Jan 6 committee

146,918 Views | 3026 Replies | Last: 10 mo ago by Harrison Bergeron
Harrison Bergeron
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Porteroso said:

Harrison Bergeron said:

Rawhide said:

Porteroso said:

Wangchung said:

bear2be2 said:

Mothra said:

bear2be2 said:

4th and Inches said:

bear2be2 said:

4th and Inches said:

Jack Bauer said:

4th and Inches said:

YouGov/Yahoo Poll: Most important issue to vote for Congress

Inflation: 37%
Crime: 10%
Healthcare: 10%
Immigration: 9%
Climate Change: 8%
Abortion: 8%
Schools: 5%
Covid: 4%
Foreign Policy: 2%

I missed election/ Jan 6 on the list..

This is not rocket science. It always comes down to your pocketbook.
i wish it did.. that shoulda been a Trump vote landslide in 2020 but instead we got feelings vote dipsh..s and here we are
Yes, no burden at all falls on the jackass who made the election a referendum on his own corrosive toxicity and made Joe Biden look attractive by comparison.
nope- you voted feelings and bought the media bullsh.. Own it,

Trump policies were better than Bidens , the middle class and the poverty level shrank upward during his presidency.

All you had to do was stop watching stupid repeaters on mass media..

"Emancipate yourselves from mental slavery None but ourselves can free our minds" Bob Marley
I voted against four more years of intentional, weaponized divisiveness and mainstreaming radical far-right ideologies and bat **** conspiracy theories.

I never had any illusions that Joe Biden would be a good president. And I knew I was likely voting against my own financial best interest. It wasn't an emotional decision at all. It was a calculation. I weighed all factors and found another term for Trump to be greater threat to the long-term health of our nation than four years of Biden's bumble-****ery.

Boy were you wrong. This presidency has been a disaster in every way imaginable, and not just financially.
We'll agree to disagree. Not on the fact that Biden's presidency has been a disaster (a relatively predictable outcome), but that his term will do more lasting damage than a second Trump term would have.

If these four years result in different, more palatable candidates (the Democrats are already quite correctly pushing for that on their end) and we can hit the reset button after a series of disastrous election cycles, it will be a good thing in the long run. And not having Trump light daily fires -- and tear at what little fabric remains of this country's institutions and shared identity -- in the meantime is an added bonus
The problem is you'll be saying the exact same things about the next Republican candidate because it's what the majority of the media will tell you to think. Trump was labeled all the same things GWB was labeled. "Ooh, he's a fascist, racist, stupid ass! Our rights will be taken away!"
Then you'll be asked specifically what rights are threatened or what policies are so bad and you'll answer with, " you know, the ones he tried to push on America!" or some other non-answer that you think makes up for not having anything of substance.
Some people are like a well stocked library, when it comes to conversation. Speaking with them is like walking through that library and picking up a book. Other people are like empty rooms with media headlines crudely pasted to the wall. Zero substance.

There is substance in your point, Trump's bark was way worse than his bite. He did not institute wildly racist policies, even if he seemed like he wanted to.

His true sin was intentionally dividing America, and convincing tens of millions our elections don't work.. You can't be President and undermine democracy in America.

We will survive Joe's senility, but 4 more years of Trump's divide could have seriously damaged America. As it is, there are still deranged posters on this very site claiming the election was a scam. Only their few number makes it a non issue. I'm sure Trump would have tried for a 3rd term. Or had his daughter go for it. Disaster.
So how did he divide Americans? Was it when he called out the media for pushing fake news? Was it when black and hispanic unemployment was at record lows? Was it when he made MLK birthplace a national park? Was it when released Alice Johnson from prison and then granted her a pardon? Was it when he forgave all the loans for HBCUs and then got them permanent funding?

Oh wait, I know, he was being divisive with the peace deals he negotiated between Israel and the UAE, Bahrain, Morocco and Sudan. Previously, there were only 2 treaties between the Israel and other Arab nations (Egypt and Jordan). Trump tripled that number to 6. Yeah, pretty divisive.

He was so divisive he increased his support amont blacks and hispanics too. Probably pretty divisive when trying to negotiate funding for a border wall, he not only said he wouldn't deport the dreamers, but also offered them a path to citizenship (which the democraps weren't asking for).

Yeah, I can see how you would believe Trump was the most divisive ahole in the history of the world ever, period. Is he a brash ahole? Sure. Divisive? Nah, not so much. Trump supporters being lied about from the media (Nick Sandman, Kyle Rittenhouse) to Trump supporters being assaulted for wearing a MAGA gear to restaurants not serving people in MAGA hats.

Me? eh, I believe the media and the democrats are the most divisive group of people on this planet, in the history of the world ever. Especially when they out right lie and make up stories.

Face it scooter, the country is divided. It's always been divided. Long before Trump was ever president and long after he's gone, divided it will be.

