Jan 6 committee

147,231 Views | 3026 Replies | Last: 10 mo ago by Harrison Bergeron
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TWD 74 said:

Mothra said:

TWD 74 said:

Mothra said:

TWD 74 said:

1 - Executive Orders basically killing the Petro Industry--
Biden created exactly two Exec. Orders effecting Petroleum Industry: The expected stoppage of the XL Pipeline and the pause on leases on Federal Lands. The first deals with Canadian oil, the second with the fact that remaining offshore possibilities are in extreme areas where there are only 2-3 major players that have an expertise in dealing with. The fact that BP and others are not bidding might tell us something about the difficulties involved. It should be noted that US Crude production is above 365mm barrels a month, just off the all-time highs established prior to the pandemic, and more than 20% more than the historic high production levels achieved in 1970, which were the all-time US high for almost 50 years. Bottom line, US Petro industry is on an unprecedented upsurge that Biden has done nothing to stop (no fracking ban as was predicted). Based on the current oil prices, one would think a "thank you, President Biden" would be a proper response from the industry, LOL.

2 Afghanistan
is essentially a consequence of Trump negotiations. Trump reduced our military presence in Afghanistan to 1500 troops on the day Biden Took Office. In addition to forcing an agreement with the Taliban on the Afghan Govt. (pressuring them to release thousands of Taliban prisoners), and eliminating our direct mission contact with Afghan troops, contributed to the collapse of the Army and the regime. Fact is Biden was faced with a deadline to leave the country from an agreement he had nothing to do with, and the choice of accepting the plan or begin full on hostilities with the Taliban with no troops and support on the ground.

3 Ukraine--
Russia has been hoarding cash for several years prior to the invasion, which indicates it was something he had been working toward for quite a while. Trumpians claim Putin would not have made the move with Trump still in WH, but based on what? When did Trump ever say no to Putin? Trump's only interest in Ukraine was getting dirt on Biden. Like every Despot who has made naked aggression against a neighbor, this was all on Putin, and his underestimate of the Ukraine resistance and the West's response.

4 - Russia-China Allies on his watch
Yeah, this must be all on Joe. Because the adoration of Putin and the trade war with China was the perfect policy.

6 - Shootings Up
The all-time high was 2017-18. Anyone remember who was POTUS then?

11 - North Korea is firing missiles again
Again, completely mystifying. I mean, Trump shook the guys hand, so they were stopping their nukes and missile programs, right?
I realize you're a Biden apologist, but I think you responded to the wrong poster with your b.s. excuses.
Pleading guilty to cut and paste from the wrong place in thread. Feel like I should get some credit for the cut and paste, though. Feel free to ignore, you seem to be good at it.
Ignore your largely fictional explanations, designed to absolve your president of responsibility for the current **** show? I think RMF did a pretty good job of debunking most of your positions. But if you would like me to comment, I'd be happy to:

1) While the executive orders and stimulus have helped to increase gas prices, the main issue is output, which Biden has been ineffective at resolving. He apparently can't convince OPEC to increase output, nor the domestic suppliers.

2) The Fall of Saigon moment in Afghanistan was entirely on Biden. He ignored his military advisors, who advised against pulling out all troops, and to keep a small cadre of troops (2,500) behind to control the airport and evacuate Americans and our allies, and as a result, we had people on TV hanging from planes. That's entirely on him.

3) Biden's bellicose rhetoric did nothing to calm the Russian situation. You don't advertise to the world months before the invasion that you want Ukraine to become a member of NATO, as Biden did. That served to heighten tensions and embolden Putin to act. Would that have happened under Trump? No one can say, but it's highly doubtful Russia would have seen a need to invade during a Trump presidency.

6) Your facts are wrong. More Americans died of gun-related injuries in 2020 than in any other year on record. And 2022 is on track to be the worst by far.

11) Did you really think us engaging in bellicose rhetoric with little Kim was going to get him removed from his position? What did that accomplish with Obama? Well, among other things, they went nuclear. At least with Trump, there was a mortarium on tests. Now, NK has zero incentive to stop working on nukes and missiles.

I recall someone in the Obama admin saying Joe has never been right on foreign policy. That's about right. Your guy has been a total ****ing disaster. So don't pretend you can clown people with your ****ty excuses.
1. I concede Trump had the advantage of rappore with Saudi's. Not much we can expect from them. As for encouraging domestic production, not sure what a President can do that $116 a barrel doesn't.

2. I agree that Afghanistan was a debacle, but do not think we could have maintained 2500 troops in a Country where the nations Army was dissolving. Whether or not aggressive action on our part would have helped restore Afghan Regime in 2021, I believe they were done when Trump made them sign the taliban agreement pretty much at gunpoint in 2020.

3. Getting Ukraine into NATO was not likely ever going to happen before the invasion, and Putin knew that. Why? Germany was cool on the deal. The public explanation from Biden was that Ukraine had to fix things internally to be acceptable to NATO. Putin stockpiled the hundreds of $billions and $140b in gold over past couple of years, and puts a huge chunk of his military forces on month long maneuvers' prior to going in. He was never not going in, as it fulfills his life-time ambition to restore the empire.

6. My stats were from Mass Shootings, not gun violence. Might be wrong as my google check was a quick one.

11. I never expected Rocket Man (I give credit, one of Trumps better nicknames) to give in under any circumstances. The amount of sacrifice a nation like NK has expended to build a nuke arsenal and missiles, they are never going back from that. When we looked the other way 20plus years ago when Pakistan developed, we let the genie out of the bottle for a number of rogue nations. The only ongoing strategy for dealing with these guys is that for every one they have we have a thousand more, and we know how to hit something beside the Pacific Ocean.

