Jan 6 committee

147,253 Views | 3026 Replies | Last: 10 mo ago by Harrison Bergeron
C. Jordan
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Mothra said:

C. Jordan said:

Mothra said:

C. Jordan said:

Mothra said:

C. Jordan said:

Mothra said:

C. Jordan said:

riflebear said:

Apples and oranges.

But nice try.
Actually, it's a pretty spot on comparison.

You can't be unhappy about one, calling for investigations, prosecutions, etc. and then ignore the other.
Actually, it isn't.

First, most of them are referring to protests, not violence.

Second, none of them involved the attempted takeover of the government and the murder of public officials.

So, yeah.

Apples and oranges.

But thanks for playing!
The BLM "protests" were far more violent than January 6th. 20 dead, thousands injured, and hundreds of million in property damage. And of course, the Dems bailed out many of those arrested, hypocrites that they are.

But I can understand why a partisan hack such as yourself can't admit it. Try again, false preacher.
Are you kidding me?

None of the BLM protests tried to overthrow the federal government and murder Nancy Pelosi and Mike Pence.

There's no comparison.

Quit trying to gaslight people.
Are you actually suggesting that January 6th, which resulted in the death of one protestor, was more violent than BLM?

As my dad would say, you're either eaten up with the dumbass, or you are blinded by your politics.
Umm. You didn't notice that at least 4 police officers died.

And that many other leaders' lives were in danger.

You might try watching the news occasionally.

Listen to the brave testimony from last night of the female police officer who was knocked out cold, but then got up to continue to try to stop the surge.

You didn't notice these deaths and injuries?

And I'm the blind one?
Dummy, not a single death of a police officer was linked to January 6th. NOT A SINGLE ONE. Try getting your news from somewhere other than Huffingtonpost.

Yes, you are blind as a bat.
Are you nuts? Brian Sicknick died as a direct result of the attacks.

Two other officers died by suicide in the aftermath of the attacks.

A total of 150 officers were injured in the attack.

How can we have a discussion when you don't even know the facts?

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C. Jordan said:

Mothra said:

C. Jordan said:

Mothra said:

C. Jordan said:

Mothra said:

C. Jordan said:

TWD 74 said:

LateSteak69 said:

This is going to sting the celebrity cultists.
Don't know if anyone is paying attention, but Liz Cheney is flat out bringing it.
She's going to follow Trump to the gates of hell.

She has more balls than any other Republican.

McConnell and McCarthy have let Trump geld them.
Yup. You criticize her Daddy and War-Monger Dick Cheney, she mad.

But nothing will become of it. She's a paper tiger. Won't be here much longer.
Yep. Courage and balls are no longer valued in the Republican party.

Bowing the knee to Trump is all that matters.

I didn't agree with her policies. I just said she has balls.

Which other Republican leaders lack.
LOL. Yes, she's very courageous. Bowing her knee to the Dems because she's mad he was critical of a man truly responsible for the deaths of thousands of our young men.

Cheneys have blood on their hands. But we all know the enemy of our enemy is our friend, right false preacher?
I don't disagree about blood on her hands.

But you could say that about a lot of people.

But when push came to shove over Democracy, she stood tall.

Democrats and Republicans used to share that value.

I still value democracy. Apparently, you don't.
Sorry, false preacher, but you don't value anything of the sort. Your party doesn't value democracy. It values power. This little charade proves that. It's about the midterms.

Get over yourself, wokie.
I'm proud to be woke.

My party isn't the one trying to subvert democracy.

Trump was the one doing that.

And he came perilously close to succeeded.

(By the way, just a word. When you resort to insults, it tells me you're desperate and know that you've lost the debate!)
Of course you are proud of that, false teacher. The teachings of Christ and the biblical writers don't mean much to you.

Sorry, wokie, but your party is all about power grabs. Changing election laws before the election prove that.

I'd suggest taking the plank out of your own eye before accusing others of insults. You do it on a regular basis.
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C. Jordan said:

Mothra said:

C. Jordan said:

Mothra said:

C. Jordan said:

Mothra said:

C. Jordan said:

Mothra said:

C. Jordan said:

riflebear said:

Apples and oranges.

But nice try.
Actually, it's a pretty spot on comparison.

