Jan 6 committee

134,688 Views | 3026 Replies | Last: 8 mo ago by Harrison Bergeron
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Your malice does not count as "evidence", Sam.

Change your panties and read your dictionary before your next post.
That which does not kill me, will try again and get nastier
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He Hate Me said:

Here is one discussion between a President and his advisor in more sane times.

In one segment of about 500 hours of discussions released by the National Archives, Nixon is heard discussing an extension of bombing raids over North Vietnam with Henry Kissinger, the national security adviser. Then, rather abruptly, he says: "I'd rather use the nuclear bomb." Whether Nixon was serious or trying to provoke Mr Kissinger is not clear. In his baritone voice, his adviser replies: "That, I think, would just be too much." But Nixon then goes on: "The nuclear bomb. Does that bother you? I just want you to think big."

The fact that unorthodox or even illegal ideas are discussed is not unlawful. And the Executive Branch should retain privilege to have these discussions.
We agree.

We are also talking about a war strategy versus something that could put the President in legal jeopardy. Using nukes may be distasteful or even cruel, but not an illegal act. Also, Kissinger was Sec of State, that was within the realm of the job.

This, at least to me, is different. This is an outside the job discussion with the WH Counsel. I think with Nixon, Dean is a better example. Dean crossed the line from Counsel to participant of course, but it was his job to tell the President (not Richard Nixon, citizen) the course was illegal. he failed, Cippilone looks like he didn't and history backs him up.

The difference I see is that the Trump Administration listened to Cippilone and certified the election, as they should have. THAT protected the President/West Wing from wrong doing. THAT, in my opinion, is WHY Trump is not being prosecuted. Not through anything he did, but his Administration did what they were supposed to do. If they followed Trump, this could be 1972 all over.

That is my view. I am not a fan of Trump. But you can't say that it was an attempt of coup or overturn of the election because his Administration made sure it was done right. For better or worse, Trump benefits or got lucky.
Guy Noir
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RMF5630 said:

Guy Noir said:

Actually there is a lot of evidence. It is not just testimony by a single White house aide. There is testimony by the previous Attorney General (Bill Barr), the Acting at the time Attorney General, the Deputy Attorney General, the White House Counsel, and numerous others that corroborates each others story. There is also a tweet from Trump himself on Dec 18, 2020 asking other to come protest on Jan 6th. Stating it will be wild.

Have you listened to these testimonies?

Yes I have. Evidence to what? He was pissed? Yeah , he lost and thought he was cheated. Guilty. He wanted to demonstrate and piss off Comgress? Yeah, guilty. He is an asshlle that can be childish? Yeah.

He is guilty of planning a coup of the US Government? No.
Um, what about asking the Vice President to nullify the vote record? Encouraging Jan 6 demonstrators to protest at the Capitol at that time. He stirred up the protestors, who just so happened to storm the building.

There is much evidence. I understand there is not absolute proof, but there is evidence.

My wife was making chicken and dumplings. She cooked 4 chicken breast and left them to cool on the counter. Two of the chicken breast disappeared. My daughter's dog was the only animal in the house that could have reached those chicken breast. We did not have absolute proof about what happened to the 2 lost chicken breast but we had a pretty good idea about where they went.
Sam Lowry
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Guy Noir said:

RMF5630 said:

Guy Noir said:

Actually there is a lot of evidence. It is not just testimony by a single White house aide. There is testimony by the previous Attorney General (Bill Barr), the Acting at the time Attorney General, the Deputy Attorney General, the White House Counsel, and numerous others that corroborates each others story. There is also a tweet from Trump himself on Dec 18, 2020 asking other to come protest on Jan 6th. Stating it will be wild.

Have you listened to these testimonies?

Yes I have. Evidence to what? He was pissed? Yeah , he lost and thought he was cheated. Guilty. He wanted to demonstrate and piss off Comgress? Yeah, guilty. He is an asshlle that can be childish? Yeah.

He is guilty of planning a coup of the US Government? No.
Um, what about asking the Vice President to nullify the vote record? Encouraging Jan 6 demonstrators to protest at the Capitol at that time. He stirred up the protestors, who just so happened to storm the building.

There is much evidence. I understand there is not absolute proof, but there is evidence.

My wife was making chicken and dumplings. She cooked 4 chicken breast and left them to cool on the counter. Two of the chicken breast disappeared. My daughter's dog was the only animal in the house that could have reached those chicken breast. We did not have absolute proof about what happened to the 2 lost chicken breast but we had a pretty good idea about where they went.
Undercover FBI stole them?
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Guy Noir said:

RMF5630 said:

Guy Noir said:

Actually there is a lot of evidence. It is not just testimony by a single White house aide. There is testimony by the previous Attorney General (Bill Barr), the Acting at the time Attorney General, the Deputy Attorney General, the White House Counsel, and numerous others that corroborates each others story. There is also a tweet from Trump himself on Dec 18, 2020 asking other to come protest on Jan 6th. Stating it will be wild.

Have you listened to these testimonies?

Yes I have. Evidence to what? He was pissed? Yeah , he lost and thought he was cheated. Guilty. He wanted to demonstrate and piss off Comgress? Yeah, guilty. He is an asshlle that can be childish? Yeah.

He is guilty of planning a coup of the US Government? No.
Um, what about asking the Vice President to nullify the vote record? Encouraging Jan 6 demonstrators to protest at the Capitol at that time. He stirred up the protestors, who just so happened to storm the building.

There is much evidence. I understand there is not absolute proof, but there is evidence.

My wife was making chicken and dumplings. She cooked 4 chicken breast and left them to cool on the counter. Two of the chicken breast disappeared. My daughter's dog was the only animal in the house that could have reached those chicken breast. We did not have absolute proof about what happened to the 2 lost chicken breast but we had a pretty good idea about where they went.
There is so much circumstantial evidence. But, causality? That he was behind it with intent to overthrow? You make jumps that are not supported.

Yes, Trump looked at the VP choosing alternate electors. But, what people fail to realize is that it is the States put the electors forward not the VP or the President. If there are multiple sets, which one gets chosen? Trump said that the VP can select. WH Counsel said no, he just certified what was submitted first. Pence certified. Where is the problem???? Trump can be pissed. Pence could be torn. Who cares, what did they do?????

Trump wanted to demonstrate in front of Congress. So what? He wanted a march on the Capital, which he specifically said to be peaceful and lawful.

They didn't just happen to storm the Capital. Criminals did not listen to Capital Police and were arrested and prosecuted. No problem. They deserve it.

The jump to Trump orchestrating it and organizing a coup is where I have not seen an ounce of evidence. Alot of supposition. As for the chicken, maybe your son took em? Maybe your wife is a closet eater? Maybe they fell and had to be thrown out? Point being, you don't know...

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RMF5630 said:

Forest Bueller_bf said:

RMF5630 said:

Osodecentx said:

RMF5630 said:

Osodecentx said:

Guy Noir said:

Today, July 12, 2022 was another public hearing.
The focus was on the deposition of Whitehouse Council Pat Cipione, a Dec 16 tweet, and plans to overturn the election on Jan 6th.
Cipollone backed Cassidy Hutchinson's account of the Jan 6 events

Can you provide a link? I can't find his testimony. I have seen reports he didn't contradict, confirmed some points and took Executive Privilege. I am.lookinh for the questions on confirming what she said? Thanks

What was corroborated? It didn't say?
The best I could deciper, is that he evoked executive priviledge on many of the questions where it was possible he could have disputed Hutchinson's account. So this is accounted as corroboration. Since it wasn't contradiction. I could be wrong here, as the article wasn't very clear and a bit contrived.

The reality is we had a weasly politico who didn't want to answer any questions, so he evoked executive priviledge on the most important stuff. I could tell by the commentary below the article most people didn't actually read the article. Or read it with far left progressive lenses. Since they were crowing that it's all over now. Again and again. This part of the questioning basically gave us nothing. They need to move on to actual eye witnesses of the encounter that happened. Not hersay evidence.

We need testimony from the SS guys and the driver of the car to ever know what the truth was. Since they were actually there.
Weasly because the former White House Counsel did not divulge what he and the President talked about? You expected him to tell the world the legal advice he gave the President, his client? Are you nuts? He runs the risk of disbarment and criminal prosecution. He can't tell the that information, no President would ever be safe, including Democrats, from fully discussing. It is his job to tell him if something is illegal, which based on what actually happened Trump listened.
I think this is a good point. I think attorney client privilege should apply, even to POTUS or former POTUS.
As I understand it, the privilege belongs to the office and cannot be invoked by a former POTUS. I think that is dangerous. I think Biden waived the privilege for Trump
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Osodecentx said:

RMF5630 said:

Forest Bueller_bf said:

RMF5630 said:

Osodecentx said:

RMF5630 said:

Osodecentx said:

Guy Noir said:

Today, July 12, 2022 was another public hearing.
The focus was on the deposition of Whitehouse Council Pat Cipione, a Dec 16 tweet, and plans to overturn the election on Jan 6th.
Cipollone backed Cassidy Hutchinson's account of the Jan 6 events

Can you provide a link? I can't find his testimony. I have seen reports he didn't contradict, confirmed some points and took Executive Privilege. I am.lookinh for the questions on confirming what she said? Thanks

What was corroborated? It didn't say?
The best I could deciper, is that he evoked executive priviledge on many of the questions where it was possible he could have disputed Hutchinson's account. So this is accounted as corroboration. Since it wasn't contradiction. I could be wrong here, as the article wasn't very clear and a bit contrived.

The reality is we had a weasly politico who didn't want to answer any questions, so he evoked executive priviledge on the most important stuff. I could tell by the commentary below the article most people didn't actually read the article. Or read it with far left progressive lenses. Since they were crowing that it's all over now. Again and again. This part of the questioning basically gave us nothing. They need to move on to actual eye witnesses of the encounter that happened. Not hersay evidence.

We need testimony from the SS guys and the driver of the car to ever know what the truth was. Since they were actually there.
Weasly because the former White House Counsel did not divulge what he and the President talked about? You expected him to tell the world the legal advice he gave the President, his client? Are you nuts? He runs the risk of disbarment and criminal prosecution. He can't tell the that information, no President would ever be safe, including Democrats, from fully discussing. It is his job to tell him if something is illegal, which based on what actually happened Trump listened.
I think this is a good point. I think attorney client privilege should apply, even to POTUS or former POTUS.
As I understand it, the privilege belongs to the office and cannot be invoked by a former POTUS. I think that is dangerous. I think Biden waived the privilege for Trump
I agree 100%. WH Counsel is for the President the Office, not the person. That is why I was so skeptical that he would call on Hutchinson to "save Democracy". If the Office of the President was going to be tainted or put in an illegal situation I would think Secret Service, US Marshalls would be called to make sure he did not go there, not an Assistant that cleaned up thrown lunch. For the severity of the implication, it seemed to not fit.

