So... at what point do Republicans realize Trump is bad at this?

112,546 Views | 1438 Replies | Last: 4 yr ago by Florda_mike
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Jinx 2 said:

quash said:

curtpenn said:

Doesn't matter when the alternative is any current Democrat. Why is this simple truth so hard for some to grasp? Don't have to like the guy or be on board with everything he does to understand that he's the only alternative to the lunacy of the Social Democrats.

How ****ed up are you willing to let the country get before you look for another option? $44 trillion? 88?
Quash, seriously, the ONLY time national debt is an issue for most Republicans is when a Democrat is president. THEN they start complaining about the deficit.

I didn't hear a bloody PEEP when Bush was borrowing from the Chinese and going to war on the credit cards and back-door drafting military personnel (very few of whom were college grads, so the crowd of mostly Baylor alums posting back then and their children would have been unaffected). Because he lowered taxes at the same time. So their tax bills went down.

That is literally ALL they care about. Kicking the can down the road to the next president / next generation = not their problem. It's an ant / grasshopper conundrum. Republicans claim to be ants, but they are fiscal grasshoppers.
I know about 2 dozen Baylor grads that willfully went to war. That's a disgusting misrepresentation. Shame on you
Mr. Treehorn treats objects like women, man.
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Jinx 2 said:

quash said:

curtpenn said:

Doesn't matter when the alternative is any current Democrat. Why is this simple truth so hard for some to grasp? Don't have to like the guy or be on board with everything he does to understand that he's the only alternative to the lunacy of the Social Democrats.

How ****ed up are you willing to let the country get before you look for another option? $44 trillion? 88?
Quash, seriously, the ONLY time national debt is an issue for most Republicans is when a Democrat is president. THEN they start complaining about the deficit.

I didn't hear a bloody PEEP when Bush was borrowing from the Chinese and going to war on the credit cards and back-door drafting military personnel (very few of whom were college grads, so the crowd of mostly Baylor alums posting back then and their children would have been unaffected). Because he lowered taxes at the same time. So their tax bills went down.

That is literally ALL they care about. Kicking the can down the road to the next president / next generation = not their problem. It's an ant / grasshopper conundrum. Republicans claim to be ants, but they are fiscal grasshoppers.

the only time the left cares about impropriety is when they can point it at Republicans (Clinton)
the only time the left cares about big government is when they aren't in control of it (judicial filibuster)
the only time the left cares about deficits and spending is under Republicans (Obama)
the only time the left cares about the poor is when they can give them someone else's money (Bernie)
the only time the left cares about religion is when they can lie about it to cow conservatives (Waco1947)

See how easy that was..?
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PartyBear said:

Contrario is a Trumper who pretends not to be and thinks people buy it.
Florida Mike and gang have called me a liberal on many occasions. Have you ever been mistakenly called a conservative? I guarantee you haven't and your opinions are predictable. All opinions of binaries on any topic are predictable. Just because I'm middle of the road and want to see all the facts before making an opinion, that doesn't make me a "Trumper". It's what reasonable people do.

Back to my post though before you made an ad hominem attack, why on earth would your day be ruined or made better because of some news about a politician in DC? I stand by my point that if your happiness is dependent on the outcome of the daily partisan news cycle, you have some serious misplaced priorities. Life is much more than partisan politics. That was my point.
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fadskier said:

BrooksBearLives said:

fadskier said:

BrooksBearLives said:

fadskier said:

xiledinok said:

Trump can do anything he wants as long as he didn't abort any kids on the way to the White House.
-Baylor Evangelicals 2019
It's not been proven yet that he has done anything other than help this economy, give me a tax break and curb immigration.

Honest question: what kind of proof would you accept?
Well let's see....are you going to

half-quote the famous Charlottesville quote?
misquote what he said about Mexican illegals?
insert Russian coorperation into the 2016 election?
bring up Blasey-Ford?
quote the Access Hollywood tape from 12 years ago?

I mean honestly, you people flip out about everything, scream that the sky is falling, and only look at sources that side with what you want to believe so, take your best shot.

Just understand this...I am not a "pro-Trumper at any cost." He has flaws...everyone does. I'm not the type to get worked up about it. The economy is doing a middle-classer, I got more of my own money due to the tax cuts AND Hillary Clinton is not getting to appoint any SC judges.

I vote Pro-Life and small government.

Soooo you didn't list any proof you WOULD accept.

Is that your answer? None?
How can I accept something that I am not sure exists until I see it?

Let's start with things that have been proven...not anything that uses "anonymous" sources or "someone close to the situation." After all, that's just speculation.
This is a simple thought-experiment that normal humans do all the time.

Just ask yourself this: "what evidence would need to be presented to me before I would believe Trump did what he's been accused of doing?"

Because here are the facts:

1. he withheld money from the Ukraine
2. in the call with the Ukrainians (which the white house admitted was about this funding -Trump said so himself).
3. Trump changed his stories at least twice about WHY he withheld the funding
4. in the summary of the conversation (put together and released by the administration) he clearly asks the Ukrainian government for a favor.
5. that favor was to investigate the person he sees as his biggest competition for reelection.

What would it take for you to admit this happened and that it is bad? Because those are all verifiable FROM the Trump administration.
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BrooksBearLives said:

fadskier said:

BrooksBearLives said:

fadskier said:

BrooksBearLives said:

fadskier said:

xiledinok said:

Trump can do anything he wants as long as he didn't abort any kids on the way to the White House.
-Baylor Evangelicals 2019
It's not been proven yet that he has done anything other than help this economy, give me a tax break and curb immigration.

Honest question: what kind of proof would you accept?
Well let's see....are you going to

half-quote the famous Charlottesville quote?
misquote what he said about Mexican illegals?
insert Russian coorperation into the 2016 election?
bring up Blasey-Ford?
quote the Access Hollywood tape from 12 years ago?

I mean honestly, you people flip out about everything, scream that the sky is falling, and only look at sources that side with what you want to believe so, take your best shot.

Just understand this...I am not a "pro-Trumper at any cost." He has flaws...everyone does. I'm not the type to get worked up about it. The economy is doing a middle-classer, I got more of my own money due to the tax cuts AND Hillary Clinton is not getting to appoint any SC judges.

I vote Pro-Life and small government.

Soooo you didn't list any proof you WOULD accept.

Is that your answer? None?
How can I accept something that I am not sure exists until I see it?

Let's start with things that have been proven...not anything that uses "anonymous" sources or "someone close to the situation." After all, that's just speculation.
This is a simple thought-experiment that normal humans do all the time.

