So... at what point do Republicans realize Trump is bad at this?

113,516 Views | 1438 Replies | Last: 4 yr ago by Florda_mike
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The_barBEARian said:

You dont get it "White man". You are white, therefore you're an entitled scumbag..... lmao

Brooksbear is clearly mentally ill and probably hate America too... just ignore him.

Gets it ^^^
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quash said:

The_barBEARian said:

Yeah... you're saving this country about as much as the iceberg saved the Titanic... but hey if you get another Obama for 2 terms, they can import another 100 million immigrants with no talent or discernable skills and the ****hole transformation will be complete!

Immigrant labor benefits all of us, even the Know Nothings.
Silly assertion, even for a Know Everything.
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BrooksBearLives said:

D. C. Bear said:

BrooksBearLives said:

D. C. Bear said:

BrooksBearLives said:

I had it open and frankly just got confused. I was wrong.

I'm operating on 9 hours of sleep over the last 3 days and am still looking at a mountain of school work/ work-work (I made the mistake of taking yesterday off from school to celebrate my 4 year-old's birthday and my mom traveling to town from the Midwest). Now I'm about to leave again for a consulting trip and I'm out of sorts. I got confused.

Forgive me or don't. Just pretend I'm the President stuffing children into cages. You'll looks right past it.

You are forgiven. Maybe you should not be entertaining yourself posting on here when you have a mountain of school work /work-work and nine hours of sleep in three days.

I will also forgive you for the absurd insults you are tossing my way. Probably a reflection of your stressed and sleep deprived state.

Absurd? You State you don't care about a President's "antics."

You're the insult.

Yes, it is an absurd insult for you to call me a sociopath.

To quote a president from before your time, "there you go again!" Trump gets on Twitter, says all kinds of absurd things, and has all of you, supporters and haters alike, dancing like his marionettes. You are on here tilting at windmills instead of doing your work.

I can read 5 pages in between checking back here. It's motivating. And fun.

And no. It isn't absurd to be upset about Trump. It's absurd NOT to be.

Good people like you and me NOT being angry or scared enough of who he was and the danger he represents is how he got into the White House. I'm not going to be silent at all.

If I'm exhausted, I'll make others exhausted too. Because what I have to deal with is about 1/10000th of the pain of the marginalized most affected by him.

I think you know what a ****bird he is. Now I want you to care.
"Good people like you and me NOT being angry or scared enough of who he was and the danger he represents is how he got into the White House."

Close, but it's more that people like me are scared enough of you and your neo-fascist party and the danger they represent to elect someone as flawed as Trump to the White House. Less idiocracy on the left = no Trump in office. Simple. Any sort of even mildly centrist Democrat could probably be elected, but, no....
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quash said:

The_barBEARian said:

Yeah... you're saving this country about as much as the iceberg saved the Titanic... but hey if you get another Obama for 2 terms, they can import another 100 million immigrants with no talent or discernable skills and the ****hole transformation will be complete!

Illegal Immigrant labor benefits all of us, even the Know Nothings.

^^^ Fixed for the liberaltarian paid troll
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BrooksBearLives said:

fadskier said:

BrooksBearLives said:

fadskier said:

Waco1947 said:

Eric L. Robinson, a former U.S. intelligence official who worked on anti-ISIS strategy at the National Counterterrorism Center, calls the fact that the SDF was forced to seek Assad's protection in Syria a counterintelligence "nightmare." He worried, in a Twitter post this week, that "given years of SDF exposure" to U.S. special-operations forces and intelligence, it would "be forced to give up TTPs [tactics, techniques, and procedures], names, locations, etc. What a coup for the Russian intelligence servicesfive years of history regarding the elite forces of NATO."The Atlantic
I'm curious. If you are all about love, how do you show love to Trump and his supporters? I'm not seeing it anywhere on this board. I'm seeing judgment and negativity.

It was a typo.

And are you serious? Are you REALLY serious? Are you so emotionally unintelligent that you can't discern the difference between our anger at the situation/ you who would try to explain it all away and hatred?

I don't hate the President. I don't hate you. I'm frustrated because he's ruining our nation's standing in the world and making it less safe. I'm angry that he's becoming more and more belligerent and brazen (G-7 at a horrible site, anyone?). And I'm beyond disappointed with you who would excuse ANY action he does despite the evidence to the contrary.

Or do you still think it was a "perfect phone call?"
I don't know the definition of a perfect phone call. I only know that the Trump phone call with Ukraine doesn't bother me because there's nothing wrong with it. But then again, I don't have TDS.

It was Quid Pro Quo. It was the President specifically using the power of the United States to help him win an election. That is the DEFINITION of what the Founding Fathers were against.

