So... at what point do Republicans realize Trump is bad at this?

113,978 Views | 1438 Replies | Last: 4 yr ago by Florda_mike
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Jinx 2 said:

quash said:

Jinx 2 said:

quash said:

There are some as think removing Trump would restore the GOP.

Then there are libertarians. My hope is that the GOP's shameless deficit spending combined with its attacks on civil liberties will shift more libertarian votes to Democrats,
Those libertarians who have voted Republican in the past are not going to vote Democratic over spending. A dozen other issues maybe, but that's frying pan to fire stuff right there.
I'm sure you're right. I had a Baylor friend who was a serious libertarian, and he and I drove to A&M to hear Ed Clarke speak when he was running for president. That's my last real substantive exposure to a serious Libertarian candidate.

But here's why I don't get that libertarians often vote with Republicans. Republicans AREN'T small government; they just have different priorities for government spending: defense, "nation building wars" (although the spectacular failure of Iraq has killed that for a whle), walls (which require a LOT of eminent domain, which seems about as anti-libertarian an action as there is), voting restrictions that block voters they don't think will vote for Republicans, educational restrictions on info they don't like (about slavery and sex ed and cliimate science these days), opposition to civil rights for gays, opposition to legailization of marijuana / reducing the criminal consequences of selling or buying drugs (in theory "victimless crimes" since people make a choice to use drugs, although some addiction experts would argue about the term "choice"), etc.

One of my biggest problems with Republicans is that their position on healthcare has precluded any serious discussions of real solutions.

Medicare works pretty well, which is why it has bipartisan support, even from Republican politicians who know they would lose and lose big if they tried (harder than they already are) to kill it.

Medicare's last significant expansion occurred under a REPUBLICAN administration (with the help of a lot of lobbying from big Pharma). There, GOP politicians got a twofer--gave people a benefit they needed (better access to prescription drugs) and also accommodating corporate interests bigtime (the U.S. doesn't negotiate on price).

So I'm trying to figure out why anyone thinks the GOP is the "small government" party.

Especially when one of the platforms they HAVE to stick with, because you can see how many people's support for the GOP is based on this single issue, is the strict regulation of a woman's uterus the instant an egg is fertilized. Are most libertarians male? That's kind of a laugh line, but this is a serous question. How much worse can a regulation be when it's literally up your ___?
"But here's why I don't get that libertarians often vote with Republicans. Republicans AREN'T small government;"

Agree that too many Republicans AREN'T small government. But at least some of us are and I'm guessing I'd be very hard pressed to find much support for limited government from you and yours. No real alternative that I can see based on this issue.

"One of my biggest problems with Republicans is that their position on healthcare has precluded any serious discussions of real solutions."

I don't think either party is willing to have a serious discussion about the actual existential threat represented by unfundable mandates. The root cause is a combination of unfettered demand decoupled from any market forces. Health care must be made to cost less for every good or service. Just sweeping everyone into the same "Medicare for all" pot doesn't do anything to make the total expenditure less. As currently structured, health care delivery is a giant shell game/ponzi scheme with its burden merely being shifted around. The burden must be diminished. Few Rs are willing to go there, but even fewer Ds will address this fundamental truth. As an aside, my almost 90 year-old father was been receiving treatment for lymphoma for almost 4 years now. Thanks to his military and government employment, his out of pocket costs for countless radiation and ongoing chemo treatments and medications have been next to nothing. He was able to retire at 58. Had bypass surgery 3 times in his 60s that cost him almost nothing. Wouldn't surprise me to learn that his total health care costs since retirement even in real dollar terms have exceeded his entire lifetime's earnings. No way this sort of thing is remotely sustainable without serious reductions in compensation to providers.

Think it should be fairly easy to grasp that some of us believe abortion = murder even if you don't agree. Just guessing here, but pretty sure you don't condone murder so shouldn't be that difficult or that much of a stretch to understand under what circumstances even those of us with libertarian leanings are ok with laws regulating behavior.

FWIW, I'm ok with legalizing marijuana and probably most other recreational drugs.
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curtpenn said:

BrooksBearLives said:

By the way, the President just came out and asked two foreign countries to help him win an election. He's just taking the illegal stuff he did behind doors (and said he didn't do) and put it in the open. That's what he does. He does something horrible and then normalizes it when he gets caught.

He's literally trying to make it an unfair election.

Y'all still cool with this?
"Y'all still cool with this?"

Yes. See how easy that was?

You're okay with the President using his office for personal gain?

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And now it's come out that Trump asked China to investigate the Biden's WHO DID NOTHING WRONG.
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BrooksBearLives said:

curtpenn said:

BrooksBearLives said:

By the way, the President just came out and asked two foreign countries to help him win an election. He's just taking the illegal stuff he did behind doors (and said he didn't do) and put it in the open. That's what he does. He does something horrible and then normalizes it when he gets caught.

He's literally trying to make it an unfair election.

Y'all still cool with this?
"Y'all still cool with this?"

Yes. See how easy that was?

You're okay with the President using his office for personal gain?

I'm OK with the President using whatever tools he has at his disposal to overcome the existential threat posed by the left. Cultural suicide is not an option.

FWIW, in an ideal world I'd strongly consider removing ALL elected and appointed bureaucrats, politicians, administrators, judges, etc from office regardless of affiliation who used their positions for personal gain if I had a magic wand that could make it so. How about you?
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BrooksBearLives said:

By the way, the President just came out and asked two foreign countries to help him win an election. He's just taking the illegal stuff he did behind doors (and said he didn't do) and put it in the open. That's what he does. He does something horrible and then normalizes it when he gets caught.

He's literally trying to make it an unfair election.

Y'all still cool with this?

Yup. I'm totally cool with Durham and Barr investigating.
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curtpenn said:

BrooksBearLives said:

curtpenn said:

BrooksBearLives said:

By the way, the President just came out and asked two foreign countries to help him win an election. He's just taking the illegal stuff he did behind doors (and said he didn't do) and put it in the open. That's what he does. He does something horrible and then normalizes it when he gets caught.

He's literally trying to make it an unfair election.

Y'all still cool with this?
"Y'all still cool with this?"

Yes. See how easy that was?

You're okay with the President using his office for personal gain?

I'm OK with the President using whatever tools he has at his disposal to overcome the existential threat posed by the left. Cultural suicide is not an option.

FWIW, in an ideal world I'd strongly consider removing ALL elected and appointed bureaucrats, politicians, administrators, judges, etc from office regardless of affiliation who used their positions for personal gain if I had a magic wand that could make it so. How about you?

So any law can be broken so long as he wins?

You don't care if he gives Russia the green light to mess in our free elections so long as he wins?
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What law? Killary invoked the Russians in 2016. Why do you have such a problem with the truth?
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GrowlTowel said:

What law? Killary invoked the Russians in 2016. Why do you have such a problem with the truth?

First off, no she ****ing didn't.

Secondly, are you SERIOUSLY doubting there were laws broken when Trump strong-armed a foreign government to manufacture dirt on an opponent for election help?

(By the way, Volker produced proof of it today.)
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BrooksBearLives said:

curtpenn said:

BrooksBearLives said:

curtpenn said:

BrooksBearLives said:

By the way, the President just came out and asked two foreign countries to help him win an election. He's just taking the illegal stuff he did behind doors (and said he didn't do) and put it in the open. That's what he does. He does something horrible and then normalizes it when he gets caught.

He's literally trying to make it an unfair election.

Y'all still cool with this?
"Y'all still cool with this?"

Yes. See how easy that was?

You're okay with the President using his office for personal gain?

I'm OK with the President using whatever tools he has at his disposal to overcome the existential threat posed by the left. Cultural suicide is not an option.

FWIW, in an ideal world I'd strongly consider removing ALL elected and appointed bureaucrats, politicians, administrators, judges, etc from office regardless of affiliation who used their positions for personal gain if I had a magic wand that could make it so. How about you?

So any law can be broken so long as he wins?

You don't care if he gives Russia the green light to mess in our free elections so long as he wins?
You already know the their answer to this question.

The irony is, they would undoubtedly HATE congress "using whatever tools [they] have at their disposal to overcome the existential threat posed" by a president breaking the law.
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BrooksBearLives said:

GrowlTowel said:

What law? Killary invoked the Russians in 2016. Why do you have such a problem with the truth?

First off, no she ****ing didn't.

Secondly, are you SERIOUSLY doubting there were laws broken when Trump strong-armed a foreign government to manufacture dirt on an opponent for election help?

(By the way, Volker produced proof of it today.)

She paid for it *****. Bring it.

Why do you cling to the bull*****

Hey, I can cuss too.

Still believe in 17 genders troll?
Your ideas are intriguing to me, and I wish to subscribe to your newsletter.
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BaylorBJM said:

BrooksBearLives said:

curtpenn said:

BrooksBearLives said:

curtpenn said:

BrooksBearLives said:

By the way, the President just came out and asked two foreign countries to help him win an election. He's just taking the illegal stuff he did behind doors (and said he didn't do) and put it in the open. That's what he does. He does something horrible and then normalizes it when he gets caught.

He's literally trying to make it an unfair election.

Y'all still cool with this?
"Y'all still cool with this?"

Yes. See how easy that was?

You're okay with the President using his office for personal gain?

I'm OK with the President using whatever tools he has at his disposal to overcome the existential threat posed by the left. Cultural suicide is not an option.

FWIW, in an ideal world I'd strongly consider removing ALL elected and appointed bureaucrats, politicians, administrators, judges, etc from office regardless of affiliation who used their positions for personal gain if I had a magic wand that could make it so. How about you?

So any law can be broken so long as he wins?

