So... at what point do Republicans realize Trump is bad at this?

108,285 Views | 1438 Replies | Last: 4 yr ago by Florda_mike
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BrooksBearLives said:

Canada2017 said:

BrooksBearLives said:

Canada2017 said:


All the Dems have to do is nominate a rational MODERATE to regain the White House.

Don't need to nominate a conservative, dont need to promise to protect the 2nd amendment, our international borders or even our babies .

Just nominate a reasonable, rational MODERATE and the Dems will have it all.

But they can not....will it.

Leftist freaks got the bit in their teeth ...and are determined to run with it.

And THAT is the ultimate lulz.

That's because anything left of "sell us all out for Russian interest" gets dismissed as "communist" by people like you.


Besides remaining in the cozy confines of academia into your early 30's ....( a glorious accomplishment to be sure ) , which of your career experiences qualify you to judge and label people 'like me' ?

Do you have the ability to respond without insulting first?

Say what you want about me, but at least I can do that.


Should I pull up all the numerous times you've attacked someone based on age and race on this site? You know people can actually read your posts, right? Your hypocrisy with regard to insulting people and then crying about being insulted is one of the stranger phenomenons on this site.

As for Ukraine, it is just the next in a line of nothingburgers the Left has screamed and pounded their fists on the table about in the hopes of taking down this guy they're all obsessed with. I swear, if they had just left him to his own devices, they would have taken the next election without much trouble. But "Russia!!", and Kavanaugh, and Ukraine, et al (coupled with field of kook, extremist candidates) practically ensuring the guy's re-election. You are driving people away who likely otherwise voted for your side (but now may just abstain because you sound crazy), and driving people to vote for Trump who otherwise might have abstained (again, because they're pushed there by all the lunacy).

95% of the voting public doesn't know where Ukraine is, and couldn't care any less about the "outrage du jour" you're trying to brew.
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bearassnekkid said:

BrooksBearLives said:

Canada2017 said:

BrooksBearLives said:

Canada2017 said:


All the Dems have to do is nominate a rational MODERATE to regain the White House.

Don't need to nominate a conservative, dont need to promise to protect the 2nd amendment, our international borders or even our babies .

Just nominate a reasonable, rational MODERATE and the Dems will have it all.

But they can not....will it.

Leftist freaks got the bit in their teeth ...and are determined to run with it.

And THAT is the ultimate lulz.

That's because anything left of "sell us all out for Russian interest" gets dismissed as "communist" by people like you.


Besides remaining in the cozy confines of academia into your early 30's ....( a glorious accomplishment to be sure ) , which of your career experiences qualify you to judge and label people 'like me' ?

Do you have the ability to respond without insulting first?

Say what you want about me, but at least I can do that.


Should I pull up all the numerous times you've attacked someone based on age and race on this site? You know people can actually read your posts, right? Your hypocrisy with regard to insulting people and then crying about being insulted is one of the stranger phenomenons on this site.

As for Ukraine, it is just the next in a line of nothingburgers the Left has screamed and pounded their fists on the table about in the hopes of taking down this guy they're all obsessed with. I swear, if they had just left him to his own devices, they would have taken the next election without much trouble. But "Russia!!", and Kavanaugh, and Ukraine, et al (coupled with field of kook, extremist candidates) practically ensuring the guy's re-election. You are driving people away who likely otherwise voted for your side (but now may just abstain because you sound crazy), and driving people to vote for Trump who otherwise might have abstained (again, because they're pushed there by all the lunacy).

95% of the voting public doesn't know where Ukraine is, and couldn't care any less about the "outrage du jour" you're trying to brew.

Outrage du jour?

I guess that's one way to put it.

Nothing to see here, folks!

Listen. You're not engaged. That's fine.

Could you point out abottabad on a map? Did you still care that's where Bin Laden got got?

You don't have to know where a country is to be upset our President is selling out his own country. And make no mistake. That's what he's doing.

Imagine being CIA. This President has sold out his own intelligence services times beyond count.

You're cool with that?
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BrooksBearLives said:

bearassnekkid said:

BrooksBearLives said:

Canada2017 said:

BrooksBearLives said:

Canada2017 said:


All the Dems have to do is nominate a rational MODERATE to regain the White House.

Don't need to nominate a conservative, dont need to promise to protect the 2nd amendment, our international borders or even our babies .

Just nominate a reasonable, rational MODERATE and the Dems will have it all.

But they can not....will it.

Leftist freaks got the bit in their teeth ...and are determined to run with it.

And THAT is the ultimate lulz.

That's because anything left of "sell us all out for Russian interest" gets dismissed as "communist" by people like you.


Besides remaining in the cozy confines of academia into your early 30's ....( a glorious accomplishment to be sure ) , which of your career experiences qualify you to judge and label people 'like me' ?

Do you have the ability to respond without insulting first?

Say what you want about me, but at least I can do that.


Should I pull up all the numerous times you've attacked someone based on age and race on this site? You know people can actually read your posts, right? Your hypocrisy with regard to insulting people and then crying about being insulted is one of the stranger phenomenons on this site.

As for Ukraine, it is just the next in a line of nothingburgers the Left has screamed and pounded their fists on the table about in the hopes of taking down this guy they're all obsessed with. I swear, if they had just left him to his own devices, they would have taken the next election without much trouble. But "Russia!!", and Kavanaugh, and Ukraine, et al (coupled with field of kook, extremist candidates) practically ensuring the guy's re-election. You are driving people away who likely otherwise voted for your side (but now may just abstain because you sound crazy), and driving people to vote for Trump who otherwise might have abstained (again, because they're pushed there by all the lunacy).

95% of the voting public doesn't know where Ukraine is, and couldn't care any less about the "outrage du jour" you're trying to brew.

Outrage du jour?

I guess that's one way to put it.

Nothing to see here, folks!

Listen. You're not engaged. That's fine.

Could you point out abottabad on a map? Did you still care that's where Bin Laden got got?

You don't have to know where a country is to be upset our President is selling out his own country. And make no mistake. That's what he's doing.

Imagine being CIA. This President has sold out his own intelligence services times beyond count.

You're cool with that?
Your desperate obsession is virtually palpable and blinds you to the reality that your kind offers nothing but chains and lies upon lies. You're cool with that?

Thanks for providing some comic relief via your perpetual episode of TDS, at least.
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The problem for R's is that most realize Trump is a disaster overall, but they are in the untenable position of no practical alternative willing to risk challenging him. They are in damage control mode, and desperately hope to hang on to the Senate. Most don't expect Trump to be re-elected and many hope he will not be re-elected. Trump's only hope is for a razor thin margin again, which is unlikely. Due to his sociopathic narcissistic behavior, he has run off his experienced advisors and replaced them, for the most part, with unqualified obsequious sycophants, who acquiesce to his whimsical methods. That's why his foreign policy is in shambles, and what good he has done for freeing up the economy is at risk with his foreign trade policies. He is his own biggest enemy, and given the D's field of candidates is narrowing down to Warren, Trump will likely be the cause of her election. Most people are tired of Trump's antics and childish behavior, and that will drive their vote more than anything else. Trump has lost his razor thin margin in the swing states he pulled off last election, and is poised for a landslide electoral college loss and potential loss of the Senate. He has no one to blame but himself. The Republican Party will take years to recover from Trump's presidency. Most people are tired of Trump's antics and childish behavior, and that will drive their vote more than anything else.
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Jared and Ivanka reported making $82 million dollars last year as White House Aids.

Jared is in charge of Middle East Peace Plans. Ivanka is LITERALLY getting side-eyed at G-8 meetings by actual diplomats.

But yes. Let's concentrate on debunked claims against Hunter Biden because we supposedly give a **** about corruption.

And y'all eat it up.
D. C. Bear
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BrooksBearLives said:

D. C. Bear said:

BrooksBearLives said:

Canada2017 said:

BrooksBearLives said:

Canada2017 said:


All the Dems have to do is nominate a rational MODERATE to regain the White House.

Don't need to nominate a conservative, dont need to promise to protect the 2nd amendment, our international borders or even our babies .

Just nominate a reasonable, rational MODERATE and the Dems will have it all.

But they can not....will it.

Leftist freaks got the bit in their teeth ...and are determined to run with it.

And THAT is the ultimate lulz.

That's because anything left of "sell us all out for Russian interest" gets dismissed as "communist" by people like you.


Besides remaining in the cozy confines of academia into your early 30's ....( a glorious accomplishment to be sure ) , which of your career experiences qualify you to judge and label people 'like me' ?

Do you have the ability to respond without insulting first?

Say what you want about me, but at least I can do that.

1. You mischaracterize me constantly. You obviously don't know what you're talking about.

And 2. What I do for a living, how old I am, or what I believe about other topics has NO bearing on how the President is abusing his power.

Oh. Now there's a second whistleblower who was in the room for the Ukraine calls.

There's another whistleblower from the IRS as well.

None of your personal insults of me is going to make this go away.

Face it, you sold out for a really bad person. And it's no me you should be angry at.
He may, but probably not to you. You have made insulting others your stock-in-trade so I am unsure why you seem unhappy when they do the same.

Yeah. Thats not true.

But I guess you're not even going to try to respond to the topic at hand?

I mean, I get why you wouldn't.

You're okay with the President using his office for personal enrichment and political gain? You're cool with that?

Yeah, you do. It is an accurate observation that you habitually throw around insults. It's what you do and you are apparently the only one who doesn't recognize it.

I already did respond to "the topic at hand" sometime last week.

I'm not a fan of Trump. Never have liked him, even when he wasn't a politician. Didn't vote for him before, won't vote for him should he be on the ballot again. However, should he be removed from office via impeachment or the ballot box and replaced by a Democrat or another Republican, it, sadly, will not represent the dawning of good government. The level of corruption in government is unlikely to change in any real way. Neither side is interested in corruption unless it gives them political advantage.
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TexasScientist said:

The problem for R's is that most realize Trump is a disaster overall, but they are in the untenable position of no practical alternative willing to risk challenging him. They are in damage control mode, and desperately hope to hang on to the Senate. Most don't expect Trump to be re-elected and many hope he will not be re-elected. Trump's only hope is for a razor thin margin again, which is unlikely. Due to his sociopathic narcissistic behavior, he has run off his experienced advisors and replaced them, for the most part, with unqualified obsequious sycophants, who acquiesce to his whimsical methods. That's why his foreign policy is in shambles, and what good he has done for freeing up the economy is at risk with his foreign trade policies. He is his own biggest enemy, and given the D's field of candidates is narrowing down to Warren, Trump will likely be the cause of her election. Most people are tired of Trump's antics and childish behavior, and that will drive their vote more than anything else. Trump has lost his razor thin margin in the swing states he pulled off last election, and is poised for a landslide electoral college loss and potential loss of the Senate. He has no one to blame but himself. The Republican Party will take years to recover from Trump's presidency. Most people are tired of Trump's antics and childish behavior, and that will drive their vote more than anything else.
You may be entirely correct in all your assumptions/assertions. OTOH, I'm one of those Libertarian leaning Republicans who held his nose and voted for Trump in 2016 because he seems to be the only viable candidate from either party who speaks to the issues most important to me. I've come to despise the elites on the right who mostly are able to "stack the deck" economically while only paying lip service to conservative social policies and ideas about limited government. You know, the "silver spoon set" with Ivy pedigrees, private equity groups, and/or senators for daddies. Sadly, the left has only its countervailing idiots who are truly existential threats to our country who would have us all become neo-serfs in thrall until the whole thing collapses under its own weight. With that said, I wonder how many voters think as I do and will vote for Trump again in 2020 (assuming he's able to run)? Guess we shall find out. Pretty sad choices in any event.
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D. C. Bear said:

BrooksBearLives said:

D. C. Bear said:

BrooksBearLives said:

Canada2017 said:

BrooksBearLives said:

Canada2017 said:


All the Dems have to do is nominate a rational MODERATE to regain the White House.

Don't need to nominate a conservative, dont need to promise to protect the 2nd amendment, our international borders or even our babies .

Just nominate a reasonable, rational MODERATE and the Dems will have it all.

But they can not....will it.

Leftist freaks got the bit in their teeth ...and are determined to run with it.

And THAT is the ultimate lulz.

That's because anything left of "sell us all out for Russian interest" gets dismissed as "communist" by people like you.


Besides remaining in the cozy confines of academia into your early 30's ....( a glorious accomplishment to be sure ) , which of your career experiences qualify you to judge and label people 'like me' ?

Do you have the ability to respond without insulting first?

Say what you want about me, but at least I can do that.

1. You mischaracterize me constantly. You obviously don't know what you're talking about.

And 2. What I do for a living, how old I am, or what I believe about other topics has NO bearing on how the President is abusing his power.

Oh. Now there's a second whistleblower who was in the room for the Ukraine calls.

There's another whistleblower from the IRS as well.

None of your personal insults of me is going to make this go away.

Face it, you sold out for a really bad person. And it's no me you should be angry at.
He may, but probably not to you. You have made insulting others your stock-in-trade so I am unsure why you seem unhappy when they do the same.

Yeah. Thats not true.

But I guess you're not even going to try to respond to the topic at hand?

I mean, I get why you wouldn't.

You're okay with the President using his office for personal enrichment and political gain? You're cool with that?

Yeah, you do. It is an accurate observation that you habitually throw around insults. It's what you do and you are apparently the only one who doesn't recognize it.

I already did respond to "the topic at hand" sometime last week.

I'm not a fan of Trump. Never have liked him, even when he wasn't a politician. Didn't vote for him before, won't vote for him should he be on the ballot again. However, should he be removed from office via impeachment or the ballot box and replaced by a Democrat or another Republican, it, sadly, will not represent the dawning of good government. The level of corruption in government is unlikely to change in any real way. Neither side is interested in corruption unless it gives them political advantage.