You can't be unhappy about one, calling for investigations, prosecutions, etc. and then ignore the other.
Actually, it isn't.

First, most of them are referring to protests, not violence.

Second, none of them involved the attempted takeover of the government and the murder of public officials.

So, yeah.

Apples and oranges.

But thanks for playing!
The BLM "protests" were far more violent than January 6th. 20 dead, thousands injured, and hundreds of million in property damage. And of course, the Dems bailed out many of those arrested, hypocrites that they are.

But I can understand why a partisan hack such as yourself can't admit it. Try again, false preacher.
Are you kidding me?

None of the BLM protests tried to overthrow the federal government and murder Nancy Pelosi and Mike Pence.

There's no comparison.

Quit trying to gaslight people.
Are you actually suggesting that January 6th, which resulted in the death of one protestor, was more violent than BLM?

As my dad would say, you're either eaten up with the dumbass, or you are blinded by your politics.
Umm. You didn't notice that at least 4 police officers died.

And that many other leaders' lives were in danger.

You might try watching the news occasionally.

Listen to the brave testimony from last night of the female police officer who was knocked out cold, but then got up to continue to try to stop the surge.

You didn't notice these deaths and injuries?

And I'm the blind one?
Dummy, not a single death of a police officer was linked to January 6th. NOT A SINGLE ONE. Try getting your news from somewhere other than Huffingtonpost.

Yes, you are blind as a bat.
Are you nuts? Brian Sicknick died as a direct result of the attacks.

Two other officers died by suicide in the aftermath of the attacks.

A total of 150 officers were injured in the attack.

How can we have a discussion when you don't even know the facts?

Are you a moron? Sicknick died of a stroke, unrelated - according to the medical examiner - of the January 6th protest. Try getting your facts straight.

Look, I am happy to deal in facts. But you don't know what you're talking about if you actually suggest BLM was less violent than January 6th.
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Try reading this very slowly. Try to take the political lens off when you read it. This is the report of the medical examiner:

"On April 19, 2021, the Office of the Chief Medical Examiner of the District of Columbia issued a press release about the death of Brian Sicknick. It said that the manner of death was natural and the cause of death was "acute brainstem and cerebellar infarcts due to acute basilar artery thrombosis" (two strokes at the base of the brain stem caused by an artery clot).[url=https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Death_of_Brian_Sicknick#cite_note-:4.20CBS-33][31][/url][url=https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Death_of_Brian_Sicknick#cite_note-:4.19NBC-31][29][/url] The term "natural" was used to indicate a death caused by a disease alone; and if an injury contributed to the manner of death, it would not be considered natural.[url=https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Death_of_Brian_Sicknick#cite_note-:4.20CBS-33][31][/url] It took more than 100 days to release these results from the January autopsy.[url=https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Death_of_Brian_Sicknick#cite_note-:4.19WUSA-MedEx-26][25][/url] The full autopsy report was not released to the public.[url=https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Death_of_Brian_Sicknick#cite_note-:4.20CBS-33][31][/url]

"The Chief Medical Examiner, Dr. Francisco J. Diaz, told the Washington Post that there was no evidence that Sicknick was injured or had an allergic reaction to chemical irritants. Due to privacy laws, he declined to say whether Sicknick had a preexisting medical condition."[url=https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Death_of_Brian_Sicknick#cite_note-MedExaminer-1][1][/url]

Try getting your news from somewhere other than the liberal rags, ok?
Forest Bueller_bf
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4th and Inches said:

Nobody is watching, people dont care about this based on polling. Good luck getting new Dems to care.. they are too busy looking for gas money and forMula

Truck drivers are being told same pay for double or triple fuel costs so now we have over 100,000 truck driver shortage.. this country runs its supply chain on ruck drivers and diesel. We are so screwed. Nobody cares about this jan 6th stuff when we got real problems
I don't know if nobody is watching, but real TV was certainly taken away from us last night. If you wanted to watch a network program, you had nothing, all for something that should be during the day and on C-Span.
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C. Jordan said:

Osodecentx said:

Hearings tonight in prime time. This is a massive overreach by Dems. If they think minds will be changed, they are mistaken.

Just tell us what happened & we can decide what to do.

Millions believe the election was stolen and violence is justified to rectify it. These hearings will only harden their opinions.