But enough about Trump, how's your boy biden doing these days?

"Divisive" is one of 100 terms redefined as "disagrees with wokey."

I seriously can't believe there are 2 of you who need the million divisive things he did and said repeated. You had 4 years to pay attention. Were you just in lala land, jerking off over lib tearz?
I'm not saying he did not say a lot of ******* things, but did he say that was uniquely divisive? Just because he upset the Clinton coronation does not make him any more divisive than other president's. I would absolutely entertain specifics, but I do not have any recollection of him saying anything more divisive than other presidents, particularly the current one. That label always gets put on conservatives, but it actually just means "is not wokey."

Seriously, what specific things did he say that was more divisive than anything anyone else says.
Guy Noir
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I watched the June 23 hearing today. The evidence presented today was the 3 top guys of the DOJ in Trump's administration. Trump applied a lot of pressure to get the DOJ to declare the 2020 election corrupt. The testifiers were consistant in stating the evidence of a corrupted election was not there.
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4th and Inches said:

Why the committee cut off Jim Jordan? He was giving a nice Ruth B Ginsburg quote there.. they no like?

He might be a witness. Can't be a witness & rule on the report
Harrison Bergeron
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Guy Noir said:

I watched the June 23 hearing today. The evidence presented today was the 3 top guys of the DOJ in Trump's administration. Trump applied a lot of pressure to get the DOJ to declare the 2020 election corrupt. The testifiers were consistant in stating the evidence of a corrupted election was not there.
I do not think this is in dispute by most folks, but this is a January 6 hearing not a fraudulent election claims hearing. Has the committee basically acknowledged it has a nothingburger on January 6 and just moving to rehash old TDS tropes?
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Guy Noir said:

I watched the June 23 hearing today. The evidence presented today was the 3 top guys of the DOJ in Trump's administration. Trump applied a lot of pressure to get the DOJ to declare the 2020 election corrupt. The testifiers were consistant in stating the evidence of a corrupted election was not there.

You know he doesn't have to agree. He is allowed to believe it was corrupted, can't make him.

It comes down to actions. What did his Administration actually do.
Did they certify?
Did Trump leave?
Was Biden inaugurated on schedule?

That was his Admins responsibility, there is no legal requirement to be a cheerleader for Biden, to agree with election results or to believe anything.

You may not like how he handled it or his believes but that does not disqualify him or make him a criminal.
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Mothra said:

Porteroso said:

Mothra said:

Porteroso said:

Mothra said:

Osodecentx said:

Mothra said:

Osodecentx said:

Mothra said:

My pragmatism is going to get Roe v. Wade overturned, and save thousands of innocent childrens' lives. The Supreme Court was one of the major reasons I supported Trump in 2016 and again in 2020.

But it's me and not you that lacks principles. Sure bro. I guess you're going to believe whatever helps you to sleep better at night.

You're a Neville Chamberlain conservative
It's ironic that you would invoke his name given the fact it is your position that is a vote in favor of death chambers for babies. But again, whatever helps you sleep better.

I sleep fine knowing my vote helped curb that heinous practice. But at least you can feel good about the stand you've taken against the orange Satan as Biden destroys the country.
I think you really believe your own *****

If Trump steals an election, that's cool as long as the market is up
As I said above, I don't have to approve of Trump's behavior to understand the lives that will be saved because of his election, nor do I have to approve of his actions in order to understand that Biden's policies are far worse for our country than Trump's meager attempts to "steal" the 2020 election. Again, it's called pragmatism.

BTW, you seem angry and flustered, and your showing on this thread is even worse than usual. Might be a good idea to take a break for the evening. Perhaps go watch some Jan. 6th hearing re-runs and get re-charged. Tomorrow's a new day.

But he's the last person you'd vote for, don't forget to your lines.
If you had read a little closer, you would have noticed I said he was the last Republican candidate I wanted to win the 2016 primary.

I know reading comprehension isn't your strong suit, but it does help when you attempt to play gotcha.

This was your entire post. Please at least edit your posts if you're going to try to lie about them. At least make this more challenging than throwing your actual post back at you.


Trump would be my last choice. Didn't vote for him in the 2016 primaries, and won't vote for him if he decides to run again (let's hope not).

But what I am really interested in is if he does run and win, how long will it take him to destroy democracy, as we keep hearing he will do.

I am with you on DeSantis.

Ah yes, when your little game of gotcha fails, the next step is to try and take my post out of context in an attempt to paint a false picture. I see how that works. Let me shed some light on your little lie...

When I said "Trump would be my last choice," I was referring to my last choice as Republican nominee, which if I recall was in response to a post on that very subject. And then when I go on to say I didn't vote for Trump in the 2016 "primaries," and said I wouldn't vote for him again in that very same sentence, it should have been self evident to any reasonable person that I was once again referring to the "primaries."

