Jan 6 committee

147,919 Views | 3026 Replies | Last: 10 mo ago by Harrison Bergeron
Sam Lowry
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whiterock said:

Sam Lowry said:

Actually, if you look at all the evidence, it is clear that there was a strong desire to overturn the election results. I do not believe that it was a coincidence that the these demonstrations occurred at the same time that Congress was certifying the election results. When I originally viewed the people storming the Capitol Building I believed these people crossed a line of acceptable behavior. Since then I have learned of the planning that was occurring in the White house before this event occurred and it is pretty suspicious how it all came together, and how it all fell apart.





Wanting to get votes thrown out because one thinks those votes are fraudulent isn't insurrection. It's something explicitly allowed by law!
The Trump lawyer who was behind the plan disagrees with you. He and Trump knew exactly what they were doing.

Eastman Told Trump That Pence Plan for Jan. 6 Was Illegal
Fighting certification of votes at the precinct level is not insurrection.
Fighting certification of votes at the county level is not insurrection.
Fighting certification of votes at the state level is not insurrection.
Fighting certification of votes at the federal level is not insurrection.
That the legal grounds for doing so at any given level might have been tenuous does not constitution insurrection.

That a robust debate occurred between the lawyers of POTUS and VPOTUS of what could and could not be justified under law does not constitute insurrection.

You are about to set precedent that most of US jurisprudence concerning elections is illegal.

neverTrumpism is an insidious disease of the mind which turns otherwise rational people into wild-eyed political nutjobs prepared to trash hundreds of years of legal and political tradition in order to obtain the scalp of a single golden haired POTUS.

This is the same illogical maneuver you tried to perform a few pages ago with the "no weapons = no insurrection" defense. This time you argue that there was no insurrection because the plan was allowed by law, and when that turns out not to be true, you substitute a new argument that US jurisprudence doesn't constitute insurrection. Of course it doesn't. No one here is suggesting otherwise. But again, there was no "robust debate" by the time January 6 rolled around. Everyone on all sides knew the plan was illegal.

Your comment about trashing hundreds of years of legal tradition would be a glaring irony, but at this point it's par for the course. You're defending the kind of people who'd rather plead the Fifth than endorse the peaceful transfer of power.
I am confused (not an unusual state for me), where did the alternate slate of Electors come from? The States submit the Electors, not the Executive Branch.

If there are more than one slate of Electors, the State determines which one is the official, correct? So, this works both ways. Pence has no choice but to accept the Electors submitted.

Where did the conflict come from and who submitted the slate of Electors Trump wanted selected? They had to come from somewhere and someone HAD to tell Pence which ones were official Electors.

If there was a conflict, last time in the 1800's, a Committee was put together to determine the correct Electors. That obviously did not happen, so somebody from these States verified the Electors. I am not seeing the conflict or how Trump has anything to do with it.
There was no actual conflict. Each state submitted only one official slate of electors. The "alternate" slates were submitted by state representatives acting at Trump's behest but with no real authority.
It is not insurrection to have that alternative slate ready to go in case the original slate is rejected at the federal level.
Except that the original slates weren't rejected at the federal level, and the Trumpists revolted anyway.
Sam Lowry
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whiterock said:

Sam Lowry said:






almost everything you and Sam are posting undermines the case for insurrection.

We have the Trump speech on transcript and video. He said not a single word or phrase the could reasonably be inferred as incitement, and made several comments urging peaceful action.

You have done a very, very good job of building a case that by not conceding the election and making allegations of fraud, he energized his base to base to assemble and protest. I agree entirely. But those are protected 1st Amendment rights. And you clearly make that case within a traditional Republican context of "we do not act like Democrats...we do not protest, and we damned sure do not riot." Ok, Fair enough. I get that. It's virtue posturing nonsense, but I see/hear that a lot on our side, a lot less than before, thankfully, but you're not in cray-cray land yet. Where you explode your analytical credibility is when you take the leap of logic that, because a small riot broke out amid an enormous and otherwise peaceful protest, Trump is an insurrectionist, that he did it all hoping to cause an insurrection, etc..... There is no evidence of that, at all, not a shred, other than the assessments of like minded people (can you spell confirmation bias?). Just a psychologically-driven need to perceive events in a way that justify the rage you feel toward a man you viscerally cannot stand.

One day, you will look back on the insurrection arguments you are making here and be embarrassed at how tenuous they are.

Actually, if you look at all the evidence, it is clear that there was a strong desire to overturn the election results. I do not believe that it was a coincidence that the these demonstrations occurred at the same time that Congress was certifying the election results. When I originally viewed the people storming the Capitol Building I believed these people crossed a line of acceptable behavior. Since then I have learned of the planning that was occurring in the White house before this event occurred and it is pretty suspicious how it all came together, and how it all fell apart.
Wanting to get votes thrown out because one thinks those votes are fraudulent isn't insurrection. It's something explicitly allowed by law!
The Trump lawyer who was behind the plan disagrees with you. He and Trump knew exactly what they were doing.

Eastman Told Trump That Pence Plan for Jan. 6 Was Illegal
Fighting certification of votes at the precinct level is not insurrection.
Fighting certification of votes at the county level is not insurrection.
Fighting certification of votes at the state level is not insurrection.
Fighting certification of votes at the federal level is not insurrection.
That the legal grounds for doing so at any given level might have been tenuous does not constitution insurrection.

That a robust debate occurred between the lawyers of POTUS and VPOTUS of what could and could not be justified under law does not constitute insurrection.

You are about to set precedent that most of US jurisprudence concerning elections is illegal.

neverTrumpism is an insidious disease of the mind which turns otherwise rational people into wild-eyed political nutjobs prepared to trash hundreds of years of legal and political tradition in order to obtain the scalp of a single golden haired POTUS.

This is the same illogical maneuver you tried to perform a few pages ago with the "no weapons = no insurrection" defense. This time you argue that there was no insurrection because the plan was allowed by law, and when that turns out not to be true, you substitute a new argument that US jurisprudence doesn't constitute insurrection. Of course it doesn't. No one here is suggesting otherwise. But again, there was no "robust debate" by the time January 6 rolled around. Everyone on all sides knew the plan was illegal.

Your comment about trashing hundreds of years of legal tradition would be a glaring irony, but at this point it's par for the course. You're defending the kind of people who'd rather plead the Fifth than endorse the peaceful transfer of power.
That means each of the elements I identified above is by definition not insurrection.

None of those elements are the basis of the accusation. They're straw men.
Sam Lowry
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whiterock said:

RMF5630 said:

You keep saying stuff like this like it matters that Trump didn't agree with the election results. You simply cannot get around the fact that Trump's VP and President of the Senate certified the election as submitted. Trump could have been standing in the gallery screaming that he won and does not agree, it matters not one bit. WHAT ACTUALLY HAPPENS WILL ALWAYS TRUMP WHAT SOMEONE WANTS OR THINKS.




I really want to hit that guy. Do you think I should hit that guy? Will you hit that guy for me? I think hitting the guy is legal. I disagree with you not hitting that guy. Nobody ends up hitting the guy, nothing happened.

Sort of hard to prosecute...

Are you familiar with the word "attempted?"
So, attempted can be used for any failed policy decision?

Bottomline, is the certification and whether to accept a slate of electors is a political policy decision, in your world anyone who disagrees and verbalizes should be prosecuted. Taken one step further, any political or policy decision not accepted is cause for prosecution.
Jan 6 wasn't a "failed policy decision". Policy is balanced budget, going to war, government healthcare, etc.
Jan 6 was an attempt to steal the election for Trump. A losing candidate had a bogus slate of electors submitted and wants the presiding officer to throw out the the real slates and substitute the bogus slates. That was Trump's policy, steal the election. He is dishonest and devoid of ethics.

I don't want Trump prosecuted because it would be bad for the country. Prosecuting Nixon would have been bad for the country.

It is all political strategy, same as impeachment a political move not legal...There is nothing illegal in not agreeing with the election and using Constitutional options. If he did it, the SCOTUS would have ruled. He didn't, it is a non-issue. Once again, for all your bluster everything happened on time. He can say whatever he wants, fact is actions kill any prosecution which is why Garland won't charge him.