You don't care if he gives Russia the green light to mess in our free elections so long as he wins?
You already know the their answer to this question.

The irony is, they would undoubtedly HATE congress "using whatever tools [they] have at their disposal to overcome the existential threat posed" by a president breaking the law.

Impeachment is a political process. Vote for it or don't. Just vote to start it or not. What is going on now is not impeachment.

You have a disgruntled CIA agent, registered democrat, colluding with the head democrat of the intelligence committee to file a second hand whistleblower complaint as the basis of impeachment.

Wow, no wonder the impeachment process hasn't been voted on yet.
Your ideas are intriguing to me, and I wish to subscribe to your newsletter.
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quash said:

fadskier said:

quash said:

fadskier said:

BrooksBearLives said:

fadskier said:

BrooksBearLives said:

fadskier said:

BrooksBearLives said:

fadskier said:

BrooksBearLives said:

fadskier said:

Waco1947 said:

YoakDaddy said:

Waco1947 said:

xiledinok said:

Trump does not abort babies!
Vote Red 2020!
That's not the issue. Women's Rights is the issue. Vote Blue .

Please detail any rights women have lost. Thanks.

The Right to their own health decisions
How so? Give an example.

Are we going to act like bodily autonomy isn't a right?
Again, when have women been denied this right to decide what to do with their body? Be specific.

If a woman no longer wishes to be pregnant, you would tell her she has no choice.
She had a choice. She's already made it.

Using your logic, if someone no longer wanted to be a parent, they could kill their child.

Sorry, I'm just asking women to be more responsible with their choices. Be pro-choice before you act.

No. This is bodily autonomy.

Either she has it or she doesn't.

I think every single abortion is a travesty and a tragedy. Every single one. However, banning abortion is robbing women (and only women) of their bodily autonomy. In our society, we allow LIBERTY to make certain choices.

I don't think any woman should ever have an abortion. Ever. But I think it is THEIR choice to make. Not yours. Not mine. Once we get into taking away one's right to bodily autonomy, then we are letting the state invade our very person and force us to do something that, let's just be frank, you have to want to do.

Also, abortion bans don't work. There have always been abortions. There always will be abortions.

If you were REALLY serious about ending abortions, you'd set the conditions needed to keep them from being needed in the first place. Support young mothers to be. Make it easier to adopt. Have comprehensive health education in our schools. Give contraception to absolutely anyone who wants it. Make it free. Allow women to get their tubes tied as easily as men can get vasectomies.

THAT would do much more to end abortion than any ban.
"If you were REALLY serious about ending abortions, you'd set the conditions needed to keep them from being needed in the first place. Support young mothers to be. Make it easier to adopt. Have comprehensive health education in our schools. Give contraception to absolutely anyone who wants it. Make it free. Allow women to get their tubes tied as easily as men can get vasectomies."

I support all of this. Not sure what you mean by some of it. Contraception IS free for many, many people and a condom costs 75 cents. Schools already have comprehensive health education. Why can't women get their tubes tied as easy as men?

BUT, if it's her choice to have it or not, then men should not be responsible for helping her financially. After all, it's HER choice. Right?
Please try again.

Contraception is NOT free. Not for all (your messiah Trump is attempting to undercut it at every possible turn).

Women's rights to get their tubes tied (or access to an IUD) are famously restrictive.

Comprehensive health education is available on average in blue states. In red states.... not so much. And what is available, is being fought tooth-and-nail by the current Republican party and administration.
Texas is one of 9 states with NO sex education mandate:
  • Arizona
  • Arkansas
  • Colorado
  • Florida
  • Idaho
  • Louisiana
  • Massachusetts
  • Texas
  • Virginia

And it is her choice to have the child or not. Absolutely. But both are responsible. When men are having to carry the child, they can sue for support as well.

If you come and stay the night in my house and light some incense before falling asleep, fine. If you set the house on fire, you're responsible. Yes, I let you stay in my house.

If I am able to put the fire out without damage, great. You're off the hook. But if I can't, you're still on it.
1. Contraception IS free. Walk into a public clinic and/or Planned Parenthood and it is free. My sister directs people all the time to those resources. Additionally, there are many, many non-profits that give out free birth control. Just because the government doesn't do it, doesn't mean it's not happening.

2. Your slate article is form 2012 and 2016. Who was president in 2012? and the 2016 article is full of "coulds" and "mights."

3. Texas does have sex ed and it is not abstinence only. Each school district chooses according to it's taxpayers and what they want to use. My kids have attended three schools districts...all of them had sex ed and none were abstinence only. But then again, are you saying that teaching kids to say no isn't an option?

4. Sorry, you don't get to have the abortion argument both ways. It's incredibly unfair to men. Yes, the woman carries the child which is why she must be more responsible...not less. If she wants to kill it, men are not considered responsible...even though you yourself said they both were... BUT if he doesn't want it and she does...suddenly he's responsible.

5. Why are you so dependent on government to do things? Why are you so against holding individuals responsible for their own choices? Homie.

Texas has put most PP clinics out of business.

28.004 of the Texas Educ Code says districts are not free to do as they want. And abstinence must be taught as the preferred method if any sex ed is taught.
False. Sorry, I've attended my child's classes. Look up the Scott and White program which is taught in many schools. It takes the approach of all the things that can happen if you choose to have sex. Not exactly abstinence based.

I know you want to believe that schools are telling kids to just say no, but they're aren't. They are saying to think carefully before you say yes.

31 of 74 PP clinics closed....that's not most. And since they do far more abortions that anything else, that's a good thing. Additionally, numerous preventative non-profit clinics have sprung up to fill the void of PP. These clinics actually give out free birth control.

I would recommend that you talk to people and look around before you just spout talking points.
False? I gave you the statute, read it. If you choose to teach sex ed then abstinence has to be taught as the preferred method. That's the law, homie, not a talking point.

Only 35 PP clinics are still in Texas, so using your 74 that is still most.

Only six perform abortions.

Abortion services are 3.4% of PPT services. Not even close to "far more abortions than anything else".
41 are left in's good that only six perform abortions.

You are correct. 3% of abortions = 323,000 babies killed.

I know the statute. I'm saying that's not the practice.

Why are you celebrating the killing of babies?
Salute the Marines - Joe Biden
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BrooksBearLives said:

GrowlTowel said:

What law? Killary invoked the Russians in 2016. Why do you have such a problem with the truth?

First off, no she ****ing didn't.

Secondly, are you SERIOUSLY doubting there were laws broken when Trump strong-armed a foreign government to manufacture dirt on an opponent for election help?

(By the way, Volker produced proof of it today.)
Actually, he didn't.

Salute the Marines - Joe Biden
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BrooksBearLives said:

fadskier said:

BrooksBearLives said:

fadskier said:

BrooksBearLives said:

fadskier said:

BrooksBearLives said:

fadskier said:

BrooksBearLives said:

fadskier said:

Waco1947 said:

YoakDaddy said:

Waco1947 said:

xiledinok said:

Trump does not abort babies!
Vote Red 2020!
That's not the issue. Women's Rights is the issue. Vote Blue .

Please detail any rights women have lost. Thanks.

The Right to their own health decisions
How so? Give an example.

Are we going to act like bodily autonomy isn't a right?
Again, when have women been denied this right to decide what to do with their body? Be specific.

If a woman no longer wishes to be pregnant, you would tell her she has no choice.
She had a choice. She's already made it.

Using your logic, if someone no longer wanted to be a parent, they could kill their child.

Sorry, I'm just asking women to be more responsible with their choices. Be pro-choice before you act.

No. This is bodily autonomy.

Either she has it or she doesn't.

I think every single abortion is a travesty and a tragedy. Every single one. However, banning abortion is robbing women (and only women) of their bodily autonomy. In our society, we allow LIBERTY to make certain choices.

I don't think any woman should ever have an abortion. Ever. But I think it is THEIR choice to make. Not yours. Not mine. Once we get into taking away one's right to bodily autonomy, then we are letting the state invade our very person and force us to do something that, let's just be frank, you have to want to do.

Also, abortion bans don't work. There have always been abortions. There always will be abortions.

If you were REALLY serious about ending abortions, you'd set the conditions needed to keep them from being needed in the first place. Support young mothers to be. Make it easier to adopt. Have comprehensive health education in our schools. Give contraception to absolutely anyone who wants it. Make it free. Allow women to get their tubes tied as easily as men can get vasectomies.

THAT would do much more to end abortion than any ban.
"If you were REALLY serious about ending abortions, you'd set the conditions needed to keep them from being needed in the first place. Support young mothers to be. Make it easier to adopt. Have comprehensive health education in our schools. Give contraception to absolutely anyone who wants it. Make it free. Allow women to get their tubes tied as easily as men can get vasectomies."

I support all of this. Not sure what you mean by some of it. Contraception IS free for many, many people and a condom costs 75 cents. Schools already have comprehensive health education. Why can't women get their tubes tied as easy as men?

BUT, if it's her choice to have it or not, then men should not be responsible for helping her financially. After all, it's HER choice. Right?
Please try again.

Contraception is NOT free. Not for all (your messiah Trump is attempting to undercut it at every possible turn).

Women's rights to get their tubes tied (or access to an IUD) are famously restrictive.

Comprehensive health education is available on average in blue states. In red states.... not so much. And what is available, is being fought tooth-and-nail by the current Republican party and administration.
Texas is one of 9 states with NO sex education mandate:
  • Arizona
  • Arkansas
  • Colorado
  • Florida
  • Idaho
  • Louisiana
  • Massachusetts
  • Texas
  • Virginia

And it is her choice to have the child or not. Absolutely. But both are responsible. When men are having to carry the child, they can sue for support as well.

