. 5 . 2 Regionally Significant Highway Projects
The MTP identifies the most regionally significant mobility projects that
the Waco Region is anticipating sufficient financial resources to
construct or implement by the year 2040. The following list includes
those MTP project recommendations impacting the City of Waco or its
Extraterritorial Jurisdiction (ETJ). These recommendations are identified
on Map 4.2.
Interstate Highway 3 5
North Loop 340 to South Loop 340
Widen to 8 main lanes
Reconstruct main lanes, frontage roads and on/off ramps
FM 1 6 3 7 (China Spring Road)
FM 3051 (Steinbeck Bend Dr) to FM 185
Widen to 4 lanes
Loop 3 4 0
Brazos River to SH 6 / Marlin Hwy
Widen to 4 lanes
Loop 3 4 0 (cont' d)
IH-35 to US 77
Construct Frontage Roads
Construct overpass at Old Robinson Rd
US 8 4 at FM 2 8 3 7 / Speegleville Road
Construct overpass and extend US 84 frontage roads
State Highway 6
McLaughlin Rd to FM 185
Widen to 4 lanes
Franklin Avenue
Lake Air Dr to New Rd
Eliminate existing frontage roads
Relocate main lanes to frontage roads and widen to 6 lanes
Reconstruct interchange at New Rd
One-Way to Two-Way Conversions
Franklin Ave: 4th St to 17th St
Washington Ave: 5th St to 18th St
4th and 5th Streets: IH-35 to Herring Ave
Road Diets
Current 4 lanes with no center turn lane
Proposed 2 travel lanes with center turn lane and bicycle lanes
Sanger Ave: Valley Mills Dr to Harvey Ln
N 18th and N 19th Streets: Live Oak Ave to College Dr
The MPO staff also identified several other highway priorities during the
development of the MTP that could not be included due to fiscal
constraint. These projects are, nevertheless, considered important
priorities in order to address forecasted mobility needs but will require
funding outside of traditional state or federal sources. The following list
identifies these projects that are also identified on Map 4.2.
North Loop 3 4 0
SH 6 / Marlin Hwy to Williams Rd (Bellmead)
Widen to 4 lanes
West Loop 3 4 0
IH-35 to US 84 (Waco Dr)
Construct continuous frontage roads
Widen main lanes to 6 lanes
Speegleville Road
SH 6 to US 84
Widen to 4 lanes
Hewitt Drive (FM 1 6 9 5 )
US 84 to Sun Valley Rd (FM 2063)
Widen to 6 lanes
Steinbeck Bend Drive (FM 3 0 5 1 )
China Spring Rd to Lake Shore Dr
Widen to 4 lanes
Loop 5 7 4
Extension from LaSalle Ave to Marlin Hwy
Construct 4 lane boulevard
Reconstruct existing interchange of LaSalle Ave at Marlin Hwy
Chapel Road
Woodgate Dr to Old Lorena Rd (FM 2837)
Widen to 4 lanes
Ritchie Road
Panther Way to Hewitt Dr (FM 1695)
Widen to 4 lanes
Texas Central Parkway
US 84 to Imperial Dr
Widen to 4 lanes
MacArthur Drive
Park Lake Dr to Hillcrest Dr
Perform Road Diet