Jan 6 committee

147,132 Views | 3026 Replies | Last: 10 mo ago by Harrison Bergeron
Sam Lowry
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4th and Inches said:

Sam Lowry said:

4th and Inches said:

Sam Lowry said:

4th and Inches said:

Sam Lowry said:

4th and Inches said:

Guy Noir said:

ScottS said:

Cobretti said:

She's a fraud. Her days are numbered.
What makes her a fraud? You do not back up your opinion with facts. She has taken a stand to the detriment of her political position.
she purposefully left off words of the text to change the context- fed definition of a fraud is one who knew or should have known and acted in reckless disreguard for the truth.. she knew and presented the material information in a very biased way. How can you make a choice if you are not presented with the facts. Altered/edited video, out of context/edited quotes. She is not the hero of democracy you claim.

She is a dirty prosecuter hiding vital info from the jury and the defense gets not opportunity to cross or present opposing evidence..
LOL at the old "selective editing" defense...the last refuge of a scoundrel.
LoL at you thinking its ok.. The prosecuter shows your client in a certain light for the jury and you sit there like its fine.. awesome, i have nothing but pity for anyone you represent as a lawyer.

Truth is nobody watched it.. less than Biden's SOTU address.. less than the standard nightly news.. early polling is showing a 7 percent decline in people who think Trump caused jan 6th vs this time in 2021
I have nothing but pity for you if you think the additional context puts Trump in a better light. As a lawyer I would love to see Trump's defenders walk into that trap.

There are times when deceptive editing is a legitimate issue. Other times, like now, it's a scattershot defense born out of desperation.
blah blah blah, its ok cause.. Trump
Deceptive editing isn't "okay." What you don't realize is that the MAGA obsession with Ray Epps doesn't automatically make him relevant to anything and everything. What would including him in the presentation prove, exactly?

"Oh look, there's footage of a person who was the subject of a long debunked conspiracy theory that's still being pushed by the lunatic fringe. What do you say to that, Rep. Cheney?"

Good luck with that.

Your denials cost you credibility..

A lawyer who has argued in front of scotus had this to say about videos played during the hearing..

"They edited things out. If a prosecutor ever did that, they could be disbarred. You can't present part of the tape and deliberately omit the rest of the tape in order to mislead the audience."

Seems altering evidence is more important than you state

jan 5th he proclaimed we are going into the capital. Jan 6th he is seen at the capital whispering in a persons ear and then suddenly there is a push by the crowd lead by the guy who got whispered to..

Ray epps is not a conspiracy theory, there is an obvious connection that is being withheld. Plenty of others in jail for same or less..

There are probably hundreds of hours of footage. You can most certainly present part of a tape and deliberately omit the rest; otherwise the hearings would never end.

Doing so in order to mislead is of course different. But the burden is on you to show that. "Selective editing blah blah blah" doesn't cut it.
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Stalinist Sam naturally sees nothing wrong with framing the accused, using Big Media to do it.

Sad, really, to see how many people are fine with denying rights to individuals and groups simply because of image or style.

I don't think there are many of us here who would want Donald Trump for a next-door neighbor or who approve of his romantic choices over the years, but the plain fact is that accident or plan, his policies as President were not only smart and effective, but very much needed to counter the damage done by Obama's time in office.

Yet some people are so obsessed with Trump's personal style, that they are OK with altering facts to create a false image of criminal behavior, solely to hurt him politically. The same people who lie about how they are defending 'Democracy', refuse to let Trump's political future be decided by the voters, should he run again in 2024.

There are a number of people here who dare not look hard into a mirror, much less a history book.
That which does not kill me, will try again and get nastier
Sam Lowry
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Republicans opted out of the hearings and spun it as if they'd been excluded. Predictably, you fell for it.
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Sam Lowry said:

Republicans opted out of the hearings and spun it as if they'd been excluded. Predictably, you fell for it.
There's some "spin" here also in your first sentence.

Personally, I wish Congress had impeached Trump to exclude him from running again, which appears to be the real intent of the committee. The intent is not to truly investigate all aspects of the riot since there has been no real cross-examination of witnesses and evidence. They are only writing a chosen narrative, which is "pin this on Trump". In reality, his culpability is tough, if not impossible, to deny, even if he personally didn't initiate it. He could have defused the mess and did the opposite.
Forest Bueller
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Booray said:

Guy Noir said:

Mothra said:

Guy Noir said:

Mothra said:

Guy Noir said:

I watched the hearing and I am surprised because.
1. People still support Trump even though he aligns himself with White Supremacist groups.
2. Trump did incite the protests with his public communications.
3. Some people downplay an attack on Congress.

I have been a Republican all my life but I cannot support any candidate aligned with Trump. I cannot support the Democratic Candidates either.

Then you deserve ****ty govt that's the antithesis of conservative values.
What conservative values are you talking about? Are you talking about spending. Trump did nothing to balance the budget. Are you talking about monetary policy? Trump applied pressure on Powell to keep interest rates low and kept the Obama quantitative easing policy in place. I believe this is some of the foundation that has brought us high inflation, now. I realize the Democrats have kicked spending into high gear causing high inflation to become an acute problem, but Trump did contribute a little to the problem.

Mothra, you have presented very few facts and a lot of biased opinion. Did you watch the hearing? Liz Cheney has shown integrity the last several months. Standing up for the truth of this event will cost her politically. When you label her a war monger like her father that is a cheap and untrue argument.