If you come and stay the night in my house and light some incense before falling asleep, fine. If you set the house on fire, you're responsible. Yes, I let you stay in my house.

If I am able to put the fire out without damage, great. You're off the hook. But if I can't, you're still on it.
1. Contraception IS free. Walk into a public clinic and/or Planned Parenthood and it is free. My sister directs people all the time to those resources. Additionally, there are many, many non-profits that give out free birth control. Just because the government doesn't do it, doesn't mean it's not happening.

2. Your slate article is form 2012 and 2016. Who was president in 2012? and the 2016 article is full of "coulds" and "mights."

3. Texas does have sex ed and it is not abstinence only. Each school district chooses according to it's taxpayers and what they want to use. My kids have attended three schools districts...all of them had sex ed and none were abstinence only. But then again, are you saying that teaching kids to say no isn't an option?

4. Sorry, you don't get to have the abortion argument both ways. It's incredibly unfair to men. Yes, the woman carries the child which is why she must be more responsible...not less. If she wants to kill it, men are not considered responsible...even though you yourself said they both were... BUT if he doesn't want it and she does...suddenly he's responsible.

5. Why are you so dependent on government to do things? Why are you so against holding individuals responsible for their own choices? Homie.

I get that you're insanely uninformed. I'm giving you legitimate information. You can take it, or don't.

1. Contraception is NOT "free" everywhere. That's patently false. You bring up Planned Parenthood -which does support that.

And how are Republicans treating Planned Parenthood, again? You're making my point for me.

2. It doesn't change the facts on the ground. Read state statutes (and much of this is done at the state level). I'm sorry if you didn't know how hard it is for a woman to get her tubes tied. I got my vasectomy and all it cost me was two dr's visits and a bag of frozen peas. Ask your wife about how easy it is. Many states won't let you get one if you're not married, or don't already have children without many hoops to jump through.

I'm sincerely not making this up. I personally know doctors who've explained this to me.

3. You're trying to shift the statement. Comprehensive sex Ed is NOT required in Texas. Can you get it? Maybe. But it isn't required. The problem is that the people who need it most don't know they need it. THATS the problem.

4. Abortion is unfair... to MEN... holy ***** Right. Should I start listing examples of men who've made women they've knocked up get abortions?

That's just... a really bad take. Maybe we should take a poll of guys who knocked up women and were excited about it.

Jesus. Just a horrible take.

5. I'm the one arguing to keep government OUT OF WOMEN's BODIES. You're the one arguing for it.

Are you feeling okay?
1. I didn't use the word everywhere. You did.
2. Ok, so you're saying that a woman has to be even more careful about getting pregnant. That's my point.
3. No, it is not. But again, I've advocating for smaller government and you want government responsible for more things.
4. Oh please....that number doesn't even come close to the number of aborted babies for convenience reasons. How can a make make you get an abortion? That would be criminal....different argument. But thanks for your lousy opinion. Basically you're saying men have no say in a pregnancy that YOU say that are responsible for
5. No, I'm arguing that government SHOULD protect children from irresponsible mothers. You're celebrating the death of children. Are YOU okay?
Salute the Marines - Joe Biden
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YoakDaddy said:

BrooksBearLives said:

By the way, the President just came out and asked two foreign countries to help him win an election. He's just taking the illegal stuff he did behind doors (and said he didn't do) and put it in the open. That's what he does. He does something horrible and then normalizes it when he gets caught.

He's literally trying to make it an unfair election.

Y'all still cool with this?

Yup. I'm totally cool with Durham and Barr investigating.

Don't y'all think it's a little strange that Barr is so hands on with this? Isn't Durham supposed to be an independent and impartial arbiter of what happenned? Sure seems like Barr is seeking to launder his own conclusions into Durham's
forthcoming report by using Durham's positive reputation. I almost wonder if those reports of Durham interviewing Steele and finding him to be credible (causing a delay in the release of the report, at one point it was supposed to come out months ago) were the impetus for Barr to step in and start guiding things a little more forcefully.
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fadskier said:

quash said:

fadskier said:

quash said:

fadskier said:

BrooksBearLives said:

fadskier said:

BrooksBearLives said:

fadskier said:

BrooksBearLives said:

fadskier said:

BrooksBearLives said:

fadskier said:

Waco1947 said:

YoakDaddy said:

Waco1947 said:

xiledinok said:

Trump does not abort babies!
Vote Red 2020!
That's not the issue. Women's Rights is the issue. Vote Blue .

Please detail any rights women have lost. Thanks.

The Right to their own health decisions
How so? Give an example.

Are we going to act like bodily autonomy isn't a right?
Again, when have women been denied this right to decide what to do with their body? Be specific.

If a woman no longer wishes to be pregnant, you would tell her she has no choice.
She had a choice. She's already made it.

Using your logic, if someone no longer wanted to be a parent, they could kill their child.

Sorry, I'm just asking women to be more responsible with their choices. Be pro-choice before you act.

No. This is bodily autonomy.

Either she has it or she doesn't.

I think every single abortion is a travesty and a tragedy. Every single one. However, banning abortion is robbing women (and only women) of their bodily autonomy. In our society, we allow LIBERTY to make certain choices.

I don't think any woman should ever have an abortion. Ever. But I think it is THEIR choice to make. Not yours. Not mine. Once we get into taking away one's right to bodily autonomy, then we are letting the state invade our very person and force us to do something that, let's just be frank, you have to want to do.

Also, abortion bans don't work. There have always been abortions. There always will be abortions.

If you were REALLY serious about ending abortions, you'd set the conditions needed to keep them from being needed in the first place. Support young mothers to be. Make it easier to adopt. Have comprehensive health education in our schools. Give contraception to absolutely anyone who wants it. Make it free. Allow women to get their tubes tied as easily as men can get vasectomies.

THAT would do much more to end abortion than any ban.
"If you were REALLY serious about ending abortions, you'd set the conditions needed to keep them from being needed in the first place. Support young mothers to be. Make it easier to adopt. Have comprehensive health education in our schools. Give contraception to absolutely anyone who wants it. Make it free. Allow women to get their tubes tied as easily as men can get vasectomies."

I support all of this. Not sure what you mean by some of it. Contraception IS free for many, many people and a condom costs 75 cents. Schools already have comprehensive health education. Why can't women get their tubes tied as easy as men?

BUT, if it's her choice to have it or not, then men should not be responsible for helping her financially. After all, it's HER choice. Right?
Please try again.

Contraception is NOT free. Not for all (your messiah Trump is attempting to undercut it at every possible turn).

Women's rights to get their tubes tied (or access to an IUD) are famously restrictive.

Comprehensive health education is available on average in blue states. In red states.... not so much. And what is available, is being fought tooth-and-nail by the current Republican party and administration.
Texas is one of 9 states with NO sex education mandate:
  • Arizona
  • Arkansas
  • Colorado
  • Florida
  • Idaho
  • Louisiana
  • Massachusetts
  • Texas
  • Virginia

And it is her choice to have the child or not. Absolutely. But both are responsible. When men are having to carry the child, they can sue for support as well.

If you come and stay the night in my house and light some incense before falling asleep, fine. If you set the house on fire, you're responsible. Yes, I let you stay in my house.

If I am able to put the fire out without damage, great. You're off the hook. But if I can't, you're still on it.
1. Contraception IS free. Walk into a public clinic and/or Planned Parenthood and it is free. My sister directs people all the time to those resources. Additionally, there are many, many non-profits that give out free birth control. Just because the government doesn't do it, doesn't mean it's not happening.

2. Your slate article is form 2012 and 2016. Who was president in 2012? and the 2016 article is full of "coulds" and "mights."

3. Texas does have sex ed and it is not abstinence only. Each school district chooses according to it's taxpayers and what they want to use. My kids have attended three schools districts...all of them had sex ed and none were abstinence only. But then again, are you saying that teaching kids to say no isn't an option?

4. Sorry, you don't get to have the abortion argument both ways. It's incredibly unfair to men. Yes, the woman carries the child which is why she must be more responsible...not less. If she wants to kill it, men are not considered responsible...even though you yourself said they both were... BUT if he doesn't want it and she does...suddenly he's responsible.

5. Why are you so dependent on government to do things? Why are you so against holding individuals responsible for their own choices? Homie.

Texas has put most PP clinics out of business.

28.004 of the Texas Educ Code says districts are not free to do as they want. And abstinence must be taught as the preferred method if any sex ed is taught.
False. Sorry, I've attended my child's classes. Look up the Scott and White program which is taught in many schools. It takes the approach of all the things that can happen if you choose to have sex. Not exactly abstinence based.

I know you want to believe that schools are telling kids to just say no, but they're aren't. They are saying to think carefully before you say yes.

31 of 74 PP clinics closed....that's not most. And since they do far more abortions that anything else, that's a good thing. Additionally, numerous preventative non-profit clinics have sprung up to fill the void of PP. These clinics actually give out free birth control.

I would recommend that you talk to people and look around before you just spout talking points.
False? I gave you the statute, read it. If you choose to teach sex ed then abstinence has to be taught as the preferred method. That's the law, homie, not a talking point.

Only 35 PP clinics are still in Texas, so using your 74 that is still most.

Only six perform abortions.

Abortion services are 3.4% of PPT services. Not even close to "far more abortions than anything else".

Why are you celebrating the killing of babies?
You will change a lot of minds with that kind of nonsense...
“Life, liberty, and property do not exist because men have made laws. On the contrary, it was the fact that life, liberty, and property existed beforehand that caused men to make laws in the first place.” (The Law, p.6) Frederic Bastiat
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HuMcK said:

YoakDaddy said:

BrooksBearLives said:

By the way, the President just came out and asked two foreign countries to help him win an election. He's just taking the illegal stuff he did behind doors (and said he didn't do) and put it in the open. That's what he does. He does something horrible and then normalizes it when he gets caught.

