Jan 6 committee

147,054 Views | 3026 Replies | Last: 10 mo ago by Harrison Bergeron
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J.B.Katz said:

Osodecentx said:

RMF5630 said:

Osodecentx said:

Harrison Bergeron said:

Has Shifty Shiff's Show Trial come up with anything new or interesting about Jan. 6 yet? Any more democracy-threatening tours or similar conspiracies?
Surprisingly, it has.
Schiff is still repulsive, but the testimony of conservative Republicans is new to me. It documents the lengths Trump and his staff went tin order to steal the election.

His Cabinet, Staff and Agencies knew that there was not enough fraud to throw the election to Trump and the procedural flaws that did happen there was no time for recourse due to the January 6th certification , see Barr's Book 1st Chapter in his words as AG, Therefore:

Staff and VP told Trump no there was no reason not to certify.

VP certified
Trump left
Biden inaugurated

Trump honestly thinks he was wronged and looked to undo it, which is not illegal. It has been investigated for 18 months with 700+ arrests under Biden's DOJ. You think if they had criminal evidence they would bury it?????

System worked as designed. This is all to make sure Trump doesn't run again because he has a big following. This is political theater and posturing for the mid-terms and 2024.
The system worked in spite of Trump's efforts to disrupt it. The gang couldn't shoot straight, but Trump tried to steal the election. He thought the election was stolen and he schemed to have himself declared the winner.
The system barely held. It won't withstand another attack with half the Republican Party supporting the Big Lie not because the politicians who won't disavow it believe it, but because they're willing to ride that train to stay in office (and to oust party rivals who WILL acknowldge the truth).

I don't think anyone will ever know what Trump thought/thinks. He's fully capable of convincing himself of any lie that's self-serving, both in favor of himself (he always thought he won, as a possible legal defense) and about his opponents or associates who don't say what he wants them to say.

What we do know is that many members of his admin, including members of his own family, told him he lost, and he has occasionally admitted (as the press coverage quoted him) that he lost.




I hate that term, Big Lie. Everyone has to believe the election was kosher or they are supporting the demise of democracy. No matter how much vote harvesting, ballots mailed or drop boxes used, we have to believe 81 million voted for Biden. That is ridiculous. The Dems slipped one by. No doubt the vote harvesting and rule changes played into the election win by Biden. But, once certified, it stands. You can accept Biden is President and not agree with how he "won".
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4th and Inches said:

Nobody is watching, people dont care about this based on polling. Good luck getting new Dems to care.. they are too busy looking for gas money and forMula

Truck drivers are being told same pay for double or triple fuel costs so now we have over 100,000 truck driver shortage.. this country runs its supply chain on ruck drivers and diesel. We are so screwed. Nobody cares about this jan 6th stuff when we got real problems

Just wait till they repeal Roe v Wade

Oops…too soon…late…whatevs
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Rawhide said:

TWD 74 said:

GrowlTowel said:

C. Jordan said:

4th and Inches said:

C. Jordan said:

Yesterday was sickening, but gave me hope in the sense that there are still a few Republicans who are more loyal to the Constitution than to Trump.

Though I have huge policy differences with people like Bowers and the others, I admire their courage and faith to stand tall against Trump.

It means that maybe Republicans and Democrats can rally around the shared values of the rule of law and democracy.

What Trump and his minions did to those poor election workers in GA was unconscionable. A low point, even for him. He ruined these women's lives just for doing their jobs well. That's up from 51% in April.

The alleged "clown show" has definitely revealed the crimes of the former "Clown in Chief."

Also encouraging is that a recent ABC News/Ipsos poll now shows that 58% of Americans believe Trump committed crimes and should be prosecuted.

Meanwhile, those in the Trump cult are looking like the Branch Davidians rallying around David Koresh. The more their leader is attacked, the more they defy facts, logic, and reason to cling to him.

link to the poll and its cross tabs please and thanks!

Its never encouraging to cite an ABC poll..

91% of Democrats, 21% of Republicans, and what should be most worrying for you, 62% of independents.

Also, 60% of Americans believe the committee has been fair.

You can diss the messenger all you want, but it shows the committee is being effective with people who aren't in the cult.

Serious questions:

How can you dismiss the testimony of people who were not only conservative Republicans but who both voted for Trump and campaigned for him?

How can you excuse Trump's vilification of poll workers, who were guilty of nothing but doing their jobs?

Your party castrates children. Your party enslaved millions. Your party has killed over 61 million people.

How does that make you feel?
Transgender Surgery can only be performed on persons 18 year of age or older in this Country.
Slavery in this Country well precedes any political party. If you want to attack at the source, blame the British Crown and Parliament.
Roe V Wade was affirmed in the 1970's by 6 Supreme Court Justices--5 of whom were appointed by Republican Presidents.
Probably need to raise the minimum age of gender reassignment surgery consent to 21 and some mental health intervention red flag laws

Post of the millennium
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J.B.Katz said:

Osodecentx said:

RMF5630 said:

Osodecentx said:

Harrison Bergeron said:

Has Shifty Shiff's Show Trial come up with anything new or interesting about Jan. 6 yet? Any more democracy-threatening tours or similar conspiracies?
Surprisingly, it has.
Schiff is still repulsive, but the testimony of conservative Republicans is new to me. It documents the lengths Trump and his staff went tin order to steal the election.

His Cabinet, Staff and Agencies knew that there was not enough fraud to throw the election to Trump and the procedural flaws that did happen there was no time for recourse due to the January 6th certification , see Barr's Book 1st Chapter in his words as AG, Therefore:

Staff and VP told Trump no there was no reason not to certify.

VP certified
Trump left
Biden inaugurated

Trump honestly thinks he was wronged and looked to undo it, which is not illegal. It has been investigated for 18 months with 700+ arrests under Biden's DOJ. You think if they had criminal evidence they would bury it?????

System worked as designed. This is all to make sure Trump doesn't run again because he has a big following. This is political theater and posturing for the mid-terms and 2024.
The system worked in spite of Trump's efforts to disrupt it. The gang couldn't shoot straight, but Trump tried to steal the election. He thought the election was stolen and he schemed to have himself declared the winner.
The system barely held. It won't withstand another attack with half the Republican Party supporting the Big Lie not because the politicians who won't disavow it believe it, but because they're willing to ride that train to stay in office (and to oust party rivals who WILL acknowldge the truth).