If this isn't wrong, then nothing is.

What is your line? Simple question.

What can the President do to lose your support?
It would be difficult for any president to lose my support. I believe that you support the person in office. I voted for Obama the first time and after I figured that we got no hope and no change but rather a president who incited violence against police and stirred racism, you'll not find ONE post of me criticizing him while he was n office.

You see, I'm not sure posting negative things about a president on a Baylor message board accomplishes much.
Salute the Marines - Joe Biden
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BrooksBearLives said:

Aliceinbubbleland said:


A few pages back I asked who you were supporting in the 2020 election but I didn't see a response. Again, who?

I will be supporting whomever has the best bet to beat Trump. I really like Buttigieg (so I read his book this summer). I think warren is Brilliant. I really like Corey Booker's message as well.
Buttigieg supports abortion on demand; believes in human made climate change; wants to eliminate the electoral college; believes in the gender pay gap; wants to federally fund those from "underrepresented groups" for small business; place LGBTQ rights above others...although some of his things I agree with, but...;believes in raiseing the minimum wage; wants DC and Puerto Rico to be able to vote;
Warren - supports abortion on demand; lied continuously about being Indian; wants to force people to go against their religious beliefs; believes in the green new deal; wants to get rid of the electoral college; wants to impose an ultra-millionaires tax; supports medicare for all...can't find one positive thing about her

Basically, when I read about these two and Cory Booker (pretty much the same thing) it's using government for force issues...increasing the size of government...forcing religions people to go against their beliefs...moving the bar from holding people responsible for their choices to the government fixing everything for everybody.

The only thing I found somewhat interesting and that I could support is Buttigieg's heathcare plans.

It seems to be Brooks, that you are more intent on voting against Trump because you don't like his personality, then you are voting FOR something. I almost wished it worked that way, but it doesn't. It's about issues. Take some testosterone and face them.
Salute the Marines - Joe Biden
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fadskier said:

BrooksBearLives said:

fadskier said:

BrooksBearLives said:

fadskier said:

Waco1947 said:

Eric L. Robinson, a former U.S. intelligence official who worked on anti-ISIS strategy at the National Counterterrorism Center, calls the fact that the SDF was forced to seek Assad's protection in Syria a counterintelligence "nightmare." He worried, in a Twitter post this week, that "given years of SDF exposure" to U.S. special-operations forces and intelligence, it would "be forced to give up TTPs [tactics, techniques, and procedures], names, locations, etc. What a coup for the Russian intelligence servicesfive years of history regarding the elite forces of NATO."The Atlantic
I'm curious. If you are all about love, how do you show love to Trump and his supporters? I'm not seeing it anywhere on this board. I'm seeing judgment and negativity.

It was a typo.

And are you serious? Are you REALLY serious? Are you so emotionally unintelligent that you can't discern the difference between our anger at the situation/ you who would try to explain it all away and hatred?

I don't hate the President. I don't hate you. I'm frustrated because he's ruining our nation's standing in the world and making it less safe. I'm angry that he's becoming more and more belligerent and brazen (G-7 at a horrible site, anyone?). And I'm beyond disappointed with you who would excuse ANY action he does despite the evidence to the contrary.

Or do you still think it was a "perfect phone call?"
I don't know the definition of a perfect phone call. I only know that the Trump phone call with Ukraine doesn't bother me because there's nothing wrong with it. But then again, I don't have TDS.

It was Quid Pro Quo. It was the President specifically using the power of the United States to help him win an election. That is the DEFINITION of what the Founding Fathers were against.

If this isn't wrong, then nothing is.

What is your line? Simple question.

What can the President do to lose your support?
It would be difficult for any president to lose my support. I believe that you support the person in office. I voted for Obama the first time and after I figured that we got no hope and no change but rather a president who incited violence against police and stirred racism, you'll not find ONE post of me criticizing him while he was n office.

You see, I'm not sure posting negative things about a president on a Baylor message board accomplishes much.

That's a non-answer. I support the office. Notice I almost always refer to him as The President when referring to his office.

But the office and the man are not the same, especially when the man isn't living up to the oath he took. And Trump is not.

I'll ask again: what is your line for him? What could he do to lose your support?
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curtpenn said:

quash said:

The_barBEARian said:

Yeah... you're saving this country about as much as the iceberg saved the Titanic... but hey if you get another Obama for 2 terms, they can import another 100 million immigrants with no talent or discernable skills and the ****hole transformation will be complete!