However, if that somehow caused you any confusion, I went on to clarify just a few posts later that if Trump was the Republican nominee, I would vote for him.

Got any more lies up your sleeve?

Yes your next post made this first one look dumb. You've been pretending to not want to vote for Trump again, you said you were done with him several times in the aftermath of the past election.

So of course it's fun pointing out that without knowing who his opponents could be, you're already a lock for Trump.

I bet you went back on your decision long before this, but it's just the first time I've paid enough attention to notice it.

And speaking of context, the post you replied to was mostly referring to the general. Don't need context clues for that, it was explicit. You may have truly been talking about the primaries, but you responded to a post about Trump winning the general, so just poor communication on your part if so. Can't expect people to read your mind.
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Harrison Bergeron said:

Has Shifty Shiff's Show Trial come up with anything new or interesting about Jan. 6 yet? Any more democracy-threatening tours or similar conspiracies?
I dispise Shiff but that is no reason to excuse anything Trump did to endanger our Democracy. I just cannot comprehend how so many here suck up to a ****ing nut job. If he was a Democrat you'd really lose your *****
Astros in Home Stretch Geaux Texans
4th and Inches
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Guy Noir said:

I watched the June 23 hearing today. The evidence presented today was the 3 top guys of the DOJ in Trump's administration. Trump applied a lot of pressure to get the DOJ to declare the 2020 election corrupt. The testifiers were consistant in stating the evidence of a corrupted election was not there.
were they asked if they looked for it? Did they investigate? What process did they use to determine this finding of no corruption? In the short term, it is highly likely they didnt- it has taken months to determine there might be some issues that need further investigation in certain areas that have bothered to dig a little.
Adopt-a-Bear 2024

CLASS Junior
HT/WT 6' 3", 288 lbs

CLASS Sophomore
HT/WT 6' 3", 273 lbs
4th and Inches
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Osodecentx said:

4th and Inches said:

Why the committee cut off Jim Jordan? He was giving a nice Ruth B Ginsburg quote there.. they no like?

He might be a witness. Can't be a witness & rule on the report
cant let people know it was a Ruth Bader Ginsburg quote? Cant let people know the process being played out in congress is real, important, and standard of the election process?

The riots were the problem, not the contestation of elector slates. That is a standard process outlined in the federal election law
Adopt-a-Bear 2024

CLASS Junior
HT/WT 6' 3", 288 lbs

CLASS Sophomore
HT/WT 6' 3", 273 lbs
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The Supreme Court lately reminds me so much of the Baylor Board of Regents. I'm amazed they haven't struck down dancing in public.
Astros in Home Stretch Geaux Texans
4th and Inches
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Aliceinbubbleland said:

Harrison Bergeron said:

Has Shifty Shiff's Show Trial come up with anything new or interesting about Jan. 6 yet? Any more democracy-threatening tours or similar conspiracies?
I dispise Shiff but that is no reason to excuse anything Trump did to endanger our Democracy. I just cannot comprehend how so many here suck up to a ****ing nut job. If he was a Democrat you'd really lose your *****
um, he was a democrat until right before he ran as a republican. Republicans needed/wanted a guy to stand up for the people and he was that guy in 2016. Lots of people had their chance in 16 and they couldnt be a strong leader. Trump grew his base in the 4 years leading up to 2020 while competing against the entire media complex and still almost won again. Both sides are still scared of him because he has the polling numbers to win again.

The GOP has to put up a canidate with strong leadership skills and can sway the blue collars/conservative minorities and the academics/housewives to them. Desantis is the only one even in the realm right now.

Good news is there is alot of time between now and 2024.
Adopt-a-Bear 2024

CLASS Junior
HT/WT 6' 3", 288 lbs

CLASS Sophomore
HT/WT 6' 3", 273 lbs
4th and Inches
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Aliceinbubbleland said:

The Supreme Court lately reminds me so much of the Baylor Board of Regents. I'm amazed they haven't struck down dancing in public.
what article is that in the constitution?
Adopt-a-Bear 2024

CLASS Junior
HT/WT 6' 3", 288 lbs

CLASS Sophomore
HT/WT 6' 3", 273 lbs
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Porteroso said:

Mothra said:

Porteroso said:

Mothra said:

Porteroso said:

Mothra said:

Osodecentx said:

Mothra said:

Osodecentx said:

Mothra said:

My pragmatism is going to get Roe v. Wade overturned, and save thousands of innocent childrens' lives. The Supreme Court was one of the major reasons I supported Trump in 2016 and again in 2020.

But it's me and not you that lacks principles. Sure bro. I guess you're going to believe whatever helps you to sleep better at night.

You're a Neville Chamberlain conservative
It's ironic that you would invoke his name given the fact it is your position that is a vote in favor of death chambers for babies. But again, whatever helps you sleep better.