I don't think anyone will ever know what Trump thought/thinks. He's fully capable of convincing himself of any lie that's self-serving, both in favor of himself (he always thought he won, as a possible legal defense) and about his opponents or associates who don't say what he wants them to say.

What we do know is that many members of his admin, including members of his own family, told him he lost, and he has occasionally admitted (as the press coverage quoted him) that he lost.



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Osodecentx said:

Mothra said:

Osodecentx said:

Mothra said:

Osodecentx said:

Mothra said:

Osodecentx said:

Mothra said:

Osodecentx said:

Mothra said:

Osodecentx said:

Mothra said:

Osodecentx said:

Mothra said:

Guy Noir said:

I do not look at the issue as being "Supporting Trump" or "Supporting Biden". I think this country can come up with a better candidate than either one.

Trump did not just say mean things. He was inaccurate and disrespectful in many things he said. One example is that he did not communicate the covid situation very well. He name-called the Chinese about the virus (which provided no benefit) and he promoted some medicines that have proven to be ineffective in treating the covid virus. Trump also reported inaccurate crowd counts for his inauguration. His constant reporting of information was inaccurate. The USA needs a leader that is clear, concise, and accurate in their communications

Biden is worse. Biden has promoted overspending. He denied that inflation was a problem (that it was transitory), and then he has deflected the cause of inflation, saying it is caused by the Russian war and the greedy oil companies. Biden has not acknowledged that the executive orders from his first days as President, have truly contributed to the oil shortage. He has basically ignored the border problem. The FDA, under Biden, has been slow to fix the baby formula shortage. It is all tax and talk with this President and when he talks he has made a number of blunders.

It is a great time for the Republicans to appeal to the moderate Republicans and to field a good candidate for 2024. Many moderates are disenchanted with the Democratic leadership. It is those votes that will provide success in 2024. A small percentage of ultra conservatives cannot win alone.

While short sighted moderate republicans are one of the reasons we got an incompetent boob elected, I am not sure an appeal to moderates is the answer. That's been tried and failed not only here, but throughout the world and it typically doesn't work. Canada just tried it. We tried it with Romney and McCain. It's firing up the base that generally gets people elected.

In this case I think Biden himself does the best job of getting a conservative elected. A strong touch candidate without trumps baggage makes sense.
What percent of the November election turnout is the base? (30%, 60%)
I think voter enthusiasm is important, but it takes a lot more than just the base, which I put a 30% or less

So you think a more moderate candidate would fire up the base to turn out the vote and sway moderates? What is the last moderate that got elected? And on what issues do you feel moderation is necessary?

The Romney's, McCain's and Kasich's of the world may sway some independents and milquetoast "conservatives" such as yourself, but it generally keeps the base from turning out the vote. This has been true of every election for decades. Moderates who deviate from the base on issues generally don't get elected. This has been true for decades.

I think there are areas that conservatives can find common ground with most Americans, especially when it comes to the economy and crime. And it's been true for generations that economic issues are most likely to turn out the vote.
What percent of the vote is the Republican base? Aren't moderate Republicans part of the base or is it only voters who refuse to vote for the Republican if it is a moderate?

Look at Rawhide's post about three of four posts below, 9:04 AM today. He says he didn't vote for McCain or Romney and wouldn't have voted for Kasich. You seem to blame "miliquetoast conservatives for the election of Biden. What about "miliquetoast conservatives" like Raw who, by your reasoning, gave us Obama twice and Clinton twice?

I don't agree with Rawhide's approach. I'm a pragmatist and so I don't agree with his approach or your approach. If it was between Kasich and Biden, I'd absolutely vote Kasich.

But the statistics have shown that if the Republican candidate fails to excite the base, they don't turn out to vote. And generally moderate candidates simply don't excite the base. And when the base doesn't turn out to vote republicans lose. History has proven this.
I think some here would say that Trump excited the Republican base in 2020. He lost moderates and independents and lost by millions of votes, but he excited the base.

Why do you think only conservative Republicans are the base? Why aren't moderates the Republican base?

If Trump wins the fringe and loses moderates and independents, he loses.

What percent of the vote is the Republican base? Is it conservative or moderate?

In political terms, the base is the block of voters who are very unlikely to vote for the candidate of an opposing party, regardless of the specific views each candidate holds. In short they're not turncoats who will cast a vote for Biden if they don't like the Republican party's candidate, such as a number of Never Trumpers. In most elections it's important for the candidate to excite the base. If they sit it out - like they did during the McCain and Romney elections, then the republicans have little chance of winning.

Now that does not mean the Republican candidate doesn't need to attract at least some independents and moderates. Indeed he or she does, as Trump did in 2016. But exciting the base is typically more important because they're the ones who turn out the vote. If they decide to sit it out, the republican candidate is in trouble.

When they start appealing to wishy washy Luke warms such as yourself who really aren't all that conservative or concerned with conservative polices, republicans lose. That's a proven losing strategy time and time again.
You're right, I don't put party first. You're a good "base" voter; "my party right or wrong".

Trump is no conservative. A party that continues to protect and promote him is not worthy of support. His actions after the election and especially Jan 6 are a disqualification. Trump is bad for the country and bad for the Republican Party.

I agree with your definition of "base voter". I put the base vote at about 20% of the general election voters for Republicans but that is just a guess.

I realized back in 2020 that Biden would be a disaster, and I have been proven right with each passing day. He has done lasting harm to our country. Your approach to voting has likewise proven a disaster.
You may be right; I voted for Trump

Unlike you, I put values and integrity first. I'll vote country over Party

Let's not pretend that you haven't said on this very thread if you had to do it all over again you wouldn't vote Trump. Instead you would choose the current disaster.

And despite whatever you would like to fool yourself into believing, that is not putting country first.
Not voting for Trump is different from voting for a Republican.

And you aren't putting the country first with blind devotion to a political party. I'll put integrity and character before a party
I understand why you are trying to make distinctions without a difference, but that's all they are. Let's also not pretend that Biden has integrity and character that offset his horribly destructive policies. He has none of the above, and bad policy to boot.