A prime time circus won't do what Democrats hope
Obviously, you didn't watch it.

It was riveting and it allowed Trump's own people to damn him.

They told what happened. The fact that millions believe the election was stolen doesn't make it true.

First, the committee let Trump's own people say the election was NOT stolen. In fact, it's obvious Trump knew the election wasn't stolen.

To this day, there is no evidence the election was stolen.

But Trump has claimed fraud after every election he lost. Even Republican primaries. So he's a proven liar.

The millions who believe the election was stolen believe it only because they believe whatever Trump says. Even when there's no evidence to support what he says.

Second, the committee showed the disgusting violence of the day, and that Trump not only knew about it, he instigated it and approved it.

More revelations will come.

Will it change minds? I sure hope so, because we came perilously close to losing democracy that day. For the first time, we had a President challenge the peaceful handover of power. Trump failed, mostly because he was inept.

If it doesn't change minds, at least it will provide a historical record of how America lost democracy. Because if Trump is elected again, it will be gone.

You really believe that was a Coup of the United States? Several hundred disorganized protestors, taking selfies with no weapons, no plan to hold the area, no end game that could happen 14 days before the transfer of power was scheduled????? That group couldn't have taken a 3rd world island nation in the Caribbean, never mind the US. There is a Battalion of Infantry (3rd Infantry) 2 miles from the Capital. You really think the intent was a coup to take our Democracy???
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RMF5630 said:

C. Jordan said:

Osodecentx said:

Hearings tonight in prime time. This is a massive overreach by Dems. If they think minds will be changed, they are mistaken.

Just tell us what happened & we can decide what to do.

Millions believe the election was stolen and violence is justified to rectify it. These hearings will only harden their opinions.

A prime time circus won't do what Democrats hope
Obviously, you didn't watch it.

It was riveting and it allowed Trump's own people to damn him.

They told what happened. The fact that millions believe the election was stolen doesn't make it true.

First, the committee let Trump's own people say the election was NOT stolen. In fact, it's obvious Trump knew the election wasn't stolen.

To this day, there is no evidence the election was stolen.

But Trump has claimed fraud after every election he lost. Even Republican primaries. So he's a proven liar.

The millions who believe the election was stolen believe it only because they believe whatever Trump says. Even when there's no evidence to support what he says.

Second, the committee showed the disgusting violence of the day, and that Trump not only knew about it, he instigated it and approved it.

More revelations will come.

Will it change minds? I sure hope so, because we came perilously close to losing democracy that day. For the first time, we had a President challenge the peaceful handover of power. Trump failed, mostly because he was inept.

If it doesn't change minds, at least it will provide a historical record of how America lost democracy. Because if Trump is elected again, it will be gone.

You really believe that was a Coup of the United States? Several hundred disorganized protestors, taking selfies with no weapons, no plan to hold the area, no end game that could happen 14 days before the transfer of power was scheduled????? That group couldn't have taken a 3rd world island nation in the Caribbean, never mind the US. There is a Battalion of Infantry (3rd Infantry) 2 miles from the Capital. You really think the intent was a coup to take our Democracy???
He's got a narrative to support.
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fubar said:

Mothra said:

fubar said:

Osodecentx said:

Just tell us what happened & we can decide what to do.
Don't you think that's what this is supposed to do?
No. According to news reports, the Dems have hired the former ABC news producer to sensationalize and dramatize the events in an attempt to paint a compelling narrative. Why do they need to do that as opposed to just giving Americans the facts?

I'll tell you: midterms. It's going to be a bloodbath, given the incompetence of the Biden admin, and as others pointed out above, this is an attempt to sway that election.
They're going to do the same thing you do in a closing argument.
Last night was some Amber-Heard level lack of awareness by the Donks=.
That which does not kill me, will try again and get nastier
Doc Holliday
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C. Jordan said:

Mothra said:

C. Jordan said:

Mothra said:

C. Jordan said:

Mothra said:

C. Jordan said:

TWD 74 said:

LateSteak69 said:

This is going to sting the celebrity cultists.
Don't know if anyone is paying attention, but Liz Cheney is flat out bringing it.
She's going to follow Trump to the gates of hell.

She has more balls than any other Republican.