He's literally trying to make it an unfair election.

Y'all still cool with this?

Yup. I'm totally cool with Durham and Barr investigating.

Don't y'all think it's a little strange that Barr is so hands on with this? Isn't Durham supposed to be an independent and impartial arbiter of what happenned? Sure seems like Barr is seeking to launder his own conclusions into Durham's
forthcoming report by using Durham's positive reputation. I almost wonder if those reports of Durham interviewing Steele and finding him to be credible (causing a delay in the release of the report, at one point it was supposed to come out months ago) were the impetus for Barr to step in and start guiding things a little more forcefully.

Durham reports to Barr just like Mueller did when Barr was appointed. Chain of command.
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BrooksBearLives said:

GrowlTowel said:

What law? Killary invoked the Russians in 2016. Why do you have such a problem with the truth?

First off, no she ****ing didn't.

Secondly, are you SERIOUSLY doubting there were laws broken when Trump strong-armed a foreign government to manufacture dirt on an opponent for election help?

(By the way, Volker produced proof of it today.)

The fake news and uncorroborated Steele dossier paid for by Hillary's campaign lawyers then used as a basis for FISA warrants says hello.
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YoakDaddy said:

HuMcK said:

YoakDaddy said:

BrooksBearLives said:

By the way, the President just came out and asked two foreign countries to help him win an election. He's just taking the illegal stuff he did behind doors (and said he didn't do) and put it in the open. That's what he does. He does something horrible and then normalizes it when he gets caught.

He's literally trying to make it an unfair election.

Y'all still cool with this?

Yup. I'm totally cool with Durham and Barr investigating.

Don't y'all think it's a little strange that Barr is so hands on with this? Isn't Durham supposed to be an independent and impartial arbiter of what happenned? Sure seems like Barr is seeking to launder his own conclusions into Durham's
forthcoming report by using Durham's positive reputation. I almost wonder if those reports of Durham interviewing Steele and finding him to be credible (causing a delay in the release of the report, at one point it was supposed to come out months ago) were the impetus for Barr to step in and start guiding things a little more forcefully.

Durham reports to Barr just like Mueller did when Barr was appointed. Chain of command.

Sure, but the whole point of appointing both Mueller and (supposedly) Durham was to let them investigate things independently, since they were the ones with reputations for impartiality. In this case Barr seems to be way more involved than is usual or proper, he's actually out there investigating things in foreign countries (as if the USAG doesn't have more important things to do domestically...), and not that Trump fans care at it all but that gives a strong appearance if impropriety and throws doubt on how truly impartial Durham's report will be.
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BaylorBJM said:

BrooksBearLives said:

curtpenn said:

BrooksBearLives said:

curtpenn said:

BrooksBearLives said:

By the way, the President just came out and asked two foreign countries to help him win an election. He's just taking the illegal stuff he did behind doors (and said he didn't do) and put it in the open. That's what he does. He does something horrible and then normalizes it when he gets caught.

He's literally trying to make it an unfair election.

Y'all still cool with this?
"Y'all still cool with this?"

Yes. See how easy that was?

You're okay with the President using his office for personal gain?

I'm OK with the President using whatever tools he has at his disposal to overcome the existential threat posed by the left. Cultural suicide is not an option.

FWIW, in an ideal world I'd strongly consider removing ALL elected and appointed bureaucrats, politicians, administrators, judges, etc from office regardless of affiliation who used their positions for personal gain if I had a magic wand that could make it so. How about you?

So any law can be broken so long as he wins?

You don't care if he gives Russia the green light to mess in our free elections so long as he wins?
You already know the their answer to this question.

The irony is, they would undoubtedly HATE congress "using whatever tools [they] have at their disposal to overcome the existential threat posed" by a president breaking the law.
You are correct, sir. It is indeed ironic.
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We just need to eat the babies...

Mr. Treehorn treats objects like women, man.
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BrooksBearLives said:

curtpenn said:

BrooksBearLives said:

curtpenn said:

BrooksBearLives said:

By the way, the President just came out and asked two foreign countries to help him win an election. He's just taking the illegal stuff he did behind doors (and said he didn't do) and put it in the open. That's what he does. He does something horrible and then normalizes it when he gets caught.

He's literally trying to make it an unfair election.

Y'all still cool with this?
"Y'all still cool with this?"

Yes. See how easy that was?

You're okay with the President using his office for personal gain?

I'm OK with the President using whatever tools he has at his disposal to overcome the existential threat posed by the left. Cultural suicide is not an option.

FWIW, in an ideal world I'd strongly consider removing ALL elected and appointed bureaucrats, politicians, administrators, judges, etc from office regardless of affiliation who used their positions for personal gain if I had a magic wand that could make it so. How about you?

So any law can be broken so long as he wins?

You don't care if he gives Russia the green light to mess in our free elections so long as he wins?
There was a time when I was much more binary/Puritanical in my thinking; right was right and wrong was wrong, virtually alcohol free, believed in "truth, justice, and the American way" - I could go on, but you get the picture. The accumulating decades and crazy erosion of individual liberty have worn down my former way of thinking to the point that I've about given myself over to the left's deconstructed, post-modernist, relativistic way of believing/living. Winning is now what matters. Rejoice! I see things in the same manner your kind does. FWIW, I don't believe for a second that Russia is able to hijack any election. That's just a stupid assertion.
Sam Lowry
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Jinx 2 said:

fadskier said:

Jinx 2 said:

quash said:


Either you give presidents credit for the economy (you) or you don't (me). Now you want it both ways: all the good was Trump; anything bad is Fed, the media, Democrats, swamp, etc.

There are some as think removing Trump would restore the GOP.
We have 8 or 9 parties under the umbrella of 2 parties.

Trump Republicans, neocons (to the extent those still exist), fiscally and socially conservative Chamber-of-Commerce corporate Republicans like Romney and Flake, evangelicals whose main concerns are social issues whom the GOP has embraced to get enough votes to elect guys like Trump, and moderate Republicans who like conservative fiscal and tax policies but not the anti-gay, anti-abortion, anti-sex-education turn the GOP has taken = today's GOP. The Trump voices are the loudest, but the Romney voters are still out there. The deficit hawks are off the radar screen right now,but they'll show up again the day after the next Democrat takes office.

The Democrats = Bernie voters who want a harder turn to the left, Biden moderates who want a middle road without the anti-gay, anti-brown-immigrant bigotry and female-body-control policies advocated by the GOP (I'd include Harris in this group), "big idea" guys like Andrew Yang who want to create a rising tide that will lift all boats because they perceive, accurately, that "trickle down" doesn't work (but at least they're out there with new ideas, which no one in the GOP is offering because wall-building, stacking the courts, selling us out to the Saudis, the Russians and the Chinese (McConnell had better not utter a PEEP about Hunter Biden being as how he's married to China Rose), and defending Trump's latest misdeeds have proved to be more than a full-time job) , and a host of minority politicians whose only hope for a substantive political career is as Democrats because Republicans have made the same bad bargain with white nationalists that they made with evangelicals.

Then there are libertarians. My hope is that the GOP's shameless deficit spending combined with its attacks on civil liberties will shift more libertarian votes to Democrats, or at least away from Trump Republicans, who have been only too happy to trade liberty for obedience to the dear leader. Impeachment of this criminal can't happen soon enough.
Trump is not anti-Gay
Trump is not anti-brown immigrant
Trump does not want to control female body parts

Replace Trump with your generalized "republicans" and that's not true either. Sue there are some people that that are...but I think you need to educate yourself on the word "anti" because you have no idea what it means.

Do you ever say anything nice about anyone? You have got to be the most self-absorbed, unfriendly, unkind person I've ever "met." I truly hope you find happiness in something.
The GOP opposes civil rights for LGBT people and abortion and wants to limit contraception options to only those approved of by certain conservative religious groups.

Trump is the putative leader of the GOP.

I'm also mystified as to how you can say with a straight face that "Trump is not anti-brown immigrant" when he describes countries populated by brown people at ****hole countries and wants to build a wall, complete with alligator-filled moats, to keep refugees out of the U.S., when he implemented a travel ban that was rejected twice by federal courts for targeting brown people from Muslim countries, and when he wants to eliminate asylum rights we currently grant.

I have posted on this forum as "Jinx" for more than 10 years, but I have a life outside this forum. Believe it or not, I have sing in a church choir, walk my dog twice a day, have 2 grown daughters who have launched their own careers, have friends of all political persuasions (although, since Trump, I don't talk about certain policies with some of them), volunteer with a church ministry that feeds homeless and low-income people in the neighborhood surrounding the church, volunteer on an affordable housing task force with a nonprofit in my city as a policy-writer, and lead a happy and fulfilling life.

I oppose Trump because I want to continue to live in a country where dissent and disagreement over political policies are tolerated. Trump is the least tolerant president we've had during my lifetime of more than 60 years. He's a danger to democracy. So, yes, I'm angry at supporters who think, as one poster said within the past week on this forum, that democracy is overrated, and who want to hold Trump above/outside/beyond the laws that have applied to every other president and public official since I've been a voting adult. IMO, the rule of law, upholding the constitution and accountability are key to our system of government. Those of you who defend Trump regardless of how low he stoops and how obvious it is that he's engaged in criminal or even just sketchy behavior are, IMO, unAmerican.
The GOP has no interest in limiting contraception options. They are interested in defending religious people who object to providing certain options. In any reasonable view this would be considered "tolerating dissent and disagreement." In your view it's establishing a theocracy. It's hard to compromise when one side demands not just tolerance, but active support of its agenda.
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curtpenn said:

BrooksBearLives said:

curtpenn said:

BrooksBearLives said:

curtpenn said:

BrooksBearLives said:

By the way, the President just came out and asked two foreign countries to help him win an election. He's just taking the illegal stuff he did behind doors (and said he didn't do) and put it in the open. That's what he does. He does something horrible and then normalizes it when he gets caught.

