Jan 6 committee

147,032 Views | 3026 Replies | Last: 10 mo ago by Harrison Bergeron
Doc Holliday
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J.B.Katz said:

Doc Holliday said:

J.B.Katz said:

4th and Inches said:

TWD 74 said:

4th and Inches said:

Sam Lowry said:

4th and Inches said:

Anybody else notice it is the same people preening about the near-loss of American democracy that want to dismantle the senate, pack the courts, undermine your first and second amendment rights. Right now, they're a bigger threat to the constitution than those deluded thugs who rioted on Jan 6th
I haven't seen Cheney doing any of that.
Only thing Cheney will be doing is going home after she gets primaried, being down 22 points in the polls - needs a miracle come back
A poll conducted by her opponent, by the way.
The poll also asked respondents whom they would vote for in the August 16 primary. "A huge 71% majority say they will vote against her, including 66% who will definitely vote against Cheney no matter who she runs against,"

No walking that back.. doesnt matter who polled the people, her state doesnt like her.. she is done
Cheney knows the cost she will pay, and she believes what she is doing is worth that cost.

I wish more Republicans prioritized their oath to protect and defend the constitution over protecting and defending Donald Trump. Because too many of them are selling us out, and voters who reward them for that behavior are part of the problem.

You really may not care whether Trump won the election.

You may even believe it would have been somehow just for him to overturn a valid election in order to stay in power.

Or you may believe the canard about the election being stolen. It wasn't. That's one of the most heinous parts of what Trump did. He created a lot of doubt and confusion so that die-hard supporters like the folks on this forum could claim he won and seethe about how they've been cheated and mistreated.

A majority of Americans know Biden won the election.

7 million more people voted for Biden than Trump.

Two-third to three-fourths of Americans support Biden policies that Republicans are pushing or squelching:

- Most people want abortion to remain legal nationwide with some limits.
- 2/3 of Americans think we should be doing more to address climage change.
- Most voters want Congress to pass stricter gun laws. A significant majority supports restrictions of sales of assault weapons like the Buffalo and Uvalde murderers used.
-63% of Americans now support a government option for health insurance

There's also the fact that blue states pay more in federal taxes and are basically subsidizing red states who are opposing policies a majority of Americans support. How long do you think that's sustainable if Republicans keep ramming unpopular policies down everyone's throats and trying to obstruct voters?
You're full of lies because you don't read into things enough.


The federal government is $32T in debt. There's nothing to brag about.
I'll take your "opinion" piece in The Hill, a rag that will publish anything, and offer you some alternative sources:

It's been happening a long time: Paul Caron's article from 2004: https://taxprof.typepad.com/taxprof_blog/2004/09/red_states_feed.html

It's still happening in 2022:

https://www.moneygeek.com/living/states-most-reliant-federal-government/ - here were the key findings:

  • Eight of the 10 states most dependent on the federal government were Republican-voting, with the average red state receiving $1.35 per dollar spent.
  • Nine states sent more to the federal government than they received seven of these were Democrat-voting and had higher per capita GDPs than many of the red states that received the most.
  • New Mexico had the highest return on federal spending of any state ($4.33), and Delaware had the lowest ($0.63).
  • The eight states receiving the highest child tax credit per capita were all Republican-voting.

The above article has a chart so you can see how your state rates.

You didn't read the Article:

Many Mississippians receiving federal assistance would not be considered "poor" compared to their state's cost of living, while many Hawaiians not receiving federal assistance may be considered "poor" because of how expensive Hawaii is compared to other states. Balance of payments ratios have nothing to do with state policy and everything to do with state income.

You'd vote yourself straight into the gulag little buddy because you have no idea who the wolves are.
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Oldbear83 said:

The Left are really selling that dead horse hard.

No doubt

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Can't wait to see the list of Congressmen who asked Trump to pardon the crimes they committed supporting his coup.

The only name we know for sure right now is Scott Perry. Wonder what he did to merit prime-time publicity of that nature.

Think Jim Jordan and and Jim Banks might be on that list?
4th and Inches
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J.B.Katz said:

4th and Inches said:

TWD 74 said:

4th and Inches said:

Sam Lowry said:

4th and Inches said:

Anybody else notice it is the same people preening about the near-loss of American democracy that want to dismantle the senate, pack the courts, undermine your first and second amendment rights. Right now, they're a bigger threat to the constitution than those deluded thugs who rioted on Jan 6th
I haven't seen Cheney doing any of that.
Only thing Cheney will be doing is going home after she gets primaried, being down 22 points in the polls - needs a miracle come back
A poll conducted by her opponent, by the way.
The poll also asked respondents whom they would vote for in the August 16 primary. "A huge 71% majority say they will vote against her, including 66% who will definitely vote against Cheney no matter who she runs against,"

No walking that back.. doesnt matter who polled the people, her state doesnt like her.. she is done
Cheney knows the cost she will pay, and she believes what she is doing is worth that cost.

I wish more Republicans prioritized their oath to protect and defend the constitution over protecting and defending Donald Trump. Because too many of them are selling us out, and voters who reward them for that behavior are part of the problem.

You really may not care whether Trump won the election.

You may even believe it would have been somehow just for him to overturn a valid election in order to stay in power.

Or you may believe the canard about the election being stolen. It wasn't. That's one of the most heinous parts of what Trump did. He created a lot of doubt and confusion so that die-hard supporters like the folks on this forum could claim he won and seethe about how they've been cheated and mistreated.

A majority of Americans know Biden won the election.

7 million more people voted for Biden than Trump.

Two-third to three-fourths of Americans support Biden policies that Republicans are pushing or squelching:

- Most people want abortion to remain legal nationwide with some limits.
- 2/3 of Americans think we should be doing more to address climage change.
- Most voters want Congress to pass stricter gun laws. A significant majority supports restrictions of sales of assault weapons like the Buffalo and Uvalde murderers used.
-63% of Americans now support a government option for health insurance

There's also the fact that blue states pay more in federal taxes and are basically subsidizing red states who are opposing policies a majority of Americans support. How long do you think that's sustainable if Republicans keep ramming unpopular policies down everyone's throats and trying to obstruct voters?
that's a lot of rationalization about why the constitution is no good for somebody yelling at me about supporting somebody who doesn't like the constitution. If Republicans love the constitution then they would go after the states that violated federal election law by using improper rules to hold a federal election there's about a dozen of them.

