So... at what point do Republicans realize Trump is bad at this?

113,603 Views | 1438 Replies | Last: 4 yr ago by Florda_mike
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He's not playing 3-dimensional chess.

He's a simple rich kid who has failed up his entire life.

He's going to ruin the party on his way out.
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BrooksBearLives said:

He's not playing 3-dimensional chess.

He's a simple rich kid who has failed up his entire life.

He's going to ruin the party on his way out.
When they watch him being dragged from the White House by his hair plugs
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Doesn't matter when the alternative is any current Democrat. Why is this simple truth so hard for some to grasp? Don't have to like the guy or be on board with everything he does to understand that he's the only alternative to the lunacy of the Social Democrats.
Edmond Bear
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Short answer is that there is no great solution. It's a selection of a lesser evil.
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The lesser evil part is where y'all are woefully off in judging people.
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BrooksBearLives said:

He's going to ruin the party on his way out.
He's already done that. What I hope will happen is that Republicans will stop being rewarded for lining up behind a corrupt, oafish autocrat who wants to run the country like his personal business empire when he isn't trying to run it like a criminal syndicate to bully members of the opposing party by calling in "favors" from governments that need U.S. money like Don Corleone.
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curtpenn said:

Doesn't matter when the alternative is any current Democrat. Why is this simple truth so hard for some to grasp? Don't have to like the guy or be on board with everything he does to understand that he's the only alternative to the lunacy of the Social Democrats.

How ****ed up are you willing to let the country get before you look for another option? $44 trillion? 88?
“Life, liberty, and property do not exist because men have made laws. On the contrary, it was the fact that life, liberty, and property existed beforehand that caused men to make laws in the first place.” (The Law, p.6) Frederic Bastiat
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BrooksBearLives said:

He's not playing 3-dimensional chess.

He's a simple rich kid who has failed up his entire life.

He's going to ruin the party on his way out.

Please produce your particular accomplishments that qualify you to judge a billionaire who (against all odds) became President of the United States a life long failure.

Because obviously I've underestimated your body of work .
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curtpenn said:

Doesn't matter when the alternative is any current Democrat. Why is this simple truth so hard for some to grasp? Don't have to like the guy or be on board with everything he does to understand that he's the only alternative to the lunacy of the Social Democrats.
While you may care more about a specific agenda than you do about living in a democracy where the rule of law matters, I'm counting on the fact that enough Republicans do care that, if Trump really was trying to wield U.S. foreign aid as a personal weapon against a political opponent, they will support impeachment.
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Jinx 2 said:

curtpenn said:

Doesn't matter when the alternative is any current Democrat. Why is this simple truth so hard for some to grasp? Don't have to like the guy or be on board with everything he does to understand that he's the only alternative to the lunacy of the Social Democrats.
While you may care more about a specific agenda than you do about living in a democracy where the rule of law matters, I'm counting on the fact that enough Republicans do care that, if Trump really was trying to wield U.S. foreign aid as a personal weapon against a political opponent, they will support impeachment.

Yeah ....just like Dems cared so much about the rule of law during Clinton's impeachment proceedings.

Of course Ol Dirty Bill was innocent don't ya know .
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quash said:

curtpenn said:

Doesn't matter when the alternative is any current Democrat. Why is this simple truth so hard for some to grasp? Don't have to like the guy or be on board with everything he does to understand that he's the only alternative to the lunacy of the Social Democrats.

How ****ed up are you willing to let the country get before you look for another option? $44 trillion? 88?
What will it be when we implement the social agenda of free healthcare, free college, free everything...???
Salute the Marines - Joe Biden
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BrooksBearLives said:

He's not playing 3-dimensional chess.

He's a simple rich kid who has failed up his entire life.

He's going to ruin the party on his way out.
Who would be better? For most of us, Trump was not our first or second choice, but he was better than the alternative. It's going to be the same in 2020. Dems have no one of value to propose. The debt will skyrocket under "free everything." But oh, they'll be nice and not tweet mean things when they do it.
Salute the Marines - Joe Biden
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fadskier said:

quash said:

curtpenn said:

Doesn't matter when the alternative is any current Democrat. Why is this simple truth so hard for some to grasp? Don't have to like the guy or be on board with everything he does to understand that he's the only alternative to the lunacy of the Social Democrats.

How ****ed up are you willing to let the country get before you look for another option? $44 trillion? 88?
What will it be when we implement the social agenda of free healthcare, free college, free everything...???
When that agenda passes. Which it won't in my lifetime, and probably not in yours, either.