Immigrant labor benefits all of us, even the Know Nothings.
Silly assertion, even for a Know Everything.
Not an assertion. See my thread on 14 myths of immigration.
“Life, liberty, and property do not exist because men have made laws. On the contrary, it was the fact that life, liberty, and property existed beforehand that caused men to make laws in the first place.” (The Law, p.6) Frederic Bastiat
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Florda_mike said:

quash said:

The_barBEARian said:

Yeah... you're saving this country about as much as the iceberg saved the Titanic... but hey if you get another Obama for 2 terms, they can import another 100 million immigrants with no talent or discernable skills and the ****hole transformation will be complete!

Illegal Immigrant labor benefits all of us, even the Know Nothings.

^^^ Fixed for the liberaltarian paid troll
Thanks, that is more accurate.
“Life, liberty, and property do not exist because men have made laws. On the contrary, it was the fact that life, liberty, and property existed beforehand that caused men to make laws in the first place.” (The Law, p.6) Frederic Bastiat
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BrooksBearLives said:

fadskier said:

BrooksBearLives said:

fadskier said:

BrooksBearLives said:

fadskier said:

Waco1947 said:

Eric L. Robinson, a former U.S. intelligence official who worked on anti-ISIS strategy at the National Counterterrorism Center, calls the fact that the SDF was forced to seek Assad's protection in Syria a counterintelligence "nightmare." He worried, in a Twitter post this week, that "given years of SDF exposure" to U.S. special-operations forces and intelligence, it would "be forced to give up TTPs [tactics, techniques, and procedures], names, locations, etc. What a coup for the Russian intelligence servicesfive years of history regarding the elite forces of NATO."The Atlantic
I'm curious. If you are all about love, how do you show love to Trump and his supporters? I'm not seeing it anywhere on this board. I'm seeing judgment and negativity.

It was a typo.

And are you serious? Are you REALLY serious? Are you so emotionally unintelligent that you can't discern the difference between our anger at the situation/ you who would try to explain it all away and hatred?

I don't hate the President. I don't hate you. I'm frustrated because he's ruining our nation's standing in the world and making it less safe. I'm angry that he's becoming more and more belligerent and brazen (G-7 at a horrible site, anyone?). And I'm beyond disappointed with you who would excuse ANY action he does despite the evidence to the contrary.

Or do you still think it was a "perfect phone call?"
I don't know the definition of a perfect phone call. I only know that the Trump phone call with Ukraine doesn't bother me because there's nothing wrong with it. But then again, I don't have TDS.

It was Quid Pro Quo. It was the President specifically using the power of the United States to help him win an election. That is the DEFINITION of what the Founding Fathers were against.

If this isn't wrong, then nothing is.

What is your line? Simple question.

What can the President do to lose your support?
It would be difficult for any president to lose my support. I believe that you support the person in office. I voted for Obama the first time and after I figured that we got no hope and no change but rather a president who incited violence against police and stirred racism, you'll not find ONE post of me criticizing him while he was n office.

You see, I'm not sure posting negative things about a president on a Baylor message board accomplishes much.

That's a non-answer. I support the office. Notice I almost always refer to him as The President when referring to his office.

But the office and the man are not the same, especially when the man isn't living up to the oath he took. And Trump is not.

I'll ask again: what is your line for him? What could he do to lose your support?
He hasn't lost it yet. I may not agree with everything he has done, but I'm not going to play hypothetical with you. I do not agree with his decision on the Kurds but I am also not going to pretend that I know more than he.

I wasn't crazy about Kavanaugh because I wanted someone more conservative.

I'm not crazy about the face that we still have the affordable care act.

I like his tax cuts.

I like his stance on immigration.

Maybe you should try picking your battles instead of trying to fight every single thing.
Salute the Marines - Joe Biden
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Blame John McCain for Obamacare still being around. Trump did all he could.
Justin Kates
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BrooksBearLives said:

He's not playing 3-dimensional chess.

He's a simple rich kid who has failed up his entire life.

He's going to ruin the party on his way out.
Bad at what? The left hasnt been able to make made up accusations and plots against him, EVEN with the power of the media. I'd say he's doing just fine, lol.
-Justin Kates
ATL Bear
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BrooksBearLives said:

This isn't an episode of leave it to beaver where Wally learns a lesson about doing his chores.

Our President just sold out our allies and now he's talking about how Turkey needs to "clean things up." People our nation made promises to are dying.


Get out of here.
Turkey is an ally, just FYI. Not sure how you sell out an ally to an ally. You know who's hosting over 3 million refugees from Syria? An ally. You know who likes to attack our ally? Our ally. It's a wicked web.