We are not a democracy, we're a constitutional republic which means 50 states join together and 50 separate state voices get to decide the presidency, not the national popular vote. Biden won in the swing states by less than what Trump won in 2016. National Popular vote is NOT relevant in our current version as written in the constitution and federal election law.

Those blue states agreed to support those red states when they join the union. That's how it works. If you want to change something, vote for it and get a constitutional amendment. That's how a constitutional republic works.

Don't get on your high horse unless you really mean to get on your high horse.

Pretty much all of that stuff you mentioned is unsupported by current polling, and none of it's a high priority based on current polling. Post sources or its bullsh..
Adopt-a-Bear 2024

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Guy Noir said:

I watched the hearing and I am surprised because.
1. People still support Trump even though he aligns himself with White Supremacist groups.
2. Trump did incite the protests with his public communications.
3. Some people downplay an attack on Congress.

I have been a Republican all my life but I cannot support any candidate aligned with Trump. I cannot support the Democratic Candidates either.

Then you deserve ****ty govt that's the antithesis of conservative values.
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4th and Inches said:

We are not a democracy, we're a constitutional republic
Is this the conservative position to justify Trump's attempt to overturn a valid electon?

If so, how many people posting here truly believe America is not a democracy?


This is obviously a conservative talking point--one that Republicans like Mike Lee have spouted. Here's an erudite commentary on that talking point in The Atlantic: https://www.theatlantic.com/ideas/archive/2020/11/yes-constitution-democracy/616949/

And here's a counterclaim promulgated by the Heritage Foundation in service of Republicans who want to use this to promote minority rule: https://www.heritage.org/american-founders/report/america-republic-not-democracy

And here's a more readable analysis from the New Yorker: https://www.newyorker.com/news/daily-comment/why-republicans-keep-saying-that-the-united-states-isnt-a-democracy

This says that right now we are a democracy right now because of Mike Pence and the Jan. 6 committee:

f the most urgent questions raised by this election season have been "What kind of democracy do we live in?" and "What kind of democracy do we want to live in?," then Senator Mike Lee, of Utah, has an answer. Just hours before the F.B.I. revealed a plot by members of a white-supremacist militia to kidnap the governor of Michigan, the Republican senator let loose a volley of tweets that could be interpreted as a shorthand version of the gospel of many on the right. "Democracy isn't the objective: liberty, peace, and prospefity [sic] are," Lee wrote. "We want the human condition to flourish. Rank democracy can thwart that." Earlier, he had written, "We're not a democracy."

As shocking as this sounds, especially from a sitting member of Congress, it is a point of view that comes from a hidebound reading of the Constitution and stems from a selective interpretation of the Framers' intent, articulated most directly by James Madison in the Federalist Papers. "We may define a republic to be, or at least may bestow that name on, a government which derives all its powers directly or indirectly from the great body of the people, and is administered by persons holding their offices during pleasure, for a limited period, or during good behavior," he wrote in Federalist No. 39. A democracy, by contrast, puts government directly in the hands of the governed. (Lee clerked for Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito, a champion of "practical originalist" jurisprudence, which holds that the law should adhere as closely as possible to the meaning of the words in the Constitution at the time it was written. Lee's argument is a similar kind of textualism.)

The 2016 election was a rude reminder that we aren't a popular democracy. Donald Trump's victory was an Electoral College math trick. But, in fact, we aren't a direct democracy, either, where we all show up in the public square to hash things out. Plato, you may remember from an intro-to-political-philosophy class, was especially wary of that kind of government, because he doubted that most menhe was writing only about menpossessed the intellectual capacity or the temperament to govern themselves. The Framers, including Madison, who were similarly suspicious of the rabble, gifted us instead with a representative democracy, which puts the people one degree of separation from the halls of power. Our sovereignty as citizens comes from the right to choose the people who we believe best reflect our interests. The Supreme Court's Citizens United decision, which put those interests up for sale, is a striking example of how the Framers' intent has been debased by those who use the claim that America is a republic, and the libertarianism on which that claim feeds, to justify siphoning power away from the electorate.

When Senator Lee says, "We're not a democracy," he's not just being provocative. He is also pointing out that, from the start, the Founders limited the franchise. Though it's always refreshing to be reminded that it took constitutional amendments and acts of Congress to extend voting rights to Black Americans, women, and Native Americans, it's equally heartening to remember that American democracy, for all its shortcomings and its flaws, has proved to be elastic. Incrementally but inexorably, it has expanded to include the excluded. It is a testament to the inherent dynamism of the electorate that it continues to survive every attempt to diminish it by those whose fear of "the public"as in public health and public educationis masked by appeals to "liberty."

Lee's words also underscore something else: that many on the right view voting as an existential threat. At a gathering of evangelicals back in 1980, Paul Weyrich, a Republican strategist and a co-founder of the Heritage Foundation, asked, "How many of our Christians have what I call the 'goo-goo syndrome'? Good government. They want everybody to vote. I don't want everybody to vote. Elections are not won by a majority of people. They never have been from the beginning of our country, and they are not now. As a matter of fact, our leverage in the elections quite candidly goes up as the voting populace goes down."

Gerrymandering and restrictive voter-I.D. laws are products of this sentiment, as are the dismantling of the Voting Rights Act, legal impediments to casting ballots, and voter suppression propagated through social media. These efforts, which began before Donald Trump's Presidency, intensified when he took office, and have escalated as the 2020 election approaches. Lately, we've watched as Republican-controlled state legislatures, Republican-appointed judges, and Republican secretaries of state shutter polling places, limit the number of ballot drop boxes, undo the restoration of felons' voting rights, and prevent absentee voting. The hacking of this electionthrough the use of such democratic institutions as the courts and the legislatures, which are exploited to erode and subvert democratic normsis under way, and it has been for years.