Just ask yourself this: "what evidence would need to be presented to me before I would believe Trump did what he's been accused of doing?"

Because here are the facts:

1. he withheld money from the Ukraine
2. in the call with the Ukrainians (which the white house admitted was about this funding -Trump said so himself).
3. Trump changed his stories at least twice about WHY he withheld the funding
4. in the summary of the conversation (put together and released by the administration) he clearly asks the Ukrainian government for a favor.
5. that favor was to investigate the person he sees as his biggest competition for reelection.

What would it take for you to admit this happened and that it is bad? Because those are all verifiable FROM the Trump administration.
1. Yes he did.
2. So what?
3. I have not seen anything that references that
4.He regard to the 2016 election
5. False. This is where you make the leap. The favor was not tied to Biden. Read the transcript. AND even if he did, why is it wrong for the president to seek help from a country where the previous VP was know to have engaged in possible illegal activity? Why are only Democrats allowed to do that?

You're asking me to connect dots that do not necessarily connect. It takes a leap. I don't leap without facts beneath my feet.
Salute the Marines - Joe Biden
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curtpenn said:

Democracy is over rated because of its over dependence on the quality of the demos. Biden and Kerry are up to their eyeballs in corruption, but pay no attention to that. Those of you in thrall to the party of neo-serfdom just can't stand individual liberty and will use any pretext to destroy our republic.
"Democracy is over-rated"???

This from the same poster who claims the DEMOCRATS are fascists?

And this post got 5 approval stars on a forum where most people purport to be Christians and good, freedom loving Americans and huff and puff about unlimited gun rights? (I guess some freedoms have more value than others.)

I can understand that you oppose some or even all of the policy positions Democrats generally support.

But the idea that "democracy is overrated" because a majority of Americans might not vote for the candidates and policies you support, and that this therefore justifies the sort of behavior Trump enaged it--using federal aid dollars (and don't you guys generally oppose foreign aid?) as leverage to get a foreign government to investigate a U.S. citizen realted to a political opponent--is downright Soviet.

And YOU are accusing the DEMOCRATS of being socialists and fascists?

Would you also support the institution of a gulag into which Trump could disappear his political enemies?

You certainly supported the institution of a gular into which refugee kids were disappeared.
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Jinx 2 said:

curtpenn said:

Democracy is over rated because of its over dependence on the quality of the demos. Biden and Kerry are up to their eyeballs in corruption, but pay no attention to that. Those of you in thrall to the party of neo-serfdom just can't stand individual liberty and will use any pretext to destroy our republic.
"Democracy is over-rated"???

This from the same poster who claims the DEMOCRATS are fascists?

And this post got 5 approval stars on a forum where most people purport to be Christians and good, freedom loving Americans and huff and puff about unlimited gun rights? (I guess some freedoms have more value than others.)

I can understand that you oppose some or even all of the policy positions Democrats generally support.

But the idea that "democracy is overrated" because a majority of Americans might not vote for the candidates and policies you support, and that this therefore justifies the sort of behavior Trump enaged it--using federal aid dollars (and don't you guys generally oppose foreign aid?) as leverage to get a foreign government to investigate a U.S. citizen realted to a political opponent--is downright Soviet.

And YOU are accusing the DEMOCRATS of being socialists and fascists?

Would you also support the institution of a gulag into which Trump could disappear his political enemies?

You certainly supported the institution of a gular into which refugee kids were disappeared.
Gulags and refugee kids were begun under Obama. At least be truthful in your rants...
Salute the Marines - Joe Biden
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Jinx 2 said:

curtpenn said:

Democracy is over rated because of its over dependence on the quality of the demos. Biden and Kerry are up to their eyeballs in corruption, but pay no attention to that. Those of you in thrall to the party of neo-serfdom just can't stand individual liberty and will use any pretext to destroy our republic.
"Democracy is over-rated"???

This from the same poster who claims the DEMOCRATS are fascists?

And this post got 5 approval stars on a forum where most people purport to be Christians and good, freedom loving Americans and huff and puff about unlimited gun rights? (I guess some freedoms have more value than others.)

I can understand that you oppose some or even all of the policy positions Democrats generally support.

But the idea that "democracy is overrated" because a majority of Americans might not vote for the candidates and policies you support, and that this therefore justifies the sort of behavior Trump enaged it--using federal aid dollars (and don't you guys generally oppose foreign aid?) as leverage to get a foreign government to investigate a U.S. citizen realted to a political opponent--is downright Soviet.

And YOU are accusing the DEMOCRATS of being socialists and fascists?

Would you also support the institution of a gulag into which Trump could disappear his political enemies?

You certainly supported the institution of a gular into which refugee kids were disappeared.

Perhaps you're confused as to the difference between a democracy and a representative republic, but I could be wrong. (But I'm not)
Mr. Treehorn treats objects like women, man.
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fadskier said:

BrooksBearLives said:

fadskier said:

BrooksBearLives said:

fadskier said:

BrooksBearLives said:

fadskier said:

xiledinok said:

Trump can do anything he wants as long as he didn't abort any kids on the way to the White House.
-Baylor Evangelicals 2019
It's not been proven yet that he has done anything other than help this economy, give me a tax break and curb immigration.

Honest question: what kind of proof would you accept?
Well let's see....are you going to

half-quote the famous Charlottesville quote?
misquote what he said about Mexican illegals?
insert Russian coorperation into the 2016 election?
bring up Blasey-Ford?
quote the Access Hollywood tape from 12 years ago?

I mean honestly, you people flip out about everything, scream that the sky is falling, and only look at sources that side with what you want to believe so, take your best shot.

Just understand this...I am not a "pro-Trumper at any cost." He has flaws...everyone does. I'm not the type to get worked up about it. The economy is doing a middle-classer, I got more of my own money due to the tax cuts AND Hillary Clinton is not getting to appoint any SC judges.

I vote Pro-Life and small government.

Soooo you didn't list any proof you WOULD accept.

Is that your answer? None?
How can I accept something that I am not sure exists until I see it?

Let's start with things that have been proven...not anything that uses "anonymous" sources or "someone close to the situation." After all, that's just speculation.
This is a simple thought-experiment that normal humans do all the time.

Just ask yourself this: "what evidence would need to be presented to me before I would believe Trump did what he's been accused of doing?"