3. If I were critiquing Biden on Ukraine, I would identify his weakness as Afghanistan, not the negotiations with Putin. Old Soviet players would always test when they sensed weakness. It is possible Putin sensed weakness after Afghanistan. I remember from Eisenhower bio, when he spoke with JFK after the Bay of Pigs, he noted the tendency of Russia to exploit weakness, and warned Kennedy they would likely test him. Joe needs better Cold War Advisors, if there are any left...

Ok, I can deal with that analysis. I do think Trump.would have handled Afghanistan and Ukraine better, for one reason. Trump was totally unpredictable. With Trump, Putin is worried if Trump goes nuclear.. Taliban is worried Trump breaks it and starts bombing. Or worse napalm the poppy fields.

North Korea, who knows.
Guy Noir
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Harrison Bergeron said:

Redbrickbear said:

J.B.Katz said:

Just a tourist visit.

So by taking pictures of the transit corridor they were going down they were super secretly Russian under the bed style planning an attack?

This committee is straight up a drug fueled conspiracy theory.

More like a drug-fueled fever dream.
Actually it is a notable piece of evidence. By itself it is not much, but with the events that ensued it demonstrated a desire to understand the building layout for a possible future activity.
Harrison Bergeron
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Guy Noir said:

Harrison Bergeron said:

Redbrickbear said:

J.B.Katz said:

Just a tourist visit.

So by taking pictures of the transit corridor they were going down they were super secretly Russian under the bed style planning an attack?

This committee is straight up a drug fueled conspiracy theory.

More like a drug-fueled fever dream.
Actually it is a notable piece of evidence. By itself it is not much, but with the events that ensued it demonstrated a desire to understand the building layout for a possible future activity.

The only comfort I take is you really don't believe that.
TWD 1974
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J.B.Katz said:

Just a tourist visit.

Forget the Conspiracies, Trump,et al. This jerk, led a tour on Jan. 5, and lied about it. When a fellow rep. observed the tour, he denied it, and called for sanctions against her---to protect his lie. If he had come clean a few days later, said they were from his district, didn't think anything of it at the time, this would have all gone away. Why he lied and attacked a fellow Congressman is beyond belief.
Sam Lowry
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Harrison Bergeron said:

Redbrickbear said:

J.B.Katz said:

Just a tourist visit.

So by taking pictures of the transit corridor they were going down they were super secretly Russian under the bed style planning an attack?

This committee is straight up a drug fueled conspiracy theory.

More like a drug-fueled fever dream.
Totally. I mean, we all know any patriotic American can get a private tour of the Capitol, photograph inconspicuous access points which are of no historical interest whatsoever, and coincidentally decide to participate in a violent assault on the building only a few hours later. Nothing suspicious there at all. Is that not one of the first things we learned in high school civics class? This would be a better nation if more citizens took an active interest in government like these fine people did.
Harrison Bergeron
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Sam Lowry said:

Harrison Bergeron said:

Redbrickbear said:

J.B.Katz said:

Just a tourist visit.

So by taking pictures of the transit corridor they were going down they were super secretly Russian under the bed style planning an attack?

This committee is straight up a drug fueled conspiracy theory.

More like a drug-fueled fever dream.
Totally. I mean, we all know any patriotic American can get a private tour of the Capitol, photograph inconspicuous access points which are of no historical interest whatsoever, and coincidentally decide to participate in a violent assault on the building only a few hours later. Nothing suspicious there at all. Is that not one of the first things we learned in high school civics class? This would be a better nation if more citizens took an active interest in government like these fine people did.

We're going to have to schedule an intervention to get you out of QAnon.
Sam Lowry
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Harrison Bergeron said:

Sam Lowry said:

Harrison Bergeron said:

Redbrickbear said:

J.B.Katz said:

Just a tourist visit.

So by taking pictures of the transit corridor they were going down they were super secretly Russian under the bed style planning an attack?

This committee is straight up a drug fueled conspiracy theory.

More like a drug-fueled fever dream.
Totally. I mean, we all know any patriotic American can get a private tour of the Capitol, photograph inconspicuous access points which are of no historical interest whatsoever, and coincidentally decide to participate in a violent assault on the building only a few hours later. Nothing suspicious there at all. Is that not one of the first things we learned in high school civics class? This would be a better nation if more citizens took an active interest in government like these fine people did.

We're going to have to schedule an intervention to get you out of QAnon.
Over the top? I'm just trying to fit in.
4th and Inches
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Guy Noir said:

Harrison Bergeron said:

Redbrickbear said:

J.B.Katz said:

Just a tourist visit.

So by taking pictures of the transit corridor they were going down they were super secretly Russian under the bed style planning an attack?

This committee is straight up a drug fueled conspiracy theory.

More like a drug-fueled fever dream.
Actually it is a notable piece of evidence. By itself it is not much, but with the events that ensued it demonstrated a desire to understand the building layout for a possible future activity.
Adopt-a-Bear 2024

CLASS Junior
HT/WT 6' 3", 288 lbs

CLASS Sophomore
HT/WT 6' 3", 273 lbs
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Sam Lowry said:

Harrison Bergeron said:

Sam Lowry said:

Harrison Bergeron said:

Redbrickbear said:

J.B.Katz said:

Just a tourist visit.

So by taking pictures of the transit corridor they were going down they were super secretly Russian under the bed style planning an attack?

This committee is straight up a drug fueled conspiracy theory.

More like a drug-fueled fever dream.
Totally. I mean, we all know any patriotic American can get a private tour of the Capitol, photograph inconspicuous access points which are of no historical interest whatsoever, and coincidentally decide to participate in a violent assault on the building only a few hours later. Nothing suspicious there at all. Is that not one of the first things we learned in high school civics class? This would be a better nation if more citizens took an active interest in government like these fine people did.