BTW, you know who's setting up shop in Raqqa now, which was the stronghold of ISIS until Syrian Army and Kurds with US assistance drove them out? The Syrian Army. You know who likes to fight ISIS as much as us? The Syrian Army. The thing that's sticking in most people's craw at State and the Pentagon is that this was a retreat from regime change with Assad. A welcome retreat in my book. Let the crazies do the dirty work. We can monitor from Iraq and Turkey if something is needed with ISIS.
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ATL Bear said:

BrooksBearLives said:

This isn't an episode of leave it to beaver where Wally learns a lesson about doing his chores.

Our President just sold out our allies and now he's talking about how Turkey needs to "clean things up." People our nation made promises to are dying.


Get out of here.
Turkey is an ally, just FYI. Not sure how you sell out an ally to an ally. You know who's hosting over 3 million refugees from Syria? An ally. You know who likes to attack our ally? Our ally. It's a wicked web.

BTW, you know who's setting up shop in Raqqa now, which was the stronghold of ISIS until Syrian Army and Kurds with US assistance drove them out? The Syrian Army. You know who likes to fight ISIS as much as us? The Syrian Army. The thing that's sticking in most people's craw at State and the Pentagon is that this was a retreat from regime change with Assad. A welcome retreat in my book. Let the crazies do the dirty work. We can monitor from Iraq and Turkey if something is needed with ISIS.
Unless ISIS has a terrorist training camp that is ending folks here then nothing else is needed. Including those troops moved from Syria. Bring 'em home.
“Life, liberty, and property do not exist because men have made laws. On the contrary, it was the fact that life, liberty, and property existed beforehand that caused men to make laws in the first place.” (The Law, p.6) Frederic Bastiat
ATL Bear
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quash said:

ATL Bear said:

BrooksBearLives said:

This isn't an episode of leave it to beaver where Wally learns a lesson about doing his chores.

Our President just sold out our allies and now he's talking about how Turkey needs to "clean things up." People our nation made promises to are dying.


Get out of here.
Turkey is an ally, just FYI. Not sure how you sell out an ally to an ally. You know who's hosting over 3 million refugees from Syria? An ally. You know who likes to attack our ally? Our ally. It's a wicked web.

BTW, you know who's setting up shop in Raqqa now, which was the stronghold of ISIS until Syrian Army and Kurds with US assistance drove them out? The Syrian Army. You know who likes to fight ISIS as much as us? The Syrian Army. The thing that's sticking in most people's craw at State and the Pentagon is that this was a retreat from regime change with Assad. A welcome retreat in my book. Let the crazies do the dirty work. We can monitor from Iraq and Turkey if something is needed with ISIS.
Unless ISIS has a terrorist training camp that is ending folks here then nothing else is needed. Including those troops moved from Syria. Bring 'em home.
Don't disagree.
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Wow... you said something sensible! Congrats!
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quash said:

curtpenn said:

quash said:

The_barBEARian said:

Yeah... you're saving this country about as much as the iceberg saved the Titanic... but hey if you get another Obama for 2 terms, they can import another 100 million immigrants with no talent or discernable skills and the ****hole transformation will be complete!

Immigrant labor benefits all of us, even the Know Nothings.
Silly assertion, even for a Know Everything.
Not an assertion. See my thread on 14 myths of immigration.
Don't see much point in posting countless threads countering your threads. One of my key takeaways as a Hankamer grad with an undergrad degree with concentration in Economics and briefly as a grad assistant for Ray Perryman is that if you took all the economists in the world and stacked them end to end, you wouldn't reach a conclusion. The other, to paraphrase Keynes, in the long run we're all dead.
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curtpenn said:

quash said:

curtpenn said:

quash said:

The_barBEARian said:

Yeah... you're saving this country about as much as the iceberg saved the Titanic... but hey if you get another Obama for 2 terms, they can import another 100 million immigrants with no talent or discernable skills and the ****hole transformation will be complete!

Immigrant labor benefits all of us, even the Know Nothings.
Silly assertion, even for a Know Everything.
Not an assertion. See my thread on 14 myths of immigration.
Don't see much point in posting countless threads countering your threads. One of my key takeaways as a Hankamer grad with an undergrad degree with concentration in Economics and briefly as a grad assistant for Ray Perryman is that if you took all the economists in the world and stacked them end to end, you wouldn't reach a conclusion. The other, to paraphrase Keynes, in the long run we're all dead.
Okay, the numbers say illegal immigrants benefit us all. It doesn't take an economist to conclude that immigration reform to improve the flow of labor is a ood thing.

