (think of the Sound of Music).

1944: Great Britain banned all travel to neutral Ireland suspected of collaborating with Nazi Germany.

1945: Diarist Anne Frank died in a German concentration camp.

1947: President Harry S. Truman announced the Truman Doctrine: In a dramatic speech before a joint session of Congress, Pres. Truman asked for funds to aid Turkey and Greece in their struggles against communism. This was the beginning of the policy of containment.

1985: Beginning of arms control talks between the U.S. and the Soviet Union in Geneva.

1994: The Church of England ordained women priests.
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March 13:

483: St. Felix became pope.

607: First recorded siting of Haley's comet passing near the earth.

1519: Hernando Cortes landed in Mexico.

1615: Birthday of Pope Innocent XII

1781: Astronomer William Hershel discovered the planet Uranus.

1793: Eli Whitneypatented the cotton gin.

1836: Gen. Sam Houston retreated from the advancing army of dictator Santa Anna. He would continue a series of strategic retreats for several weeks, waiting to fight on his own terms.

1865: In a desperate effort to survive, the Confederacy approved the use of black slaves as soldiers.

1868: The impeachment trial against Pres. Andrew Johnson began.

1881: Tsar Alexander II, famous for freeing the serfs 20 year earlier, was assassinated in St. Petersburg when a member of the anarchist group "People's Will" threw a bomb at him near his palace.

1935: A 3,000-year old archive was discovered in Jerusalem confirming biblical history.

1957: The FBI arrested Jimmy Hoffa on bribery charges.

1970: Cambodia ordered Vietnam to remove all their military forces.

1974: Arab nations decided to end their oil embargo on the U.S.

1991: Exxon paid $1billion in fines and expenses related to the oil spill in Prince William Sound in Alaska.
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historian said:

March 13:

1781: Astronomer William Hershel discovered the planet Uranus.

The father of modern proctology.
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whitetrash said:

historian said:

March 13:

1781: Astronomer William Hershel discovered the planet Uranus.

The father of modern proctology.
didn't someone discover Klingons on Uranus?

Those forth graders think they're funny. They got nothing on me.
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March 14:

1629: A Royal charter was granted to the Massachusetts Bay Colony. Through some error, the charter did not specify where it was to be kept (usually somewhere in London) so the colonists were able to take it with them to the New World, helping them to maintain some autonomy.

1743: First American town meeting was held at Boston's Faneuil Hall.

1804: Birthday of Johann Strauss, violinist and composer

1833: Birthday of Lucy Hobbs Taylor, first woman dentist

1864: Birthday of Casey Jones, railroad engineer

1879: Birthday of Albert Einstein, German mathematician and physicist

1903: The Senate ratified the Hay-Herran Treaty guaranteeing America's right to build the Panama Canal.

1912: An anarchist failed in his attempt to assassinate Italy's King Victor Emmanuel III in Rome.

1918: An all-Russian Congress of Soviets ratified a peace treaty with the Central Powers.

1923: Pres. Warren G. Harding became the first U.S. president to file an income tax return.

1924: John Mack, co-founder of Mack Trucks, was killed in a car crash.

1934: Birthday of Eugene Cernan, American astronaut, the last man to walk on the moon

1939: Nazi Germany dissolved the republic of Czechoslovakia.

1947: The U.S. signed a 99-year lease on naval bases in the Philippines.

1950: The FBI launched the "10 Most Wanted Fugitives" list.

1951: U.N. forces recaptured Seoul for the second time during the Korean War.

1954: The Viet Minh launched an assault against French forces at Dien Bien Phu.

1964: A Dallas jury found Jack Ruby guilty of the murder of Lee Harvey Oswald.

1967: The remains of John F. Kennedy were permanently placed in Arlington National Cemetary.

1978: A large Israeli force invaded south Lebanon, targeting PLO bases used for terrorist attacks.
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March 15:

44 BC: Ides of March: Julius Caesar was assassinated by Brutus and other Romans Senators at the Forum. "Et tu Brute?"

933: Henry the Fowler routed raiding Magyars at Merseburg, Germany.

1493: Christopher Columbus returned to Spain after discovering the New World.

1767: Birthday of Andrew Jackson, American war hero & U.S. president

1783: TheNewburgh Conspiracy was quelled: A group of officers were planning to use armed force on Congress since the army had not been paid for a long time (the U.S. was broke). Gen. George Washington made a surprise appearance and convinced them that their plans were dishonorable and unworthy of the cause for which they had fought.

1820: Maine became the 23rd state as part of the Missouri Compromise: one free state & one slave state (Missouri).

1903: The British completed their conquest of Nigeria.

1916: Gen. John J. Pershing, with 15,000 troops, chased Pancho Villa into Mexico.

1917: Tsar Nicholas II abdicated from the Russian throne.

1933: Birthday of Ruth Bader Ginsburg, U.S. Supreme Court Justice.

1935: Joseph Goebbels, German Minister of Propaganda, banned 4 Berlin newspapers.

1939: March on Prague: Six months after the Czechs were betrayed by their British and French allies in Munich over the Sudetenland and Hitler promised he wanted nothing else, the Germans took over the entire country without firing a shot.

1944: Allied bombing destroyed Cassino, Italy

1955: The U.S. Air Force unveiled the first self-guided missile.

1956: My Fair Ladypremiered on Broadway starring Julie Andrews & Rex Harrison.

1965: Pres. Lyndon Johnson called for equal voting rights before a joint session of Congress.