We're going to have to schedule an intervention to get you out of QAnon.
Over the top? I'm just trying to fit in.
I don't think the "I'm with Her" sticker on your refurbished Prius won over many on the Right, Sam.

And the "Free Weinstein" sign in the back windshield? That was just too much.
That which does not kill me, will try again and get nastier
4th and Inches
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TWD 74 said:

J.B.Katz said:

Just a tourist visit.

Forget the Conspiracies, Trump,et al. This jerk, led a tour on Jan. 5, and lied about it. When a fellow rep. observed the tour, he denied it, and called for sanctions against her---to protect his lie. If he had come clean a few days later, said they were from his district, didn't think anything of it at the time, this would have all gone away. Why he lied and attacked a fellow Congressman is beyond belief.
too lazy to dig, did he lie about a tour of house buildings or lie about a tour of the capital.. he didnt give a tour of the capital according to capital police and that video is from house buildings, not capital.

Things are being twisted on both sides to prove each side is right. Just curious how he lied(homestly dont know)
Adopt-a-Bear 2024

CLASS Junior
HT/WT 6' 3", 288 lbs

CLASS Sophomore
HT/WT 6' 3", 273 lbs
Sam Lowry
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Oldbear83 said:

Sam Lowry said:

Harrison Bergeron said:

Sam Lowry said:

Harrison Bergeron said:

Redbrickbear said:

J.B.Katz said:

Just a tourist visit.

So by taking pictures of the transit corridor they were going down they were super secretly Russian under the bed style planning an attack?

This committee is straight up a drug fueled conspiracy theory.

More like a drug-fueled fever dream.
Totally. I mean, we all know any patriotic American can get a private tour of the Capitol, photograph inconspicuous access points which are of no historical interest whatsoever, and coincidentally decide to participate in a violent assault on the building only a few hours later. Nothing suspicious there at all. Is that not one of the first things we learned in high school civics class? This would be a better nation if more citizens took an active interest in government like these fine people did.

We're going to have to schedule an intervention to get you out of QAnon.
Over the top? I'm just trying to fit in.
I don't think the "I'm with Her" sticker on your refurbished Prius won over many on the Right, Sam.

And the "Free Weinstein" sign in the back windshield? That was just too much.
I'm with you. There is no reason to think they were taking photos in preparation to attack the Capitol. Other than the fact that they came back the next day and, you know, attacked the Capitol. Other than that there is no reason. When did these "investigators" turn into a bunch of drug-addled lunatics? It's a wonder they ever manage to crack a case if suspects caught on tape is their idea of a lead.
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TWD 1974
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4th and Inches said:

TWD 74 said:

J.B.Katz said:

Just a tourist visit.

Forget the Conspiracies, Trump,et al. This jerk, led a tour on Jan. 5, and lied about it. When a fellow rep. observed the tour, he denied it, and called for sanctions against her---to protect his lie. If he had come clean a few days later, said they were from his district, didn't think anything of it at the time, this would have all gone away. Why he lied and attacked a fellow Congressman is beyond belief.
too lazy to dig, did he lie about a tour of house buildings or lie about a tour of the capital.. he didnt give a tour of the capital according to capital police and that video is from house buildings, not capital.

Things are being twisted on both sides to prove each side is right. Just curious how he lied(homestly dont know)
Rep. Sherrill and the Committee's statement refer to a tour of the Capitol Complex. Loudermilk,
denied categorically any republican involved a tour on the 5th. "No Republican Member of Congress led any kind of 'reconnaissance' tours through the Capitol, proven by security footage captured by the U.S. Capitol Police." (from his complaint about Sherrill). Any way you want to slice it, Loudermilk is a liar.
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Sam: "Other than the fact that they came back the next day and, you know, attacked the Capitol"

To the best of my knowledge, the visitors shown in that video did not take part in any of the January 6th trespasses. Maybe that's why the Capitol Police said they saw nothing suspicious in the video.

But sure, you know more than trained law enforcement ...
That which does not kill me, will try again and get nastier
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Oldbear83 said:

To the best of my knowledge, the visitors shown in that video did not take part in any of the January 6th trespasses.
What are the names of the persons in the video? You don't know, do you?
You don't know and yet claim none participated in the 1/6 riot.
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Osodecentx said:

Oldbear83 said:

To the best of my knowledge, the visitors shown in that video did not take part in any of the January 6th trespasses.
What are the names of the persons in the video? You don't know, do you?
You don't know and yet claim none participated in the 1/6 riot.
Again, Oso, the Capitol Police looked at the same video and said it was not suspicious.




You, C Jordan, Katz and Sam are just going to have to dress someone else up as a witch to burn.
That which does not kill me, will try again and get nastier
Sam Lowry
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Oldbear83 said:

Sam: "Other than the fact that they came back the next day and, you know, attacked the Capitol"

To the best of my knowledge, the visitors shown in that video did not take part in any of the January 6th trespasses. Maybe that's why the Capitol Police said they saw nothing suspicious in the video.