From Cato:

"The wealth produced by immigration is vast and the potential of further liberalizations makes other policy reforms look rather minor by comparison. The median immigrant from a developing country can expect a fourfold increase in their economic output by working here. American capital, security, and freer markets make them that much more productive with virtually all of the gains captured by the U.S. economy. Economist Michael Clemens wrote that even small immigration liberalizations are potentially worth trillions of dollars in economic output as immigrants move from countries where they are unproductive to ones where they have tremendously higher output. He described that wasted opportunity as akin to leaving "trillion-dollar bills on the sidewalk."

After they arrive, immigrant workers, entrepreneurs, and investors increase the productive possibility of the U.S. economy and currently account for about 11 percent of all economic output. Crucially, they do so with very little impact on the wages of native-born American workers. According to the most negative estimate in the peer-reviewed academic literature, immigrants increased native wages by 0.6 percent overall and caused them to fall for high school dropouts by about 1.7 percent from 1990 through 2010. Other estimates find similar overall wage effects for all American workers, but the wages of native high school dropouts rose by 0.6 percent. Immigration is the only policy where pundits argue heatedly over a price difference of 2.3 percentage points for the small number of American workers who are high school dropouts. Not every American worker in every occupation is untouched by immigrant wage competition, but immigration has an overall positive effect on the wages of Americans."
“Life, liberty, and property do not exist because men have made laws. On the contrary, it was the fact that life, liberty, and property existed beforehand that caused men to make laws in the first place.” (The Law, p.6) Frederic Bastiat
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Justin Kates said:

BrooksBearLives said:

He's not playing 3-dimensional chess.

He's a simple rich kid who has failed up his entire life.

He's going to ruin the party on his way out.
Bad at what? The left hasnt been able to make made up accusations and plots against him, EVEN with the power of the media. I'd say he's doing just fine, lol.

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ATL Bear said:

quash said:

ATL Bear said:

BrooksBearLives said:

This isn't an episode of leave it to beaver where Wally learns a lesson about doing his chores.

Our President just sold out our allies and now he's talking about how Turkey needs to "clean things up." People our nation made promises to are dying.


Get out of here.
Turkey is an ally, just FYI. Not sure how you sell out an ally to an ally. You know who's hosting over 3 million refugees from Syria? An ally. You know who likes to attack our ally? Our ally. It's a wicked web.

BTW, you know who's setting up shop in Raqqa now, which was the stronghold of ISIS until Syrian Army and Kurds with US assistance drove them out? The Syrian Army. You know who likes to fight ISIS as much as us? The Syrian Army. The thing that's sticking in most people's craw at State and the Pentagon is that this was a retreat from regime change with Assad. A welcome retreat in my book. Let the crazies do the dirty work. We can monitor from Iraq and Turkey if something is needed with ISIS.
Unless ISIS has a terrorist training camp that is ending folks here then nothing else is needed. Including those troops moved from Syria. Bring 'em home.
Don't disagree.

Don't you get tired of defending Trump's statements one day only to have him turn around and contradict himself?

Those troops aren't coming home. They're going to Iraq.

And then Trump -while complaining about emoluments unintelligibly- announced we were going to go to more wars. (Depends on polling, I guess).
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What about crime created by illegal immigrants? Some illegal immigration is workable... but rampant illegal immigration like we would see if a democrat took power would destroy law and order in this country. Its just common sense, when ppl are poor they are more likely to commit crime, and we have enough poor to deal with in this country. Besides, many of these countries exporting their poor to us need to reform themselves and institute population control!
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The_barBEARian said:

What about crime created by illegal immigrants? Some illegal immigration is workable... but rampant illegal immigration like we would see if a democrat took power would destroy law and order in this country. Its just common sense, when ppl are poor they are more likely to commit crime, and we have enough poor to deal with in this country. Besides, many of these countries exporting their poor to us need to reform themselves and institute population control!

Undocumented people and immigrants commit crime at significantly lower rates than citizens. Once again, the libertarian Cato institute has done some compelling work on this.

And as crime is usually committed within communities, even when there IS crime, it's usually localized to other undocumented persons.
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Crime is cumulative. The more illegal immigrants you let in, the worse the crime statistics will get. We dont have enough decent paying middle class jobs for these people. And frankly one crime is one too many, if one of your immediate family members was victimized by an illegal immigrant I'm sure your attitude would change over night.
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The_barBEARian said:

Crime is cumulative. The more illegal immigrants you let in, the worse the crime statistics will get. We dont have enough decent paying middle class jobs for these people. And frankly one crime is one too many, if one of your immediate family members was victimized by an illegal immigrant I'm sure your attitude would change over night.
The perfect is the enemy of the good.
“Life, liberty, and property do not exist because men have made laws. On the contrary, it was the fact that life, liberty, and property existed beforehand that caused men to make laws in the first place.” (The Law, p.6) Frederic Bastiat
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BBL is a good guy calling out lies and hypocrisy.
85% of self identified GOPes like Trump. How does one rationally question the stupidity of friends and family?
Waco1947 ,la
ATL Bear
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BrooksBearLives said:

ATL Bear said:

quash said:

ATL Bear said:

BrooksBearLives said:

This isn't an episode of leave it to beaver where Wally learns a lesson about doing his chores.