If you have proof he was behind the break in at Congress and part of it, charge him. Otherwise this is a huge slander party and a disgrace.
And it would have been over.
Not if the military sided with Trump, as his mob believed and intended.
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Sam Lowry said:

whiterock said:

Sam Lowry said:

Actually, if you look at all the evidence, it is clear that there was a strong desire to overturn the election results. I do not believe that it was a coincidence that the these demonstrations occurred at the same time that Congress was certifying the election results. When I originally viewed the people storming the Capitol Building I believed these people crossed a line of acceptable behavior. Since then I have learned of the planning that was occurring in the White house before this event occurred and it is pretty suspicious how it all came together, and how it all fell apart.





Wanting to get votes thrown out because one thinks those votes are fraudulent isn't insurrection. It's something explicitly allowed by law!
The Trump lawyer who was behind the plan disagrees with you. He and Trump knew exactly what they were doing.

Eastman Told Trump That Pence Plan for Jan. 6 Was Illegal
Fighting certification of votes at the precinct level is not insurrection.
Fighting certification of votes at the county level is not insurrection.
Fighting certification of votes at the state level is not insurrection.
Fighting certification of votes at the federal level is not insurrection.
That the legal grounds for doing so at any given level might have been tenuous does not constitution insurrection.

That a robust debate occurred between the lawyers of POTUS and VPOTUS of what could and could not be justified under law does not constitute insurrection.

You are about to set precedent that most of US jurisprudence concerning elections is illegal.

neverTrumpism is an insidious disease of the mind which turns otherwise rational people into wild-eyed political nutjobs prepared to trash hundreds of years of legal and political tradition in order to obtain the scalp of a single golden haired POTUS.

This is the same illogical maneuver you tried to perform a few pages ago with the "no weapons = no insurrection" defense. This time you argue that there was no insurrection because the plan was allowed by law, and when that turns out not to be true, you substitute a new argument that US jurisprudence doesn't constitute insurrection. Of course it doesn't. No one here is suggesting otherwise. But again, there was no "robust debate" by the time January 6 rolled around. Everyone on all sides knew the plan was illegal.

Your comment about trashing hundreds of years of legal tradition would be a glaring irony, but at this point it's par for the course. You're defending the kind of people who'd rather plead the Fifth than endorse the peaceful transfer of power.
I am confused (not an unusual state for me), where did the alternate slate of Electors come from? The States submit the Electors, not the Executive Branch.

If there are more than one slate of Electors, the State determines which one is the official, correct? So, this works both ways. Pence has no choice but to accept the Electors submitted.

Where did the conflict come from and who submitted the slate of Electors Trump wanted selected? They had to come from somewhere and someone HAD to tell Pence which ones were official Electors.

If there was a conflict, last time in the 1800's, a Committee was put together to determine the correct Electors. That obviously did not happen, so somebody from these States verified the Electors. I am not seeing the conflict or how Trump has anything to do with it.
There was no actual conflict. Each state submitted only one official slate of electors. The "alternate" slates were submitted by state representatives acting at Trump's behest but with no real authority.
It is not insurrection to have that alternative slate ready to go in case the original slate is rejected at the federal level.
Except that the original slates weren't rejected at the federal level, and the Trumpists revolted anyway.

Which Trumpists? Oh yeah, the ones that were arrested and prosecuted. Trump Administration and system acting like it is designed sure messes up the narrative.
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Sam Lowry said:

whiterock said:

RMF5630 said:

You keep saying stuff like this like it matters that Trump didn't agree with the election results. You simply cannot get around the fact that Trump's VP and President of the Senate certified the election as submitted. Trump could have been standing in the gallery screaming that he won and does not agree, it matters not one bit. WHAT ACTUALLY HAPPENS WILL ALWAYS TRUMP WHAT SOMEONE WANTS OR THINKS.




I really want to hit that guy. Do you think I should hit that guy? Will you hit that guy for me? I think hitting the guy is legal. I disagree with you not hitting that guy. Nobody ends up hitting the guy, nothing happened.

Sort of hard to prosecute...

Are you familiar with the word "attempted?"
So, attempted can be used for any failed policy decision?

Bottomline, is the certification and whether to accept a slate of electors is a political policy decision, in your world anyone who disagrees and verbalizes should be prosecuted. Taken one step further, any political or policy decision not accepted is cause for prosecution.
Jan 6 wasn't a "failed policy decision". Policy is balanced budget, going to war, government healthcare, etc.
Jan 6 was an attempt to steal the election for Trump. A losing candidate had a bogus slate of electors submitted and wants the presiding officer to throw out the the real slates and substitute the bogus slates. That was Trump's policy, steal the election. He is dishonest and devoid of ethics.

I don't want Trump prosecuted because it would be bad for the country. Prosecuting Nixon would have been bad for the country.

It is all political strategy, same as impeachment a political move not legal...There is nothing illegal in not agreeing with the election and using Constitutional options. If he did it, the SCOTUS would have ruled. He didn't, it is a non-issue. Once again, for all your bluster everything happened on time. He can say whatever he wants, fact is actions kill any prosecution which is why Garland won't charge him.

If you have proof he was behind the break in at Congress and part of it, charge him. Otherwise this is a huge slander party and a disgrace.
And it would have been over.
Not if the military sided with Trump, as his mob believed and intended.

Here we go. "If" and "believe" we are again in the world of supposition and implied no way to prove world. Seems like you guys are living there...
Sam Lowry
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RMF5630 said:

Sam Lowry said:

whiterock said:

RMF5630 said:

You keep saying stuff like this like it matters that Trump didn't agree with the election results. You simply cannot get around the fact that Trump's VP and President of the Senate certified the election as submitted. Trump could have been standing in the gallery screaming that he won and does not agree, it matters not one bit. WHAT ACTUALLY HAPPENS WILL ALWAYS TRUMP WHAT SOMEONE WANTS OR THINKS.




I really want to hit that guy. Do you think I should hit that guy? Will you hit that guy for me? I think hitting the guy is legal. I disagree with you not hitting that guy. Nobody ends up hitting the guy, nothing happened.

Sort of hard to prosecute...

Are you familiar with the word "attempted?"
So, attempted can be used for any failed policy decision?

Bottomline, is the certification and whether to accept a slate of electors is a political policy decision, in your world anyone who disagrees and verbalizes should be prosecuted. Taken one step further, any political or policy decision not accepted is cause for prosecution.
Jan 6 wasn't a "failed policy decision". Policy is balanced budget, going to war, government healthcare, etc.
Jan 6 was an attempt to steal the election for Trump. A losing candidate had a bogus slate of electors submitted and wants the presiding officer to throw out the the real slates and substitute the bogus slates. That was Trump's policy, steal the election. He is dishonest and devoid of ethics.

I don't want Trump prosecuted because it would be bad for the country. Prosecuting Nixon would have been bad for the country.

It is all political strategy, same as impeachment a political move not legal...There is nothing illegal in not agreeing with the election and using Constitutional options. If he did it, the SCOTUS would have ruled. He didn't, it is a non-issue. Once again, for all your bluster everything happened on time. He can say whatever he wants, fact is actions kill any prosecution which is why Garland won't charge him.

If you have proof he was behind the break in at Congress and part of it, charge him. Otherwise this is a huge slander party and a disgrace.
And it would have been over.
Not if the military sided with Trump, as his mob believed and intended.

Here we go. "If" and "believe" we are again in the world of supposition and implied no way to prove world. Seems like you guys are living there...
It all goes back to that concept of the attempt.
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After 58 pages has anyone changed anyone's views on the tea party?
Astros in Home Stretch Geaux Texans
4th and Inches
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Sam Lowry said:

whiterock said:

Sam Lowry said:

Actually, if you look at all the evidence, it is clear that there was a strong desire to overturn the election results. I do not believe that it was a coincidence that the these demonstrations occurred at the same time that Congress was certifying the election results. When I originally viewed the people storming the Capitol Building I believed these people crossed a line of acceptable behavior. Since then I have learned of the planning that was occurring in the White house before this event occurred and it is pretty suspicious how it all came together, and how it all fell apart.





Wanting to get votes thrown out because one thinks those votes are fraudulent isn't insurrection. It's something explicitly allowed by law!
The Trump lawyer who was behind the plan disagrees with you. He and Trump knew exactly what they were doing.

Eastman Told Trump That Pence Plan for Jan. 6 Was Illegal
Fighting certification of votes at the precinct level is not insurrection.
Fighting certification of votes at the county level is not insurrection.
Fighting certification of votes at the state level is not insurrection.
Fighting certification of votes at the federal level is not insurrection.
That the legal grounds for doing so at any given level might have been tenuous does not constitution insurrection.