But sure, you know more than trained law enforcement ...
Then you're going to want to check out the committee's letter to Rep. Loudermilk:

The Select Committee has learned that some individuals you sponsored into the complex attended the rally at the Ellipse on the morning of January 6, 2021. According to video recordings from that day obtained by the Select Committee, the individual who appeared to photograph a staircase in the Longworth House Office Building filmed a companion with a flagpole appearing to have a sharpened end who spoke to the camera saying, "It's for a certain person," while making an aggressive jabbing motion. Later, these individuals joined the unpermitted march from the Ellipse to the U.S. Capitol. While standing near the Capitol grounds, the same individual made a video that contained detailed and disturbing threats against specific Members of Congress. For example, as the individual filmed the march to the Capitol, he said, "There's no escape Pelosi, Schumer, Nadler. We're coming for you." As he looked up at the Capitol, he went on:

They got it surrounded. It's all the way up there on the hill, and it's
all the way around, and they're coming in, coming in like white on
rice for Pelosi, Nadler, even you, AOC. We're coming to take you
out and pull you out by your hairs. ... When I get done with you,
you're going to need a shine on top of that bald head.
Sam Lowry
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Oldbear83 said:

Osodecentx said:

Oldbear83 said:

To the best of my knowledge, the visitors shown in that video did not take part in any of the January 6th trespasses.
What are the names of the persons in the video? You don't know, do you?
You don't know and yet claim none participated in the 1/6 riot.
Again, Oso, the Capitol Police looked at the same video and said it was not suspicious.




You, C Jordan, Katz and Sam are just going to have to dress someone else up as a witch to burn.
It looks like they didn't have all the facts. Good example of why the committee's work is valuable.
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Sam Lowry said:

Oldbear83 said:

Osodecentx said:

Oldbear83 said:

To the best of my knowledge, the visitors shown in that video did not take part in any of the January 6th trespasses.
What are the names of the persons in the video? You don't know, do you?
You don't know and yet claim none participated in the 1/6 riot.
Again, Oso, the Capitol Police looked at the same video and said it was not suspicious.




You, C Jordan, Katz and Sam are just going to have to dress someone else up as a witch to burn.
It looks like they didn't have all the facts. Good example of why the committee's work is valuable.

The committee's work CAN be valuable and fact-finding IS essential….but as we have seen in recent decades, often they lose grounding due to agendas and thus "find" facts to support a conclusion.
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Why do you imagine the Committee is in the same world as an impartial body?
That which does not kill me, will try again and get nastier
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Sam Lowry said:

Oldbear83 said:

Osodecentx said:

Oldbear83 said:

To the best of my knowledge, the visitors shown in that video did not take part in any of the January 6th trespasses.
What are the names of the persons in the video? You don't know, do you?
You don't know and yet claim none participated in the 1/6 riot.
Again, Oso, the Capitol Police looked at the same video and said it was not suspicious.




You, C Jordan, Katz and Sam are just going to have to dress someone else up as a witch to burn.
It looks like they didn't have all the facts. Good example of why the committee's work is valuable.
Sam loves him a good Kangaroo Court
That which does not kill me, will try again and get nastier
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Sam Lowry said:

Oldbear83 said:

Osodecentx said:

Oldbear83 said:

To the best of my knowledge, the visitors shown in that video did not take part in any of the January 6th trespasses.
What are the names of the persons in the video? You don't know, do you?
You don't know and yet claim none participated in the 1/6 riot.
Again, Oso, the Capitol Police looked at the same video and said it was not suspicious.




You, C Jordan, Katz and Sam are just going to have to dress someone else up as a witch to burn.
It looks like they didn't have all the facts. Good example of why the committee's work is valuable.
Rep. Barry Loudermilk once denied giving any tours on January 5th. Now we know not only that he spent hours doing so when no tours were allowed due to COVID, but that one man in the group was taking pictures of underground tunnels, security areas, and stairwells. The next day that same man would walk towards the Capitol and record himself saying, "There's no escape Pelosi, Schumer, Nadler. We're coming for you."

More info here:

Harrison Bergeron
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You guys buy black Nike's and purple shrouds waiting for the alien ship?

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Sure, Jan
That which does not kill me, will try again and get nastier
4th and Inches
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TWD 74 said:

4th and Inches said:

TWD 74 said:

J.B.Katz said:

Just a tourist visit.

Forget the Conspiracies, Trump,et al. This jerk, led a tour on Jan. 5, and lied about it. When a fellow rep. observed the tour, he denied it, and called for sanctions against her---to protect his lie. If he had come clean a few days later, said they were from his district, didn't think anything of it at the time, this would have all gone away. Why he lied and attacked a fellow Congressman is beyond belief.
too lazy to dig, did he lie about a tour of house buildings or lie about a tour of the capital.. he didnt give a tour of the capital according to capital police and that video is from house buildings, not capital.

Things are being twisted on both sides to prove each side is right. Just curious how he lied(homestly dont know)
Rep. Sherrill and the Committee's statement refer to a tour of the Capitol Complex. Loudermilk,
denied categorically any republican involved a tour on the 5th. "No Republican Member of Congress led any kind of 'reconnaissance' tours through the Capitol, proven by security footage captured by the U.S. Capitol Police." (from his complaint about Sherrill). Any way you want to slice it, Loudermilk is a liar.
his statement appears accurate, the house buildings as part of the capital complex are not the capital. As I said before both sides are trying to twist in order to make them appear right.

He should not have denied giving a tour of the house buildings.
Adopt-a-Bear 2024

CLASS Junior
HT/WT 6' 3", 288 lbs

CLASS Sophomore
HT/WT 6' 3", 273 lbs
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Sam Lowry said:

Oldbear83 said:

Sam: "Other than the fact that they came back the next day and, you know, attacked the Capitol"

To the best of my knowledge, the visitors shown in that video did not take part in any of the January 6th trespasses. Maybe that's why the Capitol Police said they saw nothing suspicious in the video.