Are you seriously trying to argue that the country under Biden hasn't taken a serious turn to the left? Do I really need to point out the obvious for you? It shocks me how glib some of you are. Here ya go:

Our borders are basically open right now. Biden is doing nothing to stop the influx. Zero. Trump at the very least tried to make it more difficult. Biden is simply saying come on over. We've had a city the size of Dallas cross the border since Biden took office.

Spending is out of control. You thought Trump was bad, let's talk about the handouts under Biden. Let's talk about build back better. Pork and more pork. It's out of control.

Energy policy has been a total disaster. Biden is not allowing new drilling. He's shutting down pipelines. He's allowing OPEC to dictate supply. As a result we have our highest gas prices ever. Ever.

How about transgender rights. His first couple of weeks in office Biden signs an executive order forcing schools to allow transgender athletes to compete against biological women.

Let's talk foreign policy. Trump adhered to the old Reagan adage of walking softly and carrying a big stick. With Biden, we've already had our fall of Saigon moment in Afghanistan with that disastrous pull out. North Korea is testing nuclear weapons again. And we are closer to war with Russia than at any point since the 80s. It's 1980 all over again.

And of course there are the labor shortages, the food shortages, the gas shortages - it's basically Carter 2.0.

Now tell me something, Guy. Did I really have to point these things out for you? Are you really paying that little attention to what's going on in the world around you? Surely you knew all of the above, right? You're not this glib.

I am no fan of trump and agree with you he was not fiscal conservative. But any conservative who thinks his policies weren't far superior to the current liberal **** show has his head up his ass. Either you are simply not paying a lick of attention or you're just not a conservative.

As for Cheney, she was one of her father's - a bloodthirsty warmonger and liar who got us into the Iraq war - biggest cheerleaders. She has defended him and the Iraq war on numerous occasions. Do a quick google search. There are numerous interviews of her on this subject.

I am thankful that she doesn't have a chance in hell of ever being president.

I have never stated any support for the current administration. I prefer Republican Policies over the current "Progressive" programs.

I am a fiscal conservative. I am not sure what the conservative platform is anymore. If it is white supremacy, then I do not support that. The Jan 6th event is separate from the Biden Administration Activities.

I think the January 6th events were a serious challenge to the USA Federal Government election process. If Trump would have gotten Pence to throw out the election results while using the riots as a statement of public opinion to justify stopping the transfer of power we might still be waiting to have a new election. Trump could have remained in power for an indeterminate amount of time. (Didn't this happen in Venezuela?)

I ask for the 3rd time. Did you watch the hearing? or did you have your mind already made up. It was a well presented argument.

Unlike you, Mothra is willing to trade democracy for comfort. When democracy results in policies that hurt his pocket book or offend his religious views he becomes ok with the idea of stealing the government.

Unfortunately, the country currently has about 50 million Mothra's.

This is simply talking points. Mothra is a common sense guy. The party wanting to stack the courts, end the filibu
ster, enact CRT, over work climate change, has members who are serious about socialism, for unlimited abortion up to birth. And had all the major networks in their pockets so they can spew Nazi level propaganda is a much great risk to end our representive Republic. It's not even close. There is nothing democratic about the Democratic party.

Trump is a thing of the past. Thankfully he will never be president again.
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Aliceinbubbleland said:

Mothra said:

Alice just curious - when's the last time you voted Republican in a presidential election?

Just testing a theory I have about the posters eating up this partisan political theater. Thanks in advance.
99% GOP in Harris Co forever. McCain in Presidential. Never voted for Democrat in Presidential in my life.

Thanks. Never Trumper then who was cool with a HRC and Biden presidency?

My theory is correct, it appears.
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I hope you are correct about Trump, and hold that conviction about our most recent leadership, most of whom have been about agendas and mandates versus leadership in the best interests of the republic for the succeeding generations.
Whiskey Pete
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Mothra said:

Booray said:

Guy Noir said:

Mothra said:

Guy Noir said:

Mothra said:

Guy Noir said:

I watched the hearing and I am surprised because.
1. People still support Trump even though he aligns himself with White Supremacist groups.
2. Trump did incite the protests with his public communications.
3. Some people downplay an attack on Congress.

I have been a Republican all my life but I cannot support any candidate aligned with Trump. I cannot support the Democratic Candidates either.

Then you deserve ****ty govt that's the antithesis of conservative values.
What conservative values are you talking about? Are you talking about spending. Trump did nothing to balance the budget. Are you talking about monetary policy? Trump applied pressure on Powell to keep interest rates low and kept the Obama quantitative easing policy in place. I believe this is some of the foundation that has brought us high inflation, now. I realize the Democrats have kicked spending into high gear causing high inflation to become an acute problem, but Trump did contribute a little to the problem.

Mothra, you have presented very few facts and a lot of biased opinion. Did you watch the hearing? Liz Cheney has shown integrity the last several months. Standing up for the truth of this event will cost her politically. When you label her a war monger like her father that is a cheap and untrue argument.

Are you seriously trying to argue that the country under Biden hasn't taken a serious turn to the left? Do I really need to point out the obvious for you? It shocks me how glib some of you are. Here ya go:

Our borders are basically open right now. Biden is doing nothing to stop the influx. Zero. Trump at the very least tried to make it more difficult. Biden is simply saying come on over. We've had a city the size of Dallas cross the border since Biden took office.

Spending is out of control. You thought Trump was bad, let's talk about the handouts under Biden. Let's talk about build back better. Pork and more pork. It's out of control.

Energy policy has been a total disaster. Biden is not allowing new drilling. He's shutting down pipelines. He's allowing OPEC to dictate supply. As a result we have our highest gas prices ever. Ever.