That a robust debate occurred between the lawyers of POTUS and VPOTUS of what could and could not be justified under law does not constitute insurrection.

You are about to set precedent that most of US jurisprudence concerning elections is illegal.

neverTrumpism is an insidious disease of the mind which turns otherwise rational people into wild-eyed political nutjobs prepared to trash hundreds of years of legal and political tradition in order to obtain the scalp of a single golden haired POTUS.

This is the same illogical maneuver you tried to perform a few pages ago with the "no weapons = no insurrection" defense. This time you argue that there was no insurrection because the plan was allowed by law, and when that turns out not to be true, you substitute a new argument that US jurisprudence doesn't constitute insurrection. Of course it doesn't. No one here is suggesting otherwise. But again, there was no "robust debate" by the time January 6 rolled around. Everyone on all sides knew the plan was illegal.

Your comment about trashing hundreds of years of legal tradition would be a glaring irony, but at this point it's par for the course. You're defending the kind of people who'd rather plead the Fifth than endorse the peaceful transfer of power.
I am confused (not an unusual state for me), where did the alternate slate of Electors come from? The States submit the Electors, not the Executive Branch.

If there are more than one slate of Electors, the State determines which one is the official, correct? So, this works both ways. Pence has no choice but to accept the Electors submitted.

Where did the conflict come from and who submitted the slate of Electors Trump wanted selected? They had to come from somewhere and someone HAD to tell Pence which ones were official Electors.

If there was a conflict, last time in the 1800's, a Committee was put together to determine the correct Electors. That obviously did not happen, so somebody from these States verified the Electors. I am not seeing the conflict or how Trump has anything to do with it.
There was no actual conflict. Each state submitted only one official slate of electors. The "alternate" slates were submitted by state representatives acting at Trump's behest but with no real authority.
It is not insurrection to have that alternative slate ready to go in case the original slate is rejected at the federal level.
Except that the original slates weren't rejected at the federal level, and the Trumpists revolted anyway.
to be fair, the "trumpists revolted" before the slates were accepted or rejected but details dont matter..
Adopt-a-Bear 2024

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HT/WT 6' 3", 273 lbs
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4th and Inches said:

Sam Lowry said:

whiterock said:

Sam Lowry said:

Actually, if you look at all the evidence, it is clear that there was a strong desire to overturn the election results. I do not believe that it was a coincidence that the these demonstrations occurred at the same time that Congress was certifying the election results. When I originally viewed the people storming the Capitol Building I believed these people crossed a line of acceptable behavior. Since then I have learned of the planning that was occurring in the White house before this event occurred and it is pretty suspicious how it all came together, and how it all fell apart.





Wanting to get votes thrown out because one thinks those votes are fraudulent isn't insurrection. It's something explicitly allowed by law!
The Trump lawyer who was behind the plan disagrees with you. He and Trump knew exactly what they were doing.

Eastman Told Trump That Pence Plan for Jan. 6 Was Illegal
Fighting certification of votes at the precinct level is not insurrection.
Fighting certification of votes at the county level is not insurrection.
Fighting certification of votes at the state level is not insurrection.
Fighting certification of votes at the federal level is not insurrection.
That the legal grounds for doing so at any given level might have been tenuous does not constitution insurrection.

That a robust debate occurred between the lawyers of POTUS and VPOTUS of what could and could not be justified under law does not constitute insurrection.

You are about to set precedent that most of US jurisprudence concerning elections is illegal.

neverTrumpism is an insidious disease of the mind which turns otherwise rational people into wild-eyed political nutjobs prepared to trash hundreds of years of legal and political tradition in order to obtain the scalp of a single golden haired POTUS.

This is the same illogical maneuver you tried to perform a few pages ago with the "no weapons = no insurrection" defense. This time you argue that there was no insurrection because the plan was allowed by law, and when that turns out not to be true, you substitute a new argument that US jurisprudence doesn't constitute insurrection. Of course it doesn't. No one here is suggesting otherwise. But again, there was no "robust debate" by the time January 6 rolled around. Everyone on all sides knew the plan was illegal.

Your comment about trashing hundreds of years of legal tradition would be a glaring irony, but at this point it's par for the course. You're defending the kind of people who'd rather plead the Fifth than endorse the peaceful transfer of power.
I am confused (not an unusual state for me), where did the alternate slate of Electors come from? The States submit the Electors, not the Executive Branch.

If there are more than one slate of Electors, the State determines which one is the official, correct? So, this works both ways. Pence has no choice but to accept the Electors submitted.

Where did the conflict come from and who submitted the slate of Electors Trump wanted selected? They had to come from somewhere and someone HAD to tell Pence which ones were official Electors.

If there was a conflict, last time in the 1800's, a Committee was put together to determine the correct Electors. That obviously did not happen, so somebody from these States verified the Electors. I am not seeing the conflict or how Trump has anything to do with it.
There was no actual conflict. Each state submitted only one official slate of electors. The "alternate" slates were submitted by state representatives acting at Trump's behest but with no real authority.
It is not insurrection to have that alternative slate ready to go in case the original slate is rejected at the federal level.
Except that the original slates weren't rejected at the federal level, and the Trumpists revolted anyway.
to be fair, the "trumpists revolted" before the slates were accepted or rejected but details dont matter..

Nope, all that matters is showing Trump was wrong and should be banned. Doesnt matter how it is contrived. They hate Trump and are willing to bend and break every legal concept we have. My question is what if this monster mechanism turns on them? This time it is Trump, next time???
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To Sam and Oso, no one must challenge the State ... ever.
That which does not kill me, will try again and get nastier
Harrison Bergeron
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Oldbear83 said:

To Sam and Oso, no one must challenge the State ... ever.

Has prime time shared any more bombshells this week? Did Trump fart?
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Sam Lowry said:

whiterock said:

Sam Lowry said:

Actually, if you look at all the evidence, it is clear that there was a strong desire to overturn the election results. I do not believe that it was a coincidence that the these demonstrations occurred at the same time that Congress was certifying the election results. When I originally viewed the people storming the Capitol Building I believed these people crossed a line of acceptable behavior. Since then I have learned of the planning that was occurring in the White house before this event occurred and it is pretty suspicious how it all came together, and how it all fell apart.





Wanting to get votes thrown out because one thinks those votes are fraudulent isn't insurrection. It's something explicitly allowed by law!
The Trump lawyer who was behind the plan disagrees with you. He and Trump knew exactly what they were doing.

Eastman Told Trump That Pence Plan for Jan. 6 Was Illegal
Fighting certification of votes at the precinct level is not insurrection.
Fighting certification of votes at the county level is not insurrection.
Fighting certification of votes at the state level is not insurrection.
Fighting certification of votes at the federal level is not insurrection.
That the legal grounds for doing so at any given level might have been tenuous does not constitution insurrection.

That a robust debate occurred between the lawyers of POTUS and VPOTUS of what could and could not be justified under law does not constitute insurrection.

You are about to set precedent that most of US jurisprudence concerning elections is illegal.

neverTrumpism is an insidious disease of the mind which turns otherwise rational people into wild-eyed political nutjobs prepared to trash hundreds of years of legal and political tradition in order to obtain the scalp of a single golden haired POTUS.

This is the same illogical maneuver you tried to perform a few pages ago with the "no weapons = no insurrection" defense. This time you argue that there was no insurrection because the plan was allowed by law, and when that turns out not to be true, you substitute a new argument that US jurisprudence doesn't constitute insurrection. Of course it doesn't. No one here is suggesting otherwise. But again, there was no "robust debate" by the time January 6 rolled around. Everyone on all sides knew the plan was illegal.

Your comment about trashing hundreds of years of legal tradition would be a glaring irony, but at this point it's par for the course. You're defending the kind of people who'd rather plead the Fifth than endorse the peaceful transfer of power.
I am confused (not an unusual state for me), where did the alternate slate of Electors come from? The States submit the Electors, not the Executive Branch.

If there are more than one slate of Electors, the State determines which one is the official, correct? So, this works both ways. Pence has no choice but to accept the Electors submitted.

Where did the conflict come from and who submitted the slate of Electors Trump wanted selected? They had to come from somewhere and someone HAD to tell Pence which ones were official Electors.