I sleep fine knowing my vote helped curb that heinous practice. But at least you can feel good about the stand you've taken against the orange Satan as Biden destroys the country.
I think you really believe your own *****

If Trump steals an election, that's cool as long as the market is up
As I said above, I don't have to approve of Trump's behavior to understand the lives that will be saved because of his election, nor do I have to approve of his actions in order to understand that Biden's policies are far worse for our country than Trump's meager attempts to "steal" the 2020 election. Again, it's called pragmatism.

BTW, you seem angry and flustered, and your showing on this thread is even worse than usual. Might be a good idea to take a break for the evening. Perhaps go watch some Jan. 6th hearing re-runs and get re-charged. Tomorrow's a new day.

But he's the last person you'd vote for, don't forget to your lines.
If you had read a little closer, you would have noticed I said he was the last Republican candidate I wanted to win the 2016 primary.

I know reading comprehension isn't your strong suit, but it does help when you attempt to play gotcha.

This was your entire post. Please at least edit your posts if you're going to try to lie about them. At least make this more challenging than throwing your actual post back at you.


Trump would be my last choice. Didn't vote for him in the 2016 primaries, and won't vote for him if he decides to run again (let's hope not).

But what I am really interested in is if he does run and win, how long will it take him to destroy democracy, as we keep hearing he will do.

I am with you on DeSantis.

Ah yes, when your little game of gotcha fails, the next step is to try and take my post out of context in an attempt to paint a false picture. I see how that works. Let me shed some light on your little lie...

When I said "Trump would be my last choice," I was referring to my last choice as Republican nominee, which if I recall was in response to a post on that very subject. And then when I go on to say I didn't vote for Trump in the 2016 "primaries," and said I wouldn't vote for him again in that very same sentence, it should have been self evident to any reasonable person that I was once again referring to the "primaries."

However, if that somehow caused you any confusion, I went on to clarify just a few posts later that if Trump was the Republican nominee, I would vote for him.

Got any more lies up your sleeve?

Yes your next post made this first one look dumb. You've been pretending to not want to vote for Trump again, you said you were done with him several times in the aftermath of the past election.

So of course it's fun pointing out that without knowing who his opponents could be, you're already a lock for Trump.

I bet you went back on your decision long before this, but it's just the first time I've paid enough attention to notice it.

And speaking of context, the post you replied to was mostly referring to the general. Don't need context clues for that, it was explicit. You may have truly been talking about the primaries, but you responded to a post about Trump winning the general, so just poor communication on your part if so. Can't expect people to read your mind.
So, I am pretending to not want Trump to run again but secretly want him to run because I want to vote for him.


It's clear what I was saying. I would prefer another Republican, but if he runs, I would absolutely vote for him over the current **** show. It's not too difficult to understand, unless you're obtuse.
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4th and Inches said:

Aliceinbubbleland said:

The Supreme Court lately reminds me so much of the Baylor Board of Regents. I'm amazed they haven't struck down dancing in public.
what article is that in the constitution?
You think they actuall follow the Constitution? I use to but today I wonder.
Astros in Home Stretch Geaux Texans
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Aliceinbubbleland said:

The Supreme Court lately reminds me so much of the Baylor Board of Regents. I'm amazed they haven't struck down dancing in public.
So...as a conservative, you don't like the S.C.'s conservative rulings?

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Aliceinbubbleland said:

4th and Inches said:

Aliceinbubbleland said:

The Supreme Court lately reminds me so much of the Baylor Board of Regents. I'm amazed they haven't struck down dancing in public.
what article is that in the constitution?
You think they actuall follow the Constitution? I use to but today I wonder.
You just described the Warren court perfectly.
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whitetrash said:

You just described the Warren court perfectly.
The only thing I recall from Warren was desegregation. You know, equal rights. You oppose?
Astros in Home Stretch Geaux Texans
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C. Jordan said:

4th and Inches said:

C. Jordan said:

Yesterday was sickening, but gave me hope in the sense that there are still a few Republicans who are more loyal to the Constitution than to Trump.

Though I have huge policy differences with people like Bowers and the others, I admire their courage and faith to stand tall against Trump.

It means that maybe Republicans and Democrats can rally around the shared values of the rule of law and democracy.

What Trump and his minions did to those poor election workers in GA was unconscionable. A low point, even for him. He ruined these women's lives just for doing their jobs well. That's up from 51% in April.

The alleged "clown show" has definitely revealed the crimes of the former "Clown in Chief."

Also encouraging is that a recent ABC News/Ipsos poll now shows that 58% of Americans believe Trump committed crimes and should be prosecuted.

Meanwhile, those in the Trump cult are looking like the Branch Davidians rallying around David Koresh. The more their leader is attacked, the more they defy facts, logic, and reason to cling to him.

link to the poll and its cross tabs please and thanks!

Its never encouraging to cite an ABC poll..