It is not true that I ONLY respond with insults. I give them out. But I'm not on here calling people who disagree with me "my enemy." I have my limits.

And the biggest difference is I feel shame when I lose my temper.

But I've gotten nearly nothing but insults to my repeated attempts to engage in good faith debate. Deal with it or don't. I've long since gone past taking your opinion all that seriously. I do think you're pretty smart, so I have hope you'll engage.

And also, this 'nothing will change' is nihilism. Nothing will change until we make it change. The next President is going to have to pass a crap-ton of laws to protect what used to be norms this President has completely torn apart.

Emoluments would be a great start.
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curtpenn said:

TexasScientist said:

The problem for R's is that most realize Trump is a disaster overall, but they are in the untenable position of no practical alternative willing to risk challenging him. They are in damage control mode, and desperately hope to hang on to the Senate. Most don't expect Trump to be re-elected and many hope he will not be re-elected. Trump's only hope is for a razor thin margin again, which is unlikely. Due to his sociopathic narcissistic behavior, he has run off his experienced advisors and replaced them, for the most part, with unqualified obsequious sycophants, who acquiesce to his whimsical methods. That's why his foreign policy is in shambles, and what good he has done for freeing up the economy is at risk with his foreign trade policies. He is his own biggest enemy, and given the D's field of candidates is narrowing down to Warren, Trump will likely be the cause of her election. Most people are tired of Trump's antics and childish behavior, and that will drive their vote more than anything else. Trump has lost his razor thin margin in the swing states he pulled off last election, and is poised for a landslide electoral college loss and potential loss of the Senate. He has no one to blame but himself. The Republican Party will take years to recover from Trump's presidency. Most people are tired of Trump's antics and childish behavior, and that will drive their vote more than anything else.
You may be entirely correct in all your assumptions/assertions. OTOH, I'm one of those Libertarian leaning Republicans who held his nose and voted for Trump in 2016 because he seems to be the only viable candidate from either party who speaks to the issues most important to me. I've come to despise the elites on the right who mostly are able to "stack the deck" economically while only paying lip service to conservative social policies and ideas about limited government. You know, the "silver spoon set" with Ivy pedigrees, private equity groups, and/or senators for daddies. Sadly, the left has only its countervailing idiots who are truly existential threats to our country who would have us all become neo-serfs in thrall until the whole thing collapses under its own weight. With that said, I wonder how many voters think as I do and will vote for Trump again in 2020 (assuming he's able to run)? Guess we shall find out. Pretty sad choices in any event.
So if this is how you feel, why not vote 3rd party?

What's your thoughts on State Republican Parties shutting down their Presidential Primaries? I don't know that I would vote for Weld or Kasich. But I'd sincerely consider it.
D. C. Bear
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BrooksBearLives said:

D. C. Bear said:

BrooksBearLives said:

D. C. Bear said:

BrooksBearLives said:

Canada2017 said:

BrooksBearLives said:

Canada2017 said:


All the Dems have to do is nominate a rational MODERATE to regain the White House.

Don't need to nominate a conservative, dont need to promise to protect the 2nd amendment, our international borders or even our babies .

Just nominate a reasonable, rational MODERATE and the Dems will have it all.

But they can not....will it.

Leftist freaks got the bit in their teeth ...and are determined to run with it.

And THAT is the ultimate lulz.

That's because anything left of "sell us all out for Russian interest" gets dismissed as "communist" by people like you.


Besides remaining in the cozy confines of academia into your early 30's ....( a glorious accomplishment to be sure ) , which of your career experiences qualify you to judge and label people 'like me' ?

Do you have the ability to respond without insulting first?

Say what you want about me, but at least I can do that.

1. You mischaracterize me constantly. You obviously don't know what you're talking about.

And 2. What I do for a living, how old I am, or what I believe about other topics has NO bearing on how the President is abusing his power.

Oh. Now there's a second whistleblower who was in the room for the Ukraine calls.

There's another whistleblower from the IRS as well.

None of your personal insults of me is going to make this go away.

Face it, you sold out for a really bad person. And it's no me you should be angry at.
He may, but probably not to you. You have made insulting others your stock-in-trade so I am unsure why you seem unhappy when they do the same.

Yeah. Thats not true.

But I guess you're not even going to try to respond to the topic at hand?

I mean, I get why you wouldn't.

You're okay with the President using his office for personal enrichment and political gain? You're cool with that?

Yeah, you do. It is an accurate observation that you habitually throw around insults. It's what you do and you are apparently the only one who doesn't recognize it.

I already did respond to "the topic at hand" sometime last week.

I'm not a fan of Trump. Never have liked him, even when he wasn't a politician. Didn't vote for him before, won't vote for him should he be on the ballot again. However, should he be removed from office via impeachment or the ballot box and replaced by a Democrat or another Republican, it, sadly, will not represent the dawning of good government. The level of corruption in government is unlikely to change in any real way. Neither side is interested in corruption unless it gives them political advantage.

It is not true that I ONLY respond with insults. I give them out. But I'm not on here calling people who disagree with me "my enemy." I have my limits.

And the biggest difference is I feel shame when I lose my temper.

But I've gotten nearly nothing but insults to my repeated attempts to engage in good faith debate. Deal with it or don't. I've long since gone past taking your opinion all that seriously. I do think you're pretty smart, so I have hope you'll engage.

And also, this 'nothing will change' is nihilism. Nothing will change until we make it change. The next President is going to have to pass a crap-ton of laws to protect what used to be norms this President has completely torn apart.

Emoluments would be a great start.

I didn't say you "only" insult people. I said you do it a lot. You do. If you feel bad when you lose your temper and insult people, then don't do it. It isn't that hard. Don't hit submit.

I have engaged. Many pages ago. Your thread title is you wondering when "Republicans" will figure out that they should think like you do about Trumpthat he isn't good at this. Setting aside the fact that a lot of Republicans really don't like Trump on a variety of levels, and already don't think he's "good at this," I have explained why I think Trump's supporters don't care about the things you care about. You may not like my explanation, but don't pretend that did not "engage" on the topic at hand. You don't take my opinion seriously because it is not your opinion. If I agreed with your opinion, you would take it seriously. I would also note that I am not calling anyone "my enemy."

Whether "nothing will change" is nihilism or realism, it is not nihilism on the part of Trump's supporters to support him. They consider the alternatives to be an existential threat and believe that it matters a lot whether that threat comes to pass.

Your "repeated attempts to engage in good faith debate" come on the heels of your habitual tendency to hurl insults and curses at those with whom you disagree. What exactly are you expecting to happen? Do you think they are going to rise up and call you blessed?
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D. C. Bear said:

BrooksBearLives said:

D. C. Bear said:

BrooksBearLives said:

D. C. Bear said:

BrooksBearLives said:

Canada2017 said:

BrooksBearLives said:

Canada2017 said:


All the Dems have to do is nominate a rational MODERATE to regain the White House.

Don't need to nominate a conservative, dont need to promise to protect the 2nd amendment, our international borders or even our babies .

Just nominate a reasonable, rational MODERATE and the Dems will have it all.

But they can not....will it.

Leftist freaks got the bit in their teeth ...and are determined to run with it.

And THAT is the ultimate lulz.

That's because anything left of "sell us all out for Russian interest" gets dismissed as "communist" by people like you.


Besides remaining in the cozy confines of academia into your early 30's ....( a glorious accomplishment to be sure ) , which of your career experiences qualify you to judge and label people 'like me' ?

Do you have the ability to respond without insulting first?

Say what you want about me, but at least I can do that.

1. You mischaracterize me constantly. You obviously don't know what you're talking about.

And 2. What I do for a living, how old I am, or what I believe about other topics has NO bearing on how the President is abusing his power.

Oh. Now there's a second whistleblower who was in the room for the Ukraine calls.

There's another whistleblower from the IRS as well.

None of your personal insults of me is going to make this go away.

Face it, you sold out for a really bad person. And it's no me you should be angry at.
He may, but probably not to you. You have made insulting others your stock-in-trade so I am unsure why you seem unhappy when they do the same.

Yeah. Thats not true.

But I guess you're not even going to try to respond to the topic at hand?

I mean, I get why you wouldn't.

You're okay with the President using his office for personal enrichment and political gain? You're cool with that?

Yeah, you do. It is an accurate observation that you habitually throw around insults. It's what you do and you are apparently the only one who doesn't recognize it.

I already did respond to "the topic at hand" sometime last week.

I'm not a fan of Trump. Never have liked him, even when he wasn't a politician. Didn't vote for him before, won't vote for him should he be on the ballot again. However, should he be removed from office via impeachment or the ballot box and replaced by a Democrat or another Republican, it, sadly, will not represent the dawning of good government. The level of corruption in government is unlikely to change in any real way. Neither side is interested in corruption unless it gives them political advantage.

It is not true that I ONLY respond with insults. I give them out. But I'm not on here calling people who disagree with me "my enemy." I have my limits.

And the biggest difference is I feel shame when I lose my temper.

But I've gotten nearly nothing but insults to my repeated attempts to engage in good faith debate. Deal with it or don't. I've long since gone past taking your opinion all that seriously. I do think you're pretty smart, so I have hope you'll engage.

And also, this 'nothing will change' is nihilism. Nothing will change until we make it change. The next President is going to have to pass a crap-ton of laws to protect what used to be norms this President has completely torn apart.

Emoluments would be a great start.

I didn't say you "only" insult people. I said you do it a lot. You do. If you feel bad when you lose your temper and insult people, then don't do it. It isn't that hard. Don't hit submit.

I have engaged. Many pages ago. Your thread title is you wondering when "Republicans" will figure out that they should think like you do about Trumpthat he isn't good at this. Setting aside the fact that a lot of Republicans really don't like Trump on a variety of levels, and already don't think he's "good at this," I have explained why I think Trump's supporters don't care about the things you care about. You may not like my explanation, but don't pretend that did not "engage" on the topic at hand. You don't take my opinion seriously because it is not your opinion. If I agreed with your opinion, you would take it seriously. I would also note that I am not calling anyone "my enemy."

Whether "nothing will change" is nihilism or realism, it is not nihilism on the part of Trump's supporters to support him. They consider the alternatives to be an existential threat and believe that it matters a lot whether that threat comes to pass.

Your "repeated attempts to engage in good faith debate" come on the heels of your habitual tendency to hurl insults and curses at those with whom you disagree. What exactly are you expecting to happen? Do you think they are going to rise up and call you blessed?
Listen, I'm not your enemy.

And it has been literally days -if not weeks- since I insulted anyone on this thread. Feel free to go check.

In the meantime, you okay with this? Our president is straight ****ing the Kurds right now -all while claiming "great and unmatched wisdom." I want to hear Curt say how any Democrat could be worse than this. This dude wanted to nuke hurricanes. He's lost it and is completely going off the edge.

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BrooksBearLives said:

D. C. Bear said:

BrooksBearLives said:

D. C. Bear said:

BrooksBearLives said:

D. C. Bear said:

BrooksBearLives said:

Canada2017 said:

BrooksBearLives said:

Canada2017 said:


All the Dems have to do is nominate a rational MODERATE to regain the White House.

Don't need to nominate a conservative, dont need to promise to protect the 2nd amendment, our international borders or even our babies .

Just nominate a reasonable, rational MODERATE and the Dems will have it all.

But they can not....will it.

Leftist freaks got the bit in their teeth ...and are determined to run with it.

And THAT is the ultimate lulz.

That's because anything left of "sell us all out for Russian interest" gets dismissed as "communist" by people like you.


Besides remaining in the cozy confines of academia into your early 30's ....( a glorious accomplishment to be sure ) , which of your career experiences qualify you to judge and label people 'like me' ?

Do you have the ability to respond without insulting first?

Say what you want about me, but at least I can do that.

1. You mischaracterize me constantly. You obviously don't know what you're talking about.

And 2. What I do for a living, how old I am, or what I believe about other topics has NO bearing on how the President is abusing his power.

Oh. Now there's a second whistleblower who was in the room for the Ukraine calls.

There's another whistleblower from the IRS as well.

None of your personal insults of me is going to make this go away.

Face it, you sold out for a really bad person. And it's no me you should be angry at.
He may, but probably not to you. You have made insulting others your stock-in-trade so I am unsure why you seem unhappy when they do the same.

Yeah. Thats not true.

But I guess you're not even going to try to respond to the topic at hand?

I mean, I get why you wouldn't.

You're okay with the President using his office for personal enrichment and political gain? You're cool with that?

Yeah, you do. It is an accurate observation that you habitually throw around insults. It's what you do and you are apparently the only one who doesn't recognize it.

I already did respond to "the topic at hand" sometime last week.

I'm not a fan of Trump. Never have liked him, even when he wasn't a politician. Didn't vote for him before, won't vote for him should he be on the ballot again. However, should he be removed from office via impeachment or the ballot box and replaced by a Democrat or another Republican, it, sadly, will not represent the dawning of good government. The level of corruption in government is unlikely to change in any real way. Neither side is interested in corruption unless it gives them political advantage.

It is not true that I ONLY respond with insults. I give them out. But I'm not on here calling people who disagree with me "my enemy." I have my limits.

And the biggest difference is I feel shame when I lose my temper.

But I've gotten nearly nothing but insults to my repeated attempts to engage in good faith debate. Deal with it or don't. I've long since gone past taking your opinion all that seriously. I do think you're pretty smart, so I have hope you'll engage.

And also, this 'nothing will change' is nihilism. Nothing will change until we make it change. The next President is going to have to pass a crap-ton of laws to protect what used to be norms this President has completely torn apart.