How about transgender rights. His first couple of weeks in office Biden signs an executive order forcing schools to allow transgender athletes to compete against biological women.

Let's talk foreign policy. Trump adhered to the old Reagan adage of walking softly and carrying a big stick. With Biden, we've already had our fall of Saigon moment in Afghanistan with that disastrous pull out. North Korea is testing nuclear weapons again. And we are closer to war with Russia than at any point since the 80s. It's 1980 all over again.

And of course there are the labor shortages, the food shortages, the gas shortages - it's basically Carter 2.0.

Now tell me something, Guy. Did I really have to point these things out for you? Are you really paying that little attention to what's going on in the world around you? Surely you knew all of the above, right? You're not this glib.

I am no fan of trump and agree with you he was not fiscal conservative. But any conservative who thinks his policies weren't far superior to the current liberal **** show has his head up his ass. Either you are simply not paying a lick of attention or you're just not a conservative.

As for Cheney, she was one of her father's - a bloodthirsty warmonger and liar who got us into the Iraq war - biggest cheerleaders. She has defended him and the Iraq war on numerous occasions. Do a quick google search. There are numerous interviews of her on this subject.

I am thankful that she doesn't have a chance in hell of ever being president.

I have never stated any support for the current administration. I prefer Republican Policies over the current "Progressive" programs.

I am a fiscal conservative. I am not sure what the conservative platform is anymore. If it is white supremacy, then I do not support that. The Jan 6th event is separate from the Biden Administration Activities.

I think the January 6th events were a serious challenge to the USA Federal Government election process. If Trump would have gotten Pence to throw out the election results while using the riots as a statement of public opinion to justify stopping the transfer of power we might still be waiting to have a new election. Trump could have remained in power for an indeterminate amount of time. (Didn't this happen in Venezuela?)

I ask for the 3rd time. Did you watch the hearing? or did you have your mind already made up. It was a well presented argument.

Unlike you, Mothra is willing to trade democracy for comfort. When democracy results in policies that hurt his pocket book or offend his religious views he becomes ok with the idea of stealing the government.

Unfortunately, the country currently has about 50 million Mothra's.
What are you talking about? I think what Trump did on January 6th was despicable. I've said his attempts to subvert the election results should ruin any future political aspirations. I've said I hope he leaves and never returns. I literally cannot stand the man.

The point I was making with Guy Noir was different. I was responding to his point about not being able to vote for republicans in the near future, why voting for trump the last election cycle was the right thing to do for conservatives. And we are seeing why I was right with each passing day, given the **** show you voted for.

You are clearly confused.
He's not confused. He's just another dishonest troll looking for bananas
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Forest Bueller said:

Booray said:

Guy Noir said:

Mothra said:

Guy Noir said:

Mothra said:

Guy Noir said:

I watched the hearing and I am surprised because.
1. People still support Trump even though he aligns himself with White Supremacist groups.
2. Trump did incite the protests with his public communications.
3. Some people downplay an attack on Congress.

I have been a Republican all my life but I cannot support any candidate aligned with Trump. I cannot support the Democratic Candidates either.

Then you deserve ****ty govt that's the antithesis of conservative values.
What conservative values are you talking about? Are you talking about spending. Trump did nothing to balance the budget. Are you talking about monetary policy? Trump applied pressure on Powell to keep interest rates low and kept the Obama quantitative easing policy in place. I believe this is some of the foundation that has brought us high inflation, now. I realize the Democrats have kicked spending into high gear causing high inflation to become an acute problem, but Trump did contribute a little to the problem.

Mothra, you have presented very few facts and a lot of biased opinion. Did you watch the hearing? Liz Cheney has shown integrity the last several months. Standing up for the truth of this event will cost her politically. When you label her a war monger like her father that is a cheap and untrue argument.

Are you seriously trying to argue that the country under Biden hasn't taken a serious turn to the left? Do I really need to point out the obvious for you? It shocks me how glib some of you are. Here ya go:

Our borders are basically open right now. Biden is doing nothing to stop the influx. Zero. Trump at the very least tried to make it more difficult. Biden is simply saying come on over. We've had a city the size of Dallas cross the border since Biden took office.

Spending is out of control. You thought Trump was bad, let's talk about the handouts under Biden. Let's talk about build back better. Pork and more pork. It's out of control.

Energy policy has been a total disaster. Biden is not allowing new drilling. He's shutting down pipelines. He's allowing OPEC to dictate supply. As a result we have our highest gas prices ever. Ever.

How about transgender rights. His first couple of weeks in office Biden signs an executive order forcing schools to allow transgender athletes to compete against biological women.

Let's talk foreign policy. Trump adhered to the old Reagan adage of walking softly and carrying a big stick. With Biden, we've already had our fall of Saigon moment in Afghanistan with that disastrous pull out. North Korea is testing nuclear weapons again. And we are closer to war with Russia than at any point since the 80s. It's 1980 all over again.

And of course there are the labor shortages, the food shortages, the gas shortages - it's basically Carter 2.0.

Now tell me something, Guy. Did I really have to point these things out for you? Are you really paying that little attention to what's going on in the world around you? Surely you knew all of the above, right? You're not this glib.

I am no fan of trump and agree with you he was not fiscal conservative. But any conservative who thinks his policies weren't far superior to the current liberal **** show has his head up his ass. Either you are simply not paying a lick of attention or you're just not a conservative.

As for Cheney, she was one of her father's - a bloodthirsty warmonger and liar who got us into the Iraq war - biggest cheerleaders. She has defended him and the Iraq war on numerous occasions. Do a quick google search. There are numerous interviews of her on this subject.