91% of Democrats, 21% of Republicans, and what should be most worrying for you, 62% of independents.

Also, 60% of Americans believe the committee has been fair.

You can diss the messenger all you want, but it shows the committee is being effective with people who aren't in the cult.

Serious questions:

How can you dismiss the testimony of people who were not only conservative Republicans but who both voted for Trump and campaigned for him?

How can you excuse Trump's vilification of poll workers, who were guilty of nothing but doing their jobs?

Your party castrates children. Your party enslaved millions. Your party has killed over 61 million people.

How does that make you feel?
Your ideas are intriguing to me, and I wish to subscribe to your newsletter.
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4th and Inches said:

Osodecentx said:

4th and Inches said:

Why the committee cut off Jim Jordan? He was giving a nice Ruth B Ginsburg quote there.. they no like?

He might be a witness. Can't be a witness & rule on the report
cant let people know it was a Ruth Bader Ginsburg quote? Cant let people know the process being played out in congress is real, important, and standard of the election process?

The riots were the problem, not the contestation of elector slates. That is a standard process outlined in the federal election law
Sorry, I thought you were asking why Jordan wasn't allowed on the Jan 6 Committee.
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Aliceinbubbleland said:

Harrison Bergeron said:

Has Shifty Shiff's Show Trial come up with anything new or interesting about Jan. 6 yet? Any more democracy-threatening tours or similar conspiracies?
I dispise Shiff but that is no reason to excuse anything Trump did to endanger our Democracy. I just cannot comprehend how so many here suck up to a ****ing nut job. If he was a Democrat you'd really lose your *****
Below is a quote from a Peggy Noonan opinion piece that will be in WSJ tomorrow.
Republicans are turning away from Trump.

A distinction must be made between Trump voters and Trump supporters. Trump voters are the bigger group. They don't love him, but made a considered judgment he was better than the Democratic alternative and don't regret it. From my email I'd say they're shoppingeagerly. Trump supporters, the smaller but still considerable group, are true enthusiasts. It's about him. They will never not cheer him, especially when the cameras are around, and they will never turn their backsbut they are turning away. Quietly, in a way unacknowledged to their friends and maybe to themselves. But there's a new hesitancy in their notes, or rather an absence of the previous tone of "I'm on the winning side." And yes, both groups seem to like Mr. DeSantis, who is capturing the Republican imagination as tough and committed but not unstable or criminal.
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Osodecentx said:

Aliceinbubbleland said:

Harrison Bergeron said:

Has Shifty Shiff's Show Trial come up with anything new or interesting about Jan. 6 yet? Any more democracy-threatening tours or similar conspiracies?
I dispise Shiff but that is no reason to excuse anything Trump did to endanger our Democracy. I just cannot comprehend how so many here suck up to a ****ing nut job. If he was a Democrat you'd really lose your *****
Below is a quote from a Peggy Noonan opinion piece that will be in WSJ tomorrow.
Republicans are turning away from Trump.

A distinction must be made between Trump voters and Trump supporters. Trump voters are the bigger group. They don't love him, but made a considered judgment he was better than the Democratic alternative and don't regret it. From my email I'd say they're shoppingeagerly. Trump supporters, the smaller but still considerable group, are true enthusiasts. It's about him. They will never not cheer him, especially when the cameras are around, and they will never turn their backsbut they are turning away. Quietly, in a way unacknowledged to their friends and maybe to themselves. But there's a new hesitancy in their notes, or rather an absence of the previous tone of "I'm on the winning side." And yes, both groups seem to like Mr. DeSantis, who is capturing the Republican imagination as tough and committed but not unstable or criminal.
I agree with that synopsis.
TWD 1974
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GrowlTowel said:

C. Jordan said:

4th and Inches said:

C. Jordan said:

Yesterday was sickening, but gave me hope in the sense that there are still a few Republicans who are more loyal to the Constitution than to Trump.

Though I have huge policy differences with people like Bowers and the others, I admire their courage and faith to stand tall against Trump.

It means that maybe Republicans and Democrats can rally around the shared values of the rule of law and democracy.

What Trump and his minions did to those poor election workers in GA was unconscionable. A low point, even for him. He ruined these women's lives just for doing their jobs well. That's up from 51% in April.

The alleged "clown show" has definitely revealed the crimes of the former "Clown in Chief."

Also encouraging is that a recent ABC News/Ipsos poll now shows that 58% of Americans believe Trump committed crimes and should be prosecuted.

Meanwhile, those in the Trump cult are looking like the Branch Davidians rallying around David Koresh. The more their leader is attacked, the more they defy facts, logic, and reason to cling to him.

link to the poll and its cross tabs please and thanks!

Its never encouraging to cite an ABC poll..

91% of Democrats, 21% of Republicans, and what should be most worrying for you, 62% of independents.

Also, 60% of Americans believe the committee has been fair.