Emoluments would be a great start.

I didn't say you "only" insult people. I said you do it a lot. You do. If you feel bad when you lose your temper and insult people, then don't do it. It isn't that hard. Don't hit submit.

I have engaged. Many pages ago. Your thread title is you wondering when "Republicans" will figure out that they should think like you do about Trumpthat he isn't good at this. Setting aside the fact that a lot of Republicans really don't like Trump on a variety of levels, and already don't think he's "good at this," I have explained why I think Trump's supporters don't care about the things you care about. You may not like my explanation, but don't pretend that did not "engage" on the topic at hand. You don't take my opinion seriously because it is not your opinion. If I agreed with your opinion, you would take it seriously. I would also note that I am not calling anyone "my enemy."

Whether "nothing will change" is nihilism or realism, it is not nihilism on the part of Trump's supporters to support him. They consider the alternatives to be an existential threat and believe that it matters a lot whether that threat comes to pass.

Your "repeated attempts to engage in good faith debate" come on the heels of your habitual tendency to hurl insults and curses at those with whom you disagree. What exactly are you expecting to happen? Do you think they are going to rise up and call you blessed?
Listen, I'm not your enemy.

And it has been literally days -if not weeks- since I insulted anyone on this thread. Feel free to go check.

In the meantime, you okay with this? Our president is straight ****ing the Kurds right now -all while claiming "great and unmatched wisdom." I want to hear Curt say how any Democrat could be worse than this. This dude wanted to nuke hurricanes. He's lost it and is completely going off the edge.

Nuke hurricanes? You still touting that? You are desperate...
Salute the Marines - Joe Biden
D. C. Bear
How long do you want to ignore this user?
BrooksBearLives said:

D. C. Bear said:

BrooksBearLives said:

D. C. Bear said:

BrooksBearLives said:

D. C. Bear said:

BrooksBearLives said:

Canada2017 said:

BrooksBearLives said:

Canada2017 said:


All the Dems have to do is nominate a rational MODERATE to regain the White House.

Don't need to nominate a conservative, dont need to promise to protect the 2nd amendment, our international borders or even our babies .

Just nominate a reasonable, rational MODERATE and the Dems will have it all.

But they can not....will it.

Leftist freaks got the bit in their teeth ...and are determined to run with it.

And THAT is the ultimate lulz.

That's because anything left of "sell us all out for Russian interest" gets dismissed as "communist" by people like you.


Besides remaining in the cozy confines of academia into your early 30's ....( a glorious accomplishment to be sure ) , which of your career experiences qualify you to judge and label people 'like me' ?

Do you have the ability to respond without insulting first?

Say what you want about me, but at least I can do that.

1. You mischaracterize me constantly. You obviously don't know what you're talking about.

And 2. What I do for a living, how old I am, or what I believe about other topics has NO bearing on how the President is abusing his power.

Oh. Now there's a second whistleblower who was in the room for the Ukraine calls.

There's another whistleblower from the IRS as well.

None of your personal insults of me is going to make this go away.

Face it, you sold out for a really bad person. And it's no me you should be angry at.
He may, but probably not to you. You have made insulting others your stock-in-trade so I am unsure why you seem unhappy when they do the same.

Yeah. Thats not true.

But I guess you're not even going to try to respond to the topic at hand?

I mean, I get why you wouldn't.

You're okay with the President using his office for personal enrichment and political gain? You're cool with that?

Yeah, you do. It is an accurate observation that you habitually throw around insults. It's what you do and you are apparently the only one who doesn't recognize it.

I already did respond to "the topic at hand" sometime last week.

I'm not a fan of Trump. Never have liked him, even when he wasn't a politician. Didn't vote for him before, won't vote for him should he be on the ballot again. However, should he be removed from office via impeachment or the ballot box and replaced by a Democrat or another Republican, it, sadly, will not represent the dawning of good government. The level of corruption in government is unlikely to change in any real way. Neither side is interested in corruption unless it gives them political advantage.

It is not true that I ONLY respond with insults. I give them out. But I'm not on here calling people who disagree with me "my enemy." I have my limits.

And the biggest difference is I feel shame when I lose my temper.

But I've gotten nearly nothing but insults to my repeated attempts to engage in good faith debate. Deal with it or don't. I've long since gone past taking your opinion all that seriously. I do think you're pretty smart, so I have hope you'll engage.

And also, this 'nothing will change' is nihilism. Nothing will change until we make it change. The next President is going to have to pass a crap-ton of laws to protect what used to be norms this President has completely torn apart.

Emoluments would be a great start.

I didn't say you "only" insult people. I said you do it a lot. You do. If you feel bad when you lose your temper and insult people, then don't do it. It isn't that hard. Don't hit submit.

I have engaged. Many pages ago. Your thread title is you wondering when "Republicans" will figure out that they should think like you do about Trumpthat he isn't good at this. Setting aside the fact that a lot of Republicans really don't like Trump on a variety of levels, and already don't think he's "good at this," I have explained why I think Trump's supporters don't care about the things you care about. You may not like my explanation, but don't pretend that did not "engage" on the topic at hand. You don't take my opinion seriously because it is not your opinion. If I agreed with your opinion, you would take it seriously. I would also note that I am not calling anyone "my enemy."

Whether "nothing will change" is nihilism or realism, it is not nihilism on the part of Trump's supporters to support him. They consider the alternatives to be an existential threat and believe that it matters a lot whether that threat comes to pass.

Your "repeated attempts to engage in good faith debate" come on the heels of your habitual tendency to hurl insults and curses at those with whom you disagree. What exactly are you expecting to happen? Do you think they are going to rise up and call you blessed?
Listen, I'm not your enemy.

And it has been literally days -if not weeks- since I insulted anyone on this thread. Feel free to go check.

In the meantime, you okay with this? Our president is straight ****ing the Kurds right now -all while claiming "great and unmatched wisdom." I want to hear Curt say how any Democrat could be worse than this. This dude wanted to nuke hurricanes. He's lost it and is completely going off the edge.

I didn't say you are my enemy. Why are you saying that?

What does it matter if "it has been literally days -if not weeks- since I insulted anyone on this thread?" You established your reputation long before this thread was made.
How long do you want to ignore this user?
D. C. Bear said:

BrooksBearLives said:

D. C. Bear said:

BrooksBearLives said:

D. C. Bear said:

BrooksBearLives said:

D. C. Bear said:

BrooksBearLives said:

Canada2017 said:

BrooksBearLives said:

Canada2017 said:


All the Dems have to do is nominate a rational MODERATE to regain the White House.

Don't need to nominate a conservative, dont need to promise to protect the 2nd amendment, our international borders or even our babies .

Just nominate a reasonable, rational MODERATE and the Dems will have it all.

But they can not....will it.

Leftist freaks got the bit in their teeth ...and are determined to run with it.

And THAT is the ultimate lulz.

That's because anything left of "sell us all out for Russian interest" gets dismissed as "communist" by people like you.


Besides remaining in the cozy confines of academia into your early 30's ....( a glorious accomplishment to be sure ) , which of your career experiences qualify you to judge and label people 'like me' ?

Do you have the ability to respond without insulting first?

Say what you want about me, but at least I can do that.

1. You mischaracterize me constantly. You obviously don't know what you're talking about.

And 2. What I do for a living, how old I am, or what I believe about other topics has NO bearing on how the President is abusing his power.

Oh. Now there's a second whistleblower who was in the room for the Ukraine calls.

There's another whistleblower from the IRS as well.

None of your personal insults of me is going to make this go away.

Face it, you sold out for a really bad person. And it's no me you should be angry at.
He may, but probably not to you. You have made insulting others your stock-in-trade so I am unsure why you seem unhappy when they do the same.

Yeah. Thats not true.

But I guess you're not even going to try to respond to the topic at hand?

I mean, I get why you wouldn't.

You're okay with the President using his office for personal enrichment and political gain? You're cool with that?

Yeah, you do. It is an accurate observation that you habitually throw around insults. It's what you do and you are apparently the only one who doesn't recognize it.

I already did respond to "the topic at hand" sometime last week.

I'm not a fan of Trump. Never have liked him, even when he wasn't a politician. Didn't vote for him before, won't vote for him should he be on the ballot again. However, should he be removed from office via impeachment or the ballot box and replaced by a Democrat or another Republican, it, sadly, will not represent the dawning of good government. The level of corruption in government is unlikely to change in any real way. Neither side is interested in corruption unless it gives them political advantage.

It is not true that I ONLY respond with insults. I give them out. But I'm not on here calling people who disagree with me "my enemy." I have my limits.

And the biggest difference is I feel shame when I lose my temper.

But I've gotten nearly nothing but insults to my repeated attempts to engage in good faith debate. Deal with it or don't. I've long since gone past taking your opinion all that seriously. I do think you're pretty smart, so I have hope you'll engage.

And also, this 'nothing will change' is nihilism. Nothing will change until we make it change. The next President is going to have to pass a crap-ton of laws to protect what used to be norms this President has completely torn apart.

Emoluments would be a great start.

I didn't say you "only" insult people. I said you do it a lot. You do. If you feel bad when you lose your temper and insult people, then don't do it. It isn't that hard. Don't hit submit.

I have engaged. Many pages ago. Your thread title is you wondering when "Republicans" will figure out that they should think like you do about Trumpthat he isn't good at this. Setting aside the fact that a lot of Republicans really don't like Trump on a variety of levels, and already don't think he's "good at this," I have explained why I think Trump's supporters don't care about the things you care about. You may not like my explanation, but don't pretend that did not "engage" on the topic at hand. You don't take my opinion seriously because it is not your opinion. If I agreed with your opinion, you would take it seriously. I would also note that I am not calling anyone "my enemy."

Whether "nothing will change" is nihilism or realism, it is not nihilism on the part of Trump's supporters to support him. They consider the alternatives to be an existential threat and believe that it matters a lot whether that threat comes to pass.

Your "repeated attempts to engage in good faith debate" come on the heels of your habitual tendency to hurl insults and curses at those with whom you disagree. What exactly are you expecting to happen? Do you think they are going to rise up and call you blessed?
Listen, I'm not your enemy.

And it has been literally days -if not weeks- since I insulted anyone on this thread. Feel free to go check.

In the meantime, you okay with this? Our president is straight ****ing the Kurds right now -all while claiming "great and unmatched wisdom." I want to hear Curt say how any Democrat could be worse than this. This dude wanted to nuke hurricanes. He's lost it and is completely going off the edge.

I didn't say you are my enemy. Why are you saying that?

What does it matter if "it has been literally days -if not weeks- since I insulted anyone on this thread?" You established your reputation long before this thread was made.

Oh. So reputation is all that matters? Good to know.
How long do you want to ignore this user?
fadskier said:

BrooksBearLives said:

D. C. Bear said:

BrooksBearLives said:

D. C. Bear said:

BrooksBearLives said:

D. C. Bear said:

BrooksBearLives said:

Canada2017 said:

BrooksBearLives said:

Canada2017 said:


All the Dems have to do is nominate a rational MODERATE to regain the White House.

Don't need to nominate a conservative, dont need to promise to protect the 2nd amendment, our international borders or even our babies .

Just nominate a reasonable, rational MODERATE and the Dems will have it all.

But they can not....will it.

Leftist freaks got the bit in their teeth ...and are determined to run with it.

And THAT is the ultimate lulz.

That's because anything left of "sell us all out for Russian interest" gets dismissed as "communist" by people like you.


Besides remaining in the cozy confines of academia into your early 30's ....( a glorious accomplishment to be sure ) , which of your career experiences qualify you to judge and label people 'like me' ?

Do you have the ability to respond without insulting first?

Say what you want about me, but at least I can do that.

1. You mischaracterize me constantly. You obviously don't know what you're talking about.

And 2. What I do for a living, how old I am, or what I believe about other topics has NO bearing on how the President is abusing his power.

Oh. Now there's a second whistleblower who was in the room for the Ukraine calls.

There's another whistleblower from the IRS as well.

None of your personal insults of me is going to make this go away.

Face it, you sold out for a really bad person. And it's no me you should be angry at.
He may, but probably not to you. You have made insulting others your stock-in-trade so I am unsure why you seem unhappy when they do the same.

Yeah. Thats not true.

But I guess you're not even going to try to respond to the topic at hand?

I mean, I get why you wouldn't.

You're okay with the President using his office for personal enrichment and political gain? You're cool with that?

Yeah, you do. It is an accurate observation that you habitually throw around insults. It's what you do and you are apparently the only one who doesn't recognize it.

I already did respond to "the topic at hand" sometime last week.

I'm not a fan of Trump. Never have liked him, even when he wasn't a politician. Didn't vote for him before, won't vote for him should he be on the ballot again. However, should he be removed from office via impeachment or the ballot box and replaced by a Democrat or another Republican, it, sadly, will not represent the dawning of good government. The level of corruption in government is unlikely to change in any real way. Neither side is interested in corruption unless it gives them political advantage.

It is not true that I ONLY respond with insults. I give them out. But I'm not on here calling people who disagree with me "my enemy." I have my limits.

And the biggest difference is I feel shame when I lose my temper.

But I've gotten nearly nothing but insults to my repeated attempts to engage in good faith debate. Deal with it or don't. I've long since gone past taking your opinion all that seriously. I do think you're pretty smart, so I have hope you'll engage.

And also, this 'nothing will change' is nihilism. Nothing will change until we make it change. The next President is going to have to pass a crap-ton of laws to protect what used to be norms this President has completely torn apart.

Emoluments would be a great start.

I didn't say you "only" insult people. I said you do it a lot. You do. If you feel bad when you lose your temper and insult people, then don't do it. It isn't that hard. Don't hit submit.