Because here are the facts:

1. he withheld money from the Ukraine
2. in the call with the Ukrainians (which the white house admitted was about this funding -Trump said so himself).
3. Trump changed his stories at least twice about WHY he withheld the funding
4. in the summary of the conversation (put together and released by the administration) he clearly asks the Ukrainian government for a favor.
5. that favor was to investigate the person he sees as his biggest competition for reelection.

What would it take for you to admit this happened and that it is bad? Because those are all verifiable FROM the Trump administration.
1. Yes he did.
2. So what?
3. I have not seen anything that references that
4.He regard to the 2016 election
5. False. This is where you make the leap. The favor was not tied to Biden. Read the transcript. AND even if he did, why is it wrong for the president to seek help from a country where the previous VP was know to have engaged in possible illegal activity? Why are only Democrats allowed to do that?

You're asking me to connect dots that do not necessarily connect. It takes a leap. I don't leap with facts beneath my feet.
2. is informed by 3.
3. There is video proof he changed his story as to why.

And that is REALLY important. Because the fact is that he changed his story AFTER they agreed to release the conversation summary WHICH IS NOT A TRANSCRIPT. And despite what Doc says (he's wrong a lot) the transcript DOES exist. The administration has admitted it put said transcript on a top-secret server WHICH IS NOT DONE FOR ALL TRANSCRIPTS. It's not even done for most. Administration officials have also said it didn't contain defense information or proprietary military plans that would make code-work level.

5. this is NOT false. The administration has admitted the favor was tied to Biden. Look at the call summary.
"Mr. Giuliani is a highly respected man. He was the_ mayor bf New York Ci:ty, a great mayor, and I would like him to call you. I will ask him to call you along with the Attorney General. Rudy very much knows what's happening and he is a very capable guy. If you could speak to him that would be great."

"There's a lot 6. talk about Biden's son,. that Eiden stopped the prosecution and a lot of people want to find out about that so whatever you can do with the Attorney General would be great."

So I will ask you again. What proof WOULD you accept that these things happened? You keep saying or alluding to the lack of facts.

These are facts. What more WOULD you believe? The fact that you can't name something is telling me that there is no proof on earth that would make you believe this.

Would Trump have to be caught on camera confirming he did it?
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trey3216 said:

Jinx 2 said:

curtpenn said:

Democracy is over rated because of its over dependence on the quality of the demos. Biden and Kerry are up to their eyeballs in corruption, but pay no attention to that. Those of you in thrall to the party of neo-serfdom just can't stand individual liberty and will use any pretext to destroy our republic.
"Democracy is over-rated"???

This from the same poster who claims the DEMOCRATS are fascists?

And this post got 5 approval stars on a forum where most people purport to be Christians and good, freedom loving Americans and huff and puff about unlimited gun rights? (I guess some freedoms have more value than others.)

I can understand that you oppose some or even all of the policy positions Democrats generally support.

But the idea that "democracy is overrated" because a majority of Americans might not vote for the candidates and policies you support, and that this therefore justifies the sort of behavior Trump enaged it--using federal aid dollars (and don't you guys generally oppose foreign aid?) as leverage to get a foreign government to investigate a U.S. citizen realted to a political opponent--is downright Soviet.

And YOU are accusing the DEMOCRATS of being socialists and fascists?

Would you also support the institution of a gulag into which Trump could disappear his political enemies?

You certainly supported the institution of a gular into which refugee kids were disappeared.

Perhaps you're confused as to the difference between a democracy and a representative republic, but I could be wrong. (But I'm not)
You're going to have to break it down into syllables for her. She's excited that she gets to bash Trump, Republicans and Christians all in the same post.
Salute the Marines - Joe Biden
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fadskier said:

Jinx 2 said:

curtpenn said:

Democracy is over rated because of its over dependence on the quality of the demos. Biden and Kerry are up to their eyeballs in corruption, but pay no attention to that. Those of you in thrall to the party of neo-serfdom just can't stand individual liberty and will use any pretext to destroy our republic.
"Democracy is over-rated"???

This from the same poster who claims the DEMOCRATS are fascists?

And this post got 5 approval stars on a forum where most people purport to be Christians and good, freedom loving Americans and huff and puff about unlimited gun rights? (I guess some freedoms have more value than others.)

I can understand that you oppose some or even all of the policy positions Democrats generally support.

But the idea that "democracy is overrated" because a majority of Americans might not vote for the candidates and policies you support, and that this therefore justifies the sort of behavior Trump enaged it--using federal aid dollars (and don't you guys generally oppose foreign aid?) as leverage to get a foreign government to investigate a U.S. citizen realted to a political opponent--is downright Soviet.

And YOU are accusing the DEMOCRATS of being socialists and fascists?

Would you also support the institution of a gulag into which Trump could disappear his political enemies?

You certainly supported the institution of a gular into which refugee kids were disappeared.
Gulags and refugee kids were begun under Obama. At least be truthful in your rants...
Sorry. No.
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trey3216 said:

Jinx 2 said:

quash said:

curtpenn said:

Doesn't matter when the alternative is any current Democrat. Why is this simple truth so hard for some to grasp? Don't have to like the guy or be on board with everything he does to understand that he's the only alternative to the lunacy of the Social Democrats.

How ****ed up are you willing to let the country get before you look for another option? $44 trillion? 88?
Quash, seriously, the ONLY time national debt is an issue for most Republicans is when a Democrat is president. THEN they start complaining about the deficit.

I didn't hear a bloody PEEP when Bush was borrowing from the Chinese and going to war on the credit cards and back-door drafting military personnel (very few of whom were college grads, so the crowd of mostly Baylor alums posting back then and their children would have been unaffected). Because he lowered taxes at the same time. So their tax bills went down.

That is literally ALL they care about. Kicking the can down the road to the next president / next generation = not their problem. It's an ant / grasshopper conundrum. Republicans claim to be ants, but they are fiscal grasshoppers.
I know about 2 dozen Baylor grads that willfully went to war. That's a disgusting misrepresentation. Shame on you
What happened is that we went to war without a draft. Reservists, including people I knew, and ex-military who thought they had separated permanently were suddenly called up for duty in places like Iraq and Afghanistan, leaving their families and jobs for a year or more.

Most of those people were recalled again and again. But a lot of rank and file service people who were ready to leave the military had their service involuntarily extended and some were recalled.

Bottom line: If you aren't willnig to send your sons and daughters, don't send those of other Americans. And that's what Bush/Cheney/Rumsfeld did.