Few democrats support "free everything."

This Democrat supports ACCESS to heatlhcare that's affordable, not free. IMO, doctotrs and other health care workers do some of the hardest work there is. They deserve good pay and good working conditions. And, in one of the wealthiest countries on the planet, we shouldn't have substandard medical facilities.

Free college, IMO, is a good idea that would provide a good return on the investment IF the "free" programs are mostly vocational: Nurses, doctors, physician assistants,, EMS workers, geriatric care aids, mechanics, plumbers, electricians, carpenters, traffic engineers, air traffic controllers--jobs society needs capable people to do where we don't have enough skilled workers. There could be a service component: you get your education free, but you have to work in an underserved area, or even pay a small amount of your educaiton back over the years (not a loan, and something that would evaporate if you died or became disabled, but a recognition that you received something of value).

Since we don't need more bachelor's, MAs and PhDs in the liberal arts, those degrees would not be free.

But engineering school, computer programming, accounting, even law-all of those could be integrated with some sort of a pbulci service component that might also function as an apprenticeship.

Nobody should get something for nothing--except people who are totally disabled and need society's support for reasons they and their families cannot help. But we could certainly do a better job of educating capable people for vocations where we need skilled workers. What we're doing instead, thanks to scammers like Trump and Betsy DeVos, is saddling them with debt for worthless degrees. That should stop.
Doc Holliday
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You mean the same guy who has beaten all records on campaign fundraising the moment Democrats started talking about impeachment...?

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fadskier said:

BrooksBearLives said:

He's not playing 3-dimensional chess.

He's a simple rich kid who has failed up his entire life.

He's going to ruin the party on his way out.
Who would be better? For most of us, Trump was not our first or second choice, but he was better than the alternative. It's going to be the same in 2020. Dems have no one of value to propose. The debt will skyrocket under "free everything." But oh, they'll be nice and not tweet mean things when they do it.

Trump was my 3rd or even 4th choice .

But he has done far better than I ever hoped.

Meanwhile the Democratic Party has gone completely nuts.

I realize there has to be dozens of well meaning, responsible, moderate Democrat politicians.

But they have been pushed to the shadows by their party's radical elements.

Leaving me no options.
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Doc Holliday said:

You mean the same guy who has beaten all records on campaign fundraising the moment Democrats started talking about impeachment...?

Rebpulicans and the right wing media will be talking a whole lot about Democrats after they haven't uttered a peep about Trump's funnelling governing business to his hotels and all other manners of corruption that characterized his campaign AND his presidency.

They're trying to distract from a POTUS so stupid he's self-destructing before your eyes.

We'll see how soon the rats start leaving the burning ship. Ted Cruz is one to watch. He's very calculating. He'll stick with Trump as long as he thinks Trump may survive and then totally turn on him as soon as he realizes Trump's a goner.

Doc Holliday
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Jinx 2 said:

Doc Holliday said:

You mean the same guy who has beaten all records on campaign fundraising the moment Democrats started talking about impeachment...?

Rebpulicans and the right wing media will be talking a whole lot about Democrats after they haven't uttered a peep about Trump's funnelling governing business to his hotels and all other manners of corruption that characterized his campaign AND his presidency.

They're trying to distract from a POTUS so stupid he's self-destructing before your eyes.

We'll see how soon the rats start leaving the burning ship. Ted Cruz is one to watch. He's very calculating. He'll stick with Trump as long as he thinks Trump may survive and then totally turn on him as soon as he realizes Trump's a goner.

Fake News Jinx.
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Jinx 2 said:

Doc Holliday said:

You mean the same guy who has beaten all records on campaign fundraising the moment Democrats started talking about impeachment...?

Rebpulicans and the right wing media will be talking a whole lot about Democrats after they haven't uttered a peep about Trump's funnelling governing business to his hotels and all other manners of corruption that characterized his campaign AND his presidency.

They're trying to distract from a POTUS so stupid he's self-destructing before your eyes.

We'll see how soon the rats start leaving the burning ship. Ted Cruz is one to watch. He's very calculating. He'll stick with Trump as long as he thinks Trump may survive and then totally turn on him as soon as he realizes Trump's a goner.