You can diss the messenger all you want, but it shows the committee is being effective with people who aren't in the cult.

Serious questions:

How can you dismiss the testimony of people who were not only conservative Republicans but who both voted for Trump and campaigned for him?

How can you excuse Trump's vilification of poll workers, who were guilty of nothing but doing their jobs?

Your party castrates children. Your party enslaved millions. Your party has killed over 61 million people.

How does that make you feel?
Transgender Surgery can only be performed on persons 18 year of age or older in this Country.
Slavery in this Country well precedes any political party. If you want to attack at the source, blame the British Crown and Parliament.
Roe V Wade was affirmed in the 1970's by 6 Supreme Court Justices--5 of whom were appointed by Republican Presidents.
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Chemical castrations, hormone therapies and puberty blockers are not surgical procedures.
TWD 1974
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Wangchung said:

Chemical castrations, hormone therapies and puberty blockers are not surgical procedures.
Hormonal treatments are effectively only so long as they are taken. They are considered reversible.
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Puberty blockers can cause lifelong damage.
Our vibrations were getting nasty. But why? I was puzzled, frustrated... Had we deteriorated to the level of dumb beasts?
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Osodecentx said:

Aliceinbubbleland said:

Harrison Bergeron said:

Has Shifty Shiff's Show Trial come up with anything new or interesting about Jan. 6 yet? Any more democracy-threatening tours or similar conspiracies?
I dispise Shiff but that is no reason to excuse anything Trump did to endanger our Democracy. I just cannot comprehend how so many here suck up to a ****ing nut job. If he was a Democrat you'd really lose your *****
Below is a quote from a Peggy Noonan opinion piece that will be in WSJ tomorrow.
Republicans are turning away from Trump.

A distinction must be made between Trump voters and Trump supporters. Trump voters are the bigger group. They don't love him, but made a considered judgment he was better than the Democratic alternative and don't regret it. From my email I'd say they're shoppingeagerly. Trump supporters, the smaller but still considerable group, are true enthusiasts. It's about him. They will never not cheer him, especially when the cameras are around, and they will never turn their backsbut they are turning away. Quietly, in a way unacknowledged to their friends and maybe to themselves. But there's a new hesitancy in their notes, or rather an absence of the previous tone of "I'm on the winning side." And yes, both groups seem to like Mr. DeSantis, who is capturing the Republican imagination as tough and committed but not unstable or criminal.
So it was OK for Republicans to hold their noses and vote for a corrupt ******* like Donald Trump but not Ok for Democrats to hold their noses and vote for the Clintons, who were far less corrupt (but not squeaky clean) and who both had a vocation for public service and the respect of their peers.

Clinton got impeached for having a truly stupid and disgusting affair and lying about it.

Republicans wouldn't impeach Trump for staging a coup and they didn't blink an eye when a professional sex worker wrote a book about getting ****ed by POTUS.
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J.B.Katz said:

Osodecentx said:

Aliceinbubbleland said:

Harrison Bergeron said:

Has Shifty Shiff's Show Trial come up with anything new or interesting about Jan. 6 yet? Any more democracy-threatening tours or similar conspiracies?
I dispise Shiff but that is no reason to excuse anything Trump did to endanger our Democracy. I just cannot comprehend how so many here suck up to a ****ing nut job. If he was a Democrat you'd really lose your *****
Below is a quote from a Peggy Noonan opinion piece that will be in WSJ tomorrow.
Republicans are turning away from Trump.

A distinction must be made between Trump voters and Trump supporters. Trump voters are the bigger group. They don't love him, but made a considered judgment he was better than the Democratic alternative and don't regret it. From my email I'd say they're shoppingeagerly. Trump supporters, the smaller but still considerable group, are true enthusiasts. It's about him. They will never not cheer him, especially when the cameras are around, and they will never turn their backsbut they are turning away. Quietly, in a way unacknowledged to their friends and maybe to themselves. But there's a new hesitancy in their notes, or rather an absence of the previous tone of "I'm on the winning side." And yes, both groups seem to like Mr. DeSantis, who is capturing the Republican imagination as tough and committed but not unstable or criminal.
So it was OK for Republicans to hold their noses and vote for a corrupt ******* like Donald Trump but not Ok for Democrats to hold their noses and vote for the Clintons, who were far less corrupt (but not squeaky clean) and who both had a vocation for public service and the respect of their peers.

Clinton got impeached for having a truly stupid and disgusting affair and lying about it.

Republicans wouldn't impeach Trump for staging a coup and they didn't blink an eye when a professional sex worker wrote a book about getting ****ed by POTUS.