But sure, you know more than trained law enforcement ...
Then you're going to want to check out the committee's letter to Rep. Loudermilk:

The Select Committee has learned that some individuals you sponsored into the complex attended the rally at the Ellipse on the morning of January 6, 2021. According to video recordings from that day obtained by the Select Committee, the individual who appeared to photograph a staircase in the Longworth House Office Building filmed a companion with a flagpole appearing to have a sharpened end who spoke to the camera saying, "It's for a certain person," while making an aggressive jabbing motion. Later, these individuals joined the unpermitted march from the Ellipse to the U.S. Capitol. While standing near the Capitol grounds, the same individual made a video that contained detailed and disturbing threats against specific Members of Congress. For example, as the individual filmed the march to the Capitol, he said, "There's no escape Pelosi, Schumer, Nadler. We're coming for you." As he looked up at the Capitol, he went on:

They got it surrounded. It's all the way up there on the hill, and it's
all the way around, and they're coming in, coming in like white on
rice for Pelosi, Nadler, even you, AOC. We're coming to take you
out and pull you out by your hairs. ... When I get done with you,
you're going to need a shine on top of that bald head.

If he did something 18 months ago and DOJ has arrested 700 why was he not charged? He is on tape and video, yet nothing? He will be now because the media pressure will force them to find some law to charge him under. But, even with 700 arrests and some for a seldom used seditious conspiracy law, all of the targets of the January 6th Commission were not charged with any crime.

If the House is putting this on TV, they have had it a long time, yet their Golden Boy Merrick Garland has DOJ moving back to normal operations. Could it be he knows there is no criminal case? Funny, a month ago he was a wronged stellar Justice that screwed out of a SCOTUS seat, now he is incompetent because he hasn't prosecuted who they (Dems) want.

This is ALL political theater, if there was a legal case it would have been brought a year ago.
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Rawhide said:

J.B.Katz said:

RMF5630 said:

J.B.Katz said:

RMF5630 said:

If the Dems run Biden, or Harris for the matter, many will choose Trump over incompetency. Trump only won the first time because he was matched against the worst Candidate known to mankind - Hillary Clinton. Biden is actually giving her a run for her money.

I truly hope the GOP runs DeSantis, Pompeo, Halley or Hogan over Trump. I really do not want to be in the position to have to vote for him, but against Biden or Harris I will go Trump. His policies are at least sound.

Trump was the least competent president we've ever had.

Biden has done a fair job under really difficult circumstances.

He took office during a raging pandemic. Despite RW propaganda to the contrary, Warp Speed did not "create" any vaccines, and there was no pipeline in place when Biden took office. A peaceful and orderly transition of power would have saved lives during the pandemic. Trump fomented insurrection instead and left chaos in his wake. Chaos is what he does.

You don't like Biden's policies. You like the mean, bombastic brand of conservative Trump represents.

That doesn't mean Biden's incompetent. Or that Trump is competent. Those 2 months he spent pouting and tantrumming on the golf course while trying to overturn my vote made it clear that for Trump, the presidency was never about anything but increasing his own personal power and wealth. We should never, ever elect a president like him again, and I believe that's why Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger are serving on the 1-6 committee:They are willing to sacrifice their careers to try to ensure Trump can't ever hold office in America again.

Biden is not responsible for a global pandemic.

He did not cause a global recession.

He did not spur Putin to invade Ukraine.

He didn't cause climate change.

I don't think American democracy can survive another Trump term. That may be your aim.

I'm also concerned about the planet. Trump isn't a guy who should have the codes to nukes. In fact, he should be on the "no buy" list for the kinds of guns you fellas want to keep selling to troubled 18-yr-olds.

Things are going to get worse before they get better because we haven't dealt with climate change and we still have an ongoing pandemic. We need a leader who cares about the country and its people. Trump isn't that guy.
Biden has been a disaster.

1 - Executive Orders basically killing the Petro Industry
2 - Afghanistan
3 - Ukraine
4 - Russia-China Allies on his watch
5 - Inflation
6 - Shootings Up
7 - Crime Up
8 - Border a disaster (his Executive Orders again)
9 - Fuel Costs (see #1)
10 - Supply Chain has gotten worse
11 - North Korea is firing missiles again

The only positives I have seen is that he is given Ukraine weapons to fight Russia and if Sweden & Finland join NATO.
SCOTUS Justice I give a neutral (I would not select, but I can see how some would be happy with selection)

I really cannot see how anyone could vote for more of this and not be against the US! I am sure China, Iran, N Korea and Russia are loving it.
Can't wait for a Republican to get into office and solve all these problems!

I guess Trump was going to get around to dealing with all of these issues in the second term he wasn't elected to serve b/c he was such an awful leader during his first term.
Interesting that you can't fathom the fact that biden has brought all this on himself.

He wouldn't have had those issues in his second term, because he wouldn't be ****ing it up llike biden has
Biden has been a disaster. Trump was a disaster. Both parties -- and their supporters -- should demand that we have new candidates to choose from in 2024.
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bear2be2 said:

Rawhide said:

J.B.Katz said:

RMF5630 said:

J.B.Katz said:

RMF5630 said:

If the Dems run Biden, or Harris for the matter, many will choose Trump over incompetency. Trump only won the first time because he was matched against the worst Candidate known to mankind - Hillary Clinton. Biden is actually giving her a run for her money.

I truly hope the GOP runs DeSantis, Pompeo, Halley or Hogan over Trump. I really do not want to be in the position to have to vote for him, but against Biden or Harris I will go Trump. His policies are at least sound.

Trump was the least competent president we've ever had.

Biden has done a fair job under really difficult circumstances.

He took office during a raging pandemic. Despite RW propaganda to the contrary, Warp Speed did not "create" any vaccines, and there was no pipeline in place when Biden took office. A peaceful and orderly transition of power would have saved lives during the pandemic. Trump fomented insurrection instead and left chaos in his wake. Chaos is what he does.

