Crash Davis said:
I'm filing a complaint about Chip and Jo to the Better Business Bureau. No booze at Magnolia Table. I'm not typically one for government meddling, but it should be illegal to promote brunch and not serve Bloody Marys. Way to ruin the Elite's legacy!
Chip and Joanna should start a business called "Magnolia Chair". I can just imagine the advertising campaign now.
[At the silos. the camera pans to a lonely looking man in a chair]
Voice Over: You could be with your friends right now, downing chicken wings and gallons of alcoholic beverages while watching football. Instead, here you sit in the fantasia of decoration surrounded in a haze of potpourri, alone in a small white wicker chair, holding a woman's purse.
Did you ever see that coming?
And sitting there gives you time to ponder the important questions in your life, such as:
"What project is my wife planning for me that is going to take the rest of my weekend to complete?"
"Has anybody seen my balls?".
For you, Sir, there's "Magnolia Chair."
Magnolia chair is a handcrafted piece of wood that somebody paid way too much money for to look like they pulled it out of an estate sale. It has been strategically placed for you to park your dignity as you count the hours of your life away that you could be spending doing something that you actually enjoy doing instead of doing things to please your wife that have no guarantee of future sexual activity.
Magnolia Chair: The chair that really takes your life.
"Smarter than the Average Bear."