I have engaged. Many pages ago. Your thread title is you wondering when "Republicans" will figure out that they should think like you do about Trumpthat he isn't good at this. Setting aside the fact that a lot of Republicans really don't like Trump on a variety of levels, and already don't think he's "good at this," I have explained why I think Trump's supporters don't care about the things you care about. You may not like my explanation, but don't pretend that did not "engage" on the topic at hand. You don't take my opinion seriously because it is not your opinion. If I agreed with your opinion, you would take it seriously. I would also note that I am not calling anyone "my enemy."

Whether "nothing will change" is nihilism or realism, it is not nihilism on the part of Trump's supporters to support him. They consider the alternatives to be an existential threat and believe that it matters a lot whether that threat comes to pass.

Your "repeated attempts to engage in good faith debate" come on the heels of your habitual tendency to hurl insults and curses at those with whom you disagree. What exactly are you expecting to happen? Do you think they are going to rise up and call you blessed?
Listen, I'm not your enemy.

And it has been literally days -if not weeks- since I insulted anyone on this thread. Feel free to go check.

In the meantime, you okay with this? Our president is straight ****ing the Kurds right now -all while claiming "great and unmatched wisdom." I want to hear Curt say how any Democrat could be worse than this. This dude wanted to nuke hurricanes. He's lost it and is completely going off the edge.

Nuke hurricanes? You still touting that? You are desperate... ABSOLUTELY known for its awesome journalism.

IT WAS IN AN NSC MEMO/minute readout. He asked it MULTIPLE TIMES. EVEN Mick Mulvaney refused to deny it!

It's fact. Our President is a moron.
How long do you want to ignore this user?
BrooksBearLives said:

fadskier said:

BrooksBearLives said:

D. C. Bear said:

BrooksBearLives said:

D. C. Bear said:

BrooksBearLives said:

D. C. Bear said:

BrooksBearLives said:

Canada2017 said:

BrooksBearLives said:

Canada2017 said:


All the Dems have to do is nominate a rational MODERATE to regain the White House.

Don't need to nominate a conservative, dont need to promise to protect the 2nd amendment, our international borders or even our babies .

Just nominate a reasonable, rational MODERATE and the Dems will have it all.

But they can not....will it.

Leftist freaks got the bit in their teeth ...and are determined to run with it.

And THAT is the ultimate lulz.

That's because anything left of "sell us all out for Russian interest" gets dismissed as "communist" by people like you.


Besides remaining in the cozy confines of academia into your early 30's ....( a glorious accomplishment to be sure ) , which of your career experiences qualify you to judge and label people 'like me' ?

Do you have the ability to respond without insulting first?

Say what you want about me, but at least I can do that.

1. You mischaracterize me constantly. You obviously don't know what you're talking about.

And 2. What I do for a living, how old I am, or what I believe about other topics has NO bearing on how the President is abusing his power.

Oh. Now there's a second whistleblower who was in the room for the Ukraine calls.

There's another whistleblower from the IRS as well.

None of your personal insults of me is going to make this go away.

Face it, you sold out for a really bad person. And it's no me you should be angry at.
He may, but probably not to you. You have made insulting others your stock-in-trade so I am unsure why you seem unhappy when they do the same.

Yeah. Thats not true.

But I guess you're not even going to try to respond to the topic at hand?

I mean, I get why you wouldn't.

You're okay with the President using his office for personal enrichment and political gain? You're cool with that?

Yeah, you do. It is an accurate observation that you habitually throw around insults. It's what you do and you are apparently the only one who doesn't recognize it.

I already did respond to "the topic at hand" sometime last week.

I'm not a fan of Trump. Never have liked him, even when he wasn't a politician. Didn't vote for him before, won't vote for him should he be on the ballot again. However, should he be removed from office via impeachment or the ballot box and replaced by a Democrat or another Republican, it, sadly, will not represent the dawning of good government. The level of corruption in government is unlikely to change in any real way. Neither side is interested in corruption unless it gives them political advantage.

It is not true that I ONLY respond with insults. I give them out. But I'm not on here calling people who disagree with me "my enemy." I have my limits.

And the biggest difference is I feel shame when I lose my temper.

But I've gotten nearly nothing but insults to my repeated attempts to engage in good faith debate. Deal with it or don't. I've long since gone past taking your opinion all that seriously. I do think you're pretty smart, so I have hope you'll engage.

And also, this 'nothing will change' is nihilism. Nothing will change until we make it change. The next President is going to have to pass a crap-ton of laws to protect what used to be norms this President has completely torn apart.

Emoluments would be a great start.

I didn't say you "only" insult people. I said you do it a lot. You do. If you feel bad when you lose your temper and insult people, then don't do it. It isn't that hard. Don't hit submit.

I have engaged. Many pages ago. Your thread title is you wondering when "Republicans" will figure out that they should think like you do about Trumpthat he isn't good at this. Setting aside the fact that a lot of Republicans really don't like Trump on a variety of levels, and already don't think he's "good at this," I have explained why I think Trump's supporters don't care about the things you care about. You may not like my explanation, but don't pretend that did not "engage" on the topic at hand. You don't take my opinion seriously because it is not your opinion. If I agreed with your opinion, you would take it seriously. I would also note that I am not calling anyone "my enemy."

Whether "nothing will change" is nihilism or realism, it is not nihilism on the part of Trump's supporters to support him. They consider the alternatives to be an existential threat and believe that it matters a lot whether that threat comes to pass.

Your "repeated attempts to engage in good faith debate" come on the heels of your habitual tendency to hurl insults and curses at those with whom you disagree. What exactly are you expecting to happen? Do you think they are going to rise up and call you blessed?
Listen, I'm not your enemy.

And it has been literally days -if not weeks- since I insulted anyone on this thread. Feel free to go check.

In the meantime, you okay with this? Our president is straight ****ing the Kurds right now -all while claiming "great and unmatched wisdom." I want to hear Curt say how any Democrat could be worse than this. This dude wanted to nuke hurricanes. He's lost it and is completely going off the edge.

Nuke hurricanes? You still touting that? You are desperate... ABSOLUTELY known for its awesome journalism.

IT WAS IN AN NSC MEMO/minute readout. He asked it MULTIPLE TIMES. EVEN Mick Mulvaney refused to deny it!

It's fact. Our President is a moron.
If you can use Axios then I can use hotair.

No one is saying that he didn't say it. Read the article. Take some TDS meds and calm down.
Salute the Marines - Joe Biden
D. C. Bear
How long do you want to ignore this user?
BrooksBearLives said:

D. C. Bear said:

BrooksBearLives said:

D. C. Bear said:

BrooksBearLives said:

D. C. Bear said:

BrooksBearLives said:

D. C. Bear said:

BrooksBearLives said:

Canada2017 said:

BrooksBearLives said:

Canada2017 said:


All the Dems have to do is nominate a rational MODERATE to regain the White House.

Don't need to nominate a conservative, dont need to promise to protect the 2nd amendment, our international borders or even our babies .

Just nominate a reasonable, rational MODERATE and the Dems will have it all.

But they can not....will it.

Leftist freaks got the bit in their teeth ...and are determined to run with it.

And THAT is the ultimate lulz.

That's because anything left of "sell us all out for Russian interest" gets dismissed as "communist" by people like you.


Besides remaining in the cozy confines of academia into your early 30's ....( a glorious accomplishment to be sure ) , which of your career experiences qualify you to judge and label people 'like me' ?

Do you have the ability to respond without insulting first?

Say what you want about me, but at least I can do that.

1. You mischaracterize me constantly. You obviously don't know what you're talking about.

And 2. What I do for a living, how old I am, or what I believe about other topics has NO bearing on how the President is abusing his power.

Oh. Now there's a second whistleblower who was in the room for the Ukraine calls.

There's another whistleblower from the IRS as well.

None of your personal insults of me is going to make this go away.

Face it, you sold out for a really bad person. And it's no me you should be angry at.
He may, but probably not to you. You have made insulting others your stock-in-trade so I am unsure why you seem unhappy when they do the same.

Yeah. Thats not true.

But I guess you're not even going to try to respond to the topic at hand?

I mean, I get why you wouldn't.

You're okay with the President using his office for personal enrichment and political gain? You're cool with that?

Yeah, you do. It is an accurate observation that you habitually throw around insults. It's what you do and you are apparently the only one who doesn't recognize it.

I already did respond to "the topic at hand" sometime last week.

I'm not a fan of Trump. Never have liked him, even when he wasn't a politician. Didn't vote for him before, won't vote for him should he be on the ballot again. However, should he be removed from office via impeachment or the ballot box and replaced by a Democrat or another Republican, it, sadly, will not represent the dawning of good government. The level of corruption in government is unlikely to change in any real way. Neither side is interested in corruption unless it gives them political advantage.

It is not true that I ONLY respond with insults. I give them out. But I'm not on here calling people who disagree with me "my enemy." I have my limits.

And the biggest difference is I feel shame when I lose my temper.

But I've gotten nearly nothing but insults to my repeated attempts to engage in good faith debate. Deal with it or don't. I've long since gone past taking your opinion all that seriously. I do think you're pretty smart, so I have hope you'll engage.

And also, this 'nothing will change' is nihilism. Nothing will change until we make it change. The next President is going to have to pass a crap-ton of laws to protect what used to be norms this President has completely torn apart.

Emoluments would be a great start.

I didn't say you "only" insult people. I said you do it a lot. You do. If you feel bad when you lose your temper and insult people, then don't do it. It isn't that hard. Don't hit submit.

I have engaged. Many pages ago. Your thread title is you wondering when "Republicans" will figure out that they should think like you do about Trumpthat he isn't good at this. Setting aside the fact that a lot of Republicans really don't like Trump on a variety of levels, and already don't think he's "good at this," I have explained why I think Trump's supporters don't care about the things you care about. You may not like my explanation, but don't pretend that did not "engage" on the topic at hand. You don't take my opinion seriously because it is not your opinion. If I agreed with your opinion, you would take it seriously. I would also note that I am not calling anyone "my enemy."

Whether "nothing will change" is nihilism or realism, it is not nihilism on the part of Trump's supporters to support him. They consider the alternatives to be an existential threat and believe that it matters a lot whether that threat comes to pass.

Your "repeated attempts to engage in good faith debate" come on the heels of your habitual tendency to hurl insults and curses at those with whom you disagree. What exactly are you expecting to happen? Do you think they are going to rise up and call you blessed?
Listen, I'm not your enemy.

And it has been literally days -if not weeks- since I insulted anyone on this thread. Feel free to go check.

In the meantime, you okay with this? Our president is straight ****ing the Kurds right now -all while claiming "great and unmatched wisdom." I want to hear Curt say how any Democrat could be worse than this. This dude wanted to nuke hurricanes. He's lost it and is completely going off the edge.

I didn't say you are my enemy. Why are you saying that?

What does it matter if "it has been literally days -if not weeks- since I insulted anyone on this thread?" You established your reputation long before this thread was made.

Oh. So reputation is all that matters? Good to know.
All that matters? Didn't say that. You seem to think it doesn't matter at all. I asked why you expect that you won't be getting a lot of insults when you have made it part of your persona on here to hurl insults and curses at others. You've said that you "feel shame" when you lose your temper, so you clearly have some level of awareness and consider it to be a problem. You also say that you are engaging in "good faith" debate, but you seem to be saying that I have said you are my enemy. I haven't, and it doesn't appear to be "good faith debate" for you to make that claim.
How long do you want to ignore this user?
fadskier said:

BrooksBearLives said:

fadskier said:

BrooksBearLives said:

D. C. Bear said:

BrooksBearLives said:

D. C. Bear said:

BrooksBearLives said:

D. C. Bear said:

BrooksBearLives said:

Canada2017 said:

BrooksBearLives said:

Canada2017 said:


All the Dems have to do is nominate a rational MODERATE to regain the White House.

Don't need to nominate a conservative, dont need to promise to protect the 2nd amendment, our international borders or even our babies .

Just nominate a reasonable, rational MODERATE and the Dems will have it all.

But they can not....will it.

Leftist freaks got the bit in their teeth ...and are determined to run with it.

And THAT is the ultimate lulz.

That's because anything left of "sell us all out for Russian interest" gets dismissed as "communist" by people like you.


Besides remaining in the cozy confines of academia into your early 30's ....( a glorious accomplishment to be sure ) , which of your career experiences qualify you to judge and label people 'like me' ?

Do you have the ability to respond without insulting first?

Say what you want about me, but at least I can do that.

1. You mischaracterize me constantly. You obviously don't know what you're talking about.

And 2. What I do for a living, how old I am, or what I believe about other topics has NO bearing on how the President is abusing his power.

Oh. Now there's a second whistleblower who was in the room for the Ukraine calls.

There's another whistleblower from the IRS as well.

None of your personal insults of me is going to make this go away.

Face it, you sold out for a really bad person. And it's no me you should be angry at.
He may, but probably not to you. You have made insulting others your stock-in-trade so I am unsure why you seem unhappy when they do the same.

Yeah. Thats not true.

But I guess you're not even going to try to respond to the topic at hand?

I mean, I get why you wouldn't.

You're okay with the President using his office for personal enrichment and political gain? You're cool with that?

Yeah, you do. It is an accurate observation that you habitually throw around insults. It's what you do and you are apparently the only one who doesn't recognize it.

I already did respond to "the topic at hand" sometime last week.

I'm not a fan of Trump. Never have liked him, even when he wasn't a politician. Didn't vote for him before, won't vote for him should he be on the ballot again. However, should he be removed from office via impeachment or the ballot box and replaced by a Democrat or another Republican, it, sadly, will not represent the dawning of good government. The level of corruption in government is unlikely to change in any real way. Neither side is interested in corruption unless it gives them political advantage.