1991: Four members of the Los Angeles Police Dept. were charged in the beating of Rodney King.
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March 16:

37: Death of Emperor Tiberius

1190: The Crusades began with the massacre of Jews in York, England.

1621: The first Native American appeared to the Pilgrim colonists in Plymouth, Massachusetts.

1751: Birthday of Pres. James Madison

1789: Birthday of George S. Ohm, German physicist

1802: Congress established the U.S. Military Academy at West Point.

1822: Birthday of John Pope, U.S. Army general during the Civil War

1850: publication of Nathaniel Hawthorne's classic, The Scarlet Letter

1861: Birthday of Maxim Gorky, Russian dramatist

1903: Death of Judge Roy Bean

1912: Birthday of Thelma Catherine Patricia Ryan Nixon, Pres. Richard Nixon's First Lady

1926: Robert H. Goddard successfully launched the first liquid fuel rocket in Auburn, Massachusetts.

1926: Birthday of Jerry Lewis, American comedian and actor

1935: Adolf Hitler ordered the rearmament of Germany in violation of the Treaty of Versailles.

1945: Fighting on the Japanese island of Iwo Jima ended with an American victory. This is the first time in the history of Japan that their territory had been conquered by a foreign power.

1968: My Lai massacre during the Vietnam War.

1985: American journalist Terry Anderson was kidnapped by Islamofascist terrorists.
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March 17:

461: Death of St. Patrick who did more than anyone else to spread Christianity in Ireland--hence the day is named for him.

1601: First St. Patrick's Day parade, in what is now St. Augustine, Florida.

1776: The British were forced to abandon Boston after Gen. George Washington successfully placed cannons at fortified sites overlooking the city.

1884: John Joseph Montgomery made the first glider flight in Otay, California.

1886: Carrollton Massacre: White supremacists massacred 23 blacks in Carrollton, Mississippi. The sordid affair began when Ed and Charley Brown spilled molasses on Robert Moore while delivering it to a saloon in January. The incident was peacefully resolved but James Liddell, Moore's friend, refused to believe the believe that the incident had been accidental and repeatedly raised the issue, leading to a violent confrontation in February. The massacre took place at Liddell's trial, accused of attempted murder.[url=applewebdata://A6B7392C-17D3-42D8-95D1-72657ADED466#_ftn1][1][/url]

1905: Franklin Delano Roosevelt married Eleanor Roosevelt, his cousin. Their mutual cousin, the former president Theodore, said, "It's a good thing to see the name in the family!"

1914: Russia increased the size of their active duty army from 460,000 to 1.7 million men. They were not adequately armed, however.

1919: Birthday of Nat "King" Cole, American jazz pianist and singer

1930: Al Capone was released from jail.

1942: The Nazis began deporting Jews to the Belsen extermination camp.

1944: The U.S. 8th Air Force bombed Vienna.

1966: An American submarine located a missing hydrogen bomb in the Mediterranean Sea.

1970: The U.S. Army charged 14 officers with suppression of the facts in the case of the My Lai massacre.

1969: Gold Meir elected Prime Minister of Israel.

1972: Pres. Nixon asked Congress to halt busing in order to achieve racial segregation.

1973: The first American POW's were released from the Hanoi Hilton prison camp in North Vietnam.

1992: White voters in South Africa approved constitutional reforms granting legal equality to blacks.

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historian said:

March 17:

461: Death of St. Patrick who did more than anyone else to spread Christianity in Ireland--hence the day is named for him.

1601: First St. Patrick's Day parade, in what is now St. Augustine, Florida.

1776: The British were forced to abandon Boston after Gen. George Washington successfully placed cannons at fortified sites overlooking the city.

1884: John Joseph Montgomery made the first glider flight in Otay, California.

1886: Carrollton Massacre: White supremacists massacred 23 blacks in Carrollton, Mississippi. The sordid affair began when Ed and Charley Brown spilled molasses on Robert Moore while delivering it to a saloon in January. The incident was peacefully resolved but James Liddell, Moore's friend, refused to believe the believe that the incident had been accidental and repeatedly raised the issue, leading to a violent confrontation in February. The massacre took place at Liddell's trial, accused of attempted murder.[url=applewebdata://A6B7392C-17D3-42D8-95D1-72657ADED466#_ftn1][1][/url]

1905: Franklin Delano Roosevelt married Eleanor Roosevelt, his cousin. Their mutual cousin, the former president Theodore, said, "It's a good thing to see the name in the family!"

1914: Russia increased the size of their active duty army from 460,000 to 1.7 million men. They were not adequately armed, however.

1919: Birthday of Nat "King" Cole, American jazz pianist and singer

1930: Al Capone was released from jail.

1942: The Nazis began deporting Jews to the Belsen extermination camp.

1944: The U.S. 8th Air Force bombed Vienna.

1966: An American submarine located a missing hydrogen bomb in the Mediterranean Sea.

1970: The U.S. Army charged 14 officers with suppression of the facts in the case of the My Lai massacre.

1969: Gold Meir elected Prime Minister of Israel.

1972: Pres. Nixon asked Congress to halt busing in order to achieve racial segregation.

1973: The first American POW's were released from the Hanoi Hilton prison camp in North Vietnam.

1992: White voters in South Africa approved constitutional reforms granting legal equality to blacks.

quite the irony that we celebrate the man that spread Christianity throughout Ireland by getting drunk and dying rivers green.
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Many Americans celebrate a lot of things by getting drunk. That's pretty sad.
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March 17, 2006 Iowa-class sisters BB-61 USS Iowa and BB-64 USS Wisconsin were struck from the Navel Vessel Register
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