I think this is where the problem arose, Donald Trump's personal Attorney crossed into Policy and was telling him the VP can do that in contrast to WH General Counsel. That is a big NO-NO. Now, if they investigated that, I would be on board. That has real potential for problems. Luckily, Pence and Company followed Cippolone and saved Trump from Trump.
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And not one person has stepped up and said Trumps did nothing wrong, no one has stepped up and said ANY of the committee findings have been wrong.
Wrecks Quan Dough
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LateSteak69 said:

And not one person has stepped up and said Trumps did nothing wrong, no one has stepped up and said ANY of the committee findings have been wrong.
That is probably because hardly anyone watched it.
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LateSteak69 said:

And not one person has stepped up and said Trumps did nothing wrong, no one has stepped up and said ANY of the committee findings have been wrong.
Nothing wrong?

To the point to be banned by Congressional action for holding elected office? To that point? With no direct proof? Is acting like a child or juvenile worthy of being banned? If so, we can really start looking at that?

Clinton - Not being able to keep his dick in his pants with WH interns. Is that juvenile enough to warrant this type of action, even after an impeachment where he was just censured?

Obama - Holding his breath on Garland and not finding a moderate to substitute? Losing a SCOTUS slot over not getting "his" guy childish enough?

Should Hillary be banned? - She broke security rules? Is that enough.

Let's go! If this is the new standard of banning with not enough evidence for court case, there is a treasure drove of candidates
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RMF5630 said:

LateSteak69 said:

And not one person has stepped up and said Trumps did nothing wrong, no one has stepped up and said ANY of the committee findings have been wrong.
Nothing wrong?

To the point to be banned by Congressional action for holding elected office? To that point? With no direct proof? Is acting like a child or juvenile worthy of being banned? If so, we can really start looking at that?

Clinton - Not being able to keep his dick in his pants with WH interns. Is that juvenile enough to warrant this type of action, even after an impeachment where he was just censured?

Obama - Holding his breath on Garland and not finding a moderate to substitute? Losing a SCOTUS slot over not getting "his" guy childish enough?

Should Hillary be banned? - She broke security rules? Is that enough.

Let's go! If this is the new standard of banning with not enough evidence for court case, there is a treasure drove of candidates
you've missed the point, yet again.
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LateSteak69 said:

And not one person has stepped up and said Trumps did nothing wrong, no one has stepped up and said ANY of the committee findings have been wrong.
Well, at least no one who got media attention.
That which does not kill me, will try again and get nastier
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RMF5630 said:

Osodecentx said:

RMF5630 said:

Forest Bueller_bf said:

RMF5630 said:

Osodecentx said:

RMF5630 said:

Osodecentx said:

Guy Noir said:

Today, July 12, 2022 was another public hearing.
The focus was on the deposition of Whitehouse Council Pat Cipione, a Dec 16 tweet, and plans to overturn the election on Jan 6th.
Cipollone backed Cassidy Hutchinson's account of the Jan 6 events

Can you provide a link? I can't find his testimony. I have seen reports he didn't contradict, confirmed some points and took Executive Privilege. I am.lookinh for the questions on confirming what she said? Thanks

What was corroborated? It didn't say?
The best I could deciper, is that he evoked executive priviledge on many of the questions where it was possible he could have disputed Hutchinson's account. So this is accounted as corroboration. Since it wasn't contradiction. I could be wrong here, as the article wasn't very clear and a bit contrived.

The reality is we had a weasly politico who didn't want to answer any questions, so he evoked executive priviledge on the most important stuff. I could tell by the commentary below the article most people didn't actually read the article. Or read it with far left progressive lenses. Since they were crowing that it's all over now. Again and again. This part of the questioning basically gave us nothing. They need to move on to actual eye witnesses of the encounter that happened. Not hersay evidence.

We need testimony from the SS guys and the driver of the car to ever know what the truth was. Since they were actually there.
Weasly because the former White House Counsel did not divulge what he and the President talked about? You expected him to tell the world the legal advice he gave the President, his client? Are you nuts? He runs the risk of disbarment and criminal prosecution. He can't tell the that information, no President would ever be safe, including Democrats, from fully discussing. It is his job to tell him if something is illegal, which based on what actually happened Trump listened.
I think this is a good point. I think attorney client privilege should apply, even to POTUS or former POTUS.
As I understand it, the privilege belongs to the office and cannot be invoked by a former POTUS. I think that is dangerous. I think Biden waived the privilege for Trump
I agree 100%. WH Counsel is for the President the Office, not the person. That is why I was so skeptical that he would call on Hutchinson to "save Democracy". If the Office of the President was going to be tainted or put in an illegal situation I would think Secret Service, US Marshalls would be called to make sure he did not go there, not an Assistant that cleaned up thrown lunch. For the severity of the implication, it seemed to not fit.

I think this is where the problem arose, Donald Trump's personal Attorney crossed into Policy and was telling him the VP can do that in contrast to WH General Counsel. That is a big NO-NO. Now, if they investigated that, I would be on board. That has real potential for problems. Luckily, Pence and Company followed Cippolone and saved Trump from Trump.
Hutchinson was with POTUS at the Ellipse, Cipollone was not. Cipollone knew her and had rapport with her. I interpreted her testimony to be that WH counsel was just making an off hand comment to a work colleague. Cipollone called/texted her to find out what was going on. Trump was going off script.
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The issue is simple.

If you don't like Trump, no one is going to force you to cheer him, sponsor him, or vote for him/

But if you try to prevent him from even running, on the fecal basis we have seen from the slanderous hypocrites of the Swamp, be they named 'Schiff'., 'Pelosi', 'Cheney', 'Kinziger', 'Sam' or 'Oso', what they all have in common is the evil character of those who cannot win on merit, but prefer the knife in the back, in a dark alley if they can but in the light of media if they must.

The cruelest irony in these proceedings, is that the genuine threat to Democracy comes from those who fear letting the voters decide.

That which does not kill me, will try again and get nastier
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Guy Noir said:

whiterock said:

Osodecentx said:

Where I have a problem is that all of this is corroborating circumstantial tid-bits. That is insinuating that Trump may have been involved, was mad/didn't accept he lost and is an *******. I have not seen anything that ties him to the Congressional break-in or that the purpose was a Trump inspired plot to overthrow the US Government/election.


Trump Sought to Conceal Plans for March to Capitol, Panel Says
WASHINGTON President Donald J. Trump attempted to make the Jan. 6, 2021, march on the Capitol appear spontaneous even as he and his team intentionally assembled and galvanized a violence-prone mob to disrupt certification of his electoral defeat, the House committee investigating the attack showed on Tuesday.
"POTUS is going to have us march there/the Capitol," Kylie Jane Kremer, an organizer of the "Save America" rally on Jan. 6, wrote in a Jan. 4 textshown by the panel on Tuesday as it detailed Mr. Trump's efforts to gather his backers in Washington for a final, last-ditch effort to overturn his loss. Ms. Kremer added that Mr. Trump was "going to just call for it 'unexpectedly.'"
Mr. Trump weighed announcing the move, according to documents obtained from the National Archives, which provided the investigators with a draft tweet that said: "I will be making a Big Speech at 10AM on January 6th at the Ellipse (South of the White House). Please arrive early, massive crowds expected. March to the Capitol after. Stop the Steal!!"

The tweet was never sent. But it was the latest evidence presented by the committee of how Mr. Trump undertook a public and private effort to channel angry supporters, including right-wing extremists, toward the Capitol, where Vice President Mike Pence and lawmakers were gathered to confirm Joseph R. Biden Jr. as the president-elect.

For more than a year, Mr. Trump and his defenders have described the violence at the Capitol as a freewheeling peaceful protest gone awry. But the hearing on Tuesday laid out how the former president took a guiding role not only in bringing the mob fueled by his election lies to Washington that day, but also in the plan to direct it up to Capitol Hill, disregarding the advice of his closest aides.
"Donald Trump summoned a mob to Washington, D.C., and ultimately spurred that mob to wage a violent attack on our democracy," said Representative Bennie Thompson, Democrat of Mississippi and the chairman of the committee.
In its seventh hearing to lay out its findings, the committee situated Mr. Trump at the center of the quasi-legal efforts to derail the political process and also at the heart of the unprecedented chaos at the Capitol. Over nearly three hours, it introduced evidence from rally organizers, rioters and aides inside the White House who said the former president had inspired and directed what transpired that day.

Leading a crowd up to make a demonstration while making it appear to be spontaneous is not insurrection. It is good political theater that establishment Republicans think they're too good to engage in.
A man who joined the pro-Trump mob that attacked the U.S. Capitol apologized Tuesday to officers who protected the building after telling lawmakers that he regrets being duped by the former president's lies of election fraud.
During a hearing before the U.S. House committee that's investigating the insurrection, Stephen Ayres testified that he felt called by former President Donald Trump to come to Washington on Jan. 6, 2021.
He described being swept up by Trump's bogus claims, and believing as he marched to the Capitol that Trump would join them there and that there was still a chance the election could be overturned.
"I felt like I had like horse blinders on. I was locked in the whole time," said Ayres, who is scheduled to be sentenced in September after pleading guilty to a misdemeanor in the riot.

Ayres described being a loyal follower of Trump on social media before Jan. 6 and said he felt he needed to heed the president's call to come to Washington, D.C., for the "Stop the Steal" rally.
"I was very upset, as were most of his supporters," Ayres said when asked about Trump's unfounded election claims. Asked by Rep. Liz Cheney if he still believes the election was stolen, Ayres said, "Not so much now."
Ayres said he wasn't planning to storm the Capitol before Trump's speech "got everybody riled up." He had believed the president would be joining them at the Capitol.
"Basically, we were just following what he said," Ayres said.

almost everything you and Sam are posting undermines the case for insurrection.

We have the Trump speech on transcript and video. He said not a single word or phrase the could reasonably be inferred as incitement, and made several comments urging peaceful action.

You have done a very, very good job of building a case that by not conceding the election and making allegations of fraud, he energized his base to base to assemble and protest. I agree entirely. But those are protected 1st Amendment rights. And you clearly make that case within a traditional Republican context of "we do not act like Democrats...we do not protest, and we damned sure do not riot." Ok, Fair enough. I get that. It's virtue posturing nonsense, but I see/hear that a lot on our side, a lot less than before, thankfully, but you're not in cray-cray land yet. Where you explode your analytical credibility is when you take the leap of logic that, because a small riot broke out amid an enormous and otherwise peaceful protest, Trump is an insurrectionist, that he did it all hoping to cause an insurrection, etc..... There is no evidence of that, at all, not a shred, other than the assessments of like minded people (can you spell confirmation bias?). Just a psychologically-driven need to perceive events in a way that justify the rage you feel toward a man you viscerally cannot stand.