It is not true that I ONLY respond with insults. I give them out. But I'm not on here calling people who disagree with me "my enemy." I have my limits.

And the biggest difference is I feel shame when I lose my temper.

But I've gotten nearly nothing but insults to my repeated attempts to engage in good faith debate. Deal with it or don't. I've long since gone past taking your opinion all that seriously. I do think you're pretty smart, so I have hope you'll engage.

And also, this 'nothing will change' is nihilism. Nothing will change until we make it change. The next President is going to have to pass a crap-ton of laws to protect what used to be norms this President has completely torn apart.

Emoluments would be a great start.

I didn't say you "only" insult people. I said you do it a lot. You do. If you feel bad when you lose your temper and insult people, then don't do it. It isn't that hard. Don't hit submit.

I have engaged. Many pages ago. Your thread title is you wondering when "Republicans" will figure out that they should think like you do about Trumpthat he isn't good at this. Setting aside the fact that a lot of Republicans really don't like Trump on a variety of levels, and already don't think he's "good at this," I have explained why I think Trump's supporters don't care about the things you care about. You may not like my explanation, but don't pretend that did not "engage" on the topic at hand. You don't take my opinion seriously because it is not your opinion. If I agreed with your opinion, you would take it seriously. I would also note that I am not calling anyone "my enemy."

Whether "nothing will change" is nihilism or realism, it is not nihilism on the part of Trump's supporters to support him. They consider the alternatives to be an existential threat and believe that it matters a lot whether that threat comes to pass.

Your "repeated attempts to engage in good faith debate" come on the heels of your habitual tendency to hurl insults and curses at those with whom you disagree. What exactly are you expecting to happen? Do you think they are going to rise up and call you blessed?
Listen, I'm not your enemy.

And it has been literally days -if not weeks- since I insulted anyone on this thread. Feel free to go check.

In the meantime, you okay with this? Our president is straight ****ing the Kurds right now -all while claiming "great and unmatched wisdom." I want to hear Curt say how any Democrat could be worse than this. This dude wanted to nuke hurricanes. He's lost it and is completely going off the edge.

Nuke hurricanes? You still touting that? You are desperate... ABSOLUTELY known for its awesome journalism.

IT WAS IN AN NSC MEMO/minute readout. He asked it MULTIPLE TIMES. EVEN Mick Mulvaney refused to deny it!

It's fact. Our President is a moron.
If you can use Axios then I can use hotair.

No one is saying that he didn't say it. Read the article. Take some TDS meds and calm down.

Actually, HE has said he didn't say it.
And I did read the article. He said it multiple times.

You're okay with someone THAT dumb? He brought It up multiple times. To the point where people in the room respect him so little that they just ignore him.
How long do you want to ignore this user?
Our president probably reminds BBL of himself
How long do you want to ignore this user?
D. C. Bear said:

BrooksBearLives said:

D. C. Bear said:

BrooksBearLives said:

D. C. Bear said:

BrooksBearLives said:

D. C. Bear said:

BrooksBearLives said:

D. C. Bear said:

BrooksBearLives said:

Canada2017 said:

BrooksBearLives said:

Canada2017 said:


All the Dems have to do is nominate a rational MODERATE to regain the White House.

Don't need to nominate a conservative, dont need to promise to protect the 2nd amendment, our international borders or even our babies .

Just nominate a reasonable, rational MODERATE and the Dems will have it all.

But they can not....will it.

Leftist freaks got the bit in their teeth ...and are determined to run with it.

And THAT is the ultimate lulz.

That's because anything left of "sell us all out for Russian interest" gets dismissed as "communist" by people like you.


Besides remaining in the cozy confines of academia into your early 30's ....( a glorious accomplishment to be sure ) , which of your career experiences qualify you to judge and label people 'like me' ?

Do you have the ability to respond without insulting first?

Say what you want about me, but at least I can do that.

1. You mischaracterize me constantly. You obviously don't know what you're talking about.

And 2. What I do for a living, how old I am, or what I believe about other topics has NO bearing on how the President is abusing his power.

Oh. Now there's a second whistleblower who was in the room for the Ukraine calls.

There's another whistleblower from the IRS as well.

None of your personal insults of me is going to make this go away.

Face it, you sold out for a really bad person. And it's no me you should be angry at.
He may, but probably not to you. You have made insulting others your stock-in-trade so I am unsure why you seem unhappy when they do the same.

Yeah. Thats not true.

But I guess you're not even going to try to respond to the topic at hand?

I mean, I get why you wouldn't.

You're okay with the President using his office for personal enrichment and political gain? You're cool with that?

Yeah, you do. It is an accurate observation that you habitually throw around insults. It's what you do and you are apparently the only one who doesn't recognize it.

I already did respond to "the topic at hand" sometime last week.

I'm not a fan of Trump. Never have liked him, even when he wasn't a politician. Didn't vote for him before, won't vote for him should he be on the ballot again. However, should he be removed from office via impeachment or the ballot box and replaced by a Democrat or another Republican, it, sadly, will not represent the dawning of good government. The level of corruption in government is unlikely to change in any real way. Neither side is interested in corruption unless it gives them political advantage.

It is not true that I ONLY respond with insults. I give them out. But I'm not on here calling people who disagree with me "my enemy." I have my limits.

And the biggest difference is I feel shame when I lose my temper.

But I've gotten nearly nothing but insults to my repeated attempts to engage in good faith debate. Deal with it or don't. I've long since gone past taking your opinion all that seriously. I do think you're pretty smart, so I have hope you'll engage.

And also, this 'nothing will change' is nihilism. Nothing will change until we make it change. The next President is going to have to pass a crap-ton of laws to protect what used to be norms this President has completely torn apart.

Emoluments would be a great start.

I didn't say you "only" insult people. I said you do it a lot. You do. If you feel bad when you lose your temper and insult people, then don't do it. It isn't that hard. Don't hit submit.

I have engaged. Many pages ago. Your thread title is you wondering when "Republicans" will figure out that they should think like you do about Trumpthat he isn't good at this. Setting aside the fact that a lot of Republicans really don't like Trump on a variety of levels, and already don't think he's "good at this," I have explained why I think Trump's supporters don't care about the things you care about. You may not like my explanation, but don't pretend that did not "engage" on the topic at hand. You don't take my opinion seriously because it is not your opinion. If I agreed with your opinion, you would take it seriously. I would also note that I am not calling anyone "my enemy."

Whether "nothing will change" is nihilism or realism, it is not nihilism on the part of Trump's supporters to support him. They consider the alternatives to be an existential threat and believe that it matters a lot whether that threat comes to pass.

Your "repeated attempts to engage in good faith debate" come on the heels of your habitual tendency to hurl insults and curses at those with whom you disagree. What exactly are you expecting to happen? Do you think they are going to rise up and call you blessed?
Listen, I'm not your enemy.

And it has been literally days -if not weeks- since I insulted anyone on this thread. Feel free to go check.

In the meantime, you okay with this? Our president is straight ****ing the Kurds right now -all while claiming "great and unmatched wisdom." I want to hear Curt say how any Democrat could be worse than this. This dude wanted to nuke hurricanes. He's lost it and is completely going off the edge.

I didn't say you are my enemy. Why are you saying that?

What does it matter if "it has been literally days -if not weeks- since I insulted anyone on this thread?" You established your reputation long before this thread was made.

Oh. So reputation is all that matters? Good to know.
All that matters? Didn't say that. You seem to think it doesn't matter at all. I asked why you expect that you won't be getting a lot of insults when you have made it part of your persona on here to hurl insults and curses at others. You've said that you "feel shame" when you lose your temper, so you clearly have some level of awareness and consider it to be a problem. You also say that you are engaging in "good faith" debate, but you seem to be saying that I have said you are my enemy. I haven't, and it doesn't appear to be "good faith debate" for you to make that claim.
Hats off to DC Bear for being the voice of reason here and continuing to discuss and very clearly state what others of us less reasonable sorts can only rage against. I was once probably closer to his position but have admittedly given myself over to a more combative attitude. I embrace that you, BBL, and your kind are actually "my enemy" and lament that it has come to this. And yet, lamentations and regrets aside, here we are. As DC points out, those who think like me don't require or expect your agreement, but it shouldn't be that difficult to understand. The ironic thing is, the more either extreme pushes their respective agenda, the greater countervailing force is created in opposition. It works both ways. My solution is to reduce the scope of government reach so as to minimize opportunities for conflict to arise. How about governments limiting themselves primarily to things we can agree upon? Vive ut vivas.
How long do you want to ignore this user?
BrooksBearLives said:

So if this is how you feel, why not vote 3rd party?

What's your thoughts on State Republican Parties shutting down their Presidential Primaries? I don't know that I would vote for Weld or Kasich. But I'd sincerely consider it.
People go around and around on this, but I consider a vote for a certain loser to be the equivalent of voting for the opposition. I did this until well into my '30s when I voted mostly Libertarian and won't go back to that.

Kasich is probably a nice person to have as a neighbor, but he's the type of Episcopalian that has led to the destruction of a once fine denomination (speaking as a confirmed Episcopalian of the AngloCatholic variety). Weld is a pinhead.
How long do you want to ignore this user?
BrooksBearLives said:

fadskier said:

BrooksBearLives said:

fadskier said:

BrooksBearLives said:

D. C. Bear said:

BrooksBearLives said:

D. C. Bear said:

BrooksBearLives said:

D. C. Bear said:

BrooksBearLives said:

Canada2017 said:

BrooksBearLives said:

Canada2017 said:


All the Dems have to do is nominate a rational MODERATE to regain the White House.

Don't need to nominate a conservative, dont need to promise to protect the 2nd amendment, our international borders or even our babies .

Just nominate a reasonable, rational MODERATE and the Dems will have it all.

But they can not....will it.

Leftist freaks got the bit in their teeth ...and are determined to run with it.

And THAT is the ultimate lulz.

That's because anything left of "sell us all out for Russian interest" gets dismissed as "communist" by people like you.


Besides remaining in the cozy confines of academia into your early 30's ....( a glorious accomplishment to be sure ) , which of your career experiences qualify you to judge and label people 'like me' ?

Do you have the ability to respond without insulting first?

Say what you want about me, but at least I can do that.

1. You mischaracterize me constantly. You obviously don't know what you're talking about.

And 2. What I do for a living, how old I am, or what I believe about other topics has NO bearing on how the President is abusing his power.

Oh. Now there's a second whistleblower who was in the room for the Ukraine calls.

There's another whistleblower from the IRS as well.

None of your personal insults of me is going to make this go away.

Face it, you sold out for a really bad person. And it's no me you should be angry at.
He may, but probably not to you. You have made insulting others your stock-in-trade so I am unsure why you seem unhappy when they do the same.

Yeah. Thats not true.

But I guess you're not even going to try to respond to the topic at hand?

I mean, I get why you wouldn't.

You're okay with the President using his office for personal enrichment and political gain? You're cool with that?

Yeah, you do. It is an accurate observation that you habitually throw around insults. It's what you do and you are apparently the only one who doesn't recognize it.

I already did respond to "the topic at hand" sometime last week.

I'm not a fan of Trump. Never have liked him, even when he wasn't a politician. Didn't vote for him before, won't vote for him should he be on the ballot again. However, should he be removed from office via impeachment or the ballot box and replaced by a Democrat or another Republican, it, sadly, will not represent the dawning of good government. The level of corruption in government is unlikely to change in any real way. Neither side is interested in corruption unless it gives them political advantage.

It is not true that I ONLY respond with insults. I give them out. But I'm not on here calling people who disagree with me "my enemy." I have my limits.

And the biggest difference is I feel shame when I lose my temper.

But I've gotten nearly nothing but insults to my repeated attempts to engage in good faith debate. Deal with it or don't. I've long since gone past taking your opinion all that seriously. I do think you're pretty smart, so I have hope you'll engage.

And also, this 'nothing will change' is nihilism. Nothing will change until we make it change. The next President is going to have to pass a crap-ton of laws to protect what used to be norms this President has completely torn apart.

Emoluments would be a great start.

I didn't say you "only" insult people. I said you do it a lot. You do. If you feel bad when you lose your temper and insult people, then don't do it. It isn't that hard. Don't hit submit.

I have engaged. Many pages ago. Your thread title is you wondering when "Republicans" will figure out that they should think like you do about Trumpthat he isn't good at this. Setting aside the fact that a lot of Republicans really don't like Trump on a variety of levels, and already don't think he's "good at this," I have explained why I think Trump's supporters don't care about the things you care about. You may not like my explanation, but don't pretend that did not "engage" on the topic at hand. You don't take my opinion seriously because it is not your opinion. If I agreed with your opinion, you would take it seriously. I would also note that I am not calling anyone "my enemy."

Whether "nothing will change" is nihilism or realism, it is not nihilism on the part of Trump's supporters to support him. They consider the alternatives to be an existential threat and believe that it matters a lot whether that threat comes to pass.

Your "repeated attempts to engage in good faith debate" come on the heels of your habitual tendency to hurl insults and curses at those with whom you disagree. What exactly are you expecting to happen? Do you think they are going to rise up and call you blessed?
Listen, I'm not your enemy.

And it has been literally days -if not weeks- since I insulted anyone on this thread. Feel free to go check.

In the meantime, you okay with this? Our president is straight ****ing the Kurds right now -all while claiming "great and unmatched wisdom." I want to hear Curt say how any Democrat could be worse than this. This dude wanted to nuke hurricanes. He's lost it and is completely going off the edge.

Nuke hurricanes? You still touting that? You are desperate... ABSOLUTELY known for its awesome journalism.