Imagine that you graduated from college, and a couple years afterward your alma mater contacts you and says, Sorry, you didn't graduate from college. In fact, you have five weeks to drop everything that you're doing quit your job, get out of your lease, put all your stuff in storage, cancel your Netflix, etc. and report back to campus so that you can redo all the schooling that you've already done. And not only that, here's a Smith & Wesson .357 revolver with only one round in the chamber spin the chamber, point it at your head, and pull the trigger. If you live, you live. If you don't, you don't.

The only shooting that I care to do from now on is with my camera, and I had just got done with the long and arduous process of getting my GI Bill activated and signed up for photography classes down at the city college when I received the large manila envelope in the mail with the words IMPORTANT DOCUMENT printed in all caps in the center of it.

Inside was a letter that said that I had five weeks to report to Fort Benning, Georgia "Home of the Infantry" for in-processing, and after that I'd be assigned to a National Guard Infantry unit. Purpose: Operation Iraqi Freedom. I love all-expenses-paid business trips, but I don't recall enlisting in the National Guard I enlisted in the regular Army. What I do recall is my recruiter telling me that I wouldn't be called back up to active duty unless "World War III broke out."

When I joined up six years ago, I was under the strong impression that I'd be able to do my time, get out, and move on. Which is what I did, or at least tried to do.

I had no idea that the Army was going to turn into this psychotic ex-girlfriend that you'd need to file a restraining order against because the crazy ***** doesn't get the hint that there's no way we're getting back together again ever!

I separated from the Army three long years ago, and ever since then I've lived every single day in fear that this was going to happen. I've endured dozens and dozens of e-mails and phone calls from the Army trying to persuade me to voluntarily reenlist. Sometimes these phone calls get pretty nasty especially when I kindly request that my name and number be taken off their list. (There's a law that states you can do this.) This never works, but it always confuses them. One guy even told me he couldn't do that because this was the government calling, not a telemarketer. I called bull**** and hung up.
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Hitler was voted into office. Welcome to your style of democracy.
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BrooksBearLives said:

fadskier said:

BrooksBearLives said:

fadskier said:

BrooksBearLives said:

fadskier said:

BrooksBearLives said:

fadskier said:

xiledinok said:

Trump can do anything he wants as long as he didn't abort any kids on the way to the White House.
-Baylor Evangelicals 2019
It's not been proven yet that he has done anything other than help this economy, give me a tax break and curb immigration.

Honest question: what kind of proof would you accept?
Well let's see....are you going to

half-quote the famous Charlottesville quote?
misquote what he said about Mexican illegals?
insert Russian coorperation into the 2016 election?
bring up Blasey-Ford?
quote the Access Hollywood tape from 12 years ago?

I mean honestly, you people flip out about everything, scream that the sky is falling, and only look at sources that side with what you want to believe so, take your best shot.

Just understand this...I am not a "pro-Trumper at any cost." He has flaws...everyone does. I'm not the type to get worked up about it. The economy is doing a middle-classer, I got more of my own money due to the tax cuts AND Hillary Clinton is not getting to appoint any SC judges.

I vote Pro-Life and small government.

Soooo you didn't list any proof you WOULD accept.

Is that your answer? None?
How can I accept something that I am not sure exists until I see it?

Let's start with things that have been proven...not anything that uses "anonymous" sources or "someone close to the situation." After all, that's just speculation.
This is a simple thought-experiment that normal humans do all the time.

Just ask yourself this: "what evidence would need to be presented to me before I would believe Trump did what he's been accused of doing?"

Because here are the facts:

1. he withheld money from the Ukraine
2. in the call with the Ukrainians (which the white house admitted was about this funding -Trump said so himself).
3. Trump changed his stories at least twice about WHY he withheld the funding
4. in the summary of the conversation (put together and released by the administration) he clearly asks the Ukrainian government for a favor.
5. that favor was to investigate the person he sees as his biggest competition for reelection.

What would it take for you to admit this happened and that it is bad? Because those are all verifiable FROM the Trump administration.
1. Yes he did.
2. So what?
3. I have not seen anything that references that
4.He regard to the 2016 election
5. False. This is where you make the leap. The favor was not tied to Biden. Read the transcript. AND even if he did, why is it wrong for the president to seek help from a country where the previous VP was know to have engaged in possible illegal activity? Why are only Democrats allowed to do that?

You're asking me to connect dots that do not necessarily connect. It takes a leap. I don't leap with facts beneath my feet.
2. is informed by 3.
3. There is video proof he changed his story as to why.

And that is REALLY important. Because the fact is that he changed his story AFTER they agreed to release the conversation summary WHICH IS NOT A TRANSCRIPT. And despite what Doc says (he's wrong a lot) the transcript DOES exist. The administration has admitted it put said transcript on a top-secret server WHICH IS NOT DONE FOR ALL TRANSCRIPTS. It's not even done for most. Administration officials have also said it didn't contain defense information or proprietary military plans that would make code-work level.

5. this is NOT false. The administration has admitted the favor was tied to Biden. Look at the call summary.
"Mr. Giuliani is a highly respected man. He was the_ mayor bf New York Ci:ty, a great mayor, and I would like him to call you. I will ask him to call you along with the Attorney General. Rudy very much knows what's happening and he is a very capable guy. If you could speak to him that would be great."

"There's a lot 6. talk about Biden's son,. that Eiden stopped the prosecution and a lot of people want to find out about that so whatever you can do with the Attorney General would be great."

So I will ask you again. What proof WOULD you accept that these things happened? You keep saying or alluding to the lack of facts.

These are facts. What more WOULD you believe? The fact that you can't name something is telling me that there is no proof on earth that would make you believe this.

Would Trump have to be caught on camera confirming he did it?
1. Your politico reference says that he changed his story from withholding due to wanting more Europeans to help to withholding due to corruption within the Ukraine government. It says absolutely nothing about Biden. So that helps my opinion, not yours.

2. Wrong. After two previous conversations between the President and heads of other countries were leaked, all phone transcripts are being kept in a new location...not just that one.

3.I see you quoted the transcript but it does not say anything about the money and, like most libs, you only partly quote. the word favor is tied to the 2016 election interference. IT'S IN THE TRANSCRIPT. You just don't want to believe it. The word favor is actually directly tied to the server and election meddling.

Again, I get that you want so badly for Trump to be guilty, but you can't prove your point. In fact, you've helped mine. Thanks.
Salute the Marines - Joe Biden
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BrooksBearLives said:

fadskier said:

Jinx 2 said:

curtpenn said:

Democracy is over rated because of its over dependence on the quality of the demos. Biden and Kerry are up to their eyeballs in corruption, but pay no attention to that. Those of you in thrall to the party of neo-serfdom just can't stand individual liberty and will use any pretext to destroy our republic.
"Democracy is over-rated"???