If you want a surrogate look at the way Rudy is suddenly being treated by Republicans. Not like the hero he thinks he is.
“Life, liberty, and property do not exist because men have made laws. On the contrary, it was the fact that life, liberty, and property existed beforehand that caused men to make laws in the first place.” (The Law, p.6) Frederic Bastiat
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Doc Holliday said:

Jinx 2 said:

Doc Holliday said:

You mean the same guy who has beaten all records on campaign fundraising the moment Democrats started talking about impeachment...?

Rebpulicans and the right wing media will be talking a whole lot about Democrats after they haven't uttered a peep about Trump's funnelling governing business to his hotels and all other manners of corruption that characterized his campaign AND his presidency.

They're trying to distract from a POTUS so stupid he's self-destructing before your eyes.

We'll see how soon the rats start leaving the burning ship. Ted Cruz is one to watch. He's very calculating. He'll stick with Trump as long as he thinks Trump may survive and then totally turn on him as soon as he realizes Trump's a goner.

Fake News Jinx.
The whistlebrlower complaint is not fake news. There are recordings of those phone calls. This may finally be an incident where Trump and his supporters--the guys walking along behind the circus elephant with the buckets and shovels--can't erase the evidence of their boss's corruption fast enough to create plausible deniability.

But, whatever happens, you won't believe it, becasue you buy into the Trump inerrancy doctrine. I'm putting you on ignore, because you won't have anything enlightening to say on this topic--just regurgitated Republican talking points (like the ones Trump's White House staff mistakenly sent to Democrats yesterday--bwa-ha-ha)).

So long, Doc.
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Lol! Rudy is now saying he has texts showing how he was told to do this by the administration. Of course following orders, or granting requests is no defense. But they are starting to turn on each other now.
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quash said:

Jinx 2 said:

Doc Holliday said:

You mean the same guy who has beaten all records on campaign fundraising the moment Democrats started talking about impeachment...?

Rebpulicans and the right wing media will be talking a whole lot about Democrats after they haven't uttered a peep about Trump's funnelling governing business to his hotels and all other manners of corruption that characterized his campaign AND his presidency.

They're trying to distract from a POTUS so stupid he's self-destructing before your eyes.

We'll see how soon the rats start leaving the burning ship. Ted Cruz is one to watch. He's very calculating. He'll stick with Trump as long as he thinks Trump may survive and then totally turn on him as soon as he realizes Trump's a goner.

If you want a surrogate look at the way Rudy is suddenly being treated by Republicans. Not like the hero he thinks he is.
I didn't think he could look any stupider. I'm honestly wondering if he is developing a dementia disorder, and that's not sarcastic or a joke. THIS guy is a lawyer and former NY mayor???

Althougb Rudy is not practicing "law" here; he's a paid propagandist who is spewing lies in the court of public opinion. Rudy stopped following "the law" and standards of legal and decent behavior the minute he became a Trump surrogate.

Every time I see him I am impressed at how much more unhinged and detached from reality he appears.
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quash said:

curtpenn said:

Doesn't matter when the alternative is any current Democrat. Why is this simple truth so hard for some to grasp? Don't have to like the guy or be on board with everything he does to understand that he's the only alternative to the lunacy of the Social Democrats.

How ****ed up are you willing to let the country get before you look for another option? $44 trillion? 88?
That's funny. Doesn't matter who is sitting in that office, we're gonna get there anyway. We'll get there ($44tn) in the next 10 years if Warren or Bern are elected.
Mr. Treehorn treats objects like women, man.
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Jinx 2 said:

Doc Holliday said:

Jinx 2 said:

Doc Holliday said:

You mean the same guy who has beaten all records on campaign fundraising the moment Democrats started talking about impeachment...?

Rebpulicans and the right wing media will be talking a whole lot about Democrats after they haven't uttered a peep about Trump's funnelling governing business to his hotels and all other manners of corruption that characterized his campaign AND his presidency.

They're trying to distract from a POTUS so stupid he's self-destructing before your eyes.

We'll see how soon the rats start leaving the burning ship. Ted Cruz is one to watch. He's very calculating. He'll stick with Trump as long as he thinks Trump may survive and then totally turn on him as soon as he realizes Trump's a goner.

Fake News Jinx.
The whistlebrlower complaint is not fake news. There are recordings of those phone calls. This may finally be an incident where Trump and his supporters--the guys walking along behind the circus elephant with the buckets and shovels--can't erase the evidence of their boss's corruption fast enough to create plausible deniability.

