Jan 6 committee

133,850 Views | 3026 Replies | Last: 7 mo ago by Harrison Bergeron
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chriscbear said:

God used Donald Trump etc to get Roe v Wade overturned. Praise God. He moves in mysterious ways. Amen. Jan 6 hearings waste of time and pure politics.
God did nothing, particularly with that heathen Trump.
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Also, before any of you start, I know someone who worked in the West Wing for 2 years with Ms. Huchinson, and by all accounts, she is stand up, solid, and honest!
4th and Inches
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J.B.Katz said:

ATL Bear said:

At least we know democracy was never in danger, and it wasn't an insurrection.
Democracy is still in danger. Republicans have promoted the Big Lie knowing it wasn't true to undermine Biden's legimacy. The honest conservatives on this forum acknowledge Biden won the election. They're in the minority.

McConnell also undermined the legitmacy of SCOTUS by stealing an appointment from Obama at one end that would have moderated the court (Garland is not a liberal) and by reversing his rule at the other end to steal an appointment from Biden. The court is badly out of balance, and Thomas and Alito are now free to show us who they really are--papofacists who are totally unconcerned about the constitution, the rule of law and blatant conflicts of interest, including a wife who supported the Trump coup (although my theory is that Ginny's a dude).

Trump still controlls the party. Idiots like Mayra Florez are joining as Trump loyalists rather than committed public servants. Many states are trying to get the state assemblies to elect the president instead of the people. At least one person on this forum thinks that's a great idea.

If you are confident your policies will win elections, you don't try to rig the vote.

Republicans are trying to rig the vote in every state where that's possible. Democrats have done some gerrymandering, too, but Republicans are much more successful.

We have lots of rural states dictating our national policy. That's not sustainable. Lots of people who never imagined civil war are now finding it difficult to see a future where that doesn't happen, because people are simply not going to capitulate to minority rule, especially by religious fascists.

That's where we are, and Trump Republicans got us here. Cheney is trying to pull us back. I'm not optimistic.
“Mix a little foolishness with your serious plans. It is lovely to be silly at the right moment.”


“Insomnia sharpens your math skills because you spend all night calculating how much sleep you’ll get if you’re able to ‘fall asleep right now.’ “
4th and Inches
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J.R. said:

RMF5630 said:

J.R. said:

RMF5630 said:

J.B.Katz said:

Ok, enough of this crap. Charge the guy. If you have evidence he broke the law, charge him. This constant droning of allegations and innuendo is ridiculous.
That mfer should go to jail.
Ok, with what charge? What is chargeable here that Trump or any of his staff did? If anyone, maybe Giuliani. Problem there is Giuliani was his attorney. If Trump was acting under attorney's advice, real hard to get intent. Come on, what is chargeable? How was Democracy in peril?? Besides just saying it.

Give us a charge and how you prove it...
Inciting a riot. Planning a coup on our democracy, witness tampering, tax evasion, tax fraud to say the least!
maybe, maybe, maybe, nope, and nope(yet to be prove )

But by all means keep spreading those unfounded rumors. The dismissed the NY grand jury so some of that has gone away..
“Mix a little foolishness with your serious plans. It is lovely to be silly at the right moment.”


“Insomnia sharpens your math skills because you spend all night calculating how much sleep you’ll get if you’re able to ‘fall asleep right now.’ “
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4th and Inches
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Cobretti said:

new fake testimony says what?
“Mix a little foolishness with your serious plans. It is lovely to be silly at the right moment.”


“Insomnia sharpens your math skills because you spend all night calculating how much sleep you’ll get if you’re able to ‘fall asleep right now.’ “
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4th and Inches said:

Cobretti said:

new fake testimony says what?

4th and Inches
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Osodecentx said:

4th and Inches said:

Cobretti said:

new fake testimony says what?

Put them on a stand, they won't because it rebuts their narrative but it might make the ratings go up

“Mix a little foolishness with your serious plans. It is lovely to be silly at the right moment.”