McConnell and McCarthy have let Trump geld them.
Yup. You criticize her Daddy and War-Monger Dick Cheney, she mad.

But nothing will become of it. She's a paper tiger. Won't be here much longer.
Yep. Courage and balls are no longer valued in the Republican party.

Bowing the knee to Trump is all that matters.

I didn't agree with her policies. I just said she has balls.

Which other Republican leaders lack.
LOL. Yes, she's very courageous. Bowing her knee to the Dems because she's mad he was critical of a man truly responsible for the deaths of thousands of our young men.

Cheneys have blood on their hands. But we all know the enemy of our enemy is our friend, right false preacher?
I don't disagree about blood on her hands.

But you could say that about a lot of people.

But when push came to shove over Democracy, she stood tall.

Democrats and Republicans used to share that value.

I still value democracy. Apparently, you don't.
Sorry, false preacher, but you don't value anything of the sort. Your party doesn't value democracy. It values power. This little charade proves that. It's about the midterms.

Get over yourself, wokie.
I'm proud to be woke.

My party isn't the one trying to subvert democracy.

Trump was the one doing that.

And he came perilously close to succeeded.

(By the way, just a word. When you resort to insults, it tells me you're desperate and know that you've lost the debate!)
I get that you support Democrats, but why stop there as a woke person?

Shouldn't you be more excited about the world economic forum promoting that we will own nothing and be happy about it by 2030? Woke people don't really even like Biden, they want someone radical. Shouldn't you should support socialism, single party rule, price controls, and social credit scores where you're able to disenfranchise those who don't follow your dogma?

If you're not woke, are you one of those boomer dems that think our government is super efficient instead of abusive?
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Liz Chaney and Manchin should run for President as a ticket.

Astros in Home Stretch Geaux Texans
4th and Inches
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C. Jordan said:

Osodecentx said:

Hearings tonight in prime time. This is a massive overreach by Dems. If they think minds will be changed, they are mistaken.

Just tell us what happened & we can decide what to do.

Millions believe the election was stolen and violence is justified to rectify it. These hearings will only harden their opinions.

A prime time circus won't do what Democrats hope
Obviously, you didn't watch it.

It was riveting and it allowed Trump's own people to damn him.

They told what happened. The fact that millions believe the election was stolen doesn't make it true.

First, the committee let Trump's own people say the election was NOT stolen. In fact, it's obvious Trump knew the election wasn't stolen.

To this day, there is no evidence the election was stolen.

But Trump has claimed fraud after every election he lost. Even Republican primaries. So he's a proven liar.

The millions who believe the election was stolen believe it only because they believe whatever Trump says. Even when there's no evidence to support what he says.

Second, the committee showed the disgusting violence of the day, and that Trump not only knew about it, he instigated it and approved it.

More revelations will come.

Will it change minds? I sure hope so, because we came perilously close to losing democracy that day. For the first time, we had a President challenge the peaceful handover of power. Trump failed, mostly because he was inept.

If it doesn't change minds, at least it will provide a historical record of how America lost democracy. Because if Trump is elected again, it will be gone.
they played audio of Trump praising the crowd -- at his rally -- as peaceful and full of "love," over footage of the rioters as if he were commenting on that. Pure demagoguery and show trial propaganda.

Your hero Racheal Maddow said the crowd at the Trump rally wasnt the people that breeched the capital on national TV last night..

I hope Trump is elected again just to watch you lose your sh..

Your current president is DOING everything you claim Trump did or has done. Quid pro quo in Ukraine, Biden did that.. racist, Biden is that.. horrible president who leads by order instead of following the constitution, as bad or worse than Trump..

And for the last time, we are not a democracy! We are a constitution republic! No wonder Biden was elected, this country is full of morons.
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C. Jordan said:

Osodecentx said:

Hearings tonight in prime time. This is a massive overreach by Dems. If they think minds will be changed, they are mistaken.

Just tell us what happened & we can decide what to do.

Millions believe the election was stolen and violence is justified to rectify it. These hearings will only harden their opinions.

A prime time circus won't do what Democrats hope
Obviously, you didn't watch it.

It was riveting and it allowed Trump's own people to damn him.

They told what happened. The fact that millions believe the election was stolen doesn't make it true.