The paradox of American democracy is that its survival is a choice; it persists solely at the discretion of an electorate that can, if it so wills, dismantle it. If the polls are accurate, Trump's relection bid is in trouble. Early voting in swing states indicates that more Democrats have voted than Republicans, and groups that supported Trump in 2016, such as white, suburban woman, are abandoning him. Apparently, Trump sees cheating as his best chance to win, so he has been denouncing voting by mail, actively kneecapping the U.S. Postal Service, loudly complaining about voter fraud, injecting all sorts of misinformation into the media, and doing nothing to deter Russian meddling in the election.

We need to be concerned about foreign intrusions, such as those that Microsoft revealed on October 12th, and others reported by the intelligence community two days later. We also need to be alert to the many weak links in our election infrastructure that can be sabotaged: machines that don't produce paper backups and can't be audited; machines that tally the vote using unreadable barcodes, which prevent voters from checking their accuracy; electronic poll books that are not subject to cybersecurity review; and unpatched software that leaves voting machines vulnerable to manipulation, to name just a few.

Democracy relies on trust. Not trust in democracy itself but trust in one another. When we vote, we come together to articulate our singular will with the understanding that we will submit to the collective will. Trust permeates the system: we trust that our vote will be counted accurately; we trust that the people we're choosing to represent us have our best interests and those of the country at heart. The most sacred trust is that, when the votes are all tallied, the losing candidate will walk away with grace. Donald Trump, abetted by Attorney General William Barr, who earlier this month deputized federal prosecutors to investigate claims of voter fraud before the polls close, is busy abusing this trust. If, ultimately, Trump, Barr, and others were to subvert the election, Mike Lee's claim that we aren't a democracy will turn out to have been prescient.
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J.B.Katz said:

4th and Inches said:

TWD 74 said:

4th and Inches said:

Sam Lowry said:

4th and Inches said:

Anybody else notice it is the same people preening about the near-loss of American democracy that want to dismantle the senate, pack the courts, undermine your first and second amendment rights. Right now, they're a bigger threat to the constitution than those deluded thugs who rioted on Jan 6th
I haven't seen Cheney doing any of that.
Only thing Cheney will be doing is going home after she gets primaried, being down 22 points in the polls - needs a miracle come back
A poll conducted by her opponent, by the way.
The poll also asked respondents whom they would vote for in the August 16 primary. "A huge 71% majority say they will vote against her, including 66% who will definitely vote against Cheney no matter who she runs against,"

No walking that back.. doesnt matter who polled the people, her state doesnt like her.. she is done
Cheney knows the cost she will pay, and she believes what she is doing is worth that cost.

I wish more Republicans prioritized their oath to protect and defend the constitution over protecting and defending Donald Trump. Because too many of them are selling us out, and voters who reward them for that behavior are part of the problem.

You really may not care whether Trump won the election.

You may even believe it would have been somehow just for him to overturn a valid election in order to stay in power.

Or you may believe the canard about the election being stolen. It wasn't. That's one of the most heinous parts of what Trump did. He created a lot of doubt and confusion so that die-hard supporters like the folks on this forum could claim he won and seethe about how they've been cheated and mistreated.

A majority of Americans know Biden won the election.

7 million more people voted for Biden than Trump.

Two-third to three-fourths of Americans support Biden policies that Republicans are pushing or squelching:

- Most people want abortion to remain legal nationwide with some limits.
- 2/3 of Americans think we should be doing more to address climage change.
- Most voters want Congress to pass stricter gun laws. A significant majority supports restrictions of sales of assault weapons like the Buffalo and Uvalde murderers used.
-63% of Americans now support a government option for health insurance

There's also the fact that blue states pay more in federal taxes and are basically subsidizing red states who are opposing policies a majority of Americans support. How long do you think that's sustainable if Republicans keep ramming unpopular policies down everyone's throats and trying to obstruct voters?

Let's test your theory this November, and see if more Americans support the woke bull**** you support or normal Judeo Christian ethics. And let me know if you're up for a friendly wager regarding who's going to be right.

Got news for you jinxy - most Americans don't support the **** you support. You'll learn that in a few months when this totally inept and incompetent democrat led administration takes an ass kicking in the midterms.
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GrowlTowel said:

Sam Lowry said:

Sicknick likely would not have died when he did if not for the riot. Some of the other officers' families have said they were never the same afterwards and have blamed the riot for the suicides.
Based on what evidence? He was 42 and died of a stroke. Healthy 42 year olds do not have strokes, even under stress.

Heart disease kills. Weaponless trespassers do not.

He probably had had covid
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J.B.Katz said:

Can't wait to see the list of Congressmen who asked Trump to pardon the crimes they committed supporting his coup.

The only name we know for sure right now is Scott Perry. Wonder what he did to merit prime-time publicity of that nature.

Think Jim Jordan and and Jim Banks might be on that list?

Well if they committed crimes, surely the democrats in charge will bring charges, no? Or perhaps you're just talking out of your ass again.
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Redbrickbear said:

Guy Noir said:

JXL said:

fubar said:

Osodecentx said:

Just tell us what happened & we can decide what to do.
Don't you think that's what this is supposed to do?

No, this is an attempted distraction from the looming electoral bloodbath in November.

I have no sympathy for the morons who went and wreaked havoc in the Capitol Building, and I'd give them the longest sentences available under the law. But (1) our democracy was never in any real danger, and (2) this is obvious political showboating.
A group of rioters stormed the Capital Building while a critical part of the election and transfer of power was in process, you do not consider that a dangerous precedence?
These nuckleheads were never in any position to over throw the government of the USA and stop the transfer of power.

And any dangerous precedent had already been set by 3 months of civic riots carried out by the Left that had been ignored, coddled, and even celebrated.


Only Congress (at whatever location they decided to convene at or at what time) can decide to legally certify an election.

In this case they waited for the building to be cleared then did it later than night.

[Federal law requires the states to deliver certified electoral college results to the vice president, serving as president of the Senate, and other parties by December 23. Then a joint meeting of Congress is required by the 12th Amendment to count the electoral votes and declare the winners of the presidential election]

The Capitol building itself is not even mentioned in Federal Law.

Congress could meet at the IHOP in Alexandria Virginia if it wanted.