He's literally trying to make it an unfair election.

Y'all still cool with this?
"Y'all still cool with this?"

Yes. See how easy that was?

You're okay with the President using his office for personal gain?

I'm OK with the President using whatever tools he has at his disposal to overcome the existential threat posed by the left. Cultural suicide is not an option.

FWIW, in an ideal world I'd strongly consider removing ALL elected and appointed bureaucrats, politicians, administrators, judges, etc from office regardless of affiliation who used their positions for personal gain if I had a magic wand that could make it so. How about you?

So any law can be broken so long as he wins?

You don't care if he gives Russia the green light to mess in our free elections so long as he wins?
There was a time when I was much more binary/Puritanical in my thinking; right was right and wrong was wrong, virtually alcohol free, believed in "truth, justice, and the American way" - I could go on, but you get the picture. The accumulating decades and crazy erosion of individual liberty have worn down my former way of thinking to the point that I've about given myself over to the left's deconstructed, post-modernist, relativistic way of believing/living. Winning is now what matters. Rejoice! I see things in the same manner your kind does. FWIW, I don't believe for a second that Russia is able to hijack any election. That's just a stupid assertion.
"mess with" and "hijack" are a considerable distance apart, and I would be much more concerned about a hijacked election. But it is still valid to show some concern for "messing with" an election. Still think getting the count right is a higher priority but this is the grass where once there was dead horse that got beaten...
“Life, liberty, and property do not exist because men have made laws. On the contrary, it was the fact that life, liberty, and property existed beforehand that caused men to make laws in the first place.” (The Law, p.6) Frederic Bastiat
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quash said:

fadskier said:

quash said:

fadskier said:

quash said:

fadskier said:

BrooksBearLives said:

fadskier said:

BrooksBearLives said:

fadskier said:

BrooksBearLives said:

fadskier said:

BrooksBearLives said:

fadskier said:

Waco1947 said:

YoakDaddy said:

Waco1947 said:

xiledinok said:

Trump does not abort babies!
Vote Red 2020!
That's not the issue. Women's Rights is the issue. Vote Blue .

Please detail any rights women have lost. Thanks.

The Right to their own health decisions
How so? Give an example.

Are we going to act like bodily autonomy isn't a right?
Again, when have women been denied this right to decide what to do with their body? Be specific.

If a woman no longer wishes to be pregnant, you would tell her she has no choice.
She had a choice. She's already made it.

Using your logic, if someone no longer wanted to be a parent, they could kill their child.

Sorry, I'm just asking women to be more responsible with their choices. Be pro-choice before you act.

No. This is bodily autonomy.

Either she has it or she doesn't.

I think every single abortion is a travesty and a tragedy. Every single one. However, banning abortion is robbing women (and only women) of their bodily autonomy. In our society, we allow LIBERTY to make certain choices.

I don't think any woman should ever have an abortion. Ever. But I think it is THEIR choice to make. Not yours. Not mine. Once we get into taking away one's right to bodily autonomy, then we are letting the state invade our very person and force us to do something that, let's just be frank, you have to want to do.

Also, abortion bans don't work. There have always been abortions. There always will be abortions.

If you were REALLY serious about ending abortions, you'd set the conditions needed to keep them from being needed in the first place. Support young mothers to be. Make it easier to adopt. Have comprehensive health education in our schools. Give contraception to absolutely anyone who wants it. Make it free. Allow women to get their tubes tied as easily as men can get vasectomies.

THAT would do much more to end abortion than any ban.
"If you were REALLY serious about ending abortions, you'd set the conditions needed to keep them from being needed in the first place. Support young mothers to be. Make it easier to adopt. Have comprehensive health education in our schools. Give contraception to absolutely anyone who wants it. Make it free. Allow women to get their tubes tied as easily as men can get vasectomies."

I support all of this. Not sure what you mean by some of it. Contraception IS free for many, many people and a condom costs 75 cents. Schools already have comprehensive health education. Why can't women get their tubes tied as easy as men?

BUT, if it's her choice to have it or not, then men should not be responsible for helping her financially. After all, it's HER choice. Right?
Please try again.

Contraception is NOT free. Not for all (your messiah Trump is attempting to undercut it at every possible turn).

Women's rights to get their tubes tied (or access to an IUD) are famously restrictive.

Comprehensive health education is available on average in blue states. In red states.... not so much. And what is available, is being fought tooth-and-nail by the current Republican party and administration.
Texas is one of 9 states with NO sex education mandate:
  • Arizona
  • Arkansas
  • Colorado
  • Florida
  • Idaho
  • Louisiana
  • Massachusetts
  • Texas
  • Virginia

And it is her choice to have the child or not. Absolutely. But both are responsible. When men are having to carry the child, they can sue for support as well.

If you come and stay the night in my house and light some incense before falling asleep, fine. If you set the house on fire, you're responsible. Yes, I let you stay in my house.

If I am able to put the fire out without damage, great. You're off the hook. But if I can't, you're still on it.
1. Contraception IS free. Walk into a public clinic and/or Planned Parenthood and it is free. My sister directs people all the time to those resources. Additionally, there are many, many non-profits that give out free birth control. Just because the government doesn't do it, doesn't mean it's not happening.

2. Your slate article is form 2012 and 2016. Who was president in 2012? and the 2016 article is full of "coulds" and "mights."

3. Texas does have sex ed and it is not abstinence only. Each school district chooses according to it's taxpayers and what they want to use. My kids have attended three schools districts...all of them had sex ed and none were abstinence only. But then again, are you saying that teaching kids to say no isn't an option?

4. Sorry, you don't get to have the abortion argument both ways. It's incredibly unfair to men. Yes, the woman carries the child which is why she must be more responsible...not less. If she wants to kill it, men are not considered responsible...even though you yourself said they both were... BUT if he doesn't want it and she does...suddenly he's responsible.

5. Why are you so dependent on government to do things? Why are you so against holding individuals responsible for their own choices? Homie.

Texas has put most PP clinics out of business.

28.004 of the Texas Educ Code says districts are not free to do as they want. And abstinence must be taught as the preferred method if any sex ed is taught.
False. Sorry, I've attended my child's classes. Look up the Scott and White program which is taught in many schools. It takes the approach of all the things that can happen if you choose to have sex. Not exactly abstinence based.

I know you want to believe that schools are telling kids to just say no, but they're aren't. They are saying to think carefully before you say yes.

31 of 74 PP clinics closed....that's not most. And since they do far more abortions that anything else, that's a good thing. Additionally, numerous preventative non-profit clinics have sprung up to fill the void of PP. These clinics actually give out free birth control.

I would recommend that you talk to people and look around before you just spout talking points.
False? I gave you the statute, read it. If you choose to teach sex ed then abstinence has to be taught as the preferred method. That's the law, homie, not a talking point.

Only 35 PP clinics are still in Texas, so using your 74 that is still most.

Only six perform abortions.

Abortion services are 3.4% of PPT services. Not even close to "far more abortions than anything else".

Why are you celebrating the killing of babies?
You will change a lot of minds with that kind of nonsense...
Truth hurts sometimes. Nobody is going to change their mind. Either you value innocent life or you don't.
Salute the Marines - Joe Biden
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fadskier said:

quash said:

fadskier said:

quash said:

fadskier said:

quash said:

fadskier said:

BrooksBearLives said:

fadskier said:

BrooksBearLives said:

fadskier said:

BrooksBearLives said:

fadskier said:

BrooksBearLives said:

fadskier said:

Waco1947 said:

YoakDaddy said:

Waco1947 said:

xiledinok said:

Trump does not abort babies!
Vote Red 2020!
That's not the issue. Women's Rights is the issue. Vote Blue .

Please detail any rights women have lost. Thanks.

The Right to their own health decisions
How so? Give an example.

Are we going to act like bodily autonomy isn't a right?
Again, when have women been denied this right to decide what to do with their body? Be specific.

If a woman no longer wishes to be pregnant, you would tell her she has no choice.
She had a choice. She's already made it.

Using your logic, if someone no longer wanted to be a parent, they could kill their child.

Sorry, I'm just asking women to be more responsible with their choices. Be pro-choice before you act.

No. This is bodily autonomy.

Either she has it or she doesn't.

I think every single abortion is a travesty and a tragedy. Every single one. However, banning abortion is robbing women (and only women) of their bodily autonomy. In our society, we allow LIBERTY to make certain choices.

I don't think any woman should ever have an abortion. Ever. But I think it is THEIR choice to make. Not yours. Not mine. Once we get into taking away one's right to bodily autonomy, then we are letting the state invade our very person and force us to do something that, let's just be frank, you have to want to do.

Also, abortion bans don't work. There have always been abortions. There always will be abortions.

If you were REALLY serious about ending abortions, you'd set the conditions needed to keep them from being needed in the first place. Support young mothers to be. Make it easier to adopt. Have comprehensive health education in our schools. Give contraception to absolutely anyone who wants it. Make it free. Allow women to get their tubes tied as easily as men can get vasectomies.

THAT would do much more to end abortion than any ban.
"If you were REALLY serious about ending abortions, you'd set the conditions needed to keep them from being needed in the first place. Support young mothers to be. Make it easier to adopt. Have comprehensive health education in our schools. Give contraception to absolutely anyone who wants it. Make it free. Allow women to get their tubes tied as easily as men can get vasectomies."