I am thankful that she doesn't have a chance in hell of ever being president.

I have never stated any support for the current administration. I prefer Republican Policies over the current "Progressive" programs.

I am a fiscal conservative. I am not sure what the conservative platform is anymore. If it is white supremacy, then I do not support that. The Jan 6th event is separate from the Biden Administration Activities.

I think the January 6th events were a serious challenge to the USA Federal Government election process. If Trump would have gotten Pence to throw out the election results while using the riots as a statement of public opinion to justify stopping the transfer of power we might still be waiting to have a new election. Trump could have remained in power for an indeterminate amount of time. (Didn't this happen in Venezuela?)

I ask for the 3rd time. Did you watch the hearing? or did you have your mind already made up. It was a well presented argument.

Unlike you, Mothra is willing to trade democracy for comfort. When democracy results in policies that hurt his pocket book or offend his religious views he becomes ok with the idea of stealing the government.

Unfortunately, the country currently has about 50 million Mothra's.

This is simply talking points. Mothra is a common sense guy. The party wanting to stack the courts, end the filibu
ster, enact CRT, over work climate change, has members who are serious about socialism, for unlimited abortion up to birth. And had all the major networks in their pockets so they can spew Nazi level propaganda is a much great risk to end our representive Republic. It's not even close. There is nothing democratic about the Democratic party.

Trump is a thing of the past. Thankfully he will never be president again.

The party that wants to end the filibuster and stack the Court hasn't tried to do those things. But the monster is still under your bed, I guess.
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Mothra said:

Aliceinbubbleland said:

Mothra said:

Alice just curious - when's the last time you voted Republican in a presidential election?

Just testing a theory I have about the posters eating up this partisan political theater. Thanks in advance.
99% GOP in Harris Co forever. McCain in Presidential. Never voted for Democrat in Presidential in my life.

Thanks. Never Trumper then who was cool with a HRC and Biden presidency?

My theory is correct, it appears.
You are incorrect. Never cool with HRC or Biden. I'd like an intelligent candidate like Mark Cuban or Musk but that's never going to happen. We're stuck with professional politicians.

Edited: I was never a Never Trumper until the last year of his office. I liked his policies. Once he fired Rex Tillerson I was through with Trump.
Astros in Home Stretch Geaux Texans
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Aliceinbubbleland said:

Mothra said:

Aliceinbubbleland said:

Mothra said:

Alice just curious - when's the last time you voted Republican in a presidential election?

Just testing a theory I have about the posters eating up this partisan political theater. Thanks in advance.
99% GOP in Harris Co forever. McCain in Presidential. Never voted for Democrat in Presidential in my life.

Thanks. Never Trumper then who was cool with a HRC and Biden presidency?

My theory is correct, it appears.
You are incorrect. Never cool with HRC or Biden. I'd like an intelligent candidate like Mark Cuban or Musk but that's never going to happen. We're stuck with professional politicians.

Edited: I was never a Never Trumper until the last year of his office. I liked his policies. Once he fired Rex Tillerson I was through with Trump.

So you voted for Trump the first time

Every smart conservative I know realized Trump was far superior to HRC and Biden. What happened with you?
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I skipped 2016 Presidential election but voted for others on ballot. Congress is much more important to me than a President.
Astros in Home Stretch Geaux Texans
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Rawhide said:

Mothra said:

Booray said:

Guy Noir said:

Mothra said:

Guy Noir said:

Mothra said:

Guy Noir said:

I watched the hearing and I am surprised because.
1. People still support Trump even though he aligns himself with White Supremacist groups.
2. Trump did incite the protests with his public communications.
3. Some people downplay an attack on Congress.

I have been a Republican all my life but I cannot support any candidate aligned with Trump. I cannot support the Democratic Candidates either.

Then you deserve ****ty govt that's the antithesis of conservative values.
What conservative values are you talking about? Are you talking about spending. Trump did nothing to balance the budget. Are you talking about monetary policy? Trump applied pressure on Powell to keep interest rates low and kept the Obama quantitative easing policy in place. I believe this is some of the foundation that has brought us high inflation, now. I realize the Democrats have kicked spending into high gear causing high inflation to become an acute problem, but Trump did contribute a little to the problem.

Mothra, you have presented very few facts and a lot of biased opinion. Did you watch the hearing? Liz Cheney has shown integrity the last several months. Standing up for the truth of this event will cost her politically. When you label her a war monger like her father that is a cheap and untrue argument.

Are you seriously trying to argue that the country under Biden hasn't taken a serious turn to the left? Do I really need to point out the obvious for you? It shocks me how glib some of you are. Here ya go:

Our borders are basically open right now. Biden is doing nothing to stop the influx. Zero. Trump at the very least tried to make it more difficult. Biden is simply saying come on over. We've had a city the size of Dallas cross the border since Biden took office.

Spending is out of control. You thought Trump was bad, let's talk about the handouts under Biden. Let's talk about build back better. Pork and more pork. It's out of control.

Energy policy has been a total disaster. Biden is not allowing new drilling. He's shutting down pipelines. He's allowing OPEC to dictate supply. As a result we have our highest gas prices ever. Ever.

How about transgender rights. His first couple of weeks in office Biden signs an executive order forcing schools to allow transgender athletes to compete against biological women.

Let's talk foreign policy. Trump adhered to the old Reagan adage of walking softly and carrying a big stick. With Biden, we've already had our fall of Saigon moment in Afghanistan with that disastrous pull out. North Korea is testing nuclear weapons again. And we are closer to war with Russia than at any point since the 80s. It's 1980 all over again.