IT WAS IN AN NSC MEMO/minute readout. He asked it MULTIPLE TIMES. EVEN Mick Mulvaney refused to deny it!

It's fact. Our President is a moron.
If you can use Axios then I can use hotair.

No one is saying that he didn't say it. Read the article. Take some TDS meds and calm down.

Actually, HE has said he didn't say it.
And I did read the article. He said it multiple times.

You're okay with someone THAT dumb? He brought It up multiple times. To the point where people in the room respect him so little that they just ignore him.
He said it was fake news that they took him seriously. However, he hasn't been he first president to mention that. It has been looked into and even researched. However, it didn't really bother me. I try not to get upset every time a president opens their mouth. You should try it. You don't have to be upset every single day about every single thing.
Salute the Marines - Joe Biden
How long do you want to ignore this user?
curtpenn said:

D. C. Bear said:

BrooksBearLives said:

D. C. Bear said:

BrooksBearLives said:

D. C. Bear said:

BrooksBearLives said:

D. C. Bear said:

BrooksBearLives said:

D. C. Bear said:

BrooksBearLives said:

Canada2017 said:

BrooksBearLives said:

Canada2017 said:


All the Dems have to do is nominate a rational MODERATE to regain the White House.

Don't need to nominate a conservative, dont need to promise to protect the 2nd amendment, our international borders or even our babies .

Just nominate a reasonable, rational MODERATE and the Dems will have it all.

But they can not....will it.

Leftist freaks got the bit in their teeth ...and are determined to run with it.

And THAT is the ultimate lulz.

That's because anything left of "sell us all out for Russian interest" gets dismissed as "communist" by people like you.


Besides remaining in the cozy confines of academia into your early 30's ....( a glorious accomplishment to be sure ) , which of your career experiences qualify you to judge and label people 'like me' ?

Do you have the ability to respond without insulting first?

Say what you want about me, but at least I can do that.

1. You mischaracterize me constantly. You obviously don't know what you're talking about.

And 2. What I do for a living, how old I am, or what I believe about other topics has NO bearing on how the President is abusing his power.

Oh. Now there's a second whistleblower who was in the room for the Ukraine calls.

There's another whistleblower from the IRS as well.

None of your personal insults of me is going to make this go away.

Face it, you sold out for a really bad person. And it's no me you should be angry at.
He may, but probably not to you. You have made insulting others your stock-in-trade so I am unsure why you seem unhappy when they do the same.

Yeah. Thats not true.

But I guess you're not even going to try to respond to the topic at hand?

I mean, I get why you wouldn't.

You're okay with the President using his office for personal enrichment and political gain? You're cool with that?

Yeah, you do. It is an accurate observation that you habitually throw around insults. It's what you do and you are apparently the only one who doesn't recognize it.

I already did respond to "the topic at hand" sometime last week.

I'm not a fan of Trump. Never have liked him, even when he wasn't a politician. Didn't vote for him before, won't vote for him should he be on the ballot again. However, should he be removed from office via impeachment or the ballot box and replaced by a Democrat or another Republican, it, sadly, will not represent the dawning of good government. The level of corruption in government is unlikely to change in any real way. Neither side is interested in corruption unless it gives them political advantage.

It is not true that I ONLY respond with insults. I give them out. But I'm not on here calling people who disagree with me "my enemy." I have my limits.

And the biggest difference is I feel shame when I lose my temper.

But I've gotten nearly nothing but insults to my repeated attempts to engage in good faith debate. Deal with it or don't. I've long since gone past taking your opinion all that seriously. I do think you're pretty smart, so I have hope you'll engage.

And also, this 'nothing will change' is nihilism. Nothing will change until we make it change. The next President is going to have to pass a crap-ton of laws to protect what used to be norms this President has completely torn apart.

Emoluments would be a great start.

I didn't say you "only" insult people. I said you do it a lot. You do. If you feel bad when you lose your temper and insult people, then don't do it. It isn't that hard. Don't hit submit.

I have engaged. Many pages ago. Your thread title is you wondering when "Republicans" will figure out that they should think like you do about Trumpthat he isn't good at this. Setting aside the fact that a lot of Republicans really don't like Trump on a variety of levels, and already don't think he's "good at this," I have explained why I think Trump's supporters don't care about the things you care about. You may not like my explanation, but don't pretend that did not "engage" on the topic at hand. You don't take my opinion seriously because it is not your opinion. If I agreed with your opinion, you would take it seriously. I would also note that I am not calling anyone "my enemy."

Whether "nothing will change" is nihilism or realism, it is not nihilism on the part of Trump's supporters to support him. They consider the alternatives to be an existential threat and believe that it matters a lot whether that threat comes to pass.

Your "repeated attempts to engage in good faith debate" come on the heels of your habitual tendency to hurl insults and curses at those with whom you disagree. What exactly are you expecting to happen? Do you think they are going to rise up and call you blessed?
Listen, I'm not your enemy.

And it has been literally days -if not weeks- since I insulted anyone on this thread. Feel free to go check.

In the meantime, you okay with this? Our president is straight ****ing the Kurds right now -all while claiming "great and unmatched wisdom." I want to hear Curt say how any Democrat could be worse than this. This dude wanted to nuke hurricanes. He's lost it and is completely going off the edge.

I didn't say you are my enemy. Why are you saying that?

What does it matter if "it has been literally days -if not weeks- since I insulted anyone on this thread?" You established your reputation long before this thread was made.

Oh. So reputation is all that matters? Good to know.
All that matters? Didn't say that. You seem to think it doesn't matter at all. I asked why you expect that you won't be getting a lot of insults when you have made it part of your persona on here to hurl insults and curses at others. You've said that you "feel shame" when you lose your temper, so you clearly have some level of awareness and consider it to be a problem. You also say that you are engaging in "good faith" debate, but you seem to be saying that I have said you are my enemy. I haven't, and it doesn't appear to be "good faith debate" for you to make that claim.
Hats off to DC Bear for being the voice of reason here and continuing to discuss and very clearly state what others of us less reasonable sorts can only rage against. I was once probably closer to his position but have admittedly given myself over to a more combative attitude. I embrace that you, BBL, and your kind are actually "my enemy" and lament that it has come to this. And yet, lamentations and regrets aside, here we are. As DC points out, those who think like me don't require or expect your agreement, but it shouldn't be that difficult to understand. The ironic thing is, the more either extreme pushes their respective agenda, the greater countervailing force is created in opposition. It works both ways. My solution is to reduce the scope of government reach so as to minimize opportunities for conflict to arise. How about governments limiting themselves primarily to things we can agree upon? Vive ut vivas.

Yeah. No difference of opinion makes you my enemy. You're my brother. You need help, I will give what I have to give.

All this crap we're dealing with down here on earth is menial and base. That's why I care about morality and caring for my fellow man. That's what matters. Tax cuts for people who already have too much?

Nah. Don't care about that.
How long do you want to ignore this user?
fadskier said:

BrooksBearLives said:

fadskier said:

BrooksBearLives said:

fadskier said:

BrooksBearLives said:

D. C. Bear said:

BrooksBearLives said:

D. C. Bear said:

BrooksBearLives said:

D. C. Bear said:

BrooksBearLives said:

Canada2017 said:

BrooksBearLives said:

Canada2017 said:


All the Dems have to do is nominate a rational MODERATE to regain the White House.

Don't need to nominate a conservative, dont need to promise to protect the 2nd amendment, our international borders or even our babies .

Just nominate a reasonable, rational MODERATE and the Dems will have it all.

But they can not....will it.

Leftist freaks got the bit in their teeth ...and are determined to run with it.

And THAT is the ultimate lulz.

That's because anything left of "sell us all out for Russian interest" gets dismissed as "communist" by people like you.


Besides remaining in the cozy confines of academia into your early 30's ....( a glorious accomplishment to be sure ) , which of your career experiences qualify you to judge and label people 'like me' ?

Do you have the ability to respond without insulting first?

Say what you want about me, but at least I can do that.

1. You mischaracterize me constantly. You obviously don't know what you're talking about.

And 2. What I do for a living, how old I am, or what I believe about other topics has NO bearing on how the President is abusing his power.

Oh. Now there's a second whistleblower who was in the room for the Ukraine calls.

There's another whistleblower from the IRS as well.

None of your personal insults of me is going to make this go away.

Face it, you sold out for a really bad person. And it's no me you should be angry at.
He may, but probably not to you. You have made insulting others your stock-in-trade so I am unsure why you seem unhappy when they do the same.

Yeah. Thats not true.

But I guess you're not even going to try to respond to the topic at hand?

I mean, I get why you wouldn't.

You're okay with the President using his office for personal enrichment and political gain? You're cool with that?

Yeah, you do. It is an accurate observation that you habitually throw around insults. It's what you do and you are apparently the only one who doesn't recognize it.

I already did respond to "the topic at hand" sometime last week.

I'm not a fan of Trump. Never have liked him, even when he wasn't a politician. Didn't vote for him before, won't vote for him should he be on the ballot again. However, should he be removed from office via impeachment or the ballot box and replaced by a Democrat or another Republican, it, sadly, will not represent the dawning of good government. The level of corruption in government is unlikely to change in any real way. Neither side is interested in corruption unless it gives them political advantage.

It is not true that I ONLY respond with insults. I give them out. But I'm not on here calling people who disagree with me "my enemy." I have my limits.

And the biggest difference is I feel shame when I lose my temper.

But I've gotten nearly nothing but insults to my repeated attempts to engage in good faith debate. Deal with it or don't. I've long since gone past taking your opinion all that seriously. I do think you're pretty smart, so I have hope you'll engage.

And also, this 'nothing will change' is nihilism. Nothing will change until we make it change. The next President is going to have to pass a crap-ton of laws to protect what used to be norms this President has completely torn apart.

Emoluments would be a great start.

I didn't say you "only" insult people. I said you do it a lot. You do. If you feel bad when you lose your temper and insult people, then don't do it. It isn't that hard. Don't hit submit.

I have engaged. Many pages ago. Your thread title is you wondering when "Republicans" will figure out that they should think like you do about Trumpthat he isn't good at this. Setting aside the fact that a lot of Republicans really don't like Trump on a variety of levels, and already don't think he's "good at this," I have explained why I think Trump's supporters don't care about the things you care about. You may not like my explanation, but don't pretend that did not "engage" on the topic at hand. You don't take my opinion seriously because it is not your opinion. If I agreed with your opinion, you would take it seriously. I would also note that I am not calling anyone "my enemy."

Whether "nothing will change" is nihilism or realism, it is not nihilism on the part of Trump's supporters to support him. They consider the alternatives to be an existential threat and believe that it matters a lot whether that threat comes to pass.

Your "repeated attempts to engage in good faith debate" come on the heels of your habitual tendency to hurl insults and curses at those with whom you disagree. What exactly are you expecting to happen? Do you think they are going to rise up and call you blessed?
Listen, I'm not your enemy.

And it has been literally days -if not weeks- since I insulted anyone on this thread. Feel free to go check.

In the meantime, you okay with this? Our president is straight ****ing the Kurds right now -all while claiming "great and unmatched wisdom." I want to hear Curt say how any Democrat could be worse than this. This dude wanted to nuke hurricanes. He's lost it and is completely going off the edge.

Nuke hurricanes? You still touting that? You are desperate... ABSOLUTELY known for its awesome journalism.

IT WAS IN AN NSC MEMO/minute readout. He asked it MULTIPLE TIMES. EVEN Mick Mulvaney refused to deny it!

It's fact. Our President is a moron.
If you can use Axios then I can use hotair.

No one is saying that he didn't say it. Read the article. Take some TDS meds and calm down.

Actually, HE has said he didn't say it.
And I did read the article. He said it multiple times.

You're okay with someone THAT dumb? He brought It up multiple times. To the point where people in the room respect him so little that they just ignore him.
He said it was fake news that they took him seriously. However, he hasn't been he first president to mention that. It has been looked into and even researched. However, it didn't really bother me. I try not to get upset every time a president opens their mouth. You should try it. You don't have to be upset every single day about every single thing.

He flatly denied it.

And I choose to be angry about everything that deserves anger. You've made your bed. I can see why it bothers you that people keep pointing out the inconvenient truth that our President is a philandering, failed businessman, sexual predator, and general weak-minded, pathological liar.

Sorry if I expect more from the office of the President.
How long do you want to ignore this user?
BrooksBearLives said:

fadskier said:

BrooksBearLives said:

fadskier said:

BrooksBearLives said:

fadskier said:

BrooksBearLives said:

D. C. Bear said:

BrooksBearLives said:

D. C. Bear said:

BrooksBearLives said:

D. C. Bear said:

BrooksBearLives said:

Canada2017 said:

BrooksBearLives said:

Canada2017 said:


All the Dems have to do is nominate a rational MODERATE to regain the White House.

Don't need to nominate a conservative, dont need to promise to protect the 2nd amendment, our international borders or even our babies .

Just nominate a reasonable, rational MODERATE and the Dems will have it all.

But they can not....will it.

Leftist freaks got the bit in their teeth ...and are determined to run with it.

And THAT is the ultimate lulz.

That's because anything left of "sell us all out for Russian interest" gets dismissed as "communist" by people like you.


Besides remaining in the cozy confines of academia into your early 30's ....( a glorious accomplishment to be sure ) , which of your career experiences qualify you to judge and label people 'like me' ?

Do you have the ability to respond without insulting first?

Say what you want about me, but at least I can do that.

1. You mischaracterize me constantly. You obviously don't know what you're talking about.

And 2. What I do for a living, how old I am, or what I believe about other topics has NO bearing on how the President is abusing his power.

Oh. Now there's a second whistleblower who was in the room for the Ukraine calls.

There's another whistleblower from the IRS as well.