I support all of this. Not sure what you mean by some of it. Contraception IS free for many, many people and a condom costs 75 cents. Schools already have comprehensive health education. Why can't women get their tubes tied as easy as men?

BUT, if it's her choice to have it or not, then men should not be responsible for helping her financially. After all, it's HER choice. Right?
Please try again.

Contraception is NOT free. Not for all (your messiah Trump is attempting to undercut it at every possible turn).

Women's rights to get their tubes tied (or access to an IUD) are famously restrictive.

Comprehensive health education is available on average in blue states. In red states.... not so much. And what is available, is being fought tooth-and-nail by the current Republican party and administration.
Texas is one of 9 states with NO sex education mandate:
  • Arizona
  • Arkansas
  • Colorado
  • Florida
  • Idaho
  • Louisiana
  • Massachusetts
  • Texas
  • Virginia

And it is her choice to have the child or not. Absolutely. But both are responsible. When men are having to carry the child, they can sue for support as well.

If you come and stay the night in my house and light some incense before falling asleep, fine. If you set the house on fire, you're responsible. Yes, I let you stay in my house.

If I am able to put the fire out without damage, great. You're off the hook. But if I can't, you're still on it.
1. Contraception IS free. Walk into a public clinic and/or Planned Parenthood and it is free. My sister directs people all the time to those resources. Additionally, there are many, many non-profits that give out free birth control. Just because the government doesn't do it, doesn't mean it's not happening.

2. Your slate article is form 2012 and 2016. Who was president in 2012? and the 2016 article is full of "coulds" and "mights."

3. Texas does have sex ed and it is not abstinence only. Each school district chooses according to it's taxpayers and what they want to use. My kids have attended three schools districts...all of them had sex ed and none were abstinence only. But then again, are you saying that teaching kids to say no isn't an option?

4. Sorry, you don't get to have the abortion argument both ways. It's incredibly unfair to men. Yes, the woman carries the child which is why she must be more responsible...not less. If she wants to kill it, men are not considered responsible...even though you yourself said they both were... BUT if he doesn't want it and she does...suddenly he's responsible.

5. Why are you so dependent on government to do things? Why are you so against holding individuals responsible for their own choices? Homie.

Texas has put most PP clinics out of business.

28.004 of the Texas Educ Code says districts are not free to do as they want. And abstinence must be taught as the preferred method if any sex ed is taught.
False. Sorry, I've attended my child's classes. Look up the Scott and White program which is taught in many schools. It takes the approach of all the things that can happen if you choose to have sex. Not exactly abstinence based.

I know you want to believe that schools are telling kids to just say no, but they're aren't. They are saying to think carefully before you say yes.

31 of 74 PP clinics closed....that's not most. And since they do far more abortions that anything else, that's a good thing. Additionally, numerous preventative non-profit clinics have sprung up to fill the void of PP. These clinics actually give out free birth control.

I would recommend that you talk to people and look around before you just spout talking points.
False? I gave you the statute, read it. If you choose to teach sex ed then abstinence has to be taught as the preferred method. That's the law, homie, not a talking point.

Only 35 PP clinics are still in Texas, so using your 74 that is still most.

Only six perform abortions.

Abortion services are 3.4% of PPT services. Not even close to "far more abortions than anything else".

Why are you celebrating the killing of babies?
You will change a lot of minds with that kind of nonsense...
Truth hurts sometimes. Nobody is going to change their mind. Either you value innocent life or you don't.
Only hurts if it is true. I value innocent life. Prove your outrageous assertion that I celebrate the killing of babies. Pleased try to use a rational definition of "celebrate", "killing" etc.
“Life, liberty, and property do not exist because men have made laws. On the contrary, it was the fact that life, liberty, and property existed beforehand that caused men to make laws in the first place.” (The Law, p.6) Frederic Bastiat
How long do you want to ignore this user?
quash said:

fadskier said:

quash said:

fadskier said:

quash said:

fadskier said:

quash said:

fadskier said:

BrooksBearLives said:

fadskier said:

BrooksBearLives said:

fadskier said:

BrooksBearLives said:

fadskier said:

BrooksBearLives said:

fadskier said:

Waco1947 said:

YoakDaddy said:

Waco1947 said:

xiledinok said:

Trump does not abort babies!
Vote Red 2020!
That's not the issue. Women's Rights is the issue. Vote Blue .

Please detail any rights women have lost. Thanks.

The Right to their own health decisions
How so? Give an example.

Are we going to act like bodily autonomy isn't a right?
Again, when have women been denied this right to decide what to do with their body? Be specific.

If a woman no longer wishes to be pregnant, you would tell her she has no choice.
She had a choice. She's already made it.

Using your logic, if someone no longer wanted to be a parent, they could kill their child.

Sorry, I'm just asking women to be more responsible with their choices. Be pro-choice before you act.

No. This is bodily autonomy.

Either she has it or she doesn't.

I think every single abortion is a travesty and a tragedy. Every single one. However, banning abortion is robbing women (and only women) of their bodily autonomy. In our society, we allow LIBERTY to make certain choices.

I don't think any woman should ever have an abortion. Ever. But I think it is THEIR choice to make. Not yours. Not mine. Once we get into taking away one's right to bodily autonomy, then we are letting the state invade our very person and force us to do something that, let's just be frank, you have to want to do.

Also, abortion bans don't work. There have always been abortions. There always will be abortions.

If you were REALLY serious about ending abortions, you'd set the conditions needed to keep them from being needed in the first place. Support young mothers to be. Make it easier to adopt. Have comprehensive health education in our schools. Give contraception to absolutely anyone who wants it. Make it free. Allow women to get their tubes tied as easily as men can get vasectomies.

THAT would do much more to end abortion than any ban.
"If you were REALLY serious about ending abortions, you'd set the conditions needed to keep them from being needed in the first place. Support young mothers to be. Make it easier to adopt. Have comprehensive health education in our schools. Give contraception to absolutely anyone who wants it. Make it free. Allow women to get their tubes tied as easily as men can get vasectomies."

I support all of this. Not sure what you mean by some of it. Contraception IS free for many, many people and a condom costs 75 cents. Schools already have comprehensive health education. Why can't women get their tubes tied as easy as men?

BUT, if it's her choice to have it or not, then men should not be responsible for helping her financially. After all, it's HER choice. Right?
Please try again.

Contraception is NOT free. Not for all (your messiah Trump is attempting to undercut it at every possible turn).

Women's rights to get their tubes tied (or access to an IUD) are famously restrictive.

Comprehensive health education is available on average in blue states. In red states.... not so much. And what is available, is being fought tooth-and-nail by the current Republican party and administration.
Texas is one of 9 states with NO sex education mandate:
  • Arizona
  • Arkansas
  • Colorado
  • Florida
  • Idaho
  • Louisiana
  • Massachusetts
  • Texas
  • Virginia

And it is her choice to have the child or not. Absolutely. But both are responsible. When men are having to carry the child, they can sue for support as well.

If you come and stay the night in my house and light some incense before falling asleep, fine. If you set the house on fire, you're responsible. Yes, I let you stay in my house.

If I am able to put the fire out without damage, great. You're off the hook. But if I can't, you're still on it.
1. Contraception IS free. Walk into a public clinic and/or Planned Parenthood and it is free. My sister directs people all the time to those resources. Additionally, there are many, many non-profits that give out free birth control. Just because the government doesn't do it, doesn't mean it's not happening.

2. Your slate article is form 2012 and 2016. Who was president in 2012? and the 2016 article is full of "coulds" and "mights."

3. Texas does have sex ed and it is not abstinence only. Each school district chooses according to it's taxpayers and what they want to use. My kids have attended three schools districts...all of them had sex ed and none were abstinence only. But then again, are you saying that teaching kids to say no isn't an option?

4. Sorry, you don't get to have the abortion argument both ways. It's incredibly unfair to men. Yes, the woman carries the child which is why she must be more responsible...not less. If she wants to kill it, men are not considered responsible...even though you yourself said they both were... BUT if he doesn't want it and she does...suddenly he's responsible.

5. Why are you so dependent on government to do things? Why are you so against holding individuals responsible for their own choices? Homie.

Texas has put most PP clinics out of business.

28.004 of the Texas Educ Code says districts are not free to do as they want. And abstinence must be taught as the preferred method if any sex ed is taught.
False. Sorry, I've attended my child's classes. Look up the Scott and White program which is taught in many schools. It takes the approach of all the things that can happen if you choose to have sex. Not exactly abstinence based.

I know you want to believe that schools are telling kids to just say no, but they're aren't. They are saying to think carefully before you say yes.

31 of 74 PP clinics closed....that's not most. And since they do far more abortions that anything else, that's a good thing. Additionally, numerous preventative non-profit clinics have sprung up to fill the void of PP. These clinics actually give out free birth control.

I would recommend that you talk to people and look around before you just spout talking points.
False? I gave you the statute, read it. If you choose to teach sex ed then abstinence has to be taught as the preferred method. That's the law, homie, not a talking point.

Only 35 PP clinics are still in Texas, so using your 74 that is still most.

Only six perform abortions.

Abortion services are 3.4% of PPT services. Not even close to "far more abortions than anything else".