But, whatever happens, you won't believe it, becasue you buy into the Trump inerrancy doctrine. I'm putting you on ignore, because you won't have anything enlightening to say on this topic--just regurgitated Republican talking points (like the ones Trump's White House staff mistakenly sent to Democrats yesterday--bwa-ha-ha)).

So long, Doc.
You won't believe he's how are you any different?
Salute the Marines - Joe Biden
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trey3216 said:

quash said:

curtpenn said:

Doesn't matter when the alternative is any current Democrat. Why is this simple truth so hard for some to grasp? Don't have to like the guy or be on board with everything he does to understand that he's the only alternative to the lunacy of the Social Democrats.

How ****ed up are you willing to let the country get before you look for another option? $44 trillion? 88?
That's funny. Doesn't matter who is sitting in that office, we're gonna get there anyway. We'll get there ($44tn) in the next 10 years if Warren or Bern are elected.
We don't have to. The LP has a platform to bring us back from the brink.
“Life, liberty, and property do not exist because men have made laws. On the contrary, it was the fact that life, liberty, and property existed beforehand that caused men to make laws in the first place.” (The Law, p.6) Frederic Bastiat
Doc Holliday
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Jinx 2 said:

Doc Holliday said:

Jinx 2 said:

Doc Holliday said:

You mean the same guy who has beaten all records on campaign fundraising the moment Democrats started talking about impeachment...?

Rebpulicans and the right wing media will be talking a whole lot about Democrats after they haven't uttered a peep about Trump's funnelling governing business to his hotels and all other manners of corruption that characterized his campaign AND his presidency.

They're trying to distract from a POTUS so stupid he's self-destructing before your eyes.

We'll see how soon the rats start leaving the burning ship. Ted Cruz is one to watch. He's very calculating. He'll stick with Trump as long as he thinks Trump may survive and then totally turn on him as soon as he realizes Trump's a goner.

Fake News Jinx.
The whistlebrlower complaint is not fake news. There are recordings of those phone calls. This may finally be an incident where Trump and his supporters--the guys walking along behind the circus elephant with the buckets and shovels--can't erase the evidence of their boss's corruption fast enough to create plausible deniability.

But, whatever happens, you won't believe it, becasue you buy into the Trump inerrancy doctrine. I'm putting you on ignore, because you won't have anything enlightening to say on this topic--just regurgitated Republican talking points (like the ones Trump's White House staff mistakenly sent to Democrats yesterday--bwa-ha-ha)).

So long, Doc.
There's actually NO recordings of the phone call. Zero.

They don't record them for security purposes. It's been this way for a long time.

There are about a dozen people listening in on the calls and if you think POTUS did something illegal or damning, you're just being fooled by media and Democrats looking to spin this in order to get your hopes up.
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quash said:

trey3216 said:

quash said:

curtpenn said:

Doesn't matter when the alternative is any current Democrat. Why is this simple truth so hard for some to grasp? Don't have to like the guy or be on board with everything he does to understand that he's the only alternative to the lunacy of the Social Democrats.

How ****ed up are you willing to let the country get before you look for another option? $44 trillion? 88?
That's funny. Doesn't matter who is sitting in that office, we're gonna get there anyway. We'll get there ($44tn) in the next 10 years if Warren or Bern are elected.
We don't have to. The LP has a platform to bring us back from the brink.
And I've happily voted for Libertarian and fiscal constraint candidates for the past 3 elections.
Mr. Treehorn treats objects like women, man.
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Doc Holliday said:

Jinx 2 said:

Doc Holliday said:

Jinx 2 said:

Doc Holliday said:

You mean the same guy who has beaten all records on campaign fundraising the moment Democrats started talking about impeachment...?

Rebpulicans and the right wing media will be talking a whole lot about Democrats after they haven't uttered a peep about Trump's funnelling governing business to his hotels and all other manners of corruption that characterized his campaign AND his presidency.

They're trying to distract from a POTUS so stupid he's self-destructing before your eyes.

We'll see how soon the rats start leaving the burning ship. Ted Cruz is one to watch. He's very calculating. He'll stick with Trump as long as he thinks Trump may survive and then totally turn on him as soon as he realizes Trump's a goner.

Fake News Jinx.
The whistlebrlower complaint is not fake news. There are recordings of those phone calls. This may finally be an incident where Trump and his supporters--the guys walking along behind the circus elephant with the buckets and shovels--can't erase the evidence of their boss's corruption fast enough to create plausible deniability.