You don't like Biden's policies. You like the mean, bombastic brand of conservative Trump represents.

That doesn't mean Biden's incompetent. Or that Trump is competent. Those 2 months he spent pouting and tantrumming on the golf course while trying to overturn my vote made it clear that for Trump, the presidency was never about anything but increasing his own personal power and wealth. We should never, ever elect a president like him again, and I believe that's why Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger are serving on the 1-6 committee:They are willing to sacrifice their careers to try to ensure Trump can't ever hold office in America again.

Biden is not responsible for a global pandemic.

He did not cause a global recession.

He did not spur Putin to invade Ukraine.

He didn't cause climate change.

I don't think American democracy can survive another Trump term. That may be your aim.

I'm also concerned about the planet. Trump isn't a guy who should have the codes to nukes. In fact, he should be on the "no buy" list for the kinds of guns you fellas want to keep selling to troubled 18-yr-olds.

Things are going to get worse before they get better because we haven't dealt with climate change and we still have an ongoing pandemic. We need a leader who cares about the country and its people. Trump isn't that guy.
Biden has been a disaster.

1 - Executive Orders basically killing the Petro Industry
2 - Afghanistan
3 - Ukraine
4 - Russia-China Allies on his watch
5 - Inflation
6 - Shootings Up
7 - Crime Up
8 - Border a disaster (his Executive Orders again)
9 - Fuel Costs (see #1)
10 - Supply Chain has gotten worse
11 - North Korea is firing missiles again

The only positives I have seen is that he is given Ukraine weapons to fight Russia and if Sweden & Finland join NATO.
SCOTUS Justice I give a neutral (I would not select, but I can see how some would be happy with selection)

I really cannot see how anyone could vote for more of this and not be against the US! I am sure China, Iran, N Korea and Russia are loving it.
Can't wait for a Republican to get into office and solve all these problems!

I guess Trump was going to get around to dealing with all of these issues in the second term he wasn't elected to serve b/c he was such an awful leader during his first term.
Interesting that you can't fathom the fact that biden has brought all this on himself.

He wouldn't have had those issues in his second term, because he wouldn't be ****ing it up llike biden has
Biden has been a disaster. Trump was a disaster. Both parties -- and their supporters -- should demand that we have new candidates to choose from in 2024.
I agree with you on that post! Gonna mark the calendar! : )

I agree Trump was a disaster, but for different reasons than Biden. Trump had sound policies and even ultimately listened to do the right thing. He was a PR nightmare, temperament-wise a disaster and ultimately too selfish to be credible.

Biden is just plain incompetent and backing foolish policies.

We need all new Candidates.
Sam Lowry
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RMF5630 said:

Sam Lowry said:

Oldbear83 said:

Sam: "Other than the fact that they came back the next day and, you know, attacked the Capitol"

To the best of my knowledge, the visitors shown in that video did not take part in any of the January 6th trespasses. Maybe that's why the Capitol Police said they saw nothing suspicious in the video.

But sure, you know more than trained law enforcement ...
Then you're going to want to check out the committee's letter to Rep. Loudermilk:

The Select Committee has learned that some individuals you sponsored into the complex attended the rally at the Ellipse on the morning of January 6, 2021. According to video recordings from that day obtained by the Select Committee, the individual who appeared to photograph a staircase in the Longworth House Office Building filmed a companion with a flagpole appearing to have a sharpened end who spoke to the camera saying, "It's for a certain person," while making an aggressive jabbing motion. Later, these individuals joined the unpermitted march from the Ellipse to the U.S. Capitol. While standing near the Capitol grounds, the same individual made a video that contained detailed and disturbing threats against specific Members of Congress. For example, as the individual filmed the march to the Capitol, he said, "There's no escape Pelosi, Schumer, Nadler. We're coming for you." As he looked up at the Capitol, he went on:

They got it surrounded. It's all the way up there on the hill, and it's
all the way around, and they're coming in, coming in like white on
rice for Pelosi, Nadler, even you, AOC. We're coming to take you
out and pull you out by your hairs. ... When I get done with you,
you're going to need a shine on top of that bald head.

If he did something 18 months ago and DOJ has arrested 700 why was he not charged? He is on tape and video, yet nothing? He will be now because the media pressure will force them to find some law to charge him under. But, even with 700 arrests and some for a seldom used seditious conspiracy law, all of the targets of the January 6th Commission were not charged with any crime.

If the House is putting this on TV, they have had it a long time, yet their Golden Boy Merrick Garland has DOJ moving back to normal operations. Could it be he knows there is no criminal case? Funny, a month ago he was a wronged stellar Justice that screwed out of a SCOTUS seat, now he is incompetent because he hasn't prosecuted who they (Dems) want.

This is ALL political theater, if there was a legal case it would have been brought a year ago.
The point isn't to catch the guy in the video. It's to find out whether any members of Congress were involved.
TWD 1974
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4th and Inches said:

TWD 74 said:

4th and Inches said:

TWD 74 said:

J.B.Katz said:

Just a tourist visit.

Forget the Conspiracies, Trump,et al. This jerk, led a tour on Jan. 5, and lied about it. When a fellow rep. observed the tour, he denied it, and called for sanctions against her---to protect his lie. If he had come clean a few days later, said they were from his district, didn't think anything of it at the time, this would have all gone away. Why he lied and attacked a fellow Congressman is beyond belief.
too lazy to dig, did he lie about a tour of house buildings or lie about a tour of the capital.. he didnt give a tour of the capital according to capital police and that video is from house buildings, not capital.