Why are you celebrating the killing of babies?
You will change a lot of minds with that kind of nonsense...
Truth hurts sometimes. Nobody is going to change their mind. Either you value innocent life or you don't.
Only hurts if it is true. I value innocent life. Prove your outrageous assertion that I celebrate the killing of babies. Pleased try to use a rational definition of "celebrate", "killing" etc.
Celebrate (support and defend) the right of some to kill (end a beating heart) of an innocent life.
Salute the Marines - Joe Biden
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fadskier said:

quash said:

fadskier said:

quash said:

fadskier said:

quash said:

fadskier said:

quash said:

fadskier said:

BrooksBearLives said:

fadskier said:

BrooksBearLives said:

fadskier said:

BrooksBearLives said:

fadskier said:

BrooksBearLives said:

fadskier said:

Waco1947 said:

YoakDaddy said:

Waco1947 said:

xiledinok said:

Trump does not abort babies!
Vote Red 2020!
That's not the issue. Women's Rights is the issue. Vote Blue .

Please detail any rights women have lost. Thanks.

The Right to their own health decisions
How so? Give an example.

Are we going to act like bodily autonomy isn't a right?
Again, when have women been denied this right to decide what to do with their body? Be specific.

If a woman no longer wishes to be pregnant, you would tell her she has no choice.
She had a choice. She's already made it.

Using your logic, if someone no longer wanted to be a parent, they could kill their child.

Sorry, I'm just asking women to be more responsible with their choices. Be pro-choice before you act.

No. This is bodily autonomy.

Either she has it or she doesn't.

I think every single abortion is a travesty and a tragedy. Every single one. However, banning abortion is robbing women (and only women) of their bodily autonomy. In our society, we allow LIBERTY to make certain choices.

I don't think any woman should ever have an abortion. Ever. But I think it is THEIR choice to make. Not yours. Not mine. Once we get into taking away one's right to bodily autonomy, then we are letting the state invade our very person and force us to do something that, let's just be frank, you have to want to do.

Also, abortion bans don't work. There have always been abortions. There always will be abortions.

If you were REALLY serious about ending abortions, you'd set the conditions needed to keep them from being needed in the first place. Support young mothers to be. Make it easier to adopt. Have comprehensive health education in our schools. Give contraception to absolutely anyone who wants it. Make it free. Allow women to get their tubes tied as easily as men can get vasectomies.

THAT would do much more to end abortion than any ban.
"If you were REALLY serious about ending abortions, you'd set the conditions needed to keep them from being needed in the first place. Support young mothers to be. Make it easier to adopt. Have comprehensive health education in our schools. Give contraception to absolutely anyone who wants it. Make it free. Allow women to get their tubes tied as easily as men can get vasectomies."

I support all of this. Not sure what you mean by some of it. Contraception IS free for many, many people and a condom costs 75 cents. Schools already have comprehensive health education. Why can't women get their tubes tied as easy as men?

BUT, if it's her choice to have it or not, then men should not be responsible for helping her financially. After all, it's HER choice. Right?
Please try again.

Contraception is NOT free. Not for all (your messiah Trump is attempting to undercut it at every possible turn).

Women's rights to get their tubes tied (or access to an IUD) are famously restrictive.

Comprehensive health education is available on average in blue states. In red states.... not so much. And what is available, is being fought tooth-and-nail by the current Republican party and administration.
Texas is one of 9 states with NO sex education mandate:
  • Arizona
  • Arkansas
  • Colorado
  • Florida
  • Idaho
  • Louisiana
  • Massachusetts
  • Texas
  • Virginia

And it is her choice to have the child or not. Absolutely. But both are responsible. When men are having to carry the child, they can sue for support as well.

If you come and stay the night in my house and light some incense before falling asleep, fine. If you set the house on fire, you're responsible. Yes, I let you stay in my house.

If I am able to put the fire out without damage, great. You're off the hook. But if I can't, you're still on it.
1. Contraception IS free. Walk into a public clinic and/or Planned Parenthood and it is free. My sister directs people all the time to those resources. Additionally, there are many, many non-profits that give out free birth control. Just because the government doesn't do it, doesn't mean it's not happening.

2. Your slate article is form 2012 and 2016. Who was president in 2012? and the 2016 article is full of "coulds" and "mights."

3. Texas does have sex ed and it is not abstinence only. Each school district chooses according to it's taxpayers and what they want to use. My kids have attended three schools districts...all of them had sex ed and none were abstinence only. But then again, are you saying that teaching kids to say no isn't an option?

4. Sorry, you don't get to have the abortion argument both ways. It's incredibly unfair to men. Yes, the woman carries the child which is why she must be more responsible...not less. If she wants to kill it, men are not considered responsible...even though you yourself said they both were... BUT if he doesn't want it and she does...suddenly he's responsible.

5. Why are you so dependent on government to do things? Why are you so against holding individuals responsible for their own choices? Homie.

Texas has put most PP clinics out of business.

28.004 of the Texas Educ Code says districts are not free to do as they want. And abstinence must be taught as the preferred method if any sex ed is taught.
False. Sorry, I've attended my child's classes. Look up the Scott and White program which is taught in many schools. It takes the approach of all the things that can happen if you choose to have sex. Not exactly abstinence based.

I know you want to believe that schools are telling kids to just say no, but they're aren't. They are saying to think carefully before you say yes.

31 of 74 PP clinics closed....that's not most. And since they do far more abortions that anything else, that's a good thing. Additionally, numerous preventative non-profit clinics have sprung up to fill the void of PP. These clinics actually give out free birth control.

I would recommend that you talk to people and look around before you just spout talking points.
False? I gave you the statute, read it. If you choose to teach sex ed then abstinence has to be taught as the preferred method. That's the law, homie, not a talking point.

Only 35 PP clinics are still in Texas, so using your 74 that is still most.

Only six perform abortions.

Abortion services are 3.4% of PPT services. Not even close to "far more abortions than anything else".

Why are you celebrating the killing of babies?
You will change a lot of minds with that kind of nonsense...
Truth hurts sometimes. Nobody is going to change their mind. Either you value innocent life or you don't.
Only hurts if it is true. I value innocent life. Prove your outrageous assertion that I celebrate the killing of babies. Pleased try to use a rational definition of "celebrate", "killing" etc.
Celebrate (support and defend) the right of some to kill (end a beating heart) of an innocent life.
Twisted definition of celebrate and legal abortion does meet the legal definition of murder. But you go ahead and get all the superiority you can out of your dissembling. Again, you won't change anyone's mind by doing so.
“Life, liberty, and property do not exist because men have made laws. On the contrary, it was the fact that life, liberty, and property existed beforehand that caused men to make laws in the first place.” (The Law, p.6) Frederic Bastiat
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HuMcK said:

YoakDaddy said:

HuMcK said:

YoakDaddy said:

BrooksBearLives said:

By the way, the President just came out and asked two foreign countries to help him win an election. He's just taking the illegal stuff he did behind doors (and said he didn't do) and put it in the open. That's what he does. He does something horrible and then normalizes it when he gets caught.

He's literally trying to make it an unfair election.

Y'all still cool with this?

Yup. I'm totally cool with Durham and Barr investigating.

Don't y'all think it's a little strange that Barr is so hands on with this? Isn't Durham supposed to be an independent and impartial arbiter of what happenned? Sure seems like Barr is seeking to launder his own conclusions into Durham's
forthcoming report by using Durham's positive reputation. I almost wonder if those reports of Durham interviewing Steele and finding him to be credible (causing a delay in the release of the report, at one point it was supposed to come out months ago) were the impetus for Barr to step in and start guiding things a little more forcefully.

Durham reports to Barr just like Mueller did when Barr was appointed. Chain of command.

Sure, but the whole point of appointing both Mueller and (supposedly) Durham was to let them investigate things independently, since they were the ones with reputations for impartiality. In this case Barr seems to be way more involved than is usual or proper, he's actually out there investigating things in foreign countries (as if the USAG doesn't have more important things to do domestically...), and not that Trump fans care at it all but that gives a strong appearance if impropriety and throws doubt on how truly impartial Durham's report will be.

Barr has an excellent reputation for impartiality and I recall hearing high praise from all corners because an adult had finally been brought into the Trump administration....or at least until he started investigating the origins of Russian meddling into the 2016 election.

So you don't want the highest law enforcement officer in the land actively participating? Don't know about you, but with an activity of this magnitude, I'm glad he's hands-on and getting into details.
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YoakDaddy said:

HuMcK said:

YoakDaddy said:

HuMcK said:

YoakDaddy said:

BrooksBearLives said:

By the way, the President just came out and asked two foreign countries to help him win an election. He's just taking the illegal stuff he did behind doors (and said he didn't do) and put it in the open. That's what he does. He does something horrible and then normalizes it when he gets caught.

He's literally trying to make it an unfair election.

Y'all still cool with this?

Yup. I'm totally cool with Durham and Barr investigating.

Don't y'all think it's a little strange that Barr is so hands on with this? Isn't Durham supposed to be an independent and impartial arbiter of what happenned? Sure seems like Barr is seeking to launder his own conclusions into Durham's
forthcoming report by using Durham's positive reputation. I almost wonder if those reports of Durham interviewing Steele and finding him to be credible (causing a delay in the release of the report, at one point it was supposed to come out months ago) were the impetus for Barr to step in and start guiding things a little more forcefully.

Durham reports to Barr just like Mueller did when Barr was appointed. Chain of command.

Sure, but the whole point of appointing both Mueller and (supposedly) Durham was to let them investigate things independently, since they were the ones with reputations for impartiality. In this case Barr seems to be way more involved than is usual or proper, he's actually out there investigating things in foreign countries (as if the USAG doesn't have more important things to do domestically...), and not that Trump fans care at it all but that gives a strong appearance if impropriety and throws doubt on how truly impartial Durham's report will be.