One day, you will look back on the insurrection arguments you are making here and be embarrassed at how tenuous they are.

Actually, if you look at all the evidence, it is clear that there was a strong desire to overturn the election results. I do not believe that it was a coincidence that the these demonstrations occurred at the same time that Congress was certifying the election results. When I originally viewed the people storming the Capitol Building I believed these people crossed a line of acceptable behavior. Since then I have learned of the planning that was occurring in the White house before this event occurred and it is pretty suspicious how it all came together, and how it all fell apart.
Of course he wanted to overturn the election results! He was convinced the results were fraudulent in at least 6 states and there is plenty of evidence of such, certainly evidence a helluva lot stronger than the insurrection nonsense being floated by the J6 cmee.

Wanting to get votes thrown out because one thinks those votes are fraudulent isn't insurrection. It's something explicitly allowed by law!

Geez. Every time I think the epistemology of the neverTrumpers can go no lower, they find new fathoms.
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Guy Noir said:

RMF5630 said:

Guy Noir said:

Actually there is a lot of evidence. It is not just testimony by a single White house aide. There is testimony by the previous Attorney General (Bill Barr), the Acting at the time Attorney General, the Deputy Attorney General, the White House Counsel, and numerous others that corroborates each others story. There is also a tweet from Trump himself on Dec 18, 2020 asking other to come protest on Jan 6th. Stating it will be wild.

Have you listened to these testimonies?

Yes I have. Evidence to what? He was pissed? Yeah , he lost and thought he was cheated. Guilty. He wanted to demonstrate and piss off Comgress? Yeah, guilty. He is an asshlle that can be childish? Yeah.

He is guilty of planning a coup of the US Government? No.
Um, what about asking the Vice President to nullify the vote record? Encouraging Jan 6 demonstrators to protest at the Capitol at that time. He stirred up the protestors, who just so happened to storm the building.

There is much evidence. I understand there is not absolute proof, but there is evidence.

My wife was making chicken and dumplings. She cooked 4 chicken breast and left them to cool on the counter. Two of the chicken breast disappeared. My daughter's dog was the only animal in the house that could have reached those chicken breast. We did not have absolute proof about what happened to the 2 lost chicken breast but we had a pretty good idea about where they went.
It appears that Mike Pence and White House lawyers and advisors did the absolute minimum they could to keep Trump from staging his coup, waiting until they had to fish or cut bait to refuse to go along with his scheme.

None of these people--Pence, Cippollone, Herschmann--are heros or patriots, and it's taken almost 2 years for the story of what really happened to come out thanks in large part for their obstruction and dissembling. None of them should ever serve in government positions or offices again.

And the members of Congress who supported and promoted this insurrection should be impeached.
Sam Lowry
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whiterock said:

Guy Noir said:

whiterock said:

Osodecentx said:

Where I have a problem is that all of this is corroborating circumstantial tid-bits. That is insinuating that Trump may have been involved, was mad/didn't accept he lost and is an *******. I have not seen anything that ties him to the Congressional break-in or that the purpose was a Trump inspired plot to overthrow the US Government/election.


Trump Sought to Conceal Plans for March to Capitol, Panel Says
WASHINGTON President Donald J. Trump attempted to make the Jan. 6, 2021, march on the Capitol appear spontaneous even as he and his team intentionally assembled and galvanized a violence-prone mob to disrupt certification of his electoral defeat, the House committee investigating the attack showed on Tuesday.
"POTUS is going to have us march there/the Capitol," Kylie Jane Kremer, an organizer of the "Save America" rally on Jan. 6, wrote in a Jan. 4 textshown by the panel on Tuesday as it detailed Mr. Trump's efforts to gather his backers in Washington for a final, last-ditch effort to overturn his loss. Ms. Kremer added that Mr. Trump was "going to just call for it 'unexpectedly.'"
Mr. Trump weighed announcing the move, according to documents obtained from the National Archives, which provided the investigators with a draft tweet that said: "I will be making a Big Speech at 10AM on January 6th at the Ellipse (South of the White House). Please arrive early, massive crowds expected. March to the Capitol after. Stop the Steal!!"

The tweet was never sent. But it was the latest evidence presented by the committee of how Mr. Trump undertook a public and private effort to channel angry supporters, including right-wing extremists, toward the Capitol, where Vice President Mike Pence and lawmakers were gathered to confirm Joseph R. Biden Jr. as the president-elect.

For more than a year, Mr. Trump and his defenders have described the violence at the Capitol as a freewheeling peaceful protest gone awry. But the hearing on Tuesday laid out how the former president took a guiding role not only in bringing the mob fueled by his election lies to Washington that day, but also in the plan to direct it up to Capitol Hill, disregarding the advice of his closest aides.
"Donald Trump summoned a mob to Washington, D.C., and ultimately spurred that mob to wage a violent attack on our democracy," said Representative Bennie Thompson, Democrat of Mississippi and the chairman of the committee.
In its seventh hearing to lay out its findings, the committee situated Mr. Trump at the center of the quasi-legal efforts to derail the political process and also at the heart of the unprecedented chaos at the Capitol. Over nearly three hours, it introduced evidence from rally organizers, rioters and aides inside the White House who said the former president had inspired and directed what transpired that day.

Leading a crowd up to make a demonstration while making it appear to be spontaneous is not insurrection. It is good political theater that establishment Republicans think they're too good to engage in.
A man who joined the pro-Trump mob that attacked the U.S. Capitol apologized Tuesday to officers who protected the building after telling lawmakers that he regrets being duped by the former president's lies of election fraud.
During a hearing before the U.S. House committee that's investigating the insurrection, Stephen Ayres testified that he felt called by former President Donald Trump to come to Washington on Jan. 6, 2021.
He described being swept up by Trump's bogus claims, and believing as he marched to the Capitol that Trump would join them there and that there was still a chance the election could be overturned.
"I felt like I had like horse blinders on. I was locked in the whole time," said Ayres, who is scheduled to be sentenced in September after pleading guilty to a misdemeanor in the riot.

Ayres described being a loyal follower of Trump on social media before Jan. 6 and said he felt he needed to heed the president's call to come to Washington, D.C., for the "Stop the Steal" rally.
"I was very upset, as were most of his supporters," Ayres said when asked about Trump's unfounded election claims. Asked by Rep. Liz Cheney if he still believes the election was stolen, Ayres said, "Not so much now."
Ayres said he wasn't planning to storm the Capitol before Trump's speech "got everybody riled up." He had believed the president would be joining them at the Capitol.
"Basically, we were just following what he said," Ayres said.

almost everything you and Sam are posting undermines the case for insurrection.

We have the Trump speech on transcript and video. He said not a single word or phrase the could reasonably be inferred as incitement, and made several comments urging peaceful action.

You have done a very, very good job of building a case that by not conceding the election and making allegations of fraud, he energized his base to base to assemble and protest. I agree entirely. But those are protected 1st Amendment rights. And you clearly make that case within a traditional Republican context of "we do not act like Democrats...we do not protest, and we damned sure do not riot." Ok, Fair enough. I get that. It's virtue posturing nonsense, but I see/hear that a lot on our side, a lot less than before, thankfully, but you're not in cray-cray land yet. Where you explode your analytical credibility is when you take the leap of logic that, because a small riot broke out amid an enormous and otherwise peaceful protest, Trump is an insurrectionist, that he did it all hoping to cause an insurrection, etc..... There is no evidence of that, at all, not a shred, other than the assessments of like minded people (can you spell confirmation bias?). Just a psychologically-driven need to perceive events in a way that justify the rage you feel toward a man you viscerally cannot stand.

One day, you will look back on the insurrection arguments you are making here and be embarrassed at how tenuous they are.

Actually, if you look at all the evidence, it is clear that there was a strong desire to overturn the election results. I do not believe that it was a coincidence that the these demonstrations occurred at the same time that Congress was certifying the election results. When I originally viewed the people storming the Capitol Building I believed these people crossed a line of acceptable behavior. Since then I have learned of the planning that was occurring in the White house before this event occurred and it is pretty suspicious how it all came together, and how it all fell apart.
Wanting to get votes thrown out because one thinks those votes are fraudulent isn't insurrection. It's something explicitly allowed by law!
The Trump lawyer who was behind the plan disagrees with you. He and Trump knew exactly what they were doing.

Eastman Told Trump That Pence Plan for Jan. 6 Was Illegal
How long do you want to ignore this user?
J.B.Katz said:

Guy Noir said:

RMF5630 said:

Guy Noir said:

Actually there is a lot of evidence. It is not just testimony by a single White house aide. There is testimony by the previous Attorney General (Bill Barr), the Acting at the time Attorney General, the Deputy Attorney General, the White House Counsel, and numerous others that corroborates each others story. There is also a tweet from Trump himself on Dec 18, 2020 asking other to come protest on Jan 6th. Stating it will be wild.

Have you listened to these testimonies?

Yes I have. Evidence to what? He was pissed? Yeah , he lost and thought he was cheated. Guilty. He wanted to demonstrate and piss off Comgress? Yeah, guilty. He is an asshlle that can be childish? Yeah.

He is guilty of planning a coup of the US Government? No.
Um, what about asking the Vice President to nullify the vote record? Encouraging Jan 6 demonstrators to protest at the Capitol at that time. He stirred up the protestors, who just so happened to storm the building.

There is much evidence. I understand there is not absolute proof, but there is evidence.

My wife was making chicken and dumplings. She cooked 4 chicken breast and left them to cool on the counter. Two of the chicken breast disappeared. My daughter's dog was the only animal in the house that could have reached those chicken breast. We did not have absolute proof about what happened to the 2 lost chicken breast but we had a pretty good idea about where they went.
It appears that Mike Pence and White House lawyers and advisors did the absolute minimum they could to keep Trump from staging his coup, waiting until they had to fish or cut bait to refuse to go along with his scheme.

None of these people--Pence, Cippollone, Herschmann--are heros or patriots, and it's taken almost 2 years for the story of what really happened to come out thanks in large part for their obstruction and dissembling. None of them should ever serve in government positions or offices again.

And the members of Congress who supported and promoted this insurrection should be impeached.
Every member of Congress stands for election every 2 years. The voters have already spoken the behavior of their reps. And polling is very, very clear that the public sees J6 as a riot not an insurrection.