But, whatever happens, you won't believe it, becasue you buy into the Trump inerrancy doctrine. I'm putting you on ignore, because you won't have anything enlightening to say on this topic--just regurgitated Republican talking points (like the ones Trump's White House staff mistakenly sent to Democrats yesterday--bwa-ha-ha)).

So long, Doc.
There's actually NO recordings of the phone call. Zero.

They don't record them for security purposes. It's been this way for a long time.

There are about a dozen people listening in on the calls and if you think POTUS did something illegal or damning, you're just being fooled by media and Democrats looking to spin this in order to get your hopes up.
So where did the "transcripts" come from?
“Life, liberty, and property do not exist because men have made laws. On the contrary, it was the fact that life, liberty, and property existed beforehand that caused men to make laws in the first place.” (The Law, p.6) Frederic Bastiat
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Jinx consistently has us confused with people who blindly support Trump. We don't. We're just not the type to rant on, and on, and on, about every little misstep he makes. We also don't be hysterical every time someone cries wolf about him. Too many times it's been wold about nothing. We've learned to wait and allow logic to sort things out.

You are way to reactional and emotional for politics. You buy everything the Dems and libs are selling...everything. You can't make a single logical dissemination of facts. It's all emotion.

You misquote the Charlottesville wuote
You misquote the Mexican rapist quote
You believe a woman who has no evidence or witnesses but fault a man for getting angry about his treatment and lack of respect;

Your hate Trump so much that you can't give him credit for good things and instead you sit in your old lady rocker just waiting for the next time you can be offended.

Again, Trump was not our first choice. But he was far better than Hillary and better than whet we're being presented for 2020.
Salute the Marines - Joe Biden
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fadskier said:

Jinx 2 said:

Doc Holliday said:

Jinx 2 said:

Doc Holliday said:

You mean the same guy who has beaten all records on campaign fundraising the moment Democrats started talking about impeachment...?

Rebpulicans and the right wing media will be talking a whole lot about Democrats after they haven't uttered a peep about Trump's funnelling governing business to his hotels and all other manners of corruption that characterized his campaign AND his presidency.

They're trying to distract from a POTUS so stupid he's self-destructing before your eyes.

We'll see how soon the rats start leaving the burning ship. Ted Cruz is one to watch. He's very calculating. He'll stick with Trump as long as he thinks Trump may survive and then totally turn on him as soon as he realizes Trump's a goner.

Fake News Jinx.
The whistlebrlower complaint is not fake news. There are recordings of those phone calls. This may finally be an incident where Trump and his supporters--the guys walking along behind the circus elephant with the buckets and shovels--can't erase the evidence of their boss's corruption fast enough to create plausible deniability.

But, whatever happens, you won't believe it, becasue you buy into the Trump inerrancy doctrine. I'm putting you on ignore, because you won't have anything enlightening to say on this topic--just regurgitated Republican talking points (like the ones Trump's White House staff mistakenly sent to Democrats yesterday--bwa-ha-ha)).

So long, Doc.
You won't believe he's how are you any different?
If they investigate and find him innocent, I'll accept the verdict.

I doubt Trump's supporters will do the same when they investigate and find him guilty. They have done everything possible to shut down ANY investigations of Trump, and Trump hasn't released his tax returns.

This is coming out in part because Joseph McGuire allegedly thretened to resign if the White House tried to stop him from testifying before congress. McGuire and the White House both deny this happend, but theWashington Post stands by its story.. What I think this says is that McGuire was at least smart enought or realize that Trump's expectations of loyalty mean disobeying the law to preserve him, and McGuire wasn't willing to do that (which is wise, since several of those who did are nwo behind bars)

The current and former officials, speaking on condition of anonymity to discuss a sensitive matter, said Maguire had pushed the White House to make an explicit legal decision on whether it would assert executive privilege over the whistleblower complaint, which centers on a call that Trump made with the leader of Ukraine in late July.
It was unclear whether Maguire's threat had forced the White House to acquiesce and allow him to testify without constraint. But officials said Maguire has pursued the opportunity to meet with lawmakers to defend his actions and integrity.
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Jinx 2 said:

fadskier said:

Jinx 2 said:

Doc Holliday said:

Jinx 2 said:

Doc Holliday said:

You mean the same guy who has beaten all records on campaign fundraising the moment Democrats started talking about impeachment...?