Things are being twisted on both sides to prove each side is right. Just curious how he lied(homestly dont know)
Rep. Sherrill and the Committee's statement refer to a tour of the Capitol Complex. Loudermilk,
denied categorically any republican involved a tour on the 5th. "No Republican Member of Congress led any kind of 'reconnaissance' tours through the Capitol, proven by security footage captured by the U.S. Capitol Police." (from his complaint about Sherrill). Any way you want to slice it, Loudermilk is a liar.
his statement appears accurate, the house buildings as part of the capital complex are not the capital. As I said before both sides are trying to twist in order to make them appear right.

He should not have denied giving a tour of the house buildings.
You guys are just like the Dems that were defending Bill Clinton, "maybe a blowjob isn't sex." Sherrill indicated she saw a tour in the area of her office, which would be exactly in the area the tour shows to have taken place. Do you honestly believe Loudermilk either didn't remember the tour, or is the only Congressman that doesn't consider his office as a part of the Capitol Complex? Even if that is the case, he is attempting to dodge the fact of his involvement in a tour on Jan. 5, and attempted to obtain sanctions on a witness to the event.
4th and Inches
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TWD 74 said:

4th and Inches said:

TWD 74 said:

4th and Inches said:

TWD 74 said:

J.B.Katz said:

Just a tourist visit.

Forget the Conspiracies, Trump,et al. This jerk, led a tour on Jan. 5, and lied about it. When a fellow rep. observed the tour, he denied it, and called for sanctions against her---to protect his lie. If he had come clean a few days later, said they were from his district, didn't think anything of it at the time, this would have all gone away. Why he lied and attacked a fellow Congressman is beyond belief.
too lazy to dig, did he lie about a tour of house buildings or lie about a tour of the capital.. he didnt give a tour of the capital according to capital police and that video is from house buildings, not capital.

Things are being twisted on both sides to prove each side is right. Just curious how he lied(homestly dont know)
Rep. Sherrill and the Committee's statement refer to a tour of the Capitol Complex. Loudermilk,
denied categorically any republican involved a tour on the 5th. "No Republican Member of Congress led any kind of 'reconnaissance' tours through the Capitol, proven by security footage captured by the U.S. Capitol Police." (from his complaint about Sherrill). Any way you want to slice it, Loudermilk is a liar.
his statement appears accurate, the house buildings as part of the capital complex are not the capital. As I said before both sides are trying to twist in order to make them appear right.

He should not have denied giving a tour of the house buildings.
You guys are just like the Dems that were defending Bill Clinton, "maybe a blowjob isn't sex." Sherrill indicated she saw a tour in the area of her office, which would be exactly in the area the tour shows to have taken place. Do you honestly believe Loudermilk either didn't remember the tour, or is the only Congressman that doesn't consider his office as a part of the Capitol Complex? Even if that is the case, he is attempting to dodge the fact of his involvement in a tour on Jan. 5, and attempted to obtain sanctions on a witness to the event.
yeah, cause i totally didnt say

"He should not have denied giving a tour of the house buildings"

Oh wait, i did
Adopt-a-Bear 2024

CLASS Junior
HT/WT 6' 3", 288 lbs

CLASS Sophomore
HT/WT 6' 3", 273 lbs
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Sam Lowry said:

RMF5630 said:

Sam Lowry said:

Oldbear83 said:

Sam: "Other than the fact that they came back the next day and, you know, attacked the Capitol"

To the best of my knowledge, the visitors shown in that video did not take part in any of the January 6th trespasses. Maybe that's why the Capitol Police said they saw nothing suspicious in the video.

But sure, you know more than trained law enforcement ...
Then you're going to want to check out the committee's letter to Rep. Loudermilk:

The Select Committee has learned that some individuals you sponsored into the complex attended the rally at the Ellipse on the morning of January 6, 2021. According to video recordings from that day obtained by the Select Committee, the individual who appeared to photograph a staircase in the Longworth House Office Building filmed a companion with a flagpole appearing to have a sharpened end who spoke to the camera saying, "It's for a certain person," while making an aggressive jabbing motion. Later, these individuals joined the unpermitted march from the Ellipse to the U.S. Capitol. While standing near the Capitol grounds, the same individual made a video that contained detailed and disturbing threats against specific Members of Congress. For example, as the individual filmed the march to the Capitol, he said, "There's no escape Pelosi, Schumer, Nadler. We're coming for you." As he looked up at the Capitol, he went on:

They got it surrounded. It's all the way up there on the hill, and it's
all the way around, and they're coming in, coming in like white on
rice for Pelosi, Nadler, even you, AOC. We're coming to take you
out and pull you out by your hairs. ... When I get done with you,
you're going to need a shine on top of that bald head.

If he did something 18 months ago and DOJ has arrested 700 why was he not charged? He is on tape and video, yet nothing? He will be now because the media pressure will force them to find some law to charge him under. But, even with 700 arrests and some for a seldom used seditious conspiracy law, all of the targets of the January 6th Commission were not charged with any crime.

If the House is putting this on TV, they have had it a long time, yet their Golden Boy Merrick Garland has DOJ moving back to normal operations. Could it be he knows there is no criminal case? Funny, a month ago he was a wronged stellar Justice that screwed out of a SCOTUS seat, now he is incompetent because he hasn't prosecuted who they (Dems) want.

This is ALL political theater, if there was a legal case it would have been brought a year ago.
The point isn't to catch the guy in the video. It's to find out whether any members of Congress were involved.
So, what you have is a Congressman giving a tour. Come on Sam, you are an attorney. There is a long jump from giving a tour to it being a "reconnaissance tour" to Congressional involvement.

All it shows is giving a tour. There is nothing saying he knew it was a reconnaissance tour or that it was. Everything is a show put on to show what the Jan 6th Commission wants. How much video exists and was reviewed to get those stills? How much was used to orchestrate this view?