First, the committee let Trump's own people say the election was NOT stolen. In fact, it's obvious Trump knew the election wasn't stolen.

To this day, there is no evidence the election was stolen.

But Trump has claimed fraud after every election he lost. Even Republican primaries. So he's a proven liar.

The millions who believe the election was stolen believe it only because they believe whatever Trump says. Even when there's no evidence to support what he says.

Second, the committee showed the disgusting violence of the day, and that Trump not only knew about it, he instigated it and approved it.

More revelations will come.

Will it change minds? I sure hope so, because we came perilously close to losing democracy that day. For the first time, we had a President challenge the peaceful handover of power. Trump failed, mostly because he was inept.

If it doesn't change minds, at least it will provide a historical record of how America lost democracy. Because if Trump is elected again, it will be gone.
The propaganda has clearly worked on you.
Forest Bueller_bf
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Mothra said:

C. Jordan said:

Mothra said:

C. Jordan said:

Mothra said:

C. Jordan said:

Mothra said:

C. Jordan said:

Mothra said:

C. Jordan said:

riflebear said:

Apples and oranges.

But nice try.
Actually, it's a pretty spot on comparison.

You can't be unhappy about one, calling for investigations, prosecutions, etc. and then ignore the other.
Actually, it isn't.

First, most of them are referring to protests, not violence.

Second, none of them involved the attempted takeover of the government and the murder of public officials.

So, yeah.

Apples and oranges.

But thanks for playing!
The BLM "protests" were far more violent than January 6th. 20 dead, thousands injured, and hundreds of million in property damage. And of course, the Dems bailed out many of those arrested, hypocrites that they are.

But I can understand why a partisan hack such as yourself can't admit it. Try again, false preacher.
Are you kidding me?

None of the BLM protests tried to overthrow the federal government and murder Nancy Pelosi and Mike Pence.

There's no comparison.

Quit trying to gaslight people.
Are you actually suggesting that January 6th, which resulted in the death of one protestor, was more violent than BLM?

As my dad would say, you're either eaten up with the dumbass, or you are blinded by your politics.
Umm. You didn't notice that at least 4 police officers died.

And that many other leaders' lives were in danger.

You might try watching the news occasionally.

Listen to the brave testimony from last night of the female police officer who was knocked out cold, but then got up to continue to try to stop the surge.

You didn't notice these deaths and injuries?

And I'm the blind one?
Dummy, not a single death of a police officer was linked to January 6th. NOT A SINGLE ONE. Try getting your news from somewhere other than Huffingtonpost.

Yes, you are blind as a bat.
Are you nuts? Brian Sicknick died as a direct result of the attacks.

Two other officers died by suicide in the aftermath of the attacks.

A total of 150 officers were injured in the attack.

How can we have a discussion when you don't even know the facts?

Are you a moron? Sicknick died of a stroke, unrelated - according to the medical examiner - of the January 6th protest. Try getting your facts straight.

Look, I am happy to deal in facts. But you don't know what you're talking about if you actually suggest BLM was less violent than January 6th.


At least 11 Americans have been killed while participating in political demonstrations this year and another 14 have died in other incidents linked to political unrest, according to new data from a non-profit monitoring political unrest in the United States.

Nine of the people killed during protests were demonstrators taking part in Black Lives Matter protests. Two were conservatives killed after pro-Trump "patriot rallies". All but one were killed by fellow citizens.

It was an ugly summer no doubt, right in the middle of the Covid outbreak.
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Aliceinbubbleland said:

Liz Chaney and Manchin should run for President as a ticket.

No more warmongers that get us into senseless wars. Give me Trump's peaceful foreign policy to another Cheney any day of the week.
4th and Inches
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Anybody else notice it is the same people preening about the near-loss of American democracy that want to dismantle the senate, pack the courts, undermine your first and second amendment rights. Right now, they're a bigger threat to the constitution than those deluded thugs who rioted on Jan 6th
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Porteroso said:

But that's not the issue. The issue is that a man who took an oath to uphold and defend democracy, spent 4 years destroying people's trust in it…

It absolutely deserves to be investigated. This cannot become the norm, pseudo celebs somehow riling up Americans into believing violence is the only way to fix this country.