“Insomnia sharpens your math skills because you spend all night calculating how much sleep you’ll get if you’re able to ‘fall asleep right now.’ “
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J.R. said:

RMF5630 said:

J.R. said:

RMF5630 said:

J.B.Katz said:

Ok, enough of this crap. Charge the guy. If you have evidence he broke the law, charge him. This constant droning of allegations and innuendo is ridiculous.
That mfer should go to jail.
Ok, with what charge? What is chargeable here that Trump or any of his staff did? If anyone, maybe Giuliani. Problem there is Giuliani was his attorney. If Trump was acting under attorney's advice, real hard to get intent. Come on, what is chargeable? How was Democracy in peril?? Besides just saying it.

Give us a charge and how you prove it...
Inciting a riot. Planning a coup on our democracy, witness tampering, tax evasion, tax fraud to say the least!

Hilarious…geez you are such a Karen! To say the least.
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J.R. said:

RMF5630 said:

J.R. said:

RMF5630 said:

J.B.Katz said:

Ok, enough of this crap. Charge the guy. If you have evidence he broke the law, charge him. This constant droning of allegations and innuendo is ridiculous.
That mfer should go to jail.
Ok, with what charge? What is chargeable here that Trump or any of his staff did? If anyone, maybe Giuliani. Problem there is Giuliani was his attorney. If Trump was acting under attorney's advice, real hard to get intent. Come on, what is chargeable? How was Democracy in peril?? Besides just saying it.

Give us a charge and how you prove it...
Inciting a riot. Planning a coup on our democracy, witness tampering, tax evasion, tax fraud to say the least!

Inciting a riot? He is on tape saying to demonstrate peacefully.

What statute is "coup on our democracy" under? Let's agree to use big person talk if we are going to discuss serious matters, ok? Once again, vote was certified, he left and Biden inaugurated. Sort of hard to prove a coup when everything happened on time.

Tax evasion? How long has that been talked about with no proof? You can't just say you think, there has to be proof. So far, nothing.

Tax Fraud, again how is that going?

They have had 5 years, two impeachment, a Commission and a court case in NY to find something. Yet to date, nothing. To say the least

So far all he is guilty of is being an *******.

To say the least.
4th and Inches
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C. Jordan said:

4th and Inches said:

J.B.Katz said:

After reading some of these comments I have drawn this conclusion,

Jesus Christ could come back to earth, take off his sandals and try to beat some sense into people about Trump, and it wouldn't make a bit of difference.
but your ability to draw conclusions needs work.

“Mix a little foolishness with your serious plans. It is lovely to be silly at the right moment.”


“Insomnia sharpens your math skills because you spend all night calculating how much sleep you’ll get if you’re able to ‘fall asleep right now.’ “
Harrison Bergeron
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J.B.Katz said:

Harrison Bergeron said:

The grabbing the steering wheel hearsay conspiracy is even more stupid than the Capitol tours conspiracy. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to make one phone all and understand Secret Service protocols. Hint: president's don't ride in the front seat. I will give Shifty credit: it is clever because he knows the SS will not comment so she can make all the crazy claims she wants and she won't be refuted.

Back when we had actual journalists, one would have made the call and figured out it's not possible. If it were a Democrat, the story would be:

"A woman who was passed over for a job with former president Obama alleged X ... we spoke to our Mr. Expert, who said that that was not possible because of Y. There are allegations that said woman had a grudge against President Obama for passing her over for a promised position with his foundation."
And the gaslighting Trump's awful behavior away begins.

If Trump exhibited such awful behavior, why the need constantly make up bull$h!t."
4th and Inches
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C. Jordan said:

4th and Inches said:

Not defending Trump here- just passing the info.. Hurchinson just changed lawyers so now you are getting this new info. She also requested to be on the Trump team that transitioned to Florida from white house in 2020 but was rejected.

In 2019 Pelosi said:

"I am a longtime Member of the Ethics Committee, and, there, we just followed the facts...No hearsay...All objective. "

Some of what yall heard today was hearsay and no chance of cross or corroboration. Take it for what it is..

At least it was new and semi interesting
This is what Trump said, but we don't know it to be true and we don't know her side of the story.