This from the same poster who claims the DEMOCRATS are fascists?

And this post got 5 approval stars on a forum where most people purport to be Christians and good, freedom loving Americans and huff and puff about unlimited gun rights? (I guess some freedoms have more value than others.)

I can understand that you oppose some or even all of the policy positions Democrats generally support.

But the idea that "democracy is overrated" because a majority of Americans might not vote for the candidates and policies you support, and that this therefore justifies the sort of behavior Trump enaged it--using federal aid dollars (and don't you guys generally oppose foreign aid?) as leverage to get a foreign government to investigate a U.S. citizen realted to a political opponent--is downright Soviet.

And YOU are accusing the DEMOCRATS of being socialists and fascists?

Would you also support the institution of a gulag into which Trump could disappear his political enemies?

You certainly supported the institution of a gular into which refugee kids were disappeared.
Gulags and refugee kids were begun under Obama. At least be truthful in your rants...
Sorry. No.
I see like cinque, you like to be wrong.
Salute the Marines - Joe Biden
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Jinx 2 said:

trey3216 said:

Jinx 2 said:

quash said:

curtpenn said:

Doesn't matter when the alternative is any current Democrat. Why is this simple truth so hard for some to grasp? Don't have to like the guy or be on board with everything he does to understand that he's the only alternative to the lunacy of the Social Democrats.

How ****ed up are you willing to let the country get before you look for another option? $44 trillion? 88?
Quash, seriously, the ONLY time national debt is an issue for most Republicans is when a Democrat is president. THEN they start complaining about the deficit.

I didn't hear a bloody PEEP when Bush was borrowing from the Chinese and going to war on the credit cards and back-door drafting military personnel (very few of whom were college grads, so the crowd of mostly Baylor alums posting back then and their children would have been unaffected). Because he lowered taxes at the same time. So their tax bills went down.

That is literally ALL they care about. Kicking the can down the road to the next president / next generation = not their problem. It's an ant / grasshopper conundrum. Republicans claim to be ants, but they are fiscal grasshoppers.
I know about 2 dozen Baylor grads that willfully went to war. That's a disgusting misrepresentation. Shame on you
What happened is that we went to war without a draft. Reservists, including people I knew, and ex-military who thought they had separated permanently were suddenly called up for duty in places like Iraq and Afghanistan, leaving their families and jobs for a year or more.

Most of those people were recalled again and again. But a lot of rank and file service people who were ready to leave the military had their service involuntarily extended and some were recalled.

Bottom line: If you aren't willnig to send your sons and daughters, don't send those of other Americans. And that's what Bush/Cheney/Rumsfeld did.

Imagine that you graduated from college, and a couple years afterward your alma mater contacts you and says, Sorry, you didn't graduate from college. In fact, you have five weeks to drop everything that you're doing quit your job, get out of your lease, put all your stuff in storage, cancel your Netflix, etc. and report back to campus so that you can redo all the schooling that you've already done. And not only that, here's a Smith & Wesson .357 revolver with only one round in the chamber spin the chamber, point it at your head, and pull the trigger. If you live, you live. If you don't, you don't.

The only shooting that I care to do from now on is with my camera, and I had just got done with the long and arduous process of getting my GI Bill activated and signed up for photography classes down at the city college when I received the large manila envelope in the mail with the words IMPORTANT DOCUMENT printed in all caps in the center of it.

Inside was a letter that said that I had five weeks to report to Fort Benning, Georgia "Home of the Infantry" for in-processing, and after that I'd be assigned to a National Guard Infantry unit. Purpose: Operation Iraqi Freedom. I love all-expenses-paid business trips, but I don't recall enlisting in the National Guard I enlisted in the regular Army. What I do recall is my recruiter telling me that I wouldn't be called back up to active duty unless "World War III broke out."

When I joined up six years ago, I was under the strong impression that I'd be able to do my time, get out, and move on. Which is what I did, or at least tried to do.

I had no idea that the Army was going to turn into this psychotic ex-girlfriend that you'd need to file a restraining order against because the crazy ***** doesn't get the hint that there's no way we're getting back together again ever!

I separated from the Army three long years ago, and ever since then I've lived every single day in fear that this was going to happen. I've endured dozens and dozens of e-mails and phone calls from the Army trying to persuade me to voluntarily reenlist. Sometimes these phone calls get pretty nasty especially when I kindly request that my name and number be taken off their list. (There's a law that states you can do this.) This never works, but it always confuses them. One guy even told me he couldn't do that because this was the government calling, not a telemarketer. I called bull**** and hung up.
Soooo, one person writes a story and you not only believe every word without any further research, you apply it to an entire presidency? and for the record, I couldn't stand W so I'm not taking up for him.
Salute the Marines - Joe Biden
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Jinx 2 said:

quash said:

curtpenn said:

Doesn't matter when the alternative is any current Democrat. Why is this simple truth so hard for some to grasp? Don't have to like the guy or be on board with everything he does to understand that he's the only alternative to the lunacy of the Social Democrats.

How ****ed up are you willing to let the country get before you look for another option? $44 trillion? 88?
Quash, seriously, the ONLY time national debt is an issue for most Republicans is when a Democrat is president. THEN they start complaining about the deficit.

I didn't hear a bloody PEEP when Bush was borrowing from the Chinese and going to war on the credit cards and back-door drafting military personnel (very few of whom were college grads, so the crowd of mostly Baylor alums posting back then and their children would have been unaffected). Because he lowered taxes at the same time. So their tax bills went down.

That is literally ALL they care about. Kicking the can down the road to the next president / next generation = not their problem. It's an ant / grasshopper conundrum. Republicans claim to be ants, but they are fiscal grasshoppers.

Partially true. We had a surplus when Bush came in due to the Republican Congress/Clinton, but that was all spent on wars resulting from the 9/11 attacks. Additionally, there were a lot of fiscal conservatives that griped about QE (printing money) from 2008 as Bush exited and Obama entered.
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BrooksBearLives said:

fadskier said:

BrooksBearLives said:

fadskier said:

BrooksBearLives said:

fadskier said:

xiledinok said:

Trump can do anything he wants as long as he didn't abort any kids on the way to the White House.
-Baylor Evangelicals 2019
It's not been proven yet that he has done anything other than help this economy, give me a tax break and curb immigration.