Didnt Brandon tell us repeatedly you'd at a minimum need F16s? We're there any MAGA F16s?

And since it's pride month we know what maga now stands for. Brandon mentioned it several times today
4th and Inches
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Good lord, nobody is ready that trash..

The atlantic? Really? Next..

The new yorker?! LoL

I guess I Might as well respond with Bietbart and Bongino quotes.. i thought you were serious
Adopt-a-Bear 2024

CLASS Junior
HT/WT 6' 3", 288 lbs

CLASS Sophomore
HT/WT 6' 3", 273 lbs
4th and Inches
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Guy Noir said:

GrowlTowel said:

Guy Noir said:

JXL said:

fubar said:

Osodecentx said:

Just tell us what happened & we can decide what to do.
Don't you think that's what this is supposed to do?

No, this is an attempted distraction from the looming electoral bloodbath in November.

I have no sympathy for the morons who went and wreaked havoc in the Capitol Building, and I'd give them the longest sentences available under the law. But (1) our democracy was never in any real danger, and (2) this is obvious political showboating.
A group of rioters stormed the Capital Building while a critical part of the election and transfer of power was in process, you do not consider that a dangerous precedence?
No. A group of people were let into the Capital after FBI agents told them to go in. Only a trespasser was killed.
Did you watch the video of people breaking into the building?
sure did, watched ray epps whisper in a dudes ear and then they charged the barrier. The same ray epps on jan 5th who proclaimed on video we were going INTO the capital..
Adopt-a-Bear 2024

CLASS Junior
HT/WT 6' 3", 288 lbs

CLASS Sophomore
HT/WT 6' 3", 273 lbs
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Mothra said:

J.B.Katz said:

4th and Inches said:

TWD 74 said:

4th and Inches said:

Sam Lowry said:

4th and Inches said:

Anybody else notice it is the same people preening about the near-loss of American democracy that want to dismantle the senate, pack the courts, undermine your first and second amendment rights. Right now, they're a bigger threat to the constitution than those deluded thugs who rioted on Jan 6th
I haven't seen Cheney doing any of that.
Only thing Cheney will be doing is going home after she gets primaried, being down 22 points in the polls - needs a miracle come back
A poll conducted by her opponent, by the way.
The poll also asked respondents whom they would vote for in the August 16 primary. "A huge 71% majority say they will vote against her, including 66% who will definitely vote against Cheney no matter who she runs against,"

No walking that back.. doesnt matter who polled the people, her state doesnt like her.. she is done
Cheney knows the cost she will pay, and she believes what she is doing is worth that cost.

I wish more Republicans prioritized their oath to protect and defend the constitution over protecting and defending Donald Trump. Because too many of them are selling us out, and voters who reward them for that behavior are part of the problem.

You really may not care whether Trump won the election.

You may even believe it would have been somehow just for him to overturn a valid election in order to stay in power.

Or you may believe the canard about the election being stolen. It wasn't. That's one of the most heinous parts of what Trump did. He created a lot of doubt and confusion so that die-hard supporters like the folks on this forum could claim he won and seethe about how they've been cheated and mistreated.

A majority of Americans know Biden won the election.

7 million more people voted for Biden than Trump.

Two-third to three-fourths of Americans support Biden policies that Republicans are pushing or squelching:

- Most people want abortion to remain legal nationwide with some limits.
- 2/3 of Americans think we should be doing more to address climage change.
- Most voters want Congress to pass stricter gun laws. A significant majority supports restrictions of sales of assault weapons like the Buffalo and Uvalde murderers used.
-63% of Americans now support a government option for health insurance

There's also the fact that blue states pay more in federal taxes and are basically subsidizing red states who are opposing policies a majority of Americans support. How long do you think that's sustainable if Republicans keep ramming unpopular policies down everyone's throats and trying to obstruct voters?

Let's test your theory this November, and see if more Americans support the woke bull**** you support or normal Judeo Christian ethics. And let me know if you're up for a friendly wager regarding who's going to be right.

Got news for you jinxy - most Americans don't support the **** you support. You'll learn that in a few months when this totally inept and incompetent democrat led administration takes an ass kicking in the midterms.

Only matters who counts the votes. They figure out what they can get away with. No it will be tested at the local level

If Republicans do t have 4,000 mules you still get to see Nancy's pretty face
Sam Lowry
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GrowlTowel said:

Sam Lowry said:

Sicknick likely would not have died when he did if not for the riot. Some of the other officers' families have said they were never the same afterwards and have blamed the riot for the suicides.
Based on what evidence? He was 42 and died of a stroke. Healthy 42 year olds do not have strokes, even under stress.

Heart disease kills. Weaponless trespassers do not.
Based on the medical examiner's report which stated, "All that transpired played a role in his condition."
Sam Lowry
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Guy Noir said:

I watched the hearing and I am surprised because.
1. People still support Trump even though he aligns himself with White Supremacist groups.
2. Trump did incite the protests with his public communications.
3. Some people downplay an attack on Congress.

I have been a Republican all my life but I cannot support any candidate aligned with Trump. I cannot support the Democratic Candidates either.
Hear, hear!
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Oldbear83 said:

The Left are really selling that dead horse hard.
Leftists have no choice.

Their dementia riddled president has ruined the economy ...so that dead horse is a necessary distraction .

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Sam Lowry said:

GrowlTowel said:

Sam Lowry said:

Sicknick likely would not have died when he did if not for the riot. Some of the other officers' families have said they were never the same afterwards and have blamed the riot for the suicides.
Based on what evidence? He was 42 and died of a stroke. Healthy 42 year olds do not have strokes, even under stress.

Heart disease kills. Weaponless trespassers do not.
Based on the medical examiner's report which stated, "All that transpired played a role in his condition."

Medical examiner said he died of "natural causes." Sorry, but the idea that the riot somehow played a role in his stroke is unproven bunk.
Sam Lowry
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4th and Inches said:

Good lord, nobody is ready that trash..

The atlantic? Really? Next..