Our President just sold out our allies and now he's talking about how Turkey needs to "clean things up." People our nation made promises to are dying.


Get out of here.
Turkey is an ally, just FYI. Not sure how you sell out an ally to an ally. You know who's hosting over 3 million refugees from Syria? An ally. You know who likes to attack our ally? Our ally. It's a wicked web.

BTW, you know who's setting up shop in Raqqa now, which was the stronghold of ISIS until Syrian Army and Kurds with US assistance drove them out? The Syrian Army. You know who likes to fight ISIS as much as us? The Syrian Army. The thing that's sticking in most people's craw at State and the Pentagon is that this was a retreat from regime change with Assad. A welcome retreat in my book. Let the crazies do the dirty work. We can monitor from Iraq and Turkey if something is needed with ISIS.
Unless ISIS has a terrorist training camp that is ending folks here then nothing else is needed. Including those troops moved from Syria. Bring 'em home.
Don't disagree.

Don't you get tired of defending Trump's statements one day only to have him turn around and contradict himself?

Those troops aren't coming home. They're going to Iraq.

And then Trump -while complaining about emoluments unintelligibly- announced we were going to go to more wars. (Depends on polling, I guess).
I know he'll take more credit than what's due, which isn't unusual for politicians. But I'll take small steps even if someone wants to claim a giant leap.
Sam Lowry
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ATL Bear said:

BrooksBearLives said:

This isn't an episode of leave it to beaver where Wally learns a lesson about doing his chores.

Our President just sold out our allies and now he's talking about how Turkey needs to "clean things up." People our nation made promises to are dying.


Get out of here.
Turkey is an ally, just FYI. Not sure how you sell out an ally to an ally. You know who's hosting over 3 million refugees from Syria? An ally. You know who likes to attack our ally? Our ally. It's a wicked web.

BTW, you know who's setting up shop in Raqqa now, which was the stronghold of ISIS until Syrian Army and Kurds with US assistance drove them out? The Syrian Army. You know who likes to fight ISIS as much as us? The Syrian Army. The thing that's sticking in most people's craw at State and the Pentagon is that this was a retreat from regime change with Assad. A welcome retreat in my book. Let the crazies do the dirty work. We can monitor from Iraq and Turkey if something is needed with ISIS.
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Waco1947 said:

BBL is a good guy calling out lies and hypocrisy.
85% of self identified GOPes like Trump. How does one rationally question the stupidity of friends and family?

Time to night night, dummie

So night night, dummie
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quash said:

curtpenn said:

quash said:

curtpenn said:

quash said:

The_barBEARian said:

Yeah... you're saving this country about as much as the iceberg saved the Titanic... but hey if you get another Obama for 2 terms, they can import another 100 million immigrants with no talent or discernable skills and the ****hole transformation will be complete!

Immigrant labor benefits all of us, even the Know Nothings.
Silly assertion, even for a Know Everything.
Not an assertion. See my thread on 14 myths of immigration.
Don't see much point in posting countless threads countering your threads. One of my key takeaways as a Hankamer grad with an undergrad degree with concentration in Economics and briefly as a grad assistant for Ray Perryman is that if you took all the economists in the world and stacked them end to end, you wouldn't reach a conclusion. The other, to paraphrase Keynes, in the long run we're all dead.
Okay, the numbers say illegal immigrants benefit us all. It doesn't take an economist to conclude that immigration reform to improve the flow of labor is a ood thing.

From Cato:

"The wealth produced by immigration is vast and the potential of further liberalizations makes other policy reforms look rather minor by comparison. The median immigrant from a developing country can expect a fourfold increase in their economic output by working here. American capital, security, and freer markets make them that much more productive with virtually all of the gains captured by the U.S. economy. Economist Michael Clemens wrote that even small immigration liberalizations are potentially worth trillions of dollars in economic output as immigrants move from countries where they are unproductive to ones where they have tremendously higher output. He described that wasted opportunity as akin to leaving "trillion-dollar bills on the sidewalk."