Continuing to push the insurrection narrative is very harmful misinformation.
How long do you want to ignore this user?
Osodecentx said:

This post shows that, deep down, you know you've lost the argument and are hanging on to an insignificant detail.







Here's the facts:

10 months after J6, FBI still had not found any evidence that firearms were used in the J6 riot. Sure, time might have uncovered another gun or three in the general vicinity of the riot. Yet here you are, making the case that Trump was told someone was arrested with a gun and still wanted to go to the Capitol, thereby providing the conclusive turn in the case which makes him leader of an insurrectionist. The list of "weapons" noted at link is carried at almost any riot, so if we are to accept the premise of your argument, ANY riot is an insurrection.

If you are going to push the Reichstag Fire nonsense, you could do a much better job than you are doing here.
Deep down, I'm believing contemporaneous police observations. Armed demonstrators are a significant finding.
deep down I am believing that riots typically have armed demonstrators..

How many guns were fired at the capital that day? We all know the answer.. we all know the results.

Maybe, just maybe, those guns were not for what you think they were but what they are actually for..
The rioters were actually armed. Some had guns

What were the guns actually for?
Who knows, 2nd Amendment demonstration that they should be able to carry? As OldBear said, they did not use them even though Capitol Police did.

Once again, does actions (what they actually did) outweigh speculation or supposition?
Bannon to testify

Bannon, Facing Jail and Fines, Agrees to Testify to Jan. 6 Panel
Stephen K. Bannon, the former Trump campaign manager and White House adviser, made the abrupt about-face after the former president authorized him to talk to investigators.

WASHINGTON With his criminal trial for contempt of Congress approaching, Stephen K. Bannon, an ally of former President Donald J. Trump's who was involved in his plans to overturn the 2020 election, has informed the House committee investigating the Capitol attack that he is now willing to testify, according to two letters obtained by The New York Times.
His decision is a remarkable about-face for Mr. Bannon, who until Saturday had been among the most obstinate and defiant of the committee's potential witnesses. He had promised to turn the criminal case against him into the "misdemeanor from hell" for the Justice Department.
But with the possibility of two years in jail and large fines looming on the horizon, Mr. Bannon has been authorized to testify by Mr. Trump, his lawyer told the committee late on Saturday in a letter, which was reported earlier by The Guardian.



A federal judge on Monday refused to delay Stephen K. Bannon's trial next week after the Justice Department called an offer by the former Trump aide to testify before the House committee investigating the Jan. 6, 2021, insurrection a "last-ditch attempt to avoid accountability" on charges of criminal contempt of Congress.
So which is it? Is Bannon's testimony a momentous turn in the case against Trump, or meaningless stunt by Bannon to delay his trial?

How long do you want to ignore this user?
Sam Lowry said:

whiterock said:

Guy Noir said:

whiterock said:

Osodecentx said:

Where I have a problem is that all of this is corroborating circumstantial tid-bits. That is insinuating that Trump may have been involved, was mad/didn't accept he lost and is an *******. I have not seen anything that ties him to the Congressional break-in or that the purpose was a Trump inspired plot to overthrow the US Government/election.


Trump Sought to Conceal Plans for March to Capitol, Panel Says
WASHINGTON President Donald J. Trump attempted to make the Jan. 6, 2021, march on the Capitol appear spontaneous even as he and his team intentionally assembled and galvanized a violence-prone mob to disrupt certification of his electoral defeat, the House committee investigating the attack showed on Tuesday.
"POTUS is going to have us march there/the Capitol," Kylie Jane Kremer, an organizer of the "Save America" rally on Jan. 6, wrote in a Jan. 4 textshown by the panel on Tuesday as it detailed Mr. Trump's efforts to gather his backers in Washington for a final, last-ditch effort to overturn his loss. Ms. Kremer added that Mr. Trump was "going to just call for it 'unexpectedly.'"
Mr. Trump weighed announcing the move, according to documents obtained from the National Archives, which provided the investigators with a draft tweet that said: "I will be making a Big Speech at 10AM on January 6th at the Ellipse (South of the White House). Please arrive early, massive crowds expected. March to the Capitol after. Stop the Steal!!"

The tweet was never sent. But it was the latest evidence presented by the committee of how Mr. Trump undertook a public and private effort to channel angry supporters, including right-wing extremists, toward the Capitol, where Vice President Mike Pence and lawmakers were gathered to confirm Joseph R. Biden Jr. as the president-elect.

For more than a year, Mr. Trump and his defenders have described the violence at the Capitol as a freewheeling peaceful protest gone awry. But the hearing on Tuesday laid out how the former president took a guiding role not only in bringing the mob fueled by his election lies to Washington that day, but also in the plan to direct it up to Capitol Hill, disregarding the advice of his closest aides.
"Donald Trump summoned a mob to Washington, D.C., and ultimately spurred that mob to wage a violent attack on our democracy," said Representative Bennie Thompson, Democrat of Mississippi and the chairman of the committee.
In its seventh hearing to lay out its findings, the committee situated Mr. Trump at the center of the quasi-legal efforts to derail the political process and also at the heart of the unprecedented chaos at the Capitol. Over nearly three hours, it introduced evidence from rally organizers, rioters and aides inside the White House who said the former president had inspired and directed what transpired that day.

Leading a crowd up to make a demonstration while making it appear to be spontaneous is not insurrection. It is good political theater that establishment Republicans think they're too good to engage in.
A man who joined the pro-Trump mob that attacked the U.S. Capitol apologized Tuesday to officers who protected the building after telling lawmakers that he regrets being duped by the former president's lies of election fraud.
During a hearing before the U.S. House committee that's investigating the insurrection, Stephen Ayres testified that he felt called by former President Donald Trump to come to Washington on Jan. 6, 2021.
He described being swept up by Trump's bogus claims, and believing as he marched to the Capitol that Trump would join them there and that there was still a chance the election could be overturned.
"I felt like I had like horse blinders on. I was locked in the whole time," said Ayres, who is scheduled to be sentenced in September after pleading guilty to a misdemeanor in the riot.

Ayres described being a loyal follower of Trump on social media before Jan. 6 and said he felt he needed to heed the president's call to come to Washington, D.C., for the "Stop the Steal" rally.
"I was very upset, as were most of his supporters," Ayres said when asked about Trump's unfounded election claims. Asked by Rep. Liz Cheney if he still believes the election was stolen, Ayres said, "Not so much now."
Ayres said he wasn't planning to storm the Capitol before Trump's speech "got everybody riled up." He had believed the president would be joining them at the Capitol.
"Basically, we were just following what he said," Ayres said.

almost everything you and Sam are posting undermines the case for insurrection.

We have the Trump speech on transcript and video. He said not a single word or phrase the could reasonably be inferred as incitement, and made several comments urging peaceful action.

You have done a very, very good job of building a case that by not conceding the election and making allegations of fraud, he energized his base to base to assemble and protest. I agree entirely. But those are protected 1st Amendment rights. And you clearly make that case within a traditional Republican context of "we do not act like Democrats...we do not protest, and we damned sure do not riot." Ok, Fair enough. I get that. It's virtue posturing nonsense, but I see/hear that a lot on our side, a lot less than before, thankfully, but you're not in cray-cray land yet. Where you explode your analytical credibility is when you take the leap of logic that, because a small riot broke out amid an enormous and otherwise peaceful protest, Trump is an insurrectionist, that he did it all hoping to cause an insurrection, etc..... There is no evidence of that, at all, not a shred, other than the assessments of like minded people (can you spell confirmation bias?). Just a psychologically-driven need to perceive events in a way that justify the rage you feel toward a man you viscerally cannot stand.

One day, you will look back on the insurrection arguments you are making here and be embarrassed at how tenuous they are.

Actually, if you look at all the evidence, it is clear that there was a strong desire to overturn the election results. I do not believe that it was a coincidence that the these demonstrations occurred at the same time that Congress was certifying the election results. When I originally viewed the people storming the Capitol Building I believed these people crossed a line of acceptable behavior. Since then I have learned of the planning that was occurring in the White house before this event occurred and it is pretty suspicious how it all came together, and how it all fell apart.
Wanting to get votes thrown out because one thinks those votes are fraudulent isn't insurrection. It's something explicitly allowed by law!
The Trump lawyer who was behind the plan disagrees with you. He and Trump knew exactly what they were doing.

Eastman Told Trump That Pence Plan for Jan. 6 Was Illegal
Fighting certification of votes at the precinct level is not insurrection.
Fighting certification of votes at the county level is not insurrection.
Fighting certification of votes at the state level is not insurrection.
Fighting certification of votes at the federal level is not insurrection.
That the legal grounds for doing so at any given level might have been tenuous does not constitution insurrection.

That a robust debate occurred between the lawyers of POTUS and VPOTUS of what could and could not be justified under law does not constitute insurrection.

You are about to set precedent that most of US jurisprudence concerning elections is illegal.

neverTrumpism is an insidious disease of the mind which turns otherwise rational people into wild-eyed political nutjobs prepared to trash hundreds of years of legal and political tradition in order to obtain the scalp of a single golden haired POTUS.
How long do you want to ignore this user?
whiterock said:

Osodecentx said:

This post shows that, deep down, you know you've lost the argument and are hanging on to an insignificant detail.







Here's the facts:

10 months after J6, FBI still had not found any evidence that firearms were used in the J6 riot. Sure, time might have uncovered another gun or three in the general vicinity of the riot. Yet here you are, making the case that Trump was told someone was arrested with a gun and still wanted to go to the Capitol, thereby providing the conclusive turn in the case which makes him leader of an insurrectionist. The list of "weapons" noted at link is carried at almost any riot, so if we are to accept the premise of your argument, ANY riot is an insurrection.

If you are going to push the Reichstag Fire nonsense, you could do a much better job than you are doing here.
Deep down, I'm believing contemporaneous police observations. Armed demonstrators are a significant finding.
deep down I am believing that riots typically have armed demonstrators..

How many guns were fired at the capital that day? We all know the answer.. we all know the results.

Maybe, just maybe, those guns were not for what you think they were but what they are actually for..
The rioters were actually armed. Some had guns

What were the guns actually for?
Who knows, 2nd Amendment demonstration that they should be able to carry? As OldBear said, they did not use them even though Capitol Police did.

Once again, does actions (what they actually did) outweigh speculation or supposition?
Bannon to testify

Bannon, Facing Jail and Fines, Agrees to Testify to Jan. 6 Panel
Stephen K. Bannon, the former Trump campaign manager and White House adviser, made the abrupt about-face after the former president authorized him to talk to investigators.