Honest question: what kind of proof would you accept?
Well let's see....are you going to

half-quote the famous Charlottesville quote?
misquote what he said about Mexican illegals?
insert Russian coorperation into the 2016 election?
bring up Blasey-Ford?
quote the Access Hollywood tape from 12 years ago?

I mean honestly, you people flip out about everything, scream that the sky is falling, and only look at sources that side with what you want to believe so, take your best shot.

Just understand this...I am not a "pro-Trumper at any cost." He has flaws...everyone does. I'm not the type to get worked up about it. The economy is doing a middle-classer, I got more of my own money due to the tax cuts AND Hillary Clinton is not getting to appoint any SC judges.

I vote Pro-Life and small government.

Soooo you didn't list any proof you WOULD accept.

Is that your answer? None?
How can I accept something that I am not sure exists until I see it?

Let's start with things that have been proven...not anything that uses "anonymous" sources or "someone close to the situation." After all, that's just speculation.
This is a simple thought-experiment that normal humans do all the time.

Just ask yourself this: "what evidence would need to be presented to me before I would believe Trump did what he's been accused of doing?"

Because here are the facts:

1. he withheld money from the Ukraine
2. in the call with the Ukrainians (which the white house admitted was about this funding -Trump said so himself).
3. Trump changed his stories at least twice about WHY he withheld the funding
4. in the summary of the conversation (put together and released by the administration) he clearly asks the Ukrainian government for a favor.
5. that favor was to investigate the person he sees as his biggest competition for reelection.

What would it take for you to admit this happened and that it is bad? Because those are all verifiable FROM the Trump administration.

There's no quid pro quo in that phone conversation and we have a treaty with Ukraine that includes mutual assistance in law enforcement investigations. Sorry, but your dog don't hunt.
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curtpenn said:

Hitler was voted into office. Welcome to your style of democracy.
In the Facts Matter department: Hitler was not voted into office.He lost the election in 1932 to Paul von Hindenburg by a big majority.

Hitler came to power in 1933 as German chancellor, an appointed position.

The Nazis never received more than 37% of the popular vote--about the same percentage as Trump's base.
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fadskier said:

Soooo, one person writes a story and you not only believe every word without any further research, you apply it to an entire presidency? and for the record, I couldn't stand W so I'm not taking up for him.
The practice of recalling former soldiers to service was well documented. I used an example to show what it was like to be pressed into involuntary military service via the backdoor draft. This article from the Military Times says about 30,0000 soldiers and Marines were recalled involuntarily. And that's in addtion to active reservists who were called up.

And the military is looking at making this program more robust with "a new plan to the may the IRR is managed, with a goal ofmaking the historically disorganized component into a more integrated, reliable and useful part of the 'ototal force' in an era when services are under pressure to reduce active-duty personnel strength and its associated high costs. They're comparing it to using contract employees or consultants:

But during severe personnel shortages, the IRR is tapped, too. During the peak years of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, about 30,000 soldiers and Marines from the IRR were mobilized for deployments. The most common occupational fields for which they were recalled were the combat arms, military police, vehicle operators, mechanics and engineers.
At the time of the Army and Marine Corps mobilizations, critics said the Pentagon was using the IRR as a "back-door draft" that disrupted the lives of veterans who were trying to assimilate into the civilian world and workforce and move on with their post-service lives.
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Jinx 2 said:

fadskier said:

Soooo, one person writes a story and you not only believe every word without any further research, you apply it to an entire presidency? and for the record, I couldn't stand W so I'm not taking up for him.
The practice of recalling former soldier to service was well documented. I used an example to show what it was like to be pressed into involuntary military service via the backdoor draft. This article from the Military Times says about 30,0000 soldiers and Marines were recalled involuntarily. And that's in addtion to active reservists who were called up.

Here are some facts:

But during severe personnel shortages, the IRR is tapped, too. During the peak years of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, about 30,000 soldiers and Marines from the IRR were mobilized for deployments. The most common occupational fields for which they were recalled were the combat arms, military police, vehicle operators, mechanics and engineers.
At the time of the Army and Marine Corps mobilizations, critics said the Pentagon was using the IRR as a "back-door draft" that disrupted the lives of veterans who were trying to assimilate into the civilian world and workforce and move on with their post-service lives.
So why are they surprised? Doesn't seem like a secret.

Other than that, I can't comment as I have not researched this.
Salute the Marines - Joe Biden
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So, after reading your article. They are well aware that if they leave the service prior to the end of their 8th year, they are considered IRR.

Does this upset you? I mean, what is your point about this?
Salute the Marines - Joe Biden
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trey3216 said:

Jinx 2 said:

curtpenn said:

Democracy is over rated because of its over dependence on the quality of the demos. Biden and Kerry are up to their eyeballs in corruption, but pay no attention to that. Those of you in thrall to the party of neo-serfdom just can't stand individual liberty and will use any pretext to destroy our republic.
"Democracy is over-rated"???

This from the same poster who claims the DEMOCRATS are fascists?

And this post got 5 approval stars on a forum where most people purport to be Christians and good, freedom loving Americans and huff and puff about unlimited gun rights? (I guess some freedoms have more value than others.)

I can understand that you oppose some or even all of the policy positions Democrats generally support.

But the idea that "democracy is overrated" because a majority of Americans might not vote for the candidates and policies you support, and that this therefore justifies the sort of behavior Trump enaged it--using federal aid dollars (and don't you guys generally oppose foreign aid?) as leverage to get a foreign government to investigate a U.S. citizen realted to a political opponent--is downright Soviet.

And YOU are accusing the DEMOCRATS of being socialists and fascists?

Would you also support the institution of a gulag into which Trump could disappear his political enemies?

You certainly supported the institution of a gular into which refugee kids were disappeared.

Perhaps you're confused as to the difference between a democracy and a representative republic, but I could be wrong. (But I'm not)
You are wrong. There is not a "difference." A representative republic is a type of democracy.
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YoakDaddy said:

Jinx 2 said:

quash said:

curtpenn said:

Doesn't matter when the alternative is any current Democrat. Why is this simple truth so hard for some to grasp? Don't have to like the guy or be on board with everything he does to understand that he's the only alternative to the lunacy of the Social Democrats.

How ****ed up are you willing to let the country get before you look for another option? $44 trillion? 88?
Quash, seriously, the ONLY time national debt is an issue for most Republicans is when a Democrat is president. THEN they start complaining about the deficit.