The results have shown a vote for anyone but Trump if you are a conservative was a huge mistake. You chose poorly.
You don't get to define conservative for the world.
Trump isn't conservative. Never Trump

Your post just reads "Oso supports murdering babies."
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'Never Trump' : shorthand for 'gave myself a lobotomy'.
That which does not kill me, will try again and get nastier
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Fre3dombear said:

4th and Inches said:

Nobody is watching, people dont care about this based on polling. Good luck getting new Dems to care.. they are too busy looking for gas money and forMula

Truck drivers are being told same pay for double or triple fuel costs so now we have over 100,000 truck driver shortage.. this country runs its supply chain on ruck drivers and diesel. We are so screwed. Nobody cares about this jan 6th stuff when we got real problems

Just wait till they repeal Roe v Wade

Oops…too soon…late…whatevs
Bad law is bad law.

Congress - Step up if it is something that needs to get done. Same with immigration.

Glad to see the Courts FORCING Congress to do their job and stop using the Courts to set policy.
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Mothra said:

Having reviewed more of the evidence over the weekend, it's clear to me that while Trump thought there was fraud, he attempted to intimidate elected officials to try and overturn the election. That's terrible.

But you'll still race to vote for him. Policy is just more important right?

And what evidence do you have that Trump sincerely thought there was fraud?
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Porteroso said:

Mothra said:

Having reviewed more of the evidence over the weekend, it's clear to me that while Trump thought there was fraud, he attempted to intimidate elected officials to try and overturn the election. That's terrible.

But you'll still race to vote for him. Policy is just more important right?

And what evidence do you have that Trump sincerely thought there was fraud?
Who are they going to give me as an alternative???

Michelle Obama?

They are all the same politician, there is no choice. Under those candidates, yeah I will take Trump's policies and rely on the system to work again.

Give me a Lieberman, I don't agree with all his policies but he will work across the aisle. Biden was supposed to be like that and turned out to be more Progressive than Obama or Clinton!

Give me a choice. So far the Dems have ran the same candidate since 2008.
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Porteroso said:

Mothra said:

Having reviewed more of the evidence over the weekend, it's clear to me that while Trump thought there was fraud, he attempted to intimidate elected officials to try and overturn the election. That's terrible.

But you'll still race to vote for him. Policy is just more important right?

And what evidence do you have that Trump sincerely thought there was fraud?

Damn right. Only a fool would choose the current **** show over trump.
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RMF5630 said:

Porteroso said:

Mothra said:

Having reviewed more of the evidence over the weekend, it's clear to me that while Trump thought there was fraud, he attempted to intimidate elected officials to try and overturn the election. That's terrible.

But you'll still race to vote for him. Policy is just more important right?

And what evidence do you have that Trump sincerely thought there was fraud?
Who are they going to give me as an alternative???

Michelle Obama?

They are all the same politician, there is no choice. Under those candidates, yeah I will take Trump's policies and rely on the system to work again.

Give me a Lieberman, I don't agree with all his policies but he will work across the aisle. Biden was supposed to be like that and turned out to be more Progressive than Obama or Clinton!

Give me a choice. So far the Dems have ran the same candidate since 2008.

I'm hoping AOC runs. It should be a good set of debates.
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Golem said:

RMF5630 said:

Porteroso said:

Mothra said:

Having reviewed more of the evidence over the weekend, it's clear to me that while Trump thought there was fraud, he attempted to intimidate elected officials to try and overturn the election. That's terrible.

But you'll still race to vote for him. Policy is just more important right?

And what evidence do you have that Trump sincerely thought there was fraud?
Who are they going to give me as an alternative???

Michelle Obama?

They are all the same politician, there is no choice. Under those candidates, yeah I will take Trump's policies and rely on the system to work again.

Give me a Lieberman, I don't agree with all his policies but he will work across the aisle. Biden was supposed to be like that and turned out to be more Progressive than Obama or Clinton!

Give me a choice. So far the Dems have ran the same candidate since 2008.

I'm hoping AOC runs. It should be a good set of debates.

Only if you like Jinxy-like hissy fits as answers to every question.
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whitetrash said:

Golem said:

RMF5630 said:

Porteroso said:

Mothra said:

Having reviewed more of the evidence over the weekend, it's clear to me that while Trump thought there was fraud, he attempted to intimidate elected officials to try and overturn the election. That's terrible.

But you'll still race to vote for him. Policy is just more important right?

And what evidence do you have that Trump sincerely thought there was fraud?
Who are they going to give me as an alternative???

Michelle Obama?

They are all the same politician, there is no choice. Under those candidates, yeah I will take Trump's policies and rely on the system to work again.

Give me a Lieberman, I don't agree with all his policies but he will work across the aisle. Biden was supposed to be like that and turned out to be more Progressive than Obama or Clinton!

Give me a choice. So far the Dems have ran the same candidate since 2008.

I'm hoping AOC runs. It should be a good set of debates.

Only if you like Jinxy-like hissy fits as answers to every question.

I actually think that they would impose a skunk rule, after the beating she would get at the hands of literally ANYONE.
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RMF5630 said:

Porteroso said:

Mothra said:

Having reviewed more of the evidence over the weekend, it's clear to me that while Trump thought there was fraud, he attempted to intimidate elected officials to try and overturn the election. That's terrible.

But you'll still race to vote for him. Policy is just more important right?

And what evidence do you have that Trump sincerely thought there was fraud?
Who are they going to give me as an alternative???

Michelle Obama?

They are all the same politician, there is no choice. Under those candidates, yeah I will take Trump's policies and rely on the system to work again.

Give me a Lieberman, I don't agree with all his policies but he will work across the aisle. Biden was supposed to be like that and turned out to be more Progressive than Obama or Clinton!

Give me a choice. So far the Dems have ran the same candidate since 2008.

Na. It will be Gavin. He2white but that never stops the Mulecrats.
4th and Inches
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whitetrash said:

Golem said:

RMF5630 said:

Porteroso said:

Mothra said:

Having reviewed more of the evidence over the weekend, it's clear to me that while Trump thought there was fraud, he attempted to intimidate elected officials to try and overturn the election. That's terrible.

But you'll still race to vote for him. Policy is just more important right?

And what evidence do you have that Trump sincerely thought there was fraud?
Who are they going to give me as an alternative???