WASHINGTON With his criminal trial for contempt of Congress approaching, Stephen K. Bannon, an ally of former President Donald J. Trump's who was involved in his plans to overturn the 2020 election, has informed the House committee investigating the Capitol attack that he is now willing to testify, according to two letters obtained by The New York Times.
His decision is a remarkable about-face for Mr. Bannon, who until Saturday had been among the most obstinate and defiant of the committee's potential witnesses. He had promised to turn the criminal case against him into the "misdemeanor from hell" for the Justice Department.
But with the possibility of two years in jail and large fines looming on the horizon, Mr. Bannon has been authorized to testify by Mr. Trump, his lawyer told the committee late on Saturday in a letter, which was reported earlier by The Guardian.



A federal judge on Monday refused to delay Stephen K. Bannon's trial next week after the Justice Department called an offer by the former Trump aide to testify before the House committee investigating the Jan. 6, 2021, insurrection a "last-ditch attempt to avoid accountability" on charges of criminal contempt of Congress.
So which is it? Is Bannon's testimony a momentous turn in the case against Trump, or meaningless stunt by Bannon to delay his trial?
I think it is Bannon trying to avoid a trial. Anyway, he's going to trial
How long do you want to ignore this user?
whiterock said:

Sam Lowry said:

whiterock said:

Guy Noir said:

whiterock said:

Osodecentx said:

Where I have a problem is that all of this is corroborating circumstantial tid-bits. That is insinuating that Trump may have been involved, was mad/didn't accept he lost and is an *******. I have not seen anything that ties him to the Congressional break-in or that the purpose was a Trump inspired plot to overthrow the US Government/election.


Trump Sought to Conceal Plans for March to Capitol, Panel Says
WASHINGTON President Donald J. Trump attempted to make the Jan. 6, 2021, march on the Capitol appear spontaneous even as he and his team intentionally assembled and galvanized a violence-prone mob to disrupt certification of his electoral defeat, the House committee investigating the attack showed on Tuesday.
"POTUS is going to have us march there/the Capitol," Kylie Jane Kremer, an organizer of the "Save America" rally on Jan. 6, wrote in a Jan. 4 textshown by the panel on Tuesday as it detailed Mr. Trump's efforts to gather his backers in Washington for a final, last-ditch effort to overturn his loss. Ms. Kremer added that Mr. Trump was "going to just call for it 'unexpectedly.'"
Mr. Trump weighed announcing the move, according to documents obtained from the National Archives, which provided the investigators with a draft tweet that said: "I will be making a Big Speech at 10AM on January 6th at the Ellipse (South of the White House). Please arrive early, massive crowds expected. March to the Capitol after. Stop the Steal!!"

The tweet was never sent. But it was the latest evidence presented by the committee of how Mr. Trump undertook a public and private effort to channel angry supporters, including right-wing extremists, toward the Capitol, where Vice President Mike Pence and lawmakers were gathered to confirm Joseph R. Biden Jr. as the president-elect.

For more than a year, Mr. Trump and his defenders have described the violence at the Capitol as a freewheeling peaceful protest gone awry. But the hearing on Tuesday laid out how the former president took a guiding role not only in bringing the mob fueled by his election lies to Washington that day, but also in the plan to direct it up to Capitol Hill, disregarding the advice of his closest aides.
"Donald Trump summoned a mob to Washington, D.C., and ultimately spurred that mob to wage a violent attack on our democracy," said Representative Bennie Thompson, Democrat of Mississippi and the chairman of the committee.
In its seventh hearing to lay out its findings, the committee situated Mr. Trump at the center of the quasi-legal efforts to derail the political process and also at the heart of the unprecedented chaos at the Capitol. Over nearly three hours, it introduced evidence from rally organizers, rioters and aides inside the White House who said the former president had inspired and directed what transpired that day.

Leading a crowd up to make a demonstration while making it appear to be spontaneous is not insurrection. It is good political theater that establishment Republicans think they're too good to engage in.
A man who joined the pro-Trump mob that attacked the U.S. Capitol apologized Tuesday to officers who protected the building after telling lawmakers that he regrets being duped by the former president's lies of election fraud.
During a hearing before the U.S. House committee that's investigating the insurrection, Stephen Ayres testified that he felt called by former President Donald Trump to come to Washington on Jan. 6, 2021.
He described being swept up by Trump's bogus claims, and believing as he marched to the Capitol that Trump would join them there and that there was still a chance the election could be overturned.
"I felt like I had like horse blinders on. I was locked in the whole time," said Ayres, who is scheduled to be sentenced in September after pleading guilty to a misdemeanor in the riot.

Ayres described being a loyal follower of Trump on social media before Jan. 6 and said he felt he needed to heed the president's call to come to Washington, D.C., for the "Stop the Steal" rally.
"I was very upset, as were most of his supporters," Ayres said when asked about Trump's unfounded election claims. Asked by Rep. Liz Cheney if he still believes the election was stolen, Ayres said, "Not so much now."
Ayres said he wasn't planning to storm the Capitol before Trump's speech "got everybody riled up." He had believed the president would be joining them at the Capitol.
"Basically, we were just following what he said," Ayres said.

almost everything you and Sam are posting undermines the case for insurrection.

We have the Trump speech on transcript and video. He said not a single word or phrase the could reasonably be inferred as incitement, and made several comments urging peaceful action.

You have done a very, very good job of building a case that by not conceding the election and making allegations of fraud, he energized his base to base to assemble and protest. I agree entirely. But those are protected 1st Amendment rights. And you clearly make that case within a traditional Republican context of "we do not act like Democrats...we do not protest, and we damned sure do not riot." Ok, Fair enough. I get that. It's virtue posturing nonsense, but I see/hear that a lot on our side, a lot less than before, thankfully, but you're not in cray-cray land yet. Where you explode your analytical credibility is when you take the leap of logic that, because a small riot broke out amid an enormous and otherwise peaceful protest, Trump is an insurrectionist, that he did it all hoping to cause an insurrection, etc..... There is no evidence of that, at all, not a shred, other than the assessments of like minded people (can you spell confirmation bias?). Just a psychologically-driven need to perceive events in a way that justify the rage you feel toward a man you viscerally cannot stand.

One day, you will look back on the insurrection arguments you are making here and be embarrassed at how tenuous they are.

Actually, if you look at all the evidence, it is clear that there was a strong desire to overturn the election results. I do not believe that it was a coincidence that the these demonstrations occurred at the same time that Congress was certifying the election results. When I originally viewed the people storming the Capitol Building I believed these people crossed a line of acceptable behavior. Since then I have learned of the planning that was occurring in the White house before this event occurred and it is pretty suspicious how it all came together, and how it all fell apart.
Wanting to get votes thrown out because one thinks those votes are fraudulent isn't insurrection. It's something explicitly allowed by law!
The Trump lawyer who was behind the plan disagrees with you. He and Trump knew exactly what they were doing.

Eastman Told Trump That Pence Plan for Jan. 6 Was Illegal
Fighting certification of votes at the precinct level is not insurrection.
Fighting certification of votes at the county level is not insurrection.
Fighting certification of votes at the state level is not insurrection.
Fighting certification of votes at the federal level is not insurrection.
That the legal grounds for doing so at any given level might have been tenuous does not constitution insurrection.

That a robust debate occurred between the lawyers of POTUS and VPOTUS of what could and could not be justified under law does not constitute insurrection.

You are about to set precedent that most of US jurisprudence concerning elections is illegal.

neverTrumpism is an insidious disease of the mind which turns otherwise rational people into wild-eyed political nutjobs prepared to trash hundreds of years of legal and political tradition in order to obtain the scalp of a single golden haired POTUS.
Attacking the Capitol to prevent certification at the direction of a losing candidate is insurrection.

Meanwhile, Schumer's dream is coming true.
Donald Trump looks to fall launch for 2024, potentially upending midterms
Some Republicans fear an announcement will undercut them at a time when they have a strong chance of retaking the House and Senate

For nearly a year, a kitchen cabinet of Donald Trump confidants have told the former president not to announce his 2024 comeback candidacy before the midterms, arguing that he could be a drag on 2022 candidates and would be blamed if Republicans underperformed.
But Trump has continued to regularly push for an early announcement in private meetings, as potential 2024 rivals become more aggressive amid signs of weakening support among his base. Now an increasing number of allies are urging him to follow his instincts as a way to shore up his standing in the party and drive turnout to help the GOP take over the House and Senate next year.
The former president is now eyeing a September announcement, according to two Trump advisers, who like some others interviewed for this article spoke on the condition of anonymity to describe private conversations. One confidant put the odds at "70-30 he announces before the midterms."And others said he may still decide to announce sooner than September.
Doc Holliday
How long do you want to ignore this user?
whiterock said:

Sam Lowry said:

whiterock said:

Guy Noir said:

whiterock said:

Osodecentx said:

Where I have a problem is that all of this is corroborating circumstantial tid-bits. That is insinuating that Trump may have been involved, was mad/didn't accept he lost and is an *******. I have not seen anything that ties him to the Congressional break-in or that the purpose was a Trump inspired plot to overthrow the US Government/election.


Trump Sought to Conceal Plans for March to Capitol, Panel Says
WASHINGTON President Donald J. Trump attempted to make the Jan. 6, 2021, march on the Capitol appear spontaneous even as he and his team intentionally assembled and galvanized a violence-prone mob to disrupt certification of his electoral defeat, the House committee investigating the attack showed on Tuesday.
"POTUS is going to have us march there/the Capitol," Kylie Jane Kremer, an organizer of the "Save America" rally on Jan. 6, wrote in a Jan. 4 textshown by the panel on Tuesday as it detailed Mr. Trump's efforts to gather his backers in Washington for a final, last-ditch effort to overturn his loss. Ms. Kremer added that Mr. Trump was "going to just call for it 'unexpectedly.'"
Mr. Trump weighed announcing the move, according to documents obtained from the National Archives, which provided the investigators with a draft tweet that said: "I will be making a Big Speech at 10AM on January 6th at the Ellipse (South of the White House). Please arrive early, massive crowds expected. March to the Capitol after. Stop the Steal!!"

The tweet was never sent. But it was the latest evidence presented by the committee of how Mr. Trump undertook a public and private effort to channel angry supporters, including right-wing extremists, toward the Capitol, where Vice President Mike Pence and lawmakers were gathered to confirm Joseph R. Biden Jr. as the president-elect.