Are you talking about Obama or Biden or both?
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Sam Lowry
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4th and Inches said:

Anybody else notice it is the same people preening about the near-loss of American democracy that want to dismantle the senate, pack the courts, undermine your first and second amendment rights. Right now, they're a bigger threat to the constitution than those deluded thugs who rioted on Jan 6th
I haven't seen Cheney doing any of that.
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Sam Lowry said:

4th and Inches said:

Anybody else notice it is the same people preening about the near-loss of American democracy that want to dismantle the senate, pack the courts, undermine your first and second amendment rights. Right now, they're a bigger threat to the constitution than those deluded thugs who rioted on Jan 6th
I haven't seen Cheney doing any of that.
Blinders are like that.
That which does not kill me, will try again and get nastier
Doc Holliday
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Sam Lowry said:

4th and Inches said:

Anybody else notice it is the same people preening about the near-loss of American democracy that want to dismantle the senate, pack the courts, undermine your first and second amendment rights. Right now, they're a bigger threat to the constitution than those deluded thugs who rioted on Jan 6th
I haven't seen Cheney doing any of that.
Their case is so strong they're only releasing selectively edited clips from hearings they fully control, LOL
Sam Lowry
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Oldbear83 said:

Sam Lowry said:

4th and Inches said:

Anybody else notice it is the same people preening about the near-loss of American democracy that want to dismantle the senate, pack the courts, undermine your first and second amendment rights. Right now, they're a bigger threat to the constitution than those deluded thugs who rioted on Jan 6th
I haven't seen Cheney doing any of that.
Blinders are like that.
Cheney wants to dismantle the Senate, pack the courts, and undermine the 1st and 2nd Amendments? When did that happen?
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Not a Trump lover by any means and I abhor violent protests.

But this January 6th mess has been ridiculously overblown since Day One .

Now, much like the absurd RUSSIA 'investigation'....Dems are attempting to use this 'prime time' silliness for political gain . Good grief the deck has been so stacked against Trump as to be positively humorous .

Most will realize this is all political propaganda.....the 'outraged ' few are Dem loyalists to begin with .
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Doc Holliday said:

Sam Lowry said:

4th and Inches said:

Anybody else notice it is the same people preening about the near-loss of American democracy that want to dismantle the senate, pack the courts, undermine your first and second amendment rights. Right now, they're a bigger threat to the constitution than those deluded thugs who rioted on Jan 6th
I haven't seen Cheney doing any of that.
Their case is so strong they're only releasing selectively edited clips from hearings they fully control, LOL
This is obviously an election ploy to ensure the GOP is weakened and distract from Biden's horrific performance. Why else spread this over multiple weeks and title each segment? It is like min-series.
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Sam Lowry said:

4th and Inches said:

Anybody else notice it is the same people preening about the near-loss of American democracy that want to dismantle the senate, pack the courts, undermine your first and second amendment rights. Right now, they're a bigger threat to the constitution than those deluded thugs who rioted on Jan 6th
I haven't seen Cheney doing any of that.

Nah she's just mad because trump was critical of her war mongering daddy that you so despise.

But hey, I guess the old adage that my enemy's enemy is my friend applies in your case.
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Mothra said:

Sam Lowry said:

4th and Inches said:

Anybody else notice it is the same people preening about the near-loss of American democracy that want to dismantle the senate, pack the courts, undermine your first and second amendment rights. Right now, they're a bigger threat to the constitution than those deluded thugs who rioted on Jan 6th
I haven't seen Cheney doing any of that.

Nah she's just mad because trump was critical of her war mongering daddy that you so despise.

But hey, I guess the old adage that my enemy's enemy is my friend applies in your case.
Ding, Ding, DIng, we have a winner!!

This is a personal axe to grind by Cheney because of past personal issues with her family.

Look into Cheney's family, they make Trump look Rated PG. I don't think Trump shot anyone? (I know low blow...)
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C. Jordan said:

riflebear said:

Apples and oranges.

But nice try.

Sam Lowry
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The economy and the insurrection are both issues. It is possible to walk and chew gum at the same time.
Harrison Bergeron
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Porteroso said:

A lot of you just don't get it. It doesn't matter whether the insurrection had a chance or not. Sure, some of them wanted to murder the Vice President and all, but it was truly a pathetic and mostly spur of the moment attempt.