Michelle Obama?

They are all the same politician, there is no choice. Under those candidates, yeah I will take Trump's policies and rely on the system to work again.

Give me a Lieberman, I don't agree with all his policies but he will work across the aisle. Biden was supposed to be like that and turned out to be more Progressive than Obama or Clinton!

Give me a choice. So far the Dems have ran the same candidate since 2008.

I'm hoping AOC runs. It should be a good set of debates.

Only if you like Jinxy-like hissy fits as answers to every question.
remember to throw in a "you just want to date me" ..
Adopt-a-Bear 2024

CLASS Junior
HT/WT 6' 3", 288 lbs

CLASS Sophomore
HT/WT 6' 3", 273 lbs
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Oldbear83 said:

These "hearings" will have an effect, all right. Just not the way Sam, Oso, C Jordan and their ilk think will happen.
I think the hearings are informing some open minded Trump voters. What will come out today?

From WaPo
Cassidy Hutchinson, a top aide to Mark Meadows when he was White House chief of staff in the Trump administration, is expected to testify Tuesday at the latest hearing by the House select committee investigating the Jan. 6, 2021, insurrection. Hutchinson had frequent access to Meadows and President Donald Trump in the days before and after the attack on the U.S. Capitol and previously provided hours of closed-door testimony to the panel.
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Osodecentx said:

Oldbear83 said:

These "hearings" will have an effect, all right. Just not the way Sam, Oso, C Jordan and their ilk think will happen.
I think the hearings are informing some open minded Trump voters. What will come out today?

From WaPo
Cassidy Hutchinson, a top aide to Mark Meadows when he was White House chief of staff in the Trump administration, is expected to testify Tuesday at the latest hearing by the House select committee investigating the Jan. 6, 2021, insurrection. Hutchinson had frequent access to Meadows and President Donald Trump in the days before and after the attack on the U.S. Capitol and previously provided hours of closed-door testimony to the panel.
Did you get a t shirt or just the bumper sticker, when you joined Team Lynch Trump?
That which does not kill me, will try again and get nastier
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Mothra said:

Porteroso said:

Mothra said:

Having reviewed more of the evidence over the weekend, it's clear to me that while Trump thought there was fraud, he attempted to intimidate elected officials to try and overturn the election. That's terrible.

But you'll still race to vote for him. Policy is just more important right?

And what evidence do you have that Trump sincerely thought there was fraud?

Damn right. Only a fool would choose the current **** show over trump.

And what evidence do you have that Trump sincerely thought there was fraud?
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RMF5630 said:

Porteroso said:

Mothra said:

Having reviewed more of the evidence over the weekend, it's clear to me that while Trump thought there was fraud, he attempted to intimidate elected officials to try and overturn the election. That's terrible.

But you'll still race to vote for him. Policy is just more important right?

And what evidence do you have that Trump sincerely thought there was fraud?
Who are they going to give me as an alternative???

Michelle Obama?

They are all the same politician, there is no choice. Under those candidates, yeah I will take Trump's policies and rely on the system to work again.

Give me a Lieberman, I don't agree with all his policies but he will work across the aisle. Biden was supposed to be like that and turned out to be more Progressive than Obama or Clinton!

Give me a choice. So far the Dems have ran the same candidate since 2008.

First, there is always a choice. If you believe that your vote counts, that it's not wasted because there are so many, how could lonely me count, then yours counts no matter who you vote for.

Also I hope the Dems run someone decent, but really we don't know who they will run, just that several posters like Mortha have already pledged allegiance to Trump.

I will agree it's sad that it's likely one of those you listed will win the nomination, when those are some of the worst choices available. Voting Biden or Harris again is the same as voting for Trump again in the primaries. It just seems like we could give someone who wasn't an abject failure the past 8 years a try. Maybe not Hillary though.
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Porteroso said:

Mothra said:

Porteroso said:

Mothra said:

Having reviewed more of the evidence over the weekend, it's clear to me that while Trump thought there was fraud, he attempted to intimidate elected officials to try and overturn the election. That's terrible.

But you'll still race to vote for him. Policy is just more important right?

And what evidence do you have that Trump sincerely thought there was fraud?

Damn right. Only a fool would choose the current **** show over trump.

And what evidence do you have that Trump sincerely thought there was fraud?
Some of the news items I have reviewed claim he had a close inner circle feeding him the fraud narrative based on some examples of fraud or suspected fraud. He seemed to believe it. But do I know for sure what was in the man's mind? No more than you do.

And despite all of that, he is still better than the current **** show.
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RMF5630 said:

J.B.Katz said:

Osodecentx said:

RMF5630 said:

Osodecentx said:

Harrison Bergeron said:

Has Shifty Shiff's Show Trial come up with anything new or interesting about Jan. 6 yet? Any more democracy-threatening tours or similar conspiracies?
Surprisingly, it has.
Schiff is still repulsive, but the testimony of conservative Republicans is new to me. It documents the lengths Trump and his staff went tin order to steal the election.

His Cabinet, Staff and Agencies knew that there was not enough fraud to throw the election to Trump and the procedural flaws that did happen there was no time for recourse due to the January 6th certification , see Barr's Book 1st Chapter in his words as AG, Therefore:

Staff and VP told Trump no there was no reason not to certify.

VP certified
Trump left
Biden inaugurated

Trump honestly thinks he was wronged and looked to undo it, which is not illegal. It has been investigated for 18 months with 700+ arrests under Biden's DOJ. You think if they had criminal evidence they would bury it?????

System worked as designed. This is all to make sure Trump doesn't run again because he has a big following. This is political theater and posturing for the mid-terms and 2024.
The system worked in spite of Trump's efforts to disrupt it. The gang couldn't shoot straight, but Trump tried to steal the election. He thought the election was stolen and he schemed to have himself declared the winner.
The system barely held. It won't withstand another attack with half the Republican Party supporting the Big Lie not because the politicians who won't disavow it believe it, but because they're willing to ride that train to stay in office (and to oust party rivals who WILL acknowldge the truth).

I don't think anyone will ever know what Trump thought/thinks. He's fully capable of convincing himself of any lie that's self-serving, both in favor of himself (he always thought he won, as a possible legal defense) and about his opponents or associates who don't say what he wants them to say.