If there was a conflict, last time in the 1800's, a Committee was put together to determine the correct Electors. That obviously did not happen, so somebody from these States verified the Electors. I am not seeing the conflict or how Trump has anything to do with it.
There was no actual conflict. Each state submitted only one official slate of electors. The "alternate" slates were submitted by state representatives acting at Trump's behest but with no real authority.
It is not insurrection to have that alternative slate ready to go in case the original slate is rejected at the federal level.
Except that the original slates weren't rejected at the federal level, and the Trumpists revolted anyway.
You have a comprehension problem when it comes to history and constitutional process. The original slates were in contention until the moment Pence to certify the electoral vote as complete.

And then there was no revolt.
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Sam Lowry said:

whiterock said:

Sam Lowry said:



The Trump lawyer who was behind the plan disagrees with you. He and Trump knew exactly what they were doing.

Eastman Told Trump That Pence Plan for Jan. 6 Was Illegal
Fighting certification of votes at the precinct level is not insurrection.
Fighting certification of votes at the county level is not insurrection.
Fighting certification of votes at the state level is not insurrection.
Fighting certification of votes at the federal level is not insurrection.
That the legal grounds for doing so at any given level might have been tenuous does not constitution insurrection.

That a robust debate occurred between the lawyers of POTUS and VPOTUS of what could and could not be justified under law does not constitute insurrection.

You are about to set precedent that most of US jurisprudence concerning elections is illegal.

neverTrumpism is an insidious disease of the mind which turns otherwise rational people into wild-eyed political nutjobs prepared to trash hundreds of years of legal and political tradition in order to obtain the scalp of a single golden haired POTUS.

This is the same illogical maneuver you tried to perform a few pages ago with the "no weapons = no insurrection" defense. This time you argue that there was no insurrection because the plan was allowed by law, and when that turns out not to be true, you substitute a new argument that US jurisprudence doesn't constitute insurrection. Of course it doesn't. No one here is suggesting otherwise. But again, there was no "robust debate" by the time January 6 rolled around. Everyone on all sides knew the plan was illegal.

Your comment about trashing hundreds of years of legal tradition would be a glaring irony, but at this point it's par for the course. You're defending the kind of people who'd rather plead the Fifth than endorse the peaceful transfer of power.
That means each of the elements I identified above is by definition not insurrection.

None of those elements are the basis of the accusation. They're straw men.
Pointing out your pile of straw man is not itself a straw man. You are portraying the entire process of objecting to electoral votes as insurrection. You are portraying a riot as insurrection. And then trying with even more straw men to link together the two completely separate dynamics with a contrived conspiracy for which the only direct evidence is actually exculpatory.

Here's some history for you from a right-wing source that lays out some of the prior instances of challenging EVs. Not a single thing done this go-around is remarkable, given historical context (except for all the misinformation Democrats are desperately spreading to create wedge issues for the 2024 campaign).
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Sam Lowry said:

whiterock said:

RMF5630 said:

You keep saying stuff like this like it matters that Trump didn't agree with the election results. You simply cannot get around the fact that Trump's VP and President of the Senate certified the election as submitted. Trump could have been standing in the gallery screaming that he won and does not agree, it matters not one bit. WHAT ACTUALLY HAPPENS WILL ALWAYS TRUMP WHAT SOMEONE WANTS OR THINKS.




I really want to hit that guy. Do you think I should hit that guy? Will you hit that guy for me? I think hitting the guy is legal. I disagree with you not hitting that guy. Nobody ends up hitting the guy, nothing happened.

Sort of hard to prosecute...

Are you familiar with the word "attempted?"
So, attempted can be used for any failed policy decision?

Bottomline, is the certification and whether to accept a slate of electors is a political policy decision, in your world anyone who disagrees and verbalizes should be prosecuted. Taken one step further, any political or policy decision not accepted is cause for prosecution.
Jan 6 wasn't a "failed policy decision". Policy is balanced budget, going to war, government healthcare, etc.
Jan 6 was an attempt to steal the election for Trump. A losing candidate had a bogus slate of electors submitted and wants the presiding officer to throw out the the real slates and substitute the bogus slates. That was Trump's policy, steal the election. He is dishonest and devoid of ethics.

I don't want Trump prosecuted because it would be bad for the country. Prosecuting Nixon would have been bad for the country.

It is all political strategy, same as impeachment a political move not legal...There is nothing illegal in not agreeing with the election and using Constitutional options. If he did it, the SCOTUS would have ruled. He didn't, it is a non-issue. Once again, for all your bluster everything happened on time. He can say whatever he wants, fact is actions kill any prosecution which is why Garland won't charge him.

If you have proof he was behind the break in at Congress and part of it, charge him. Otherwise this is a huge slander party and a disgrace.
And it would have been over.
Not if the military sided with Trump, as his mob believed and intended.
That might be the most pregnant "if" ever penned, given that Trump accepted the refusals of NG deployment. What kind of insurrection is it that asks for permission to deploy the troops to be used in the insurrection, and then politely heeds the refusal of the very body it intends to insurrect? That is a bonfire of a conundrum which no straw man can escape.

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Oldbear83 said:

To Sam and Oso, no one must challenge the State Democrats... ever.
Sam Lowry
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whiterock said:

Sam Lowry said:

whiterock said:

Sam Lowry said:

Actually, if you look at all the evidence, it is clear that there was a strong desire to overturn the election results. I do not believe that it was a coincidence that the these demonstrations occurred at the same time that Congress was certifying the election results. When I originally viewed the people storming the Capitol Building I believed these people crossed a line of acceptable behavior. Since then I have learned of the planning that was occurring in the White house before this event occurred and it is pretty suspicious how it all came together, and how it all fell apart.





Wanting to get votes thrown out because one thinks those votes are fraudulent isn't insurrection. It's something explicitly allowed by law!
The Trump lawyer who was behind the plan disagrees with you. He and Trump knew exactly what they were doing.

Eastman Told Trump That Pence Plan for Jan. 6 Was Illegal
Fighting certification of votes at the precinct level is not insurrection.
Fighting certification of votes at the county level is not insurrection.
Fighting certification of votes at the state level is not insurrection.
Fighting certification of votes at the federal level is not insurrection.
That the legal grounds for doing so at any given level might have been tenuous does not constitution insurrection.

That a robust debate occurred between the lawyers of POTUS and VPOTUS of what could and could not be justified under law does not constitute insurrection.

You are about to set precedent that most of US jurisprudence concerning elections is illegal.

neverTrumpism is an insidious disease of the mind which turns otherwise rational people into wild-eyed political nutjobs prepared to trash hundreds of years of legal and political tradition in order to obtain the scalp of a single golden haired POTUS.

This is the same illogical maneuver you tried to perform a few pages ago with the "no weapons = no insurrection" defense. This time you argue that there was no insurrection because the plan was allowed by law, and when that turns out not to be true, you substitute a new argument that US jurisprudence doesn't constitute insurrection. Of course it doesn't. No one here is suggesting otherwise. But again, there was no "robust debate" by the time January 6 rolled around. Everyone on all sides knew the plan was illegal.

Your comment about trashing hundreds of years of legal tradition would be a glaring irony, but at this point it's par for the course. You're defending the kind of people who'd rather plead the Fifth than endorse the peaceful transfer of power.
I am confused (not an unusual state for me), where did the alternate slate of Electors come from? The States submit the Electors, not the Executive Branch.

If there are more than one slate of Electors, the State determines which one is the official, correct? So, this works both ways. Pence has no choice but to accept the Electors submitted.

Where did the conflict come from and who submitted the slate of Electors Trump wanted selected? They had to come from somewhere and someone HAD to tell Pence which ones were official Electors.

If there was a conflict, last time in the 1800's, a Committee was put together to determine the correct Electors. That obviously did not happen, so somebody from these States verified the Electors. I am not seeing the conflict or how Trump has anything to do with it.
There was no actual conflict. Each state submitted only one official slate of electors. The "alternate" slates were submitted by state representatives acting at Trump's behest but with no real authority.
It is not insurrection to have that alternative slate ready to go in case the original slate is rejected at the federal level.
Except that the original slates weren't rejected at the federal level, and the Trumpists revolted anyway.
You have a comprehension problem when it comes to history and constitutional process. The original slates were in contention until the moment Pence to certify the electoral vote as complete.
Absolute nonsense.

Seriously, just stop. You're embarrassing yourself.
How long do you want to ignore this user?
Sam Lowry said:

whiterock said:

Sam Lowry said:

whiterock said:

Sam Lowry said:

Actually, if you look at all the evidence, it is clear that there was a strong desire to overturn the election results. I do not believe that it was a coincidence that the these demonstrations occurred at the same time that Congress was certifying the election results. When I originally viewed the people storming the Capitol Building I believed these people crossed a line of acceptable behavior. Since then I have learned of the planning that was occurring in the White house before this event occurred and it is pretty suspicious how it all came together, and how it all fell apart.