The new yorker?! LoL

I guess I Might as well respond with Bietbart and Bongino quotes.. i thought you were serious
Comparing the Atlantic with Breitbart is not a great way to gain credibility.
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Sam Lowry said:

Guy Noir said:

I watched the hearing and I am surprised because.
1. People still support Trump even though he aligns himself with White Supremacist groups.
2. Trump did incite the protests with his public communications.
3. Some people downplay an attack on Congress.

I have been a Republican all my life but I cannot support any candidate aligned with Trump. I cannot support the Democratic Candidates either.
Hear, hear!

I am ready. Brooke is almost ready
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Fre3dombear said:

Redbrickbear said:

Guy Noir said:

JXL said:

fubar said:

Osodecentx said:

Just tell us what happened & we can decide what to do.
Don't you think that's what this is supposed to do?

No, this is an attempted distraction from the looming electoral bloodbath in November.

I have no sympathy for the morons who went and wreaked havoc in the Capitol Building, and I'd give them the longest sentences available under the law. But (1) our democracy was never in any real danger, and (2) this is obvious political showboating.
A group of rioters stormed the Capital Building while a critical part of the election and transfer of power was in process, you do not consider that a dangerous precedence?
These nuckleheads were never in any position to over throw the government of the USA and stop the transfer of power.

And any dangerous precedent had already been set by 3 months of civic riots carried out by the Left that had been ignored, coddled, and even celebrated.


Only Congress (at whatever location they decided to convene at or at what time) can decide to legally certify an election.

In this case they waited for the building to be cleared then did it later than night.

[Federal law requires the states to deliver certified electoral college results to the vice president, serving as president of the Senate, and other parties by December 23. Then a joint meeting of Congress is required by the 12th Amendment to count the electoral votes and declare the winners of the presidential election]

The Capitol building itself is not even mentioned in Federal Law.

Congress could meet at the IHOP in Alexandria Virginia if it wanted.

Didnt Brandon tell us repeatedly you'd at a minimum need F16s? We're there any MAGA F16s?

And since it's pride month we know what maga now stands for. Brandon mentioned it several times today
I despised Trump before he was elected president and was embarrassed as hell that a crass, corrupt bully like him represented America to the world.

But I never stooped to calling the president of the United States Drunmf or Dumbf or any of the other unflattering nicknames he more than earned.

Because he was our president. Even if he didn't win the popular vote, which is signficant however you dudes choose to restack the deck to justify bully rule and claiming the U.S. isn't a democracy--a talking point that's a clear acknowledgement that a majority of Americans don't share your views, so the plan is to bully and gerrymander us into minority rule.

The Brandon canard is just embarrassing. And so is the gaybashing.

I hope you're one of the posters on this board who didn't go to Baylor. I'd hate to think a graduate of my school was such a dick.
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I don't want Trump anywhere near the ticket in 2024 but any committee investigating a GOP President with Adam Schiff on it automatically disqualifies it as ridiculous. Not to mention them not wanting it to be bipartisan.

Schiff is a serial liar and it speaks volumes that they wanted him on this committee.
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J.B.Katz said:

Guy Noir said:

RMF5630 said:

Guy Noir said:

JXL said:

fubar said:

Osodecentx said:

Just tell us what happened & we can decide what to do.
Don't you think that's what this is supposed to do?

No, this is an attempted distraction from the looming electoral bloodbath in November.

I have no sympathy for the morons who went and wreaked havoc in the Capitol Building, and I'd give them the longest sentences available under the law. But (1) our democracy was never in any real danger, and (2) this is obvious political showboating.
A group of rioters stormed the Capital Building while a critical part of the election and transfer of power was in process, you do not consider that a dangerous precedence?
You miss the point. There is nothing to charge anyone being raked over the coals in this Commission. 15 months of investigating, 600+ arrests and many prosecutions. The idiots that did have been arrested. This is political non-sense. There is nothing to charge Trump with.

He didn't say to stop it fast enough? Opinion
He didn't deploy the Army or Guard quick enough? Opinion
He disagreed with the VP role? Ok, he disagreed.
What did the VP actually do? he certified the electors.
He was not happy with the election? So?
What did he do on Inauguration Day? he left.

He didn't do anything illegal. Nor, did anyone else in Government. They have been investigating under Garland, you know the guy whose SC seat was supposedly stolen by the GOP? He can't find anything chargeable.

Don't vote for him. Hate him. Think he and his Admin are jerks. Your prerogative. But, this is a waste of money and time for political theater. If there was anything of substance it would not be handled by a made for TV, Prime time event.
Did you watch the case presented by Congresswoman Liz Cheney in the hearing?
Cheney is trying to save American democracy at the cost of her career and her standing in the Trump Republican party.

She deserves respect for doing the right thing. And she clearly believes Trump engaged in a criminal conspiracy and should never be allowed on a ballot again.

Save Democracy from what? A bunch of demonstrators taking selfish? Arrest them, prosecute, no issue. But to say this was a coup???? No weapons? No plan?
Guy Noir
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Mothra said:

Guy Noir said:

I watched the hearing and I am surprised because.
1. People still support Trump even though he aligns himself with White Supremacist groups.
2. Trump did incite the protests with his public communications.
3. Some people downplay an attack on Congress.

I have been a Republican all my life but I cannot support any candidate aligned with Trump. I cannot support the Democratic Candidates either.

Then you deserve ****ty govt that's the antithesis of conservative values.
What conservative values are you talking about? Are you talking about spending. Trump did nothing to balance the budget. Are you talking about monetary policy? Trump applied pressure on Powell to keep interest rates low and kept the Obama quantitative easing policy in place. I believe this is some of the foundation that has brought us high inflation, now. I realize the Democrats have kicked spending into high gear causing high inflation to become an acute problem, but Trump did contribute a little to the problem.

Mothra, you have presented very few facts and a lot of biased opinion. Did you watch the hearing? Liz Cheney has shown integrity the last several months. Standing up for the truth of this event will cost her politically. When you label her a war monger like her father that is a cheap and untrue argument.
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Guy Noir said:

Mothra said:

Guy Noir said:

I watched the hearing and I am surprised because.
1. People still support Trump even though he aligns himself with White Supremacist groups.
2. Trump did incite the protests with his public communications.
3. Some people downplay an attack on Congress.