And of course there are the labor shortages, the food shortages, the gas shortages - it's basically Carter 2.0.

Now tell me something, Guy. Did I really have to point these things out for you? Are you really paying that little attention to what's going on in the world around you? Surely you knew all of the above, right? You're not this glib.

I am no fan of trump and agree with you he was not fiscal conservative. But any conservative who thinks his policies weren't far superior to the current liberal **** show has his head up his ass. Either you are simply not paying a lick of attention or you're just not a conservative.

As for Cheney, she was one of her father's - a bloodthirsty warmonger and liar who got us into the Iraq war - biggest cheerleaders. She has defended him and the Iraq war on numerous occasions. Do a quick google search. There are numerous interviews of her on this subject.

I am thankful that she doesn't have a chance in hell of ever being president.

I have never stated any support for the current administration. I prefer Republican Policies over the current "Progressive" programs.

I am a fiscal conservative. I am not sure what the conservative platform is anymore. If it is white supremacy, then I do not support that. The Jan 6th event is separate from the Biden Administration Activities.

I think the January 6th events were a serious challenge to the USA Federal Government election process. If Trump would have gotten Pence to throw out the election results while using the riots as a statement of public opinion to justify stopping the transfer of power we might still be waiting to have a new election. Trump could have remained in power for an indeterminate amount of time. (Didn't this happen in Venezuela?)

I ask for the 3rd time. Did you watch the hearing? or did you have your mind already made up. It was a well presented argument.

Unlike you, Mothra is willing to trade democracy for comfort. When democracy results in policies that hurt his pocket book or offend his religious views he becomes ok with the idea of stealing the government.

Unfortunately, the country currently has about 50 million Mothra's.
What are you talking about? I think what Trump did on January 6th was despicable. I've said his attempts to subvert the election results should ruin any future political aspirations. I've said I hope he leaves and never returns. I literally cannot stand the man.

The point I was making with Guy Noir was different. I was responding to his point about not being able to vote for republicans in the near future, why voting for trump the last election cycle was the right thing to do for conservatives. And we are seeing why I was right with each passing day, given the **** show you voted for.

You are clearly confused.
He's not confused. He's just another dishonest troll looking for bananas

Booray used to be one of the more honest and reasonable posters. Apparently Trump has deranged him as well.
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Aliceinbubbleland said:

I skipped 2016 Presidential election but voted for others on ballot. Congress is much more important to me than a President.

We are seeing with the executive orders that's no longer the case.

So as a conservative, you really thought Biden and Hillary would have been preferable to Trump? You were cool with a liberal Supreme Court?

Wow. Your kind fascinate me. There's no logic to any of your positions.
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Mothra said:

Rawhide said:

Mothra said:

Booray said:

Guy Noir said:

Mothra said:

Guy Noir said:

Mothra said:

Guy Noir said:

I watched the hearing and I am surprised because.
1. People still support Trump even though he aligns himself with White Supremacist groups.
2. Trump did incite the protests with his public communications.
3. Some people downplay an attack on Congress.

I have been a Republican all my life but I cannot support any candidate aligned with Trump. I cannot support the Democratic Candidates either.

Then you deserve ****ty govt that's the antithesis of conservative values.
What conservative values are you talking about? Are you talking about spending. Trump did nothing to balance the budget. Are you talking about monetary policy? Trump applied pressure on Powell to keep interest rates low and kept the Obama quantitative easing policy in place. I believe this is some of the foundation that has brought us high inflation, now. I realize the Democrats have kicked spending into high gear causing high inflation to become an acute problem, but Trump did contribute a little to the problem.

Mothra, you have presented very few facts and a lot of biased opinion. Did you watch the hearing? Liz Cheney has shown integrity the last several months. Standing up for the truth of this event will cost her politically. When you label her a war monger like her father that is a cheap and untrue argument.

Are you seriously trying to argue that the country under Biden hasn't taken a serious turn to the left? Do I really need to point out the obvious for you? It shocks me how glib some of you are. Here ya go:

Our borders are basically open right now. Biden is doing nothing to stop the influx. Zero. Trump at the very least tried to make it more difficult. Biden is simply saying come on over. We've had a city the size of Dallas cross the border since Biden took office.

Spending is out of control. You thought Trump was bad, let's talk about the handouts under Biden. Let's talk about build back better. Pork and more pork. It's out of control.

Energy policy has been a total disaster. Biden is not allowing new drilling. He's shutting down pipelines. He's allowing OPEC to dictate supply. As a result we have our highest gas prices ever. Ever.

How about transgender rights. His first couple of weeks in office Biden signs an executive order forcing schools to allow transgender athletes to compete against biological women.

Let's talk foreign policy. Trump adhered to the old Reagan adage of walking softly and carrying a big stick. With Biden, we've already had our fall of Saigon moment in Afghanistan with that disastrous pull out. North Korea is testing nuclear weapons again. And we are closer to war with Russia than at any point since the 80s. It's 1980 all over again.

And of course there are the labor shortages, the food shortages, the gas shortages - it's basically Carter 2.0.

Now tell me something, Guy. Did I really have to point these things out for you? Are you really paying that little attention to what's going on in the world around you? Surely you knew all of the above, right? You're not this glib.

I am no fan of trump and agree with you he was not fiscal conservative. But any conservative who thinks his policies weren't far superior to the current liberal **** show has his head up his ass. Either you are simply not paying a lick of attention or you're just not a conservative.