Wanting to get votes thrown out because one thinks those votes are fraudulent isn't insurrection. It's something explicitly allowed by law!
The Trump lawyer who was behind the plan disagrees with you. He and Trump knew exactly what they were doing.

Eastman Told Trump That Pence Plan for Jan. 6 Was Illegal
Fighting certification of votes at the precinct level is not insurrection.
Fighting certification of votes at the county level is not insurrection.
Fighting certification of votes at the state level is not insurrection.
Fighting certification of votes at the federal level is not insurrection.
That the legal grounds for doing so at any given level might have been tenuous does not constitution insurrection.

That a robust debate occurred between the lawyers of POTUS and VPOTUS of what could and could not be justified under law does not constitute insurrection.

You are about to set precedent that most of US jurisprudence concerning elections is illegal.

neverTrumpism is an insidious disease of the mind which turns otherwise rational people into wild-eyed political nutjobs prepared to trash hundreds of years of legal and political tradition in order to obtain the scalp of a single golden haired POTUS.

This is the same illogical maneuver you tried to perform a few pages ago with the "no weapons = no insurrection" defense. This time you argue that there was no insurrection because the plan was allowed by law, and when that turns out not to be true, you substitute a new argument that US jurisprudence doesn't constitute insurrection. Of course it doesn't. No one here is suggesting otherwise. But again, there was no "robust debate" by the time January 6 rolled around. Everyone on all sides knew the plan was illegal.

Your comment about trashing hundreds of years of legal tradition would be a glaring irony, but at this point it's par for the course. You're defending the kind of people who'd rather plead the Fifth than endorse the peaceful transfer of power.
I am confused (not an unusual state for me), where did the alternate slate of Electors come from? The States submit the Electors, not the Executive Branch.

If there are more than one slate of Electors, the State determines which one is the official, correct? So, this works both ways. Pence has no choice but to accept the Electors submitted.

Where did the conflict come from and who submitted the slate of Electors Trump wanted selected? They had to come from somewhere and someone HAD to tell Pence which ones were official Electors.

If there was a conflict, last time in the 1800's, a Committee was put together to determine the correct Electors. That obviously did not happen, so somebody from these States verified the Electors. I am not seeing the conflict or how Trump has anything to do with it.
There was no actual conflict. Each state submitted only one official slate of electors. The "alternate" slates were submitted by state representatives acting at Trump's behest but with no real authority.
It is not insurrection to have that alternative slate ready to go in case the original slate is rejected at the federal level.
Except that the original slates weren't rejected at the federal level, and the Trumpists revolted anyway.
You have a comprehension problem when it comes to history and constitutional process. The original slates were in contention until the moment Pence to certify the electoral vote as complete.
Absolute nonsense.

Seriously, just stop. You're embarrassing yourself.

That's a new mirror mantra, but ok…

How long do you want to ignore this user?
Sam Lowry said:

whiterock said:

Sam Lowry said:

whiterock said:

Sam Lowry said:

Actually, if you look at all the evidence, it is clear that there was a strong desire to overturn the election results. I do not believe that it was a coincidence that the these demonstrations occurred at the same time that Congress was certifying the election results. When I originally viewed the people storming the Capitol Building I believed these people crossed a line of acceptable behavior. Since then I have learned of the planning that was occurring in the White house before this event occurred and it is pretty suspicious how it all came together, and how it all fell apart.





Wanting to get votes thrown out because one thinks those votes are fraudulent isn't insurrection. It's something explicitly allowed by law!
The Trump lawyer who was behind the plan disagrees with you. He and Trump knew exactly what they were doing.

Eastman Told Trump That Pence Plan for Jan. 6 Was Illegal
Fighting certification of votes at the precinct level is not insurrection.
Fighting certification of votes at the county level is not insurrection.
Fighting certification of votes at the state level is not insurrection.
Fighting certification of votes at the federal level is not insurrection.
That the legal grounds for doing so at any given level might have been tenuous does not constitution insurrection.

That a robust debate occurred between the lawyers of POTUS and VPOTUS of what could and could not be justified under law does not constitute insurrection.

You are about to set precedent that most of US jurisprudence concerning elections is illegal.

neverTrumpism is an insidious disease of the mind which turns otherwise rational people into wild-eyed political nutjobs prepared to trash hundreds of years of legal and political tradition in order to obtain the scalp of a single golden haired POTUS.

This is the same illogical maneuver you tried to perform a few pages ago with the "no weapons = no insurrection" defense. This time you argue that there was no insurrection because the plan was allowed by law, and when that turns out not to be true, you substitute a new argument that US jurisprudence doesn't constitute insurrection. Of course it doesn't. No one here is suggesting otherwise. But again, there was no "robust debate" by the time January 6 rolled around. Everyone on all sides knew the plan was illegal.

Your comment about trashing hundreds of years of legal tradition would be a glaring irony, but at this point it's par for the course. You're defending the kind of people who'd rather plead the Fifth than endorse the peaceful transfer of power.
I am confused (not an unusual state for me), where did the alternate slate of Electors come from? The States submit the Electors, not the Executive Branch.

If there are more than one slate of Electors, the State determines which one is the official, correct? So, this works both ways. Pence has no choice but to accept the Electors submitted.

Where did the conflict come from and who submitted the slate of Electors Trump wanted selected? They had to come from somewhere and someone HAD to tell Pence which ones were official Electors.

If there was a conflict, last time in the 1800's, a Committee was put together to determine the correct Electors. That obviously did not happen, so somebody from these States verified the Electors. I am not seeing the conflict or how Trump has anything to do with it.
There was no actual conflict. Each state submitted only one official slate of electors. The "alternate" slates were submitted by state representatives acting at Trump's behest but with no real authority.
It is not insurrection to have that alternative slate ready to go in case the original slate is rejected at the federal level.
Except that the original slates weren't rejected at the federal level, and the Trumpists revolted anyway.
You have a comprehension problem when it comes to history and constitutional process. The original slates were in contention until the moment Pence to certify the electoral vote as complete.
Absolute nonsense.

Seriously, just stop. You're embarrassing yourself.

Whiterock dunking on poor ol Sam's narrative on this thread.

Ad hominems that lack any substantive response are evidence of same.
How long do you want to ignore this user?
whiterock said:

Sam Lowry said:

whiterock said:

Sam Lowry said:

Actually, if you look at all the evidence, it is clear that there was a strong desire to overturn the election results. I do not believe that it was a coincidence that the these demonstrations occurred at the same time that Congress was certifying the election results. When I originally viewed the people storming the Capitol Building I believed these people crossed a line of acceptable behavior. Since then I have learned of the planning that was occurring in the White house before this event occurred and it is pretty suspicious how it all came together, and how it all fell apart.





Wanting to get votes thrown out because one thinks those votes are fraudulent isn't insurrection. It's something explicitly allowed by law!
The Trump lawyer who was behind the plan disagrees with you. He and Trump knew exactly what they were doing.

Eastman Told Trump That Pence Plan for Jan. 6 Was Illegal
Fighting certification of votes at the precinct level is not insurrection.
Fighting certification of votes at the county level is not insurrection.
Fighting certification of votes at the state level is not insurrection.
Fighting certification of votes at the federal level is not insurrection.
That the legal grounds for doing so at any given level might have been tenuous does not constitution insurrection.

That a robust debate occurred between the lawyers of POTUS and VPOTUS of what could and could not be justified under law does not constitute insurrection.

You are about to set precedent that most of US jurisprudence concerning elections is illegal.

neverTrumpism is an insidious disease of the mind which turns otherwise rational people into wild-eyed political nutjobs prepared to trash hundreds of years of legal and political tradition in order to obtain the scalp of a single golden haired POTUS.

This is the same illogical maneuver you tried to perform a few pages ago with the "no weapons = no insurrection" defense. This time you argue that there was no insurrection because the plan was allowed by law, and when that turns out not to be true, you substitute a new argument that US jurisprudence doesn't constitute insurrection. Of course it doesn't. No one here is suggesting otherwise. But again, there was no "robust debate" by the time January 6 rolled around. Everyone on all sides knew the plan was illegal.