None of your personal insults of me is going to make this go away.

Face it, you sold out for a really bad person. And it's no me you should be angry at.
He may, but probably not to you. You have made insulting others your stock-in-trade so I am unsure why you seem unhappy when they do the same.

Yeah. Thats not true.

But I guess you're not even going to try to respond to the topic at hand?

I mean, I get why you wouldn't.

You're okay with the President using his office for personal enrichment and political gain? You're cool with that?

Yeah, you do. It is an accurate observation that you habitually throw around insults. It's what you do and you are apparently the only one who doesn't recognize it.

I already did respond to "the topic at hand" sometime last week.

I'm not a fan of Trump. Never have liked him, even when he wasn't a politician. Didn't vote for him before, won't vote for him should he be on the ballot again. However, should he be removed from office via impeachment or the ballot box and replaced by a Democrat or another Republican, it, sadly, will not represent the dawning of good government. The level of corruption in government is unlikely to change in any real way. Neither side is interested in corruption unless it gives them political advantage.

It is not true that I ONLY respond with insults. I give them out. But I'm not on here calling people who disagree with me "my enemy." I have my limits.

And the biggest difference is I feel shame when I lose my temper.

But I've gotten nearly nothing but insults to my repeated attempts to engage in good faith debate. Deal with it or don't. I've long since gone past taking your opinion all that seriously. I do think you're pretty smart, so I have hope you'll engage.

And also, this 'nothing will change' is nihilism. Nothing will change until we make it change. The next President is going to have to pass a crap-ton of laws to protect what used to be norms this President has completely torn apart.

Emoluments would be a great start.

I didn't say you "only" insult people. I said you do it a lot. You do. If you feel bad when you lose your temper and insult people, then don't do it. It isn't that hard. Don't hit submit.

I have engaged. Many pages ago. Your thread title is you wondering when "Republicans" will figure out that they should think like you do about Trumpthat he isn't good at this. Setting aside the fact that a lot of Republicans really don't like Trump on a variety of levels, and already don't think he's "good at this," I have explained why I think Trump's supporters don't care about the things you care about. You may not like my explanation, but don't pretend that did not "engage" on the topic at hand. You don't take my opinion seriously because it is not your opinion. If I agreed with your opinion, you would take it seriously. I would also note that I am not calling anyone "my enemy."

Whether "nothing will change" is nihilism or realism, it is not nihilism on the part of Trump's supporters to support him. They consider the alternatives to be an existential threat and believe that it matters a lot whether that threat comes to pass.

Your "repeated attempts to engage in good faith debate" come on the heels of your habitual tendency to hurl insults and curses at those with whom you disagree. What exactly are you expecting to happen? Do you think they are going to rise up and call you blessed?
Listen, I'm not your enemy.

And it has been literally days -if not weeks- since I insulted anyone on this thread. Feel free to go check.

In the meantime, you okay with this? Our president is straight ****ing the Kurds right now -all while claiming "great and unmatched wisdom." I want to hear Curt say how any Democrat could be worse than this. This dude wanted to nuke hurricanes. He's lost it and is completely going off the edge.

Nuke hurricanes? You still touting that? You are desperate... ABSOLUTELY known for its awesome journalism.

IT WAS IN AN NSC MEMO/minute readout. He asked it MULTIPLE TIMES. EVEN Mick Mulvaney refused to deny it!

It's fact. Our President is a moron.
If you can use Axios then I can use hotair.

No one is saying that he didn't say it. Read the article. Take some TDS meds and calm down.

Actually, HE has said he didn't say it.
And I did read the article. He said it multiple times.

You're okay with someone THAT dumb? He brought It up multiple times. To the point where people in the room respect him so little that they just ignore him.
He said it was fake news that they took him seriously. However, he hasn't been he first president to mention that. It has been looked into and even researched. However, it didn't really bother me. I try not to get upset every time a president opens their mouth. You should try it. You don't have to be upset every single day about every single thing.

He flatly denied it.

And I choose to be angry about everything that deserves anger. You've made your bed. I can see why it bothers you that people keep pointing out the inconvenient truth that our President is a philandering, failed businessman, sexual predator, and general weak-minded, pathological liar.

Sorry if I expect more from the office of the President.
He's not all those things (and you know it) but even if he were, he's still better than HIllary.

Nominate someone better next time.
Salute the Marines - Joe Biden
How long do you want to ignore this user?
and you're angry about this Ukraine thing which is no big deal.
Salute the Marines - Joe Biden
How long do you want to ignore this user?
fadskier said:

BrooksBearLives said:

D. C. Bear said:

BrooksBearLives said:

D. C. Bear said:

BrooksBearLives said:

D. C. Bear said:

BrooksBearLives said:

Canada2017 said:

BrooksBearLives said:

Canada2017 said:


All the Dems have to do is nominate a rational MODERATE to regain the White House.

Don't need to nominate a conservative, dont need to promise to protect the 2nd amendment, our international borders or even our babies .

Just nominate a reasonable, rational MODERATE and the Dems will have it all.

But they can not....will it.

Leftist freaks got the bit in their teeth ...and are determined to run with it.

And THAT is the ultimate lulz.

That's because anything left of "sell us all out for Russian interest" gets dismissed as "communist" by people like you.


Besides remaining in the cozy confines of academia into your early 30's ....( a glorious accomplishment to be sure ) , which of your career experiences qualify you to judge and label people 'like me' ?

Do you have the ability to respond without insulting first?

Say what you want about me, but at least I can do that.

1. You mischaracterize me constantly. You obviously don't know what you're talking about.

And 2. What I do for a living, how old I am, or what I believe about other topics has NO bearing on how the President is abusing his power.

Oh. Now there's a second whistleblower who was in the room for the Ukraine calls.

There's another whistleblower from the IRS as well.

None of your personal insults of me is going to make this go away.

Face it, you sold out for a really bad person. And it's no me you should be angry at.
He may, but probably not to you. You have made insulting others your stock-in-trade so I am unsure why you seem unhappy when they do the same.

Yeah. Thats not true.

But I guess you're not even going to try to respond to the topic at hand?

I mean, I get why you wouldn't.

You're okay with the President using his office for personal enrichment and political gain? You're cool with that?

Yeah, you do. It is an accurate observation that you habitually throw around insults. It's what you do and you are apparently the only one who doesn't recognize it.

I already did respond to "the topic at hand" sometime last week.

I'm not a fan of Trump. Never have liked him, even when he wasn't a politician. Didn't vote for him before, won't vote for him should he be on the ballot again. However, should he be removed from office via impeachment or the ballot box and replaced by a Democrat or another Republican, it, sadly, will not represent the dawning of good government. The level of corruption in government is unlikely to change in any real way. Neither side is interested in corruption unless it gives them political advantage.

It is not true that I ONLY respond with insults. I give them out. But I'm not on here calling people who disagree with me "my enemy." I have my limits.

And the biggest difference is I feel shame when I lose my temper.

But I've gotten nearly nothing but insults to my repeated attempts to engage in good faith debate. Deal with it or don't. I've long since gone past taking your opinion all that seriously. I do think you're pretty smart, so I have hope you'll engage.

And also, this 'nothing will change' is nihilism. Nothing will change until we make it change. The next President is going to have to pass a crap-ton of laws to protect what used to be norms this President has completely torn apart.

Emoluments would be a great start.

I didn't say you "only" insult people. I said you do it a lot. You do. If you feel bad when you lose your temper and insult people, then don't do it. It isn't that hard. Don't hit submit.

I have engaged. Many pages ago. Your thread title is you wondering when "Republicans" will figure out that they should think like you do about Trumpthat he isn't good at this. Setting aside the fact that a lot of Republicans really don't like Trump on a variety of levels, and already don't think he's "good at this," I have explained why I think Trump's supporters don't care about the things you care about. You may not like my explanation, but don't pretend that did not "engage" on the topic at hand. You don't take my opinion seriously because it is not your opinion. If I agreed with your opinion, you would take it seriously. I would also note that I am not calling anyone "my enemy."

Whether "nothing will change" is nihilism or realism, it is not nihilism on the part of Trump's supporters to support him. They consider the alternatives to be an existential threat and believe that it matters a lot whether that threat comes to pass.

Your "repeated attempts to engage in good faith debate" come on the heels of your habitual tendency to hurl insults and curses at those with whom you disagree. What exactly are you expecting to happen? Do you think they are going to rise up and call you blessed?
Listen, I'm not your enemy.

And it has been literally days -if not weeks- since I insulted anyone on this thread. Feel free to go check.

In the meantime, you okay with this? Our president is straight ****ing the Kurds right now -all while claiming "great and unmatched wisdom." I want to hear Curt say how any Democrat could be worse than this. This dude wanted to nuke hurricanes. He's lost it and is completely going off the edge.

Nuke hurricanes? You still touting that? You are desperate...
Why not? As your link notes it happened, despite Trump tweeting that the story was fake news. It wasn't. Trump was just lying again.
“Life, liberty, and property do not exist because men have made laws. On the contrary, it was the fact that life, liberty, and property existed beforehand that caused men to make laws in the first place.” (The Law, p.6) Frederic Bastiat
How long do you want to ignore this user?
fadskier said:

and you're angry about this Ukraine thing which is no big deal.
Nice country you got there. Be a shame if anything happened to it.
“Life, liberty, and property do not exist because men have made laws. On the contrary, it was the fact that life, liberty, and property existed beforehand that caused men to make laws in the first place.” (The Law, p.6) Frederic Bastiat
How long do you want to ignore this user?
The GOP has no backbone and no moral compass.
Dt tried to bribe a foreign country. His words not mine or Ds "Do me a favor though." You cannot dodge around his own words. It ain't "perfect." It's guilty
How long do you want to ignore this user?
BrooksBearLives said:

curtpenn said:

D. C. Bear said:

BrooksBearLives said:

D. C. Bear said:

BrooksBearLives said:

D. C. Bear said:

BrooksBearLives said:

D. C. Bear said:

BrooksBearLives said:

D. C. Bear said:

BrooksBearLives said:

Canada2017 said:

BrooksBearLives said:

Canada2017 said:


All the Dems have to do is nominate a rational MODERATE to regain the White House.

Don't need to nominate a conservative, dont need to promise to protect the 2nd amendment, our international borders or even our babies .

Just nominate a reasonable, rational MODERATE and the Dems will have it all.

But they can not....will it.

Leftist freaks got the bit in their teeth ...and are determined to run with it.

And THAT is the ultimate lulz.

That's because anything left of "sell us all out for Russian interest" gets dismissed as "communist" by people like you.


Besides remaining in the cozy confines of academia into your early 30's ....( a glorious accomplishment to be sure ) , which of your career experiences qualify you to judge and label people 'like me' ?

Do you have the ability to respond without insulting first?

Say what you want about me, but at least I can do that.

1. You mischaracterize me constantly. You obviously don't know what you're talking about.

And 2. What I do for a living, how old I am, or what I believe about other topics has NO bearing on how the President is abusing his power.

Oh. Now there's a second whistleblower who was in the room for the Ukraine calls.

There's another whistleblower from the IRS as well.

None of your personal insults of me is going to make this go away.

Face it, you sold out for a really bad person. And it's no me you should be angry at.
He may, but probably not to you. You have made insulting others your stock-in-trade so I am unsure why you seem unhappy when they do the same.

Yeah. Thats not true.

But I guess you're not even going to try to respond to the topic at hand?

I mean, I get why you wouldn't.

You're okay with the President using his office for personal enrichment and political gain? You're cool with that?

Yeah, you do. It is an accurate observation that you habitually throw around insults. It's what you do and you are apparently the only one who doesn't recognize it.

I already did respond to "the topic at hand" sometime last week.

I'm not a fan of Trump. Never have liked him, even when he wasn't a politician. Didn't vote for him before, won't vote for him should he be on the ballot again. However, should he be removed from office via impeachment or the ballot box and replaced by a Democrat or another Republican, it, sadly, will not represent the dawning of good government. The level of corruption in government is unlikely to change in any real way. Neither side is interested in corruption unless it gives them political advantage.

It is not true that I ONLY respond with insults. I give them out. But I'm not on here calling people who disagree with me "my enemy." I have my limits.

And the biggest difference is I feel shame when I lose my temper.

But I've gotten nearly nothing but insults to my repeated attempts to engage in good faith debate. Deal with it or don't. I've long since gone past taking your opinion all that seriously. I do think you're pretty smart, so I have hope you'll engage.

And also, this 'nothing will change' is nihilism. Nothing will change until we make it change. The next President is going to have to pass a crap-ton of laws to protect what used to be norms this President has completely torn apart.

Emoluments would be a great start.

I didn't say you "only" insult people. I said you do it a lot. You do. If you feel bad when you lose your temper and insult people, then don't do it. It isn't that hard. Don't hit submit.

I have engaged. Many pages ago. Your thread title is you wondering when "Republicans" will figure out that they should think like you do about Trumpthat he isn't good at this. Setting aside the fact that a lot of Republicans really don't like Trump on a variety of levels, and already don't think he's "good at this," I have explained why I think Trump's supporters don't care about the things you care about. You may not like my explanation, but don't pretend that did not "engage" on the topic at hand. You don't take my opinion seriously because it is not your opinion. If I agreed with your opinion, you would take it seriously. I would also note that I am not calling anyone "my enemy."

Whether "nothing will change" is nihilism or realism, it is not nihilism on the part of Trump's supporters to support him. They consider the alternatives to be an existential threat and believe that it matters a lot whether that threat comes to pass.

Your "repeated attempts to engage in good faith debate" come on the heels of your habitual tendency to hurl insults and curses at those with whom you disagree. What exactly are you expecting to happen? Do you think they are going to rise up and call you blessed?
Listen, I'm not your enemy.