You can still kill your children. Just do so before they know you are doing it to them.
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GrowlTowel said:

J.B.Katz said:

Osodecentx said:

Aliceinbubbleland said:

Harrison Bergeron said:

Has Shifty Shiff's Show Trial come up with anything new or interesting about Jan. 6 yet? Any more democracy-threatening tours or similar conspiracies?
I dispise Shiff but that is no reason to excuse anything Trump did to endanger our Democracy. I just cannot comprehend how so many here suck up to a ****ing nut job. If he was a Democrat you'd really lose your *****
Below is a quote from a Peggy Noonan opinion piece that will be in WSJ tomorrow.
Republicans are turning away from Trump.

A distinction must be made between Trump voters and Trump supporters. Trump voters are the bigger group. They don't love him, but made a considered judgment he was better than the Democratic alternative and don't regret it. From my email I'd say they're shoppingeagerly. Trump supporters, the smaller but still considerable group, are true enthusiasts. It's about him. They will never not cheer him, especially when the cameras are around, and they will never turn their backsbut they are turning away. Quietly, in a way unacknowledged to their friends and maybe to themselves. But there's a new hesitancy in their notes, or rather an absence of the previous tone of "I'm on the winning side." And yes, both groups seem to like Mr. DeSantis, who is capturing the Republican imagination as tough and committed but not unstable or criminal.
So it was OK for Republicans to hold their noses and vote for a corrupt ******* like Donald Trump but not Ok for Democrats to hold their noses and vote for the Clintons, who were far less corrupt (but not squeaky clean) and who both had a vocation for public service and the respect of their peers.

Clinton got impeached for having a truly stupid and disgusting affair and lying about it.

Republicans wouldn't impeach Trump for staging a coup and they didn't blink an eye when a professional sex worker wrote a book about getting ****ed by POTUS.

You can still kill your children. Just do so before they know you are doing it to them.
Gee, you thought that was so clever you repeated it on 2 threads?

Having a very strong desire for limited government when it comes to very personal decisions like what a woman can do if she's pregnant and the pregnancy is unplanned or presents a serious challenge to her health is totally different from killing children.

Let's be clear that I don't consider a fertilized embryo a child. Neither does the law, really, or IVF would be against the law, since it involves freezing embryos and sometimes disposing of them.

If you want to be totally consistent--and to its credit, the Catholic Church has been consistent on this issue--you should oppose IVF.

But that's not a popular position. So most conservatives don't oppose it.


The laws also pose a threat to standard IVF procedures designed to safeguard both parent and unborn child like selective reduction, which lowers the number of fetuses in a single pregnancy to boost the chances of success, said Seema Mohapatra, a health law and bioethics expert at Southern Methodist University.

While many professionals don't consider these procedures to be abortionthe pregnancy and a live fetus remainsMohapatra said selective reduction would definitely count as abortion in some states like Texas, adding that there is an "immediate risk" of losing access to it.
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J.B.Katz said:

GrowlTowel said:

J.B.Katz said:

Osodecentx said:

Aliceinbubbleland said:

Harrison Bergeron said:

Has Shifty Shiff's Show Trial come up with anything new or interesting about Jan. 6 yet? Any more democracy-threatening tours or similar conspiracies?
I dispise Shiff but that is no reason to excuse anything Trump did to endanger our Democracy. I just cannot comprehend how so many here suck up to a ****ing nut job. If he was a Democrat you'd really lose your *****
Below is a quote from a Peggy Noonan opinion piece that will be in WSJ tomorrow.
Republicans are turning away from Trump.

A distinction must be made between Trump voters and Trump supporters. Trump voters are the bigger group. They don't love him, but made a considered judgment he was better than the Democratic alternative and don't regret it. From my email I'd say they're shoppingeagerly. Trump supporters, the smaller but still considerable group, are true enthusiasts. It's about him. They will never not cheer him, especially when the cameras are around, and they will never turn their backsbut they are turning away. Quietly, in a way unacknowledged to their friends and maybe to themselves. But there's a new hesitancy in their notes, or rather an absence of the previous tone of "I'm on the winning side." And yes, both groups seem to like Mr. DeSantis, who is capturing the Republican imagination as tough and committed but not unstable or criminal.
So it was OK for Republicans to hold their noses and vote for a corrupt ******* like Donald Trump but not Ok for Democrats to hold their noses and vote for the Clintons, who were far less corrupt (but not squeaky clean) and who both had a vocation for public service and the respect of their peers.

Clinton got impeached for having a truly stupid and disgusting affair and lying about it.

Republicans wouldn't impeach Trump for staging a coup and they didn't blink an eye when a professional sex worker wrote a book about getting ****ed by POTUS.

You can still kill your children. Just do so before they know you are doing it to them.
Gee, you thought that was so clever you repeated it on 2 threads?

Having a very strong desire for limited government when it comes to very personal decisions like what a woman can do if she's pregnant and the pregnancy is unplanned or presents a serious challenge to her health is totally different from killing children.

Let's be clear that I don't consider a fertilized embryo a child. Neither does the law, really, or IVF would be against the law, since it involves freezing embryos and sometimes disposing of them.