After they arrive, immigrant workers, entrepreneurs, and investors increase the productive possibility of the U.S. economy and currently account for about 11 percent of all economic output. Crucially, they do so with very little impact on the wages of native-born American workers. According to the most negative estimate in the peer-reviewed academic literature, immigrants increased native wages by 0.6 percent overall and caused them to fall for high school dropouts by about 1.7 percent from 1990 through 2010. Other estimates find similar overall wage effects for all American workers, but the wages of native high school dropouts rose by 0.6 percent. Immigration is the only policy where pundits argue heatedly over a price difference of 2.3 percentage points for the small number of American workers who are high school dropouts. Not every American worker in every occupation is untouched by immigrant wage competition, but immigration has an overall positive effect on the wages of Americans."
I don't need questionable conclusions from some think tank when I have decades of personal experience in the hiring and management of workers, the majority of whom were of Hispanic extraction and a serious number of whom had shaky documentation. There's no doubt the ready availability of lower cost workers served as an anchor on the wages of existing workers. Reality check time. Yeah, may have employed an illegal as a nanny for a year, too until she delivered her own anchor baby.
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BrooksBearLives said:

The_barBEARian said:

What about crime created by illegal immigrants? Some illegal immigration is workable... but rampant illegal immigration like we would see if a democrat took power would destroy law and order in this country. Its just common sense, when ppl are poor they are more likely to commit crime, and we have enough poor to deal with in this country. Besides, many of these countries exporting their poor to us need to reform themselves and institute population control!

Undocumented people and immigrants commit crime at significantly lower rates than citizens. Once again, the libertarian Cato institute has done some compelling work on this.

And as crime is usually committed within communities, even when there IS crime, it's usually localized to other undocumented persons.

Cuban with a work visa raped a CSU coed I know when she was only 13 .

Now a single mom of a 7 year old daughter . No charges were ever brought . Apparently the perp left the country .

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Canada2017 said:

BrooksBearLives said:

The_barBEARian said:

What about crime created by illegal immigrants? Some illegal immigration is workable... but rampant illegal immigration like we would see if a democrat took power would destroy law and order in this country. Its just common sense, when ppl are poor they are more likely to commit crime, and we have enough poor to deal with in this country. Besides, many of these countries exporting their poor to us need to reform themselves and institute population control!

Undocumented people and immigrants commit crime at significantly lower rates than citizens. Once again, the libertarian Cato institute has done some compelling work on this.

And as crime is usually committed within communities, even when there IS crime, it's usually localized to other undocumented persons.

Cuban with a work visa raped a CSU coed I know when she was only 13 .

Now a single mom of a 7 year old daughter . No charges were ever brought . Apparently the perp left the country .


Statistically speaking, you are safer among immigrants than you are among citizens. There is no getting around this. The data has been reproduced multiple times.

For every immigrant that does something, there are MORE citizens who do the same thing. You don't have to like it, but if is true.
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curtpenn said:

quash said:

curtpenn said:

quash said:

curtpenn said:

quash said:

The_barBEARian said:

Yeah... you're saving this country about as much as the iceberg saved the Titanic... but hey if you get another Obama for 2 terms, they can import another 100 million immigrants with no talent or discernable skills and the ****hole transformation will be complete!

Immigrant labor benefits all of us, even the Know Nothings.
Silly assertion, even for a Know Everything.
Not an assertion. See my thread on 14 myths of immigration.
Don't see much point in posting countless threads countering your threads. One of my key takeaways as a Hankamer grad with an undergrad degree with concentration in Economics and briefly as a grad assistant for Ray Perryman is that if you took all the economists in the world and stacked them end to end, you wouldn't reach a conclusion. The other, to paraphrase Keynes, in the long run we're all dead.
Okay, the numbers say illegal immigrants benefit us all. It doesn't take an economist to conclude that immigration reform to improve the flow of labor is a ood thing.

From Cato:

"The wealth produced by immigration is vast and the potential of further liberalizations makes other policy reforms look rather minor by comparison. The median immigrant from a developing country can expect a fourfold increase in their economic output by working here. American capital, security, and freer markets make them that much more productive with virtually all of the gains captured by the U.S. economy. Economist Michael Clemens wrote that even small immigration liberalizations are potentially worth trillions of dollars in economic output as immigrants move from countries where they are unproductive to ones where they have tremendously higher output. He described that wasted opportunity as akin to leaving "trillion-dollar bills on the sidewalk."