But that's not the issue. The issue is that a man who took an oath to uphold and defend democracy, spent 4 years destroying people's trust in it, to the point that millions of his faithful zealots think the election was stolen. Enough that thousands breached the Capitol for the first time in forever.

It absolutely deserves to be investigated. This cannot become the norm, pseudo celebs somehow riling up Americans into believing violence is the only way to fix this country.
You may not be aware but this was not even the most violent and deadly attack on the Capitol in the last 50 years. Ironically, some of the great Democrat heroes bombed it previously.

It does deserve to be investigated. I look forward to that occurring. The problem as the Democrats have never approached this as an actual investigation. To wit:
- Why were Republicans not allowed to staff the committee in line with precedent?
- Why were the Capitol Police not prepared and staffed accordingly
- Where were the 200 FBI agents reportedly at the scene? What was their role?

There are a lot of key questions that the Democrats do not want to answer. We've seen that in Adam Schiff already faking evidence publicly (Congressmen tweets) as well as edited video. To think this is an honest, ethical exercise is a level of naivet that bought into the Russian hoax, etc.
Harrison Bergeron
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C. Jordan said:

Mothra said:

C. Jordan said:

Mothra said:

C. Jordan said:

Mothra said:

C. Jordan said:

Mothra said:

C. Jordan said:

riflebear said:

Apples and oranges.

But nice try.
Actually, it's a pretty spot on comparison.

You can't be unhappy about one, calling for investigations, prosecutions, etc. and then ignore the other.
Actually, it isn't.

First, most of them are referring to protests, not violence.

Second, none of them involved the attempted takeover of the government and the murder of public officials.

So, yeah.

Apples and oranges.

But thanks for playing!
The BLM "protests" were far more violent than January 6th. 20 dead, thousands injured, and hundreds of million in property damage. And of course, the Dems bailed out many of those arrested, hypocrites that they are.

But I can understand why a partisan hack such as yourself can't admit it. Try again, false preacher.
Are you kidding me?

None of the BLM protests tried to overthrow the federal government and murder Nancy Pelosi and Mike Pence.

There's no comparison.

Quit trying to gaslight people.
Are you actually suggesting that January 6th, which resulted in the death of one protestor, was more violent than BLM?

As my dad would say, you're either eaten up with the dumbass, or you are blinded by your politics.
Umm. You didn't notice that at least 4 police officers died.

And that many other leaders' lives were in danger.

You might try watching the news occasionally.

Listen to the brave testimony from last night of the female police officer who was knocked out cold, but then got up to continue to try to stop the surge.

You didn't notice these deaths and injuries?

And I'm the blind one?
Dummy, not a single death of a police officer was linked to January 6th. NOT A SINGLE ONE. Try getting your news from somewhere other than Huffingtonpost.

Yes, you are blind as a bat.
Are you nuts? Brian Sicknick died as a direct result of the attacks.

Two other officers died by suicide in the aftermath of the attacks.

A total of 150 officers were injured in the attack.

How can we have a discussion when you don't even know the facts?
The Sicknick fake news story is fake. That's another Juicy Smalls, Russian hoax, Trump at Normandy, Russian pee hookers, Duke lacrosse, Rittenhouse killed black people, Jill Biden is a medical doctor, Kavanaugh raped a bunch of women, etc.

The other officers suicides while terrible there is no evidence related to the attacks. There is a reason no one will share more information.

This is just a circus of political propaganda and theatre from the same people encouraging the murder of Supreme Court justices and burning, looting, and murdering.
4th and Inches
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Sam Lowry said:

4th and Inches said:

Anybody else notice it is the same people preening about the near-loss of American democracy that want to dismantle the senate, pack the courts, undermine your first and second amendment rights. Right now, they're a bigger threat to the constitution than those deluded thugs who rioted on Jan 6th
I haven't seen Cheney doing any of that.
Only thing Cheney will be doing is going home after she gets primaried, being down 22 points in the polls - needs a miracle come back
Adopt-a-Bear 2024

CLASS Junior
HT/WT 6' 3", 288 lbs

CLASS Sophomore
HT/WT 6' 3", 273 lbs
ATL Bear
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Sam Lowry said:

The economy and the insurrection are both issues. It is possible to walk and chew gum at the same time.
Biden went on Jimmy Kimmel and mentioned inflation. We had a 12 channel prime time broadcast to discuss January 6th. Priorities?
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C. Jordan said:

Mothra said:

C. Jordan said:

Mothra said:

C. Jordan said:

Mothra said:

C. Jordan said:

Mothra said:

C. Jordan said:

riflebear said:

Apples and oranges.