I have been a Republican all my life but I cannot support any candidate aligned with Trump. I cannot support the Democratic Candidates either.

Then you deserve ****ty govt that's the antithesis of conservative values.
What conservative values are you talking about? Are you talking about spending. Trump did nothing to balance the budget. Are you talking about monetary policy? Trump applied pressure on Powell to keep interest rates low and kept the Obama quantitative easing policy in place. I believe this is some of the foundation that has brought us high inflation, now. I realize the Democrats have kicked spending into high gear causing high inflation to become an acute problem, but Trump did contribute a little to the problem.

Mothra, you have presented very few facts and a lot of biased opinion. Did you watch the hearing? Liz Cheney has shown integrity the last several months. Standing up for the truth of this event will cost her politically. When you label her a war monger like her father that is a cheap and untrue argument.

Cheney??? She has been on a vendetta since day 1. This is a blood feud. Trump has been gone for 15 months, now we need prime time "hearimgs"? This is a made for TV mini-series. Next week's episode is Trump's role in the events. It is like Batman episodes from the 60's. If this is not election political theater nothing is.
Sam Lowry
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RMF5630 said:

Guy Noir said:

Mothra said:

Guy Noir said:

I watched the hearing and I am surprised because.
1. People still support Trump even though he aligns himself with White Supremacist groups.
2. Trump did incite the protests with his public communications.
3. Some people downplay an attack on Congress.

I have been a Republican all my life but I cannot support any candidate aligned with Trump. I cannot support the Democratic Candidates either.

Then you deserve ****ty govt that's the antithesis of conservative values.
What conservative values are you talking about? Are you talking about spending. Trump did nothing to balance the budget. Are you talking about monetary policy? Trump applied pressure on Powell to keep interest rates low and kept the Obama quantitative easing policy in place. I believe this is some of the foundation that has brought us high inflation, now. I realize the Democrats have kicked spending into high gear causing high inflation to become an acute problem, but Trump did contribute a little to the problem.

Mothra, you have presented very few facts and a lot of biased opinion. Did you watch the hearing? Liz Cheney has shown integrity the last several months. Standing up for the truth of this event will cost her politically. When you label her a war monger like her father that is a cheap and untrue argument.

Cheney??? She has been on a vendetta since day 1. This is a blood feud. Trump has been gone for 15 months, now we need prime time "hearimgs"? This is a made for TV mini-series. Next week's episode is Trump's role in the events. It is like Batman episodes from the 60's. If this is not election political theater nothing is.
It's an adversarial system. Politicians and parties hold each other accountable.
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Canada2017 said:

Oldbear83 said:

The Left are really selling that dead horse hard.
Leftists have no choice.

Their dementia riddled president has ruined the economy ...so that dead horse is a necessary distraction .

Oh man. You ain't seen nothing yet. Wait till next week if you thought this week was bad
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Guy Noir said:

Mothra said:

Guy Noir said:

I watched the hearing and I am surprised because.
1. People still support Trump even though he aligns himself with White Supremacist groups.
2. Trump did incite the protests with his public communications.
3. Some people downplay an attack on Congress.

I have been a Republican all my life but I cannot support any candidate aligned with Trump. I cannot support the Democratic Candidates either.

Then you deserve ****ty govt that's the antithesis of conservative values.
What conservative values are you talking about? Are you talking about spending. Trump did nothing to balance the budget. Are you talking about monetary policy? Trump applied pressure on Powell to keep interest rates low and kept the Obama quantitative easing policy in place. I believe this is some of the foundation that has brought us high inflation, now. I realize the Democrats have kicked spending into high gear causing high inflation to become an acute problem, but Trump did contribute a little to the problem.

Mothra, you have presented very few facts and a lot of biased opinion. Did you watch the hearing? Liz Cheney has shown integrity the last several months. Standing up for the truth of this event will cost her politically. When you label her a war monger like her father that is a cheap and untrue argument.

Are you seriously trying to argue that the country under Biden hasn't taken a serious turn to the left? Do I really need to point out the obvious for you? It shocks me how glib some of you are. Here ya go:

Our borders are basically open right now. Biden is doing nothing to stop the influx. Zero. Trump at the very least tried to make it more difficult. Biden is simply saying come on over. We've had a city the size of Dallas cross the border since Biden took office.

Spending is out of control. You thought Trump was bad, let's talk about the handouts under Biden. Let's talk about build back better. Pork and more pork. It's out of control.

Energy policy has been a total disaster. Biden is not allowing new drilling. He's shutting down pipelines. He's allowing OPEC to dictate supply. As a result we have our highest gas prices ever. Ever.

How about transgender rights. His first couple of weeks in office Biden signs an executive order forcing schools to allow transgender athletes to compete against biological women.

Let's talk foreign policy. Trump adhered to the old Reagan adage of walking softly and carrying a big stick. With Biden, we've already had our fall of Saigon moment in Afghanistan with that disastrous pull out. North Korea is testing nuclear weapons again. And we are closer to war with Russia than at any point since the 80s. It's 1980 all over again.

And of course there are the labor shortages, the food shortages, the gas shortages - it's basically Carter 2.0.

Now tell me something, Guy. Did I really have to point these things out for you? Are you really paying that little attention to what's going on in the world around you? Surely you knew all of the above, right? You're not this glib.

I am no fan of trump and agree with you he was not fiscal conservative. But any conservative who thinks his policies weren't far superior to the current liberal **** show has his head up his ass. Either you are simply not paying a lick of attention or you're just not a conservative.

As for Cheney, she was one of her father's - a bloodthirsty warmonger and liar who got us into the Iraq war - biggest cheerleaders. She has defended him and the Iraq war on numerous occasions. Do a quick google search. There are numerous interviews of her on this subject.

I am thankful that she doesn't have a chance in hell of ever being president.

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J.B.Katz said:

Fre3dombear said:

Redbrickbear said:

Guy Noir said:

JXL said:

fubar said:

Osodecentx said:

Just tell us what happened & we can decide what to do.
Don't you think that's what this is supposed to do?

No, this is an attempted distraction from the looming electoral bloodbath in November.