If you want to be totally consistent--and to its credit, the Catholic Church has been consistent on this issue--you should oppose IVF.

But that's not a popular position. So most conservatives don't oppose it.


The laws also pose a threat to standard IVF procedures designed to safeguard both parent and unborn child like selective reduction, which lowers the number of fetuses in a single pregnancy to boost the chances of success, said Seema Mohapatra, a health law and bioethics expert at Southern Methodist University.

While many professionals don't consider these procedures to be abortionthe pregnancy and a live fetus remainsMohapatra said selective reduction would definitely count as abortion in some states like Texas, adding that there is an "immediate risk" of losing access to it.

4 actually. Keep the dick out because no blenders going in.

The misery you are feeling is so sweet. Your lifetime work is undone 6-3.

It's like Christmas. How many times have you raged today? Like sprinkles on a donut. Go find you a protest. Children LIVE!

Now you have to bow before the man to make "health care" choices. To be a fly in your house. Just the pure joy in your menopause rage that finally the Supreme Court got the text right.
Your ideas are intriguing to me, and I wish to subscribe to your newsletter.
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Aliceinbubbleland said:

Harrison Bergeron said:

Has Shifty Shiff's Show Trial come up with anything new or interesting about Jan. 6 yet? Any more democracy-threatening tours or similar conspiracies?
I dispise Shiff but that is no reason to excuse anything Trump did to endanger our Democracy. I just cannot comprehend how so many here suck up to a ****ing nut job. If he was a Democrat you'd really lose your *****

I have to ask again, how was our democracy threatened? If anything, it shows that our systems withstand even a President that disagrees with an election.
DOJ- looked at data said no
VP - talked to legal, said no
Senate confirmed electorate
Even Trump left on Jan 20th

Everything worked. Everything working with no pressure means little, working under pressure means everything. Democracy alive and well, 2020 proves it.
Guy Noir
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4th and Inches
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RMF5630 said:

Aliceinbubbleland said:

Harrison Bergeron said:

Has Shifty Shiff's Show Trial come up with anything new or interesting about Jan. 6 yet? Any more democracy-threatening tours or similar conspiracies?
I dispise Shiff but that is no reason to excuse anything Trump did to endanger our Democracy. I just cannot comprehend how so many here suck up to a ****ing nut job. If he was a Democrat you'd really lose your *****

I have to ask again, how was our democracy threatened? If anything, it shows that our systems withstand even a President that disagrees with an election.
DOJ- looked at data said no
VP - talked to legal, said no
Senate confirmed electorate
Even Trump left on Jan 20th

Everything worked. Everything working with no pressure means little, working under pressure means everything. Democracy alive and well, 2020 proves it.
Adopt-a-Bear 2024

CLASS Junior
HT/WT 6' 3", 288 lbs

CLASS Sophomore
HT/WT 6' 3", 273 lbs
Harrison Bergeron
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Aliceinbubbleland said:

Harrison Bergeron said:

Has Shifty Shiff's Show Trial come up with anything new or interesting about Jan. 6 yet? Any more democracy-threatening tours or similar conspiracies?
I dispise Shiff but that is no reason to excuse anything Trump did to endanger our Democracy. I just cannot comprehend how so many here suck up to a ****ing nut job. If he was a Democrat you'd really lose your *****

Clinton and the Democrats claimed Russia stole the 2016 election.and wasted $40M on that fever dream.

Any new evidence yet? Bueller? Bueller?
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Harrison Bergeron said:

Has Shifty Shiff's Show Trial come up with anything new or interesting about Jan. 6 yet? Any more democracy-threatening tours or similar conspiracies?
Surprisingly, it has.
Schiff is still repulsive, but the testimony of conservative Republicans is new to me. It documents the lengths Trump and his staff went tin order to steal the election.
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Osodecentx said:

Harrison Bergeron said:

Has Shifty Shiff's Show Trial come up with anything new or interesting about Jan. 6 yet? Any more democracy-threatening tours or similar conspiracies?
Surprisingly, it has.
Schiff is still repulsive, but the testimony of conservative Republicans is new to me. It documents the lengths Trump and his staff went tin order to steal the election.

His Cabinet, Staff and Agencies knew that there was not enough fraud to throw the election to Trump and the procedural flaws that did happen there was no time for recourse due to the January 6th certification , see Barr's Book 1st Chapter in his words as AG, Therefore:

Staff and VP told Trump no there was no reason not to certify.

VP certified
Trump left
Biden inaugurated

Trump honestly thinks he was wronged and looked to undo it, which is not illegal. It has been investigated for 18 months with 700+ arrests under Biden's DOJ. You think if they had criminal evidence they would bury it?????

System worked as designed. This is all to make sure Trump doesn't run again because he has a big following. This is political theater and posturing for the mid-terms and 2024.

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