For more than a year, Mr. Trump and his defenders have described the violence at the Capitol as a freewheeling peaceful protest gone awry. But the hearing on Tuesday laid out how the former president took a guiding role not only in bringing the mob fueled by his election lies to Washington that day, but also in the plan to direct it up to Capitol Hill, disregarding the advice of his closest aides.
"Donald Trump summoned a mob to Washington, D.C., and ultimately spurred that mob to wage a violent attack on our democracy," said Representative Bennie Thompson, Democrat of Mississippi and the chairman of the committee.
In its seventh hearing to lay out its findings, the committee situated Mr. Trump at the center of the quasi-legal efforts to derail the political process and also at the heart of the unprecedented chaos at the Capitol. Over nearly three hours, it introduced evidence from rally organizers, rioters and aides inside the White House who said the former president had inspired and directed what transpired that day.

Leading a crowd up to make a demonstration while making it appear to be spontaneous is not insurrection. It is good political theater that establishment Republicans think they're too good to engage in.
A man who joined the pro-Trump mob that attacked the U.S. Capitol apologized Tuesday to officers who protected the building after telling lawmakers that he regrets being duped by the former president's lies of election fraud.
During a hearing before the U.S. House committee that's investigating the insurrection, Stephen Ayres testified that he felt called by former President Donald Trump to come to Washington on Jan. 6, 2021.
He described being swept up by Trump's bogus claims, and believing as he marched to the Capitol that Trump would join them there and that there was still a chance the election could be overturned.
"I felt like I had like horse blinders on. I was locked in the whole time," said Ayres, who is scheduled to be sentenced in September after pleading guilty to a misdemeanor in the riot.

Ayres described being a loyal follower of Trump on social media before Jan. 6 and said he felt he needed to heed the president's call to come to Washington, D.C., for the "Stop the Steal" rally.
"I was very upset, as were most of his supporters," Ayres said when asked about Trump's unfounded election claims. Asked by Rep. Liz Cheney if he still believes the election was stolen, Ayres said, "Not so much now."
Ayres said he wasn't planning to storm the Capitol before Trump's speech "got everybody riled up." He had believed the president would be joining them at the Capitol.
"Basically, we were just following what he said," Ayres said.

almost everything you and Sam are posting undermines the case for insurrection.

We have the Trump speech on transcript and video. He said not a single word or phrase the could reasonably be inferred as incitement, and made several comments urging peaceful action.

You have done a very, very good job of building a case that by not conceding the election and making allegations of fraud, he energized his base to base to assemble and protest. I agree entirely. But those are protected 1st Amendment rights. And you clearly make that case within a traditional Republican context of "we do not act like Democrats...we do not protest, and we damned sure do not riot." Ok, Fair enough. I get that. It's virtue posturing nonsense, but I see/hear that a lot on our side, a lot less than before, thankfully, but you're not in cray-cray land yet. Where you explode your analytical credibility is when you take the leap of logic that, because a small riot broke out amid an enormous and otherwise peaceful protest, Trump is an insurrectionist, that he did it all hoping to cause an insurrection, etc..... There is no evidence of that, at all, not a shred, other than the assessments of like minded people (can you spell confirmation bias?). Just a psychologically-driven need to perceive events in a way that justify the rage you feel toward a man you viscerally cannot stand.

One day, you will look back on the insurrection arguments you are making here and be embarrassed at how tenuous they are.

Actually, if you look at all the evidence, it is clear that there was a strong desire to overturn the election results. I do not believe that it was a coincidence that the these demonstrations occurred at the same time that Congress was certifying the election results. When I originally viewed the people storming the Capitol Building I believed these people crossed a line of acceptable behavior. Since then I have learned of the planning that was occurring in the White house before this event occurred and it is pretty suspicious how it all came together, and how it all fell apart.
Wanting to get votes thrown out because one thinks those votes are fraudulent isn't insurrection. It's something explicitly allowed by law!
The Trump lawyer who was behind the plan disagrees with you. He and Trump knew exactly what they were doing.

You are about to set precedent that most of US jurisprudence concerning elections is illegal.
Illegal for anyone who isn't a Dem or RINO.
4th and Inches
How long do you want to ignore this user?
J.B.Katz said:

Guy Noir said:

RMF5630 said:

Guy Noir said:

Actually there is a lot of evidence. It is not just testimony by a single White house aide. There is testimony by the previous Attorney General (Bill Barr), the Acting at the time Attorney General, the Deputy Attorney General, the White House Counsel, and numerous others that corroborates each others story. There is also a tweet from Trump himself on Dec 18, 2020 asking other to come protest on Jan 6th. Stating it will be wild.

Have you listened to these testimonies?

Yes I have. Evidence to what? He was pissed? Yeah , he lost and thought he was cheated. Guilty. He wanted to demonstrate and piss off Comgress? Yeah, guilty. He is an asshlle that can be childish? Yeah.

He is guilty of planning a coup of the US Government? No.
Um, what about asking the Vice President to nullify the vote record? Encouraging Jan 6 demonstrators to protest at the Capitol at that time. He stirred up the protestors, who just so happened to storm the building.

There is much evidence. I understand there is not absolute proof, but there is evidence.

My wife was making chicken and dumplings. She cooked 4 chicken breast and left them to cool on the counter. Two of the chicken breast disappeared. My daughter's dog was the only animal in the house that could have reached those chicken breast. We did not have absolute proof about what happened to the 2 lost chicken breast but we had a pretty good idea about where they went.
It appears that Mike Pence and White House lawyers and advisors did the absolute minimum they could to keep Trump from staging his coup, waiting until they had to fish or cut bait to refuse to go along with his scheme.

None of these people--Pence, Cippollone, Herschmann--are heros or patriots, and it's taken almost 2 years for the story of what really happened to come out thanks in large part for their obstruction and dissembling. None of them should ever serve in government positions or offices again.

And the members of Congress who supported and promoted this insurrection should be impeached.

“Mix a little foolishness with your serious plans. It is lovely to be silly at the right moment.”


“Insomnia sharpens your math skills because you spend all night calculating how much sleep you’ll get if you’re able to ‘fall asleep right now.’ “
Sam Lowry
How long do you want to ignore this user?
whiterock said:

Sam Lowry said:

whiterock said:

Guy Noir said:

whiterock said:

Osodecentx said:

Where I have a problem is that all of this is corroborating circumstantial tid-bits. That is insinuating that Trump may have been involved, was mad/didn't accept he lost and is an *******. I have not seen anything that ties him to the Congressional break-in or that the purpose was a Trump inspired plot to overthrow the US Government/election.


Trump Sought to Conceal Plans for March to Capitol, Panel Says
WASHINGTON President Donald J. Trump attempted to make the Jan. 6, 2021, march on the Capitol appear spontaneous even as he and his team intentionally assembled and galvanized a violence-prone mob to disrupt certification of his electoral defeat, the House committee investigating the attack showed on Tuesday.
"POTUS is going to have us march there/the Capitol," Kylie Jane Kremer, an organizer of the "Save America" rally on Jan. 6, wrote in a Jan. 4 textshown by the panel on Tuesday as it detailed Mr. Trump's efforts to gather his backers in Washington for a final, last-ditch effort to overturn his loss. Ms. Kremer added that Mr. Trump was "going to just call for it 'unexpectedly.'"
Mr. Trump weighed announcing the move, according to documents obtained from the National Archives, which provided the investigators with a draft tweet that said: "I will be making a Big Speech at 10AM on January 6th at the Ellipse (South of the White House). Please arrive early, massive crowds expected. March to the Capitol after. Stop the Steal!!"

The tweet was never sent. But it was the latest evidence presented by the committee of how Mr. Trump undertook a public and private effort to channel angry supporters, including right-wing extremists, toward the Capitol, where Vice President Mike Pence and lawmakers were gathered to confirm Joseph R. Biden Jr. as the president-elect.

For more than a year, Mr. Trump and his defenders have described the violence at the Capitol as a freewheeling peaceful protest gone awry. But the hearing on Tuesday laid out how the former president took a guiding role not only in bringing the mob fueled by his election lies to Washington that day, but also in the plan to direct it up to Capitol Hill, disregarding the advice of his closest aides.
"Donald Trump summoned a mob to Washington, D.C., and ultimately spurred that mob to wage a violent attack on our democracy," said Representative Bennie Thompson, Democrat of Mississippi and the chairman of the committee.
In its seventh hearing to lay out its findings, the committee situated Mr. Trump at the center of the quasi-legal efforts to derail the political process and also at the heart of the unprecedented chaos at the Capitol. Over nearly three hours, it introduced evidence from rally organizers, rioters and aides inside the White House who said the former president had inspired and directed what transpired that day.

Leading a crowd up to make a demonstration while making it appear to be spontaneous is not insurrection. It is good political theater that establishment Republicans think they're too good to engage in.
A man who joined the pro-Trump mob that attacked the U.S. Capitol apologized Tuesday to officers who protected the building after telling lawmakers that he regrets being duped by the former president's lies of election fraud.
During a hearing before the U.S. House committee that's investigating the insurrection, Stephen Ayres testified that he felt called by former President Donald Trump to come to Washington on Jan. 6, 2021.
He described being swept up by Trump's bogus claims, and believing as he marched to the Capitol that Trump would join them there and that there was still a chance the election could be overturned.
"I felt like I had like horse blinders on. I was locked in the whole time," said Ayres, who is scheduled to be sentenced in September after pleading guilty to a misdemeanor in the riot.

Ayres described being a loyal follower of Trump on social media before Jan. 6 and said he felt he needed to heed the president's call to come to Washington, D.C., for the "Stop the Steal" rally.
"I was very upset, as were most of his supporters," Ayres said when asked about Trump's unfounded election claims. Asked by Rep. Liz Cheney if he still believes the election was stolen, Ayres said, "Not so much now."
Ayres said he wasn't planning to storm the Capitol before Trump's speech "got everybody riled up." He had believed the president would be joining them at the Capitol.
"Basically, we were just following what he said," Ayres said.

almost everything you and Sam are posting undermines the case for insurrection.

We have the Trump speech on transcript and video. He said not a single word or phrase the could reasonably be inferred as incitement, and made several comments urging peaceful action.

You have done a very, very good job of building a case that by not conceding the election and making allegations of fraud, he energized his base to base to assemble and protest. I agree entirely. But those are protected 1st Amendment rights. And you clearly make that case within a traditional Republican context of "we do not act like Democrats...we do not protest, and we damned sure do not riot." Ok, Fair enough. I get that. It's virtue posturing nonsense, but I see/hear that a lot on our side, a lot less than before, thankfully, but you're not in cray-cray land yet. Where you explode your analytical credibility is when you take the leap of logic that, because a small riot broke out amid an enormous and otherwise peaceful protest, Trump is an insurrectionist, that he did it all hoping to cause an insurrection, etc..... There is no evidence of that, at all, not a shred, other than the assessments of like minded people (can you spell confirmation bias?). Just a psychologically-driven need to perceive events in a way that justify the rage you feel toward a man you viscerally cannot stand.