So you don't want the highest law enforcement officer in the land actively participating? Don't know about you, but with an activity of this magnitude, I'm glad he's hands-on and getting into details.
Then why involve Durham at all? Let Barr run the investigation.
“Life, liberty, and property do not exist because men have made laws. On the contrary, it was the fact that life, liberty, and property existed beforehand that caused men to make laws in the first place.” (The Law, p.6) Frederic Bastiat
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quash said:

YoakDaddy said:

HuMcK said:

YoakDaddy said:

HuMcK said:

YoakDaddy said:

BrooksBearLives said:

By the way, the President just came out and asked two foreign countries to help him win an election. He's just taking the illegal stuff he did behind doors (and said he didn't do) and put it in the open. That's what he does. He does something horrible and then normalizes it when he gets caught.

He's literally trying to make it an unfair election.

Y'all still cool with this?

Yup. I'm totally cool with Durham and Barr investigating.

Don't y'all think it's a little strange that Barr is so hands on with this? Isn't Durham supposed to be an independent and impartial arbiter of what happenned? Sure seems like Barr is seeking to launder his own conclusions into Durham's
forthcoming report by using Durham's positive reputation. I almost wonder if those reports of Durham interviewing Steele and finding him to be credible (causing a delay in the release of the report, at one point it was supposed to come out months ago) were the impetus for Barr to step in and start guiding things a little more forcefully.

Durham reports to Barr just like Mueller did when Barr was appointed. Chain of command.

Sure, but the whole point of appointing both Mueller and (supposedly) Durham was to let them investigate things independently, since they were the ones with reputations for impartiality. In this case Barr seems to be way more involved than is usual or proper, he's actually out there investigating things in foreign countries (as if the USAG doesn't have more important things to do domestically...), and not that Trump fans care at it all but that gives a strong appearance if impropriety and throws doubt on how truly impartial Durham's report will be.

So you don't want the highest law enforcement officer in the land actively participating? Don't know about you, but with an activity of this magnitude, I'm glad he's hands-on and getting into details.
Then why involve Durham at all? Let Barr run the investigation.

Fair point. I suspect, like many others, that Durham has skills that Barr doesn't and their participation serves different purposes. Shlt, he brought Whitey Bulger down.
How long do you want to ignore this user?
YoakDaddy said:

quash said:

YoakDaddy said:

HuMcK said:

YoakDaddy said:

HuMcK said:

YoakDaddy said:

BrooksBearLives said:

By the way, the President just came out and asked two foreign countries to help him win an election. He's just taking the illegal stuff he did behind doors (and said he didn't do) and put it in the open. That's what he does. He does something horrible and then normalizes it when he gets caught.

He's literally trying to make it an unfair election.

Y'all still cool with this?

Yup. I'm totally cool with Durham and Barr investigating.

Don't y'all think it's a little strange that Barr is so hands on with this? Isn't Durham supposed to be an independent and impartial arbiter of what happenned? Sure seems like Barr is seeking to launder his own conclusions into Durham's
forthcoming report by using Durham's positive reputation. I almost wonder if those reports of Durham interviewing Steele and finding him to be credible (causing a delay in the release of the report, at one point it was supposed to come out months ago) were the impetus for Barr to step in and start guiding things a little more forcefully.

Durham reports to Barr just like Mueller did when Barr was appointed. Chain of command.

Sure, but the whole point of appointing both Mueller and (supposedly) Durham was to let them investigate things independently, since they were the ones with reputations for impartiality. In this case Barr seems to be way more involved than is usual or proper, he's actually out there investigating things in foreign countries (as if the USAG doesn't have more important things to do domestically...), and not that Trump fans care at it all but that gives a strong appearance if impropriety and throws doubt on how truly impartial Durham's report will be.

So you don't want the highest law enforcement officer in the land actively participating? Don't know about you, but with an activity of this magnitude, I'm glad he's hands-on and getting into details.
Then why involve Durham at all? Let Barr run the investigation.

Fair point. I suspect, like many others, that Durham has skills that Barr doesn't and their participation serves different purposes. Shlt, he brought Whitey Bulger down.
In the end it's more about office politics than national politics. Long as somebody does their job.
“Life, liberty, and property do not exist because men have made laws. On the contrary, it was the fact that life, liberty, and property existed beforehand that caused men to make laws in the first place.” (The Law, p.6) Frederic Bastiat
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Stop Abortion! Those babies might vote Republican!
MAGA 2020!
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YoakDaddy said:

quash said:

YoakDaddy said:

HuMcK said:

YoakDaddy said:

HuMcK said:

YoakDaddy said:

BrooksBearLives said:

By the way, the President just came out and asked two foreign countries to help him win an election. He's just taking the illegal stuff he did behind doors (and said he didn't do) and put it in the open. That's what he does. He does something horrible and then normalizes it when he gets caught.

He's literally trying to make it an unfair election.

Y'all still cool with this?

Yup. I'm totally cool with Durham and Barr investigating.

Don't y'all think it's a little strange that Barr is so hands on with this? Isn't Durham supposed to be an independent and impartial arbiter of what happenned? Sure seems like Barr is seeking to launder his own conclusions into Durham's
forthcoming report by using Durham's positive reputation. I almost wonder if those reports of Durham interviewing Steele and finding him to be credible (causing a delay in the release of the report, at one point it was supposed to come out months ago) were the impetus for Barr to step in and start guiding things a little more forcefully.

Durham reports to Barr just like Mueller did when Barr was appointed. Chain of command.

Sure, but the whole point of appointing both Mueller and (supposedly) Durham was to let them investigate things independently, since they were the ones with reputations for impartiality. In this case Barr seems to be way more involved than is usual or proper, he's actually out there investigating things in foreign countries (as if the USAG doesn't have more important things to do domestically...), and not that Trump fans care at it all but that gives a strong appearance if impropriety and throws doubt on how truly impartial Durham's report will be.

So you don't want the highest law enforcement officer in the land actively participating? Don't know about you, but with an activity of this magnitude, I'm glad he's hands-on and getting into details.
Then why involve Durham at all? Let Barr run the investigation.

Fair point. I suspect, like many others, that Durham has skills that Barr doesn't and their participation serves different purposes. Shlt, he brought Whitey Bulger down.

Who brought Whitey down? Whitey spent the night in Okc before they sent him home to his friends.
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Sam Lowry said:

Jinx 2 said:

fadskier said:

Trump is not anti-Gay
Trump is not anti-brown immigrant
Trump does not want to control female body parts

Replace Trump with your generalized "republicans" and that's not true either. Sue there are some people that that are...but I think you need to educate yourself on the word "anti" because you have no idea what it means.

Do you ever say anything nice about anyone? You have got to be the most self-absorbed, unfriendly, unkind person I've ever "met." I truly hope you find happiness in something.
The GOP opposes civil rights for LGBT people and abortion and wants to limit contraception options to only those approved of by certain conservative religious groups.

Trump is the putative leader of the GOP.

I'm also mystified as to how you can say with a straight face that "Trump is not anti-brown immigrant" when he describes countries populated by brown people at ****hole countries and wants to build a wall, complete with alligator-filled moats, to keep refugees out of the U.S., when he implemented a travel ban that was rejected twice by federal courts for targeting brown people from Muslim countries, and when he wants to eliminate asylum rights we currently grant.

I have posted on this forum as "Jinx" for more than 10 years, but I have a life outside this forum. Believe it or not, I have sing in a church choir, walk my dog twice a day, have 2 grown daughters who have launched their own careers, have friends of all political persuasions (although, since Trump, I don't talk about certain policies with some of them), volunteer with a church ministry that feeds homeless and low-income people in the neighborhood surrounding the church, volunteer on an affordable housing task force with a nonprofit in my city as a policy-writer, and lead a happy and fulfilling life.

I oppose Trump because I want to continue to live in a country where dissent and disagreement over political policies are tolerated. Trump is the least tolerant president we've had during my lifetime of more than 60 years. He's a danger to democracy. So, yes, I'm angry at supporters who think, as one poster said within the past week on this forum, that democracy is overrated, and who want to hold Trump above/outside/beyond the laws that have applied to every other president and public official since I've been a voting adult. IMO, the rule of law, upholding the constitution and accountability are key to our system of government. Those of you who defend Trump regardless of how low he stoops and how obvious it is that he's engaged in criminal or even just sketchy behavior are, IMO, unAmerican.
The GOP has no interest in limiting contraception options. They are interested in defending religious people who object to providing certain options. In any reasonable view this would be considered "tolerating dissent and disagreement." In your view it's establishing a theocracy. It's hard to compromise when one side demands not just tolerance, but active support of its agenda.
"Defending religious people" would involve making sure they are able to choose for themselves whether or not to use ocntraception and what forms to use without government intterference.

It does not involve limiting the options of EVERYONE's options, including those whose religious beliefs don't preclude those options and those who have no religious beliefs and those whose church has a position on the use of contraception with which they disagree. THAT is theocracy, period, end of story.

You certainly have the right to believe as you wish and make personal choices based on your beliefs.

What you should not have, in a country with separation of church and state, is the right to impose your beliefs one all U.S. citizens with the force of law.

Your logic reminds me of the logic of the teacher of a class on Islam I took in 2005. It was offered at a divinity school, but I quickly discovered the div school was just providing the classroom, and that the class was like learning about Christianity from a hard-core member of the Church of Christ. The teacher couldn't understand why anyone would object to Sharia law becuase, in his view, it was God's law, there was therefore no higher law, and Go'd law was good for everybody. For him, God's law easily trumped democracy, and what constitued God's law wasn't up to debate; it was clearly laid out int he Qu'ran. It was an intractable circular argument. At least I learned about the 5 pllars but I didn't finish the class, the purpose of which appeared to be indoctrination.

How does the basis for your position re: contraception differ from the basis for his position re: Sharia?
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