Is this like Cheney only quoting half of Trumps quote? Oh, the other half is where he says to go peacefully and demonstrate, that was conveniently left out.
TWD 1974
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4th and Inches said:

TWD 74 said:

4th and Inches said:

TWD 74 said:

4th and Inches said:

TWD 74 said:

J.B.Katz said:

Just a tourist visit.

Forget the Conspiracies, Trump,et al. This jerk, led a tour on Jan. 5, and lied about it. When a fellow rep. observed the tour, he denied it, and called for sanctions against her---to protect his lie. If he had come clean a few days later, said they were from his district, didn't think anything of it at the time, this would have all gone away. Why he lied and attacked a fellow Congressman is beyond belief.
too lazy to dig, did he lie about a tour of house buildings or lie about a tour of the capital.. he didnt give a tour of the capital according to capital police and that video is from house buildings, not capital.

Things are being twisted on both sides to prove each side is right. Just curious how he lied(homestly dont know)
Rep. Sherrill and the Committee's statement refer to a tour of the Capitol Complex. Loudermilk,
denied categorically any republican involved a tour on the 5th. "No Republican Member of Congress led any kind of 'reconnaissance' tours through the Capitol, proven by security footage captured by the U.S. Capitol Police." (from his complaint about Sherrill). Any way you want to slice it, Loudermilk is a liar.
his statement appears accurate, the house buildings as part of the capital complex are not the capital. As I said before both sides are trying to twist in order to make them appear right.

He should not have denied giving a tour of the house buildings.
You guys are just like the Dems that were defending Bill Clinton, "maybe a blowjob isn't sex." Sherrill indicated she saw a tour in the area of her office, which would be exactly in the area the tour shows to have taken place. Do you honestly believe Loudermilk either didn't remember the tour, or is the only Congressman that doesn't consider his office as a part of the Capitol Complex? Even if that is the case, he is attempting to dodge the fact of his involvement in a tour on Jan. 5, and attempted to obtain sanctions on a witness to the event.
yeah, cause i totally didnt say

"He should not have denied giving a tour of the house buildings"

Oh wait, i did
I realized that. I responded to the flow of the discussion haphazardly as this kind of deceit (be it a Clinton or a Loudermilk), and the way we just shrug it off gets me a bit riled up. My point is a lie by omission or a prevarication or word play is still a lie, whether it is to conceal an affair, or a seemingly innocuous tour on Jan. 5.
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San: "It's to find out whether any members of Congress Republicans Sam doesn't like were involved."
That which does not kill me, will try again and get nastier
Sam Lowry
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RMF5630 said:

Sam Lowry said:

RMF5630 said:

Sam Lowry said:

Oldbear83 said:

Sam: "Other than the fact that they came back the next day and, you know, attacked the Capitol"

To the best of my knowledge, the visitors shown in that video did not take part in any of the January 6th trespasses. Maybe that's why the Capitol Police said they saw nothing suspicious in the video.

But sure, you know more than trained law enforcement ...
Then you're going to want to check out the committee's letter to Rep. Loudermilk:

The Select Committee has learned that some individuals you sponsored into the complex attended the rally at the Ellipse on the morning of January 6, 2021. According to video recordings from that day obtained by the Select Committee, the individual who appeared to photograph a staircase in the Longworth House Office Building filmed a companion with a flagpole appearing to have a sharpened end who spoke to the camera saying, "It's for a certain person," while making an aggressive jabbing motion. Later, these individuals joined the unpermitted march from the Ellipse to the U.S. Capitol. While standing near the Capitol grounds, the same individual made a video that contained detailed and disturbing threats against specific Members of Congress. For example, as the individual filmed the march to the Capitol, he said, "There's no escape Pelosi, Schumer, Nadler. We're coming for you." As he looked up at the Capitol, he went on:

They got it surrounded. It's all the way up there on the hill, and it's
all the way around, and they're coming in, coming in like white on
rice for Pelosi, Nadler, even you, AOC. We're coming to take you
out and pull you out by your hairs. ... When I get done with you,
you're going to need a shine on top of that bald head.

If he did something 18 months ago and DOJ has arrested 700 why was he not charged? He is on tape and video, yet nothing? He will be now because the media pressure will force them to find some law to charge him under. But, even with 700 arrests and some for a seldom used seditious conspiracy law, all of the targets of the January 6th Commission were not charged with any crime.

If the House is putting this on TV, they have had it a long time, yet their Golden Boy Merrick Garland has DOJ moving back to normal operations. Could it be he knows there is no criminal case? Funny, a month ago he was a wronged stellar Justice that screwed out of a SCOTUS seat, now he is incompetent because he hasn't prosecuted who they (Dems) want.

This is ALL political theater, if there was a legal case it would have been brought a year ago.
The point isn't to catch the guy in the video. It's to find out whether any members of Congress were involved.
So, what you have is a Congressman giving a tour. Come on Sam, you are an attorney. There is a long jump from giving a tour to it being a "reconnaissance tour" to Congressional involvement.

All it shows is giving a tour. There is nothing saying he knew it was a reconnaissance tour or that it was. Everything is a show put on to show what the Jan 6th Commission wants. How much video exists and was reviewed to get those stills? How much was used to orchestrate this view?

Is this like Cheney only quoting half of Trumps quote? Oh, the other half is where he says to go peacefully and demonstrate, that was conveniently left out.

No one's saying it's proof of anything. But the congressman led a tour when the complex was closed, he lied about it, and then it turned out his guests were involved in the attack. Now he won't talk to the committee. If you don't see how that's suspicious, I don't know what to tell you.
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