And it has been literally days -if not weeks- since I insulted anyone on this thread. Feel free to go check.

In the meantime, you okay with this? Our president is straight ****ing the Kurds right now -all while claiming "great and unmatched wisdom." I want to hear Curt say how any Democrat could be worse than this. This dude wanted to nuke hurricanes. He's lost it and is completely going off the edge.

I didn't say you are my enemy. Why are you saying that?

What does it matter if "it has been literally days -if not weeks- since I insulted anyone on this thread?" You established your reputation long before this thread was made.

Oh. So reputation is all that matters? Good to know.
All that matters? Didn't say that. You seem to think it doesn't matter at all. I asked why you expect that you won't be getting a lot of insults when you have made it part of your persona on here to hurl insults and curses at others. You've said that you "feel shame" when you lose your temper, so you clearly have some level of awareness and consider it to be a problem. You also say that you are engaging in "good faith" debate, but you seem to be saying that I have said you are my enemy. I haven't, and it doesn't appear to be "good faith debate" for you to make that claim.
Hats off to DC Bear for being the voice of reason here and continuing to discuss and very clearly state what others of us less reasonable sorts can only rage against. I was once probably closer to his position but have admittedly given myself over to a more combative attitude. I embrace that you, BBL, and your kind are actually "my enemy" and lament that it has come to this. And yet, lamentations and regrets aside, here we are. As DC points out, those who think like me don't require or expect your agreement, but it shouldn't be that difficult to understand. The ironic thing is, the more either extreme pushes their respective agenda, the greater countervailing force is created in opposition. It works both ways. My solution is to reduce the scope of government reach so as to minimize opportunities for conflict to arise. How about governments limiting themselves primarily to things we can agree upon? Vive ut vivas.

Yeah. No difference of opinion makes you my enemy. You're my brother. You need help, I will give what I have to give.

All this crap we're dealing with down here on earth is menial and base. That's why I care about morality and caring for my fellow man. That's what matters. Tax cuts for people who already have too much?

Nah. Don't care about that.
Please understand we are not "brothers" in any meaningful way, and while it may be true that I need help in the sense that I'm a sinner in need of grace, I'm certain there's nothing you can do for me in that regard. I invite you to drop all of your pearl clutching virtue signaling. Perhaps you could consider growing a pair and growing up while you're at it? Focus on being the best you can be, and on giving all of the time, talent, and resources you like to the betterment of others, but leave using the coercive power of governments out of it. You cool with that?
How long do you want to ignore this user?
BrooksBearLives said:

D. C. Bear said:

BrooksBearLives said:

D. C. Bear said:

BrooksBearLives said:

D. C. Bear said:

BrooksBearLives said:

Canada2017 said:

BrooksBearLives said:

Canada2017 said:


All the Dems have to do is nominate a rational MODERATE to regain the White House.

Don't need to nominate a conservative, dont need to promise to protect the 2nd amendment, our international borders or even our babies .

Just nominate a reasonable, rational MODERATE and the Dems will have it all.

But they can not....will it.

Leftist freaks got the bit in their teeth ...and are determined to run with it.

And THAT is the ultimate lulz.

That's because anything left of "sell us all out for Russian interest" gets dismissed as "communist" by people like you.


Besides remaining in the cozy confines of academia into your early 30's ....( a glorious accomplishment to be sure ) , which of your career experiences qualify you to judge and label people 'like me' ?

Do you have the ability to respond without insulting first?

Say what you want about me, but at least I can do that.

1. You mischaracterize me constantly. You obviously don't know what you're talking about.

And 2. What I do for a living, how old I am, or what I believe about other topics has NO bearing on how the President is abusing his power.

Oh. Now there's a second whistleblower who was in the room for the Ukraine calls.

There's another whistleblower from the IRS as well.

None of your personal insults of me is going to make this go away.

Face it, you sold out for a really bad person. And it's no me you should be angry at.
He may, but probably not to you. You have made insulting others your stock-in-trade so I am unsure why you seem unhappy when they do the same.

Yeah. Thats not true.

But I guess you're not even going to try to respond to the topic at hand?

I mean, I get why you wouldn't.

You're okay with the President using his office for personal enrichment and political gain? You're cool with that?

Yeah, you do. It is an accurate observation that you habitually throw around insults. It's what you do and you are apparently the only one who doesn't recognize it.

I already did respond to "the topic at hand" sometime last week.

I'm not a fan of Trump. Never have liked him, even when he wasn't a politician. Didn't vote for him before, won't vote for him should he be on the ballot again. However, should he be removed from office via impeachment or the ballot box and replaced by a Democrat or another Republican, it, sadly, will not represent the dawning of good government. The level of corruption in government is unlikely to change in any real way. Neither side is interested in corruption unless it gives them political advantage.

It is not true that I ONLY respond with insults. I give them out. But I'm not on here calling people who disagree with me "my enemy." I have my limits.

And the biggest difference is I feel shame when I lose my temper.

But I've gotten nearly nothing but insults to my repeated attempts to engage in good faith debate. Deal with it or don't. I've long since gone past taking your opinion all that seriously. I do think you're pretty smart, so I have hope you'll engage.

And also, this 'nothing will change' is nihilism. Nothing will change until we make it change. The next President is going to have to pass a crap-ton of laws to protect what used to be norms this President has completely torn apart.

Emoluments would be a great start.

I didn't say you "only" insult people. I said you do it a lot. You do. If you feel bad when you lose your temper and insult people, then don't do it. It isn't that hard. Don't hit submit.

I have engaged. Many pages ago. Your thread title is you wondering when "Republicans" will figure out that they should think like you do about Trumpthat he isn't good at this. Setting aside the fact that a lot of Republicans really don't like Trump on a variety of levels, and already don't think he's "good at this," I have explained why I think Trump's supporters don't care about the things you care about. You may not like my explanation, but don't pretend that did not "engage" on the topic at hand. You don't take my opinion seriously because it is not your opinion. If I agreed with your opinion, you would take it seriously. I would also note that I am not calling anyone "my enemy."

Whether "nothing will change" is nihilism or realism, it is not nihilism on the part of Trump's supporters to support him. They consider the alternatives to be an existential threat and believe that it matters a lot whether that threat comes to pass.

Your "repeated attempts to engage in good faith debate" come on the heels of your habitual tendency to hurl insults and curses at those with whom you disagree. What exactly are you expecting to happen? Do you think they are going to rise up and call you blessed?
Listen, I'm not your enemy.

And it has been literally days -if not weeks- since I insulted anyone on this thread. Feel free to go check.

In the meantime, you okay with this? Our president is straight ****ing the Kurds right now -all while claiming "great and unmatched wisdom." I want to hear Curt say how any Democrat could be worse than this. This dude wanted to nuke hurricanes. He's lost it and is completely going off the edge.

No, I'm not ok with it. His tweets are cringe-worthy and embarrassing.
How long do you want to ignore this user?
curtpenn said:

BrooksBearLives said:

curtpenn said:

D. C. Bear said:

BrooksBearLives said:

D. C. Bear said:

BrooksBearLives said:

D. C. Bear said:

BrooksBearLives said:

D. C. Bear said:

BrooksBearLives said:

D. C. Bear said:

BrooksBearLives said:

Canada2017 said:

BrooksBearLives said:

Canada2017 said:


All the Dems have to do is nominate a rational MODERATE to regain the White House.

Don't need to nominate a conservative, dont need to promise to protect the 2nd amendment, our international borders or even our babies .

Just nominate a reasonable, rational MODERATE and the Dems will have it all.

But they can not....will it.

Leftist freaks got the bit in their teeth ...and are determined to run with it.

And THAT is the ultimate lulz.

That's because anything left of "sell us all out for Russian interest" gets dismissed as "communist" by people like you.


Besides remaining in the cozy confines of academia into your early 30's ....( a glorious accomplishment to be sure ) , which of your career experiences qualify you to judge and label people 'like me' ?

Do you have the ability to respond without insulting first?

Say what you want about me, but at least I can do that.

1. You mischaracterize me constantly. You obviously don't know what you're talking about.

And 2. What I do for a living, how old I am, or what I believe about other topics has NO bearing on how the President is abusing his power.

Oh. Now there's a second whistleblower who was in the room for the Ukraine calls.

There's another whistleblower from the IRS as well.

None of your personal insults of me is going to make this go away.

Face it, you sold out for a really bad person. And it's no me you should be angry at.
He may, but probably not to you. You have made insulting others your stock-in-trade so I am unsure why you seem unhappy when they do the same.

Yeah. Thats not true.

But I guess you're not even going to try to respond to the topic at hand?

I mean, I get why you wouldn't.

You're okay with the President using his office for personal enrichment and political gain? You're cool with that?

Yeah, you do. It is an accurate observation that you habitually throw around insults. It's what you do and you are apparently the only one who doesn't recognize it.

I already did respond to "the topic at hand" sometime last week.

I'm not a fan of Trump. Never have liked him, even when he wasn't a politician. Didn't vote for him before, won't vote for him should he be on the ballot again. However, should he be removed from office via impeachment or the ballot box and replaced by a Democrat or another Republican, it, sadly, will not represent the dawning of good government. The level of corruption in government is unlikely to change in any real way. Neither side is interested in corruption unless it gives them political advantage.

It is not true that I ONLY respond with insults. I give them out. But I'm not on here calling people who disagree with me "my enemy." I have my limits.

And the biggest difference is I feel shame when I lose my temper.

But I've gotten nearly nothing but insults to my repeated attempts to engage in good faith debate. Deal with it or don't. I've long since gone past taking your opinion all that seriously. I do think you're pretty smart, so I have hope you'll engage.

And also, this 'nothing will change' is nihilism. Nothing will change until we make it change. The next President is going to have to pass a crap-ton of laws to protect what used to be norms this President has completely torn apart.

Emoluments would be a great start.

I didn't say you "only" insult people. I said you do it a lot. You do. If you feel bad when you lose your temper and insult people, then don't do it. It isn't that hard. Don't hit submit.

I have engaged. Many pages ago. Your thread title is you wondering when "Republicans" will figure out that they should think like you do about Trumpthat he isn't good at this. Setting aside the fact that a lot of Republicans really don't like Trump on a variety of levels, and already don't think he's "good at this," I have explained why I think Trump's supporters don't care about the things you care about. You may not like my explanation, but don't pretend that did not "engage" on the topic at hand. You don't take my opinion seriously because it is not your opinion. If I agreed with your opinion, you would take it seriously. I would also note that I am not calling anyone "my enemy."

Whether "nothing will change" is nihilism or realism, it is not nihilism on the part of Trump's supporters to support him. They consider the alternatives to be an existential threat and believe that it matters a lot whether that threat comes to pass.

Your "repeated attempts to engage in good faith debate" come on the heels of your habitual tendency to hurl insults and curses at those with whom you disagree. What exactly are you expecting to happen? Do you think they are going to rise up and call you blessed?
Listen, I'm not your enemy.

And it has been literally days -if not weeks- since I insulted anyone on this thread. Feel free to go check.

In the meantime, you okay with this? Our president is straight ****ing the Kurds right now -all while claiming "great and unmatched wisdom." I want to hear Curt say how any Democrat could be worse than this. This dude wanted to nuke hurricanes. He's lost it and is completely going off the edge.

I didn't say you are my enemy. Why are you saying that?

What does it matter if "it has been literally days -if not weeks- since I insulted anyone on this thread?" You established your reputation long before this thread was made.

Oh. So reputation is all that matters? Good to know.
All that matters? Didn't say that. You seem to think it doesn't matter at all. I asked why you expect that you won't be getting a lot of insults when you have made it part of your persona on here to hurl insults and curses at others. You've said that you "feel shame" when you lose your temper, so you clearly have some level of awareness and consider it to be a problem. You also say that you are engaging in "good faith" debate, but you seem to be saying that I have said you are my enemy. I haven't, and it doesn't appear to be "good faith debate" for you to make that claim.
Hats off to DC Bear for being the voice of reason here and continuing to discuss and very clearly state what others of us less reasonable sorts can only rage against. I was once probably closer to his position but have admittedly given myself over to a more combative attitude. I embrace that you, BBL, and your kind are actually "my enemy" and lament that it has come to this. And yet, lamentations and regrets aside, here we are. As DC points out, those who think like me don't require or expect your agreement, but it shouldn't be that difficult to understand. The ironic thing is, the more either extreme pushes their respective agenda, the greater countervailing force is created in opposition. It works both ways. My solution is to reduce the scope of government reach so as to minimize opportunities for conflict to arise. How about governments limiting themselves primarily to things we can agree upon? Vive ut vivas.

Yeah. No difference of opinion makes you my enemy. You're my brother. You need help, I will give what I have to give.

All this crap we're dealing with down here on earth is menial and base. That's why I care about morality and caring for my fellow man. That's what matters. Tax cuts for people who already have too much?

Nah. Don't care about that.
Please understand we are not "brothers" in any meaningful way, and while it may be true that I need help in the sense that I'm a sinner in need of grace, I'm certain there's nothing you can do for me in that regard. I invite you to drop all of your pearl clutching virtue signaling. Perhaps you could consider growing a pair and growing up while you're at it? Focus on being the best you can be, and on giving all of the time, talent, and resources you like to the betterment of others, but leave using the coercive power of governments out of it. You cool with that?

You got some hatred in your heart man. You need to let it go.

Our country deserves better.
How long do you want to ignore this user?
So. We really ****ed o we the Kurds, today.

How we feeling about that?
How long do you want to ignore this user?

Must be Putin's birthday.
How long do you want to ignore this user?
Transcript reads like the transcript reads. No law violated.

Move on to the next hoax.
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