Plus, she testified under oath and Trump never will.
Bloomberg disagrees with you as well


Y'all keep buying into the emotion, and not even bothering to do a simple fact check. This Young pronoun's testimony is unraveling faster than than a cheap sweater.
“Mix a little foolishness with your serious plans. It is lovely to be silly at the right moment.”


“Insomnia sharpens your math skills because you spend all night calculating how much sleep you’ll get if you’re able to ‘fall asleep right now.’ “
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SIC EM 94 said:

J.R. said:

RMF5630 said:

J.R. said:

RMF5630 said:

J.B.Katz said:

Ok, enough of this crap. Charge the guy. If you have evidence he broke the law, charge him. This constant droning of allegations and innuendo is ridiculous.
That mfer should go to jail.
Ok, with what charge? What is chargeable here that Trump or any of his staff did? If anyone, maybe Giuliani. Problem there is Giuliani was his attorney. If Trump was acting under attorney's advice, real hard to get intent. Come on, what is chargeable? How was Democracy in peril?? Besides just saying it.

Give us a charge and how you prove it...
Inciting a riot. Planning a coup on our democracy, witness tampering, tax evasion, tax fraud to say the least!

Hilarious…geez you are such a Karen! To say the least. an
and you are just effing dumb and short sighted!
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4th and Inches
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Haberman from the New York Times and Johnathan Swan from Axios often reported inside stuff from the White House yet plate throwing incident never came up till now? Lawyer change and 20 hours of private testimony to the jan 6th panel prior to today.. Was anything she said real? Lots of stuff not panning out
“Mix a little foolishness with your serious plans. It is lovely to be silly at the right moment.”


“Insomnia sharpens your math skills because you spend all night calculating how much sleep you’ll get if you’re able to ‘fall asleep right now.’ “
ATL Bear
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No one who testified in this hearing is at risk of a perjury charge, so you can be as fast and loose with the truth as you'd like to be.
4th and Inches
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ATL Bear said:

No one who testified in this hearing is at risk of a perjury charge, so you can be as fast and loose with the truth as you'd like to be.
“Mix a little foolishness with your serious plans. It is lovely to be silly at the right moment.”


“Insomnia sharpens your math skills because you spend all night calculating how much sleep you’ll get if you’re able to ‘fall asleep right now.’ “
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RMF5630 said:

J.R. said:

RMF5630 said:

J.R. said:

RMF5630 said:

J.B.Katz said:

Ok, enough of this crap. Charge the guy. If you have evidence he broke the law, charge him. This constant droning of allegations and innuendo is ridiculous.
That mfer should go to jail.
Ok, with what charge? What is chargeable here that Trump or any of his staff did? If anyone, maybe Giuliani. Problem there is Giuliani was his attorney. If Trump was acting under attorney's advice, real hard to get intent. Come on, what is chargeable? How was Democracy in peril?? Besides just saying it.

Give us a charge and how you prove it...
Inciting a riot. Planning a coup on our democracy, witness tampering, tax evasion, tax fraud to say the least!

Inciting a riot? He is on tape saying to demonstrate peacefully.

What statute is "coup on our democracy" under? Let's agree to use big person talk if we are going to discuss serious matters, ok? Once again, vote was certified, he left and Biden inaugurated. Sort of hard to prove a coup when everything happened on time.

Tax evasion? How long has that been talked about with no proof? You can't just say you think, there has to be proof. So far, nothing.

Tax Fraud, again how is that going?

They have had 5 years, two impeachment, a Commission and a court case in NY to find something. Yet to date, nothing. To say the least

So far all he is guilty of is being an *******.

To say the least.
you obviously did not see the testimony today. pathetic.
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J.R. said:

Also, before any of you start, I know someone who worked in the West Wing for 2 years with Ms. Huchinson, and by all accounts, she is stand up, solid, and honest!

Well... it appears that your friend is an idiot.