Your comment about trashing hundreds of years of legal tradition would be a glaring irony, but at this point it's par for the course. You're defending the kind of people who'd rather plead the Fifth than endorse the peaceful transfer of power.
I am confused (not an unusual state for me), where did the alternate slate of Electors come from? The States submit the Electors, not the Executive Branch.

If there are more than one slate of Electors, the State determines which one is the official, correct? So, this works both ways. Pence has no choice but to accept the Electors submitted.

Where did the conflict come from and who submitted the slate of Electors Trump wanted selected? They had to come from somewhere and someone HAD to tell Pence which ones were official Electors.

If there was a conflict, last time in the 1800's, a Committee was put together to determine the correct Electors. That obviously did not happen, so somebody from these States verified the Electors. I am not seeing the conflict or how Trump has anything to do with it.
There was no actual conflict. Each state submitted only one official slate of electors. The "alternate" slates were submitted by state representatives acting at Trump's behest but with no real authority.
It is not insurrection to have that alternative slate ready to go in case the original slate is rejected at the federal level.
Except that the original slates weren't rejected at the federal level, and the Trumpists revolted anyway.
You have a comprehension problem when it comes to history and constitutional process. The original slates were in contention until the moment Pence to certify the electoral vote as complete.

And then there was no revolt.
Alternate slates had to come from somewhere. In the past (1876), there were competing slates and Congress could not decide there was a Constitutional Commission. It took until 2 days before inauguration to resolve. Inauguration was in March, which gave them time to come to a resolution. I believe this is the course Eastman believed was still possible.

Where I question that is the State Legislatures in the swing States all have "winner take all" provisions of electorates. Whoever wins the vote, gets all the electoral votes. It seems to be correct the State Legislature can change that provision, but they can't do it on the fly. They would have to change the State law and that didn't happen. So, Pence was correct to Certify. In my opinion, there does not seem to be anything illegal or even wrong. Trump legally can lead people to outside of Congress and chant for Congress to certify him, why not? It is all gaming as part of the political process. It is up to the Congress to certify.

The losing Candidate asked States to vote for him. They couldn't, except Nebraska and Maine, without changing State Law. So Pence certified. Even in Georgia asking to find votes, if it was a serious request and not rhetorical, is not illegal. The Governor could ask the Legislature for an emergency session and IF the Legislature wanted to change the law and do it they could. Nothing preventing them, it is their call. Naturally they didn't. But my point to Sam originally holds. It is political, not legal.

It is a given anyone that broke into Congress is wrong and should be prosecuted. But, I have not seen ANYONE defend those idiots.
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4th and Inches said:

Osodecentx said:

4th and Inches said:

Don't you think AOC believes the Capitol police were working for Trump?
I don't assume anything, she told you the police officers let them in there's video evidence of as part of the Ashli Babbitt shooting with police officers with A.R.'s standing right there doing nothing as protesters vandalize the building. The police were doing little to repel them almost like they were instructed to.. Trump or Dem leadership, who am I to say
Go to this story. Police were striving mightily to repel violent protesters

N.Y. men who pepper-sprayed officers on Jan. 6 sentenced to 44 months
The men led the first wave through police barricades, then body-surfed to a Capitol entrance to cause more mayhem

Two New York state men who led a mob that overwhelmed police at the perimeter of the Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021 then bodysurfed over the top of the crowd at a building entrance and pepper-sprayed officers were both sentenced Friday to 44 months in prison.
Cody Mattice, 29, of Greece, N.Y., and James Mault, 30, of Brockport, N.Y., both wept as they stood before Chief U.S. District Judge Beryl A. Howell and asked for leniency, apologizing for their actions and saying they hoped to return soon to their families and young children. But Howell noted that prosecutors had already cut them a reasonable deal by dropping charges that could have led to far more prison time, and she imposed the sentences requested by the government. Only four other Jan. 6 defendants have been sentenced to longer prison terms.
Text messages obtained by the FBI showed that Mattice and Mault planned for violence on Jan. 6, initially expecting resistance from antifa. They texted family members during the mayhem, and then congratulated each other in the days after the riot, which temporarily halted the certification of the presidential election.
Mattice was a stay-at-home dad and Mault was an iron worker when they began texting on Jan. 2 about driving to President Donald Trump's "Stop the Steal" rally on Jan. 6, discussing taking pepper spray, helmets, a baton and a high-powered fire extinguisher with them. Once in D.C., court records show, Mattice recorded video of Mault on the National Mall saying they were "getting ready to go march on Capitol Hill. … It's about to be nuts."

How long do you want to ignore this user?
Osodecentx said:

4th and Inches said:

Osodecentx said:

4th and Inches said:

Don't you think AOC believes the Capitol police were working for Trump?
I don't assume anything, she told you the police officers let them in there's video evidence of as part of the Ashli Babbitt shooting with police officers with A.R.'s standing right there doing nothing as protesters vandalize the building. The police were doing little to repel them almost like they were instructed to.. Trump or Dem leadership, who am I to say
Go to this story. Police were striving mightily to repel violent protesters

N.Y. men who pepper-sprayed officers on Jan. 6 sentenced to 44 months
The men led the first wave through police barricades, then body-surfed to a Capitol entrance to cause more mayhem

Two New York state men who led a mob that overwhelmed police at the perimeter of the Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021 then bodysurfed over the top of the crowd at a building entrance and pepper-sprayed officers were both sentenced Friday to 44 months in prison.
Cody Mattice, 29, of Greece, N.Y., and James Mault, 30, of Brockport, N.Y., both wept as they stood before Chief U.S. District Judge Beryl A. Howell and asked for leniency, apologizing for their actions and saying they hoped to return soon to their families and young children. But Howell noted that prosecutors had already cut them a reasonable deal by dropping charges that could have led to far more prison time, and she imposed the sentences requested by the government. Only four other Jan. 6 defendants have been sentenced to longer prison terms.
Text messages obtained by the FBI showed that Mattice and Mault planned for violence on Jan. 6, initially expecting resistance from antifa. They texted family members during the mayhem, and then congratulated each other in the days after the riot, which temporarily halted the certification of the presidential election.
Mattice was a stay-at-home dad and Mault was an iron worker when they began texting on Jan. 2 about driving to President Donald Trump's "Stop the Steal" rally on Jan. 6, discussing taking pepper spray, helmets, a baton and a high-powered fire extinguisher with them. Once in D.C., court records show, Mattice recorded video of Mault on the National Mall saying they were "getting ready to go march on Capitol Hill. … It's about to be nuts."


They should be sent to prison for 4 years. System works, if you let it.
4th and Inches
How long do you want to ignore this user?
Osodecentx said:

4th and Inches said:

Osodecentx said:

4th and Inches said:

Don't you think AOC believes the Capitol police were working for Trump?
I don't assume anything, she told you the police officers let them in there's video evidence of as part of the Ashli Babbitt shooting with police officers with A.R.'s standing right there doing nothing as protesters vandalize the building. The police were doing little to repel them almost like they were instructed to.. Trump or Dem leadership, who am I to say
Go to this story. Police were striving mightily to repel violent protesters

N.Y. men who pepper-sprayed officers on Jan. 6 sentenced to 44 months
The men led the first wave through police barricades, then body-surfed to a Capitol entrance to cause more mayhem

Two New York state men who led a mob that overwhelmed police at the perimeter of the Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021 then bodysurfed over the top of the crowd at a building entrance and pepper-sprayed officers were both sentenced Friday to 44 months in prison.
Cody Mattice, 29, of Greece, N.Y., and James Mault, 30, of Brockport, N.Y., both wept as they stood before Chief U.S. District Judge Beryl A. Howell and asked for leniency, apologizing for their actions and saying they hoped to return soon to their families and young children. But Howell noted that prosecutors had already cut them a reasonable deal by dropping charges that could have led to far more prison time, and she imposed the sentences requested by the government. Only four other Jan. 6 defendants have been sentenced to longer prison terms.
Text messages obtained by the FBI showed that Mattice and Mault planned for violence on Jan. 6, initially expecting resistance from antifa. They texted family members during the mayhem, and then congratulated each other in the days after the riot, which temporarily halted the certification of the presidential election.
Mattice was a stay-at-home dad and Mault was an iron worker when they began texting on Jan. 2 about driving to President Donald Trump's "Stop the Steal" rally on Jan. 6, discussing taking pepper spray, helmets, a baton and a high-powered fire extinguisher with them. Once in D.C., court records show, Mattice recorded video of Mault on the National Mall saying they were "getting ready to go march on Capitol Hill. … It's about to be nuts."