I have no sympathy for the morons who went and wreaked havoc in the Capitol Building, and I'd give them the longest sentences available under the law. But (1) our democracy was never in any real danger, and (2) this is obvious political showboating.
A group of rioters stormed the Capital Building while a critical part of the election and transfer of power was in process, you do not consider that a dangerous precedence?
These nuckleheads were never in any position to over throw the government of the USA and stop the transfer of power.

And any dangerous precedent had already been set by 3 months of civic riots carried out by the Left that had been ignored, coddled, and even celebrated.


Only Congress (at whatever location they decided to convene at or at what time) can decide to legally certify an election.

In this case they waited for the building to be cleared then did it later than night.

[Federal law requires the states to deliver certified electoral college results to the vice president, serving as president of the Senate, and other parties by December 23. Then a joint meeting of Congress is required by the 12th Amendment to count the electoral votes and declare the winners of the presidential election]

The Capitol building itself is not even mentioned in Federal Law.

Congress could meet at the IHOP in Alexandria Virginia if it wanted.

Didnt Brandon tell us repeatedly you'd at a minimum need F16s? We're there any MAGA F16s?

And since it's pride month we know what maga now stands for. Brandon mentioned it several times today
I despised Trump before he was elected president and was embarrassed as hell that a crass, corrupt bully like him represented America to the world.

But I never stooped to calling the president of the United States Drunmf or Dumbf or any of the other unflattering nicknames he more than earned.

Because he was our president. Even if he didn't win the popular vote, which is signficant however you dudes choose to restack the deck to justify bully rule and claiming the U.S. isn't a democracy--a talking point that's a clear acknowledgement that a majority of Americans don't share your views, so the plan is to bully and gerrymander us into minority rule.

The Brandon canard is just embarrassing. And so is the gaybashing.

I hope you're one of the posters on this board who didn't go to Baylor. I'd hate to think a graduate of my school was such a dick.


Seriously, you got some massive blinders on if a racist and corrupt person like Brandon doesn't bother you but udou

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Mothra said:

Guy Noir said:

Mothra said:

Guy Noir said:

I watched the hearing and I am surprised because.
1. People still support Trump even though he aligns himself with White Supremacist groups.
2. Trump did incite the protests with his public communications.
3. Some people downplay an attack on Congress.

I have been a Republican all my life but I cannot support any candidate aligned with Trump. I cannot support the Democratic Candidates either.

Then you deserve ****ty govt that's the antithesis of conservative values.
What conservative values are you talking about? Are you talking about spending. Trump did nothing to balance the budget. Are you talking about monetary policy? Trump applied pressure on Powell to keep interest rates low and kept the Obama quantitative easing policy in place. I believe this is some of the foundation that has brought us high inflation, now. I realize the Democrats have kicked spending into high gear causing high inflation to become an acute problem, but Trump did contribute a little to the problem.

Mothra, you have presented very few facts and a lot of biased opinion. Did you watch the hearing? Liz Cheney has shown integrity the last several months. Standing up for the truth of this event will cost her politically. When you label her a war monger like her father that is a cheap and untrue argument.

Are you seriously trying to argue that the country under Biden hasn't taken a serious turn to the left? Do I really need to point out the obvious for you? It shocks me how glib some of you are. Here ya go:

Our borders are basically open right now. Biden is doing nothing to stop the influx. Zero. Trump at the very least tried to make it more difficult. Biden is simply saying come on over. We've had a city the size of Dallas cross the border since Biden took office.

Spending is out of control. You thought Trump was bad, let's talk about the handouts under Biden. Let's talk about build back better. Pork and more pork. It's out of control.

Energy policy has been a total disaster. Biden is not allowing new drilling. He's shutting down pipelines. He's allowing OPEC to dictate supply. As a result we have our highest gas prices ever. Ever.

How about transgender rights. His first couple of weeks in office Biden signs an executive order forcing schools to allow transgender athletes to compete against biological women.

Let's talk foreign policy. Trump adhered to the old Reagan adage of walking softly and carrying a big stick. With Biden, we've already had our fall of Saigon moment in Afghanistan with that disastrous pull out. North Korea is testing nuclear weapons again. And we are closer to war with Russia than at any point since the 80s. It's 1980 all over again.

And of course there are the labor shortages, the food shortages, the gas shortages - it's basically Carter 2.0.

Now tell me something, Guy. Did I really have to point these things out for you? Are you really paying that little attention to what's going on in the world around you? Surely you knew all of the above, right? You're not this glib.

I am no fan of trump and agree with you he was not fiscal conservative. But any conservative who thinks his policies weren't far superior to the current liberal **** show has his head up his ass. Either you are simply not paying a lick of attention or you're just not a conservative.

As for Cheney, she was one of her father's - a bloodthirsty warmonger and liar who got us into the Iraq war - biggest cheerleaders. She has defended him and the Iraq war on numerous occasions. Do a quick google search. There are numerous interviews of her on this subject.

I am thankful that she doesn't have a chance in hell of ever being president.

Yeah. If y'all's 401k under these ******ed socialist racists hasn't been in cash for at least a few months, they're doing it wrong.

The epicness of this collapse has just started. 1,000 points in 3-4 months. 2nd Worst start to a year ever

And you have damn fools on this board talking about Ashli Babbitt Day insurrectionists.

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Fre3dombear said:

J.B.Katz said:

Fre3dombear said:

Redbrickbear said:

Guy Noir said:

JXL said:

fubar said:

Osodecentx said:

Just tell us what happened & we can decide what to do.
Don't you think that's what this is supposed to do?

No, this is an attempted distraction from the looming electoral bloodbath in November.

I have no sympathy for the morons who went and wreaked havoc in the Capitol Building, and I'd give them the longest sentences available under the law. But (1) our democracy was never in any real danger, and (2) this is obvious political showboating.
A group of rioters stormed the Capital Building while a critical part of the election and transfer of power was in process, you do not consider that a dangerous precedence?
These nuckleheads were never in any position to over throw the government of the USA and stop the transfer of power.

And any dangerous precedent had already been set by 3 months of civic riots carried out by the Left that had been ignored, coddled, and even celebrated.