As for Cheney, she was one of her father's - a bloodthirsty warmonger and liar who got us into the Iraq war - biggest cheerleaders. She has defended him and the Iraq war on numerous occasions. Do a quick google search. There are numerous interviews of her on this subject.

I am thankful that she doesn't have a chance in hell of ever being president.

I have never stated any support for the current administration. I prefer Republican Policies over the current "Progressive" programs.

I am a fiscal conservative. I am not sure what the conservative platform is anymore. If it is white supremacy, then I do not support that. The Jan 6th event is separate from the Biden Administration Activities.

I think the January 6th events were a serious challenge to the USA Federal Government election process. If Trump would have gotten Pence to throw out the election results while using the riots as a statement of public opinion to justify stopping the transfer of power we might still be waiting to have a new election. Trump could have remained in power for an indeterminate amount of time. (Didn't this happen in Venezuela?)

I ask for the 3rd time. Did you watch the hearing? or did you have your mind already made up. It was a well presented argument.

Unlike you, Mothra is willing to trade democracy for comfort. When democracy results in policies that hurt his pocket book or offend his religious views he becomes ok with the idea of stealing the government.

Unfortunately, the country currently has about 50 million Mothra's.
What are you talking about? I think what Trump did on January 6th was despicable. I've said his attempts to subvert the election results should ruin any future political aspirations. I've said I hope he leaves and never returns. I literally cannot stand the man.

The point I was making with Guy Noir was different. I was responding to his point about not being able to vote for republicans in the near future, why voting for trump the last election cycle was the right thing to do for conservatives. And we are seeing why I was right with each passing day, given the **** show you voted for.

You are clearly confused.
He's not confused. He's just another dishonest troll looking for bananas

Booray used to be one of the more honest and reasonable posters. Apparently Trump has deranged him as well.
When the heck was that?
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Sam Lowry said:

Republicans opted out of the hearings and spun it as if they'd been excluded. Predictably, you fell for it.

House leadership of a party always gets to choose who gets to sit on a committee.

GOP leadership turned in their names on who they would appoint to serve and Nancy Pelosi refused to seat them.

Huge breach of House rules, procedure, and tradition.


Sam Lowry
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Redbrickbear said:

Sam Lowry said:

Republicans opted out of the hearings and spun it as if they'd been excluded. Predictably, you fell for it.

House leadership of a party always gets to choose who gets to sit on a committee.

GOP leadership turned in their names on who they would appoint to serve and Nancy Pelosi refused to seat them.

Huge breach of House rules, procedure, and tradition.


It's all there in your link. She rejected only two of the five, as is her prerogative. At least one of them was likely to be a material witness and therefore not an appropriate choice. McCarthy seized on the excuse to take his ball and go home.
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Mothra said:

Aliceinbubbleland said:

I skipped 2016 Presidential election but voted for others on ballot. Congress is much more important to me than a President.

Last time I read the Constitution Congress has the power to approve SCOTUS nominees, not the President.

Astros in Home Stretch Geaux Texans
4th and Inches
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Redbrickbear said:

Sam Lowry said:

Republicans opted out of the hearings and spun it as if they'd been excluded. Predictably, you fell for it.

House leadership of a party always gets to choose who gets to sit on a committee.

GOP leadership turned in their names on who they would appoint to serve and Nancy Pelosi refused to seat them.

Huge breach of House rules, procedure, and tradition.


fixed it
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@Mothra. I doubt we are that far apart except on one guy.

Dislike HRC. Check
Dislike Biden's policies. Check
Dislike California type Liberals. Check
Dislike open borders. Check
Really really really dislike AOC, Ilhan, Chuck and Adam. Check

Where we really most likely disagree:

Abortion: between a dad and a mom and no one else. I do not approve but it is not my business. I hate the government dragging itself into any social situation.

NRA: No one needs AR's other than law enforcement. No one's children should be gunned down by a nut.

Astros in Home Stretch Geaux Texans
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Sam Lowry said:

Redbrickbear said:

Sam Lowry said:

Republicans opted out of the hearings and spun it as if they'd been excluded. Predictably, you fell for it.

House leadership of a party always gets to choose who gets to sit on a committee.

GOP leadership turned in their names on who they would appoint to serve and Nancy Pelosi refused to seat them.

Huge breach of House rules, procedure, and tradition.


It's all there in your link. She rejected only two of the five, as is her prerogative. At least one of them was likely to be a material witness and therefore not an appropriate choice. McCarthy seized on the excuse to take his ball and go home.

She rejected them because they were the least likely to be lap dogs.

You can't reject any opposition politician that will put up a fight and then say you were being fair.

The Dems would never have participated in a similar situation (and should not have)

And again the rules and tradition of the house were breached by Pelosi doing that….if she want her hearing bi-partisan then follow the rules as they have been for more than a century.
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Aliceinbubbleland said:

Mothra said:

Aliceinbubbleland said:

I skipped 2016 Presidential election but voted for others on ballot. Congress is much more important to me than a President.

Last time I read the Constitution Congress has the power to approve SCOTUS nominees, not the President.

That's a cop out. President chooses the nominee. And typically a president is going to choose a nominee more closely aligned with his politics. You know this.
Sam Lowry
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Redbrickbear said:

Sam Lowry said:

Redbrickbear said:

Sam Lowry said:

Republicans opted out of the hearings and spun it as if they'd been excluded. Predictably, you fell for it.

House leadership of a party always gets to choose who gets to sit on a committee.

GOP leadership turned in their names on who they would appoint to serve and Nancy Pelosi refused to seat them.