I didn't hear a bloody PEEP when Bush was borrowing from the Chinese and going to war on the credit cards and back-door drafting military personnel (very few of whom were college grads, so the crowd of mostly Baylor alums posting back then and their children would have been unaffected). Because he lowered taxes at the same time. So their tax bills went down.

That is literally ALL they care about. Kicking the can down the road to the next president / next generation = not their problem. It's an ant / grasshopper conundrum. Republicans claim to be ants, but they are fiscal grasshoppers.

Partially true. We had a surplus when Bush came in due to the Republican Congress/Clinton, but that was all spent on wars resulting from the 9/11 attacks. Additionally, there were a lot of fiscal conservatives that griped about QE (printing money) from 2008 as Bush exited and Obama entered.
Medicare Part D was a huge spend during the Bush years. It was a bi-partisan effort.
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fadskier said:

xiledinok said:

Trump can do anything he wants as long as he didn't abort any kids on the way to the White House.
-Baylor Evangelicals 2019
It's not been proven yet that he has done anything other than help this economy, give me a tax break and curb immigration.
Most people's taxes went up. He's helped blow up the stock market with his tariff talks. He's working on the wall but the money has stalled after it was getting taken from necessary projects the military wanted to keep.
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BrooksBearLives said:

Osodecentx said:

BrooksBearLives said:

Osodecentx said:

BrooksBearLives said:

Osodecentx said:

BrooksBearLives said:

Osodecentx said:

BrooksBearLives said:

Osodecentx said:

BrooksBearLives said:

Osodecentx said:

Jinx 2 said:

D. C. Bear said:

Jinx 2 said:

D. C. Bear said:

Some of y'all remind me of Republicans prematurely celebrating Clinton's demise back in the 90s. I didn't like what Clinton did and thought he should have resigned when it was clearly shown that he lied under oath, but I never really understood the visceral hate of the man some seemed to have. Nevertheless, impeachment is a political process, as Democrats at the time taught us, and it remains so today. If the Senate doesn't have the needed votes, House Democrats can make all the noise they want, and could very easily overplay their hand as Republicans did before them.
Clinton was impeached for lying about a stupid affair. He was impeached by the House and acquitted by the Senate. He should have apologized, not resigned.

Trump has committeed as much, if not more, sexual misconduct as Clinton. I haven't heard a single Republican in a position of power other than Mitt Romney saying that disqualified HIM for office.

If Trump is impeached, it will be for trying to use the power of the federal government's purse to punish his political enemies.

But, given the same outcome but much more serious charges that reflect an egregious disregard by Trump for the separationo of his role and responsibilities as president, for the rule of law, and for democracy and due process, how many Republicans do you think will call for HIS resignation. The only hope then will be that people will be disgusted enough by the blatant power grab and the corrupt behavior they won't vote for Trump.

Keep telling yourself that if it makes you feel better.

Democrats taught us that sexual misconduct, lying about it under oath to a federal judge, and, evidence would suggest, trying to get others to lie under oath, is not sufficient to remove a president from office if he will appoint the "right kind" of Supreme Court justices. Trump can apologize if he wants, or he can wag his finger and say none of his sexual misconduct ever happened, and we should not expect Republicans to stop supporting him. Democrats already taught us that.

If Trump is impeached, it will be because his political enemies think they can gain political advantage by doing so.
If Trump is impeached, make no mistake about it, it will be because of his own misonduct.
He just should not have won in 2016

That's enough to impeach

If threatening the life of a whistleblower isn't impeachable, then literally nothing is.
What are you talking about?

He just called the whistleblower a spy and said "you know what we should do to spies, right?"
repost when whistleblower is executed

That's your standard?

Let me know how Obama converted us all to sharia law.

Or Trump's caravan takes over.

Or North Korea drops its nuclear program.

You're detached from reality.

Trump threatens the life of a cia officer, trashes his own intelligence officers, trashes the FBI, ****s on troops and their parents.

And you're so happy to look the other way.

You're broken.
How are things in Hysteristan? You left out the Iranian ground war and Trump's concentration camps

Yesterday was pretty rough for you, wasn't it?
Not for me. Sun came up, birds are singing, my portfolio is up, and your socialists are close to taking out Biden

I thought yesterday was horrible. It illustrated how broken some of you are.

It takes a special kind of detached not to be worried.

You're either lying or... I can't care more about your sanity than you do.

Hope your day is good.
Most of the time happiness is a decision.

Put your hysteria down and make that decision

So you're going to continue with the "nothing to see here!" take?

We got the government we deserve because of people like you.
Trump's a bad guy. Of the 16 people in the 2016 Republican primary, Trump was my 17th choice. Then you nominated Hillary.

This year it looks like your socialists will use Hunter Biden/Joe Biden dishonesty to take Biden out.

We would have had Clinton/Beto if you had your way.

I've decided to be happy and prepare for the coming financial failure (which is going to happen it Trump or Warren/Bernie wins.

Fourth Turning time
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Booray said:

YoakDaddy said:

Jinx 2 said:

quash said:

curtpenn said:

Doesn't matter when the alternative is any current Democrat. Why is this simple truth so hard for some to grasp? Don't have to like the guy or be on board with everything he does to understand that he's the only alternative to the lunacy of the Social Democrats.

How ****ed up are you willing to let the country get before you look for another option? $44 trillion? 88?
Quash, seriously, the ONLY time national debt is an issue for most Republicans is when a Democrat is president. THEN they start complaining about the deficit.

I didn't hear a bloody PEEP when Bush was borrowing from the Chinese and going to war on the credit cards and back-door drafting military personnel (very few of whom were college grads, so the crowd of mostly Baylor alums posting back then and their children would have been unaffected). Because he lowered taxes at the same time. So their tax bills went down.

That is literally ALL they care about. Kicking the can down the road to the next president / next generation = not their problem. It's an ant / grasshopper conundrum. Republicans claim to be ants, but they are fiscal grasshoppers.

Partially true. We had a surplus when Bush came in due to the Republican Congress/Clinton, but that was all spent on wars resulting from the 9/11 attacks. Additionally, there were a lot of fiscal conservatives that griped about QE (printing money) from 2008 as Bush exited and Obama entered.
Medicare Part D was a huge spend during the Bush years. It was a bi-partisan effort.
Exactly. I have my own prescription drug plan but still get to pay for Part D even though I don't use it
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YoakDaddy said:

Jinx 2 said:

Quash, seriously, the ONLY time national debt is an issue for most Republicans is when a Democrat is president. THEN they start complaining about the deficit.