After they arrive, immigrant workers, entrepreneurs, and investors increase the productive possibility of the U.S. economy and currently account for about 11 percent of all economic output. Crucially, they do so with very little impact on the wages of native-born American workers. According to the most negative estimate in the peer-reviewed academic literature, immigrants increased native wages by 0.6 percent overall and caused them to fall for high school dropouts by about 1.7 percent from 1990 through 2010. Other estimates find similar overall wage effects for all American workers, but the wages of native high school dropouts rose by 0.6 percent. Immigration is the only policy where pundits argue heatedly over a price difference of 2.3 percentage points for the small number of American workers who are high school dropouts. Not every American worker in every occupation is untouched by immigrant wage competition, but immigration has an overall positive effect on the wages of Americans."
I don't need questionable conclusions from some think tank when I have decades of personal experience in the hiring and management of workers, the majority of whom were of Hispanic extraction and a serious number of whom had shaky documentation. There's no doubt the ready availability of lower cost workers served as an anchor on the wages of existing workers. Reality check time. Yeah, may have employed an illegal as a nanny for a year, too until she delivered her own anchor baby.

Translation: "I don't care about what experts say, because I know what I already think."
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ATL Bear said:

BrooksBearLives said:

This isn't an episode of leave it to beaver where Wally learns a lesson about doing his chores.

Our President just sold out our allies and now he's talking about how Turkey needs to "clean things up." People our nation made promises to are dying.


Get out of here.
Turkey is an ally, just FYI. Not sure how you sell out an ally to an ally. You know who's hosting over 3 million refugees from Syria? An ally. You know who likes to attack our ally? Our ally. It's a wicked web.

BTW, you know who's setting up shop in Raqqa now, which was the stronghold of ISIS until Syrian Army and Kurds with US assistance drove them out? The Syrian Army. You know who likes to fight ISIS as much as us? The Syrian Army. The thing that's sticking in most people's craw at State and the Pentagon is that this was a retreat from regime change with Assad. A welcome retreat in my book. Let the crazies do the dirty work. We can monitor from Iraq and Turkey if something is needed with ISIS.

You don't know how you sell out an ally to another ally?

Really? Ever get stuck between two family members? It is absolutely possible to **** over one ally for another.

And that's what we did. You're being a little dualistic.

This take is just trash and COMPLETELY discounts the fact we can no longer trade on our word in the region. Turkey knows they can roll us because Trump is a pushover. Go spend some money at one of his ****ty resorts and flatter him in public and he'll do whatever he wants because he's constantly searching for the love his father would never give him.

Oh. And there's also the genocide being explained away by the supposedly pro-life people.

But even past all that, you keep acting like this isn't destabilizing -it is. And that makes us MORE dangerous. Moving 150ish soldiers completely destabilized the area. 150 soldiers is a GREAT investment.

Ridiculously short-sighted.
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BrooksBearLives said:

Canada2017 said:

BrooksBearLives said:

The_barBEARian said:

What about crime created by illegal immigrants? Some illegal immigration is workable... but rampant illegal immigration like we would see if a democrat took power would destroy law and order in this country. Its just common sense, when ppl are poor they are more likely to commit crime, and we have enough poor to deal with in this country. Besides, many of these countries exporting their poor to us need to reform themselves and institute population control!

Undocumented people and immigrants commit crime at significantly lower rates than citizens. Once again, the libertarian Cato institute has done some compelling work on this.

And as crime is usually committed within communities, even when there IS crime, it's usually localized to other undocumented persons.

Cuban with a work visa raped a CSU coed I know when she was only 13 .

Now a single mom of a 7 year old daughter . No charges were ever brought . Apparently the perp left the country .


Statistically speaking, you are safer among immigrants than you are among citizens. There is no getting around this. The data has been reproduced multiple times.

For every immigrant that does something, there are MORE citizens who do the same thing. You don't have to like it, but if is true.
And what happens to your data if you take out inner city black and hispanic crime out? Since you played the race card last night by saying all white men are entitled... lets look at white crime vs immigrant crime.
Ludwig von Missi
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The_barBEARian said:

Crime is cumulative. The more illegal immigrants you let in, the worse the crime statistics will get. We dont have enough decent paying middle class jobs for these people. And frankly one crime is one too many, if one of your immediate family members was victimized by an illegal immigrant I'm sure your attitude would change over night.
If we are going to disregard crime rates in favor of total crimes, and the goal is to have the lowest number of total crimes possible, shouldn't we just get rid of legal immigration as well? And why not have a cap on the number of babies American citizens can legally have? Fewer people fewer crimes, right?
If the natural tendencies of mankind are so bad that it is not safe to permit people to be free, how is it that the tendencies of these organizers are always good? Do not the legislators and their appointed agents also belong to the human race? Or do they believe that they themselves are made of a finer clay than the rest of mankind?

Frédéric Bastiat
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