Huge breach of House rules, procedure, and tradition.


It's all there in your link. She rejected only two of the five, as is her prerogative. At least one of them was likely to be a material witness and therefore not an appropriate choice. McCarthy seized on the excuse to take his ball and go home.

She rejected them because they were the least likely to be lap dogs.

You can't reject any opposition politician that will put up a fight and then say you were being fair.

The Dems would never have participated in a similar situation (and should not have)
Troy Nehls isn't a lapdog. He voted against certification. Unlike Jim Jordan, he wasn't caught lying about his actions on Jan. 6. If Jordan is the most qualified person the GOP can choose for the committee, they should probably get their own corrupt house in order before doing anything else. They could have had an independent commission, but they blocked it. They could have had members on the committee, but they blocked that too. This is on them.
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Aliceinbubbleland said:

@Mothra. I doubt we are that far apart except on one guy.

Dislike HRC. Check
Dislike Biden's policies. Check
Dislike California type Liberals. Check
Dislike open borders. Check
Really really really dislike AOC, Ilhan, Chuck and Adam. Check

Where we really most likely disagree:

Abortion: between a dad and a mom and no one else. I do not approve but it is not my business. I hate the government dragging itself into any social situation.

NRA: No one needs AR's other than law enforcement. No one's children should be gunned down by a nut.

Agree. We are farthest apart on abortion, which I believe should be left to the states.

Believe it or not we are probably not that far apart on guns.

I think the difference between us is pragmatism. We both disliked Trump and realized he's not all that conservative. However, I realized that Biden was the much worse evil and therefore held my nose and voted for the d bag.

And with each passing day, that decision has proven the right decision and those who sat it out - the wrong decision. I hope you'll remember that and vote Republican next time.
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Redbrickbear said:

Sam Lowry said:

Redbrickbear said:

Sam Lowry said:

Republicans opted out of the hearings and spun it as if they'd been excluded. Predictably, you fell for it.

House leadership of a party always gets to choose who gets to sit on a committee.

GOP leadership turned in their names on who they would appoint to serve and Nancy Pelosi refused to seat them.

Huge breach of House rules, procedure, and tradition.


It's all there in your link. She rejected only two of the five, as is her prerogative. At least one of them was likely to be a material witness and therefore not an appropriate choice. McCarthy seized on the excuse to take his ball and go home.

She rejected them because they were the least likely to be lap dogs.

You can't reject any opposition politician that will put up a fight and then say you were being fair.

The Dems would never have participated in a similar situation (and should not have)

And again the rules and tradition of the house were breached by Pelosi doing that….if she want her hearing bi-partisan then follow the rules as they have been for more than a century.

Yup. Sam getting owned on this thread.

Just can't believe the republicans would refuse to participate in partisan political theater.
Harrison Bergeron
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All the authoritarians avoid the basics is why if this is an "investigation" it only investigates part of the crime and li
It's the committee members to partisans and won't allow cross.
4th and Inches
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Mothra said:

Aliceinbubbleland said:

@Mothra. I doubt we are that far apart except on one guy.

Dislike HRC. Check
Dislike Biden's policies. Check
Dislike California type Liberals. Check
Dislike open borders. Check
Really really really dislike AOC, Ilhan, Chuck and Adam. Check

Where we really most likely disagree:

Abortion: between a dad and a mom and no one else. I do not approve but it is not my business. I hate the government dragging itself into any social situation.

NRA: No one needs AR's other than law enforcement. No one's children should be gunned down by a nut.

Agree. We are farthest apart on abortion, which I believe should be left to the states.

Believe it or not we are probably not that far apart on guns.

I think the difference between us is pragmatism. We both disliked Trump and realized he's not all that conservative. However, I realized that Biden was the much worse evil and therefore held my nose and voted for the d bag.

And with each passing day, that decision has proven the right decision and those who sat it out - the wrong decision. I hope you'll remember that and vote "Policy over feelings" next time.
adjusted for clarity- both of you hold reasonable positions.

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4th and Inches
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At some point they will be mentioning this right?

Really want to read those pelosi staff to capital police text and emails now..
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Forest Bueller
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Booray said:

Forest Bueller said:

Booray said:

Guy Noir said:

Mothra said:

Guy Noir said:

Mothra said:

Guy Noir said:

I watched the hearing and I am surprised because.
1. People still support Trump even though he aligns himself with White Supremacist groups.
2. Trump did incite the protests with his public communications.
3. Some people downplay an attack on Congress.

I have been a Republican all my life but I cannot support any candidate aligned with Trump. I cannot support the Democratic Candidates either.

Then you deserve ****ty govt that's the antithesis of conservative values.
What conservative values are you talking about? Are you talking about spending. Trump did nothing to balance the budget. Are you talking about monetary policy? Trump applied pressure on Powell to keep interest rates low and kept the Obama quantitative easing policy in place. I believe this is some of the foundation that has brought us high inflation, now. I realize the Democrats have kicked spending into high gear causing high inflation to become an acute problem, but Trump did contribute a little to the problem.

Mothra, you have presented very few facts and a lot of biased opinion. Did you watch the hearing? Liz Cheney has shown integrity the last several months. Standing up for the truth of this event will cost her politically. When you label her a war monger like her father that is a cheap and untrue argument.

Are you seriously trying to argue that the country under Biden hasn't taken a serious turn to the left? Do I really need to point out the obvious for you? It shocks me how glib some of you are. Here ya go:

Our borders are basically open right now. Biden is doing nothing to stop the influx. Zero. Trump at the very least tried to make it more difficult. Biden is simply saying come on over. We've had a city the size of Dallas cross the border since Biden took office.