What we do know is that many members of his admin, including members of his own family, told him he lost, and he has occasionally admitted (as the press coverage quoted him) that he lost.




I hate that term, Big Lie. Everyone has to believe the election was kosher or they are supporting the demise of democracy. No matter how much vote harvesting, ballots mailed or drop boxes used, we have to believe 81 million voted for Biden. That is ridiculous. The Dems slipped one by. No doubt the vote harvesting and rule changes played into the election win by Biden. But, once certified, it stands. You can accept Biden is President and not agree with how he "won".
Trump lost the election.

He lied about that to try to stay in power. It worked with people like you. Some of you will never believe Trump lost, even when credible leaders, including Liz Cheney and J. Michael Luttig, tell you that Trump lied. It doesn't help that many of you consume news media that helped craft the Big Lie and listen to talking heads who promote it rather than credible news sources or that we have a Supreme Court justice whose wife supported Trump's coup. I'm not sure if Ginni Thomas believed the Big Lie or if she felt justified trying to overturn my vote and those of more than 81 million other Americans b/c she wanted to keep Trump in power.

Trump's lie was a Big Lie by any definition.

But believing lies that serve the political purpose of keeping a minority party in power has become the Republican platform.

Most Republicans either don't "believe in" climate change, despite the destruction its wreaking right before our eyes, including floods, droughts, heat waves, hurricanes, rising sea levels, wildfires, Lake Mead going dry, parts of Yellowstone washing away, etc.

Or they buy the talking point that there's nothing we can do when there is, but that would require working together, which Republicans aren't willing to do. That is going to come at a tremendous economic cost, and the irony is that Republicans are using economic costs as an argument against doing anything to mitigate climate change. Which is like not buying homeowners insurance on your house and then finding that you have lost everything after it's destroyed by a hurricane, flood or tornado.

What you're doing by refusing to acknowledge the truth about Trump's election loss is setting us all up for a bruising fight. Because those of us who know Trump lost and voted against him by the millions so he would lose are not going to give up & surrender control of the government b/c guys like you are having pissy tantrums b/c Trump didn't win or b/c you believe his false narrative that he really did win & there was a vast conspiracy to steal his victory. In fact, it started with the mob storming the capitol on Jan. 6. The real test is whether anybody other than the little guys who got revved up by Trump to commit vandalism and assault will be exposed as Trump traitors and pay any meaningful consequences for what they did.

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J.B.Katz said:

RMF5630 said:

J.B.Katz said:

Osodecentx said:

RMF5630 said:

Osodecentx said:

Harrison Bergeron said:

Has Shifty Shiff's Show Trial come up with anything new or interesting about Jan. 6 yet? Any more democracy-threatening tours or similar conspiracies?
Surprisingly, it has.
Schiff is still repulsive, but the testimony of conservative Republicans is new to me. It documents the lengths Trump and his staff went tin order to steal the election.

His Cabinet, Staff and Agencies knew that there was not enough fraud to throw the election to Trump and the procedural flaws that did happen there was no time for recourse due to the January 6th certification , see Barr's Book 1st Chapter in his words as AG, Therefore:

Staff and VP told Trump no there was no reason not to certify.

VP certified
Trump left
Biden inaugurated

Trump honestly thinks he was wronged and looked to undo it, which is not illegal. It has been investigated for 18 months with 700+ arrests under Biden's DOJ. You think if they had criminal evidence they would bury it?????

System worked as designed. This is all to make sure Trump doesn't run again because he has a big following. This is political theater and posturing for the mid-terms and 2024.
The system worked in spite of Trump's efforts to disrupt it. The gang couldn't shoot straight, but Trump tried to steal the election. He thought the election was stolen and he schemed to have himself declared the winner.
The system barely held. It won't withstand another attack with half the Republican Party supporting the Big Lie not because the politicians who won't disavow it believe it, but because they're willing to ride that train to stay in office (and to oust party rivals who WILL acknowldge the truth).

I don't think anyone will ever know what Trump thought/thinks. He's fully capable of convincing himself of any lie that's self-serving, both in favor of himself (he always thought he won, as a possible legal defense) and about his opponents or associates who don't say what he wants them to say.

What we do know is that many members of his admin, including members of his own family, told him he lost, and he has occasionally admitted (as the press coverage quoted him) that he lost.




I hate that term, Big Lie. Everyone has to believe the election was kosher or they are supporting the demise of democracy. No matter how much vote harvesting, ballots mailed or drop boxes used, we have to believe 81 million voted for Biden. That is ridiculous. The Dems slipped one by. No doubt the vote harvesting and rule changes played into the election win by Biden. But, once certified, it stands. You can accept Biden is President and not agree with how he "won".
Trump lost the election.

He lied about that to try to stay in power. It worked with people like you. Some of you will never believe Trump lost, even when credible leaders, including Liz Cheney and J. Michael Luttig, tell you that Trump lied. It doesn't help that many of you consume news media that helped craft the Big Lie and listen to talking heads who promote it rather than credible news sources or that we have a Supreme Court justice whose wife supported Trump's coup. I'm not sure if Ginni Thomas believed the Big Lie or if she felt justified trying to overturn my vote and those of more than 81 million other Americans b/c she wanted to keep Trump in power.

Trump's lie was a Big Lie by any definition.

But believing lies that serve the political purpose of keeping a minority party in power has become the Republican platform.

Most Republicans either don't "believe in" climate change, despite the destruction its wreaking right before our eyes, including floods, droughts, heat waves, hurricanes, rising sea levels, wildfires, Lake Mead going dry, parts of Yellowstone washing away, etc.

Or they buy the talking point that there's nothing we can do when there is, but that would require working together, which Republicans aren't willing to do. That is going to come at a tremendous economic cost, and the irony is that Republicans are using economic costs as an argument against doing anything to mitigate climate change. Which is like not buying homeowners insurance on your house and then finding that you have lost everything after it's destroyed by a hurricane, flood or tornado.