sounds like a riot..
Adopt-a-Bear 2024

CLASS Junior
HT/WT 6' 3", 288 lbs

CLASS Sophomore
HT/WT 6' 3", 273 lbs
How long do you want to ignore this user?
4th and Inches said:

Osodecentx said:

4th and Inches said:

Osodecentx said:

4th and Inches said:

Don't you think AOC believes the Capitol police were working for Trump?
I don't assume anything, she told you the police officers let them in there's video evidence of as part of the Ashli Babbitt shooting with police officers with A.R.'s standing right there doing nothing as protesters vandalize the building. The police were doing little to repel them almost like they were instructed to.. Trump or Dem leadership, who am I to say
Go to this story. Police were striving mightily to repel violent protesters

N.Y. men who pepper-sprayed officers on Jan. 6 sentenced to 44 months
The men led the first wave through police barricades, then body-surfed to a Capitol entrance to cause more mayhem

Two New York state men who led a mob that overwhelmed police at the perimeter of the Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021 then bodysurfed over the top of the crowd at a building entrance and pepper-sprayed officers were both sentenced Friday to 44 months in prison.
Cody Mattice, 29, of Greece, N.Y., and James Mault, 30, of Brockport, N.Y., both wept as they stood before Chief U.S. District Judge Beryl A. Howell and asked for leniency, apologizing for their actions and saying they hoped to return soon to their families and young children. But Howell noted that prosecutors had already cut them a reasonable deal by dropping charges that could have led to far more prison time, and she imposed the sentences requested by the government. Only four other Jan. 6 defendants have been sentenced to longer prison terms.
Text messages obtained by the FBI showed that Mattice and Mault planned for violence on Jan. 6, initially expecting resistance from antifa. They texted family members during the mayhem, and then congratulated each other in the days after the riot, which temporarily halted the certification of the presidential election.
Mattice was a stay-at-home dad and Mault was an iron worker when they began texting on Jan. 2 about driving to President Donald Trump's "Stop the Steal" rally on Jan. 6, discussing taking pepper spray, helmets, a baton and a high-powered fire extinguisher with them. Once in D.C., court records show, Mattice recorded video of Mault on the National Mall saying they were "getting ready to go march on Capitol Hill. … It's about to be nuts."


sounds like a riot..
exactly. the J6 misinformationists are incapable of understanding that their posts over and over again refute their narrative.

44 months would be an unremarkable facet of the story it if the Antifa and BLM types had gotten the same treatment. As it stands, though, it merely proves the double standards of justice in America today.
How long do you want to ignore this user?
whiterock said:

4th and Inches said:

Osodecentx said:

4th and Inches said:

Osodecentx said:

4th and Inches said:

Don't you think AOC believes the Capitol police were working for Trump?
I don't assume anything, she told you the police officers let them in there's video evidence of as part of the Ashli Babbitt shooting with police officers with A.R.'s standing right there doing nothing as protesters vandalize the building. The police were doing little to repel them almost like they were instructed to.. Trump or Dem leadership, who am I to say
Go to this story. Police were striving mightily to repel violent protesters

N.Y. men who pepper-sprayed officers on Jan. 6 sentenced to 44 months
The men led the first wave through police barricades, then body-surfed to a Capitol entrance to cause more mayhem

Two New York state men who led a mob that overwhelmed police at the perimeter of the Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021 then bodysurfed over the top of the crowd at a building entrance and pepper-sprayed officers were both sentenced Friday to 44 months in prison.
Cody Mattice, 29, of Greece, N.Y., and James Mault, 30, of Brockport, N.Y., both wept as they stood before Chief U.S. District Judge Beryl A. Howell and asked for leniency, apologizing for their actions and saying they hoped to return soon to their families and young children. But Howell noted that prosecutors had already cut them a reasonable deal by dropping charges that could have led to far more prison time, and she imposed the sentences requested by the government. Only four other Jan. 6 defendants have been sentenced to longer prison terms.
Text messages obtained by the FBI showed that Mattice and Mault planned for violence on Jan. 6, initially expecting resistance from antifa. They texted family members during the mayhem, and then congratulated each other in the days after the riot, which temporarily halted the certification of the presidential election.
Mattice was a stay-at-home dad and Mault was an iron worker when they began texting on Jan. 2 about driving to President Donald Trump's "Stop the Steal" rally on Jan. 6, discussing taking pepper spray, helmets, a baton and a high-powered fire extinguisher with them. Once in D.C., court records show, Mattice recorded video of Mault on the National Mall saying they were "getting ready to go march on Capitol Hill. … It's about to be nuts."


sounds like a riot..
exactly. the J6 misinformationists are incapable of understanding that their posts over and over again refute their narrative.

44 months would be an unremarkable facet of the story it if the Antifa and BLM types had gotten the same treatment. As it stands, though, it merely proves the double standards of justice in America today.
I think there is a double standard and I don't defend the treatment of Antifa or BLM rioters.
Their treatment does not give the Capitol insurrectionists license to disrupt a Constitutionally mandated function of Congress. "Whataboutism" is strong in those arguments.
How long do you want to ignore this user?
Not nearly as strong as your refusal to challenge your bias and assumptions.
That which does not kill me, will try again and get nastier
How long do you want to ignore this user?
Osodecentx said:

whiterock said:

4th and Inches said:

Osodecentx said:

4th and Inches said:

Osodecentx said:

4th and Inches said:

Don't you think AOC believes the Capitol police were working for Trump?
I don't assume anything, she told you the police officers let them in there's video evidence of as part of the Ashli Babbitt shooting with police officers with A.R.'s standing right there doing nothing as protesters vandalize the building. The police were doing little to repel them almost like they were instructed to.. Trump or Dem leadership, who am I to say
Go to this story. Police were striving mightily to repel violent protesters

N.Y. men who pepper-sprayed officers on Jan. 6 sentenced to 44 months
The men led the first wave through police barricades, then body-surfed to a Capitol entrance to cause more mayhem

Two New York state men who led a mob that overwhelmed police at the perimeter of the Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021 then bodysurfed over the top of the crowd at a building entrance and pepper-sprayed officers were both sentenced Friday to 44 months in prison.
Cody Mattice, 29, of Greece, N.Y., and James Mault, 30, of Brockport, N.Y., both wept as they stood before Chief U.S. District Judge Beryl A. Howell and asked for leniency, apologizing for their actions and saying they hoped to return soon to their families and young children. But Howell noted that prosecutors had already cut them a reasonable deal by dropping charges that could have led to far more prison time, and she imposed the sentences requested by the government. Only four other Jan. 6 defendants have been sentenced to longer prison terms.
Text messages obtained by the FBI showed that Mattice and Mault planned for violence on Jan. 6, initially expecting resistance from antifa. They texted family members during the mayhem, and then congratulated each other in the days after the riot, which temporarily halted the certification of the presidential election.
Mattice was a stay-at-home dad and Mault was an iron worker when they began texting on Jan. 2 about driving to President Donald Trump's "Stop the Steal" rally on Jan. 6, discussing taking pepper spray, helmets, a baton and a high-powered fire extinguisher with them. Once in D.C., court records show, Mattice recorded video of Mault on the National Mall saying they were "getting ready to go march on Capitol Hill. … It's about to be nuts."


sounds like a riot..
exactly. the J6 misinformationists are incapable of understanding that their posts over and over again refute their narrative.

44 months would be an unremarkable facet of the story it if the Antifa and BLM types had gotten the same treatment. As it stands, though, it merely proves the double standards of justice in America today.
I think there is a double standard and I don't defend the treatment of Antifa or BLM rioters.
Their treatment does not give the Capitol insurrectionists license to disrupt a Constitutionally mandated function of Congress. "Whataboutism" is strong in those arguments.
I don't think anyone on here has said that those who broke in and disrupted Congress in session should be prosecuted. They had the right to peacefully demonstrate. They had the right to loud. They crossed the line storming the building. I have not heard or seen one person defend that action.

As for ANTIFA and BLM, the general perception is that those groups were not prosecuted or pursued with the same level of urgency as the Jan 6th people. Sam says that is not true. Seemed like the Summer of Love in Seattle and the holding of a public road and police substation went on for quite a while without anyone being prosecuted. Same with Federal Courthouse and the fires around the Country. In Kenosha, all we have heard only about Rittenhower. I think that is the discussion, why the different treatment? (I get the attack on Congress, but the others were either not prosecuted or not publicized.)
4th and Inches
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When the prosecute the FBI agents for the michigan shenanigans, I will get behind prosecuting Trump for bringing a mob to washington DC.