But nice try.
Actually, it's a pretty spot on comparison.

You can't be unhappy about one, calling for investigations, prosecutions, etc. and then ignore the other.
Actually, it isn't.

First, most of them are referring to protests, not violence.

Second, none of them involved the attempted takeover of the government and the murder of public officials.

So, yeah.

Apples and oranges.

But thanks for playing!
The BLM "protests" were far more violent than January 6th. 20 dead, thousands injured, and hundreds of million in property damage. And of course, the Dems bailed out many of those arrested, hypocrites that they are.

But I can understand why a partisan hack such as yourself can't admit it. Try again, false preacher.
Are you kidding me?

None of the BLM protests tried to overthrow the federal government and murder Nancy Pelosi and Mike Pence.

There's no comparison.

Quit trying to gaslight people.
Are you actually suggesting that January 6th, which resulted in the death of one protestor, was more violent than BLM?

As my dad would say, you're either eaten up with the dumbass, or you are blinded by your politics.
Umm. You didn't notice that at least 4 police officers died.

And that many other leaders' lives were in danger.

You might try watching the news occasionally.

Listen to the brave testimony from last night of the female police officer who was knocked out cold, but then got up to continue to try to stop the surge.

You didn't notice these deaths and injuries?

And I'm the blind one?
Dummy, not a single death of a police officer was linked to January 6th. NOT A SINGLE ONE. Try getting your news from somewhere other than Huffingtonpost.

Yes, you are blind as a bat.
Are you nuts? Brian Sicknick died as a direct result of the attacks.

Do you ever get tired of lying?

Even regime media organ NPR admits he died of natural causes.

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Redbrickbear said:

C. Jordan said:

Mothra said:

C. Jordan said:

Mothra said:

C. Jordan said:

Mothra said:

C. Jordan said:

Mothra said:

C. Jordan said:

riflebear said:

Apples and oranges.

But nice try.
Actually, it's a pretty spot on comparison.

You can't be unhappy about one, calling for investigations, prosecutions, etc. and then ignore the other.
Actually, it isn't.

First, most of them are referring to protests, not violence.

Second, none of them involved the attempted takeover of the government and the murder of public officials.

So, yeah.

Apples and oranges.

But thanks for playing!
The BLM "protests" were far more violent than January 6th. 20 dead, thousands injured, and hundreds of million in property damage. And of course, the Dems bailed out many of those arrested, hypocrites that they are.

But I can understand why a partisan hack such as yourself can't admit it. Try again, false preacher.
Are you kidding me?

None of the BLM protests tried to overthrow the federal government and murder Nancy Pelosi and Mike Pence.

There's no comparison.

Quit trying to gaslight people.
Are you actually suggesting that January 6th, which resulted in the death of one protestor, was more violent than BLM?

As my dad would say, you're either eaten up with the dumbass, or you are blinded by your politics.
Umm. You didn't notice that at least 4 police officers died.

And that many other leaders' lives were in danger.

You might try watching the news occasionally.

Listen to the brave testimony from last night of the female police officer who was knocked out cold, but then got up to continue to try to stop the surge.

You didn't notice these deaths and injuries?

And I'm the blind one?
Dummy, not a single death of a police officer was linked to January 6th. NOT A SINGLE ONE. Try getting your news from somewhere other than Huffingtonpost.

Yes, you are blind as a bat.
Are you nuts? Brian Sicknick died as a direct result of the attacks.

Do you ever get tired of lying?

Of course not......in her world the ends justify the means .
ATL Bear
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4th and Inches said:

Anybody else notice it is the same people preening about the near-loss of American democracy that want to dismantle the senate, pack the courts, undermine your first and second amendment rights. Right now, they're a bigger threat to the constitution than those deluded thugs who rioted on Jan 6th
Too many confuse democracy with freedom. Tyranny of the majority is still tyranny. Hence my disdain for populism, particularly with a hyper powerful position like President.
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