What you're doing by refusing to acknowledge the truth about Trump's election loss is setting us all up for a bruising fight. Because those of us who know Trump lost and voted against him by the millions so he would lose are not going to give up & surrender control of the government b/c guys like you are having pissy tantrums b/c Trump didn't win or b/c you believe his false narrative that he really did win & there was a vast conspiracy to steal his victory. In fact, it started with the mob storming the capitol on Jan. 6. The real test is whether anybody other than the little guys who got revved up by Trump to commit vandalism and assault will be exposed as Trump traitors and pay any meaningful consequences for what they did.

Dear Mr. Republican Kettle:

You're black.


Jinxy Pot (aka Queen of the Pissy Tantrum)
4th and Inches
How long do you want to ignore this user?
Oh look, an unscheduled hearing when the news needs a shift towards GOP bad, Dem good this week.

The next hearing was originally scheduled for after July 4th..
Adopt-a-Bear 2024

CLASS Junior
HT/WT 6' 3", 288 lbs

CLASS Sophomore
HT/WT 6' 3", 273 lbs
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whitetrash said:

J.B.Katz said:

RMF5630 said:

J.B.Katz said:

Osodecentx said:

RMF5630 said:

Osodecentx said:

Harrison Bergeron said:

Has Shifty Shiff's Show Trial come up with anything new or interesting about Jan. 6 yet? Any more democracy-threatening tours or similar conspiracies?
Surprisingly, it has.
Schiff is still repulsive, but the testimony of conservative Republicans is new to me. It documents the lengths Trump and his staff went tin order to steal the election.

His Cabinet, Staff and Agencies knew that there was not enough fraud to throw the election to Trump and the procedural flaws that did happen there was no time for recourse due to the January 6th certification , see Barr's Book 1st Chapter in his words as AG, Therefore:

Staff and VP told Trump no there was no reason not to certify.

VP certified
Trump left
Biden inaugurated

Trump honestly thinks he was wronged and looked to undo it, which is not illegal. It has been investigated for 18 months with 700+ arrests under Biden's DOJ. You think if they had criminal evidence they would bury it?????

System worked as designed. This is all to make sure Trump doesn't run again because he has a big following. This is political theater and posturing for the mid-terms and 2024.
The system worked in spite of Trump's efforts to disrupt it. The gang couldn't shoot straight, but Trump tried to steal the election. He thought the election was stolen and he schemed to have himself declared the winner.
The system barely held. It won't withstand another attack with half the Republican Party supporting the Big Lie not because the politicians who won't disavow it believe it, but because they're willing to ride that train to stay in office (and to oust party rivals who WILL acknowldge the truth).

I don't think anyone will ever know what Trump thought/thinks. He's fully capable of convincing himself of any lie that's self-serving, both in favor of himself (he always thought he won, as a possible legal defense) and about his opponents or associates who don't say what he wants them to say.

What we do know is that many members of his admin, including members of his own family, told him he lost, and he has occasionally admitted (as the press coverage quoted him) that he lost.




I hate that term, Big Lie. Everyone has to believe the election was kosher or they are supporting the demise of democracy. No matter how much vote harvesting, ballots mailed or drop boxes used, we have to believe 81 million voted for Biden. That is ridiculous. The Dems slipped one by. No doubt the vote harvesting and rule changes played into the election win by Biden. But, once certified, it stands. You can accept Biden is President and not agree with how he "won".
Trump lost the election.

He lied about that to try to stay in power. It worked with people like you. Some of you will never believe Trump lost, even when credible leaders, including Liz Cheney and J. Michael Luttig, tell you that Trump lied. It doesn't help that many of you consume news media that helped craft the Big Lie and listen to talking heads who promote it rather than credible news sources or that we have a Supreme Court justice whose wife supported Trump's coup. I'm not sure if Ginni Thomas believed the Big Lie or if she felt justified trying to overturn my vote and those of more than 81 million other Americans b/c she wanted to keep Trump in power.

Trump's lie was a Big Lie by any definition.

But believing lies that serve the political purpose of keeping a minority party in power has become the Republican platform.

Most Republicans either don't "believe in" climate change, despite the destruction its wreaking right before our eyes, including floods, droughts, heat waves, hurricanes, rising sea levels, wildfires, Lake Mead going dry, parts of Yellowstone washing away, etc.

Or they buy the talking point that there's nothing we can do when there is, but that would require working together, which Republicans aren't willing to do. That is going to come at a tremendous economic cost, and the irony is that Republicans are using economic costs as an argument against doing anything to mitigate climate change. Which is like not buying homeowners insurance on your house and then finding that you have lost everything after it's destroyed by a hurricane, flood or tornado.

What you're doing by refusing to acknowledge the truth about Trump's election loss is setting us all up for a bruising fight. Because those of us who know Trump lost and voted against him by the millions so he would lose are not going to give up & surrender control of the government b/c guys like you are having pissy tantrums b/c Trump didn't win or b/c you believe his false narrative that he really did win & there was a vast conspiracy to steal his victory. In fact, it started with the mob storming the capitol on Jan. 6. The real test is whether anybody other than the little guys who got revved up by Trump to commit vandalism and assault will be exposed as Trump traitors and pay any meaningful consequences for what they did.

Dear Mr. Republican Kettle:

You're black.


Jinxy Pot (aka Queen of the Pissy Tantrum)
You keep saying that. Yes, Trump lost and on Jan 20th he left the White House. What did Trump do after Jan 6th and the election was certified??? Well? Nothing, because he knew he couldn't. Up until certification he was entitled to challenge the outcome of the election, heck Al Gore did the same thing. He was allowed to attend rallies and even give his opinion. Under the 1st Amendment he can even tell the crowd to go over the Congress and peacefully demonstrate. He can even ask if the VP has to accept the electors if multiple sets are provided. He did not break the law. Pence certified, he left, Biden took office. Those are the facts.

You don't like the way he handled it, don't vote for him next time.

Remember the "hanging chad"? Reporters outside the Florida Supreme Court at midnight??? Democracy did not crumble and Bush took the White House on January 20th. It resulted in better election processes. Trump is allowed to not believe he lost. There is no rule or law saying he has to agree. All of this is just political drama. Will be interesting to see if anyone is prosecuted or found guilty of anything.
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Oldbear83 said:

Osodecentx said:

Oldbear83 said:

These "hearings" will have an effect, all right. Just not the way Sam, Oso, C Jordan and their ilk think will happen.
I think the hearings are informing some open minded Trump voters. What will come out today?