Secret Service prepared to testify Trump did NOT grab steering wheel https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10963183/Secret-Service-prepared-testify-oath-Trump-did-NOT-grab-steering-wheel.html?ito=native_share_article-masthead
Guy Noir
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4th and Inches said:

Guy Noir said:

Sam Lowry said:

If Trump knew there was likely to be violence, that's relevant to his intentions when he sent the crowd to the Capitol. Plus you've got the new information about witness tampering.

Good point.
Plus; Trump ordered the turning off of the metal scanners on Jan 6 in spite of reports that people that wanted to get into the crowd were reported to be carrying firearms.

Plus:. The Capitol police were not ready for the protest at the Capital Building in spite of indicators that a serious protest was going to happen.

Trump told the capital police to turn off metal detectors and stand down and be unprepared for violence? Is that what you are saying?
No those are your words. According to the testimony today Trump told Security at the White House to turn off the scanners. I watched the Jan 6th protest on TV and was surprised the Capital Police were not ready for the things that happened.
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J.R. said:

RMF5630 said:

J.R. said:

RMF5630 said:

J.R. said:

RMF5630 said:

J.B.Katz said:

Ok, enough of this crap. Charge the guy. If you have evidence he broke the law, charge him. This constant droning of allegations and innuendo is ridiculous.
That mfer should go to jail.
Ok, with what charge? What is chargeable here that Trump or any of his staff did? If anyone, maybe Giuliani. Problem there is Giuliani was his attorney. If Trump was acting under attorney's advice, real hard to get intent. Come on, what is chargeable? How was Democracy in peril?? Besides just saying it.

Give us a charge and how you prove it...
Inciting a riot. Planning a coup on our democracy, witness tampering, tax evasion, tax fraud to say the least!

Inciting a riot? He is on tape saying to demonstrate peacefully.

What statute is "coup on our democracy" under? Let's agree to use big person talk if we are going to discuss serious matters, ok? Once again, vote was certified, he left and Biden inaugurated. Sort of hard to prove a coup when everything happened on time.

Tax evasion? How long has that been talked about with no proof? You can't just say you think, there has to be proof. So far, nothing.

Tax Fraud, again how is that going?

They have had 5 years, two impeachment, a Commission and a court case in NY to find something. Yet to date, nothing. To say the least

So far all he is guilty of is being an *******.

To say the least.
you obviously did not see the testimony today. pathetic.

I heard it. There was alot of opinion, juvenile behavior hearsay and absolutely no actionable facts.

He was mad he lost and took it out on a lunch dish. They warned that it could get bad, so be careful. He was not afraid of someone hurting him, but wanted the weapons confiscated if they attended the rally. Nothing worth this type of investment.

You keep downplaying the fact that the transfer of power happened on schedule and put more credence in hearsay. Pathetic.
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ATL Bear said:

No one who testified in this hearing is at risk of a perjury charge, so you can be as fast and loose with the truth as you'd like to be.
You think all of these conservative Republicans are lying?
ATL Bear
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Osodecentx said:

ATL Bear said:

No one who testified in this hearing is at risk of a perjury charge, so you can be as fast and loose with the truth as you'd like to be.
You think all of these conservative Republicans are lying?
I have no idea. Without cross examination it's hard to assess breadth, intent, and severity.
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This is FAR more credible than that ridiculous testimony from Hutchinson.
How would the president grab the steering wheel from the backseat of the beast anyway? Like he would craw all the way to the front, and grab the wheel thru the bullet proof glass?
You have to be a moron to believe this nonsense... or a Biden voter.

4th and Inches
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Guy Noir said:

4th and Inches said:

Guy Noir said:

Sam Lowry said:

If Trump knew there was likely to be violence, that's relevant to his intentions when he sent the crowd to the Capitol. Plus you've got the new information about witness tampering.

Good point.
Plus; Trump ordered the turning off of the metal scanners on Jan 6 in spite of reports that people that wanted to get into the crowd were reported to be carrying firearms.

Plus:. The Capitol police were not ready for the protest at the Capital Building in spite of indicators that a serious protest was going to happen.