Rebpulicans and the right wing media will be talking a whole lot about Democrats after they haven't uttered a peep about Trump's funnelling governing business to his hotels and all other manners of corruption that characterized his campaign AND his presidency.

They're trying to distract from a POTUS so stupid he's self-destructing before your eyes.

We'll see how soon the rats start leaving the burning ship. Ted Cruz is one to watch. He's very calculating. He'll stick with Trump as long as he thinks Trump may survive and then totally turn on him as soon as he realizes Trump's a goner.

Fake News Jinx.
The whistlebrlower complaint is not fake news. There are recordings of those phone calls. This may finally be an incident where Trump and his supporters--the guys walking along behind the circus elephant with the buckets and shovels--can't erase the evidence of their boss's corruption fast enough to create plausible deniability.

But, whatever happens, you won't believe it, becasue you buy into the Trump inerrancy doctrine. I'm putting you on ignore, because you won't have anything enlightening to say on this topic--just regurgitated Republican talking points (like the ones Trump's White House staff mistakenly sent to Democrats yesterday--bwa-ha-ha)).

So long, Doc.
You won't believe he's how are you any different?
If they investigate and find him innocent, I'll accept the verdict.

I doubt Trump's supporters will do the same when they investigate and find him guilty. They have done everything possible to shut down ANY investigations of Trump, and Trump hasn't released his tax returns.

This is coming out in part because Joseph McGuire allegedly thretened to resign if the White House tried to stop him from testifying before congress. McGuire and the White House both deny this happend, but theWashington Post stands by its story.. What I think this says is that McGuire was at least smart enought or realize that Trump's expectations of loyalty mean disobeying the law to preserve him, and McGuire wasn't willing to do that (which is wise, since several of those who did are nwo behind bars)

The current and former officials, speaking on condition of anonymity to discuss a sensitive matter, said Maguire had pushed the White House to make an explicit legal decision on whether it would assert executive privilege over the whistleblower complaint, which centers on a call that Trump made with the leader of Ukraine in late July.
It was unclear whether Maguire's threat had forced the White House to acquiesce and allow him to testify without constraint. But officials said Maguire has pursued the opportunity to meet with lawmakers to defend his actions and integrity.

1. Tax returns are not legally required...let it go
2. You believe a newspaper over people...can't help you there. Who's the WaPo source?
3. Sorry, but I stopped believing in unnamed sources, back in 1990.

I have had the pleasure on knowing a former CIA agent and a marine who guarded Daddy Bush and Bill Clinton. BOTH told me that they learned that often time, anonymous sources were the reporters own ideas. In fact, several times the marine would tell me to watch how a story was going to get spun in the news.

I don't buy WaPo CNN or Foxnews at their word. To find closer to the truth, you have to look deeper and at more sources.
Salute the Marines - Joe Biden
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BrooksBearLives said:

He's not playing 3-dimensional chess.

He's a simple rich kid who has failed up his entire life.

He's going to ruin the party on his way out.

Thank God for a president who's not a politician. About effing time.
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Actually jinx, to add to my previous comment, the news is pretty much like this board. You, Waco and cinque can always be counted on to see the worse, most negative thing in everyone. Y'all are first to pounce on anything negative about Trump and/or Republicans and/or Christians. You don't wait for facts or anything. You simply spread your hateful rhetoric as soon as possible. Conversely, there are those on this board that never post anything negative about anything. There are those who never post anything negative about Trump or Republicans.

You have the same type of people about Democrats.

I try to fit somewhere in the middle. I voted for Obama once. My vote is not tailored to a party but rather my beliefs in the way things should operate. While i felt betrayed and lied to by Obama, I did not come on this or any other board and post negative crap about him every time he did something wrong or I disagreed with him. Why? Because I believe you should support who is in office and try to find the good in things. Which is what I do now.
Salute the Marines - Joe Biden
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Quash, are u saying we must elect democrats to get the debt to go down?
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And Dems will nominate Bernie/Warren


And this is Trump's chance at reelection. He'll run against socialism
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Canada2017 said:

BrooksBearLives said:

He's not playing 3-dimensional chess.

He's a simple rich kid who has failed up his entire life.

He's going to ruin the party on his way out.

Please produce your particular accomplishments that qualify you to judge a billionaire who (against all odds) became President of the United States a life long failure.

Because obviously I've underestimated your body of work .

If I'm walking down a street and see an airplane hanging out of a tree, I don't need a degree in aeronautical engineering to make an assumption that someone ****ed up.
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