Spending is out of control. You thought Trump was bad, let's talk about the handouts under Biden. Let's talk about build back better. Pork and more pork. It's out of control.

Energy policy has been a total disaster. Biden is not allowing new drilling. He's shutting down pipelines. He's allowing OPEC to dictate supply. As a result we have our highest gas prices ever. Ever.

How about transgender rights. His first couple of weeks in office Biden signs an executive order forcing schools to allow transgender athletes to compete against biological women.

Let's talk foreign policy. Trump adhered to the old Reagan adage of walking softly and carrying a big stick. With Biden, we've already had our fall of Saigon moment in Afghanistan with that disastrous pull out. North Korea is testing nuclear weapons again. And we are closer to war with Russia than at any point since the 80s. It's 1980 all over again.

And of course there are the labor shortages, the food shortages, the gas shortages - it's basically Carter 2.0.

Now tell me something, Guy. Did I really have to point these things out for you? Are you really paying that little attention to what's going on in the world around you? Surely you knew all of the above, right? You're not this glib.

I am no fan of trump and agree with you he was not fiscal conservative. But any conservative who thinks his policies weren't far superior to the current liberal **** show has his head up his ass. Either you are simply not paying a lick of attention or you're just not a conservative.

As for Cheney, she was one of her father's - a bloodthirsty warmonger and liar who got us into the Iraq war - biggest cheerleaders. She has defended him and the Iraq war on numerous occasions. Do a quick google search. There are numerous interviews of her on this subject.

I am thankful that she doesn't have a chance in hell of ever being president.

I have never stated any support for the current administration. I prefer Republican Policies over the current "Progressive" programs.

I am a fiscal conservative. I am not sure what the conservative platform is anymore. If it is white supremacy, then I do not support that. The Jan 6th event is separate from the Biden Administration Activities.

I think the January 6th events were a serious challenge to the USA Federal Government election process. If Trump would have gotten Pence to throw out the election results while using the riots as a statement of public opinion to justify stopping the transfer of power we might still be waiting to have a new election. Trump could have remained in power for an indeterminate amount of time. (Didn't this happen in Venezuela?)

I ask for the 3rd time. Did you watch the hearing? or did you have your mind already made up. It was a well presented argument.

Unlike you, Mothra is willing to trade democracy for comfort. When democracy results in policies that hurt his pocket book or offend his religious views he becomes ok with the idea of stealing the government.

Unfortunately, the country currently has about 50 million Mothra's.

This is simply talking points. Mothra is a common sense guy. The party wanting to stack the courts, end the filibu
ster, enact CRT, over work climate change, has members who are serious about socialism, for unlimited abortion up to birth. And had all the major networks in their pockets so they can spew Nazi level propaganda is a much great risk to end our representive Republic. It's not even close. There is nothing democratic about the Democratic party.

Trump is a thing of the past. Thankfully he will never be president again.

The party that wants to end the filibuster and stack the Court hasn't tried to do those things. But the monster is still under your bed, I guess.

That is total fantasy. I don't like any politician. But, if we talking attack on democracy, the attack is present and continual and it is coming from the left. It is clear they want to fundamentally change American and not for the better. They have activist posing as journalist in their back pocket and there is virtually no opposition to their continual droning propaganda campaign.
4th and Inches
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For those with short memories or not paying attention, Nancy Pelosi should be slammed as hypocrite for praising storming of Wisconsin State Capitol in 2011..

The details of the storming of each capital are similar. One is "an impressive show of democracy in action" as Pelosi said in her 2011 tweet.

Somehow Jan 6th is "an assault on our democracy"..

In 2011 protesters stormed the building, breaking down doors and crawling through windows, on a hunt for Republican lawmakers. The Protestors took physical occupation of the building.
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4th and Inches
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How many previous congressional committee hearings have used teleprompters?
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Mothra said:

ATL Bear said:

The Congress of the United States held a prime time hearing to try and shame politicians out of public life with a handpicked committee that excluded opposition panelists and the opportunity for questions, answers, or material to accusations.

I would say we've resurrected the House Committee on UnAmerican Activities, but even they allowed for questions and answers. This was more along the line of Mao's cleansing of the ranks through public struggle sessions.

It's downright frightening what has been pursued and justified to bring Trump down. Don't talk to me about destroying democracy when you'll spy on Americans to get inappropriate indictments, push false foreign intelligence, spend millions on impeachment proceedings that go beyond the scope of purpose, and host kangaroo court proceedings on political enemies. That's using democracy to destroy freedom.

Well said. It doesn't matter how one feels about Trump. We should all be appalled by this partisan political theater disguised as a "hearing."

As this thread has proven, there are a number of bozos in our country who miss this important point.
A number of bozo's believe that as long as the traditional culture of the United States is destroyed .......a reduction of our standard of living is a price worth paying.

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4th and Inches said:

For those with short memories or not paying attention, Nancy Pelosi should be slammed as hypocrite for praising storming of Wisconsin State Capitol in 2011..

The details of the storming of each capital are similar. One is "an impressive show of democracy in action" as Pelosi said in her 2011 tweet.

Somehow Jan 6th is "an assault on our democracy"..

In 2011 protesters stormed the building, breaking down doors and crawling through windows, on a hunt for Republican lawmakers. The Protestors took physical occupation of the building.

Don't confuse the tards with facts
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4th and Inches said:

How many previous congressional committee hearings have used teleprompters?

Obama was the greatest teleprompter speaker in generations
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