One day, you will look back on the insurrection arguments you are making here and be embarrassed at how tenuous they are.

Actually, if you look at all the evidence, it is clear that there was a strong desire to overturn the election results. I do not believe that it was a coincidence that the these demonstrations occurred at the same time that Congress was certifying the election results. When I originally viewed the people storming the Capitol Building I believed these people crossed a line of acceptable behavior. Since then I have learned of the planning that was occurring in the White house before this event occurred and it is pretty suspicious how it all came together, and how it all fell apart.
Wanting to get votes thrown out because one thinks those votes are fraudulent isn't insurrection. It's something explicitly allowed by law!
The Trump lawyer who was behind the plan disagrees with you. He and Trump knew exactly what they were doing.

Eastman Told Trump That Pence Plan for Jan. 6 Was Illegal
Fighting certification of votes at the precinct level is not insurrection.
Fighting certification of votes at the county level is not insurrection.
Fighting certification of votes at the state level is not insurrection.
Fighting certification of votes at the federal level is not insurrection.
That the legal grounds for doing so at any given level might have been tenuous does not constitution insurrection.

That a robust debate occurred between the lawyers of POTUS and VPOTUS of what could and could not be justified under law does not constitute insurrection.

You are about to set precedent that most of US jurisprudence concerning elections is illegal.

neverTrumpism is an insidious disease of the mind which turns otherwise rational people into wild-eyed political nutjobs prepared to trash hundreds of years of legal and political tradition in order to obtain the scalp of a single golden haired POTUS.

This is the same illogical maneuver you tried to perform a few pages ago with the "no weapons = no insurrection" defense. This time you argue that there was no insurrection because the plan was allowed by law, and when that turns out not to be true, you substitute a new argument that US jurisprudence doesn't constitute insurrection. Of course it doesn't. No one here is suggesting otherwise. But again, there was no "robust debate" by the time January 6 rolled around. Everyone on all sides knew the plan was illegal.

Your comment about trashing hundreds of years of legal tradition would be a glaring irony, but at this point it's par for the course. You're defending the kind of people who'd rather plead the Fifth than endorse the peaceful transfer of power.
How long do you want to ignore this user?
Sam Lowry said:

whiterock said:

Sam Lowry said:

whiterock said:

Guy Noir said:

whiterock said:

Osodecentx said:

Where I have a problem is that all of this is corroborating circumstantial tid-bits. That is insinuating that Trump may have been involved, was mad/didn't accept he lost and is an *******. I have not seen anything that ties him to the Congressional break-in or that the purpose was a Trump inspired plot to overthrow the US Government/election.


Trump Sought to Conceal Plans for March to Capitol, Panel Says
WASHINGTON President Donald J. Trump attempted to make the Jan. 6, 2021, march on the Capitol appear spontaneous even as he and his team intentionally assembled and galvanized a violence-prone mob to disrupt certification of his electoral defeat, the House committee investigating the attack showed on Tuesday.
"POTUS is going to have us march there/the Capitol," Kylie Jane Kremer, an organizer of the "Save America" rally on Jan. 6, wrote in a Jan. 4 textshown by the panel on Tuesday as it detailed Mr. Trump's efforts to gather his backers in Washington for a final, last-ditch effort to overturn his loss. Ms. Kremer added that Mr. Trump was "going to just call for it 'unexpectedly.'"
Mr. Trump weighed announcing the move, according to documents obtained from the National Archives, which provided the investigators with a draft tweet that said: "I will be making a Big Speech at 10AM on January 6th at the Ellipse (South of the White House). Please arrive early, massive crowds expected. March to the Capitol after. Stop the Steal!!"

The tweet was never sent. But it was the latest evidence presented by the committee of how Mr. Trump undertook a public and private effort to channel angry supporters, including right-wing extremists, toward the Capitol, where Vice President Mike Pence and lawmakers were gathered to confirm Joseph R. Biden Jr. as the president-elect.

For more than a year, Mr. Trump and his defenders have described the violence at the Capitol as a freewheeling peaceful protest gone awry. But the hearing on Tuesday laid out how the former president took a guiding role not only in bringing the mob fueled by his election lies to Washington that day, but also in the plan to direct it up to Capitol Hill, disregarding the advice of his closest aides.
"Donald Trump summoned a mob to Washington, D.C., and ultimately spurred that mob to wage a violent attack on our democracy," said Representative Bennie Thompson, Democrat of Mississippi and the chairman of the committee.
In its seventh hearing to lay out its findings, the committee situated Mr. Trump at the center of the quasi-legal efforts to derail the political process and also at the heart of the unprecedented chaos at the Capitol. Over nearly three hours, it introduced evidence from rally organizers, rioters and aides inside the White House who said the former president had inspired and directed what transpired that day.

Leading a crowd up to make a demonstration while making it appear to be spontaneous is not insurrection. It is good political theater that establishment Republicans think they're too good to engage in.
A man who joined the pro-Trump mob that attacked the U.S. Capitol apologized Tuesday to officers who protected the building after telling lawmakers that he regrets being duped by the former president's lies of election fraud.
During a hearing before the U.S. House committee that's investigating the insurrection, Stephen Ayres testified that he felt called by former President Donald Trump to come to Washington on Jan. 6, 2021.
He described being swept up by Trump's bogus claims, and believing as he marched to the Capitol that Trump would join them there and that there was still a chance the election could be overturned.
"I felt like I had like horse blinders on. I was locked in the whole time," said Ayres, who is scheduled to be sentenced in September after pleading guilty to a misdemeanor in the riot.

Ayres described being a loyal follower of Trump on social media before Jan. 6 and said he felt he needed to heed the president's call to come to Washington, D.C., for the "Stop the Steal" rally.
"I was very upset, as were most of his supporters," Ayres said when asked about Trump's unfounded election claims. Asked by Rep. Liz Cheney if he still believes the election was stolen, Ayres said, "Not so much now."
Ayres said he wasn't planning to storm the Capitol before Trump's speech "got everybody riled up." He had believed the president would be joining them at the Capitol.
"Basically, we were just following what he said," Ayres said.

almost everything you and Sam are posting undermines the case for insurrection.

We have the Trump speech on transcript and video. He said not a single word or phrase the could reasonably be inferred as incitement, and made several comments urging peaceful action.

You have done a very, very good job of building a case that by not conceding the election and making allegations of fraud, he energized his base to base to assemble and protest. I agree entirely. But those are protected 1st Amendment rights. And you clearly make that case within a traditional Republican context of "we do not act like Democrats...we do not protest, and we damned sure do not riot." Ok, Fair enough. I get that. It's virtue posturing nonsense, but I see/hear that a lot on our side, a lot less than before, thankfully, but you're not in cray-cray land yet. Where you explode your analytical credibility is when you take the leap of logic that, because a small riot broke out amid an enormous and otherwise peaceful protest, Trump is an insurrectionist, that he did it all hoping to cause an insurrection, etc..... There is no evidence of that, at all, not a shred, other than the assessments of like minded people (can you spell confirmation bias?). Just a psychologically-driven need to perceive events in a way that justify the rage you feel toward a man you viscerally cannot stand.

One day, you will look back on the insurrection arguments you are making here and be embarrassed at how tenuous they are.

Actually, if you look at all the evidence, it is clear that there was a strong desire to overturn the election results. I do not believe that it was a coincidence that the these demonstrations occurred at the same time that Congress was certifying the election results. When I originally viewed the people storming the Capitol Building I believed these people crossed a line of acceptable behavior. Since then I have learned of the planning that was occurring in the White house before this event occurred and it is pretty suspicious how it all came together, and how it all fell apart.
Wanting to get votes thrown out because one thinks those votes are fraudulent isn't insurrection. It's something explicitly allowed by law!
The Trump lawyer who was behind the plan disagrees with you. He and Trump knew exactly what they were doing.

Eastman Told Trump That Pence Plan for Jan. 6 Was Illegal
Fighting certification of votes at the precinct level is not insurrection.
Fighting certification of votes at the county level is not insurrection.
Fighting certification of votes at the state level is not insurrection.
Fighting certification of votes at the federal level is not insurrection.
That the legal grounds for doing so at any given level might have been tenuous does not constitution insurrection.

That a robust debate occurred between the lawyers of POTUS and VPOTUS of what could and could not be justified under law does not constitute insurrection.

You are about to set precedent that most of US jurisprudence concerning elections is illegal.

neverTrumpism is an insidious disease of the mind which turns otherwise rational people into wild-eyed political nutjobs prepared to trash hundreds of years of legal and political tradition in order to obtain the scalp of a single golden haired POTUS.

This is the same illogical maneuver you tried to perform a few pages ago with the "no weapons = no insurrection" defense. This time you argue that there was no insurrection because the plan was allowed by law, and when that turns out not to be true, you substitute a new argument that US jurisprudence doesn't constitute insurrection. Of course it doesn't. No one here is suggesting otherwise. But again, there was no "robust debate" by the time January 6 rolled around. Everyone on all sides knew the plan was illegal.

Your comment about trashing hundreds of years of legal tradition would be a glaring irony, but at this point it's par for the course. You're defending the kind of people who'd rather plead the Fifth than endorse the peaceful transfer of power.
I am confused (not an unusual state for me), where did the alternate slate of Electors come from? The States submit the Electors, not the Executive Branch.

If there are more than one slate of Electors, the State determines which one is the official, correct? So, this works both ways. Pence has no choice but to accept the Electors submitted.

Where did the conflict come from and who submitted the slate of Electors Trump wanted selected? They had to come from somewhere and someone HAD to tell Pence which ones were official Electors.

If there was a conflict, last time in the 1800's, a Committee was put together to determine the correct Electors. That obviously did not happen, so somebody from these States verified the Electors. I am not seeing the conflict or how Trump has anything to do with it.
4th and Inches
How long do you want to ignore this user?
“Mix a little foolishness with your serious plans. It is lovely to be silly at the right moment.”


“Insomnia sharpens your math skills because you spend all night calculating how much sleep you’ll get if you’re able to ‘fall asleep right now.’ “
How long do you want to ignore this user?
Ask yourselves a very simple question. What did they hope to prove? What if they were actually able to confront Pelosi or Pence? What did they intend to do?

The answer is pretty simple but it goes over a lot of empty heads. They were not breaking and entering to shake hands.
Vote for Manchin please
Wrecks Quan Dough
How long do you want to ignore this user?
Aliceinbubbleland said:

Ask yourselves a very simple question. What did they hope to prove? What if they were actually able to confront Pelosi or Pence? What did they intend to do?

The answer is pretty simple but it goes over a lot of empty heads. They were not breaking and entering to shake hands.