Until then, the people acted on their own and crossed a line on their own and should be prpsecuted for their acts.
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4th and Inches said:

When the prosecute the FBI agents for the michigan shenanigans, I will get behind prosecuting Trump for bringing a mob to washington DC.
What happened in Michigan?
4th and Inches
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Osodecentx said:

4th and Inches said:

When the prosecute the FBI agents for the michigan shenanigans, I will get behind prosecuting Trump for bringing a mob to washington DC.
What happened in Michigan?
The FBI was embarrassed by the outcome of the Mich Gov kidnapping federal trial that ended April of 2022, when jurors acquitted two alleged conspirators and failed to reach verdicts for the other two. It was a well-deserved rebuke of investigative methods that crossed the line between prevention and invention.

They literally created the problem..

Federal Judge Robert Jonker blocked defense attorneys from informing the jury of almost all the evidence of federal misconduct in the Whitmer case. Jury still sided with the defendants or failed to reach a verdict. The FBI and other federal agencies have been doing this stuff for years. they had as many as 12 informants that were paid to hatch and move the plan forward. The FBI paid people to create the problem.

Read "The Terror Factory: Inside the FBI's Manufactured War on Terrorism,"

Isnt it interesting we have a govt agency that is creating crime to solve it? If they stopped that, they could have enough free time to look into all the shady sh.. Hunter Biden been doing since his daddy was VP or all the insider trading the people in DC get away with..

Adopt-a-Bear 2024

CLASS Junior
HT/WT 6' 3", 288 lbs

CLASS Sophomore
HT/WT 6' 3", 273 lbs
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Osodecentx said:

whiterock said:

4th and Inches said:

Osodecentx said:

4th and Inches said:

Osodecentx said:

4th and Inches said:

Don't you think AOC believes the Capitol police were working for Trump?
I don't assume anything, she told you the police officers let them in there's video evidence of as part of the Ashli Babbitt shooting with police officers with A.R.'s standing right there doing nothing as protesters vandalize the building. The police were doing little to repel them almost like they were instructed to.. Trump or Dem leadership, who am I to say
Go to this story. Police were striving mightily to repel violent protesters

N.Y. men who pepper-sprayed officers on Jan. 6 sentenced to 44 months
The men led the first wave through police barricades, then body-surfed to a Capitol entrance to cause more mayhem

Two New York state men who led a mob that overwhelmed police at the perimeter of the Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021 then bodysurfed over the top of the crowd at a building entrance and pepper-sprayed officers were both sentenced Friday to 44 months in prison.
Cody Mattice, 29, of Greece, N.Y., and James Mault, 30, of Brockport, N.Y., both wept as they stood before Chief U.S. District Judge Beryl A. Howell and asked for leniency, apologizing for their actions and saying they hoped to return soon to their families and young children. But Howell noted that prosecutors had already cut them a reasonable deal by dropping charges that could have led to far more prison time, and she imposed the sentences requested by the government. Only four other Jan. 6 defendants have been sentenced to longer prison terms.
Text messages obtained by the FBI showed that Mattice and Mault planned for violence on Jan. 6, initially expecting resistance from antifa. They texted family members during the mayhem, and then congratulated each other in the days after the riot, which temporarily halted the certification of the presidential election.
Mattice was a stay-at-home dad and Mault was an iron worker when they began texting on Jan. 2 about driving to President Donald Trump's "Stop the Steal" rally on Jan. 6, discussing taking pepper spray, helmets, a baton and a high-powered fire extinguisher with them. Once in D.C., court records show, Mattice recorded video of Mault on the National Mall saying they were "getting ready to go march on Capitol Hill. … It's about to be nuts."


sounds like a riot..
exactly. the J6 misinformationists are incapable of understanding that their posts over and over again refute their narrative.

44 months would be an unremarkable facet of the story it if the Antifa and BLM types had gotten the same treatment. As it stands, though, it merely proves the double standards of justice in America today.
I think there is a double standard and I don't defend the treatment of Antifa or BLM rioters.
Their treatment does not give the Capitol insurrectionists license to disrupt a Constitutionally mandated function of Congress. "Whataboutism" is strong in those arguments.
Whataboutism is a word never heard unless liberals are caught in a hypocrisy.
Sam Lowry
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Osodecentx said:

4th and Inches said:

When the prosecute the FBI agents for the michigan shenanigans, I will get behind prosecuting Trump for bringing a mob to washington DC.
What happened in Michigan?
Some MAGA terrorists planned to kidnap the governor and start a civil war back in 2020. Two pleaded guilty, two were acquitted, and two are up for re-trial. Trumpkins drew the obvious conclusion -- that the rioters really weren't to blame for Jan. 6.
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4th and Inches said:

Osodecentx said:

4th and Inches said:

When the prosecute the FBI agents for the michigan shenanigans, I will get behind prosecuting Trump for bringing a mob to washington DC.
What happened in Michigan?
The FBI was embarrassed by the outcome of the Mich Gov kidnapping federal trial that ended April of 2022, when jurors acquitted two alleged conspirators and failed to reach verdicts for the other two. It was a well-deserved rebuke of investigative methods that crossed the line between prevention and invention.

They literally created the problem..

Federal Judge Robert Jonker blocked defense attorneys from informing the jury of almost all the evidence of federal misconduct in the Whitmer case. Jury still sided with the defendants or failed to reach a verdict. The FBI and other federal agencies have been doing this stuff for years. they had as many as 12 informants that were paid to hatch and move the plan forward. The FBI paid people to create the problem.
I trust juries. They don't always do what I think they should, but I'll defend juries.
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Sam Lowry said:

Osodecentx said:

4th and Inches said:

When the prosecute the FBI agents for the michigan shenanigans, I will get behind prosecuting Trump for bringing a mob to washington DC.
What happened in Michigan?
Some MAGA terrorists planned to kidnap the governor and start a civil war back in 2020. Two pleaded guilty, two were acquitted, and two are up for re-trial. Trumpkins drew the obvious conclusion -- that the rioters really weren't to blame for Jan. 6.
Are you just forgetting to mention the entrapment the Feds engaged in?

Even NPR admits it.

[The defense portrayed the four defendants as big talkers and pot smokers who were tricked into proceeding with their plans by an undercover informant working for the FBI. One defense attorney described the case as laced with marijuana smoke and mirrors. Defense attorney Michael Hill said the verdict shows the government overreached and lured the men into a conspiracy.

MICHAEL HILL: I think - what the FBI did is unconscionable is what I think. And I think the jury just sent them a message loud and clear that these tactics are not going to be - you know, we're not going to condone what they've done here.]

Sam Lowry
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Redbrickbear said:

Sam Lowry said:

Osodecentx said:

4th and Inches said:

When the prosecute the FBI agents for the michigan shenanigans, I will get behind prosecuting Trump for bringing a mob to washington DC.
What happened in Michigan?
Some MAGA terrorists planned to kidnap the governor and start a civil war back in 2020. Two pleaded guilty, two were acquitted, and two are up for re-trial. Trumpkins drew the obvious conclusion -- that the rioters really weren't to blame for Jan. 6.
Are you just forgetting to mention the entrapment the Feds engaged in?
That will be for the jury to decide. The defense moved for dismissal on those grounds, but it was denied.
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Sam Lowry said:

Redbrickbear said:

Sam Lowry said:

Osodecentx said:

4th and Inches said:

When the prosecute the FBI agents for the michigan shenanigans, I will get behind prosecuting Trump for bringing a mob to washington DC.
What happened in Michigan?
Some MAGA terrorists planned to kidnap the governor and start a civil war back in 2020. Two pleaded guilty, two were acquitted, and two are up for re-trial. Trumpkins drew the obvious conclusion -- that the rioters really weren't to blame for Jan. 6.
Are you just forgetting to mention the entrapment the Feds engaged in?
That will be for the jury to decide. The defense moved for dismissal on those grounds, but it was denied.
So Sam, you bring up a good point.

If nobody is charged after the Commission will you admit the Trump Administration is not culpable for the Jan 6th riots?

If they can't find evidence to bring charges against Trump will you admit he was not trying to overthrow they Government?

I have always said, if he is guilty prosecute. If he is found guilty in a trial. I will be the first to say lock him up. Will you stand up if he isn't???
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