Trump told the capital police to turn off metal detectors and stand down and be unprepared for violence? Is that what you are saying?
No those are your words. According to the testimony today Trump told Security at the White House to turn off the scanners. I watched the Jan 6th protest on TV and was surprised the Capital Police were not ready for the things that happened.
you were ambigous and I questioned for clarity.. enjoy your evening
“Mix a little foolishness with your serious plans. It is lovely to be silly at the right moment.”


“Insomnia sharpens your math skills because you spend all night calculating how much sleep you’ll get if you’re able to ‘fall asleep right now.’ “
4th and Inches
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Osodecentx said:

ATL Bear said:

No one who testified in this hearing is at risk of a perjury charge, so you can be as fast and loose with the truth as you'd like to be.
You think all of these conservative Republicans are lying?
you think all these people testifying are republican and conservative?

Liz Cheney's dad shot a dude in the face and lied about weapons of mass destruction.. but he was a good republican conservative!
“Mix a little foolishness with your serious plans. It is lovely to be silly at the right moment.”


“Insomnia sharpens your math skills because you spend all night calculating how much sleep you’ll get if you’re able to ‘fall asleep right now.’ “
Whiskey Pete
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J.R. said:

chriscbear said:

God used Donald Trump etc to get Roe v Wade overturned. Praise God. He moves in mysterious ways. Amen. Jan 6 hearings waste of time and pure politics.
God did nothing, particularly with that heathen Trump.
LOL. Triggered much?
Whiskey Pete
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Cobretti said:

Can't believe anything about Trump that comes from RINOs, the democrats and the media.
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Whiskey Pete
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J.R. said:

SIC EM 94 said:

J.R. said:

RMF5630 said:

J.R. said:

RMF5630 said:

J.B.Katz said:

Ok, enough of this crap. Charge the guy. If you have evidence he broke the law, charge him. This constant droning of allegations and innuendo is ridiculous.
That mfer should go to jail.
Ok, with what charge? What is chargeable here that Trump or any of his staff did? If anyone, maybe Giuliani. Problem there is Giuliani was his attorney. If Trump was acting under attorney's advice, real hard to get intent. Come on, what is chargeable? How was Democracy in peril?? Besides just saying it.

Give us a charge and how you prove it...
Inciting a riot. Planning a coup on our democracy, witness tampering, tax evasion, tax fraud to say the least!

Hilarious…geez you are such a Karen! To say the least. an
and you are just effing dumb and short sighted!
Says the village idiot
4th and Inches
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The national news media has taken and run with a thus-far uncorroborated testimony from an unknown aide with a thin resume who offered mostly secondhand accounts of conversations and incidents and reported it as fact without any attempt to verify what she said. It would have been easy to at least confirm claims about rifles or dispute her description of what happened in the president's vehicle.

These serious national media reporters have access to all sorts of records and sources that could (and are) contradict(ing) her testimonythey did none of this which is the basic JOB of a journalist. Also, the investigators on the Jan 6th committee suck since the testimony has all kinds of holes in it less than 12 hours after broadcast.
“Mix a little foolishness with your serious plans. It is lovely to be silly at the right moment.”


“Insomnia sharpens your math skills because you spend all night calculating how much sleep you’ll get if you’re able to ‘fall asleep right now.’ “
4th and Inches
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Food for thought: It's not that the secret service agent is disputing the details of the allegation, which he is also doing. It's that he is saying he never told Hutchinson these things. That's meaningfully worse. She claims a conversation that possibly never happened.

It's impossible to overstate the damage that Hutchinson's testimony is doing to the legitimacy of the Jan 6th Committee

They were being taken seriously by media and now have egg on their face as Hutchinsons testimony is rebutted by others.

We will see if there is anything to salvage and somebody corroborates her story because as of now, all are refuting it.
“Mix a little foolishness with your serious plans. It is lovely to be silly at the right moment.”


“Insomnia sharpens your math skills because you spend all night calculating how much sleep you’ll get if you’re able to ‘fall asleep right now.’ “
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The Dems and media have pulled so many lies on people since 2015 and their followers fall for it every time. They almost have to have it. It's like a drug to them. And then we find out it's usually the Dems who were doing just about everything they accused Trump or the GOP of doing.

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