I didn't hear a bloody PEEP when Bush was borrowing from the Chinese and going to war on the credit cards and back-door drafting military personnel (very few of whom were college grads, so the crowd of mostly Baylor alums posting back then and their children would have been unaffected).

You didn't read my posts with understanding.

We are headed for a financial collapse 3 o years in the making
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trey3216 said:

Jinx 2 said:

quash said:

curtpenn said:

Doesn't matter when the alternative is any current Democrat. Why is this simple truth so hard for some to grasp? Don't have to like the guy or be on board with everything he does to understand that he's the only alternative to the lunacy of the Social Democrats.

How ****ed up are you willing to let the country get before you look for another option? $44 trillion? 88?
Quash, seriously, the ONLY time national debt is an issue for most Republicans is when a Democrat is president. THEN they start complaining about the deficit.

I didn't hear a bloody PEEP when Bush was borrowing from the Chinese and going to war on the credit cards and back-door drafting military personnel (very few of whom were college grads, so the crowd of mostly Baylor alums posting back then and their children would have been unaffected). Because he lowered taxes at the same time. So their tax bills went down.

That is literally ALL they care about. Kicking the can down the road to the next president / next generation = not their problem. It's an ant / grasshopper conundrum. Republicans claim to be ants, but they are fiscal grasshoppers.
I know about 2 dozen Baylor grads that willfully went to war. That's a disgusting misrepresentation. Shame on you
I'm bettng they were in the reserve and not back-door drafted.
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xiledinok said:

fadskier said:

xiledinok said:

Trump can do anything he wants as long as he didn't abort any kids on the way to the White House.
-Baylor Evangelicals 2019
It's not been proven yet that he has done anything other than help this economy, give me a tax break and curb immigration.
Most people's taxes went up. He's helped blow up the stock market with his tariff talks. He's working on the wall but the money has stalled after it was getting taken from necessary projects the military wanted to keep.
80% saw a reduction in taxes;

I'll give you the one on the wall.
Salute the Marines - Joe Biden
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xiledinok said:

fadskier said:

xiledinok said:

Trump can do anything he wants as long as he didn't abort any kids on the way to the White House.
-Baylor Evangelicals 2019
It's not been proven yet that he has done anything other than help this economy, give me a tax break and curb immigration.
Most people's taxes went up. He's helped blow up the stock market with his tariff talks. He's working on the wall but the money has stalled after it was getting taken from necessary projects the military wanted to keep.
My taxes went up.
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Booray said:

YoakDaddy said:

Jinx 2 said:

quash said:

curtpenn said:

Doesn't matter when the alternative is any current Democrat. Why is this simple truth so hard for some to grasp? Don't have to like the guy or be on board with everything he does to understand that he's the only alternative to the lunacy of the Social Democrats.

How ****ed up are you willing to let the country get before you look for another option? $44 trillion? 88?
Quash, seriously, the ONLY time national debt is an issue for most Republicans is when a Democrat is president. THEN they start complaining about the deficit.

I didn't hear a bloody PEEP when Bush was borrowing from the Chinese and going to war on the credit cards and back-door drafting military personnel (very few of whom were college grads, so the crowd of mostly Baylor alums posting back then and their children would have been unaffected). Because he lowered taxes at the same time. So their tax bills went down.

That is literally ALL they care about. Kicking the can down the road to the next president / next generation = not their problem. It's an ant / grasshopper conundrum. Republicans claim to be ants, but they are fiscal grasshoppers.

Partially true. We had a surplus when Bush came in due to the Republican Congress/Clinton, but that was all spent on wars resulting from the 9/11 attacks. Additionally, there were a lot of fiscal conservatives that griped about QE (printing money) from 2008 as Bush exited and Obama entered.
Medicare Part D was a huge spend during the Bush years. It was a bi-partisan effort.
But Bush was the one who refused to negotiate with Big Pharma for lower rates.
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Jinx 2 said:

xiledinok said:

fadskier said:

xiledinok said:

Trump can do anything he wants as long as he didn't abort any kids on the way to the White House.
-Baylor Evangelicals 2019
It's not been proven yet that he has done anything other than help this economy, give me a tax break and curb immigration.
Most people's taxes went up. He's helped blow up the stock market with his tariff talks. He's working on the wall but the money has stalled after it was getting taken from necessary projects the military wanted to keep.
My taxes went up.
Isn't that what you wanted? (higher taxes)
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fadskier said:

Jinx 2 said:

curtpenn said:

Democracy is over rated because of its over dependence on the quality of the demos. Biden and Kerry are up to their eyeballs in corruption, but pay no attention to that. Those of you in thrall to the party of neo-serfdom just can't stand individual liberty and will use any pretext to destroy our republic.
"Democracy is over-rated"???

This from the same poster who claims the DEMOCRATS are fascists?

And this post got 5 approval stars on a forum where most people purport to be Christians and good, freedom loving Americans and huff and puff about unlimited gun rights? (I guess some freedoms have more value than others.)

I can understand that you oppose some or even all of the policy positions Democrats generally support.

But the idea that "democracy is overrated" because a majority of Americans might not vote for the candidates and policies you support, and that this therefore justifies the sort of behavior Trump enaged it--using federal aid dollars (and don't you guys generally oppose foreign aid?) as leverage to get a foreign government to investigate a U.S. citizen realted to a political opponent--is downright Soviet.

And YOU are accusing the DEMOCRATS of being socialists and fascists?

Would you also support the institution of a gulag into which Trump could disappear his political enemies?

You certainly supported the institution of a gular into which refugee kids were disappeared.
Gulags and refugee kids were begun under Obama. At least be truthful in your rants...
YOU and your boys certainly didn't give Obama credit.

He did put people in detection, He didn't separate parents from their children and then lose some of them in the foster care system. Nor did he detain children in circumstances so awful they represent a human rights violation, without adequate foot, supplies like diapers, and adult supervision, so that older kids were trying to care for younger kids.
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Jinx 2 said:

xiledinok said:

fadskier said:

xiledinok said:

Trump can do anything he wants as long as he didn't abort any kids on the way to the White House.
-Baylor Evangelicals 2019
It's not been proven yet that he has done anything other than help this economy, give me a tax break and curb immigration.
Most people's taxes went up. He's helped blow up the stock market with his tariff talks. He's working on the wall but the money has stalled after it was getting taken from necessary projects the military wanted to keep.
My taxes went up.
and you're mad? If Dems win, get ready...

For the record, mine went down and so did all of my employees. Every. Single. One.
Salute the Marines - Joe Biden
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