Only Congress (at whatever location they decided to convene at or at what time) can decide to legally certify an election.

In this case they waited for the building to be cleared then did it later than night.

[Federal law requires the states to deliver certified electoral college results to the vice president, serving as president of the Senate, and other parties by December 23. Then a joint meeting of Congress is required by the 12th Amendment to count the electoral votes and declare the winners of the presidential election]

The Capitol building itself is not even mentioned in Federal Law.

Congress could meet at the IHOP in Alexandria Virginia if it wanted.

Didnt Brandon tell us repeatedly you'd at a minimum need F16s? We're there any MAGA F16s?

And since it's pride month we know what maga now stands for. Brandon mentioned it several times today
I despised Trump before he was elected president and was embarrassed as hell that a crass, corrupt bully like him represented America to the world.

But I never stooped to calling the president of the United States Drunmf or Dumbf or any of the other unflattering nicknames he more than earned.

Because he was our president. Even if he didn't win the popular vote, which is signficant however you dudes choose to restack the deck to justify bully rule and claiming the U.S. isn't a democracy--a talking point that's a clear acknowledgement that a majority of Americans don't share your views, so the plan is to bully and gerrymander us into minority rule.

The Brandon canard is just embarrassing. And so is the gaybashing.

I hope you're one of the posters on this board who didn't go to Baylor. I'd hate to think a graduate of my school was such a dick.


Seriously, you got some massive blinders on if a racist and corrupt person like Brandon doesn't bother you but udou

The world looks to American democracy as a model for how we should behave.
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Fre3dombear said:

That would be you, FreeDumb.
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J.B.Katz said:

Fre3dombear said:

That would be you, FreeDumb.

What are you talking about jinxy? You voted for this **** show. You voted for Cater 2.0.

You should just own it instead of calling others dumb.
4th and Inches
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Sam Lowry said:

4th and Inches said:

Good lord, nobody is ready that trash..

The atlantic? Really? Next..

The new yorker?! LoL

I guess I Might as well respond with Bietbart and Bongino quotes.. i thought you were serious
Comparing the Atlantic with Breitbart is not a great way to gain credibility.
the atlantic is a mouthpiece of the left.. they published lies and didnt even bother to retract them when proven wrong. Trash rag.. once a great journal, so sad
Adopt-a-Bear 2024

CLASS Junior
HT/WT 6' 3", 288 lbs

CLASS Sophomore
HT/WT 6' 3", 273 lbs
Guy Noir
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Mothra said:

Guy Noir said:

Mothra said:

Guy Noir said:

I watched the hearing and I am surprised because.
1. People still support Trump even though he aligns himself with White Supremacist groups.
2. Trump did incite the protests with his public communications.
3. Some people downplay an attack on Congress.

I have been a Republican all my life but I cannot support any candidate aligned with Trump. I cannot support the Democratic Candidates either.

Then you deserve ****ty govt that's the antithesis of conservative values.
What conservative values are you talking about? Are you talking about spending. Trump did nothing to balance the budget. Are you talking about monetary policy? Trump applied pressure on Powell to keep interest rates low and kept the Obama quantitative easing policy in place. I believe this is some of the foundation that has brought us high inflation, now. I realize the Democrats have kicked spending into high gear causing high inflation to become an acute problem, but Trump did contribute a little to the problem.

Mothra, you have presented very few facts and a lot of biased opinion. Did you watch the hearing? Liz Cheney has shown integrity the last several months. Standing up for the truth of this event will cost her politically. When you label her a war monger like her father that is a cheap and untrue argument.

Are you seriously trying to argue that the country under Biden hasn't taken a serious turn to the left? Do I really need to point out the obvious for you? It shocks me how glib some of you are. Here ya go:

Our borders are basically open right now. Biden is doing nothing to stop the influx. Zero. Trump at the very least tried to make it more difficult. Biden is simply saying come on over. We've had a city the size of Dallas cross the border since Biden took office.

Spending is out of control. You thought Trump was bad, let's talk about the handouts under Biden. Let's talk about build back better. Pork and more pork. It's out of control.

Energy policy has been a total disaster. Biden is not allowing new drilling. He's shutting down pipelines. He's allowing OPEC to dictate supply. As a result we have our highest gas prices ever. Ever.

How about transgender rights. His first couple of weeks in office Biden signs an executive order forcing schools to allow transgender athletes to compete against biological women.

Let's talk foreign policy. Trump adhered to the old Reagan adage of walking softly and carrying a big stick. With Biden, we've already had our fall of Saigon moment in Afghanistan with that disastrous pull out. North Korea is testing nuclear weapons again. And we are closer to war with Russia than at any point since the 80s. It's 1980 all over again.

And of course there are the labor shortages, the food shortages, the gas shortages - it's basically Carter 2.0.

Now tell me something, Guy. Did I really have to point these things out for you? Are you really paying that little attention to what's going on in the world around you? Surely you knew all of the above, right? You're not this glib.

I am no fan of trump and agree with you he was not fiscal conservative. But any conservative who thinks his policies weren't far superior to the current liberal **** show has his head up his ass. Either you are simply not paying a lick of attention or you're just not a conservative.

As for Cheney, she was one of her father's - a bloodthirsty warmonger and liar who got us into the Iraq war - biggest cheerleaders. She has defended him and the Iraq war on numerous occasions. Do a quick google search. There are numerous interviews of her on this subject.

I am thankful that she doesn't have a chance in hell of ever being president.

I have never stated any support for the current administration. I prefer Republican Policies over the current "Progressive" programs.

I am a fiscal conservative. I am not sure what the conservative platform is anymore. If it is white supremacy, then I do not support that. The Jan 6th event is separate from the Biden Administration Activities.

I think the January 6th events were a serious challenge to the USA Federal Government election process. If Trump would have gotten Pence to throw out the election results while using the riots as a statement of public opinion to justify stopping the transfer of power we might still be waiting to have a new election. Trump could have remained in power for an indeterminate amount of time. (Didn't this happen in Venezuela?)

I ask for the 3rd time. Did you watch the hearing? or did you have your mind already made up. It was a well presented argument.

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