The DOJ is not answering your questions the way you would like. Neither should we.
How long do you want to ignore this user?
I'm not asking the DOJ. I'm asking those on here who defend the idiotic invasion. I guess you vote they would shake hands if I'm reading your reply correctly.
Vote for Manchin please
Sam Lowry
How long do you want to ignore this user?
RMF5630 said:

Sam Lowry said:

whiterock said:

Sam Lowry said:

whiterock said:

Guy Noir said:

whiterock said:

Osodecentx said:

Where I have a problem is that all of this is corroborating circumstantial tid-bits. That is insinuating that Trump may have been involved, was mad/didn't accept he lost and is an *******. I have not seen anything that ties him to the Congressional break-in or that the purpose was a Trump inspired plot to overthrow the US Government/election.


Trump Sought to Conceal Plans for March to Capitol, Panel Says
WASHINGTON President Donald J. Trump attempted to make the Jan. 6, 2021, march on the Capitol appear spontaneous even as he and his team intentionally assembled and galvanized a violence-prone mob to disrupt certification of his electoral defeat, the House committee investigating the attack showed on Tuesday.
"POTUS is going to have us march there/the Capitol," Kylie Jane Kremer, an organizer of the "Save America" rally on Jan. 6, wrote in a Jan. 4 textshown by the panel on Tuesday as it detailed Mr. Trump's efforts to gather his backers in Washington for a final, last-ditch effort to overturn his loss. Ms. Kremer added that Mr. Trump was "going to just call for it 'unexpectedly.'"
Mr. Trump weighed announcing the move, according to documents obtained from the National Archives, which provided the investigators with a draft tweet that said: "I will be making a Big Speech at 10AM on January 6th at the Ellipse (South of the White House). Please arrive early, massive crowds expected. March to the Capitol after. Stop the Steal!!"

The tweet was never sent. But it was the latest evidence presented by the committee of how Mr. Trump undertook a public and private effort to channel angry supporters, including right-wing extremists, toward the Capitol, where Vice President Mike Pence and lawmakers were gathered to confirm Joseph R. Biden Jr. as the president-elect.

For more than a year, Mr. Trump and his defenders have described the violence at the Capitol as a freewheeling peaceful protest gone awry. But the hearing on Tuesday laid out how the former president took a guiding role not only in bringing the mob fueled by his election lies to Washington that day, but also in the plan to direct it up to Capitol Hill, disregarding the advice of his closest aides.
"Donald Trump summoned a mob to Washington, D.C., and ultimately spurred that mob to wage a violent attack on our democracy," said Representative Bennie Thompson, Democrat of Mississippi and the chairman of the committee.
In its seventh hearing to lay out its findings, the committee situated Mr. Trump at the center of the quasi-legal efforts to derail the political process and also at the heart of the unprecedented chaos at the Capitol. Over nearly three hours, it introduced evidence from rally organizers, rioters and aides inside the White House who said the former president had inspired and directed what transpired that day.

Leading a crowd up to make a demonstration while making it appear to be spontaneous is not insurrection. It is good political theater that establishment Republicans think they're too good to engage in.
A man who joined the pro-Trump mob that attacked the U.S. Capitol apologized Tuesday to officers who protected the building after telling lawmakers that he regrets being duped by the former president's lies of election fraud.
During a hearing before the U.S. House committee that's investigating the insurrection, Stephen Ayres testified that he felt called by former President Donald Trump to come to Washington on Jan. 6, 2021.
He described being swept up by Trump's bogus claims, and believing as he marched to the Capitol that Trump would join them there and that there was still a chance the election could be overturned.
"I felt like I had like horse blinders on. I was locked in the whole time," said Ayres, who is scheduled to be sentenced in September after pleading guilty to a misdemeanor in the riot.

Ayres described being a loyal follower of Trump on social media before Jan. 6 and said he felt he needed to heed the president's call to come to Washington, D.C., for the "Stop the Steal" rally.
"I was very upset, as were most of his supporters," Ayres said when asked about Trump's unfounded election claims. Asked by Rep. Liz Cheney if he still believes the election was stolen, Ayres said, "Not so much now."
Ayres said he wasn't planning to storm the Capitol before Trump's speech "got everybody riled up." He had believed the president would be joining them at the Capitol.
"Basically, we were just following what he said," Ayres said.

almost everything you and Sam are posting undermines the case for insurrection.

We have the Trump speech on transcript and video. He said not a single word or phrase the could reasonably be inferred as incitement, and made several comments urging peaceful action.

You have done a very, very good job of building a case that by not conceding the election and making allegations of fraud, he energized his base to base to assemble and protest. I agree entirely. But those are protected 1st Amendment rights. And you clearly make that case within a traditional Republican context of "we do not act like Democrats...we do not protest, and we damned sure do not riot." Ok, Fair enough. I get that. It's virtue posturing nonsense, but I see/hear that a lot on our side, a lot less than before, thankfully, but you're not in cray-cray land yet. Where you explode your analytical credibility is when you take the leap of logic that, because a small riot broke out amid an enormous and otherwise peaceful protest, Trump is an insurrectionist, that he did it all hoping to cause an insurrection, etc..... There is no evidence of that, at all, not a shred, other than the assessments of like minded people (can you spell confirmation bias?). Just a psychologically-driven need to perceive events in a way that justify the rage you feel toward a man you viscerally cannot stand.

One day, you will look back on the insurrection arguments you are making here and be embarrassed at how tenuous they are.

Actually, if you look at all the evidence, it is clear that there was a strong desire to overturn the election results. I do not believe that it was a coincidence that the these demonstrations occurred at the same time that Congress was certifying the election results. When I originally viewed the people storming the Capitol Building I believed these people crossed a line of acceptable behavior. Since then I have learned of the planning that was occurring in the White house before this event occurred and it is pretty suspicious how it all came together, and how it all fell apart.
Wanting to get votes thrown out because one thinks those votes are fraudulent isn't insurrection. It's something explicitly allowed by law!
The Trump lawyer who was behind the plan disagrees with you. He and Trump knew exactly what they were doing.

Eastman Told Trump That Pence Plan for Jan. 6 Was Illegal
Fighting certification of votes at the precinct level is not insurrection.
Fighting certification of votes at the county level is not insurrection.
Fighting certification of votes at the state level is not insurrection.
Fighting certification of votes at the federal level is not insurrection.
That the legal grounds for doing so at any given level might have been tenuous does not constitution insurrection.

That a robust debate occurred between the lawyers of POTUS and VPOTUS of what could and could not be justified under law does not constitute insurrection.

You are about to set precedent that most of US jurisprudence concerning elections is illegal.

neverTrumpism is an insidious disease of the mind which turns otherwise rational people into wild-eyed political nutjobs prepared to trash hundreds of years of legal and political tradition in order to obtain the scalp of a single golden haired POTUS.

This is the same illogical maneuver you tried to perform a few pages ago with the "no weapons = no insurrection" defense. This time you argue that there was no insurrection because the plan was allowed by law, and when that turns out not to be true, you substitute a new argument that US jurisprudence doesn't constitute insurrection. Of course it doesn't. No one here is suggesting otherwise. But again, there was no "robust debate" by the time January 6 rolled around. Everyone on all sides knew the plan was illegal.

Your comment about trashing hundreds of years of legal tradition would be a glaring irony, but at this point it's par for the course. You're defending the kind of people who'd rather plead the Fifth than endorse the peaceful transfer of power.
I am confused (not an unusual state for me), where did the alternate slate of Electors come from? The States submit the Electors, not the Executive Branch.

If there are more than one slate of Electors, the State determines which one is the official, correct? So, this works both ways. Pence has no choice but to accept the Electors submitted.

Where did the conflict come from and who submitted the slate of Electors Trump wanted selected? They had to come from somewhere and someone HAD to tell Pence which ones were official Electors.

If there was a conflict, last time in the 1800's, a Committee was put together to determine the correct Electors. That obviously did not happen, so somebody from these States verified the Electors. I am not seeing the conflict or how Trump has anything to do with it.
There was no actual conflict. Each state submitted only one official slate of electors. The "alternate" slates were submitted by state representatives acting at Trump's behest but with no real authority.
Wrecks Quan Dough
How long do you want to ignore this user?
Aliceinbubbleland said:

I'm not asking the DOJ. I'm asking those on here who defend the idiotic invasion. I guess you vote they would shake hands if I'm reading your reply correctly.

They had no idea what they were going to do. They were like a dog chasing a moving car who was stunned when he finally caught the tire. Buffalo man and his fellow larpers were going to dissolve the Senate?
How long do you want to ignore this user?
Aliceinbubbleland said:

I'm not asking the DOJ. I'm asking those on here who defend the idiotic invasion. I guess you vote they would shake hands if I'm reading your reply correctly.

No one here or pretty much anywhere defended or is defending the idiotic bumbling selfie-taking invasion. They were all fools and no here that I've seen has ever defended their actions.

Unless when say defend, you are intentionally conflating that word with demanding equality under the law for both left wing and right wing idiots….instead of the banana republic tactics the democrats employ.
4th and Inches
How long do you want to ignore this user?
He Hate Me said:

Aliceinbubbleland said:

I'm not asking the DOJ. I'm asking those on here who defend the idiotic invasion. I guess you vote they would shake hands if I'm reading your reply correctly.

They had no idea what they were going to do. They were like a dog chasing a moving car who was stunned when he finally caught the tire. Buffalo man and his fellow larpers were going to dissolve the Senate?

occupying a building isnt the same as overthrowing a govt. anyone who thinks that they were anywhere close to overthrowing the government on January 6 is empty headed.
“Mix a little foolishness with your serious plans. It is lovely to be silly at the right moment.”


“Insomnia sharpens your math skills because you spend all night calculating how much sleep you’ll get if you’re able to ‘fall asleep right now.’ “
Harrison Bergeron
How long do you want to ignore this user?
Aliceinbubbleland said:

Sad to come here after that awesome speech by Chaney and read the same old party BS lines.

Hey. It's ok to love Trump's policies. It is not ok to do what the mob did lead on by your hero.

90% of those participating in the riots haven't read the Constitution or have any idea of how valuable our system is to all of us.

I do not think anybody disagrees with you. However, by the standards applied previously to Democrats, there has been no evidence presented that Trump caused or encouraged the 100 people who actually thought they could somehow change the election.

The Democrats forget they fomented riots after Trump's election, fomenting attacking state capitols and federal buildings in the summer of burning, looting, and murdering, and fomenting direct and indirect attacks on SCOTUS and Justices. Honest conversations require equal standards. Double standards lead to the current state of Idiocracy.
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