From WaPo
Cassidy Hutchinson, a top aide to Mark Meadows when he was White House chief of staff in the Trump administration, is expected to testify Tuesday at the latest hearing by the House select committee investigating the Jan. 6, 2021, insurrection. Hutchinson had frequent access to Meadows and President Donald Trump in the days before and after the attack on the U.S. Capitol and previously provided hours of closed-door testimony to the panel.
Did you get a t shirt or just the bumper sticker, when you joined Team Lynch Trump?

Listening to the hearing I see why you're so worried
How long do you want to ignore this user?
Osodecentx said:

Oldbear83 said:

Osodecentx said:

Oldbear83 said:

These "hearings" will have an effect, all right. Just not the way Sam, Oso, C Jordan and their ilk think will happen.
I think the hearings are informing some open minded Trump voters. What will come out today?

From WaPo
Cassidy Hutchinson, a top aide to Mark Meadows when he was White House chief of staff in the Trump administration, is expected to testify Tuesday at the latest hearing by the House select committee investigating the Jan. 6, 2021, insurrection. Hutchinson had frequent access to Meadows and President Donald Trump in the days before and after the attack on the U.S. Capitol and previously provided hours of closed-door testimony to the panel.
Did you get a t shirt or just the bumper sticker, when you joined Team Lynch Trump?

Listening to the hearing I see why you're so worried
I don't worry about bad comedy. You may want to worry about your mental health if/when Trump is elected again in 2024.
That which does not kill me, will try again and get nastier
How long do you want to ignore this user?
Oldbear83 said:

Osodecentx said:

Oldbear83 said:

Osodecentx said:

Oldbear83 said:

These "hearings" will have an effect, all right. Just not the way Sam, Oso, C Jordan and their ilk think will happen.
I think the hearings are informing some open minded Trump voters. What will come out today?

From WaPo
Cassidy Hutchinson, a top aide to Mark Meadows when he was White House chief of staff in the Trump administration, is expected to testify Tuesday at the latest hearing by the House select committee investigating the Jan. 6, 2021, insurrection. Hutchinson had frequent access to Meadows and President Donald Trump in the days before and after the attack on the U.S. Capitol and previously provided hours of closed-door testimony to the panel.
Did you get a t shirt or just the bumper sticker, when you joined Team Lynch Trump?

Listening to the hearing I see why you're so worried
I don't worry about bad comedy. You may want to worry about your mental health if/when Trump is elected again in 2024.
Don't listen to the hearing. You'll lose your mind. New stuff coming out that you'll hate
How long do you want to ignore this user?
Osodecentx said:

Oldbear83 said:

Osodecentx said:

Oldbear83 said:

These "hearings" will have an effect, all right. Just not the way Sam, Oso, C Jordan and their ilk think will happen.
I think the hearings are informing some open minded Trump voters. What will come out today?

From WaPo
Cassidy Hutchinson, a top aide to Mark Meadows when he was White House chief of staff in the Trump administration, is expected to testify Tuesday at the latest hearing by the House select committee investigating the Jan. 6, 2021, insurrection. Hutchinson had frequent access to Meadows and President Donald Trump in the days before and after the attack on the U.S. Capitol and previously provided hours of closed-door testimony to the panel.
Did you get a t shirt or just the bumper sticker, when you joined Team Lynch Trump?

Listening to the hearing I see why you're so worried
So far, the only thing I can see that they may have is that he supposedly raised 250 million for a legal fund, if Trump knew about it and he use the money for something else. That is a problem.

What was illegal that he said so far? Curious.
Whiskey Pete
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whitetrash said:

J.B.Katz said:

RMF5630 said:

J.B.Katz said:

Osodecentx said:

RMF5630 said:

Osodecentx said:

Harrison Bergeron said:

Has Shifty Shiff's Show Trial come up with anything new or interesting about Jan. 6 yet? Any more democracy-threatening tours or similar conspiracies?
Surprisingly, it has.
Schiff is still repulsive, but the testimony of conservative Republicans is new to me. It documents the lengths Trump and his staff went tin order to steal the election.

His Cabinet, Staff and Agencies knew that there was not enough fraud to throw the election to Trump and the procedural flaws that did happen there was no time for recourse due to the January 6th certification , see Barr's Book 1st Chapter in his words as AG, Therefore:

Staff and VP told Trump no there was no reason not to certify.

VP certified
Trump left
Biden inaugurated

Trump honestly thinks he was wronged and looked to undo it, which is not illegal. It has been investigated for 18 months with 700+ arrests under Biden's DOJ. You think if they had criminal evidence they would bury it?????

System worked as designed. This is all to make sure Trump doesn't run again because he has a big following. This is political theater and posturing for the mid-terms and 2024.
The system worked in spite of Trump's efforts to disrupt it. The gang couldn't shoot straight, but Trump tried to steal the election. He thought the election was stolen and he schemed to have himself declared the winner.
The system barely held. It won't withstand another attack with half the Republican Party supporting the Big Lie not because the politicians who won't disavow it believe it, but because they're willing to ride that train to stay in office (and to oust party rivals who WILL acknowldge the truth).

I don't think anyone will ever know what Trump thought/thinks. He's fully capable of convincing himself of any lie that's self-serving, both in favor of himself (he always thought he won, as a possible legal defense) and about his opponents or associates who don't say what he wants them to say.

What we do know is that many members of his admin, including members of his own family, told him he lost, and he has occasionally admitted (as the press coverage quoted him) that he lost.




I hate that term, Big Lie. Everyone has to believe the election was kosher or they are supporting the demise of democracy. No matter how much vote harvesting, ballots mailed or drop boxes used, we have to believe 81 million voted for Biden. That is ridiculous. The Dems slipped one by. No doubt the vote harvesting and rule changes played into the election win by Biden. But, once certified, it stands. You can accept Biden is President and not agree with how he "won".
Trump lost the election.

He lied about that to try to stay in power. It worked with people like you. Some of you will never believe Trump lost, even when credible leaders, including Liz Cheney and J. Michael Luttig, tell you that Trump lied. It doesn't help that many of you consume news media that helped craft the Big Lie and listen to talking heads who promote it rather than credible news sources or that we have a Supreme Court justice whose wife supported Trump's coup. I'm not sure if Ginni Thomas believed the Big Lie or if she felt justified trying to overturn my vote and those of more than 81 million other Americans b/c she wanted to keep Trump in power.

Trump's lie was a Big Lie by any definition.

But believing lies that serve the political purpose of keeping a minority party in power has become the Republican platform.

Most Republicans either don't "believe in" climate change, despite the destruction its wreaking right before our eyes, including floods, droughts, heat waves, hurricanes, rising sea levels, wildfires, Lake Mead going dry, parts of Yellowstone washing away, etc.

Or they buy the talking point that there's nothing we can do when there is, but that would require working together, which Republicans aren't willing to do. That is going to come at a tremendous economic cost, and the irony is that Republicans are using economic costs as an argument against doing anything to mitigate climate change. Which is like not buying homeowners insurance on your house and then finding that you have lost everything after it's destroyed by a hurricane, flood or tornado.

What you're doing by refusing to acknowledge the truth about Trump's election loss is setting us all up for a bruising fight. Because those of us who know Trump lost and voted against him by the millions so he would lose are not going to give up & surrender control of the government b/c guys like you are having pissy tantrums b/c Trump didn't win or b/c you believe his false narrative that he really did win & there was a vast conspiracy to steal his victory. In fact, it started with the mob storming the capitol on Jan. 6. The real test is whether anybody other than the little guys who got revved up by Trump to commit vandalism and assault will be exposed as Trump traitors and pay any meaningful consequences for what they did.

Dear Mr. Republican Kettle:

You're black.


Jinxy Pot (aka Queen of the Pissy Tantrum)
At this point, she's just another russian bot
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RMF5630 said:

Osodecentx said:

Oldbear83 said:

Osodecentx said:

Oldbear83 said:

These "hearings" will have an effect, all right. Just not the way Sam, Oso, C Jordan and their ilk think will happen.
I think the hearings are informing some open minded Trump voters. What will come out today?

From WaPo
Cassidy Hutchinson, a top aide to Mark Meadows when he was White House chief of staff in the Trump administration, is expected to testify Tuesday at the latest hearing by the House select committee investigating the Jan. 6, 2021, insurrection. Hutchinson had frequent access to Meadows and President Donald Trump in the days before and after the attack on the U.S. Capitol and previously provided hours of closed-door testimony to the panel.
Did you get a t shirt or just the bumper sticker, when you joined Team Lynch Trump?

Listening to the hearing I see why you're so worried
So far, the only thing I can see that they may have is that he supposedly raised 250 million for a legal fund, if Trump knew about it and he use the money for something else. That is a problem.

What was illegal that he said so far? Curious.
Are you listening to Mark Meadows aide, Cassidy Hutchins? Her office is within a few feet of the oval office and she was in the room.
Rudy knew about potential violence days before Jan 6 (conspiracy?)

Trump throwing dishes.
Trump wanted magnetometers removed from his speech perimeters so people with weapons could get in. "They're not gonna hurt me"
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I hope the Secret Service driver Trump tried to assault files suit.

There's some behavior no employee should ever have to tolerate, and physical assault falls into that category.

4th and Inches
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Osodecentx said:

Oldbear83 said:

Osodecentx said:

Oldbear83 said:

Osodecentx said:

Oldbear83 said:

These "hearings" will have an effect, all right. Just not the way Sam, Oso, C Jordan and their ilk think will happen.
I think the hearings are informing some open minded Trump voters. What will come out today?

From WaPo
Cassidy Hutchinson, a top aide to Mark Meadows when he was White House chief of staff in the Trump administration, is expected to testify Tuesday at the latest hearing by the House select committee investigating the Jan. 6, 2021, insurrection. Hutchinson had frequent access to Meadows and President Donald Trump in the days before and after the attack on the U.S. Capitol and previously provided hours of closed-door testimony to the panel.
Did you get a t shirt or just the bumper sticker, when you joined Team Lynch Trump?

Listening to the hearing I see why you're so worried
I don't worry about bad comedy. You may want to worry about your mental health if/when Trump is elected again in 2024.
Don't listen to the hearing. You'll lose your mind. New stuff coming out that you'll hate
new stuff.. about time, they might have lead with the new stuff instead of boring everybody into not watching
Adopt-a-Bear 2024

CLASS Junior
HT/WT 6' 3", 288 lbs

CLASS Sophomore
HT/WT 6' 3", 273 lbs
How long do you want to ignore this user?
How long do you want to ignore this user?
J.B.Katz said:

How long do you want to ignore this user?
4th and Inches said:

Osodecentx said:

Oldbear83 said:

Osodecentx said:

Oldbear83 said:

Osodecentx said:

Oldbear83 said:

These "hearings" will have an effect, all right. Just not the way Sam, Oso, C Jordan and their ilk think will happen.
I think the hearings are informing some open minded Trump voters. What will come out today?

From WaPo
Cassidy Hutchinson, a top aide to Mark Meadows when he was White House chief of staff in the Trump administration, is expected to testify Tuesday at the latest hearing by the House select committee investigating the Jan. 6, 2021, insurrection. Hutchinson had frequent access to Meadows and President Donald Trump in the days before and after the attack on the U.S. Capitol and previously provided hours of closed-door testimony to the panel.
Did you get a t shirt or just the bumper sticker, when you joined Team Lynch Trump?

Listening to the hearing I see why you're so worried
I don't worry about bad comedy. You may want to worry about your mental health if/when Trump is elected again in 2024.
Don't listen to the hearing. You'll lose your mind. New stuff coming out that you'll hate
new stuff.. about time, they might have lead with the new stuff instead of boring everybody into not watching
Not boring

From WaPo
Former president Donald Trump was so "irate" that he wasn't being driven to the Capitol following his speech on the Ellipse on Jan. 6, 2021, that he attempted to grab the steering wheel of his limousine and lunged at a member of his Secret Service detail, former White House aide Cassidy Hutchinson testified in a House hearing Tuesday.

"I'm the f-ing president! Take me up to the Capitol now!" Hutchinson, a former aide to White House chief of staff Mark Meadows, quoted Trump as saying in testimony to the House select committee. She also described an outburst by Trump at his former attorney general in which he threw dishes, leaving ketchup streaming down the wall.
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